The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 19, 1910, Page 38, Image 38

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    f N . ' ' r :,M 'UTP if ' y W ' V " ' J'
F' - ; Ml It, 1 ! -J i ,' 'VA . V CY'" . l,; fK : :
Promises Made by
the Press Agents
"My Wife," at the Baker,
Baker 8tock company, with Ixetta
Jewel and Franklyn Underwood will
present John Drew and Billle Burke'a
successful comedy, "My Wife," for the
week opening with today's matinee, this
being the first time" the play will have
been seen here In stock. It should not
be confused with, the old Belasco play,
uith a similar title, as It is entirely
vrw, and Manager Baker has secured
tile stock, rights for the entire north
iost by special' arrangement with
('ImrlnK Frnhmn ' w '
It is one of the strongest of late
1 lays and contains especially critical
-acting roles for both the leads as well
as the .entire company., It requires a
cast of 18 speaking parts and i? full
of intense situations, though essentially
a comedy of the highest class. It Ja not
quite three years old In America, being
an adaptation from the French which
nerved to introduce the , well known
actress Billie Burke ff this country.' As
Beatrice (Trlxie) iwuprev'.Mig' Jewel
will have one' of the. most charming
roles her many- portlaad admirers iave
ever had the .pkasure.' of Beelng her in,,
and the wonderfully clever scenes be
tween tier and her guardian, Evers
lclgh. (played by Mr,: Underwood) defy
description.': . As a young heiress to" a
large fortune, Trlxie Is obliged by.; the
terms of the will to marry' before' she
Is 18, and as her choice of a husband
happens to be away she induces her
guardian to , marry her temporarily to
cave lW-jf ortune. The plot hinges upon
this condition and the gradual bringing
together of these two by a series ot in
cidents that lead up. to many, clever sit
uations, always set in comedy, but at
tiroes bordering on the Intensely seri
The ending Is especially interesting
and delightful, and takes place at . a
dinner party which Everslelgh ' has
planned to celebrate ahls ' return to
bachelor life, after leaving her In
Switzerland, where her thoughtless co
quetry has given him i enough excite
ment and worry to make him thorough
ly sick and tired of the whole business
of playing at being a husband. But she
arrives In time to assume her place and
receive his guests, and here --recon-:
dilation takes piece that finally leaves
them in happy understanding with each
other at last and truly In love. Mat
inees will be given Wednesday (bargain
day) and Saturday. - - . . -
Exceptional Bill at Orpheum. "
A most extraordinary spectacle in
every way Is Lole Fuller's dazzling "Bal
let of Light," which will top the new
. bill, which opens for one week, begin
ning with the matinee Monday afterr-
f noon at the Orpheum, Not oontent with
displaying her own fine talents, Lole
" -will disclose the ability of har piplls,
the wonderful young girts to "wbom she
, will resjgnlier crown when thfce for re
tirement finally arrives. These comely
bare foot maidens will disport them
selves In simple Hellenic garb and In
terpret the words of the masters. Now
a Greek symphony, then a Vienese waltz,
again a Bacchanalian carnival suit, anon
a Russian folk offering, and again a
Norwegian gnomes revel in Viking hails.
It Is -given the full benefit of 'magnifi
cent .costuming, gorgeous stage setting
and. dazzling electrio, and mechanical
"effects.- rv :'.''. v
One of the very recent European Im
portations Is Captain-Maxlmtllon Gruber
and Miss Adelina's equestrians review,
. which consists of three animals, an ele
phant,-a horse and a pony, who are put
through a series of feats which requires
ins very meuust uuimai intelligence.
it is a splendid novelty, and is sure ta
be a feature.
Charles Wayne and company will pre-
nunt a rotnedy playlet entitled "The
Morning After." Out of a number of
go64 situations, catchy musical numbers
and Interesting effects Mr, Wayne and
,:hls company succeed most admirably In
extracting an abundance of Irresistible
humor with plenty of life and action,,
All sorts of stories and jokes that are
bright and new Harry U Webb, the fa
mous burnt cork comedian, will offer a
i!t of nonsense that never falls In
amusing roars of laughter.
Clever entertainers who are well
kuu im.Ua.Xko. al xm
-XlalA ajrei
Hairy Fentelle and , Viola Vallorle,
hose orrenng mis year consists or a
n?v!ty and laughable conversation act
!K'nerouly Interspersed with sotigs and
ii ru ing specialties.'- Mi Vallorle Is the
In auUi'ul and altiActive woman who was
ffn hi-re lt as "The Athletic Girl" in
" Ntebt jrm ,1 HoiiHchonl "
. ,.i4 ;,;aiii,bwa will cuiitribute a
5i r jisi ? - - 'lit' ,' r 11 v1' r'jl. j
:r7ff :1 III i It ) 1' xsv :
goodly share to the musical end of the
program. They are fine artists, and
they manipulate a great number of nov
elty stringed. Instruments in a most
pleasing manner.
Fred Rouen Is a splendid athlete and
famed aerlalist whose offering consists
of loop walking head dpwnward and
flying leaps through the air, which are
highly sensational, requiring the 'utmost
daring' and -.skill. ! ; .
" uirw Featured at the urand.
' Girls and many of them . will be
found on the new bill which commences
at the Grand Monday afternoon for the
week. There will, be. 17 pretty maidens
on -the program, the' largest collection
of-beauties -ever found on "one vaude
ville program. In Portland. ' -; : ,
' Tim , McMahon's Watermelon Girls
will be the star feature. These girls,
seven - In number, depict life on the
southern plantations. They are capti
vating dancers and good singers This
act, is something new to .the west, al
though It has been a prime favorite in
the east the past season. Tim Mc
Mahon's " noted success, V'O Melon
Sweet," will be one of the song num
bers. This will be rendered, with novel
electrical efects which have not been
seen before.-" i " -
; Another big girl act will be the six
English Juggling girls, an act which has
been K hit in the musto halls. It is a
direct Importation by Sullivan Sf Consl
dine and will be the special added at
traction on the program. The girls are
not only clever but they work with
finish ; and . precision. - They are - cos
tumed neatly and the act promises to
be a big sensation.
From Australia come William Bovrs
and Flo Darley, presenting an oddity
called "Married,"-, This s a Htl sketch
in which there are some lively situa
tions, a laugh a minute and a splendid
finish. Musical numbers are Introduced
featuring Miss parley's. impersonations
of various girl types. -
New drolleries are presented by Fitz
gerald and ' O'Dell.s They have ' the
faculty of keeping the audience in a
ferment of fun all the time they are on
the stage.
In a sunburst of annas and dances
the Williams Brothers will do their
shtye- towards making the new bill one
of , the best of . the . season, v, For style
and execution these brothers can hold
their own with any steppers in vaude
ville, as their act next week will prove.
Miss Louise Excela and' Miss Jessie
Franks are two perfect specimens of
physical culture, development. Their
act Is' an artistic exhibition of bag
punching "and equilibrium. These girls
make up the total of 17 women on the
program. New motion pictures .will be
shown on the. Grandascope.' ' : : ,
Sunday the last performance Of the
present bill will be held. This Is an
other of those, first class vaudeville
entertainments. ... .
Ring Champion at Pantages.
.Jack , McAullffe, undefeated at hia
weight, will appear in an . Illustrated
monologue at Pantages during the week
beginning with tomorrow's matinee at
Z:SO o'clock. - While In the rlnsr McAul
lffe met and defeated every lightweight
aspirant lor the title, and when he re
tired, it was without a defeat marked
against him. Not only will the famous
boxer antlclpato what will happen when
the two giants of the white race and the
colored meet on July 4, but he will re
view the history of the ring and relate
episodes never before made public fit his
carreer. He will also give a s'hort dis
course on physical culture and tell how
the ordinary Individual may follow it
with great benefit.
Hond on" the- progi'Siwanrttm-Fotirl
Nigntens, great -Olympian gymnasts.
First appearing In a series of remark
able poses, they give the impression of
splendid pieces of marble statuary. The
poses represent famous' men from the
flassis, and after completing this work,
tliwy 'perform many remarkable and sen
satlnnat feats of strength.
In the delightful funny one act farce-
BAKER Baker Stock' Company In "My Wife." :" .
ORPHEUM Vaudeville. 1
GRAND Vaudeville. .
t: PANTAGES Vaudeville. - -
LYRIC Armstrong Musical Comedy company ln"Th Belle of Toklo.'-.-BIG
FOUR, STAR. ODEON, ARCADE, OH JOY Motion pictures,
THE OAKS AMUSEMENT ' PARK Llberatl'S band. . . ' . . 1
. . Coming attractions . , , .
BUNGALOW Henrietta Crossnian in "Antl-Matrlmony," July S. 4, 6, 6.
William Colllor in "His Lucky Star,' July 10, 11, 13, 13, Mrs. Flske,
July 21, 22, ??. Margaret "Anglln in "Tha. ; Awakening , of -Helen
, . Richie," July 25. t, 27, 28 s , , ,
BAKER "Paid in Full."
HE coming of Maude Adams to
as springtime daisies and buttercups, after, a winter of hothouse joses
arid orchids. ; Somebody said that play-acting is a good deal like fortune-telling
-the most necessary thing in the business is to hang out
a sign that yon are ready for patronage, and then take your chance with the
future. The lure of the electric sign is r wonderful thing, and is evidence
that the great American public carea only for the individual. Sometimes it
seems that such a sign is the real magician, of whose marvels, many of our
stars are made. It is t an essentiat element in : any contemplated leap into
celebrity, and is a powerful argument that stars are made rather than born.
' The artist never has to reach for material; it is always at hand. The de
duction is that given a woman of average intelligence, a certain amount of
personality, with unlimited capacity for work; put this woman into the hands
of'a master-buUdefand anything is -possible. ,?,r;:rrt;:::;r;r- ",;r
i Many years ago Daniel .Frohman was asked t Whafs the idea- of, star
ring Maude Adams? She has not had experience enough to amount to any
thing "and he replied, smiling: "Well, she will start sometime; it might as
Well be now" ; Maude "started," and here she is today dominating the public
without any argument, and standing reveaUd as one of the wonderful women
of the dav. 1
f Following her plunge into Stardom, into big type went the names of
Ethel Barrymore, Annie Russell, - Viola Allen, and others, most of whose
chief claims to big type were the required amount of money and bravery.
Some slip in because of physical beauty, or under cover of family traditions,
or some other fluke, but seldom because the world at large has discovered
any great gift. Sometimes such stars put the trick over, but .usually, unless
there is an undeveloped spark somewhere within, their light eyentually goes
OUt. V;. 'v."? v' :'V
l It is no. longer the well known actors' who know their book that leap into
the limelight over flight, -but some young thing of vivid personality, in other
Words, a' "type" that promises to be the vogue. : Little Elsie Ferguson this fall
ran. her name 'Up in electrics fof clever work in a single part, v Billie Burke,
also, belongs to the mushroom variety. Grace George, the wife of William
A. Brady,, has .been a star for years, but it is only of very recent years that
she has been recognized even, when she had all that managerial influence and
unlimited money could Shower upon her., Marie Doro has her name in big
type, but her pathway, has not been, an easy one,; at present, her future is
hanging in the balance. And so it goes. , ; v . : : ;
i But Miss Adams Ijas never faltered in her upward march. The first year
iij stardom she brought $20,000,- Possibly her wrestle with "VAiglon" was
more or less of a failure, and there is much nervousness over her projected
playing of "Chantecler," but "The Little Minister," i ."Flop o My , Thumb,"
"Peter Pan" and "What, Every Woman Knows" are names to be'eonjured
with, and names which establish the Adams popularity as perennial.
let.'Too Many Darlings." Georgia Garfl
ner and company will afford many; a
hearty laugh. Thep lot, is a tangible
one, and bubbles over with wit and
soarkllng repartee, while Miss Gardner
i-4lis4eadlHg.ol.ptovas herself ta ha
an actress of marked ability,
"Mueller and Mueller, are excellent
singers, . Who have won a reputation on
the eastern, circuits with their offerings
of melody. They do not confine their
selections to parts from the classics but
Include popular airs of the day. , . '
"An Interrupted Rchr arsul," Stands
unique for when the curtain la rung Tip,
" .)-
- MAbrtr Tlf TWT . -v I Ranchman's Feud" being the leading I XV m .......
;m . i.iAKWJ XJVt XfJ. , v picture, followed by "The Road to Hap- X M
E. I.
the Baker last week was, as refreshing
nothing but a bare stage confronts the
audience. Miss Margaret Croix appears
as an actress at the theatre for re
hearsal. Mr. Nichols puts in an appear
ance and takes the part of aft ill-tern-par
ad- stage manager.,. Wit at eaoetlont
burlesque grand opera scene, the act is
concluded, giving both players opportun
ity to score, as singers as well as
amusers. ' '
' Gehan and Spencer are dancers of
marked ability and many new steps and
clever clog dancing- tricks are intro
duced. With the latent", in' animated
events, the Pnntag-wre wU! closs the
bill. Tonight marks the endjf this
week's bill, toplined by Arnoldo, the
world famous animal trainer' and his
den of performing leopards and panthers.
Six other excellent acts . complete me
arogram. - :;;
MThe. Belle of. TpWo'! at Lyric.
For the fourth week of thelj-engage-
ment in this city the Edward Armstrong
Musical Comedy company will present a
very pretty Oriental musical comedy en
titled "The Belle of Tokto." The new
bill will open at the Lyric . tomorrow
matinee and run all week, with, mat
inees dally and two performandea In
the evening, the first at .7:46 and the
last at 9:15. !'
There will be some new faces In the
.company, notable among tnem Deing
Ben Dillon, Will King and Miss Clara
Howard. Ben Dillon is one of th most
noted Irish comedians In the country
and comes here after being five years
with the Kolb & Dill company Mr.
Dillon was hero at the Marquam during
the Lewis and Clark fair with his com
pany, and became a great favorite with
the patrons by his neat and clever por
trayal of Irish characters. ' Will King,
well -known as a Hebrew comedian, will
also be with the Armstrongs to make
you laugh, Miss Clara Howard, very
pretty and clever young lady of this
city, will be teen intha soubrette parts.
Miss Howard was for two seasons with
the Murray ft Mack show and has been
spending the last few months at home
in this city with her parents.
All In all, next week the Armstrongs
will croducs , a very : pleasing show.
Thera are a number of catchy and clever
song numbers and the play . calls for
some very beautiful scenery. There will
be the usual chorus girls contest Fri
day night. This is something novel In
the way of entertainment stnd must be
seen, to be, appreciated. . .. ,
f ' Moving Picture Houses.
The coming week commencing with
today's .program will mark an epoch in
the life of the Star theatre as a motion
picture resort as, the program promises
to outdistance., anything , yet offered.
The feature extraordinary will be "How
Championships Are Won and Lost.", in
which the real James J. Corbett appears
and shows the VitagraphvGirl how best
to preserve her health by physical ex
ercise. - Irt'"addltkm to this and as a
sensational finish Corbett with . his
sparring partner Kennedy, illustrates' in
a three round contest of scientific box
ing how the different champions of the
world have lost their titles to their suc
cessors. This picture promises to be
of great interest to the ladle's of the
different audiences as., well a .to : the
gentlemen. "The Face at the Window."
absolutely the 1 most sensational Blo
araDh of the year promises to hold the
Interest of the crowds, and is followed!
by "Caught in the Rain," me comeay
feature of the season.
At the Oh Joy commencing today will
be offered "The White Fawn's Devo
tl6n,T anottrertftertnettcnantrq
factured in their new American factory.
which has already furnished two Amerl
can subjects of intense Interest. In
addition to ther above there wlll: be
"Davy Jones" Landlady," a laugh get
ter, and the ''Spanish Frontier," a'
scenic feature of real merit:'
At the Oilcon the bill Will cortflf:t
or four welt Bclectod " pictures ' "The
Ranchman's Feud" being the leading
picture, followed by "The Road to Hap
piness," ; dramatic; "Poetical Jane," a
comic, and, "Lewln's Abbey," scenic and
picturesque' In character.
At the Arcade tomorrow the program
will be "The Ranchman's Feud," a west
ern comedy drama, "The Road to Hap
piness", a drama, "Poetical Jane".-' a
comic, and "Lewln's Abbey," a scenic,
In addition to, the above picture num
bers thera will be presented in the dif
ferent houses splendid new eastern
song hits by good, singers,- as well as
anlendld music and effects hv eomDetent 1
professionals in their lines.
-, ;' - - ''- : -.1.-; i:- -"- ' t ,. "
'. " .! ". WberatJ At the Oaks.
Llbtratl'a band has been playing to
delighted and fashionable crowds all the
week. He carries the same charm of
manner, and many old friends have vis
ited him at the Oaks park. At the after
noon concert he will be heard in a solo.
HiB solo work is an inspiration, the high
notes are so strong' and clear, they seem
Fanny Rice, who wtll' be here next
; ' week.
Jolly Fanny Rice, who is "merrily,
cherrlly, verily yours," will present her
original conception of. the "miniature
mimic stage," which is a delight to the
grownups as -well as children. In her
cablhetrwIildTr'srratigir'rec'aiirTItf ar51d
Punch and . Judy," she presents her
characters, and all of them are charm-,
lng, while many of them are ridiculous
and amusing.' , Fanny Rice needs no in
troduction to theatregoers, as she has
been Starred" fqr years, and 1s ''fli " uni
versal favorite. Miss Rica and her fa
mous cnblnet of stasfe folk will he a
feature of the Orphcum'btir next we.'k.
fef I. '
Geprgla Gardner 1h "Too Many Dar-'
.Jfngs" ? at , Pantages, ; week, begin-'
ning June 20. .; .:'
to electrify both musicians and audience."
ntii ni.vj'kiuu, . uu tui in Thu .
Miss Kathertne Klarer, the soprano
with, the band, will sing "Caro Nome,":
from""Rigoletto,w at the evening con-"
cert, and Slgnore Cesare Freddl, who
will sing the tenor solo "Romanaa,"jby
Faure. His voice Is exceptional, and he
might easily be singing in' grand opera.
The park Concerts are developing into.
fashionable, assemblages'. Little parties ;
of Portland's elite are seen at every
evening concert, and seldom leave with- .
out a compliment about the acoustics of .
the .new auditorium. The singers de
clare it is an Ideal, place in which to
sing. .- , !
Llberatl begins the second week of hit
engagement "today. - . " . :
Council Crest Amusement Park.,-.,
' Nothing is more beautiful than the
grand view from Council Crest at this
season of the year. The great snow
capped mountains are now to be seen
in all their glory, the vast panorama is -resplendent
In the varying colors of .
early summer and the woodland filled .
with wild shrubbery Is a sight to be-'
hold, ;:.';..,iv.,',iir...;,:''..:;;6fe.::..i .ij.-'
The grounds have been parked, re
lighted and beautified,' the old appla
orchard has, been fitted up as a picnic ,'
ground and provided with lights so- that
you can bring- your supper and enjoy -the
sunset and lovely mountains. Thera
is also a great treat in -store for rthosa
who like to ride on the water, an at-
traction costing $20,000, which has been r
in course of construction since- last fall
and has Just been completed. This ride,;,
"Trip -Up the Columbia," -takes you In
real boats on- real water over the scenlo
portion of the mountain for a dls
tanee of nearly -2000 feet ' There is also
a great scene showing a full rigged
sailing ship lying at the bottom rof
the seav a submarine dlver is in the
. R1MM . Cfmal . .ml,... U
attack of a huge "octopus"' or devil
fish. -The scene la so realistic tlltit one,
imagines- that they are' looking at the
real thing. After passing that scene ;
the boat enters the- Columbia .rlvpr
gorge, whore an Indian 'from a canoe
Is seen firing at a deer; , ? - 1
The scenic railway has been, practi
cally reconstructed and Improved. It.
is so popular this year that over 70,000
people have ' alwady ridden ; over it .
A moving picture theatre has also been
added to the-many attractions. ".,.
Liquor is not sold or permitted on
the grounds., . 'm''! .'
: "raid in Full" Closes Baker. , .
Baker Stock company will close Its.
present season with Eugene ' Walter's
famous play, ."Paid In Full," . opening
next Sunday matinee. This is one '
American drama that stands Out above
It has Just Veer, released for stock and
.Mjnager Baker having secured , the
rights of the entire northwest, is of
fering it immediately to his patrons.
It will also be the final offering on the
stage of Baker theatre for all time," as
the building is to be torn down irame-.
dlntplv to give place for a big office
bulldlns- . - -
y f" :.; . ' '