1 V, 1113. j U 1 i.4 !n no mora Ur!:...btful r-iaoe In in which to enjoy your meals. Sunday liif-hes. . ' rf . There the city TONIGHT'S AUUSKUENTS Baker "My Wife" Orpheum Vaudeville Grand .,...........,.,.... Vaudeville I-'antages , Vaudevllla I.yrio "In Gay Paree" Ptar -Moving Pictures The Oaks Libera tfs Band Men of Kote to Speak. The North west General Conference of the Young Women's Christian association, which will ba held at "The Breakers," Long Beach, Wash.,-koffers a program of In terest to those interested in association work or in Bible study and misision study classes. Rev. professor 'William J. Hutchlns ot Obtrlln- Theological seminary,, will toe among the speakers. In addition to lectures he. will give, a Bible study course, "Studies In the Earlier Prophets." Professor Norrnan K Coleman ot Whitman college. Walla . Walla, Wash., . will give a course on "The King and Mis Kingdom." Normal classes in home and , foreign mission etudy will be conducted by Miss Carrie Barge and Miss Helen Blhelduffer. Discussions of city and student asso ciation work will be led by workers of experience. Afternoons will be yre- Served for recreation. Members of the Portland t. W. C. vA;: are urged to be present. ; Register Immediately with Miss Delta , Watson, ''The Breakers," Long Beach, Wash. '' " - lecture on rinances Colonel W. H. Jh'Uoldrick. ot the United - States As aoclntlon of Mediators, will 'lecture to night at Allsky hall on "Financial Pi rates of America and "Ruin of Wall Street to Our Country." He Is said to have made a Ufa study of frenzied finance and stock gambling, lecture on Crematlon.--Dr. Davidson Buchanan will give a lecture at Selling Hirsch hall tonight on "Cremation and Urn Burial." with a description of the Portland Crematorium and a general discussion of this method of disposing of the dead. The public Is Invited. Bandar Boats to Oregon City. A most delightful short river ride. Take your friends for a water trip that will please. Boat leaves Taylor street dock a. m., 12 m., S p. m.; leaves Oregon City 10:30 a. m., 1:30 and- p. m. . Ticket good on O. V. P. cars. Cre swell has born made a flag" sta tion for No. 13, that passes through about 6:30 a. m. This will be a great convenience for commercial men' making Creswelf. Vacation season for the. boys is on. Don't make the mistake of thinking they have quit their Jobs.- They have not. Some have gone to the mountains; some to the seaside resorts and some are making flying trips to our neighbor ing cities, , Sebtt oa Prohibition. The date of 1 the prohibition debate betwett Dr. Clar- ence True Wilson, of the Centenary M. ,! E. church, and Colonel E. Hofer-of4 Salem, has been set for.next Tuesday ventng ln the Hawthorne Park taber nacle The debate will begin promptly at 8 o'clock and Will last about two hours.- A larga attendance of adherents of both sides of the question is expected. The question will read; "Resolved, That prohibition would be a detriment to the ' - state of Oregon.". Colonel Hof er, sup porting the liquor Interests, will take the affirmative and wilLmake the open, lng and closing arguments of a half hour each, Dr. Wilson making the one 1 hour argument. It la expected that of- fleers of the Wholesale Liquor Dealers' association will be seated on the plat form. " 8L50) a Month allows one suit sponged and' pressed. Called for and1 delivered each week. By taking care of your clothes they will last twice as Jorg. By mentioning this ad, we will give you the first month free. Unique Tailoring Co 309 Stark street Main 614, A-4314. V-',; -.- ' , X'- W Bell hali mattresses retail at wholesale prices. Torfl pound beds from $7.60, and up. We renovate mattresses and return them the same day. Port land Curled Hair Factory, H. Metsger, proprietor, 228-225 Front street Main 474, A-1374, Directors Meeting Directors of the Northwestern Oregon Forest Fire asso ciation, embracing Columbia, Clatsop, Washington and Tillamook counties, all known as District No. 1, met at the or lice of the Western Timber company ' yesterday for the purpose of electing officers and making plans for a more efficient fire protection. The following directors were present, ' G. W.:Kelger, J Minot Davis, John Pearson, J. K. Gamble and Peter B. Brumer. Mr. Brumby was elected president, Mr. Gamble vice pres ident and Mr. Davis secretary treasurer. 1 The association plans to secure cooper ation among, all the timber owners who , . have holdings within the territory em braced By the association. , Cntrrles for Exhibit The Chamber of Commerce received a box of remarkably fine cherries yesterday from J. A. west- erlund of Med ford to be entered in the chamber's permanent exhibit in the Com' merclal Club building. Medford, with other famous fruit growing districts In the state, will have a large display In the exhibit room, arrangements' fo,r this havlnar been made a few weeks ago. .An expert is now employed by the Chamber preserving the, samples by a secret method. , . , . ... . Conversation X.lraitL Alleging- she lived with her husband for seven, years while he rarely spoke to her and almost Ignored her presence, Mrs. Sue M. Brad- nack has begun euit for divorce from George Bradnack' in the circuit court, filing an amended complaint yes terday. They, were married in Bruns wick. Go., In 1892, and Bradnack grew clamlike in 1900, It is alleged, while they were living in Mlddleton, N. Y. The defendant Is charged with deserting -bis wife In 1907. - ( ' Twentjr.flTt Acres Fruit Land, 10 miles from Vancouver, for sale. Good house and barn, 300 fruit trees, all bearing, If taken at once will sell for ISOOrt. Terms. Addre'ss A. W. Bartlett, 804 Vil la avenue, Montavins, or. ' nuvllla, ( ralfclngto Oregon ft Washington Local Begin ning today, June 19.- the Oregon & Washington railroad will change Its time of leaving Portland for Puget sound points irom a a. m. to 8:30 a. m. N To Bala The beautiful plants and floral decorations used In the vasc on Sixth street during the Rose Festival Apply Alfred Burkhardt, Twenty-third and Ulisan, , . , Old Jewelry Wasted Will exchange new watches, diamonds and Jewelry for old Jewelry. Uncle Myers, Collateral Bank, 71 Sth, between Oak and Pine. Steamer Jessie Marktas. for Tamaa Wathougal and -way landings, dally ex Cept Sunday. Leave Washington street docs at j p. in. X Have Beea Transferred and must sell by new Irvington home; will sell at cost If sold by the Z4th of this month. Phone C-1471. . , BhrlnWa irotloa Genuine Al Kader buttons and charms at Jaeger Bros., 266 Morrison street, bet, Third and Fourth Grammar Graduates! Get A high grade dictionary free.' Call on Behnke Walker, the leading business college. ' Tottng lady Xlgh School Graduates. wo have a number of positions we can orrer you. , Olds, .Wortman & King. Plenty of money to loan mortgage, Columbia Trust Board of Trade building.. on first Company, Good Paying- Drug Btore for Bale- Trade for real estate, or cash. Inquire iue-.uavi8 vtag cat a L w w.j' W ji, lPAYiLINQ is l'U. Jack Holmes of Armour & Co.,' has resigned his position to be the Qregon representative of the San Franolaco firm of Tillman, & Bendal. Floyd Hays, buyer for the Curtis Lumber company,, at Mill City, spent a part of the week with his wife and young aon In the city. .. . , . , .. ,. .-V . Max Wise, 'a former traveling man but. who has, been in business In Glen- dale for the past two years, takes to the grip, again July 1st. He will retain his Interest In the Glendale business, however, bis brother managing It. sVi.VvC. .if .; Vs'.w. ':.......',. .;', ",.'"( G.' N. W. Wilson called at headquar ters to put In a claim for Indemnity, having sustained an injury to his wrist in an altercation with the umpire of a ball game, : which Mr, Wilson attended while out on a trip. The delegates to the National conven tloa left for Chattanooga a week ago Wednesday evening, well equipped to se cure the convention for Portland In 1911. ,J r James B. Freeley, formerly of Post B.. Nebraska division, has Just transferred his membership to . the Oregon and Washington division. A. C. Stubllng, met with an accident last week and has notified the national office, requesting that claim blanks be forwarded. e Among the members visiting at the office Of the secretary during the week were: Carl Wetther, Stanhope Pier, R, L. Adams. W. D. Mcintosh, G. N. W, Wilson, J, M. Dunn, E. L. Lowell and W. B. Cole, , , t .- ( i - j. . I ' ' - We note that Master Fish Warden H. C. McAllister has tendered his reslgna tton to Governor Benson, - Since Mr. Mc Allister is an enthusiastic member of our association, we naturally hope that he has something else in view which will Increase his usefulness as well as be more remunerative. - . M. L. Mourfield, western manager of the National Pickle & Canning company, Dodson-Braun branch, la spending a few days In the city and will. make his head quarters at Saa Francisco hereafter. . Roy Carruthers of San Francisco, met with an. accident while at Weiser, Idaho, on a trip. . He notified the secretary to that effect, requesting: that claim blanks be forwarded him. .' ; ,V , i e The farmers throughout the valley feel Jubilant over the rains of the past week which will add thousands of dol lars to their Income . through Increaf In the crops of hay and grain, Tho rains have' also blessed the farmers of P. E. Beach ft 9a the Pioneer Paint company, 135 First atreet Phones M. 1314, A-1314. . ' : Pot Bent Quick First-class location near Third and Alder. , Cheap rent Fine front Address S-635, Journal. Diamonds Gems of the first water only. C. Chrlstensen, 2d floor, Corbett bldg. Take elevator. . ' Bwiss" Watol? Bepalrlng C:, Chrlsten sen, 2d fir. Corbett bldg. Take elevator. W. A. Wise and associates. Oregon City Bervloe On and after thlaflate Oregon City tralna will leave v.mmt Water and Morrison streets every SO minutes from 6:30 a. m. to and in, ntit,- Tblr and Washington. eluding last train at iz midnignt;. leave Oregon City se. :2 a. m., tnen every 80 minutes to and Including 10 p. m.; -last train 11 p. m. Portland Railway, Light 4 Power company, - - painless The Seal of Approval Is 'given the garments we make. There Is more than fashion In them; there Is style as well. The man of taste wants something dis tinctive and yet correct Remember we make the best 325 suit in the city,, Let us prove It Unique Tailoring Co., 309 Stark street, between Fifth and Sixth. Pile Articles. J. H. Hutchinson, S. M. 'Mann and Leroy Lomax have filed articles of Incorporation of the 8tate Investment company; capital atock, $50,000. Supplementary articles have been filed by the Hess-Menzie Auto company, changing its name to the Mensiea-Dubola Auto company. t' - By Bequest Rev; Dr. Benjamin Young will deliver a free illustrated stereop tlcon lecture on Yellowstone National Park at the Taylor Street Methodist Episcopal church, Wednesday, June 22. Lecture will begin promptly at 8 p. m. The public is cordially Invited. , Special Musloal Program Webber'a ' orchestra will entertain guests of the Standard Cafeteria hear Fifth and Oak, from 6 to 8 p. m., today. You should visit the - Standard and test Us ex- WEDDING" GIFTS Q- That come from : our store carry a certain distinction all i their own. The recipi ent estimates the gift as of niore value when, thoroughly selected. In no other line of merchand i s i n g must the business integrity of the firm be considered as cart fully as the jewelry business, for much must be taken on faith. Anybody can sell an article once, but it's the come-backs that! have built up our prosperous, business. nEITKEMPER'S 288 MORRISON STREET ladlea Phone Main 1J 64, A-1488 for "No Dust" sweeping compound. Jaek Blag's Turkish Baths. : Largest In city. Imperial Hotel Annex. - - Bine cover. at Richard's Sunday, 4 to 8:30 p. m. tl per Dr. Edgar K. Browu, rectal diseases; 822-823 Corbett building. - Sleotrlo Cleaners rented. Main 1233, "Where to Dine. Special Sunday chicken dinner with Ice cream or strawberry shortcake, 80c. Imperial chop suey and noodles.. Open day and night Fine apartments for private parties. Kantong Cafe, 452 Washington st, between ISth and 13th streets, . - , t Same dinner will also be served at Royal Canton Grill, 852-354 Alder atreet. corner Park. X apeclal SOo chicken dinner today. Ball's restaurant, 330 Washington at ' Chicken dinner at Peerless Cafeteria, 104 Fifth street - Journal Want Ads. bring results. SUMMER RESORTS.- Hotel Saltait Opened for the season. Buy your tick ets to Saltalr station. North Beach, Wash. - Best of Aooonmodatlons at Seasonable ' Bates. Your New House BBEDB XXiZCTBJCAXi PZZTTBEB. ITTinOEtT -X-O I --i nstr-rn Oregon as well as the more for tunate ones of the vnllpv. i The second quarterly meeting of the Oreson and Washington division will tie postponed fromJune 25th to July 2nd to naine our delegates to the National con ention U--make their report at this meeting. The change of date is nec essary for the reason that the delegates wll not have returned to Portland by June 25th. At the close of the conven tion Mr. Glafke plans on" going to Phil adelphia; Mr. Adamg-to Boston: 'Mr. McUanlel to New Orleans and Mr. Ring ler to Chicago and Mllwaukle. We hope, however, that at least two of them will have returned by July 2nd. A general good time Is always enjoyed at our quar terly meetings; cigars, muBlc and speak ing will be indulged in, as well as lis tening to the report of our delegates of the proceedings of the National conven tion, which closed at Chattanooga yes terday. It is to be hODed that a larta number of our members will make It a point to be present on this occasion, j. KOCH WILL BE GUEST OF PORTLAND YEOME'i ESTRADA DISTRUSTFUL Or AMERICAN ALLIES Blueflelda. "June 18. A acnr ht American soldiers of fortune, includm Victor Gordon and his. corns of men. brought from New Orleans, were shipped to Colon today as the result of General Estrada's proclamation barring uncesirabie- cnaracters" , f ronv Nica ragua. .. .y; ' Estrada's men admitted that the Amerlcans'bad rendered excellent fight ing service to the revolutionists, but they expressed the fear that the Ameri cans would sell out "to Madrls. Only Americans favoring Estrada will be al lowed'' to remain. is prehident of the Iowa Fraternal Con gress, a member of several fraternal societies and a thirty-second degree Mason. 4 While in Tortland Mr. Koch will make several addresses before the Yeo men. V JoumalWant Ads. bring results. ' ... I . v i Th Soo-J () -K I. . -IV: : ! . Luxe via the Crow s i ! affords a trip of inn:-;'!.! 1 . hiuiilsvme!y p-iiiin-p-tl ? :U solid train of l;bnry c.v r servation cars. ntanl;ird a: sleeping cars and dining err. of service. The gold output of Alaska since 1889. when placer mining began, Is In excess of $161,000,000, according to geological survey rigurea. . WiUiam Koch William Koch, grand foreman of the Brotherhood of. American Yeomen,, will be. Jhe guest ' of the two ; Portland branches of the organization ' in July. He will arrive July 7, and, during his stay a dinner), at which the' two lodges will ' be hosts, will be given for him. Other forms of entertainment will be arranged. .;'.'v.4.?.?-i-. .;vt,':i-.;Vi Under-the management of Mr. Koch, the Brotherhood of American Yeomen, which was organized In 1897, added more than 100,000 members to Its "rolls during the last four years. - He is widely known as a "fraternal! st." He 1 4 ii Reasonable estimate flven gladly. Morrison Electric Co. 8. C. JAGGER. 891 B. Morrison. J. E. MAXON. Both Phones. BLOTTERS! Wemakethera. The kind that are out of the ordinarythe business bringing kind. Send or call for samples. Catalogs and Booklets neatly printed. Main 2382. INDEPENDENT PRINTING CO.. 243Ash St D A-TTfCMT All LLIM muted States Defended and Bold. PAOZTIO COAST PATBITT AOIBOT, Ine- Stooktoa. Cat and Poreira Procured. Portland Marble Works - BstaMisaed X883 ": - Wt carry tbs largest and best stock on the coast Call and get our prices be fore purchasing elsewhere. 864 and 868 Pourth 8t Opposite City HalL Kaln 8B84A-151S TOnic For the Outing Girl It Is Incomparable The auto girl, the .bathing girl, the tennis girl and all girls who are exposed to the sun's rays will find American Beauty Com plexion Tonic the ideal preparation to pre- . ' serc and beautify the complexion--its soothing and heal ing qualities are unequaled. This wonderful preparation immediately cleanses the pores; it clears the complexion of all disfiguring blem ishes, such as pimples, blackheads, sallowness, roughness of skin, and gives it the freshness and glow of youtKi. cHAEGER JewelersOpticians -The Large Stor 266 Morrison, Bet 3rd and 4th Mew TMes 2 s HIW BrXTXaWAXC The Very latest -eastern Ideas, Just received, lew Lemon Bets, Sherbet Bets, Pierced Ware, Tea, Coffee and Choco late Sets in Sterling, Sheffield and plated ware; : 8SBTZBO TKATS iArpe and small. In Mahogany, Eibony (natural or finished). Sterling, Sheffield or plated some ail wood, some witu handiest some butler, some plain round or ovaL -The largest line, on :..the coast -..-v.-.y.;;-.-''. 'irr ,.;..' ,.-:..''' .;' -:',. '.;' '. v.' KBT7X8. rOBKS, SPOONS, XTC. About fifteen of the swellest . patterns you ever looked at, to choose from. You can't help buying when you see them. We never sold ao much of thin goods in our lives as we are this month. Everybody says ours is the finest - selection ever shown here. CUT GLASS Our $5.00 t-lnch Berry Bowl is the equal of any thing else sold in Portland at $10.00. We bought so many of them, the factory made us not only an exceptionally low price, but gave us, as well. IBB EXCLUSIVE SALE that's why they're not common. Pon't ! forget, if you spend $10 for a bowl elsewhere you are throwing away ; lust $5.00. Water Pitchers. Bottles and Tumblers. Colonial and regu-: lar cuttings, in Vases, Nappies, Decanters, etc. . We're satisfied witit a reasonable profit and a pleased customer. '' CLOCKS OP STEBT BBSCBJPTZOB Our assortment of one and eight-day timepieces is immense. Everything you can -think of, . from , small to large. We show them in gold, silver, gunmetal, leather, b roti if, brass, glass, iron, onyx, mahogany, oak, walnut, etc. Our prices keep them going. No shopworn or out-of-date, chestnuts to .work off here. The woman who values her complexion cannot afford to be without this indispensable toilet preparations-it is' the purest and best tn the market. ,,.... ..... ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR : LARGE 50-CENT BOTTLE $3 SAMPLE HAT $1.50 i Clean ed, BlockedSoc Low Rent n Buenmt Ruaoa. CnmnltLin nf Millinflrv. Aim s- HATS Rmorf,l.,I rHJM!-3DrtB 31S ALI;i5I..CO.l. Let All Persons Take Care of Their Teeth Better health will h their rewnrfl Tf vnnp th rm n.-iti.4 attended to at our office by DB, WTTSB, or one of our expert Workmen who We KNOW what to do and now to do It. That's why all our wnrlr la r.ni tlvely PAINLESS. That s also why all of our work Is GUARANTEED to give lasting satisfaction. Popular prices that are within the reach of everyone are .uiiifti ecu. - ' - ... -;.,.'.....,., . ... , Coupled with our Incomparably low prices for dentistry of guaranteed rella- nuuy la tne ract that we do not expect thesay until the work Is satisfactory to VOU. ' ' -' ' A SET OF TEETH THAT WILL BH A CREDIT TO OUR OFFICE, DOUBLE SUCTION, PATENT AIR CHAMBER, NON-BRKAKABLE PLATES, NATURAL COLOt. PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. A FULL BUT $8.00. V TUB QUALITY OP OUB WOBK 28 OUS BEST ZBDOBSXBQBBT b flnsiAlail. ot Poroerala Bridge- This la without doubt the most beautiful and lasting work known to dental science. Spaces where one or more teeth have been lost w re place to look so natural that detection Is impos sible. Ask to see Mm-pWe-f thta hfTitlful work . i-All dentists here are graduates of from It to 20 years', experience, US Fifth St., ofTposlte Meier; & Frank's Fifth Street Entrance. Honrs, 8.-30 to 6i00 Sundays, 8:30 to 8:00. Lady Assistants Always la Attendance To Real Estate Salesmen No. 6 ' A CERTIFICATE OF TITLE protects' the seller as well as the buyer because he enjoys complete safety in the execution of i warranty itti.-2v-rri - - "'XlZ'.lJ.l:.ZX, The guarantee 'written into his" CERTIFICATE shifts. finan cial responsibility from him directly upon tjje issuing cbmpany. - Each CERTIFICATE OF TITLE is secured snd protected by all the assets of the company, amounting to, more thari s quarter of a million dollars, including a special deposit of $50,000 in the hands of the Treasurer of the State of Oregon. . REDUCED IHASES -i " II. 'I I I mn Him in i I I . I ' I. """ 111 Ul" $ 4 i r f 1 u We Can Save You Phoney FULL SET, THAT FIT: . $5.00 GOLD CROWNS, 22k... ?3.50 BRIDGE TEETH, 22k. . .... .... . . . . . . . . . .$3.50 GOLD FILLINGS i" , . ; ... t.X., . . ; . . i . $1.00 SILVER FILLINGS .... ..... . ... , ; ... .... ..50 Call and have Us give your teeth . a free examination, and get our estimate on your dental work. If you are nervous or have heart trouble, the Electro Painless System will do the work when others fail. AH work warranted for ten years. Electro Painless Dentists E. Q. AUSPLUND, D. D. Manager 20214 WASHINGTON STREET, CORNER; FIFTH Bank References. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS Lady Attendant TITLE AND TRUST CO. ' Paid-Up Capital, $250,000 N. E. Corner Fourth and Oak Sts,, Leyis Bldg. Finings in Gold. Sliver, v laiinum ana ; rorc lain .. .504 tt 81 ; Gold Crowns and Brldgi : work.. S3. S4 and $ i v: Pacific IronWdrks IJ !i ChronicandNervousDi Ji A;- A n 1 1 1 i t i Tl DU I Corner Fifth and Washing--ton, Across From Per kins Hotel. seases .v. O. E. HEINTZ, MANAGER - v , 1 CASTINGS OF ALL KINDS STLLL BUILDINGS AND BRIDGES lxl to 1frST0'CK-T3 to 24-inch Beams, 3 to 15-inch Gha 8x8-inch Angles, all sizes Unequal igek EAST END BURNSIDE ST. BRIDGE, PORTLAND, OR. i My specialty is chronic diseases, and I cure them because I have the appliances and tools necessary to do the work. My office is equipped with the' latest ap paratus for the production and use of vibration, light energy, including radiant heat,' blue, violet and ultra-viet rays, and X-rays, and of electricity in its' vari ous forms. Each individual patient is given a thorough examination, and when the diagnosis is made, the modality suit ed to his case is selected and intelligent ly applied. My patients are all happy- because they are getting well. If you are tired Of taking drugs, come and be cured by natural forces which build up the vitality and strengthen every tissue of the body; V ' , - NERVOUS DISEASESAt last an electro-magnetic apparatus has . been perfected which gives a current so fine and so well adapted to the needs of the organism that it is retained in the system, where it builds up the vitality, purifies the blood and actually cures the severest forms of nervous diseases, such as chorea, epilepsy and :' paralysis. Bright's disease, asthma and tuberculosis also yield to it. NERVOUS DEBILITY AND PROSTATIC TROUBLES Tlie only effre for disease? of the prostate and nervous debility, Dirrct application of the life-giving principle Electricity, W. 1. nUYVAKU, ifi. 304-6 ROTHCHILD BLDG., COR. FOURTH AND VASHi:.' Office "Hours a. m. to 12 m.j 2 to 4:30 p. m,; ? to P Sundays-.by Appointment