oni:c; DAILY JOUHNAL, rGIlTLAND, FRIDAY EVEIIINO, JUNE 17, 1310. r:rLov::i::;T Acrx-ciir.' C3 CSNSZtAL ?I0 Yl! HNT AG F: NOTES Main ot.'urt-, 2o N. Ud St., Portland. Ladles' department 7th and W esn. sis, ur'tairs, Portland. 4!4 Front eve., Spokane, 87-ei 4th St., San Francisco. ' Established 1876. HANLEY & TRAVERS EMPLOYMENT CO.. headquarter, lor R. R. work. 18 N. 2d st WANTED- AGENTS AGENTS 'wanted to aid us supply the demand for choice nurserv stock; out fit free; cash weekly. Address Capital City Nursery Company. Salem. Or. "70 DUST" Sweeping Compound for rues and carpets. Removed to 626 Washington st. Main 1264. A-1483. HELP WANTED FEMALE GIRLS TO WORK IN CANDT DE PART. PACIFIC COAST BISCUIT' CO., ., ' , TWELFTH AND DAVIS., WANTED A housekeepor; must be iiiurougpiy rename ana nv kiiuu party; wares $35,per .month; 3 in fam ily. B J1HIICOCK HI, WANTED Neat experienced girl with good reference to work; In confection ery . and lea cram store. Call the Lit- Tie jwusae. zz4 Washington st WANTED Girl for general housework and young . girl for second 'work, family of four. Phone East 6908 or call 4U J& 16th at N. Take irvmgton car. WANTED A good girl for housework In private family and willing to go to the beach) good wages. Apply 736 jrving St., near zzd SHORTHAND taught In day or evening classes; positions guaranteed: enter now. E. B. U., 630 "Worcester block, 68 8d t. "- ' : WANTED Competent girl for general housework; must corns well recom mended: good wagesr ematrfairrUy.' nona i1884. - SEAMSTRESS ' wanted; . experienced woman fitter and alteration hand on coats at once. : Steady lob for right party 430 Washington st. w AN TED Girl or - woman v to assist with general housework; good wages ana gooa nome. Apply sag 4tn. WOMEN -and girls wanted to work In f rut cannery. Apply at K 8th and tiivision, Hoimes canning yo. WANTED A . woman ' for .. housework, one that likes children, good pay. iz-j k. Madison. ' WANTED A woman for general house work and cooking, no washing. Apply 1574 E. Pine, or phone A-1966, or M. 1966. "tOUNG girl to weave hair; also appren tice; good chance for advancement. 42s a. stn a. WANTED Girl for general housework: must be-good cook; good wages. Ap-v ply mornings, ban saimon st. LACE curtains washed and stretched, 40o a pair, Called for and delivered, Wain 3965. - , GIRLS wanted to -work In paper box ctoryr ' steady employment. S, C. , ypetteler. 10th and Qlisan sts.-' ' - WEAVERS and general textile .mill 'help. .Multnomah Mohair Mills,' Sell- wood FIVE-ladles between 20 and 36 years for v Bhoo'tlng galerles, married pre- rerred, gooa wages. Appiy zsu 1st st. WANTED -Girl for general housework; good wages, can z7 fotout at, cor. West Main. ' ' - . .. . - -WANTED Nurse girl (Swedish ' pre ferred). Apply 680 2d St., room 1, WANTED Girl for general housework Grand ave. N., cor, Muitnoman TEN girls wanted, tady work. Ore. Paper Box Factory, 93 Front at. WANTED Girl for general housework ' In family of 8.- Telephone Main 85C3. firrUATIONS MAIJS ;': BfUNICIPAL ;FB8EE. IEM1F WiElT' IFiFIKSIE 170 MADII30N. BET. 8D AND 4TH. MALE A?D FEMALE HELP. NO CHARGhJ TO EMPLOYE OR . . EMPLOYE. 1 MAIN 8666. A-6624. TO TAKE care of poultry ranch (cora- petent): Will take lob gardening: A P. G., 1873 Base Line Road, Monta- vuia, or. MIDDLE aged married man would like work In grocery store; west siae pre- Terred. H-6SZ, journal. CARPENTER work by day, contract, ' repair or new work. Coll or address 3i44 AiDina ave. v X JAPANESE cook wants a postlon In country hotel, club or first class fam " "lly. Geo, room 18. 262 Everett st PRACTICAL printer - wants situation; capable taking charge; dally or week lyjstate particulars. R-621, Journal. - COMPETENT m,an wants position aa chauffeur; capable of doing own re- palrlng. - L-633, Journaj, POSITION wanted by competent wood i working machine man; am capable of taking charge pt mill. L-63S, Journal. WAITER wishes Dosltion in restau' . rant; night work preferred. K-639, Journal CARPENTER and builder, new or re- pair work, day or oon tract, . eenwooa 17 it. BANK clerk wants work of clerical na ture after hours. G-637, Journal " ' SITUATIONS FtMALBl WANTED Typewriting to do at home; manuscripts coplea and dictation taken if required; charges reasonable. Phone Woodlawn 675. ; BOOKKEEPER and cashier wishes 'to- sitlon immediately; references. laln sssnv. WANTED Day work, washing, Ironing . or cleaning, 26c per hour, K-633, Jour- rial MAN and - wife wish . position on rancn; wire gooa cook. Z4i iBtn . A YOUNG girl wishes general house Work. Call at 430 Burnslde. LACE curtains laundered! 40o up. wooaiawn .- DRESSMAKING 40 SEWING done at home or by the day, children's work .... preferred. Phone eVP!l DISS, A-761Z. LOUISE ; HAAGSMA .Tailored suits ind gowns. 290 Eugene st. NURSES -60 WANTED -An Infant child to care for, best of -care and good home. Main 8664. Mrs. Allen. FURNISHED ROOMS 9 WEST SIDE HOTEI 847 Oth st. rooms uyrtjQiiyjiTvi fi.60 up per west re pnone n tatn. ; Main 7764. FOR RENT Room for two employed ladles, use of kitchen; light, airy and- Clean. iit iviui, nparimeni 2 SINGLE and double rooms; $2.50 and 83, 6 minutes' .walk from postofflce. oo Morrison st. FOR RENT 2 nicely furnished front , reoms, for gentleman. Phone and uatn. its jv. itn st., corner uusan. ONE "furnished room for rent, $1.50 per week, phone and bath. 195 N. 17th st. LIGHT, airy rooms to leC single or in suftsat 669 Everett et. Phone Main 7972 THE Colonial rooming house, 16S 10th st, cor. Morrison; rooms from. 76o to per nay; a to pt wcpk. i NICE outside rooms private family close In, references .required.-.., 667 Fourth, 'pear Lincoln. NICELY furnished rooms $8 and $10 a month; also 4 room house. 448 Co- Inmhln t, ' TWO nicely furnished rooms, wllh all modern' conveniences., :. 4 28 Mills St., nnr 11th. '' ' ' CLKAN," newly furnished roonia."'26J nth WIUT SIRS NINE furnished or unf iirnh he.:l rooms, house and more, vvet kUI. place of btisin.'BS, 2 st rct-tcar lines, cheap rent. C'hII Kt 745 H North nip ft. FURNISHED RdO.AIS EAST SIDE 62 FURNISHED room with or without board, new house, modern In every re spect; nice cool place, on Mt. Tabor carline, corner 42d and E. Morrison. Phone Tabor 667. SANTA, "ROSA- rooming house; clean rooms; within 6 minutes walk from Third street. B-1075. 369 E. Morri son. 1 " " i ' ''.' HOT EI ACME Good rooms; within 10 minutes walking distance; also housekeeping rooms. Reasonable prices. K 639. IiOd.1 ; and board, home cooking; all ' modern, phone, 'irge rooms; reason able prices.. East 656. 150 Page. TWO double suits, also single rooms; free use phone, piano, all conveni en ee s. Phone East 2788. 3 54 Ross. TWO suites of housekeeping rooms; lights, water, furnished. 696ft E. Mor rison st. Phone East 1433. TWO furnished rooms to rent, 317 East 8rd and Harrison sts,; Free bath and phone. si.oo per ween NICE large, clean rooms from $1. SO to 2. week;, block from, car.. ' 641 Delay st., . Aipina. FURNISHED rooms for rent, $5 .per momn. oaa ..Bin sc. lane M l; car. LARGE, sunny front room In , small private family. 821 East Ash. $8, $10, 2; rooms, walking- distance,' sleeping porch. 554 E. Morrison. UNFURNISHED ROOMS 10 WANTED By elderly man and wife, 2 unfurnished connected housekeeping rooms on first or second floor; must be light and clean, with use of bath and laundry: must be reasonable; state price. K-saa. journal. TWO large, unfurnished front rooms! gas. running water, phone. 629 Yam hill st.: '- ' -. THREE unfurnished rooms, 640 East Stark, corner 12th. ROOMS AND ISO Aim 13 Good Home Cooking Clean place, like home. Albina, 813 itussea st. GENTLEMAN to room and board In private family, newly furnished house, home eooklng, walking distance to town; bright, airy rooms. rs Hoyt. a-1609. NICELY furnished front room with board for 8 gentlemen,. Scandinavian preferred. 11 N. 10t at bet, Stark and jHurniae. ROOMS with board, gentlemen pre ferred," in a Christian home, rates reasonable. 352 College st. FIRST CLASS board with or without room, by German lady. 829 Front st. ROOM arid board. 653 Washington at I-teasonaDie. y ' : ' APARTMENTS 43 FIVE room furnished apartment Marl- bo rou ghS0rlan oers st1v HOTELS S4 85 ROOM, modern. up-,to-date hotel: close. 35000. east side, business clear ing 176 per month. ... . n t ' c-iTtrr"ro ' 420 Swetland bldg. Main 7778. THE t)HIO Newly furnished rooms. - $2 up-per week, tiear-uregon iiieo- trie oepot fTont and Maqison. - - HOTEL PORTLAND European plan oniy; s. o aay. BELVEDERE. European. 4th and Alder, HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS WEST SIDE "ONECTNTA" apartments. 187 17th near .xamnni. (xaae w car bt. aepoi;. i. and cold. ; Phones and baths free. 320 per monin. to per wee ana up. mam 2, $8 month; 8 for $12; cottage, 8 large rooms, $20; 4 rooms, lower flat, $16. 364 26th North (west side river), W Car from depot,- 6th or Morrison to Z6th, block north. $1.75 week, large clean furnished house- fkcrepiuff ivvui, .it&uuiuy, fii.ii, K(LM, clean linen. 84 Sherman, South Port- tana. FURNISHED housekeeping and sleep ing rooms, modern conveniences; $1.50 up. Mi jenerson. rnone main 2D, TWO rooms for light housekeeping and furnished: 10 minutes' walk from postofflce. -421 6th st, - ' TWO front rooms furnished for house keeping; phone, laundry, light t and COZY front rooms furnished for house keeping; free phone, light and bath. 492 Clay st. THREE housekeeping rooms, choice neighborhood,- close in, reasonable, beautiful front room, $4 week. 292 loth. TWO completely furnished rooms for light housekeplng, also one sleeping room. Z57 Chapman st. LARGE room with alcove, furnished for housekeeping, gas, bath, phone. very oesiraoie. a bp ma bt. v NICELY furnished housekeeping apart ments, close in, 801 Halsey st Phone E. 6289. ....,,...,, .....,-'.. .-....., , .... NICE, . cheap, sunny side, housekeeping rooms: "2md, 8rd floor; free bath. Phone 308 13th st MITCHELL Housekeeping rooms; light gas; moderate. 7th & Flanders. A-4076 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS :,.;.-.:; .EAST SIDE V 48 PAGE APARTMENTS, E. 8th and Burn- side, 1 elegantly furnished 8 room apartment, . 8 unfurnished apartments, all modern conveniences, steam beat, private phone, private bath, hot and cold water, laundry and steam dry In basement, reception hall, fireplace, auto matic freight elevator, Janitor service, very--reasonable rent; rjo children. " . i ii. .. . i.i in t i A, ii ,n. TWO large front rooma for housekeep f none m-ivi ing, furnish gas for cooking and light $20 month. 684 Gantenbein ave. .-.Phone M. 2418 TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, rea- sonabie rates; close in; Data ana pnone. B-1Z3M. 41 k. stn st. im. TWO apartments of 8 rooms each, clean, water and lights furnished; price 313. East 2299. 181 Russell.- FOR RENT 8 nicely furnished upstairs , rooms with gas, 1 block from B--L. car, 812 per month. 688 E.'Sth st $2 per week; clean, furnished housekeep ing rooms; laundry, bath, heat yard, phone, clean linen. 406 Vancouver ave. TWO suites' housekeeping rooms, bath, toilet, etc. East 6003. 189 Russell. ; FOR RENT HOUSES , 12 WHEN you move you-n- neea new ru. ntture. Buy Judiciously and your savings will exceed moving expenses. Our NO-RENT PRICES made us one of the largest furniture houses in the c!tyr-ln less than two years. , . ? Lookers shown same courtesy aa buy ere. , MORGAN-ATCHLBY FURNITURE CO. Nir.&nd ave., tor. E. Stark st East Ankeny and Russell-Shaver Cars " pass our door. - - FOR SALE or rent A new 6 room house, $ 7th and Multnomah sts. Hol iday addition. Inquire Wise Dental Co., Falling Bldg., phone A or Main 2029. - ' TO LET East side, modern 11 room house, electric light, furnace heat, bath and toilet on first and second floors, phone A-4529. Phone in the a. m. MODERN 7 room house, fine location nice lawn, first class. Inquire morn- mtt ..hi.i. mmmw-w ,T fil'GTiT"1rornnSous reni, Ist and VI an A A l')R -'. 17a sm 4 Im.l,. Hf n tu 4 n Fin SIX room house, full basement, lftrere i wtnrK. FREE r,nt in Grecory Heights. Greg ory Investment Co. End of Rose City Park csr line. v- loom uuttasn on h,uene st. in- qune e;u ij. csisrii st I.OU5T3 I 'On KENT, GOLDEN oak furniture for your rooms at a biu'Kaiii: ln--n carefully used one roar; poipt away June 20; fiat for rent. 440 12th Kt. FOR RENT t room liousf, garden, lawn, also furniture for sale reason able. Owner, 11S! Omaha ave., Ockley Green. Tel. Woodlawn 2018. FIVE room flat for rent, furniture for sale; reasonable; 6 minutes' walk from cltv ball. 273 Montgomery St. Phone A-3399. ONE six and one five room modern house, near Union ave. and KlllinKS- worth. Phone Woodlawn 21S4. FURNITURE or corner lower flat, 6 rooms ami alcove, c ears 316 above rent of $18. Price $160 cash. 2 Union ave. WANTED To sell, all or part of the furniture of a 6 room cottage and piano, rent H3.hu., Apply Z74 Croshy, 11 rooms, good 'furniture, cheap for cash; no agents. Kent via: owner. 267 Jefferson st FOR SALE Furniture 2 housekeeping rooms 52i, room rent , a n. zist st. FURNISHED HOUSES 30 FOR RENT o room iuo.irih coiwiite, neav iuj- n1nV.nf. AVArvthlncr in cood rnnrt i tirin nice yard," good neighborhood; $25 per month; can be had for 3 or 4 months; it i opposite. Fiedmont. on stn wt. ... QUO & Hrkson Realty Uo, ; 133 First st. ' FURNISHED house for rent during summer months, mix rooms, modern, good location, rent re&sonable. ,794 ' Ev Salmon. SIX rooms furnished complete! piano, photograph, $25 per month; no chil dren. C. L. Urfer. 681 Milwaukee st Phone Hellwood 982, $126 ROOM flat. bath. 6th hear Ar thur. . Barn nrivllege. Marshall 1168. A-E084. FIVE room furnished bungalow In Ver non. Woodlawn 546. ''-; $12 Cottage 5 rooms, 269 Porter. Key at 275 Hooker, corner of 4th st. FURNISHED house, walking distance. 437 Larranee st. ."hone East 6298. - FOR REx'.T FLATS v 13 FOR RENT 6-room modern flat: good location, walking distance, 3U3 mast An, . ttlnnlr f-Am . T-Tatt?frhnT-r ave., carline. rent $25. - - '. ' - -'-''. - - NEW furniture of 6 room flat for sale. good location and price, reasonable; rooms full of steady boarders. This Is a bargain. Telephone Marshall 1620.. NEW modern 4 and 6 room flats,-one furnished on Williams ave. and Fargo St. ' Call 290 Fargo or phone East 3305. 6 ROOM furniihTd flat, with r yard and cherry tree, 262 Stout st.j $30. Call zbo Ktout st. Kererences required. 5NE upper flat 6 rooms, all modern; almost new, good location. East 8bi. is kosb st. . FOR RENT 6 room modern upper flat; run attic; $16. ss Williams ave.; Inquire on premises. MODERN 6 room flat for , rent, 247 Stout, cor. W. Main. STORES AND OFFICES 11 FIRST class outside office rooma for rent . in new building; steam heat electrio and gas light with Janitor ser vlce. N. E- cor. Sc. and Madison. STORE 20x100 close in, east side, $40 per month. C. L. Sheets. 420 Swet land bldg. Phone Main 7776. - GOOD . location for 1st class -dentist Call at 684 Dawson st, or phone vvooaiawn 11Z4. TO LEASE, 6 years, desirable store- room, 40x60, aide street near 'Uom son, very-cheap, w-621, journal DESK room complete, phones, private office, etc.; very reasonable. Call 836 Washington St.. room 417 GOOD opportunity, - 1 large corner - storeroom, with basement; centrally located. A-631, Journal. ; FEW nice offices In the Couch and Chambers bldgs. 601 Couch bldg, i PART of store, 626 Washington St.; r ootn pnones. TO RENT - store at. 423 Washing ton st. bet. 11th and I2th. FINE modern store, steam heated, low rent. 565 Washington st. J. Wolf. tJICE off ice" or desk room with use of telephone. 818 Ahlngton bldg. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS 33 --w------,.''--'-.. "Wa i m THREE furnished . tents' for rent at Seavlew, Wash. Inquire of Mrs. Mamey. 894 Halt. Phone Main 6878. SUMMER RESORTS. FOR SALE or rent. S room cottage. Seaside.; reasonable. .. A-2662. Even ings. , " i FOR RENT BHSCELLANEOUS 83 RESTAURANT, for: rent;, close tor jNortn mnu aepot. - can at 4us noyt WANTED TO RENT ' 1 WANT to rent a piano; rent must be reisonable. 919 E. Everett st E. Ankeny car. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC 18 ONE pair good 1600 lb. work horses, age - 9; good set heavy double harness, price $200. 1 1600 lb. work horse, agla 8, price r:o. l gooa express team, vov lbs. each, $80. 1 pair black driving mares, age 6, 7; also good harness, price $176. 308 Front st FOR SALE Span of mares, full bred Percheron, 10 and 11 years old, kind and gentle, good fur coach or hearse, woman or chlldrea can ride or drive them, Price $600. Inquire George L. Barnholtser, Martin Bluff, Wash., or 230 Stark at., Portland. FOR SALE Fine 7 year old comblna tlon mare, handsome, sound and can not be beat for family horse; also new runabout Phone Tabor 2394. 634 East 69th St.- ' MATCH team, weight about 900 lbs. ; each, new harness and farm wagon, $140; gentle pony. $20. East 12th and Madison, cottage in park. FOR SALE Cheap: One new 3 Mitch ell waaon. 1 horse 1303 lbs., and new harness. 10 Stewart ave. Take Mount s cot t car to .untreiwooq station. MUST sell. 1100 lb. mare: drives single or double. Perfectly gentle; first class ror delivery or ramuy use. st Johns car to McKenna ave.; new house. FOR SALE A good young team 7 years old. about 1050 lbs. each: would trade for heavier team. Big Red Barn east of Lents schoomouse, HORSES and buggies Tor rent by aay, week and i month; special rates to business houses, 6th and Hawthorne. uast li FOR SALE Team In fine condition. weigh about 1700, will sell cheap if taken at once. Call 411 Taylor at, after 6 p. m. FOR SALE Driving horse, 8 years old. color black, weight 1100 lbs., Sound ana gentie, i city prone, buz .f ront st, WANTED At once, sound young horse tor riding or driving. Must be a oar gam. K-saii, journal. DRIVING horse for sale. F. B. Beach & Co., 135 ist st. ', BUY-Keller's Quaranleea, Harness. 4 NORTH SIXTH ST. BEAUTIFUL riding pony for girls. City broken. Phone East 4133. F(5R SALE CHEAP Pony, $25; ride "or drive. Marshall 1416. LIVi:STOCK AND POULTRY 85 THOROUGHBRED Scotch Collie pups, sable and white. 1 months oia peai e rurnisnea witn eacn aog. its ttsrrrm.TfWr FOR SALE 3 thoroughbred Jersey i cowa Hillsdale, pr.,'P. O. box 4, near rortiand. U.'OR SALE Fine milch cow and 2 year old lieifer; must sen, - reasonable. Pb o ne B-1818. - ' , - CuV .ntl calf, two saddles, one Scotch colli. 3 months old. -195 Blanden. Toft. L car..;..: TWKfcTY liead of tested dairy cows for sale. A. s. limcrson, Kidgcr:eia, i a.Tu MIT-ICAL INSTRUMENTS St Chas. E. York Band Instruments -and Music House. Repairing, exchange. 8 3d St. . FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES 44 A BARGAIN. A 5 passenger Ford automobile; good running order. Price only $300. Main 5381. Room 417. 326Vi Wasliln fftons t. HAVE 1 cylinder Rambler runabout $150 rfakes it, good order. K-635, Journal. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 NEW and second hand pooi and bil liard tables bought and sold on easy terms. Bowllng alleys, rerrigerators tor 'Immediate delivery. Address.' the Brunrwick-Balke-Collender Co.. 46 6th. dOST. useful artitio over invented for kitchen; Ideal Sharpener; puts a keen edge on dullest knifo. 14e. Pacific ioast Supply Co., L. Box 13, Elgin, Or, FOR SALE Well equipped dental, la boratory, doing good business.- Part cash, balance work. Apply Oregon Den- tai (supply CO - 816-Dekum bldg. BLACKSMITH tools . for sale, cheap; Grays Crossing, Mt.' Scott carline. Inquire Paul Schtnldt.- WILL sell my'flock of 35 carneaux for loit.. can at iusj iu, uaruiners st. or pnope Tabor 1864 A HOLT'S Static Current Machine, 18 In. 'Wheels, lias 12 instruments, good or- oer. 427 Marquam Diog7 fta. "OR SALE A ne typewriter; never 1 ..I, I. n n 1.. IT 7 1!-. 1 I. 10 Chamber commerce, t l6LINS, banjoes, mandolins, guitars at naif regular prices, uncle Myers, -71 stn st. R. S. MOTORCYCLE). - America's Best" Racycle bicycles; motorcycles and bl cycles repairea. uyoman tiros., bus- uaa. FOR SALE or trade,. gasoline launch, 34 bv 6 feet, 10 h. p. 4 cycle engine; also srnau scow. Address dox 28, Arieta. ur, MOTORCYCLE. Indian, twin cylinder, cheap. 223 E. 80th Bt Fhone Tabor 1627 FOR SALE Good paying restaurant, located At 999 171 Mnrrlnnn street. uwner win Ben mean. LADY'S first class ticket to Denver, - medium helrht. middle age, dark, rea sonable. m-687, journal kNITTING ' machine for sale. - 208 E. 85th st.. bet. Taylor and Salmon. FINE Insulated cooler for sale cheap. Aiex rrieaman, 2a ist st. tlOUSE boat nicely furnished, for sale ' cheap. Inquire 216 Oregonian bldg. THOROUGHBRED Llewellyn setter -pups, o ana no eacn. t'hone a-7814. NATL. CASH REG.. 6 drawer, lndivld" uai total. Archer & Schane, 5th ft Oak, WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 . WANTED. CLOTHING. Highest price paid for men's cast-off clothing and shoes. The Globe Second hand store,, z so first Main 2080. we alBj. buy ladles' clothing WANTED rM eft's cast off clothing and -shoes; we also buy suit cases, highest price paid, can at tne tuir ueai, 62 N. Sd st Main 9272. GET our price on your furniture, as - It will pay you. We want the goods. Savage and Fennel. 8618 1st at Main 380. WANTED People of Portland to know that we pay highest cash price for second . hand household goods. Seatef & oustavson. 143 Kusseii. East 1562 WANTED Second hand piano; State - price ana maKe- - Address i. u.- Box B4, wsiacaaa, ur. BE WISF; get more for your second nana rurn'ture oy sening it xo rora Auction Co., 211 1st. Mainl9Sl. A-2446. OLD rubber boots and shoes. So ner lb.: auto tires 7c per lb. J. Leva. 186 Columbia st. Main 6198. prompt atieniion aiwiyg sivym. c.-iuwi . . " . . . . . i m . n FINANCIAIj 01 QUICK LOANS On furniture and pianos, storage re ceipts, life Insurance policies, live stock, veal estate. . U. a REAL ESTATE & BROKER AGE CO., Room 812 Hamilton bldg., 131 3d st Phone Main 2084. - LOANS WANTED 30 WANTED $600 one year at 8 per cent, real estate Security, no agents. G-632, Journal. - WANTED $150 from private person xor years, on iijiyiuvvu ivu ca ia.c K.-B33, journal Lr . VTrrrTt fid hrtA . .-m y t uao nAlllGMf 14UVU A -J i mull v j cm c, good security, 6 per cent; brokers need not apply. L-636, Journal. , WANT To borrow $1600 on home worth $3500, 3 years at 7 per cent B 632. Journal. MONEY TO UOXX S7 Vacation Loans And the place to - , get them. $10 to $100. . : . . At the lowest rates, ill . ma...Im 4a 1 V, ri , ni. m Am . ah w n icijuiid .a v'ni. juv. w em ployed on salary, and you get the money nnlclclv without mortaaao. indoraer or other securities., v call ana see us. Do it now. State Security Co, . ' 308 Failing Bldg. $75,000 Want to loan this amount on pianos. furniture, horses, warehouse receipts, real estate mortgages or any good col lateral. A special low rate In order to get this money out. We want your patronage and are making a rate to THE 'king LO AN & INVESTMENT CO. Room 610 Buchanan Bldg. THE CRESCENT LOAN AGENCY. 402 Rothchlld bldg., corner 4th and Washington. The i .cognized bank of the wage earner. A clerk, bookkeeper, machinist engineer or employe can ob tain money of us on his note without security. '. . - j,, ,,..,.'. - '.' . 816 return to us ...8-4.00 a month $30 return to us.. .,;,,...$ 8.00 a month 350 return to us. ....... .$13.35 a month Confidential; no unpleasant Inquiries. Special vates on pianos, rurnuurn. eie, CASH paid for mortgages or seller's Interest in contracts on real estate anywhere 'in Oregon or Washington. Mortgage loans negotiated on improved property. IL E. Noble, Lumbermens bldg., 6th and Stark. MONUiY advanced salaried people, house keepers and others upon their owa names without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices in 66 prlncl- ral cities; save money by getting our arms. Tolman, 817 Lumber Eschange. . YOUR CREDIT la good at the Employes' Loan Co.. Ill Ablngton, 10( Id at WE LOAN" money on Oiamunds and Jew airy at reaaunable interest for long or short time. A. ft M. Deiovage, jewelers, 269 Washington st ; - MONEY to loan, any amount 6 to 8 per cent Goodnough tt Belts, 718 Board Of Trade. , MONEY to loan on city or farm prop erty, low -'rate. E. R. Hlckson, 6 17 Board of Trade bldg. ' WE LOAN money quick at reasonable rates upon approved security. Bring this to 618 lAiniDermen a Ding. SONEY to loan, large loans a specialty, -building loans- lowest rates; lire in urance. w. u. pcck, 31 railing. TO loan on hand. $500. $700. $1000. $2600. C, P. Stayton, room 603. Oer iipger nius. .V,'.' ,,.M7J. . 1,1 n f- floo.OOOt- on mortgaues. city or fnrm tMpm'vrflwlti!ararie.-McKenzi( & Co., Qerlingor bldg., 2 and Alder. $500, $700, $1000 real estate mortgages.' - Low charges. Ward. 210 Allsky bldg. ISAAC L VVKlTE, money to loan, fire Insurenoe. 831 Sherlock bldg. - SUMS of $2000 upward on fel estate, - Ooddard (k Weldricli. 843 Stark." Co AN for the asking. alarv or chat i - tl. The Loan Co. 41 Dekunv bldg. VjUICk loans on all securities. B.W," . King. 4i Waanlnttoa oldg. MIn 61Q0. 25 C. CARMICHAEL, formerly at 2fi6 Pine. removed to 31 First st North, be tween Utirnslne and Conch. LOST AND FOUND SI NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. The annual meeting of the stock holders of the- Mexican Rubber Culture company will be held at the office of the company, 1123 and 1125 Board of iraue cidsr.. t'ortlana. ur.. on Tuesday. July 12- 1910, at 11 o'clock in the fore noon for the purpose of electing di rectors and for the transaction of such other business as- may lawfully come before the meeting. F. c, BARNES, secretary. LOST Between Ockley Green school and Piedmont, gold brooch pin, heart shaped, set solid with pearls, with clus ter of seven small diamonds in center. Liberal reward. K-631, Journal, or 1244 Marjaand ave. Phone Woodlawn 291S. LOST White and black English bull dog. without collar, has sore neck', answers to name of "Sing;" any person reporting or calling up Charles Deyette, care Marshall-Wells Hardware Co. will be rewarded. . LOST Wednesday, between 25th and .36th, on Sumner and Killingswortlt aves., a wedding ring, with the name Kosa Fisher, lieturn to 1134 K. sotn st N..; and receive liberal reward. LOST A gold bracelet at Oak Park ivionaay evening; noerai reward to finder, Mrs. U 3, Hanos, 651 Missis sippi ave. COST A small black -"and - tan terrier . with two bare spots on back, answers to name of Midge. Return to 396 Rus sell st. LOST IN ST. JOHNS. Lady's gold watch, and fob. Finder please return to . Edmondson Co., 203 S. jereey St., st. jonns. LOST Last Thursrtsy at Union depot, suit case, containing cook'a outfit. J. u. tiurcn on nanaie. E-san, journal LOST Parcel containing city school re port oarda and papers; reward. Sell- wood 1331. ' - ' - ; -' LOST Gold watch and"7ob, Thursday morning, between E. 18th and W.j 6th and Oak, Owner. 661 E. Ankeny, . personal: 2 - ON21 MONTH'S TREATMENT ABSOLUTELY FREE OF CHARGE. The doctors of the Pacific Coast Med ical company, specialists in all chronic, nervous and complicated diseases i of men, have opened offices S. W. corner First and Washington, opposite- City Market Entire- second - floor of seven rooms; separate parlor. ; To suffering men: Come to our offices and we will make a thorough, search ing ana scientirie examination or your case free of charge, and if we find that your -condition will yield to the Influ ence of our advanced methods, we will treat you for one mnth free of charge (remedies excepted). Remember this offer holds good only until July 1. Of fice hour 9 a. m. to $ p. m. write for question blank. ' -'-.- ' DR. ALICE A GRIFU. Diseases of women and children ex clucively; Women are often saved se vere, surgical operations by consulting me. Nervous diseases of children a specialty. Private hospital accommoda tions. Confinements cared for. Cor respondence . solicited. No charge for consultation, .phones. Main 3928, A-8607 Office rooms 10, Grand Theatre bldg., wasnington ana rt. DO YOU WANT TO GO TO '-'- CALIFORNIA" X want man or woman with '$500 or $1000 to Join me In taking up Very val uable piece of government land, close to city; worth several thousand dollars now; no homesteadlng proposition; no residence required after filing; per manent Income for life guaranteed, E 636. Journal. RHEUMO Promptly cures rheumatism, lumbago, neuralgia, sciatica, blood - poison and tainted blood. Sold by all druggists. Sample by express 6O0. T. J. Pierre; 811 AliBky bldg. " Men cured Quickly.:jS Modern eleotrlo treatment for diseases of the prostate, nervous debility, pllea, etc. WT L Howard, M. D., 304-6 Roth chil bldg.. 4th and Washington. . WantedA Wife By middle aged man of property, woman must have some property and no children; woman between 85 and 4S years. G-63I, Journal. DR. LEWIS. - Physician and surgeon: treats ' women and children exclusively; private hos pital accommodations; ' examinations free. Main 4047, A-2411. 606 Common wealth bldg., th and Aftkenv. GERMAN books, niagazinns. novels, etc., German, English, French, Spanish, Swedish and Italian dictionaries; for eign booka of all kinds. Schmale Co., $29 1st St. .. .... DR. WALKER, specialist; quickly cures diseases of men. blood and skin dis eases, sores, ulcers, swollen glands, kid ney, bladder and Piles. 181 1st, Port land. MEN-w-Whon weak, nervous or despond ent, use Sexold Pills as a bracer; re stores lost vigors price ll.per box, boxes for $5. T. J. Pierce, sri Allsky. SANDERSON CO.'S Savin ana Cotton -Root Pills, sure remedy for delayed periods, $2 per box or g boxes for $5. T. J. Pierce, 311 Allsky bldg. RADIUM treatments for all cancers and tumorous growth. Dr. W. C.. MaUory, iioincnua xiiuk. WOMEN, use Femotds when others fall"; for sale by the Ausplund Drug Co 106 N. 6th st Main 8106. . LABORER, 40, Danish, wishes to cor respond with maid or widow; object matrimony. it-Ban, journal. OCCULT, new thought, liberal, sclen Ufic books. Jones Book Store, 284 Oak st. - - - ' ,' RADIUM treatments for all skin dis 7 eases. Dr. W. C. MaUory. Rothchlld Bldg; ; " ' j WRS. " SOPHIA B. 6EIP, mental and sDlritual scientist 21 SelUne-Hlrsch I BR." T. J- PIERCfi.-Specialist Diseases Of women; all Irregularities Corrected; no exposure. Call or write 811 Allsky. REE Thomas Kay for confidential r. ports and all kinds of secret service 9VOrM, 1 gAVJVi nmg. - JH.iniiBu epw. RjViylL'M treatments for all chronic dis. eases.. Dr.. vv. t. Aiauory, Kothchild Bldg. ' ; ' : : " - BALM of figs, remedy for diseases of women, fiiig Belmont st, East 2498. kJlj.l -i- ... -' .1 V. I V dress Bridge Pharmacy, 186 Morrison. 1 BUSINESS DIRECTORY y ARTISTS' MATERIALS ARTIST'S materlsia Picture framing. E. H. Moorehonse St Co.. 411 Wash. at. AsaAYEfts. WELL8 & PROEBSTEL. assayera, ana lytlcal chemists. 204 Wash. M. 7603 MONTANA assay office, kboratoiy and ore testlngjyjlj86IdrjrU ATJORNXTTS A, E. COOPER, attorny-at-law. Gen - oral practice. Abstracts examined. 716 Chamber cl Commerce bldg. M. 71 and A-2071. ; CHRISTOPHERSON A MATTHEW8. General practice. 411-11 Buchanan bid. BUSINESS CARDS HOWS. DAVIS COMPANY. 109 Id st Blank books m'f'z; a fits, for Jones' Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers: see the new Eureka leaf. A-8183. Main 183. WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalks ana cross JngsaiL Beck bldg.. TIN - roofing, guttering, repairing and general lobbing. J. Loali, 213 Jeffer son st Mem 14 24. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO.. J'ortiapd office. 404 Worcester bldg. JAS. Mcl. WCOD A CO.. aB kinds Of in surance, surety bonds. McKay bldg. ,RH?YCLE REItHING NEW.Wecond baud wheels.' repairing, key, safe and lock Work. Hummer, 1SJ 10th. NOTICES C.inrLT CXF MNO THE'IONE. Carpets cleaned, refitted, laid. Feathers renovated. E. CfiO. B-2:!(6. CAIU'ET WEAYTNd NORTHWEST RUG WORKS Rugs from old carpets, rag rugs, carpet cleaning. . 153 Union ave.., near E. Mor rison. WE .veave lag carpets, bath room rugs, etc. I6l Fatton ave. vvooaiawn zii. CHINA PAINTING LESSONS Orders; firing daily. Mrs. Edwin Smith, 292 mil st - CUli.OPODlHTS dr. Laura m. Randolph Chiropo-1 dlst foot specialist; graduate of Mon-1 mouth Memorial Hospital, Long Branch, t N. J., The Wanamaker School of Chlrqp- ody. New York City.., Office 250 Harri- son st. cor. 3d. . i CHIROPODY - AND PEDICUR1 NCi Mrs. M. D. Hill. 429 Fliedner bldg. COAL AXD WOOD H0TICEp?Saln slab wood GREEN SHORT WOOD, per load.. $2.59 GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD, per cord.. $2-60 ! INSIDE DRY SHORT", per load ....$3.60 BLOCK. WOOD, per load $3.60 SA WEUST, for fuel and bedslng: Main 8119. A-7001. Qarcoai PROMPTLY DELIVERED Wood Call Main 8767. Foot of Cnrry st Wood. Coal and Dry Slab WESTERN FUEL COMPANY, 287 E. Morrisou. East 226, B-1026". SOUTH PORTLAND SLaBWOOD CO, Main 2163. A-3842. Dry inside wood, green slab wood, clean sawdust tor bed ding, rut ruel: eorrtwooa, NEEli & FARR. dealers in all kinds of fir and hard woods: prompt delivery. 806 Water t. Main 4596. A-4547. A. H. Ed let nen, the fuel man On. of com merce, sells antnractte and cannel; 'so cheaper grades of coal and dry wood WE WILL saw your wood promptly. Cascade Woodyard. Phone Marshall 1906. - - Yamato Wood and . Coal Company. CEDAR block, $1.50 for 30 days. Phone, Main 2153, A-3842. STEEL Bridge Fuel Co., wood and coal t-none j-i i, Jii. 4Z, SHORT dry beard wood, $3.60 per load. Phone Marshall 1906. . - ' - COLLECTIOira CURRENT and dellnauent accounts col iected. Wells Mercantile Agency. 70S Board or Trade bldg.. 4th ana oak sta CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS WILLIAM F13HBECK, carpenter and builder, Jobbing and contracting. 206 4in. jviain e4i WANTED Cement steps made for'res ldence,' 485 Newton st, Willamette i-teignis, city. Mclntyre & Walker, contractors and builders; Jobbing and repairing. Phone A. J. F. ' BOWMANV carpenter and builder; plans and specifications free. Phone Woodlawn 2363. - 1 CONCRETE. brlCKWorw. exoavau.g, etc. - Drop postal, J. Wempe. 187 E. k2d st DANCKVO WALTS5, two-step, stage dancing, les epna 26c: now opening summer classes tonight. Prof. Wal Willson's School. 386 waslu at, bet W. Park and 10th, E.INGLER S . school Mon., Sat. eve. Western academy, 1 2d and Morrison. Phone Main 9212. - GASOLINE ENGINES STATIONARY and marine; electrio equipments; launches, accessories, wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Relerson Machinery Co.. 186 Morrison. ELECTRO LTSTS MOLES, wrinkles, superfluo -a hair re moved. Mrs M p.: Hill. 42 Fliedner. 1 v ELECTRICAL SD PPULS ? MOTORS FOR RENT OR SALB" Pacific Elec'.ric-Engineeerlng Co.. S13 Second at . ... LEATHER FINDIXOS CHAS. L. MASTICK A CO.. 74 Front Leather of every description; tai maufacturers. findings. LIBRARIES CIRCULATING library... 186 6th. bet. i Taylor and Yamhill. Books 8c per dav. MOTION PICTURE SUPPLIES i WE START you In business on' easy terms. Motion Picture Co., 626 Wash. MLStlC TEACHERS E. THIELHORN, violin teacher, pupil ; Sevcik. Mar., 1629, A-4160. 900 Marquam PlAKO, violin, cornet, mandolin, prof. E. A. Smith. 292 12th . '-- m E. TH1ELHORN, violin teacher, pupil Sevcik, 900 Marquam. Marshall 1629, OSTkoPATllHJ PHYSICIANS DR. LILLEBELLE PATTERSON, spe cialist on nerves, acute and chronio dtseasea 217 Fenton bldg. Main 81-61. DR. SMITH, graduate Kirksville, too.. 1398; post grad, 1907, $18 Swetland bldg. LiH. F. J. BARB. A. 8. U 07 Monawk, bldt., 3d and Morrison. Mln 2236 ts.r 1'ALMlNta AM l-.4l'KHtA4 FOR painting, tinting, -phone East 1356. All teed satisfactory. paporhanging, work gunran- FOR painting, tinting, phone East uu3, C-2398- A. S. Osbourn, 886 E. Wash ington st FOR best work, prices light call p. A. r- ,n, T T I V.AMAu XJOane, U1 i.iiivii. uuijipiiuHca PAINT, OIL AMI tiLASS TtASMUSSEN 'ft CO, "High Stamtard" paint n. cor. 2d & Tayler. ii. A-i771. PAi EM A I A uUNfelS INVENTORS OF OREGON and the west are Invited to correspond with North Pacific Patent Bureau, Lum bermens bWeti Portland, A home office dealing direct with U. S., Canadian and Foreign Patent Depts, President, R. A. Kellond, expert ot 30 years' practice. Advice free. -. ' - j - ; HANDBOOKS for Inventors free; talis how to obtain and value of patents, trademiMke registered. Beeler A Robb. 177-181 McOUl bldg., Washington. D. C. J. K. MOCK, late of the examining torps U. S. patent office, book of informa- tlon free. 823 Abington bldg. R. C. WRIGHT, U. S. and foreign pat ents; Infringement cases. 604 Dakuin. PLATING. PORTLAND PLATING & MFG. CO. 22nd and Thurman. Main 843, A. 5282. Plating on all metals in all colors. PLOIBING AND cSis'HTfi.VC THRi most essentlal'part Of plurhbln is good work. It avoids after-ex fwnse; We guarantee our wont.- independent Plumbing Co,,- 20 Grand ave, E. 9B2. PRIVATE DETECTIVES j - arr PRIVATE detec :'tive. ' strictly business, "1-547S. C-5fi-f. Journal. confidential. A PRnTTNO -Doers of clever things with typu anJ ink on paper." 14H4 1st. , ' TlTT EAnt.if -vrifyrvjsaJ5rru trut; clone figures, good work. Cc Goodnough bldg. Phone Mala ilJL 11. f 5 RIIOUCASI.3 AND I :.Tl'. SHOWCASES of every 1 r ; -bank, bar and store fixt urea m.lv. t orer The LutkeMfg. J'o m THE JAMES L MARS UAL I., ivu-vi. ui. - new and old showcases, rablne' . M.--i and eff.ee fixtures. 2S Couch. M. 'JJ SAt'EJ THE Mosler Safe Co, 108 2d St. k-at at factorv nrlces: reDalrs. locRcutS j P"ed; bargain In second badsafp. i I,':-,iuiujii-ai ison c Altua T . .- FOSTER tt KLEISEIR, signs; the lara est sign makers In the northwest; 6tt nd Everett sts. Phone Priv. Ei. its Home A-1156. SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" PortUnd Sign Co.. 287 Stark.- Pacific 1696, SLKVLVOliS -rVALTER M. OBER. platting, subdivid ing and topographical maps a spe. laity. 160 E. 28th St. N. B-2099. ( LEAN towels dally, comb, brush, soap. $1 per month. ? Portland Laundry A lowel Supply Co., 9th and Couch sta, I hons Miin 410. A-4410. . TRANSFER AND HTORAOU . 0egon Transfer Co. ' Established 1870. -Transfer and forwarding agent , Storage, free trackage. Office. $10 Hoyt st. bet &th and 6tfc C. O. PICK Transfer Sc Storage Co!, of" fice and - commodious 4 atory bricK warehouse, separate Iron rooms and fireproof vaults for 'valuables; north west corner 2d and Pine sta .Pianos and furniture moved and packed for ship . , II.Im KtlA L .1 OOft - rnones: main , (llflll. ll.BIII u.-.-i - - r.-.xr"-1tP 'TDIVQI-lTD CO ...... General transfer and storage, safe Dlanos and furniture moved, packed and CT 1 L 1 , 1 v.r ........ ... INDEPENDENT Baggage & Transfer Co. Storage. 314 Stark. Main 40i. A-4169. ' ' . Snippeo. iVV KJttn. IU AWCT.H wii. rK-en-w. TYPEWRITERS ALL makes rented, repaired, sold. Cun n In gham Co.. 281 S yrk. M. 14Lj ; VKTKlilNAJllAII ---yl-L --u.n -LLH-i -LHs I S I -SII-r1i-sT DR. A. O. SMITH. V. 8.. U. 8. Stable", $48 Fiont Main 4156. Rea. Main 1808. Ay ALL PAPS. HOUSE painting, paper hanging, tinting, and the goods that go with them. E. H. Moorahouse & Co.. 411 Wash. st. VtUOUidALlk JORliiOi3 EVERDING & FARRELL. produce and commls!!sa meicnants. 140 Front at, Portland. Or. Phone Main 17?. M. A. GUN ST t CO.. -DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS. PORTLAND. OR. WAPHAMS A CO., wholesale grocer. manufacturers and coffee roaster. 4tn end Oik sts. ALLEN & LEWISGROCERIES, BANKS ? ; FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Portland. Or. CAPITAL AND SUSPLtS $1,600X10. GEKMAN-AMKKKJAN BANS Ponland, Or. - Corner Sixth mil Wiaalugton itt. Trtin acts generll btaklng . hunineu. Draft! iwued trsllablit la (11 the principal cities of tb United State and Europe. Four per cent lntereat paid ,ou Having, accounts. 'Safe da posit Tiinlta. . BONDS AND INVESTMENTS M ORRIS BROTHERS. Cbsmber ef Com- mtf B Iding. Uaolclpal, railroad and. I'Ublie aertlce eorporatloa bouda. DOWNINO-HOPKIN COfltoek and trale brukeri. Establlabed 1S83. Portland, Seattle.' Tacoma. Spokane. Prlrata wire. 201-2-8-4 (touch Bldg. ... TRANSPORTATION COOL SUMMER CRUISES VIA SMOOTH "INSIDE PASSAGE" Only Seven Cruises; Number of Passengers Limited; Best Reserve Berth Quickly. TARE ICO AND UPWARDS L INCLUDING BERTH AND MEALS ty Write for folder containing large picture of famous MU1R GLACIER, free, Addreaa "TICKET AtENT," PACIfIC COAST S. S. CO. 249 WASHINGTON ST. PORTLAND The Open &iver Transportation Company Str. J. N. TLAL Tor THE DAILES and Way Xandlngi Leaving Oak street dock Monday. Wed nesday and Friday at 7 a. m.. re turning, leaving The Dalles Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, making t-'ose connectlotiH at Celilo with STEAMS V TWIST CITTE3 for Lewiston. also ur LAND EMPIRE for Pasco and all points up the Columbia as far as Priest Rapids. CAPT. W. S. BUCHANAN. Sunt '- . A. S. - WHITING, Asjent COOS BAY LINB 6 - DAY SEBVICS ' The steamer BREAKWATER leaves Portland at A. Mr June 8, 13, 18, 83, S3 and every 6 days, from Ainsworth dock, for 1 Korth Bead, Marshfield and Coos Bay points. Freight received un til 6 p- m. on day before. Passenger fare, first class, $10; second class. 7, Including berth ami meals'. Inquire city ticket office, 3d and Washington sts., or AInswnrth dock. .Phone Main 2M, AMCHUR LINH STfcAMSHIPS - NEW YORK. 10ND0H AND flJASOOr. . KEW YORK AND KPLES pIRECT. Plngle or round tr tlckela btlni N'w York and Scotch, f nsllsb. Irish and ail prln-l-pal continfiital poiuta at attractive rutei. ft .d Tor b(k , of tonra, Superior accommodation. Excellent cuislna. Apply promptly for miiv factorT marvavion. .For tlclv-t or'fmiaral l formatlon apply to any kvnl fnt ot tb Ancbor Mn or to dKNDERSU.N BkUS.. Oaa'l AttaCblcaco. HI. Columbia River, Portland and Astoria Route Steamer Hassalo leaves Portland rtailv from Ash-street dock, except Sunday, at 8 p. m. (Saturday at 10 p. -m.);-ret'irn-Ing, leaves Astoria daily, except Sunday, at 7 a. m. Tickets Interchangeable with steamer Lurllne, which leaves Aatia datlv, Mtrcpt 8-inday.. at 7 p, in. . SAN FRANCISCO H PUUTH.ND STEAMSHIP COMPANY , From AInsworth Dock, Portland, t . tl 8. 8. Bsaver, June 13, July a. S. B. Bear. June 25, July 9. From Pier 40, Kan JKrm.w -:- o 11 a. ft , S. 8. Hear. Jrvi-e 15f, :f"7 3. 8. 8. Beaver, June S3, .1 'v V iJ.'W, Ransom. Dock- As. .-t ' 'V - f 4emwer h --- H -e - ': A tA.iill gent, 112 l nini, ! . ; :4). SAN FRANCISCO- ASH LOS At;r i.t -h vu KOtTH pactno . n. r- T.LZ 1 -.r t,i,.k.iv. iir.,aiv. .-, 'C 1' . t , ...-' - fftncV m 131 . a I 1,t'nr A - . A ; . it. V"' '!,' . sr. v nine ALASKA