The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 18, 1910, Page 1, Image 1

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Sunday Journal 5 cents; er 15 cents
a week, for Daily and Su Jay Jour
nal. by carrier, delivered.
1 The weather Occasional rain, this
afternoon, tonight and Sundays .
jouiwal cir.cuLAiio;:
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VOL. IX. NO. 00.
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Bearded Lions in Their Dens in
Africa and Defied Eiephants
' and Tigers Both in Jungle
and Out.
March 23, 1809 Sailed from
New York on the S. 8." Hamburg,
accompanied by his son Kermltt
and members. of the Smithsonian.
Institute expedition. '
April 4, 1909 Arrived at Na-
April 6, 1909 Embarked on S.
S. Admiral for Mombassa.
; April 11, 1909 Arrived ' at
Mombassa, terminus of Uganan-,
da railway, where they started
for Nairobi. 4
April 24. 1909 Spent first
night under canvas at Kupltl '
. Plains. ' . ' V f :
April 2. 1909 Established
camp at Nairobi and plunged into
jungle. .
- December 1 8, 1909 Left Nairobi
on second stag for journey Into
' Interior of Africa by caravan. r
February 17, 1910-Arrived at
Oondojtoro, after completing hunt;
tn Belgian Congo. . -
' February 25, 1910 Hunting
expedition practically over. Party
. leaves for Renk. . ,
" March lUJUtwhAwW tf ''
KenK, where the party boards
steamed for voyage down Nile to
' Khartoum. ' -
- 4 March 21, 1910 Colonel Roose- "
4 velt meets hla wife and daugh
4 ter In Khartoum. 5
March ?4, 1910 Reaches CalroJ-,
4 where he stayed one week and '
4 made f famous antl-Natlonallst ,
4 speech. '' .;! viV-V-v1-? v, i
'4 March 80. 1910 Sailed from
4 ' Alexandria, Esypt
.4: -V April 2, 1910 Arrived tn Na-
4 April af, 1910 Makes , public
4 correspondence in which he re-
4 fuses' audience at .the "Vatican.;
' 4 Arrives in Rome.
4 April 12, 1910 Meets' Glfford
4 Plnchot In Italy. "
' 4 April 14. 1910 Entertained by
4 Emperor Frang Josef. . .
4 April 23, 1910 Delivers leo-
4 ' tore at Sorbonne in Paris. , - . v
4 May 4, 1910 Delivers Noble ,
4 Prlsa lecture at Christiana. "
-, 4 . May 6, 1910 Receives degree
4 ef Doctor of Philosophy. i
4 May 10, 1910 Meets Emperor
4' "Wllhelm of Germany.
4 May 12, 1910 Delivers lecture
, 4 at Berlin university. Receives
4 degree of Doctor of Philosophy,
4: May 20, 1910 Acts as special
' 4 , ambassador of the United States
4 to the funeral of King Edward
:. . vii. ; -... .-;:.
4 May 28. 1910 Receives degree
4 of Doctor of Laws from Cam
4 bridge university.
4 May 21 1910 Receives free
. 4 dom of city of London and dellv-
4 ars famous Guildhall speech. ' , ..
4 , June 7. 1910 Delivers last
4 European lecture at Oxford unl-.
4 Terslty and receives degree of"
. 4 Doctor of Civil Law. - .
' 4 June 10, 1910 Sailed for home
4 on Kalserln . Augusta Victoria.
4 June 18, 1910 Arrived tn New
, 4 v York. ,
1 (SpmIbI Plspatch to The Jonnml.)
New York, June ,18. New York, with
Its more than 4,000,000 Inhabitants, aug-
tnented by probably anotber"mllllon of
visitors, .unconditionally surrendered to
Theodora Roosevelt when once more he
touched American soil, after an absence
of one year and a few months, today.
It was a glorious and' enthusiastic wel-
come which was extended , to him and
New York took no pains to disguise the
fact that it is proud of its famous son,
the nation's "foremost private citizen."
: Of course, It was unavoidable to have
; some formal and official features to the
welcome, but they were few and of short
duration, and In no way Interfered with
" the spontaneous manifestations of pop
(Continued on Page Three.)
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'' :' MF'JS iree news 8ervice9 and staff of special corre
. ' spondents in all sections of the Pacific coast, aug-
, mented by a complete local staff, are the efficient
- i-; agencies The Sunday Journal is able to command
in the new gathering field." .v-.',v .-:-..'.""v -.v
PICTURES The Publication of pictures with - news is ah
f I l u kJ, achievement, and, therefore, In presenting' timely
' , -photographs of persons and events, The Journal
$;si 'iMi::.i:'r excels, cu'y-
Cp1'Tf I The Sunday newspaper should be a comprehen
S !r". i.sivg issue ikat lupplcnxentt tha news with- special
,. articles and terse -editorial comment This The
" . ' Sunday Journal does, as its increasing circula
tion proves. The feature stories in The Sunday
' , Journal are of the besty'.
I i i ft t
Fire'vDepartment Fights Blaze
Night; and s Day Explosives
: on . Upper "-"Deck Believed
k Fire Now Controlled.
. Ban Diego," Cal.. June 18 Fire which
broke out last night In the hold Of
the' American-Hawaiian steamer Alas
kan at the Santa Fe wharf In- this har
bor la atill smoldering tbday and all
hatchways are kept fast to prevent ' a
fresh outbreak of the flames. All
through the night , the fire department
fought the blaze with chemicals and to
day (Without -a. -minute's rest, the men
are still at work.,! : The hold has been
filled with more than 1000 gallons of
chemicals - which it Is believed will
smother the fire if the hold is kept
air tights i.' J;'-
This morning the iron decks were
considerably cooled. Last night they
were red - hot in places and the heat
almost, overcame, the firemen. The fire
probably started, front spontaneous com
buBtlori. .;,..,
There are three compartments. Large
quantltlea of carbide, gunpowder, and
fireworks are stored In the upper com
partment. . If thla Is reached, an ex
plosion which woulff blow; the big ves
sel to atoms Is probable. Chief Alm
gren -and his assistants are confident,
however, that, the 11 re. which la in, the
merchandise, will spread no farther.-v
Six thousand people swarmed on the
wharf last night, but were dispersed
by the police. Last night the big ship
was moved away .from the warehouse.
where hundreds of thousands of . dol
lars' worth of merchandise is stored.. At
one time it was thought the vessel was
doomed. , - ,
Insnne Man Dies.
. Cottage Grove, Or., June 18. A. Saltz
man of Saginaw, who was adjudged In
sane a fortnight ago, and sent to the
asylum, died, at the state Institution
and was burled at Saginaw yesterday.
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4 77 . -t -fitS"" ' """W ' W?opyitght-byVlrgtn N."Bratt.,1908.
riiilf si' : , third regiment
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Copyrignt by i-acii Broa., New1 Vork.
Eleanor , Butler Alexander (on : the
left) i 'fiancee of Theodore Roose
velt Jr., and liss Ethel fRoose-
' velt, who wlU act . as bridesmaid
; ,at the wedding of the. young cou
. pie, which is to take place next
Monday, at the Fifth Avenue Bap
' tist church. Below Is , a ' photo-
graph of Theodore Roosevelt Jr.
- - The young persons , were at the
v Battery to welcome Colonel Roose
; velt home. ! if
Colombian Lady Refuses to
Meet Man Whom She Ac
cuses of Filibustering. . ,
' , (United Pres. LmmiI Wire.) '
New Tork, June , 18. Passengers: on
the Kaiser-Augusts .Victoria said today
that ' Mrs. Charles Duque, wife of ' a
member - of the Colombian legation at
Washington, refused to meet , Colonel
Theodore Roosevelt at ' a ' reception
aboard the vessel Monday. '
Mrs. Puque Is said to have declared
that; she did not want to shake hands
with Roosevelt because he, when pres
ident, was responsible for the partition
ing of Panama from the United States
of. Colombia, which she believed was a
violation of Colombia's treaty rights.
- The passengers say Roosevelt was
amused at the Incident and not at all
angry. :' , '' ' ', -Af : ' , -' i .; f:":; T;,1..
- United Prom Lnwd Wlra.l
,- Chicago, ,Juna.. lS.--Two more deaths
from heat occurred today, making elgnt
in two days,, as a' result of the heat
' wave. ,. Today's victims were stricken on
the street ......
Action of Captains'.' Caucus in
- Recommending Major Dun
bar Bitterly Resented by
LtCol. Poorman and Others
- The belief Is current "In ' National
Guard quarters, that Lieutenant Colonel
John M. Poorman may not call an elec
tion to name a new colonel of the Third
regiment to succeed Colonel C, E. , Mc
Donnell, who recently resigned, .until
after the encampment at American Lake
early in. August That Lieutenant Col
onel Poorman and several officers of
companies stationed outside of Port
land are deeply chagrined 'over the ac
tion of the Portland captains In hold
ing what they call a clique caucus,. at
which it was agreed to vote as a unit
for Major L. N. Dunbar for colonel .of
the regiment, is apparent -
Those of us who do not . live In
Portland were given no opportunity to
participate In the conference of regi
mental officers, held for the purpose
of t selecting, a suitable colonel . of the
Third regiment,' said an officer of an
outside company of the regiment :"On
the ' contrary,' the Portland company
commanders met in caucus, passed up
tne senior Held orricer of the regiment
selected their candidate and then asked
those of us who had been -excluded from
the conference to come in and make
their choice unanimous.
'1 "We feel that Lieutenant Colonel
Poorman has teen done an . injustice,
that he should be elected to fill the
vacancy caused by Colonel McDonell's
resignation, and that he would be Justi
fied In refusing to call an election to
select a new : colonel f until after the
American Lake encampment'
Tt Is -not known whether Lieutenant
Colonel Poorman will go to the length
of refusing to call the officers together
in time to elect a colonel before the
annual encampment,: but It la known
that several officers of companies out
side of Portland are urging him to
defer the election of a new colonel
and-go himself with the regiment to
American Lake as commanding officer.
..lieutenant uoionei foorman la , a
highly respected officer In the National
Guard. He Is deeply Interested in the
guard, and ' It is not believed by his
brother officers that he : would take
any action, no matter what the, provo
cation, that would result In an injury
to tne organization
, The' regulations of the '. Oregon Na
tional Guard provide that in the event
of a Vftpfttlpv tmnn. thA rfltflm.ntAT'Af.
fleers the commanding officer of the
regiment shall call an election' with
out unnecessary delay to fill the va
cancy, This would seem- to leave It
discretionary to a large extent with
Lieutenant Colonel Poorman as to the
time vhe-th , va---!llonelCTJtt
the Third regiment shall be filled.
However, the regulation may be changed
at any time by the general staff of the
guard. .Adjutant General Flnzer has
so far failed to Indicate what attitude
he will..' take In the s controversy, al
though he has the authority to call the
gpnjeral staff together at -any ime for
tliQ. purpos. of .ehanglng OF.-unatiling
the regulations governing the guard,
Flatly Refuses Warrant Against
Railroad. Which Charged
Obstruction of Oregon and
Adams Streets With Pier.
Councilman , Lombard In dig
riant at Action of City
Councilman Gay Lombard went be
fore the city attorney today to swear
out a complaint against the O. R. & N,
company. , The elty attorney," who re
fused to issue It, said he must confer
with Mayor Simon before he took such
action.-,-, -i 1 vx.- v-i-:;i
Mayor Simon has already instructed
the city attorney not, to cause the ar
rest of the O.' K. & N. company for ob
structlng Oregon and Adams streets
by commencing work on the east pier
of the new railroad bridge without re
gard for the referendum . which has
been Invoked against J'l the ordinance
which vacated - the intersection of the
streets' mentioned, to the railroad in
terests. ,. . . ; :::? r -A'---." 'k ' : : -" t
-t The East Side Business Men's club
and Mr Lombard at once put the case
Into the hands of Attorneys A. 13. Clark
ContiBue-o" Page -Two.) . ;
When He Went East Local Of
ficials Were Properly Busy;
ortHis Returns He Got Busy
Fight Men" Have No' Kick.
Halted Pram Laa4 Wlr. ' '
-Sacramento, Cel., June 18. "1 notice
that District Attorney Fickert. In his
reported interviews,; . complains about
stopping the fight at this late hour, and
others, too, are making the same crit
icism,", said Governor Glllett In a formal
statement today. "In reply to all these
eomplalnts I wish to say that the press
of this country has, not reported me cor
rectly. For instance, one of . he Chi
cago papers published an Interview
with me which never took place, where
In I was made to say that the fight
would be a big-thing for San Francisco;
that ft would bring many people there
who would spend much money. In this
way I have, in one. sense, been wrong
fully made an advocate of that In which
I do not believe. - : : 1 ;
Ziocal Officials Were Tnen Busy.
"Before I left for the east on May 1
to assist San Francisco in securing rec
ognition from congress for its Panama-
Pacific exposition, the jeirries-jonnson
flaht was scheduled to take place in
Alameda county. I learned that the local
authorities- were investigating it and I
then said the state ought not to do po
lice duty In a municipality so long ai
(Continued on Page Two.)
The Portland butter board will seek
to enjoin enforcement of . the city milk
ordinance which provides that 'after
July 1 no milk shall be sold in Portland
from cows that have not been tested
for tuberculosis. -The section of the
ordinanoe which forbids the . sale of
milk containing more than 400,000
bacteria to the cublo centimeter : will
also bo contested."'' -
W. C. Dey, president of the Port
land Butter, board, announced this morn-
Ungat Ua.-4 gat-tt-wMkMrttTnpt
to secure an Injunction.
, "We will seek to substitute the local
law by legislative enactment providing
for state-wide Inspection," he said. "At
the present time there are many dairy
men whose herds have not been tested
who are Sending milk and cream to
Portland. From some of them notice
has been recelyed that after July t they
will send their product, to creameries
. , . , , , ' . " , y,i . .......
.eaders Say Unfortunate End
ing of Moran-McCarthy Bout
'Started Crusade Against the
Prizefight Game.
Ministers Claim Credit for Gov
ernor's Action in Jeffries
. Johnson Affair.
(TTnltrd Prcn Le.Md Wire.)
San Francisco, June 18. When Owen
Moran, the lightweight English fighter,
landed a right swing on the jaw ' of
Tommy McCarthy, the San Francisco
lightweight, in Dreamland rink on the
night of May 5, he landed a knockout
on pugilism tn California. If Tommy
McCarthy had. gone down, taten, the
count, come up groggy, , been doused
with water by. his seconds, revived and
explained how It all happened and could
never happen again, according to true
pugilistic custom. It is highly probable
that the Jeffries-Johnson battle would
have been pulled off In San Francisco
on schedule time, and that : the Lang
ford-Kaufman affair would have been
dished up as an appetizer for the fight
followers.- j v ."
Bald Tight to Be Hot.
-At it isv very rndteatibn" today points
to the conclusion that Mr. Kaufman and
Mr. "Bonecrusher" Langford '.will not
appear "In said . fighting ring, within
said arena, in a . nude condition, - and
then and therein set upon each other
with, blows," to give, a "brutal and de
bauching exhibition." to quote the words
oftAttorney General Webb, i
. Nor Is It likely today that James J.
(Continued on Fag Two.)
(United Preaa Lewed Wire.) -
Sacramento, Cal., June 18
"There "would have been no fight
In Los Angeles last night If 1 had -
known It- was scheduled," said
Governor Glllett - today. v ; "I
thought Barry -. and Ferguson f
were going to fight next week.'
My order to stop prise fighting,
in California applies to Los An-
geles as well as any other part
of the state. I shall expect the
district attorney of Los Angeles
to take legal action against the ;
.fighters.";'.:' : :;,;,;:,4
' (United Preai teawd Wire.) '", .
Los Angeles, June 18, Sewing circle
pugilism, such as dished out to the fans
at the Naud Junction pavilion last night
Is not popular In Los Angeles, according
to the unanimous verdict " of strollers
along the local Rtalto-today.
It Governor Glllett had been at the
ringside last night to see Jim Barry and
Sandy Ferguson slap one another's
outside the city. This will work a hard
ship on us.
; ""We also believe that the law deman 1
Ing the tubercular test should, provide
that the owner whose cattle are de
stroyed should be partially recompensed
by the state for tho loss he sustains."
The Portland Butter board will be
assisted by the Portland Dairy assocla
tlon. ' -This ( latter organization strenu
ously resisted the passage of the new
pure mint orainance. a meeting or tne
dairy association will be held tonight et
tWii - Alder street A1 niaettiig-ef-tHy
butter board will be arid Monday even
ing In the Coi-bett building. ?
Some question has, been raised as to
whether the sections of .the Ordinance
relating to the tubercular test and th?
bacterial count can be etijolnpd, since
their enforcement Is for tht purport? of
keeping disease and pollution awav from
eon sinners 'and bern-e are pssintt? nr"?"
urea. 1 . ..
Issues Statement in Which He
Bows to Authority as Rep
resented by Governor Gillett
and Chief of Police Martin.
Case Thus to Be . Tested in
CourtImmediate Effect -on
Big Fight Plans.
' (United Frew Leased Wirt.) '
San Francisco, June 18. Louis
Blot announced late today that he
Would put on a card at his arena
Monday afternoon to test the power
of the authorities to Interfere with
a boxing contest which In all respects
will be similar to the Kaufman-Lang-ford,
fight as planned. Blot said he
would undergo arrest and prosecu
tion to bring about a decision in the
matter, and that every effort would
he made to get a Quick decision. ,
San Francisco, June 18.- Declar
ing that strong intimations from the
authorities had caused him to be-lleveHhafc'the'-
fight would not be permitted In San
Franclscc. Louis Blot, the promoter,
issued a statement today announcing
a postponement of the fight for one
week.- - r-
. In the meantime Blot will en
deavor to test the right of the au-
(Contlnued on Page Two.)
wrists and stroke one another's brows
with loving fingers ho might have had
another reason for putting to a painless
death the fight game tn California. .
Throughout 10 monotonous rounds,
Ferguson." whose ' abdominal rotundity
approximated that of a Japanese wrest
ler, worried along with Barry. Not a
blow was. struck during the fight that
would have embarrassed a cracked Havi-
land china cup, and the fans at tho ring
side expressed their displeasure as only
fight fans can.
The preliminary contests were pro
ductive of a bit of the give and take.
with the ."take" being monopolised by
one of the principals, that has brought
the fight game into ill repute. V
One fight was stopped m the second
round by the police when it was evident
that a raw boned youth who was making
hla flrof nrnfenslnrtnl miirUlstlc nnneflr-
ance was likely to be robbed of his fa
cial beauty, and another was ended by
the referee in the same round when it
was reported that one lad had suffered a
severe fracture of the. roof of his olfac
tory apparatus. "
If such "fights " as the Ferguson-Bar-
w fftiM tn ha atnraff hern. thA TYin.t
rabid fans won't howl if the governor
upholds his Intention to run fighters and
fights out of the state. In fact one fan
remarked, the governor wouldn't have
to end the fighting game to keep the
public away.
Ferguson received a newspaper de
cision, based possibly upon the fact that
he was fatter than parry. As a fight
or even a boxing contest, the tans agree
last night's affair failed to qualify
(rutted Ptpm le! Wlr.)
4 Los Angeles. Juno 18. DlHtrlct
Attorney Fredericks will not take
4 legal steps against those connect-
ed with last night's Ferguson-
Barry fight, nor will he attempt,,
to put an end to the boxing game
lu Los Angeles.
"I have received no word from
4 Governor Glllett concerning lost
night's fight." he said. and I do
not contemplate doing anything
on my own responelbtllty. '
v "Nor Will I attempt to stop
4 boxing here. Th fights at Nattrt
ordinance that permits thm,
Thry are legal -until tl-.ln ordi
nance t repealed, or until It 1
declared Illegal. No law or 0"1I-
nance has been ytolad-d at fl-bt
field Within the ),na AntfM v" ?
KioUh tinee I hiv I -"i H (
't if