A THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY TTOI.NING, JUi:;; 1?. Y 1 Oil S ALE I AHMS 11 4rflronnnni i . MllEY $1400 14 ACHES. KUshcd and seeded to grass, running water, some rich bottom land, all fenced. $150010 ACRES. All cleared, level land. 1 mile from town and depot, center of lively orchards district suitable fruit, grain and poul try. $10025 ACRES. ' '" unn mile itvra iuwu auu ui'i'ui, poultry or grain. , , ( . $2500 10 ACRES. : ; 50' acres under plow. 6 more easily Improved, balance pasture and timber; prod free outrange; house,1 barn and spring. . v:v. ' ' '- $2$00 6 ACRES. In -town, all cultivated and mostly bottom land, 6-room house, barn and fnmiiv orchard: city water and wells, school three blocks. - ,,.. .v- $370oU0 ACRES. Three-quarters, mile from town. -20 acres rich bottom, balanco bench land. Nearly all under plow. Fruit, grain and vegetables; running streams and springs. . ' , $6000476 ACRES. miles from town and depot, 160 acres in cultivation, balance, pasture and timber. 2 houses, .$ barns; family orchard, springs piped to buildings. . $8500160 ACRES. Nearly all cleared, plowed land 60 acres rich bottom, good house, new barn. Other outbuildings, bearing orch ard. Running streams. . Suttable hay, grain and fruit - ,,- $10,500700 ACRES. . 8 mllea from depot, 60 Acres In crop, 50 can easily b put In. 100 acres good bench land partially cleared, 400 acres slashed, burned and seeded to grass; good pasture, house, 4 barns, springs piped to house, 4 miles , woven wire fence. ' $13,200220 ACRES.' '.; ' Plenty running water and springs. Splendid for fruit , . ' , $28,7502300 ACRES. ' Within 6 miles of town and depot, fenced, few acres In grain. and orch ard, adjoining land held at more than double our price. "''' 719 Board of Trade. Phone Marshall 1721 See our list of Umpqua Valley lands. IRRIGATED LANDS 42 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT ' Irrigated Lands, . ' ; , i $100 per Acre. :. , .'. One-fifth CASH. $200 CASH . BUYS TEN ACRES And assures a good living for the rest of your live. TUB UNITED STATES GOVERN MENT After a careful exammatlon of the lands of California, has picked out . - ORLAND. GLENN CO.. GAL AS the ideal site to demonstrate GOV ERNMENT IRRIGATION. THE UNITED STATES GOVERN MENT Has made a chemical and scientific examination of every piece of land we are selling, and at Orland you are posi tive that there is NO HARDPAN, NO BEDROCK, NO ALKALI AND NO ADOBE. The U. S. GOVERNMENT has estab lished at Orland an experimental station ,. where they have proven that TEN ' ACRES OK LAND AT ORLAND WILL LY. The planting and cultivation of the land Is carefully demonstrated by the Government officials and. NO MIS-' TAKES OR"" FAILURES ARE POS SIBLE. . ' THE UNITED' STATES GOVERN MENT HAS APPROPRIATED, $650,000 To nut in a modern irrigation ' system, vallowing the purchaser ten years to ,,, pay back the cost ot labor and. material, and charging no interest; thus you are l.ere assured of ? ALL THE WATER , VOU REQUIRE.. WHENEVER JJEED KD. Here you Ret the CHEAPEST WATER IN THE WORLD. - ORANGES AND LEMONS AT OR LAND mature six to eight weeks In advance of Pomona,- Redlands and -. Riverside, and are of the best quality. ALFALFA . Yields six to eight cuttings and ten tons to the acre is only an average crop. All deciduous fruits garden truck, berries, olives, almonds, walnuts, and grapes, etc., thrive at Orland. . The united states govern ment .- Has safeguarded the purchaser in every way It could. Not more than forty , acres sold to one person. REMEMBER, $100 PER ACRE, TERMS. ONE-FIFTH cash, will buv . this land THE FINEST LAND IN THE WTATJ&S.AT ANY PRICE. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. Telling what a wonderful opportunity Vhat UNCLE SAM HA 8 MADE POS SIBLE BY ADVANCING $650,000 TO PROVIDE HOMES FOR THE PEOPLE , THAT WILL SUPPORT THEM. 120 -CASH BUYS TEN ACRE8. ; ARMSTRONG, QUATMAN & COM- 227 Monigomery st, Ha'n Francisco, Cal. DESCH UT nS VALLEV. IMPROVED IRRIGATED LANDS. We sell Improved irrigated land In the Garden Spot of Central Oregon in , tract of 10 to 640 acres. Prices art) Vin to $76 per acre. .. This land is suitable for clover al . falfa and all kinds of diversified farm ing. Hon. L. W. Hill says it will bo fume one of the best annle countrUa In the Northwest. Many new orchards , will be put 'out within the next year. Free transporUtion to the Deschutes a alley when you purchase land from .... u. auiumomie tickets to all parts of Central Oregon. .wJUsCMUTKS VALLEY LAND AND ' , v MlBiai T COMPANY. 301-2 Buchanan bldg., on Washington near 6lh St.. Portland, Or, Local office ; t iaioiaw. .r. IIMlEllfflffll pnr acre, in the famous Walla Walla valley, join our party, leaving this . miner, hi wuniuermen s tilde. Fifth and Kiark strew i HOMESTEADS 47 ADVANTAGES OF OREnnm. 33 page book explaining what oh of the 34 .cpuntie is adapted for; gives amount of government land ; open to Homestead 11 eacn . county; jnap at lached Z lx:i. snowing new R. R. and towns. ' including tastcrn and central .Oregon in different colors; issued ,iarcn 1. ijo: latest man tn lJ. g'ves homestead and dosert claim 1b-i how to secure 820 or 160 acres free, also .(feudal uewripuon or Oregon. Mnlieil 2,"-. Nln.mo Ac Runey, 313 Hamilton1 M.t-.. Portland. fr. v 1 im.O i-..-1 t-iAU relinquishment; 60 acrts . n-r Madras; wheat land: on the 2 railroad.; land all ready - for culliva tioti; l.'f.n, - Homestead near Ocean: 4 nub of It, fi. school; postofflw, great .! T lam), running water: no rock; 45 t i s; IcvcV 'llouvel.ad livuity -C-' t h GRAY & BUEUL 47 DKHCIIUTES, VALLEY 1 1 CM FIST E APS. U20 acre homesteads In the great un developed a heat retrlon of Crook e.nuntv. I 160 acre homesteads and 320 acre des ert claims in the IrrlRated district near towns already established and railroads building. i . Married women may take ISO or 320 acres government land under the desert land act no residence required.. ... WHY EH LANDLESS? There are over 100,000 acres, of free government land in Crook, the best county in cen tral Oregon. wheM railroads are build ing; and cities springing up where the products were raised which cap tured the priie on grains and grasses at the National Irrigation congress at HolFe, Idaho, in 190S, and also took tho Hill cup at BlUlngs. Mont, Dry Farm ing congress In 1909.- Do you want a slice your share of this land? Then come ' to our office and arrange to get it. We can locate you on the best at the lowest price. When you deal with us you have the guarantee of a reliable co'mpany. t Free transportation' to ' Homestead Land in the Deschutes Valley when we locate you. i . -DESC1I I.'TES VALLEY LAND & IN- VESTMENT COMPANY. 201-30! Buchanan bid?., on Washington near 6th St., Portland, Or. ijocsi orticc, i,aiciiaw, r. 320 acre homestead free. Desert claims, , $1.25- per acre; 500 mile tour through central Oregon bv automobile. Next ex cursion leaves Thursday morning, ,7:40, June 23. Central Oregon Development Co.. 805 Ablngton bldg,. EASTERN Oregon headquarters, home' t 'steads and desert lauds. Oregon Home stead Co., 217 Ablngton bldg. CAN locate .you'. on 10 million claim In Slletx. T-6.15. Journal, KOOMING HOUSES FOR. SALE 63 , John B, Goddard : 615 Board "of Trade BIdg. In rooming houses I can certainly satisfy, you.' T have them all sizes and locations. Will help you to buy If you haven't sufficient money: Only places that merit my approbation do I try to soil. They must be bargains. Here are some: . .' 70 rooms, long lease, $225 rent; worth $S000. My price, $1600. - 40 rooms, housekeeping, clears $150; cheap at $2750. ' ' 24 rooms, lovely furniture, very cen tral; a bargain at $2500, Washington st. 17 room apartments;, rent $60; snap at $1400. .... . .. 12 room modern house, elegant fur niture, clears $76. . Price for quick eale, $S0O. This Is a dandy. I have several 10-room lodging houses at price, from $300 to $800; terms to suit. Have sold an average of one houso a day right along, simply because I get mem in snape to sen so conservative people will buy. See me Monday. JOHN B. GODPARD. 615 Board of Trade. . 45 room apartment house, new. modern, brick. Ion ir lease. ten minutes walk from postofflce, handsome furniture and can be handled on very easy terms. ixng lease. . - .. ; 85 rooms, close In, long lease, cheap rent.' swell t urniture. ' ' $3000 handles this, be sure you tee it before you buy. 20 rooms, good leaBe,' tieart of city. good furniture, and a little money maker: you can get this for a very small cash - payment. 7: 77 t , i IS rooms, full and a waiting list, fine location, see it and you buy It: the cheapest rent In city. J4rooms, fine location, well fur nished neat and clean: always full and a waiting list; will give you a good buy ir you iBKe 11 Deiore me Z3ra or tne month.1". - . ... SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO.; ' S4 4th st, 619 Board of Trade bldg. H. E. JAMES INVESTMENT CO. EXCLUSIVE ROOMING HOUSE ! DEALERS. 88 10th St. Phone, Marshall 1298. We uave a good list to select from and can save you .time and money. 6 rooms, swell furniture; price $300. 8 rooms, clears $60 month; price $475. 10 rooms, sweu nome; price $550. 12 rooms, 1 carpets and furniture good; sou. is rooms. Washington st; Bnap; 750. 22 rooms, very central; price 1600. 24 rooms. - honsekeenlnir ' nrlna $1250. 26 rooms, apartments; money maker; price $1750; 30 rooms, transient; clears $00; - price $1950; 35 rooms, hotel and dtningroom; price $1500. 46 ISSUl"' .ti'ade for cl,v Property; price $3000. 65 roomb, good lease, easy terms; price $6000.-. 85 rooms, Washington at. sell cheap, nrlce tsooo. in- mnm apartments, fine location;-$7000. Many more too numerous to mention. 88 10TH. NEAR STARK- . . KOOAUNG HOISES; MONEY MAK- UUUU BUYS. 30. rooms. $1250: net nrnfii- tis month. - ;r ' 22 rooms, llctlt hnilKBkerln- in, nei income iu a montn. 70 rooms. elOKe In- mmilliln n.fll $"50-4 vim' lms. tinun 13 rooms, close 'in; owifer' leaving 12 rooms. rent 140: nrnfft IDS month: first class nnri nnlv IQKft 1 rooms, rem jzi; au tor $260; wortn $600. - Glad to show any of these, and it will pay you to soe us before buying. ' tioaro or 'rraae Kiiig. KICKNFSS 53 rooms, all new. eles-ant fiirnltnrA and carpets, 1 year old, net inebme $350 ler nionin. HiXClUSlve Wltn US. Call wrown, 326 Washington st, room 313 SACRIFICE sale, 11 rooms suitable for rooming or boarding, furnished com- piRie, jtiau, terms to suit , purcnaser, uwner, ot) jtvereil St. II rooms; good 'location: rent 330: bar. : gain if sold this week"; owner 1 going away, sn ssaimon; Main 6740. A good money making rooming house for eale chean. For information call s cnaproan st . . WANTED Rooming house from 25 to ou rooms: must no modern ami cen. tral; answer at once.- D-637, Journal. 10 ROOM splendidly furnished large ouLsiaa rooms, lease;- oargain; reason cctnnpi arieno. 414 4tli St.. cor. Hall 10 rSonis; elegant furniture: will saorl- nce; owner ieving.clty; house clear. Ing $50 Over expenses, t 447 Main st.' "VV ANTED An unfurnished -or partly nirnisnea nogBs oi j!o orinore rooms. v-oai. journal. 'OR SALE-Itooming house; always tuii. iTimrjiiK itu; line.- : lorar nn. rnone Main 2853. OH SALE $400. roomlna ho use. 140(1 12 rooms, all furnished, at 423v(. Davis VvHO Is the man who can sell your property or business the quickest? John B. Goddard. 615 Board of Trad. 1 ROpMliouse In center of St Johns, $25. Smith-Wagoner , Co., $11-812 Iwis bldg. WANT a rooming liouae or small hotel; roust be a bargain. . Phone Marshall 1808.." ' ..' .-.'. f ' - :.'-' 13 ROOM house, downtown, for cheap h- owner, 'Call Main 4165. sale MIXING STOCKS . .. 58 FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE Before BUYING or SELLING any MIN ' ING, OIL. WIRELESS or INDUS TRIAL stock, get our -prices. Davidson tk Co., Lewis bldg. Marshall-778, A-1712. UNITED Wireless Telegraph; 14 shares ior sale at iit per snare.. Address j r . 1 illNINU ana industrial stocks; tel . phone, snd other bonds bought snd soiq. c. , Fletcher, 1HB Ablngtort bldg. IF you wish to buy or sell mining fthcks. can on j, u. I'urcen, sin uaav 'SHARKS-Black Butte stock, 6e a -snare. t.n swetiand oldg. '. H03IESIKADS MIXING STOCKS 58 FOR SALE AXD EXCHANGE TALK .WITH FLETCHER. 2,500 AlnKka Pet. & Coal, trcas. .Fpecial S,;)irt "Almeda" Con. transferable. .. bid 10,000 Black Eaglo Santiam) bid 6,000 B. V,. Araal. Coal ......bargain 100-Burlinpamo Tel. T. ........bid 5,001) t'ascadia M, & D. .......... .bid 100 Clark Wireless snap 1,000 Comstock G. Gate . '. .16 . 1.000 idelity Copper ..market 3,000 Freeland - Con. bid , 100 German Am. Coffee ..-..market t9 Gibson Mfg. Co. ...bid , 800 Gov. Standard Powders. .... .bid 25 M alloy Manufacturing ...special . 26 MHrconl ( England) -. .. . . .,$6.(0 2.000 Modern Mfg. Co. ......... .$1.00 , 6.000 Morning (Metaline), . - -03 1,975 National. Copper 06 , 200 Necarney Hydro. Carb, Oil. -bid 5,000 Oriole (Metalinef ....... , .03 2,600 Oriole So Oregon . . . , . . . ' .09 lA , 1-0 K O. Petk Auto. Wheel.. special 1,000 Portland . Cement bonds.market 200 Portland Coal & Dev. .bid 20 Pqrtland Concrete Pile, ..special 6,000 Prince Extension . . . ... .... .bid 100 Radio Tel. (parent CO.y. ,,$4.75 36 Rose City ...bid 1,000 Silver Trail , bid . 15 Telepost A and con v. ... .bargain 25 Telepo'st vottng Certs. .$4.50 v.- 6 Willamette Valley Cond. Milk. .bid All other stocks and bonds; see me before buying; roay'be able to do belter. ,'.'.-. - I WANT; ',-v, Alaska Pet. & Coal. . B. C. Amal. Coal. Campbells' Aut. G. ' Fidelity Copper. Portland Cerrtnnt 'Stk. . ' ' Portland Concrete. '1 elenost, A or. If. 1 , Washougal G. & C , V ALMEDA CONSOLIDATED. ' '. I will pay 15c per share, for a small amount only of this stock that Is trans ferable. ' !' FORT 'GEORdE, B. C." ' Five lots, about H company prlc. 225 Ablngton Bldg. 1 STOCKS 1000 shares American Water Motor stock, cheap:' 30 shares Port land Concrete Pile & Equipment, $9.60. W-633, Journal. .- I WILL trade 20 shares of United Wire- 9 t n. ! l rf l preferred, transferable s'Xock for real es tate or diamonds. : V-639, Journal.' MUST sacrifice 2000 shares Alaska Pe troleum. St. Coal Co. stock and will take 15 cents per Bhare, if taken this week. T-632; Journal. BUSLVE&S CHANCES 20 PARTNER Lady with $500; half In terest in established good paying business; duties light and refined; ex cellent opportunity for big money; "par ticulars with personal interview. T-633, Journal.'.' ... ; ; . UKOCEUY stock and building; fine lo- cotton. -at bargain; stock of sporting goods, bicycles and repair shop, in good country town. WOLFF IAND CO., " 1 4 5 First st. PARTNER wanted in well established cleaning and dye works; doing good business; only $200 for half interest; owner, must have help;: terms if de sired. 418 Union ave.,. north. FOR SALE Cheap; tobacco,' cigars and conrecttonery. store will . sell at a bargain on account of 'Sickness. -Call today. 181 Morrison St. Rent paid to July 15, - ' FINE opening for party .-to- conduct business chance and rooming house department with a real estate firm ; party with experience preferred; no money required. H-t7, journal. 1)6 YOU know the quickest way to sell your business out Is to list it with John B. Goddard, offices' in 20 different locations.! See him at 6J5 Board of Trade. CONFECTIONERY store In Vancouver, . Wash., fine corner,. $600 stock -and splendid furnishings; worth ' $1000, for $200. Owner. 615 Board of Trade. OUTDOOR business-, can show $6-$Va ' day profit .all year; no competition; good reason for selling; $2000- takes It. can evenings iwo e. zan. FOR SALE QUICK Business property in wooiistooK rents ror 120 tter month; price $1200. --. Williams & Kanz- er. 209 Wells-Fargo bldg. FINE Income investment on Front st; store and 2 large dwellings, bringing 60 net income, B. Wolverton, Lumber iistcnange ntog... ; - -, -; 1 ? " A GOOD, light manufacturing plant for sale; a line opening for a good busi ness man. Kinney & Stamphe, 531-2 Lumber Exchange bldg. FOR SALE Half interest in cleaning works clearing $200 per month. . Must sell at once; leaving city. Call 46V4 Washington st. - - - .; - MUST have money: make cash offer for 100 shares Campbell Automatic Safety Gas. Burner Stock; no better stock on market. R-631, Journal PARTNER wanted to take half inter est In first class business. .asy terms to right party. Investigate. 227 Ablngton bldg. - George. ' . . GOOD paying drug store for sale; trade for real estate or cash.; Inquire Laue Darts Drug Co. ,.,..,.,.-..... $325 BUYS lxpcorn and peanut wagon; electric pan and electric lights, pro pelled by horse. 8-4188, Journal. GOOD opportunity for a man with $250 to- get into a good - old 1 established business. Call 305 3d at. - , ' GROCERY Nice clean stock; will, in voice about Z600; una iraae ana cheap rent. 420 Lumber Echange. FOR RENT QUICK First class loca tion near 3d and Alder; cheap rent; inir num. WANTED Small grocery store, with living rooms; owner must answer. W-630, Journal. t .. NICE, clean, neat confectionery and Cigar store wltn gooa iraae, jor sais cheap. 153 Killlngsworth. . A FINE opportunity ior a young man to get into tne automomie Dusmesa. M. 6381. room 417, 326 Washington st $100 cash, $75-in payments to suit;, free home and nice Income, If paying rent don't pass this. Phono Marshall ix. FOR SALE) Cheap; meat market doing good business. 371 Russell st PHOTOGRAPH studio cheap. Swanson's 4th and Morrison. : investigate. - PARTNER In chicken ranch; particu lars ill Mill St.. or pnone mam iviv. Phone Your Wants" Today and Every Day h f . L 2 J 30 Per Cent Profit in 90 Days I -own two sightly, f ii 11-Klzeil lots, worth $1000. I want party with same amount to joh me in building twd mod ern cottages on them. Th houses will sell upon completion at $500 profit on each house. I have Mold more tUan a dozen In the last six months and I know I'm right. A. N. Searle. Montavilla car, get off at E. 76th st. Ofice open Sun. days. WANTED Well known manufacturing and importing company, established 20 years, staple line, can offer opening for a competent man with $5000 cash to es tabllnh and carry , on permanent store in this city; ear pay right man $200 a month and all expenses; also share of profits; attractive Investment and nice, clean business; sufficiently good man can make $6000 a year or better; excel lent future. Address "Secretary," P-630, Journal. , GENERAL merchandise store in uni versity" clty for sale; a business that averages- $2000 to 3000 clear per year in town of ,12,)0 inhabitants; will sell same on account f sickness for less than Invoice; stock is in good condition and will invoice about $10,000; can be reduced to- $8000; splendid residence can' be bought with same if desired, at -a low figure; rent of store $100 a montn; good brick building; .will stand thorough Investigation.' L-631. Journal, PATENTS produce fptunes; prizes for patents; book on patents 'Hints r Inventors," "Inventions Needed," "Why Some Inventors Fail," sent free. ' Spe cial list of possible buyers to our cli ents. - Our MR Greeley was formerly acting commlseioncr of patents. Greeley. & Mclntyre.lpatent attorneys, Washing ton. D. C. FOR SALli The new store in Fremont, Lake county. Or., will invoice about $6000; good trade, . fine business open ing; postofflce in the store; the best bargain in central Oregon. The owner is compelled to sell on account' of bad health. ' Call on, or address J. .B. FOx, Fremont Ijtkn countv. Or . ' '-i LIVERY BOAT BUSINESS For sale, the well known "Favorite" boat house. Including launch, rowboats and canoes,, with full equipment, well estab lished. Doing a fine business.. The beBt location in the city at the foot of Mor rlson st, Portland, Or. " - - GROCERY . business, in good residence section. " I am making money, but want to retire; will -sell at Invoice; haw no dead stock and no dead' capital tied up in expensive fixtures. jF, F, Fargo, 414 Confmerclal Club bldg. v :.' Good Income Property - On Mt. Scott line, paying 10 per cent on Investment; $1300 will handle; erlce $200(1. Phone Tabor M 4. GIVEN away free to those answering tills advertisement before . July 15, . a map of all the California oil fields. Sagar-Loomts Co., 701 Oregonian bldg., Portland., Or. , - , FOR SALE or exchange for other prop erty, hotel and warehouse on Columbia river, doing a good business; no opposi tion. Price $2500. Address U. U. Brown - Arleta, Or. HAVE you for sale grocery, restaurant, saloon, rooming house, residence, fur niture or anything ' We find buyers; advanea money at once. Room 610, nucnanan piag, ANY "man or woman who wishes a fine business in the country which' re quires only a small investment, call at room 106,, St Charles Hotel, on Wed nesday or Thursday. .' EXCEPTIONAL opportunity for man .i.to invest $500 to $600 as partner in safe and profitable business; steady wugts and share of profits to ' right man. Q-636, Journal. - YOUNG man of good character, able to make small investment, can make ad vantageous connections. For personal Interview address P-631.' Journal. HAVE splendid opening for party to In vest $500 to $750 for half Interest in business done on cash basis only; will clear over $2500 a year. -639. Journal. LOCAL company forming to carry on .and expand profitable business now running; investor sure 01 iu'e annual dividends. L-637. Journal. ' FOR SALE General merchandise busi ness, good location, doing good busi ness, will sell . store and fixtures - or rent; see owner J. C. Dixon, Elk City, Or. A SNAP Confectionery, .bakery, deli catessen and lunch room for sale be low tin voice, on account of sickness. Call '537 VyiWams ave. - vr :' - FOR BADE by owner a small planing mill; we' have fine location doing good business; reason'for selling part ners do not agree. Phone Woodlawn 1128. ICE'CREAM parlor, cigar stand and real - estate office- In connection, cheap rent; nm compelled to go east; a snap. Phone Tabor 1931. FOR SALTS CHEAP Good blacksmith . ' shop, doing fine business; 2 fires; runs four men; owner going away; come and see me. '21st and Powell. - PARTNER who can invest $400 to $500 in good paying business and give tils time to' it; weekly wages and part of earnings. Y-637. Journal. - FOR SALE Or will trade for lease on aood hotel or apartment nouse my equity in 19 or 15 acres of good fruit land. 414 Fifth street. Phone A-1622. A FOURTH or controlling Interest In a " first - class-- meat business.' - P-632, Journal. , ' '' . ' ' ; COUN'i RY newspaper for - sale; good . business and location. Write to Box 252. Stavton. Or. - - HARDWARE and feed store; good pay ing business; splendid location. .For Information call Woodlawn 19. - GOOD dental practice for sale in Al country town; cash or terms. L-632, Journal. '. - - - ... GENERAL mdse. store, 10 miles from .-. Portland, on electric line; $100 dally Bales. -0-636, Journal. - GOOD .paying grocery store, cheap rent, long lease; trial given. Sickness cause of selling. 288 N. 20th st. FOR SALE Restaurant and rooming house, new furniture,,. 18 rooms full, cash. East 4045. 654 Delay st. Alblna. WANT about 1000 shares Alameda Con. stock; will pay 25rshare cash. Y-638, Journal. ' ., . , . . WILL buy your moving picture theater if tne price is rignt. x-bss, journal SMALL general merchandise store for - sale cheap. H-638. Journal. . LITIM-.S Cil.WCIia The Superior "Want Adw Telephone Service Of The Journal is unsurpassed. Anybody who' .has telephone : can call up The Journal) Main 7173 AG051 And have a- "Want Ad" printed as ordered. Bills for ads . will be sent to owners of telephones , after publication. ' - Vaui. TVTnmA In -1 V ui 1.1 afiiu TIsReferenc?Ehdug . Your ads will'appear In The Journal the same day if received at the office before H a. m. They will be properly classified, too. uiii;si i iiaxc::i CIGARS and periodicals; corner loea tlon, with lease; clearing oer $-U0 per month; price $l(ii)0. Genl. merchandise store in live rail road town, established 24 years; rent $7 per month; average Kales $40 daily; in voice about $30oi), at reasonable dis count, i NORTON & WALSH, 286 Wasnington St.. Rooms 402-3. MR. MILLMAN, YOl'R J ATTENTION, PLEASE. , ' One of the best planing mills In the country, with about $10,000 contracts on hand, to sell at invoice price; fine location, good' city, good building, cen trally located; best of seasons for sell ing, 'For further information see the . D. -S. CAMERON REALTY CO.. 510 Washington st. Vancouver, Wash. .CONFECTIONERY Best located,-most complete old es tablished business on east side, carry ing a clean line of cigars, tobaccos, sta tionery, -sporting goods, confections, with ice cream prfrlor; a good paying business the year round; will invoice stock r price about $3500. Y-.486. Journal. llll'IffifW ,.5 New, clean stock dry goods, millinery and shoes in best locality on East Side. Stock and fixtures about $2300; will invoice; investigate at once; other in terests ; reason for,', selling. , .Address u-36 .journal. CREAM and lunch -goods store, wiiole- sale' and etall, on good -paying basis Bnd splendidly located, was offered for half interest, almost as much-as now asking for all; best reason for celling. If sold Immediately. $3250; Smith- Wagoner Co., 311-312 Lewis bldg. YOU CAN secure a handsome income for . life from, an investment of only $1000. Mjiny are now drawing monthly a large Incom from money Invested in the same way. Will bear the strictest investiga tion. Personal Interview only. M-a, Journal. ., "- v-.- ' 1 . WANTED At once,', party to take charge and manage other help for the best light manufacturing business In city. Will guarantee $150 per month salary; -experience - not necessary; $700 cash required for- interest- For fur- ther Information call, 693 GHsnn st GENERAL MERCHANDISE for sale or h part trade in live Jown. Banks, mills, factories, churches, No; 1 schools, good country, R. R, and boat transportation. Invoice, about $3000. Cash business. Address K-637, Journal ' - MOVING-PICT URH films, machine: v erythlng for movrng picture business for rent or sale. If you are planning to open a snow we are reaay to assist you. Write for our best offer. Laemmle Film Service, Pantages bldg., Portland. Or. IF you have a moving picture theatr for sale or If you wish to buy or pen one, communicate with a permanent and successful company. Peoples' Amuse ment Co.. 610-615 Rothchild bldg., Port- lano, ur. . '- ' - : II ft. OiiO nroflt in. one year Is what you can make If you have $5000 cash to Invest in a large tract near Vancouver that can be sold in tracts of 10 acres each. N. W. Merrlfleld, 202 W. 8th St., Vancouver, wan. " UOnrAM tlTTHDW TIIWiTUK iuu lull J. XKj a vj a.u 1 1- Kava fine eouiDDed motion picture theatre; will lease with privilege .. of huying. fan buy, wasnington. THE FINEST opportunity in the city for a young man to get Into business. A very small investment required. Room 417. SZH'A vvasnington st. SNAP Confectionery store - for sale ' reason able: H-621, journal. WE HELP yoir buy. advance the money. Grocerv. restaurant, rooming house. hotel, saloon, furniture.. Room 610 Bu- Chanan bldg. ' , - ; ; ,; WE CAN place you in paying business; before, buying - be sure and see ua Kinney A Stain pher. 631-1 1 Lumber Exchange bldg. A-4881. t - HELP WANTED -MALK GOOD men to sell first class Industrial stock. Attractive proposition to buyers and no trouble to sell it. -1 Good thing for several live salesmen; Interurban Investment Co., 208 Henry bldg; WANTED Competent hard, candy nian, or experienced neiper; steaay wora. Alden Candy Co.. 1 2th and Glisan sts, LICENSED dentist: no Others need an. ply; also one with California license. 314 Ablngton bldg., 106 ad st. WANTED First planer . foreman to take charge ' of ' planing mill. X-638, Journal. ' - - WANTED First-class solicitor for cleaning and dye works; good offer to right man. 1 418 Union aVo., north. SITUATION wanted for a boy of 16 durlne vacation.-.. city ; or country F-638. Journal. MEN of ideas with soma inventive ability. Greeley & Mclntyre, patent anorneys. wasnington. U. 1:. - RELIABLE man to manage established real estate., business. Call 212 Allsky CHEF headquarters and heiixtra. nnii. fornla Wine Depot. 285 Yamhill, next to Journal.' ."v'.-.i! '-.. -m WANTED Man presser on ladies' Jack- u. mum d inorougniy experienced. East Portland Dye Works, 148 Grand av. WANTED Men and women to learn four work. Steady employment, good pay., my ist, room 1. , ; , WANTED Bids for pointing new 3 story Wilding; material furnished. Apply a 1 t t . a . . . i- . i - - r,. auin hi., hi ternrwns. WAWTisu Four men with teams to naui one, oianaara wiick & Tile Co., 40 MonawK ning. is i. bnivA i Au uorre aponasnee ecnooi, mt Marquam Diug. Main 1026. upen evenings untu :go. - PARTNER wanted. Apply at Job Mon pay morning. ' mo Maisey. yv ANTt-D 2 guod hostlers, 420 Haw inorne ave. BOY about 14 for light steady work guuu pay. jo jnerry St. A FIRST class Journeyman plumber. Call at 884 Pacific st. - .. HELPER wanted. . Columbia Wir - Iron Works, E Eighth and Market St. BOY wanted. Columbia Wire & Iron vorK8. 1. 8tn ana MarKet the Telephone Directory . ''x;---..,; 1 j R. 1IANSKN CO., 2fi N.'2d St. I'tiones Main 1526. A-l 52H. OI'KN ALL DAY SUM'AY. Leading office for Kail road. Hotel and Restaurant worK. Est. 1876. .' Offices at: Spokane .4-2-4 Front ave. Sacramento .' .920 2d st San Francisco ....87-89 .4th at Los Angeles. ..... 136 S. Los Angeles st. j Laborers. Teamsters, Kockmen, Tun - nelmen, $2.50 up. Free fare, no of rice fee to Klamath Falls. We ship also Eugene, Natron, Deschutes and otner points. , Good water, good wages, good board, good outfit and good job when you get - there. ( KEK r A KrJ ON ALL RAILROAD WORK . WOODS AND MILLS. Second faller. $2.75. . 6 river drivers. $3.50 per day and board. . - , Yardmen. $3.2'5. $2 50. 4 men on sorting .table,. $2.60.' . Woodhucks, $2.50. Woodcutters, $156 per rord. SKILLED AND MECHANICAL. 2. sausage makers. 30o pet hour. 1 sausage cook, 30c per hour. . 7 meat cutters. 30o,oer hour. 1 sausage stuffer. 30c peV hour. ( steam" nammerman, j, irce ,, FARMS Farmhands. $20 to $40 per month and found. . ; . '- .' -- . - . . Men to Clear land ana cut woou, guuu aKe;L': -i'."'-:::2 , Dishwashers and kitchen work, $9 up. Man and wife, cook in cltv. $70. Shoft order cook, city, $15. Fry cook,$75.' - f ' . Young bov, help. Janitor. $30. found. Cook, hotel, $75. board and room. B " CITY. y Teamsters, $Z.60, sand 'wagon. All kinds of laborers.- - $2.60, . $2.75. TnBira and laborers, near ,- city. railroad work, no blankets needed, $2.60 up. raromen in muis, up. Young man drive baker wagon, $10 week, board and room. - ; New Jobs coming in all tns time, a Job free' to. any able bodied man who Is broke. ,-' ''(':. T have, an e. x cent tonal -ooenln for three high class, neat appearing sales men to represent tho H KIM BACH IDEA. "A new nuit for every week." I dress MKN- men who want to-appear on tho streets always dressed ; RIGHT right n style and nt. rtgnt.w worKmansuip. right-In fabrlor- I put them In posses sion of 2, or 4 suits IMMEDIATELY or as required.. I keep their entire wardrobe always ' thoroughly cleaned and neatly pressed without charge. . t provide convenient down town dressing rooms where gentlemen can change at leisure. I have devised a scale of prices which divides the cost Into 12 pay ments conveniently arranged from $8.76 to $15:00 monthly. . LIBKRAli CON TRACT TO REFRKSKNTATIVKS. NATIONAL TAILORING CO., ... 291 Stark St .. I , . 1, Independent or Non-Union , MACHINISTS Steady Work, Good Wages - 9 Hours' . Apply United, Metal-Trades Association " ' ,222 Commercial Club Bldg. $3000 to $10,000 yearly easily made In real estate business: no capital re quired; we will teach you the business by mail, appoint you special representa tive ot leading real estate company, jwt with you readily salable properties, co operate with and assist you to a per manent success; a tnorougn commer cial law course free to each representa tive. Write for 62 cairs book, free: It will be sure to Interest you. The Cross two., nept. azs, vnicago, 1 GET a better place. Uncle Bam Is best employer; pay is hth and sure; hours short: Diaces permanent: . promotions regular; ' vacations with pay; thousands of vacancies every month; all kinds of pieasant worn evurywnere; no layons, no pull needed; common education aut iicicnt: find out how you can have a position guaranteed you by .asking to- oay ior u ... 11 is iree. cart op- ains. . wasnington. u. - 1 '-. WANTED Able bodied men for the U. B. Marine Corns, between , the ages of 19 and 35. MustJ.be native-born or have first papers. Monthly pay $15 to $69. Additional compensation possible. Food,, clothing. Quarters and medical at tendance-free. , After SO years' service can ynire wltn -76 per cent of pay and allowances. Service on board ship and asnore m an parts or tne world. Ap piy at Breencn mog,. Fortiana. or. WANTED Two young ' - men, botwien ages or is ana zz years,-tnose wno have had a college or technical school tralninar oreferred. This is an excep tional opportunity for bright eneraetlo men to learn a branch of the work of a large public service corporation. Reply in own handwriting, giving age and present employment. - i-bob, journal. MEN WANTED for firemen and brake men on nearby railroads; age 18 to 3d."' Hixpenonce unnecessary; no strike: nermunent employment. . Firemen $100 monthly; brakemen $75; promotion to engineers, ; conauctors; men Bent to positions montmy.' state age, send stamp. Railway association, Care Jour nal. - : -:' - ' - v- - ; ' " .,- ' Y. M. C. A. The fflend ot the, young ' man and stranger; hearty welcome and- good counsel are yours, without cost; constant call for men who can do something well; special employment momoersnip assures employment; alter you have seen the other fellow, see us before you Invest money.. WANTEDImmediately, a , reliable, trustworthy. ambitious , salesman; must be genuine .hustler 'with about $500 capital to-Join in a business propo sition which will net from $5000 to $10,000 profit during hext six months; references glvn and required;- no trlflers. Apply M-631. Journal. - . ' - WANTED At - once. . experienced sales men for men's furnishing department also strong boy, over Id,, as assistant Janitor. Roberta Bros., 3d and Morrison. V- 10,000 positions t ; . For graduates Inst year; ren and wo men learn barber trace in $ weeks; help to secure positions; graduatea earn $$ to 26 weekly; expert instructor; tools free; write for catalog. Moler 8ytem of Colleges. 35 N. 4th St.. Portland. WANTED Man, at L03 Angeles; no ex pense to learn trade of electricity, automobiles, plumbing, bricklaying by actual work on contract Jobs. Only few months required; 200 students last year; catalogue free. United Trade 1 School Con t rftctlrrg Co.. 1,0a Angeles, MECHANICAL engineer, much exper-1-ence. factory superintendent and Im proving machinery and methods of do ing work,. Inventor, designer, draftsman, wants to engage with reliable company in some of the above capacities. .Refer ences. M-83". journal. YOUNG- . man for good paying busl- : ness;. stnaii amount or money- re quired. Call Monday morning. Room 2. ' 142H -2d st. ' - .'". .-. i SALESMAN side Hue; or exclusive; ad vertising novelties; liberal commis sions; samples' free. , Andrew Paysen, Clinton, la, - $25 WEEKLY and expenses to trust , - worthy people-to travel and distribute samples for big wholesale house.. C. H. Emery. B.47, Chicago. - - ; f5 PER MONTH Telegraphy taught In nuiioilrtiil 4rt vi-- ta r. T"a ' an1 ' Atianltiw Pftcr inn . Mum mi 1 v WANTED First class meat - cutter: wunted a helper for shush go room, at Jones' market, 15Wth sf. Call Monday morning. - " 1 - -, - ' -; , 1 A FINE opportunity for a young man to get into - the- automobile business. M. 5381. room 417, 326H Washington tt. BARBER wanted; steady Jol. S WELllBIEl ' SALESMEN.. ; 26 1st. WAfJTI 'D faicsninn; many mako J 1 09 to tlbO per moijtii; s.mie even more; stoc!; clean, crown on reservation, far from old orchards, cash advance week ly; choice of lerrlrory. -Address Wasn ingtor Nurserv Co.. Vo-pnen'sh. Wssh. WANTED Man; must be. willing to learn and 'capable of acting as our representative; no canvassing or solicit-" Inir: eoocl fneom asnhi-.1- A.lnroun Kr-' tioiiHl Cooperative Realty Co., POD Mar den hldg., Washington. D. C, ANYBODY can add IS to $:tO weekly to their income growing mushrooms in cellars, sheds, boxes, etc.; hist market, i Free booklet. Hiram Barton, West 4Xth s t. ., New Yor k; - U N KX i'RRl ENOKD man; steady )iom work embossing postals; $i5;- no. scheme; no canvassing.- Stamp' for samples.' Coilimercial . Art Company, iinv 1 oi k. , . . - - - I WANT to start you silvering mirrors at home in snare time; anyone can easily make 4 daily. Fvcru booklet and samplet. G. F. Redmond. .261 Waln- wrlght hldg., Boston, Muss. WANTED RailwayVniall clerks, city - carriers-clerks, Portland, examinations announced July "16. Preparation frea, Franklin Institute. Dept. 270 P. Roches ter, iv - 1 .- .1 -. --.., : SALESMEN can easily make. $10 a day, selling our gold window letters, nov elty signs and changeable signs; cata logue free. Sullivan. Co:, 405 W,- Van' Btiren st., Chicago, 111. '.' WANTED Salesmen in every locality in the - northwest: money adanrei1 weekly; many make ove'r $100 monthly; choice of. territory. Vaklnui Valley, Nursery f!o..Tonpenlsh, Wash. ' - CAPABLE salesinan' to cover Oregon witn staple nne. . nign commissions, with $100 monthly advance.. Permanent position to. right man. Jess H. Smith Co.. Detroit. Mich. ' International Correspondence iScnoola. .. , Y. II. V. REED, $0$ McKay Bldg. Marshall S9T. ' Office open Wed, and Bat., nights. - THE FINEST opportunity in the city for a young man to get Into business. A very small Investment required. Room 417,' 32H Washington st. , WANTED Men to buy $3 sample straw hats now at $1.50,, Low rent in base ment is the reason. Hats cleaned and rcblocked 50o. The Hnttery, $15 Alder. $100 MONTHLY and expenaes to travel and distribute samplefor big' mami faeturer, steady work. 8, . Sheffer, treasurer. til, unicago. MAKE money without labor. You. can learn f to operate-motion pictures , in 10 days. Operators earn $35 weekly. Moving Picture Co. 52m Washington. WANTED First class drug clerk at Seaside, , .Twenty dollars ner week. Giva references In writing. Iewls & Co., Seaside, Or. " - GOOD liva agents wanted with red O'ooo tn tneir veins to sen real e t ate; good commission paid; best selling property in the west. H-3I, Journal. WANTED Young man as counter and .wrapper in riat worn department; per manent -position. -American Laundry, 12th and Flanders. - r A COMPETENT cleaner ' and. presser. state aae. exnerlence and wares, in cluding, board and room.. - Address .Geo. tsloper, RoBPPurg, or. ; - SOLICITORS wanted in Portland and nearby towns: good commission; only ustlers wanted. , Northwest Rug .Co., 53 Union' ave. ... $80 MONTHLY and expenses to men to post signs and distribute samples rot wholesale house, steady work. ,11. Mon roe, president, R 67. Chicago. I MADE $50,000 In five years with n small mall order business; .began with $5. : Bond for free booklet - Tells how. HeacocK. 57i, 1Oenport, n. y. HELP WANTEDMALE AJfD ' . -FEMALE " - " WANTED. ' . $ shirt operators. . , . " 3 mangle operators. " ' ' . 1 2 markers. : ... 2 sorters, ' .- 1 4 hand lroners. ' . . . . ' Y.ile -Ijaundrv.-F. 10th and MorHM'n. FAMILY wanted to move Into boarding house and boar- crew of men; rent free. Call at office of Lake River Boem Co., Fellda Wash., six miles from Van- couver on Nortnern pacing railway. WANfEDr-Man and wife to lease or run on shares a good ranch. Team and all tools furnished. German pre ferred. S miles from town.. 76 acres in cultivation. Q-637, Journal. EMPLOYMKNT AGENCIES i. 83 : C. R, HANSEN & CO,. GENERAL EMPLOYMENT AOENCIES. Main office, 2$, N. 2d at, Portland. Ladlef' department, Tth and Wash, ate upstairs, Portland, ' 4t4 Front .. Bpokana. " ' $7-89 4th st, Ban Franclaea v Established I $7$. - - " " HANLEY & TRAVER8 EMPLOYMENT' CO.. headouartera for R. R. work. I$H N. 2d at WANTED AGENTS AGENTS to aell the wonderful Triplex Bag. (four, bags . in one) and other high grade patented articles. . Write at once for terms and catalogue of big gest sellers on the . market - Diamond Bros.. 35 West tlst st New York City. AGENTS for "Roosevelt African Hunt" making $5 a day. Exciting. Every body wants . it. Royal receptions, grand home welcome and strenuous ca reer. Wri te quickly. Educational C04 Dept. A. Chicago. ' . . . LWANTED AgentB who an aell one of the best household novelties; elderly men and women preferred: exclusive territory and light work, but good pay. yan at sis &. vag street, rortiano. GOOD pay, cash weekly $10 earned. spare time, checking, copying form letters, attending advertising - material for-nch locality. - Pandora Mfif, Co., LoniUrs-Ont. '-' "' "v; FREE SAMPLES Agents only; faucet strainer, splash preventer; - send . 2c stamp (mailing -cost); $5 profit dally and upward; let Us prove it Ft N. See4 Filter Co., N. Y. - -.- ; : WANTED Agents, ' legitimate substi--tute for slot machines; patented; sells on sight for $1,00., Bttrticulars, Gisha Company;- Anderson,' Xnd. ' AGENTB wanted to aid ua supply ,'tha demand for choice nursery stock; out- ; fit free; cash weekly. Address Capital City Nursery Company, Salem. Or. -"NO DUST" Swee'plng Compound for Tugs and carpets. Removed tO;52$ Washington st. Main 1264. A-1483. . HELP WANTED FEiMALE 3 WANTED A girl for general house. work; two in family; easy place. 1041 . Union ave., north. . Phone Woodlawn 1840; -C-258R. ,-.,.'''', WANTED Ticket to. middle eastern '- c.Uy middle aged woman. ' A-1215. T-63. Journal. -4 : .',' YOUNG ghi to weave hair; also apprentice;- good chance for advancement. . 428 E. 9th 8. I LACE curtains washed and .stretched, 40o a pair. Called for and delivered. Main 39H5. WEAV ERS and general : textile . "ni I ll help., Multnomah Mohair Mills, Sell wood. '."''' AMERxwAN woman wishes situation us - housekeeper or cook for men;- neat good cook. P-638. Journal. ... ' YOUNG woman - .aa working ... liouse- keeper; -with no encumbrances. 3014 Hawthorne ave. " : . 5: . GIRL, or elderly ; woman to assist " In caro' for children; no -cooking; good home. 649 3d st. .-- FIVE ladles between 20 and 35 years for shooting galerles, married pre-. ferred, good wages. Aiplv 250 1st si ' -GIRL to assist with ofice work, and . wait on . counter. Alblna Creamery Co., 259 Russell St. ' WANTED Experienced hocolato il lo ner, steady work. Alden Candv. Co.. 12th and Glisan sts. : . 1 " VANTED Nurse girl (Swedish pre ferred Apply 680 2d st room 7. - $20 Good girl ' for general housework! 213 E. 30th st. Tabor' 178. WANTED Girl for general housework, ati( Grand ave. N.p-orv Multnomah. YhVN girls wnnlcfi, I steady work' Orel Paper Box Factory, 93 Front si.