THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 21, 1310. 13 1 i 1 ' w'-TOK SALE UOVSES 61 - MnHfim new 7 room resi dence,' built of 8 inch hollow concrete blocks, and a. beauty. House cost $2300 and is on corner 100x100, on E, 45th St on carline, lots, worth $1000, This is sightly property and lots are thrown in at the price, which is only $2t)bU. BUT IT U uUUUVIlttl u u $1000 cash, ba ance$1500on or ueiuie -f yedii cu u yei cm, will rent for $20 and sell most any time for $3250, ; We advertise facts and are willing to show you, W-W Car. Phone Sellwood 577 We're Boosting Woodstock, What Are You Doing? .- llKILIf ' a Solid paneled dining room. Window seat. Leaded glass china closet ' ''"' ' White enameled Dutch kitchen. Large, complete bathroom. Large reception hall. Two large sleeping rooms. Pull attic, entirely floored. Three sets of windows In attic. Large porch across front and aide. Every room nicely tinted. Light fixtures in. ' Corner lot. 60x100. Two blocks to "A" car. ' Guaranteed double built -- Ktffi basement, stationary tuba. Forj.S'600, $1200 cash, balance at $18 - -. - per5 month. 'Owner, 980 E. 20th at. N. . Phone Wood lawn 314. " IN 1RVINGTON. ' Fine 7 room house. 60x100 lot, facing south, on a hard surfaced street, sur rounded . by fine homes, for sale for $6500, less than half cash down. This home is thoroughly modern, very beau tiful in Its setting, surroundings and ar rangements, and Is worth over $7000 of any man's money, but it must be sacri ficed. See us at once. V. VINCENT JONES REALTY CO., 302-203 Lewis Bldg. MOUNT TABOR HOME 7 rooms, large lot; fine view; small cash payment, balance easy terms, or might consider trade.' Owner, SIS Cham ber of Commerce. FOR SALE LOTS 10 ELMHURST - '"J ' 1 ' " - Three of the most beautiful lots In this splendid addition Including all Im provements for $800 each on terms. BAYOCEAN A ' fine ocean frontage lot near the big hotel, $300 under the present mar ket list Must have the cash. - Call us tip at once,' Marshall 1749. - OREGON LAND CO ZI5 Henry mag. WEST SIDE CORNER, $1800; 4 store locations, 25x50 each; small stores or store and flats needed now; big pay roll right there; street car in front; $575 cash, balance 1, 2, and 3 years, at 6 per Ot-nt It bought for investment can be resold In short time at big Increase. If s a snap. Call today. J as. C. Logan, 326 V4 Washington St., room 404. ,v' -UNION AVENUE. -Near Alns worth, 80 feet frontage by SO feet deep. 2 story frame building renting for - $22,' only one-third of ground occupied. This will prove a money-maker. Price $4000; terms. - GODDARD & WIEDRICK. - 243 Btarfc st. 1 Chance of a Lifetime ' Good business lot cor. Oak and Un ion, in same block with Morgan Atch- lay furniture, store. -For sale by own er. Sacrifice price; for particulars call eg urano ave. ONLY 240 DOWN " And $10 month on balance of $360 buys fine 45x100 level lot, 1 foot above grade, city water, graded street near carline, 16 minutes to city center; change for big profit in 6 months; complete ab stract Call at once, 616 Ablngton bldg. SPECIAL SNAP. , Quarter, block. 100x100. Corner of Hodney ave. and Going st Price Is $2600; terms. GODDARD r "WIEDRICK, Z43 BtarK st, 90x100 CORNER LOT $950. ' Graded streets," city water, cement walk being laid, 1 foot above grade, no stones, close to car, 12 minutes' ride to new bridge, only $100 down, balance $20 month, complete abstract Call at once. bib ADington Dldg. -read Act." ' Must raise some money on four lots, five blocks from Broadway car, In cen ter restricted district Make an offer. Must move them quick. Phone Main - KENILWORTH AVENUE. -Near Franklin st. - Full lot, high and sightly. Two blocks to carline. Price Is $800. Easy terms. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, zis otarK st. 50x105 and 50x110-foot lots, on carline, near stores and churches, $425 to $600, .10 per cent cash, 2 per cent per month. Maglnnls Land & Investment Co., 316 817 Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak. Marshall BEAUTIFUL suburban lots with fine trees, half block from elctric depot; elegant home sites, $125 ana up; noth ing down, small monthly payment BRACE-OLSEN CO.. 808 Board of Trade bldg. , BUSINESS L0T-$1 250 Cash or installments. Write C. F. Jonw, 241$ . Kauffrpan, Vancouver, Wash.' QUARTER BLOCK. Tillamook St., not far-out. Hassam ravement and cement sidewalks. lOOx 00. Price $2500. Very easy terms. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. Z43 Btark st 3 Choice Irvington Lots Brace-Olsen Co., 808 Board cf Trade. tUNNYSIDB lot 40x100 ft, 3 blocks south of Hawthorne ave.' carline. Price $850. Call 1155 E. Stephens st, owner, r-none jaopr ziiv EOT in Woodstock. $125 below market prlee: must be sold atonce. Phone rant 649 j, tr A-751. TINE lot in Rose City Park, fine loca- tlon, part cash, a snap. T-648, Jour- HNS lot with shack. 1 block from Denver .ave.; Bull Run ' water, $700; $100 down. $10 monthly. Phone K. 146. i VxrtniLK Owner - has &TxT6o - lot. i Pkme, walking distance, west Side, MtH M Mill. Thone Main 8311. - ILL ell exalts in corner lot-in Greg- ,i..u. 'ir.!. n ,rnn ry iieijir 16 KypifllLBJ The Spokane of Southern v Oregon 60 SATS J. J. AND LOUIS HILL, THE RAILROAD BUILD ERS. THE IIARRIMAN INTER ESTS HAVE LONG AGO SAID SO, AND THERE IS NO LONG ER ANY QUESTION ABOUT IT. GET IN ON THE GROUND FLOOR BY BUYING SOMR OK OUR FINE CLOSE IN LOTS AT ONLY $175 TO $300 FOR COR NERS. ,. . DON'T DELAY IP YOU WISH TO MORE THAN DOUBLE YOUR MONEY ON THIS SMALL INVESTMENT: $10 PER ,CBNT CASH. BALANCE $5 PER MONTH " ON EACH LOT; NO TAXES', NO INTEREST. F, J,Steinmetz&'Co, , 19$ Morrison st' OLMSTED PARK ' Must realise on my equity". Beautiful 60x100 on - : . , . t ... .THE ALAMEDA South front Fine view. Grading, cement ourbs, walks, and Bull Run water now In and paid for; $3000 to $8000 homes now building in the neighborhood. Less than 3 blocks to Broadway car. W-642, Journal. . I HAVE the only business lots at the Junction of the O. R. & N. and Mt Hood R R. and would -like to sell some of them. This location has a great ruture as a suburben business -center. Would be pleased to show you.. Also have some inside lots cheaper than anything in 'he locality. - . Also three acres about a Vt mile from the above location and In the city lim its. Also an 80 acre unimproved piece of land one and one half -miles from Ridge field, Wash., at $40 per acre. Phone K. 168. Address 82 E. 10th St ALAMEDA PARK LOTS Are high and sightly, overlook Ing Irving ton; near Broadway car line; best city improvements! priced 25 per cent below the mar ket Inquire Alan eda Lts Com pany, $22 Corbet t bldg. , WILL sell at sacrifice, lots 1, 2, 8 and 4, block 1$, corner Wistaria and Ober Hn its., Northern Hill addition. Apply Mrs. B. E. Kennedy, 653 H Commercial st MAKE aa offer on one acre and about 11 lots in Fulton Park, across street from Fulton school ; must be sold to close an estate, Sengstake A Lyman, 90 Fifth St. -' - ACKEAGT A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY. I have 820 acres of land in southern Oregon, half mile from railroad, one mile from station on main line between Portland and San Francisco. This prop erty has at least two well defined ledges that show values, both in free gold and sulphites: there Is a large body of por phyry, or rather porphyry dyke that car ries small values, but on account of large body of ore and being so near transportation and having wagon roads to property; it is exceptionally good for parties who have capital to develop It. Not having funds to go ahead with, am anxious to interest parties who have; can give best references and answer all questions. Address Box 498, Rltzvllle, Wash. IA s.a . st A aA laual K tMi cleared and fenced, 15 acres heavy fir timber, running water; school 2 miles, postoff ice 1 V4 miles, Eagle : Creek 9 miles; half cash, balance 6 years, 6, Mt Hood Land Co., 712 Rothchlld bldg. Acreage Close to Portland 66 acres of Oregon's best fruit and fraraen land in tne rertne Tualatin vai ey. Can be sold In small tracts; on Southern Paclflo and near Oregon elec tric; a rare chance; sacrifice for quick sale on terms that wilt surprise. We have others. One acre or thousands. "It will pay you to see our list" . HARTMAN & THOMPSON, , " Chamber of Commerce Bldg. , Mount' Hood Apple Land 20 acres In the Mt. Hood district close to auto road, close to Mt Hood Electric' survey, good laying land, run' ning water, price, ibo per acre, - . , MT. HOOD LAND CO.. 712 Roth child bldg. 12 MB In Beaverton, 7 miles from Portland postofflce; part beaverdam, planted to onions; part 12-year-old apple orchard; good running water through tract; Ideal building spot ..Price $600 per acre. Terms. ' . 3. E. NICHOLS CO., v " 620 Board of Trade. 140 DOWN. Balance easy monthly payments, will buy 40 acres, best of red shot soil; fine fruit land; h mile from railway station, 25 miles from Portland., Won't last long at this price; better let us show you, Acme Real Estate A Investment Co 880 Chamber of Commerce. "FIVE ACRES Grays Crossing road. Four blooks to Estacaaa canine, very cneapai icuo per acre. Land lays level. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark st. 2 1-2 Acres Right In nice little town, 12 miles from Portland on Electric Railway, all fenced; strawberries, family orchard, small box house; $1100. Half cash. rown 411 coucn nnig. SMP Right on So car: good house and splendidly improved acre of ground; must be sold, owner leaving. Ask for uooanougn, ao Muwey tmg. - 3, 5 or 10 Acres .- On Electrio,v R. R.; running water springs: good black soil: 12 miles wesi of Portland; $160 per acre; easy, terms. Brown, 4ii I'oucn piqg. HOOD RIVER acreage; good appl land; snap for a quick sale. For full particulars call KINNEY & 6TAMPHER. 581-2 Lumber Exchange Building. 11-2 Acres On 36th street and" Holgate, 411 Couch nmg. Make an orrer. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 WANT to exchange, new' 8 rdom liouse fos ltarA r etty.- U, ,A.. YQifins, pnone vvooqiawn id9. IF you want to buy, sell or exchange your property write er call at $10 PIANpLA to exchange for house paint- rnr. j -bj!, journal WB TRADR for anything, anywhere Ce us today. 411 Henry bldg. FOR SALE LOTS II THIS II INTEREST EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 1 640 ACRES of wheat land, Douglas county, Wash., good heavy solL 640 acres in Lincoln county. Wash.; 570 acres heavy soil. 640 acres in Stevens county, "Wash.; 300 acres bottom land; this is A-l al falfa land. 160 acre timothy ranch! 2 miles from Rathdum, Idaho. This place is well Improved, : ; 75 acres. 10 miles north of Spokane; well improved, streetcar will soon pass this place; a. platting proposition. ' A big brewery, fully equipped, clear of all incumbrance: cost $128,000. Will trade It for property worth $64,000. What have you to trade for all or any pert of this list? SHOEMAKER INVESTMENT CO, 627 Henry bldg. EXCHANGES Fine Sl-foot launch; 8 horsepower new Grey motor, and fully equipped houseboat of five rooms, well furnished, large front porch; will take good lots or house and lot, pay difference if .any. Take this and get1 a summer's pleasure out of it as well as a whoTe lot of com fort. , - 'v. '-' .' Square Deal Realty Co. 84 4th St 618 Board of Trade Bldg, TEN acres, well improved, bearing orchr ard, buildings, fine water, in suburbs of Carson, Wash., near Hot Springs; price $6600; will trade for desirable house and lot In Portland, east side. 40 acres good apple land near -Mosler, 8 acres cleared, fine tract, 6 miles from town; price $300O;wlU trade for house and lot in Portland (east side) about equal value. . White to, 1 ? GEO. D. CULBERTSON & CO s Hood River, Or. Have several 6, 6 and 7 room homes in Portland that I will trade for acreage tracts anywhere In the Willamette val ley near R. R.; valuations of city homes from $2000 up: want Improved land. . J.R. Horning 3i Aiistty rung - 20 ACRES CULTIVATED. -$0 acres, 1 V4 miles from Creswell. Or., all In cultivation, land in same locality selling for 1-8 more than we are asking foi this; price $150 per acre; will ex change for residence property in Port land. X STROUD & SON, ' 433 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. "iTYrPROPERTY FOR FARMS We have some very desirable 6, 6, 7, and 8 room modern houses to "trade for small farms, values from $2500 to $4500. Bend us full description, . THE STANDARD REALTY, CO., GOOD corner lot. 60x100, to trade for 6 room bungalow, anywhere between Clinton and Hawthorne; wll pay cash oirrerence. c-.iu, journal. IF YOU have anything to trade or soil. or ir you- want to Duy city os- Tarm property, see J, R. Horning, 819 Alisky bldg. - WANT to exchange, new 8 room house - for improved acreage near city. H. A. Coulns, 1188 Missouri ave. Phone Woodlawn 2649 REAL estate and business chances for - exchange; anything yesa nave or want. 808 Board of Trade bldg. IF you want to sell, Duy or trade, see Shoemaker Inv. Co., 627 Henry bldg. Main 4465. A-7434. - - 12 ROOMS, part housekeeping,, for sale or exchange on account of sickness. Corner Thurman and 24th sts. ROOMING house, clearing $100 month. ly for city property, inquire lutn. "SWAP" COLUMN 25 WAGON suitable for grocery or light express, rubbertire M"gy ana single harness, will sell . cheap, or exchange for piano, call at 1061 E. Salmon after 6 p m., or nnone Tanor f4. WILL trade good Wclser Bros, piano and household furniture or real es tate for automobile, Courtols, '218 Lew is bldg. TRADE furniture for 8 room house keeping, for a boathouse, motor or gasoline engine. Kast 14 TEAM, heavy harness and steam wood saw to exchange for automobile. E. Welch, Tallman, Or. PHONOGRAPH to exchange for house painting. T-B39. journal. PIANOLA to exchange for house paint- ing. r-03, journal. - WANTED REAL ESTATE 31 WANTED A nice little 5 room house and 3 lots, in the suburban district 4 to 6 blocks from carline: crefer Mt Scott line: terms must be like rent from start with privilege of paying more at any time; no agents. J-636, journal. ONE acre in clover, Metzger station, Salem electric, as part payment on home, about 6 rooms, near Alberta, east of Union. Main 4490, BUILDER wants one or more lots on east side. -It price right am a aulck tniyer, X-64S, jp-irnai, WANT to buy a. farm-or cattle ranch oirect irom owner. r-o, journal, FOR SALE FARMS If $230019 acres, close in. with house. barn,- family orchard and ex ... cellent water; half cash and lib eral terms. $76 per acre for 29 acres, rich land and a bargain. $160 per acre, choice acreage near Ore gon City, all clear and In crop; property that will quickly Increase In value and an ideal site for a close-in home farm; any quantity you wish and at right prices and terms. - . . , , AMERICAN-SCANDINAVIAN" REALTY CO.., .. 202 Henry Bldg. ' Phone Main 6701. STIBATE TO! 10 acres, 2H miles northwest from FOrest Grove, on main county road; finest of soil; 4 acres In cultivation, balance brush: spring water; small house; 1 acre in bearing grapes; small orchard; land adjoining selling from $600 to 81000 per acre: is in a splendid neighborhood. Price $1600, some terms. See owner, 730 Chamber of Commerca Phone Main 2132. 80 ACRES best fruit land, waterfront on Columbia river. North Bank Ry., earliest district $15,000 Improvements, will exchange for good Willamette -valley farm; will trade part for smaller farm. Hawley, owner, 204 Chamber of commerce biag. "MAF i 80 acres 4 miles from good town: $5 acres In cultivation; house, barn, good water, all fenced; price $1760. Barr- Maiaen co., sus uoara or xraae. FOR SALE BY OWNER. T fenced; house, barn, well; some fruit; 6 acres cleared; k. f. jj,; ao per acre, . T. M. FOLEY, Vancouver, Wash. noute o. KNAP ISO acre dalrv ranch. 100 In cul- tlvatton, 60 in crop, 8 miles town: rich solL fine house 7 rooms, 2 large bams, timber, orchard, level, only. $7000, half cash, balance to suit at 6 per cent. Act quicK. y. ciaaeK, craotree, ur, $0 ACRE farm, with complete farming outfit; 16 acres in crop, 4 cows, chick ens, etc.; good soil, all level: good water end buildings; on R. R.. 25 miles from Portland. Price $2800; cash. Y-613, journal. LINCOLN county farms, partly lm proved malte rood Investments for I Willing workers with small capital; $10 ur. ioR 15 ALE By owner, 120 acres; a bargain for $2000; house, bam, or chard, 26 acre crop; nearly al cleared. 867 6th st - ' I HAVE a farm and timber bargain; yoi can't rlst; all furnished for Immedi ate occupancy. See ojf her, $$7 1st st 17 -''Exchange' 60 Acres 160 acres of fine soil, lays level, lo cated on Molalla river, watered, by sev eral springs, 1,500,000 feet of good tim ber, 1V4 miles from power Bite for rail road going from Oregon City to Molalla, will be within 1 mile of road when built; this is an At investment; you can double your money in 20 months. I will take an automobile or good lot, to the value of $1600; balance must be cah. Don't pass this up If you want an investment, for you know land makes the pocketbook fat on the right deal. .' E. P. ELLIOTT CO., End Suspension Bride, Oregon City, Or. 1601CRESA BARGAIN 2S miles from Portland. Very best soil; Zft miles from R. R. : large spring; 6 acres clear; 40 to-60 bearing; fruit trees; house and barn; 400,000 feet of saw timber, near mill; surrounding land worth double. Trice $25 per acre; terms hi cash. This is a snap. . .- OREGON ADJUSTMENT CO., 54 H '6th. FOR SALE 202 A. river Dottoru, 1 miles Tillamook City; best dairy land in world. 234 A. Willamette river bottom, 1 m. Corvallls; raise alfalfaor anything else. .Will, sell cheap.. For particulars call fcn or add. Owner. 634 N. 18th st, Corvallls, Or., L. O. Free nvw. . FRUIT XAJTOS 43 11 ACRE FRUlf FARM. ' 11 j acres Improved, with good house snd large barn, 2 14 . acres in , 7-year-old Newtown and1 Spltzenberg and 1 sore 1-year-old trees, 2 aaresstrawberries, family orchard of choice varieties, -2 acres unimproved.: Only 8 miles from town, with county road on two sides, near school: electric lights, telephone and R. F. D. View of both mountains and valley. This is a genuine bargain; $3000 nuts you In possession, A-644, journal. H00L RIVER Land at $126 per acre, under Irrigation ditch, in tracts from 10 to 0 acres. I also have 40 acres, part In bearing orchard, in th valley, at $250 per acre. These are the best bargains In Hood River. ... A. BACKUS,1 51 9 Board of Trade bldg. I SELL my own lana in large or small tracts and on ' terms to suit buyer. George A. Houck, 227 H Washington st fnone wain i6. ' FOR SALE -THIBET; 28 TIMBER CLAIMS. ; i f Wm cftn lorAtn 1 0 crood vellow Pine timber claims in Eastern Oregon, and wish 10 applicants at once; come early and ret n arood claim. This Will not ap- Fear again. Cruise. guaranteed; location ee reasonable. ' J. STROUD & HON. 432 Chamber of Commerce bldg. PILING timber, 60 acres, best pleoe of piling timber In Oregon, half mile from Gaston, on S. P. Ry., for sale cheap. W. A. Coughlan, 430 Lumber Exchange bldg., corner m ana stars sts WE are headquarters tor timber and lumber enterprises of all kinds. Kin ney A Stampher, 581-S Lumber , Ex chan ge bldg. ' - IRRIGATED LAIfDS 42 DEEDED. Improved irrigated land In the famous Deschutes valley of Cen tral Oregon; $30 to $76 per acre;' free transportation when you purchase from DESCHUTES VALLEY LAND A IN VESTMENT CO., 801-3 Buchanan Bldg., Portland, Or. Local office at Laldlaw, Or." HOMESTEADS 47 Why Be Landless? There are over 100,000 acres of free government land In' Crook county, cen tral Oregon; 320 or 160 acre .homesteads and 820 acre desert claims which may be Irrigated by gravity flow. - Call or write for information. DESCHUTES VALLEY, LAND & IN VESTMENT CO.. $01-i Buchanan bldg., Portland, Or.. Local office st Laldlaw, ur. EASTERN Oregon headquarters, home steads and desert lands. Oregon Hornet stead co., (11 Aomgton piuy. I HAVE several good homestead loca- tlons in Oregon; Z timDer location. Be in town July 1. E-643, Journal WANTED FARL1 38 FARMERS. ATTENTION! ; Do you want to trade your, place for Improved city property? If so, send us a full description of your farm. We have the property to trade. THE STANDARD REALTY CO.. 421 Mohawk bldg. MINING STOCKS 58 FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE Before BUYING or BELLING any MIN ING, OIL. WIRELESS or INDUS TRIAL slock, get our prices. Davidson A Co., Lewis bldg. Marshall 778. A-1712. MINING properties, high grade. In Elk city. Idaho, gold belt for sale or bond. Address owner, -, journal. MINING and Industrial stocks; tele phone and ' other bonds bought and sold. C 8. Fletcher, 126 Ablngton bldg. IF you wish to buy or sell mining locks, call on J. B. Purcell. $10 Oak. ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE S3 . 8 Rooms, West Side - 6 minutes walk from postofflce, rent only $zo, can get lease; newly papered and painted. Price $200: terms $100 cash, balance as you make It. ' This lace win, pay ror useir. cau o th st. v 10ROOMS 10 . One block from Washington st, plaoe where rooms are always full; clears $59 monthly; price $426; terms. Peters,, 16 in. oin st. $400 WELLINGTON piano with furni- ' Vh II 1W1U uuudq, uuea .ui uuih Must sell, owner leaving city on account of sickness. Phone Tabor 1865. Call HOTEL AND bar. - 85 rooms, . completely furnished; bar Independent; lease and license, with, good trade; $2000 for alL $2$ Chamber or commerce. SNAP For 9 rooms, nicely furnished, full, no cheap junk here. Just right for you. 208 Henry bldg. 8 ROOMS, central, west side, all or part of furniture for sale, very cheap rent. a-bo, journal. TEN room splendidly furnished large outside rooms, lease; bargain; reason cannot attend., 414 4tn St., cor. nan A good money . mailing rooming house ior saie cneap. or iniormation cau z I WANT to buy rooming house from owner; have you a bargain for cash. I am not an agent. Y-649. Journal. : BUSINESS CHANCES 5 . 20 FOR SALE General merchandise busi ness, good location, doing good busi ness, will sell store and fixtures or rent; see owner J. C. Dixon, Elk City, Or. SMALL planing mill for - sale doing good business and fine location. Call wooaiawn lizs, RATTLING little restaurant with rooms, fine for man and wife. Good trade cheap rent terms. Z-638, Journal. SMALL grocery, doing about $45 dally; no compeuuon; gouq reason ior sell 1 ,.,1 i .A a vn n n . ing. cii evenings, jdo tu. tag HARDWARE and feed store; good pay- lng ousiness; spienaia location., iror information can woooiawn i MOVING picture machine, phonograph, curtains, complete, new; cash, lots or pllRTNER wanted 1n good'Tjaylng; res taurant; must be good cook; " re. qulrerl, X-646, Journal. t BAKERY and delicatessen for sale cheap; old stand, doing good business. Apply owner, 046 wasnington ii 1'iNE ((lores with basements in brick landing in good - business district of east side; rent cheap. Phone East 683. FOR SALE FAIUI3 $1 1 eusim:;;s chances j Restaurant and Cafeteria Here's a Pickup. Restaurant with 6 year lease, on one of the best streets in the city, guaran teed to be clearing $500 per month. Owner must go to Alaska at once to protect interests there, consequently will sacrifice this business for $2800 -cash. Don't take up my time unless you have ' the money, and if you have, I can show you. JOS, C. GIBSON 306-Gerllnger bldg.. ' . - Sei-ond and Alder sts. SWELL LITTLE GROCERY On east side,' in good residence dis trict, corner, never been on market be fore: will sell at invoice, about $1200; 8 years'-lease, living rooms in connect tion. Bad health cause for selling. , . 15 ROOMSAPARTMENTS- On west side, close- in, furniture in good condition; sickness compels a sale. This property has been off the market for -over two years; reasonable rent; $750 takes this; pays big. .- SEE BROWN, 411 COUCHBLDG. THE greatest invention . for - the ad vancement of the rose Industry of Portland, as well as fruit trees, lawns, gardens, eta, ever known; . this inven tion can be seen at the lawn of the Roy Crest. 175 12tb st cor. . Yamhill. Any energetic Industrious party can make a fortune on a small' cash investment. Do not stop tp think; call and see for yourself. The state rights will be sold this week. Ask for Judge Sweeney. WE HAVE an out of the ordinary prop osition - for competent men. Want 'only high- class representatives who will be satisfied with $5 to $7 a day; must be qualified to interview business people; exceptional opportunity for any one who is willing to-make a fine in come legitimately,-. Call : 10 to 4, 418 MOIIBWK DlUg. Hustler and little cash If you have a little cash and are a hustler I will take you into my real estate office, Am alone and need help. You must be sober and capable of- show ing rood references. . Name references fn letter. I mean business and my of fer is bonaflde. "B-077, Journal;, - For a few days will offer my home consisting of lot -and 6 room modern house, near E. 82d and Alder, for $3200. An investigation will convince anyone the -value Is $3600. . Inquire room 305, 3d floor Mulkey bldg., Zd and Morrison CAN put some 'good man in best and cleanest little general merchandise business in this state; railroad agency, which includes free transportation, goes with sale; is close to Portland. Inquire room 305, 3d floor Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison. -. . Best Buy in City ' Restaurant with live furnished living rooms; depot location, cheap rent rooms more than pay expenses; this place is well worth $600; on account of sickness will sell today for $200. Peters, 15 N. 5th $90 MONTHLY drawing account besides half the profits for a man with $500 to $700 to Join my like amount and who will assume local charge In a le gitimate commercial business. Address at once, giving phone number. B-645, Journal. NEW garage and automobile - repair shop, everything complete, long lease, cheap rent good location. Will sell for nfiAh nf trftifa fni rent .BtfltA in n, ticiai ! Portland.' 1 -145H First st, room 9. GENERAL MERCHANDISE for sale-or part trade In live town. Banks, mills, factories, churches, No. 1 schools, good country. R. R. and boat transportation. Invoice about $3000. Cash business. Address K-837, Journal; FORGED Two lots Fort George, B, C, one of life's business oportv.nlties. . Call 406 Stark st. - IF you have a moving picture theatre for sale or if you wish to buy or open one, communlcate with a permanent' and successful company. Peoples' Amuse ment Co., 610-615 Rothchlld bldg.. Port land, or. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. ' Opportunity is knocking for someone. If you are accepted you are lucky. Am leaving city. Call at once. Room 407 Rothchlld bldg., cor. 4th st GIVEN away free to those answering tnis advertisement Deiore juiy it, a map of all the California oil fields. Sagar-Loorais Co., 701 Oregonian bldg., Portland. Or. - v FOR SALE or exchange for other prop erty, hotel and warehouse on Columbia river, doing a good business; no opposi tion. Price $2500. Address U. U. Brown, Arieta, or. MOVING PICTURE THEATRE. Will Invest equal amount moving picture theatre. Have several good lo cations. Call Newman Motion Picture Co., 626 H Wash, at, bet 16th and 17th. A BARGAIN Must be sold at once; cleaning and dye works; no competi tion; clears $160 per month, -Apply Ar ieta Cleaning & Dye Works, Arieta, 'Mt. cott canine, or pnone -iaoor am. $650 Bargain; confectionery, cigar, fruit antf ice cream; living quarters; rent $18; two years' lease; owner leav ing city; hurry. Angeles, 326 Wash ington etroorn4J6J , BOARDING HOUSE. Fine location; 89 regular boarders; clearing $126 monthly. $1500; terms. 88 10th. - WE CAN place you in paying business; before, buying be sure and see ua Kinney A Stampher. 631-2 Lumber Exchange bldg. A-4881. A FINE opportunity for a young man to start m the automobile business; small capital required. Room 417, 326H Washington st - : f AT INVOICE Paying grocery about $1250, average sales $46 daily. 402 Commercial 'block. A'GOOD light manufacturing plant for sale; a fine opening for a good busi ness man. Kinney & Stamphe, 631-2 Lumber HJxcnange oiag. CONFECTIONERY STORE. Nice fixtures, good stock: cheap rent; prominent 'corner; $250. , 223 Chamber or commerce. GENERAL mdse. store, 10 miles from Portland, on electric line; $100 dally sales. - vj-ooo, jouiiim. WANT good restaurant lunch counter, or rooming house. Have customers waning, in mngion oiag. BARGAIN Ice cream and conf ectlon ery: look this up; no agents; 788 Washington st. - -' -'-- $50 will make you $25 weekly. Par ticulars, Motion Picture School, 286 Va Washington; room 612 Buchanan bldg. STRANGER in Portland wishes to ln- vest In some good business. Ad dress z-644, journal. FOTOGRAFH gallery; a bargain; must sell. Swanson's, 4th and Morrison. Investigate.-'. ;-. , HAVE eash customer for good cigar store. , Apply at room 422 Ablngton Dunging. FOR-RENT Confectionery and Ice cream parlor at Seaside, Or., with lfv Ing Tooms. Call J. W, Blaney. 128 N. 6th FOR SALE Restaurant and confection ery, first class Ice cream location, on eaat sioe. a-o r, journal, SMALL hand laundry business for sale cheap. A-641, Journal. . HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Some street grading , done -In a new-addition In payment on lots, can at son noara or xraae. -WANTED Boys 16 and over with wheel. Call between 12 and 1. ' 131 lotn st CHEF headquarters and helpers. ... Call fornla Wine Depot. 285 Yamhill, next to journal. International corre snondenos f8ihola7-Mauem-.bW.Main-402f upen evenings until :ao, WANTED A singeT who is able to play 2 piano in moving picture theatre out ot .town. Appiy bib Kotncnua. CUTOFF man wanted at Oregon Box & Mign co. . , : VISIT Crystal Lake Park at Mllwaukle; , fine picnic grounds. , , help v. axt?:d riALS WANTKD Able bodlel men for, the U. ' S. Jiarlne Corps, between the ages of 19 and 85. Must be native born or have first papers. Monthlv pay $15 to Ji9.- Additional compensation possible. Food, clothing, quarters and medical at tendance free. .After 30 years service can retire with 75 per cent of pay and allowances. Service on board ship ana ashore in all parts of the world. Ap plyat Breederl Bldg., Portland. Or. WANTED Two young men. beiwen ages of 18 and 23 years, those who have had a college or technical school training preferred. This is an excep tional opportunity for bright, energetic men to learn a branch of the work of a large public service corporation. Reply In own handwriting, giving age and present employment C-606, Journal. Y. M. C. A.-The friend ot the young man and " stranger; hearty welcome and good counsel are yours, ' without cost; constant call for men who can do something well; special employment membership assures employment; after you have seen the othtr fellow, see us Derore you invest money. 10.000 POSITIONS - - . ' For graduates Inst year; r- and wo men learn barber trar.e In 8 weeks; help to seoure positions; graduates earn $5 to t25 woekly; expert instructor: tools free; write for catalog. Moler System or colleges, es, n. 4th St.. foriiana. WANTED Man at Los Angeles; no ex pense to" learn trade of electricity, automobiles, plumbing, bricklaying - by actual work on contract Jobs. Only few months required; 200 students last year: cutalogue free. United Trade School contracting Co., Los Angeles. WaMTETD Salesman: many make $100 ' to iibo per month; some even mors; stock clean, grown on reservation, far from old orchards, cash1 advance week lv: choice of territorv. Address Wash- Ingtort Nurserv Co., 'oppen'sh. Wash. WANTED Railway mall clerks, city carrlers-clei ks,. Portland, examinations announced July 15. Preparation free. Franklin Institute. Dept 270 P, Roches ter, lv- . WANTED Salesmen In every locality In the northwest; money advanced weekly; many make over $100 monthly) choice1 of territory. Yakima Valley Nursery Co.. Toppenlsh. Wash. ' - WANTED Party to manage best up-to-date light manufacturing business in city. No competition; will guarantee $6 per day salary; $700 cash required. if you mean business can gag uusan st. WANTED Fine experienced salesman to sell the best fruit and ornamental stock on the coast Call 9 to 12 a. m., 169 2d st. $5 PER MONTH Telegraphy taught In nractlcal forms. 7)hv and evening sessions. Address Myers, 829 11' V St., Portland. Main a&iz. 1 A FINE opportunity for a young man ' to start in the - automobile business; small capital required. Room 417, 326 Vi Washington st. -. DENTAL parlors, finely furnished, to lease,' doing good business; rare op- Sortunity for responsible dentist Y-640r ournal.. - . : ' WANTED- Partner with $260 for wagon show: have comDlete outfit no ex penses, big profits guaranteed. A-649, journal. WANTED Man presser on ladies' Jack ets. Must be thoroughly experienced. No others need apply. East Portland Lye works. I4g urana ave, International Correspondence Sohoola H. V. REED, f 808 McKay Bldg. Marshall 697. Office open Wed. and Sat nights. SOLICITORS wanted in Portland an3 nearby towns- good commission; only hustlers wanted. - Northwest Rug Co., 153 Union ave. . - - $1(1 TO $100 made dally In the moving picture business, Will start you at $360. Particulars, Newman Moving Pic ture Co.. 526 Wash., bet, 16th and 17th. WANTED Honest energetic man to list and sell properties; no money required. Clarke & Corbett, 208 Allsky bldg., 3d and Morrison. BOOKKEEPER and assistant credit sman, ' wholesale house; ood oppor tunity; state age, experience references. W-64 4. Journal. WANTED Partner In land . business; . must have help, stranger Or Inexperi enced party will do; small capital re qulred. Call 326 H Wash, st, room 416. WANTED Farm hand, one who can handle, horses. Apply between 8 and 10 a. m- Saturday, zos McKay niflg. AGENTS wanted, for a new registered' proposition. . Call at room 308, Calu met hotel, ParK St., $100 buys interest in a paying business, llo-ht tL-nrlr. vol, IS In liht WCJ1 WANTED A young man to worit In grocery store -and deliver, can oe tween 7 and 8 p. m,, at 739 Union ave. N. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 20 WANTED. 8 shirt operators. , 3 mangle operators. ' 2 markers. 2 sorters. ' ' ' ... 1 Imnil Ifnnartf . ... - .,n Yale Laundry. E. 10t and Morrison, WANTED Lady or tentleman take -agency in profitable business. Z-642, Journal, - EMPLOVMKNT AGEXCTET. 53 C. R. HANSEN &C0,. GENERAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. Main office, 26 N. 2d st. Portland, Ladies' department 7th and Wash, sts ... upstairs, Portland, , -.4J4 Front ave., Spokane. 87-89 4th st, San Franclsca ' . ' Established 1876. HANLEY & T RAVERS EMPLOYMENT CO- headquarter;! for R. R. work, 18H N. Jd st - v- - WANTED AGENTS AGENTS wanted to aid us supply the demand for choice nursery stock; out fit free; cash weekly. Address Capital city Nursery company, saiem. ur. "NO DUST" Sweeping Compound for rugs ana carpets. , nemovea to ft2 Washingtcn st Main 1284, A-1488. , HELP WANTED FEMALE 3 . Permanent - -Saleslady -V- Wanted Wanted Experienced ' saleslady for domestic department; permanent posi tion. . Appiy cannon ct co., s-syo U.. Morrison. , $10 TO $100 made dally in the moving picture business. Will start you at $160. Particulars, Newman Moving Pio- a. . s r a i 1 y tv r -.i. i j. it a . - Hire c., Oioyj wttpn., uei, iBtn ana 17tn. WANTED Elderly lad v to heln with light' house work; one who would UKwgooq nome. 4za union ave. N, W A NTP.n Paptv in iata nry.a11f.ll washing and Ironing. ; Cal 275H Clay PI. riHIIIP WlHIIl (OI 9 AN experienced button hole maker and kaln am Di.4a A . . 1 . -w . lr . Ayyiy quiuK. nooiq WANTjCD A singer who is able to play piano in moving picture theatre out of town. Appiy 613 Kotnchiid WANTED Young girl to help with the housework; good wages. 14 East . L. . L. nan. WOMEN and girls wanted to work In fruit cannery. Apply at E. 8th and uivision, i-ioiines canning co. WANTED at .once Operators for power machines. Highest wages. ' Wectern wrg. co., pa ruin st intra floor, EXPERIENCED , pressers On ladies' garments. Vienna flteam Dye Works, WANTED Girls 16 years of age at Portland Cigar Jtox Factory, 43H E. '8d 'it-',"'-' :-.:'t , : '-v' ; : YOUNG lady high school graduates We have a number of positions w can orrer you, cms, yvortman & King, WANTEDr-Lacly with .low voice to Join tenor in singing act 2-640, Journa. -i r::i.!.n 2 STENOG U API 1 IT, R brsjinners or er periciiccl, shiiuld take -thei E. B. U. road to good positions guaranteed. 630 Wjivestjrblork, A-544(i. SUMllKR SCHOOL for English branrh. es, uliortiiand and typewriting. Day and evpnint? rlassfs. fsHlons guaran tepd. ' 630 Worcester blork. Enroll now. WANT nurse girl, 16 to 18 years old, one who lives at home, to care for 3-year-old child during afternoon and evenings. Call 8 to. 12, 18 N. 12th Bt. WANTED Girl or woman, general housework, A-2S54. 627 Hood. SITUATIONS MALB k , dl MUNICIPAL FKEilfWVUIOT.-lOlIFIFfllGE: $70 MADISON, BET. 3D AND 4TH, . MALE AND FEMALE HELP. NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYER OR U 7 . EMPLOYE. -:;;;v- MAINx 3666. A-5624 WANTED By a middle aged, compet . ent married man, a position in cream ery or dairy. Is familiar with the ex port of butter, eggs, etc. Is 'qualified to take charge of a herd; is a good Judge Of vflne stock. Reference given. . Ad dress Thos. Pink, Medford, Or. - WANTED Position as general office - man in banker's, or ' broker's ' office preferred, by young married man now employed' as cashier and auditor- of large corporation) good reasons for wishinf to change. Address K. C., care Dally oklahoman, Oklahoma City, -Okla. SITUATION wante by young married man, as chauffeur; ..two years ex perience; will give try-out; If hot suited, no pay. - wm, nuwarq, ins trient sr. OUTSIDE position ranch, logging or ? surveying aesireo - oy young cones man, practical and healthy. T-646, Jour WANTED Steady employment by young married man, city or-country. Harry E. Goodhue. Portland, i Gen. Del. YOUNG man would like to learn clean- Ing and dying business. B-648, Jour nal. ' ; . r , -.- - ... . . CARPENTER work by day, contract -repair or new work. Call or address 11484. Aibina ave. I DO most all kinds of work by con tract Charges small. What hava you? X-640. Journal. - . YOUNG married man wants work In city. Most any kind. : Call At1522. Room 8.; - - - -,- - - ; ' -.-.. . ; CARPENTER and builder, new or re pair work, day or contract Sellwood 1712. - - . - .. CARPENTER and builder, new or re palr work.-day or contract. Sell.-1712. SITUATIONS FEMALE v 4 WANTED Work by the day washing, ironing and cleaning or office clean ing. D-646, Journal. .. . EXPERIENCED dress maker wishes po sitlon In first class dressmaking par lors. Wood! awn-153. YOUNG lady wishes position as book - keeper - -and. stenographer. Phone Woodlawn 1343. ' AMERICAN woman wishes situation aa housekeeper or coOk for men;' neat, good cook. P-638. Journal. DRESSMAKING 40 THE VIENNA LADIES' tailor wUl make your suits at low rates to Intro duce work, or will teach your cutting or fitting and to make your own suits. Call at the Westminster, cor. Sixth and Madison streets. Main 6&sz. DRESS making school, open all . sum mer. 888 E. Morrison. LOUISE HAAG8MA Tailored salts and gowns. 290 Eugene st DRESSMAKING and plain sewing, 88$ 3d st Phone A-3253. FURNISHED ROOMS WEST SIDE TWO furnished housekeeping rooms In basement; one furnished front room, gentleman preferred; walking distance. 4i) ciay st. LARGE suite of front rooms, up stairs. bath, both nhones. Dlentv of shade. front room down stairs, also other rooms. A-7495. 475 Morrison st. FURNISHED ROOMS, board It desired; free phone, bath, eto.: good location, Pnone Marshall 1615. 684 Glisan, WEB. MASON Via 4tlt it rooms up per wees. Free phone and bath, Main 7714, - ONE nicely furnished front room, cool and airy; batn, phone; au moaern. THREE nicely furnished rooms for rent; phone and bath. 428 Mill et, near 11th. . y FOR RENT Large, newly furnished front room for-two gentlemen. 410 jetrerson.- LARGE furnished room with alcove and sleeping porch, 151 N.;l$th st Phone THE Colonial rooming' house, 165 10th st( cor.- Morrison; rooms from 75 to ii per nay; 13 to 9.50 per weeK. FINE sleeping porch, furnished same as room, 7 blocks from postofflce. 211 12th st. ONE furnlahed room, bath, phone, all - modern; suitable for two. gentlemen. Marshall 1241, 687 Washington. ONE upstairs front room, two beds, all modern. , Phone Marshall 2184. , 608 Glloan. NICE outside sleeping rooms,. The New castle, o ana .arnson' mu coia s inones. 1 UITY 4 lots at Wellington; also urnished trooms, $1.60 up. 443 " Jef- ferson. Phone Main 6425. - ' ' ONE room, suitable for 2 persons. 27S - 7th st -' ... - : r FURNISHED ROOMS . -' . . EAST SIDE H2 SANTA ROSA rooming house; - clean rooms; within 5 minutes walk from Third street , B-1075. 869 ft E. Morrl- son,- , . '-.;' --,--., HOTEL ACME Good rooms; within 10 minutes walking distance; also housekeeping rooms. Reasonable prices. ONE nicely furnished room near car ' line; gentleman preferred. Call East 8868.- ' THREE furnished housekeeping rooms for rent; lights and water furnished. l blocs: from g-u car; $16. K. stn. PLEASANT furnished robm with batli ' - in connection, between , two carllnea, srm Hitigene, io. NEATLY furnished room, lady or gen tleman, $2 week. On river bank, near steel pricige. i cnerry st. LARGE furnished room, near O. R. & N. car snops. ezz teiay st. TWO furnished rooms, all modern con veniences, 308 Cook ave.1 East 2162. , UNFURNISHED KOOMS . 10 2 nice down stairs unfurnished rooms tor rent' Inquire 728 E. 8th st S. THREE unfurnished rooms, 640 - East . PT.ftrK, corner . ; f 1 " ROOMS AND BOARD .15 .Good Home GookiM.. ; Clean , place, like' home. Alblna, $1$ '- - . EarSe front room, suitable for one or two gentlemen, with board? home cook..' Ing, not a boarding house. Call between , a. m, ana ft p. m 181 iztn Bt. GENTLEMAN to room and board in private family, newly furnished house, - home cooking, walking distance to town; bright, airy rooms. 754 Hoyt. .A-l 609, j- MODERN 4 room front flat 12th ani - College; large , attic - and basement- cabinet kitchen. Shields, . 261 16th! Phone Main 93. - .-'.''-v' FINE large modern rooms -lor two.'Viltli . excellent board; $8 per week. . llani tou 281 18th st. ' " J' ' GOOD home cooking, close ln,: reason-6bl"rrtpp."-'MaIn '""jsrTth. FIRST CLASS board wUh or without room,' by German lady.':, 829 Front st. 'APARTMENTS 43 IONIAN COURT Furnished and tin- furnished, 8 and 4 room apartments. Main 118-2. . 670 Couch st V. V