' T , T IT i; i ;:vir l.i; 4 5 ) 1 -it T " v.. V . s s s A FVi,r.vniD FA KM IX THE FAMulS ESTACADA fruit dis trict S acres, 40 acres under r-tilti'vation. 10 acres 'applet. New tnwii riu fjiit. varieties. Hnj creek running through pi hp. Good ? room "house with modern con veniences, good barn; phone ana R F. P. This property must be Fern to be appreciated. 1 nee $10,000. A BARGAIN In small place, 35 acres 1 mile -from Estaeada carline; 25 acres In cultivation. 100 tine fruit trees In full bear ing, all choice varieties; good well and spring; all fenced: old house and barn; rhlle to school.., 1 mile to church. Price 13000. ; --A i FINK LITTLE COUNTRY : HOME, 16 cre; ,10 - crjs ; cleared. 6 acres beaVerdam: fruit-tree And all kindsof small fruit Fine new 6 room cottage, (rood barn and outbuildings; also horse, cow, harness, buggy, plw' wauon and- aU small tools. The location is t mile from railroad Mation, 4 miles from ancouver. Price J3800; terms. . 14200 60 acres, i miles from Sherwood, 18 miles from Port land: 40 acres In fine state or cultivation. 20 acres timber ana stumps, small creek, family or chard, 8 acres hops, very best or , soil,. fair house, good barn; term cash. 70 acres; 15 acres under culti vation; 3 acres slashed and seeded; some timber; orchard; good house and barn; miles from town, on R. F. D-: all farm ing tools go with this place Price 12600. 150 acres; B0 acres cleared, 20 acres slashed and seeded: 90 acres under fence; orchard; large house and two large barns and other buildings; alss 6 good cows, mower, binder and rake ro with place; Vt mile from church and store; i mile from postoffice. Price $5600. Terms $3000 cash, balance 6 years. H S 6 S s K 8 8 s s s S 8 B ' S B 8 8 S S s 6 fi s s s s s 6 s 8 B 6 a s S 8 8 8 S 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 8 B 8 8 8 H 6 8 109 acres; 35 acres under plow, 40 acres slashed and seeded. 75 acres fenced; all bottom land: timber, laree house and 8 ibarn and other buildings; family 8 - orchard; close to school, church 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 e 8 8 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 S 8 8 8 S 8 8 8 8 S 4 B 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 S and stores. rice oyvo; eay terms. . 40 acres; 23 acres under plow, 14 acres slashed and seeded; no waste land; fenced and cross fenced; some timber; 3 acres orchard; 6 room house; 2 large barns and otner buildings: 1 mile from town. Also cow and calf, heifer, buggy and all small tools. Price $3500; terms half cash, bal ance 6 years. 120 acres; 30 acres under plow, 60 acres slashed and seeded 80 acres fenced. 25 acres timber; family orchard, house and large barn; also 15 dairy cows, 3 mares, yearling colt, all farm Imple ments and crop go with this place; close to church, school, postoffice and store. Price J7500. Terms $4000 cash, balance 6f years. . 1 197 acres; 30 acres under plow, 60 acres slashed and seeded; some timber; all fenced; smell house and barn; also 7 cows, 8 young cattle. 1 team and all farm im plements go with place; close to school and church. Price $6300. 158 acres; 15 acres under plow; orchard, small house and Darn. AU crops, stock and tools and household ; goods go with this place; close to church and school. Price $3000. 8 205 Gerlinger Bldg.. Cor. 2d and S 8 Alder. Office, Main 8430; rest- 8 8 dence, Woodlawn 2169. Portland. 8 8 B8SB8S8SS8SS8S BBSS T hnvfi 1nst what you want, but In this small space I cannot tell you of but a few of the good bargains I have. When you see them you will , be con vinced that I am rlht. ' DU acres. v vltrmcu, uamuio Diaoncu, rood family orchard, black soil, good barn, house and outbuildings, and all fenced: rood water, close to school and two miles from electric carline; crops and 4 cows go with place. . ; 10 acres, all in high state of cultiva tion; fine house and barn, good well cf water and only mile from school 20 acres, all in crop and No. 1 soil; all fenced. 2 good cows, one mile from school and railroad. . This can . be handled for 31600. 20 acres; good house and barn, well improved, good garden, fine pasture; 4 acres fir timber; dark soil; level land; nients; la fact everything goes..-Price $5600. - 10 acres, - 5 cleared, balance slashed and in grass; well set to berries; good house and barn; all fenced and good well; mile from school; price $2200. 29H acres: 4 acres of swale, balance lashed; all fine soil; new 7 room house and good barn 24x32, with shed; only A mile from scnooi ana ciose io car- line; good wire fences; price $6000 4800 cash, balance at 7 per cent. -l Five 6 acre tracts will imoroved near carline and in a fine neighborhood, close to school and church. 6 acres in a fine location on electric line, well Improved ftnd close to school and church; price $1700; can make good lerms. .. ,. n 90 acres. 25 in crop, the rest slashed. burned and seeded; this soil is black with J acres of onion land; running vater; 2 springs for house , use with jiieniy ot ran; ; gooa earn ana two houses on place, mile from school. tore and postofflce and on milk route 1 1 fine cows. 3 horses. 6 dozen chickens and la fact everything goes with the piace. trice ijuu per acre, easy terms. UIEKMAI KKAL.TX. CO., ; 803 Main st.. Vancouver, Wash. : 1280019 acres, close in, with house, Darn,' lamuy. orcnaro - ana cellent, water; half cash and ,11b . -erai terms. fTS per acre for 29 acres, rich land and a bargain. . $150 per acre, choice acreage near Ore eon Cltv. all clear and in crnn property that will quickly increase in value and an ideal site for a " ,,.!. close-In home farm; any quantity .you wish and at right, prices and AMERICA N-BC A NDTN AVIAN REALTY CO., 20 Henry Bldg. ': :: ; ; Phqie Main 6701. : iTUSATE'THK 10 acres, 2 miles northwest from Forest Grove, on main county road; finest of coll; 4 acres in cultivation, balance brush; spring - water; small liouse; 1 acre in bearing grapes; small orchard; land' adjoining selling from $6uo to $10i)0 per acre: is In a splendid neighborhood. Price $i600, some terms. Hee owner, 730 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 2133. tii'INE dairy ranch of 160 acres; good creek, 2 wells, 6 room house, large trn; electric road surveyed through ft; . near city of 10,000; 90 acres in (rood cultivation and balance seeded to grass. 2 acres In orchard; $1000 cash wllfhan- rti it; must sen; very low price. By ewner, 63') Worcester, blk., 68 3d. SNAP cr -In cultivation; hotiwe, barn, good outer, U fenced; price J1750. Barr M in t'n., ;ttiH Board of Trade. H L.t. Uy owner, 120 acres; a tergfiin tor $"u0; house, barn, or !iii ;i aorns crop; nearly all cleared, it. t.s tt sssssssssss iWII . ft Good Farm Buys Near Portland IMPROVED 5 ACRES FOR $700 DOWN This is a choice little home, mile from station. Just 5 miles from the city limits of Portland, level graveled-rosd all the way, all In. cultivation, 5 room house, new barn. Personal property, horses, harness, -wagon,'; buggy, chick ens, all tools and household goods. Price $2650, $700 down, balance 5 years per cent interest. SPLENDID 10 ACRE TRACT. ' This Is a beautiful 10 acre home, all In cultivation, lies perfectly, no . rock or gravel, best of garden soil, good 6 room house, barn and outbuildings, chalet .variety fruit and berries. Per sonal property 1 span fine match horses,-1 cow, 85. White Leghorn hens. hack, bursv. harness, mower, all im plements, woodsaw and engine complete, other personal property. Price for all lizuo. Terms, mis piace is jusi a miles from the city limits of Portland, rig tit at stores, , school and churches. Thi Is one of the choicest 10 acre tracts you ' have ever seen. We have several choice 10 acre tracts .close in n. can show you all of them on one trip out Call and see us, our teams go out most every day. Close in 25 acre bargain. ' K nrrpfi 22 ncres clered all In crop. splendid 6 room house, good barn and outbuildings, 2 acres of splendid or chard, best varieties. Land Is rich and has no rock or gravel. iugni on me bank of the best fishing stream in Ore gon. Just two miles from Clackamas station, 6 miles from city limits of Portland, level graveled road all the way. Personal property, 1 fine bay team, 1 large wagon, i spring wasun, i huBB-v. 8 cows. 75 chickens, cream sepa rator, all kinds of implements. Price je&uu, terms. , CHOICE 50 ACRES, NEAR PORTLAND. 60. acres; 80 acres high state of cul tivation and in crop, balance nice tim ber and pasture; lies perfectly, not a foot of waste land, not a rock or gravel; good 9 room house, good -large earn, good granary, machine shed, hog house, prune drier, root house, chicken house, wood shed, etc.; splendid orchard of 160 bearing trees: personal property, 2 horses, wagon. Harness, u cu;, 3 brood sows. 3 other hogs, 125 chickens, binder, mower, rake, disc, cultivators, and all implements.- new buggy, hack, 100 bushels oats, 60 bushels wheat, nay cream separator, and all household goods, we give you alt personal prop erty, all crop, and immediate posses sion for only $8500. Terms. This Is a fine farm, the best of mellow soil that never packs or bakes, only 9 miles from the city limits of Portland. 1 miles of carline. This is the best 60 acre Duy near Portland, uo out ana see ior yum sel f We have seen all these places and know them to be Just as represented. Hargrove fit bons 122 Sth st, N., Cor. 6th and Gllsan. AND 1 acre, all cleared, ft mile to two car- lines with new, all modern, q room bungalow: price $1650, part cash; Own er loses money, dui cannov noiii u i ra nit tindpr cultivation, near Tlgardvllle and within 100 feet the snrvev for the new electric line; $200 an acre,- part cash,. ;. 27 acres, all under cultivation, on main road out of Hillsboro, hall mue. bsrgaln at $150 an acre, part cash, or will trade for Portland property. 202 ACRES To be divided to suit the purchaser. AIL under cultivation and now planted to wheat and oats, yield last year on this land was 86 pusneis to me aur. 1An iir tnov frm 20 miles from Portland with all the , buildings and a very good house, all accessories, in cluding farm implements. Price $22,000, and very goodierms. . . Hlpvrt li A. KJNAff, LAITUn niowai. 624 Henry bldg. Main 3263. A-3265. . ' 1 - Aft - ir-nn IS In crnn. some Cleared ready to plowv good outrange for stock along the creek; 2 acres of young or chard, some bearing; good home garden with all Kinas 01 smau iruus? triso mrinv s-nmi wrll. K room house, barn and outbuildings; on good wagon road, 3 miiAa anufK nr Knrinff waier. iayu.' 40 acres more added to above with 20 acres cleared, some fruit trees set out room house; the wnoie iuu seres fenced. Thi la a splendid dairy farm for $3200. 0. W, P, Land Uo, First and Alder sts. R ACHE HOME. u crs in hlrh state of cultivation. nil kinds of fruit and berries; 4 room house, small barn ana wen,, on county road. & mile to high school, church, store and 4c carfare. 9 miles from Port land: must be sold at once. , First one sees this place will buy. -. M. K. THOMPSON CO.. 8. W. cor. 4th and Oak. Henry bldg. FRUIT LANDS S Fruit and Farm Lands. 8000 acres of fruit and stock farm on TTmnoua. Well watered. K Ullable. 1000 can d tmgaiea, - ti per cre -t uuuu terms. '3200 acres, logged off land, on Co lumbia river, ' Price attractive. 800 acrea near Coburg. Proposition 80 acres near Lyle famous fruit re gion), lor $3UU0, 11 taxen soon. - Also some real snaps in fruit land in White salmon district. 1 Call on B. , Wolverton, . Lumber Ex cnange. " Fruit Land Bargain - 150 acres located on the Columbia river , 4 mile from station on North Ban Ry. with good house, log cabin, store building. . 2 good living springs about 10U acres of good tillable apple or walnut land; enough cordwood on me piace to more than pay tor it. win sacrifice for $4500. - See us about this, TUB (STANDARD REALTY CO., 421 Mohawk bldg., Phone M. 1980 A-3334. We Have Some Attractive "Bargains In fruit lands in the famous Mosler an East Hood. River districts both small and large tracts. If you are looking for fruit lands It will pay you to see Mc Cargar, Batea & Lively, 816 Falling 240 Acres Fruit Land 20, acres In 1000 apple trees, 3 years old; fine spring, small house. 42 miles from Portland, 1U miles from station and river in White Salmon fruit belt. Cut this up An 10 and 20 acre tracts and you can make 120.000. Our prlc for THE STANDARD REALTY CO., c i roonawK tiiqg. 6 A9RES ln Peach Cove will earif' vou $2500 to $400n a year. Are "ou dnlrvj as well? Peach Cove offers the great est investment opportunity in tne noun west .M, H. Lee. 411 Corbctt bldg. FARMS iTJIIIFiiAPLIi The reason Hood River people are buying- our apple land half wav between here and Mt. Hood la because thev fill the bill. Buy thepn tliree 40 s on auto road at Cherryvi'le and you'll never be sorry; $45 an acre, good terms. They may be sold Friday, " pome today. v Mt. Hood Land Company 711 Rothchlld bldg. 1 SELL my own land In large or small tracts and on term to suit buyer. George A. Houck, 22?!'3 Washington st Phone Main 1259. . , FOI .KENTFARMS 14 FOR RENT A nice 9 acre place near Courtney and the Oregon City carline; all clear, good 4 room house and barn; 2 acres in berries. $15 per month. C, F. Pfluger & Co., room 6, Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison sts. ; - - . FOR SALE TUIBER 28 WE are headquarters for -timber and. lumber enterprises of all kinds. Kin ney & Stampher, 631-2 Lumber. Ex change, bldg., --. '''.- 1 - IRRIGATED LANDS 42 DEEDED, improved irrigated land in the famous Deschutes valley of Cen tral Oregon; $30 to $75 per acre; free transportation when you' purchase from DESCHUTES VALLEY LAND & IN VESTMENT CO., 301-2 Buchanan Bldg., Portland, Or. Iocal office at Laldlaw, Or. HOMESTEADS 47 " Why Be Landless? There are over 100,000 acres of free government land in Crook county, cen tral Oregon; 320 or 160 acre homesteads and 320 acre desert claims which may be irrigated by gravity flow. Call or write for Information. - - - DESCHUTES VALLEY LAND ft IN VESTMENT CO.. v 301-2 BuchanaYi bldg., Portland, Or. Local office t Laldlaw, Or. EASTERN Oregon headquarters, home steads and desert lands. Oregon Home- stead Co., 217 Ablngton bldg. I HAVE several good homestead loca- uons in Oregon;-2 timDer location. Be In town July 1 E-643, Journal. 1 CAN locate one man on good home stead in Hi let z. i643. Journal. ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE 03 OUR SPECIAL BUYS. See this 40 .room transient hotel, com pletely furnished; $3000, terms; rent $76: long lease, center of city, swell commercial trade; 20 rooms; 1 block from potitofflce. See place and get rice. 223 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Marshall 1418. WANTED 20 to 40 room rooming house; will trade small house and lots. or vacant lots in Portland, and pay cash difference. Owners only. 808 Board of Trade Dlrtg, Rooming House, West Side 8 rooms, rent $20. always fulL Price $200. - Terms (100 cash, balance $20 per month. 64 ft 6th nt 10 ROOMS -10 One block from Wash, st; place where rooms are always full; clears - $50 monthly. Price $425; terms. Peters, 15 N. 6th st. nOOMS, best location in Portland; modern house, lonsr lease, rent S8o: mostly housekeeping, 4 baths; can clean 1160 montn; is worm izouo; Toroed to eave city: will sacrifice for $1760. $750 cash, balance to suit Inquire 88 10th., 22 ROOMS 22 Near P. O.; furnace heat,, oak furniture, running water in all rooms; clears $200 monthly. Price $900. To see is to buy. Peters, 15 N. 6th st ' TEN room splendidly furnished large outside rooms, lease; bargain; reason cannot attend. 414 4th St., cor. Hall. good money malting rooming house for sale rhnan. For information call 257 Chapman st 23 ROOMS 23 In rood location. Rood - furniture. all large, light airy rooms; rent $30; price jeoui feters, 16 w. ttn si. WANT to buy rooming house from owner; have you a bargain for cash, am not an agent. Y-649, Journal. 250 cash, 9 room house, good location, good income, housekeeping. , Inquire 405 Stark. 10 ROOMS 10 On Washington st., rent only $35; good lease, clears 70 montniy. rrice tuu; terms. . Peters, 15 N. 6th st MIXING STOCKS 58 FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE Before BUYING or BELLING any MIN ING. OIL. WIRELESS or INDUS TRIAL' Stock, get our prices. Davidson fc uo Jewis Diag. fliarenau iib, MINING properties, high grade, in Elk City. Idaho, , gold belt, ror sale or bond. ' Address owner, A-646, Journal. MINING and industrial stocks; tele- nnone and other Donas pougni ana sold. C 8. Kletcher, 126 Ahlrgton bldg. IF you wish to buy or sell mining Stocks, call on J. B: Fureell. lieuas. BUSINESS CHANCES 20 GENERAL mdse. store, 10 miles from Portland, on electric line: siuu aauy sales. 0-636, Journal. ; RATTLING Utile restaurant with Mt ' I if ruuujB, line lor ixian iuu wua uuuu trade; cheap rent, terms. Z-633. Journal. 8MALL grocery, doing about $46 daily; no competition; good reason for sell in gCalevenlngsJ188E;23 HARDWARE and feed store: good pay ing business; splendid location. i or Information call Woodlawn 19. GOOD dental practice for sale In. Al country town: cash or terms. L-632 Journal. . . School "Ask foP'CIassiiiedManag:er,r7oumarOffice" CONFECTIONERY . Best liicittcil, most compi- te oli es talilished business on east 4de, carry ing a clvan line of cisars, tobaccos, sta tionery, fporttng gooi'.H, confections, with ice CK-ami parlor; a pood paying business the year round; v. Ill invoice Mock; prVf about $ 3500. y-4Sti, Journal. Restaurant and Lunch Counter On 6th Bt. m-ax depot; - receipts $10 a day; rent, $iu; no meals st-rved less than 25 cents; will stand your investi gation, price, $1050. This is one of the pood places in town. OREGON AIXIl'STMRNT CO., 54H 6th. EXCEPTIONAL oportunity to start a store within 20 miles of Portland on a new railroad. We will rent part of a building for an office; special Induce ments -to, right party who will build at once. CHAPIN & HERLOW. 332 Chamber of Commerce. READ THIS List your rooming house and business chances with us for quick sale. We buy; sen ana exchange tnetn. - we are tne largest rooming house brokers in the city. Peters, 15 N. 6th St. LIVERY BOAT BUSINESS For sale, the well known "Favorite" boat- house. Including1 launch, rowboats' and canoes, with full equipment well estab lished. Doing a nne business. Tne best location In the city at the- foot of Mor rison St., Portland, Or. .-. ; . , BEST BUY. IN CITY. Restaurant with Jive furnished HvlnK rooms; depot lOcatloft; cheap , rent; rooms more than pay expenses. ' This place is well worth $600., On account of sickness will sell today for $200. Peters, it n. bin st. - , GENERAL MERCHANDISE for sale or - part trade in live town. Banks, mills, factories, churches, No. 1 schools, good country. R. R. and boat transportation. invoice anout jsuuu. cash Business. Address K-687, Journal. PARTNER wanted. In well established cleaning and - dye works, doing big business. Experience unnecessary. Owner must have help. Only $200 for half interest. Terms if, desired, 418 Un ion ave., rvorin. MOVING-PICTURE films, machine; ev erything for moving picture business for rent or sale. If you are planning to open a show we are ready to assist you. Writ for our best offer. Laemmle Film Service, Pantages bldg.. Portland,-Or. - --,;y..RIBBED SALE- Two lots Fort George, B. C. onaxof life's business oportunltles. Call 405 stark st. ' IF you have a moving picture theatre for sale or if you wish to -.buy- or open one, communicate with a permanent and successful company, peoples- Amuse ment Co., 610-61.6 Rothchlld bldglk Port land, Or. t - - . ,, ...... . ... GROCERY STORE In Al location, 3 years' lease, rent $40; stock will invoice $2200: place is doing $50 daily; price for all, $1900; terms. Also one that will invoice $1300 for $800 on Morrison st Peters, 16 N. 6th st. GIVEN away free to those answering this advertisement before Julyt 16. a map of all the. California Oil fields. Sagar-Loomls Co., 701 Oregonian bldg., Portland, or. Rooming House SnaD 17 rooms. Washington st.', rent $65, clearing $100 month; sickness; must sell. Will sacrifice for $800. 88 10th. FOR SALE or exchange for other prop erty, hotel and warehouse on Columbia river, doing a good business; no opposi tion. Price $2500. AddresaU, U. Brown, Arleta, Or. DltlllilM Vlunt In anM of nnita- cleaning and dye works; no competi- .1.... I1RA nal mrtntll Anntv A leta Cleaning & Dye Works, Arleta, Mt REAL estate, office doing good busi ness, centrally located - good list of buyers and sellers; will sell for cost of office f urnltu re. . Owner has other business. Call 318 Ablngton hldg. I OR SALE Nice little hotel In coun try town 33 miles from Portland: lot 60x135, building 30x60, with 22 rooms; well -furnished, netting $200 per month. Price $3500. Z-B41, journal WANTED Partner with $250 for wa- gon show. Have complete outfit. No expenses. Big profits guaranteed. A- 64, journal. WE CAN place you in paying business; before buying - De sure ana see us. IZrAJPXh 63l"a Lumber " " A FIisE opportunity for a young man to start In the automobile business; small capital required. Room 417, 326 .ashlngtcm St. ' - '" , A GOOD, light manufacturing plant for sale; a line opening lor a gooa Busi ness man. - Kinney & Stamphe, 631-2 Lumber Exchange bldg. - . FOR SALE General merchandise busi ness, good location, doing good busi ness, will sell store and fixtures or rent; see owner J. C. Dixon, Elk City, Or. . $1250- Fine paying grocery, dally sales $45. 402 Commercial block. '-; - BEST paying business for sale In Port land; must be sold Immediately; little capital required. Owner cannot run It on account of sickness. 345 1st st. A NO. 1 restaurant in heart of city, will sell for $3000; part cash; doing $100 a day. R-633, Journal. STRANGER in Portland wishes to in vest in Borne good business. Ad dress Z-644, Journal. ' SALOON SALOON Want Independent license,, 223 Cham ber of Commerce.- Phone Marshall 1418. HAVE cash customer for good cigar store. Apply; at room 422 Ablngton punning. TRANSIENT hotel, 65 rooms, modern, steam heat; near Morrison and Wash ington; snap. E-642. Journal. FOR RENT Confectionery and ice cream parlor at Seaside, Or. with 11V lng rooms. Call J. W. Blaney, 128 N, 6th WANT good restaurant, lunch counter. or rooming nouse. nave customers waiting. 422 Ablngton bldg. SMALL planing mill for sale doing good business and fine location, qall Woodlawn 1128. ' -. ; ; , , Boys, Look! I want several bright school boys to do pleasant' work in their own neighborhood during their spare1 hours. -'. :' ' . " "' ; - ' . .. -" '. - '-'-" ' " I . ' -'..,,."' '' " .r "... . --' " -' ""'.- ''. . H - ., " ' ...... 1 . , .-.' """. For this work I will pay you well. You will find the task light and pleasing. Vou can make good vacationmoney with little effort. Come in Thursday afternoon between 3 and 4 o'clock and we will talk it over. Restaurant and Cafeteria Hero's a pl.-kup. Ki-stinrn-rt with 5 ye.ir l.-ase, on one of tne best f-treeis in the city, ruaran tfP(l to In) clearing J-'m1 P'T month. Owner tmict ko to Alat-ka at. once to protect interests tliere, consequently will sacrifice this business for $h00 cn.sh. Don't take up my time unless' you have the money, and if you have, I can show you. , . JOS, C, GIBSON 305 Gal-linger bldg., Second and Alder sts. Income Investment Store property In good growing coun try town on railroad. $3500 cash will handle and your income from rentals on the property complete is $100 per month or 17 per cent on investment. Store property 100 feet from business center of good town of 1500. $800 cash will handle, pays 12 per cent on invest" ment. .. - W, ; J " .-ii ' Hyland Jones .& Lo, 409 Gerlinger bldg.. 2nd and Alder. THE greatest invention for the ad vancement of the rose industry or Portland, as well as fruit trees, lawns, gardens, etc., ever known; , this inven tion can be seen at the lawn of the Roy crest, 175 12th Bt, cor. 'Yamhill. Any energetic Industrious party can make a fortune on a small cash investment. Do not stop to think;, call and see. for yourself. The state rights will be sold this week; t- Ask for Judge Sweeney. WANTED At once, party to take charsre and manage other help for the best light manufacturing business ,,in city. Will guarantee $150 per month salary; experience not necessary; $700 cash required for Interest. For fur ther information call 6!3 onsan st. HELP - WANTED -MAlJt, , ; ' 10.000 POSITIONS For graduates last year; men and wo men learn barber trace In 8 weeks; help to secure positions; graduates earn $S to 26 weekly; espert instructor; tools free; write for catalog. Moler System of Colleges. 1 N. 4th St.. Portland. WANTED at once strong boy over 16 years as assistant janitor. Roberts Bros., Third and Morrison streets. WANTED Man at Lo3 Angeles; no ex pense to learn trade of electricity, automobiles, plumbing, bricklaying by actual work on contract jobs.- Only few months required; 200 students last year: catalogue free. United Trade School Contracting Co.. Ios Angeles, WANTED Salesman: many make $100 to $150 per mouth; some even more; stock clean, grown on reservation. -far from old orchards, cash advance week ly; Choice of territory. Address Wash ington Nurser Co.. Toppenish. Wash. WANTED Janitor for a first class apartment house; must be married with experience In that line and good references. Call afternoon between 3 and 6. 618 Board Trade bldg., 4th-Oak. WANTED Railway mail clerks, city carriers-clerks, Portland, examinations announced July 15. Preparation free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 370 P. Roches ter, is. . WANTED Salesmen In every locality In the northwest; money advanced weekly; many make over $100 monthly; choice of territory. Yakima - Valley Nursery Co.. Toppentsn. wash. WANTED Two first class experienced machinists accustomed to heavy work, for out of town shop. Answer giving phone number and address. Z-638, Jour nal. $5 PER MONTH Telegraphy taugbt In practical forms. Day and evening sessions. Address Myers, 329 ll'h st., Portland. Main 8512. A FINE opportunity for a young man to start In the automobile business; small capital required. Room 417, 326 Washington st. WANTED Man presser on ladles' Jack- ets. Must be thoroughly experienced, No others need apply. East I'ortiana Dye Works. 148 Grand ave International Corresponaencs - tichoola H. V. HEED, 808 McKay Bldg. Marshall 697. Office open Wed, and Sat nights. ' REAL ESTATE salesmen -for Bay City, on Tillamook bay, terminus of ' the United Railways. Bay City Land Co., fWANTED - Men to buT$3"Ts:mple straw 819 number I'jxcnange, za ana stars:. I hats now at SI. 51) LO rent in haae- ment 1 the reason.- Hats cleaned and reblocked, 60c. The Hattery, 315 Alder. SOLICITORS wanted in Portland and nearby towns: good commission; only hustlers wanted. Northwest Rug Co., 153 Union ave. ' CHEF headquarters and helpers. - Cali fornia Wine Depot 286 Yamhill, next to Journal. ' CHRISTIAN boy about 13 years to de liver -and work around store. T-630, Journal, WANTED A first class stlckerman; permanent position; good salary. Ad dress A. M. Hansen, Salem, Or, WANTED Stlckerman at $3.60 per day, McMinnville Planing Mills, McMlr.s- ville. Or. - MAN wants dlshwashlnjr. Janitor work. I house cleaning, odd jobs of any kind. Mam szuu. SALESMEN to place good stock, big - commission. industrial 208 Henry oictg. WANTED Four men with teams to haul brick. Standard Brick & Tile Co., 408 Mohawk bldg. - - . INTERNATIONAL Corre spondence School, 207 Marquam bldg. Main 1026. Open evenings until 8:30. , SOLICITOR for cleaning and dye works; big money to right man. 418 Union ave. -N. :- ' . - - ' VISIT Crystal Lake Park at Milwaukle; fine picnic grounds. WANTED First class cabinet maker at Oregon Chair. Co., 1190 Macadam. WANTED One mortar, mixer, 2 scaf- fold men. East Pine and 12th. SEWER diggers wanted, E. 14th and Center sts. Take Sellwood car. TWO boys over 304 Front. 16 to wash bottles. f V. t.r,- -r Imve first r-npers. Monthly T-'-Y J'i9. Ad-ii I lonul i-iunpi-iisa . ion p Pood, Clothing, qunrters and ni -.-teniiance free. At'ter o0 yetti'S ir to :b!e. 1 at rvtce can retire with 75 per cent of pay P-tnl allowances, fjervlce on board friilp ami ashore in all parts of the world. Ap ply at Hrepilen Hhlt;,, Portland, Or. VK still have a iiIhco lor several Males men on our Columbia Roach proposi tion. Beach sales are beginning with n rush and tho summer opportunities with us on this property are unlimited. Get in line now. Call on Mr. Iieesley . COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 84 Fourth St., Board of Trade bldg. WANTED Two young men, between ages of 18 and 22 years, those who have had a college or technical school training preferred. This is an excep tional opportunity for bright, energetic men to learn, a branch of the work of a large public service corporation. Reply In own handwriting, giving age ana present employment. C-606, Journal. - Y. M. C. A. The friend ot the young man and stranger; hearty welcome and good cpunsel are yours,"1 without cost; constant call- for men who can do something well; special employment membership assures employment; arter you have seen the other fellow, see us before you Invest money. HELP WANTED MALE AND , , FEMALE 29 WANTED. ' . . 3 shirt operators. 3 mangle operators. 2 markers. 2 sorters.' 1 4 hand ironers.' ' v Yale Laundrv. E 10th and Morrison. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIEl. W n a u a norai o rr GENERAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. Mam oince, 28 N. 2d at. roruana. Ladles' department, 7tji and Wash, sts, i - upstairs,-Portland. '. 424 Front ave., Spokane. 37-89 4th St., San Franclsca Established 1876. ilANLEY & TRAVERS EMPLOYMENT CO.. fieadouartei I for R, R. work. 28H N. Sd st WANTED AGENTS AGENTS wanted to aid us supply the demand for choice nursery stock; out fit free; cash Weekly. Address Capital City Nursery Company. Salem. Or. "NO DUST" Sweeping Compound rugs and carpets. Removed to Washington st. Main 1264. A-1483. for 626 WANTED Lady or gentleman ta take agency in profitable business. Z-642, Journal.. . : - HELP WANTED FEMALE 2 WANTED at once Experienced sales ladies for cloak and suit department Roberts Bros., Third and Morrison sts. EXPERIENCED saleslady wanted for domestic department Prominent po sition. Apply Bannon St Co., 388-390 rjasi morrison, 1 GIRLS wanted; must be strong and over 16 years of age; wages $1 per aay to commence. American umcie, ntn nun .lonnson sis. WANT nurse girl, 16 to 18 years old, one who lives at home, to care for 3-year-old child during- afternoon and evenings. Call 8 to 12. 18 N. 12th st. WANTED Young girl to help with the housework; good wages. 14 East Tenth. North. B-2825. ' WOMEN and girls wanted to work in fruit cannery. Apply at E. 8th and Division. Holmes Canning Co. YOUNG girl to weave hair; also sppren ties; good , ohance for advancement 4Z& ti. tn H. COATr finishers wanted; must know how to work buttonholes. Apply 263 Yamhill St., room 9. - WANTED A number of middleaged women to cut woolen rags, 345 1st street. - WANTED Girl for general housework. Appiy 77 MadiRon st Tel. Mar shall 1601 or A-6728. ' A GIRL to do general housework, b room bungalow, 3 people, $26 per ma, 601 East 20th st. N. C-1299. WANTED at once Operators for power ' machlries. Highest wages, Wectern Mfg. Co., 63 Fifth st;, third floor. WANTED Chambermaid and waitress; good wages, room and board. National hotel, cor. Front and Yamhill. EXPERIENCED cook for small country hotel; top wages. ' Address Stella, Wash. Box 87. , EXPERIENCED pressers - on ladies' garments. Vienna Steam Dye "Wprks, 224-226 Third St. - - ' GIRL to assist in general housework. Family of" three. - 408 32d St., Wills mette Heights. WANTED A competent girl for house- worit; wages jifo. 4l llassalo st. WANTED Lady with low voice to join ' tenor ln singing act. Z-640, Journal. "WANTED Girl for general housework! 260 Grand ave. N.. cor. Multnomah NEAT girl to assist In housework. Ap- ply 1091 Vattg'nn st. Tel. Main 6i08. GIRL for general " Tel. Main housework, 189 Park st. 2428. WANTED Girl or woman, general housework. A-2864. 627 Hood. SIT U ATIONS MALE MUNICIPAL FKEE' ; EIMV1E1TT FIFDGSE $70 MADISON, BET. 3D AND 4TH. MALE AVX) FEMALE HELP. NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYER OR '. EMPLOYE. MAIN 8665. A-6624 WANTED Position as general - man in banker's or broker's office otti c preferred, by young married man now employed as cashier and auditor of large corporation; - good reasons for wishing to change. Address K. C, care Dally Oklahoman, Oklahoma City, Okla, FOR painting or' carpenter work at summer resorts, address Z-638, Jour nal. - . ' YOUNG man, 23, would like to secure a clerical or a collector's position. Z- 635.' Journal. CARPENTER work by day, contract, repair or new work. Call or address -H46M, Alblna ave. PRACTICAL printer wants situation; capable taking charge; dally or week ly; state particulars. R-621. Journal. I DO most all kinds of work by con tact. Charges small. What have you? X-640, Journal. t WANTED Girls . 16 years of; age at t Portland Cigar Box Factory, 43 VS E. 1 8d St. : - WANTED Work, by the da washing, I Ironing and cleaning or office, clean lng. D-645, Journal. - YQUNG married man wants position as grocery clerk, four years' exper ience. Reference.- Y-633, Journal PRINTER Wants foremanshlp; ex perienced, all-around, . capable. Ad dress Z-643. Journal. .-'"'' YOUNG married man wants work ln city. Most any kind. Call A-1522. Room 8.1 ': ' : .-" : - ' 'V CARPENTER and builder, new or re pair work, day or contract. . Sellwood 1712. " '.- '.-,.- "' - WHO wants a first class reliable chauf feur? Address-'Y-632, Journal, i CHAUFFEUR wishes position,' private or driving truck, Y-631, Journal. SITUATIONS FEMALE .. : 4 BY YOUNG widow with boy 9 years' old, position as housekeeper for bach elor of widower; no objection to, leavs city; reliable parties only need answer. 460 Miller-st, Sellwood. , - YliN--terty wishes -rtim--s-hfmk-- keeper and stenographer. Phone Woodlawn 1343' '. - AMERICAN woman wishes situation as housekeeper or cook for men; neat, good cook. - P-63S, Journal. . YOUNG lady violinist wishes position us soloist Phone Tabor 19i!K . V.'AN'TT A! ' t.o, ;;.! ro.'n I s. ; , i ! - c'i-'-' h, i . ' of 13 fiml So. ;,,u;t r;nive tp.h'.r wi.l r.'-'.-'-i t ' mro-y-tir ciit;int "t ,V rl S u i . or. t ixth ani ; , r. 1 it. 1- , or -, i t i V. , , A T: hill o Kt. il.G and none A-!K! Pi.uii tsevUng, 3Si 3d st. I LKMSIiri) WIST Ell) 12 FURNISHED room with or without board, new house, modern in every re spect; nice cool place, on Sit. Tabor carline, corner 42U and. E. , Morrison. Phone Tabor 567. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms In basement; one furnished front room, gentleman preferred; walking distance. 474 Clav sr.. ' . . .i. LARGE suite of front rooms, up stair, nam. pour pnones, plenty or shade. front room down etalrs, - also other st. rooms, A-74U5. 474 Morrison FURNISHED ROOMS, board If desired; free phone, bath, etc.; good location." Phone Marshall 1615. 684 Ollsan. room ner WeaK. - Free phone and bath. Main 7754. WO nicely furnished rooms. Phone, bath.. $1.50 a week. 151 Lownsdale. near loth and Morrison. , : PLEASANT rooms suitable -for one or,; two; seven oiocks rr.om postofflce, 211 12th st. . " . ; - ONEnlcely. furnislied front room, rrool and airy; bath, phone -a,ll modern. ' Marshall 1667, B-433, 3d. GCiOD" furnished room, clone in; cool. r free phone, all modern: Drlvatn hnm. A-3877; 432 A. 3d st. NICELY furnished front room, modern.' home conveniences, two block k in mr. . line. 208 17th st., South. ' THE Colonial rooming house. 165 10th St., cor. Morrison; rooms from 75o to $2 per day; $3 to $6.50 per week. FURNISHED ROOjIS EAST SIDE S3 SANTA ROSA rooming house; clean rooms; within 5 minutes walk from Third street . B-107E 369 E. Morri. son. ... . . HOTEL ACME Good rooms; - within - 10 minutes walking distance:, n.lao housekeeping rooms. Reasonable prices. r, pit,1. FOR RENT Permanent and transient rooms in 10 minutes' walking dis tance, from $2 up. East 2663. Mason House, 291 E. Morrison. ROOM and board, home cooking; all ; modern, phone, 'jrge rooms; reason-" able prices. East 656. 150 Paee. NICE large, clean rooms from $1.60 to $2 week: block from car. 641 Delay ' st., Alblna. ONE nicely furnished room near car line; gentleman preferred. Call East 2868.- - ' PLEASANT furnished room with bath in connection, between two carllnes, 312t Eugene $10. - - NEATLY furftshed room, lady or gen tleman. $2 week. On river bank, near. steel bridge. 164 unerry at. LARGE furnished room, near O. R. & N. car shops. 622 Delay st. - $8, $10, 2 rooms, walking distance, sleeping porch. , 664 E. Morrison. TWO furnished rooms,, all modern con veniences. 809 Cook ave. East 2162. ; v UNFURNISHED KOOM9 10 SUITES of two and three unfurnished; housekeeping rooms; gas plates fur nished. $1.26 per week each. Belmont apartments. 4S0 Belmont st. LARGE 3 room flat $12. Including gas and water. 344 Front st Single rooms, 33.60.- ' THREE unfurnished, rooms, 640 East Stark, corner 12th. ROOMS AND BOARD 15 . Good Home Cooking Clean place,' like horns, . Albina, 313 hussell st - - -- ' , - GENTLEMAN to room and board ln private family, newly furnished house., home cooking, walking distance to town; brignt, airy rooms. 04 Hoyt. A-iaua, LARGE front room, suitable tor on or,- two gentlemen, with board; home cook- lng, not a boarding hduset. Cn 9 a. m. and 6 p. m.. 181 K. 12t i au between th st..' WANTED By young ludy, room and bonrd in nice quiet family. D-644r Jotirnal. , - .. . . 500B-home cooking, close in, reaeen- APARTMENTS 4.1 697 .Washington 3 room apartments. all outside, 'free phones and janitor! service; hot and cold water; reason able rent. " HOTELS B4 35 ROOM, modern, up-to-date hotelf close, $5000, east side, business clear ing $175 per month. -' 420 Swetland bldg. Main 7776. ' - - THE OHIO Newly furnished rooms, , $2 up . per week, near Oregon Elec tric depot. Front and Madison. - . HOTEL PORTLAND European . plan ! only: 18. 8fi dav. " VALLAMONT Furnished rent 376 Yamhill. rooms , for BELVEDbJKE. European. 4th and Alder. . aOUSEKEEPINO ROOMS 8 . WEST SIDE ' V, "ONEONTA" apartments, 187 17th near Yamhill. (Take W car at depot). 2, and 4 room furnished suites. - ,Hot and cold. Phones and baths free. $20 per month. $5 per 'week and up. Main -4697'A-4739. WELL furnisred houskecplng rooms, $ $8 month; 3 for $12; furnished cot-i fair K lnrs-A rooms. 120? lower flat. 4- rooms, $18. 364 26th, north (west.slds river), W car from depot, 6th on Morrl son to 26th, block north. TWO very desirable outside furnished rooms for light housekeeping; reason able; also, one sleeping room, 257 Chap man st. . . $1.76 week, large clean furnished house keeplng rooms; laundry, bath,, gas, ' clean linen. 184 Sherman- South Port land. PRIVATE apartment for the summer;' large living room, sleeping porch,, kitchenette, bath, gas, phone, piano. Aduits only. References. Main 3508. , FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, con-. .' venlent and reasonable. 471 Morrl son. - " - - ' ' - --' -J , $9 a montii, three large housekeeping rooms; gas plate, , steel range. 618 7th st. Main 4529. . - TWO front rooms furnished for house- -keeping; phone, laundry, light and bath. 414 6th st. , ' VERY convenient 2 room apartment, in ' modern private house; excellent loca tlon, $15. 452 Market st. VERY desirable housekeeping rooms, walking distance; no children. .. 347 Market st. 1 TWO front rooms for light housckeep . lng; well furnished; bath, gas, phone. ' 421 th st. - " ONE large room, with alcove, gap, bath, .phone; very desirable. 385 11th. MITCHELL Housekeeping rooms; light, gas; moderate. 7th & Flanders, A-4075 NICE cosy front room furnished for housekeeping. 492 Clay. Main 6342. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS EAST SIDE f 48 Ti: : vi I ! U e , rlife u i,i ;, f -! r in.-- ft i Ci'li (it U; A--i -; i -.-n Loi: icif- snd c.i-DUK.ViM." PAGE APARTMENTS, E. 8th and Burn-. sRh, 1 elegantly furnished .3 room apartment,. 3 unfurnished, apartments. . all modern conveniences, steam heat.', private phone, private bath, , hot and cold water, laundry and steam dry In basement, reception hall, fireplace, auto-' matlc freight elevator, janitor servtcs, vrry rmtownaWe rentr no--chHdren. -Phone B-1018. . ' " TWO apartments of 3 rooms each, clean, water and llehts furnished; price $13. East 22!)9. 181 Russell. - . . SUITE-of rooms with kitchenette, fur nished or unfurnk;hcd; private en trance. 3S3',i Mill et I