The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 17, 1910, Page 16, Image 16

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    1 J
llwause.! iGuevic M I ( newto, Seff, "TTTw1 T ' '- ' 1 T P"" f ticks. t J I ' .'' , "
KS LOT AGAIN. Ml l . , . X riWS WV L-tarj j CM" -fW. ' X PUPPET) . fuLONT
Holds Portland to One Bingle
and Bats in Enough Runs
to Win.
(Special DUpttcb to Tb Jmrntl.)
Los Angeles. Juri 17 Hltt wa th
whol ahow , yesterday, blanking Ihe
'Beavers, allowing them but on hit and
making three singles himself that con
trlbuted to the Hooligans' big score. . '
Bpeas was the only northerner who
discovered the safe side of the ball, and
had it not been for his Bingle in the
etxth frame Hltt would have scored a
no hit no run game. On the other hand,
l - '1
r? : fTI
. started to make "
we thought they
v would . prove a
good 8mbIccJ;
Public approval
has demon
8trated their su- :
su perior quality.
, Werhave"exe
cised the great
est care in blend
ing; rVOBAK8?i
which are rolledf
in mais paper,
with cooling
mouthpiece , at
tached. .
. . Su Frodco
?ii V
u mm
Seaton was touched up for lj safeties,
most of which were bunched.
On three hits In the second Inning,
Vernon took command with two runs.
Coy started it with a double, and Burrell
copped an Infield single. Lindsay stopped
a pitched ball, Hogan was out on a fly,
but Hht singled and scored two. Sea
ton walked Coy and Burrell in the sixth,
Lindsay singled, Hogan squeezed and
Hltt singled, bringing the pedestrians
in. 1 Coy and Lindsay scored in ' the
eighth on a wark, an out, Lindsay's sin
gle andiHUt s tnira single. Score:
. 1 AB.R.H.PO.A.E
Stovall.-.rf SOI 1 0, 0
n. urasnear, 10 e o ; i u V
Carlisle, If ......... S 0 1 3 0 0
R. Brashear, 2b ..... 4 0 1 3 4 0
Coy. rf .............. 2 8 1 2 0 0
Burrell. 8b ......... 2 2 2 0 3 .0
Lindsay, fl.......... 3 1:2 150
Hogan. 0' 8 0 0 3 1 0
Hltt, p 4 0 3 0 2 0
Totals ..80 "J 18 27 14 "
" ' : AB, R. H. PO. A. K.
Cesar. 2b ........... 4 0 0 14 0
Olson, ts............. 4 0 6 3 B 0
Fapps. 10 8 0 0 12 0 0
Fisher, o 2 0 0 3 8 0
Ryan. If ............ 8 0 0 3-1 0
McCredie, rf ........ 8 0 0 0 0 0
HetUng, 8b 3 ,0 0 3 2 0
Bpeas, cf 2 0 1 0 2 0
Seaton, p ....... .. . . 2 0 0 0 2 0
ToUlS 26 "? "T 24 20 "o
Vernon ..0 2000203
Hits ....,.,...3 8 1 1 3 3 0 2 13
Portland ..0 00000000 4
Hits . . .0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 01
,;;::;':,.,:',' SUMMARY.
-Two base hits Coy and Carlisle.
Sacrifice ; hlt-Hogan and Burrell.
Ptolens bases Coy. Bases on balls-
Off Hltt, 4; off Seaton, 4. Struck out
By Hltt, 2; by Beaton. 2. Double plays
Kyan to tietiing; .uinasay 10 k. ra
shear to N. Brashear. Hit by pitcher
Lindsay. Time of game One hour 40
minutes. Umpires Van Haltren and
McGreevy. - , '.. '
Padfio Coast Leagne.
" Won, Lost P.C.
Portland ........28 29 .567
Oakland ,.43 34 -J 5 8
San Francisco 42 24 .563
Vernon .40 34 .541
Los Angeles ............35 . 43 .449
Sacramento ............24 48 '.833
Northwestern League.
' Won. Lost.
Vancouver ..u....29 24 .54
Spokane 29 26 .637
Taooma 25 29 .463
Seattle .................24 29 .453
National League.
Won. Lost P.O.
Chicago .,...;...........30 18 .663
New York 29 19 .604
Cincinnati 24 21 .533
Pittsburg. ............. .23 22 .600
Brooklyn ............ ;..23 28 . , .468
St Louis 22 26 .458
Philadelphia 19 25 .432
Boston ....... ...... 18 .31 .387
American League.
Won. Lost PC.
Philadelphia ...... 31 16 .674
New Tork 29 14 .674
Detroit , 83 19 .636
Boston .................24 . 22 . .622
Cleveland 18 22 .460
Washington ...... ...... 2Z 28 .440
Chicago 17 27 .386
St Louis ,.,10 - 88 .217
At Philadelphia:
Cincinnati 05 2
Philadelphia 10 12 0
Batteries Beebe and McLean; Swing
and Moran.
Pittsburg at New Tork. postponed.
Chicago at Brooklyn, postponed.
St Louis at Boston, postponed..
At St Louis R. H. B
Washington 8 7 0
St. Louis 2 9 4
Batteries Reisllng and Street; Bai
ley, GiUlgan and Stephens. '
At Clereland R. H.E.
New Tork ................... 3 7 2
Cleveland ...... ............ S - 7 - 0
Batteries Hughes and Sweeney;
Eoestner and Eaeterly,
At Boston R. H. B.
Boston ; 8 81
Detroit : 12 14 3
Batteries Arrellanes and Carrlgan;
Kllllan and Stanage.
Sacramento, 1; Oakland, 0.
Sacramento, June . 17, Sacramento,
like the day before, scored the .only run
of the game with Oakland, when Lively
was touched tip for a single and walked
three men In succession. Score: -
R. H.E.
Oakland 0 4 1
Sacramento .................. 1 8 0
Batteries Lively and Pearce: Hunt
ana uranam. ,.-;.
Angela, 2; Seals, 0.
San Francisco, June 17. San Fran
cisco got six hits off Nagle, but the In
valid kept them well scattered and won:
Score: R. H. B.
San Francisco ................ 18 0
Los Angeles 2 7' 0
Batteries Ste-wart Henley and' Ber
ry , iagie ana warring. -
Tanconrer, 8; Seattle, 1.
Vanoourer, B. C, tJune 17.- Seattle
trotted but an amateur named Ford
yesterday, but although Vancouver only
made three hits off him the Canucks
profited by his wildness. - Jansen again
was Uie jinKs or the Turk. Score: .
" R.H.E.
BWtll'Miniiniimn 1 4-j
v aneouver ................... 3 8 0
Batteries VnrA and Jnwn anil
c. . ' - -
ouguen. i
- .f.
Rain Stops Game.
Spokane, , Wash., : June 17. Rain
caused a postponement ef the Tacoma
Spokane game yesterday.
Ml I "i -! "i 1 I " - i 111
I 1 -A J " s 'til
Fielder A. Jones, famous manager of
signed to play with the Chehall
a movement of much concern to
8pwil nitpateh to Tb JoornaLl
- Chicago, I1L, June 17. President
Comiskey of the Chicago White Sox has
given Fielder Jones, his former man
ager, now a resident of Portland. Or.,
where he is in the timber business, per
mission to play the- remainder of .. the
season with the Chehalls team of the
Washington " State league, a class D
organization under the national agree
ment Although Comiskey evaded a direct
answer, this move is taken an an Indi
cation that the famous manager who
led the Sox to a world's championship
and who never finished lower than
third place, will supplant Duffy at the
helm before the present season Is over,
perhaps. If not that ltis reasonably
certain that Jones will manage the club
nest year. Reports from Oregon aro to
the effect that Jones has become quite
heavy since leaving the game, but has
worked off considerable flesh while
coaching a college team In Oregon.
t Call ox ta Diamond.
. The call of the diamond- is stronger
than the lure of the pines, and although
Fielder Jones says he la out of base
ball for good, there are signs pointing
eastward and Chicago Is their vanishing
point The dulcet tones of south, side
fandom is a greater lodestone than the
strident shriek of a circular saw. Time
hangs heavy on a ' man's bands ' and
Fielder was never a fellow to sit around
and let things come to him. He wants
to be up and doing and he lovea Chi
cago as he loves no other city In the
world, unless It be Portland.
These are some of the reasons why
Fielder Jones may go to the Chicago
ciud alter an absence of , two years.
When the famous leader began - coach
ing, the raw youths of the Oregon Agri
cultural college baseball team several
months ago, It was taken as an Indica
tion that he wanted to keep In trim to
answer the appeal from Chicago. Now
that he has , signed to play week-end
games with the Chehalls team of the
Washington State league, emphasis It
given to the rumor current- earlier In
the season. Fielder will not need much
bard work to put him back where he
was In the halcyon daya and announce
ment that he had signed with Chicago
would create mora enthusiasm In the
breezy burg than the debarkation of
Theodore Roosevelt at the Battery In
Mew xork. .
OlA Xove vear Bottom.
With one Chicago team at the top
of the . ladder In the National league
and the other Jones', old club on the
verge of the bottom in the American,
is It any wonder that Jones Is wanted?
One world's championship the only
time it was ever won by the Junior big
league and never finishing less than
third place, la the proud record of the
- Portland .lumberman. . Comlikey needs
him now. Sullivan was a failure and
Duffy has. not been successful. : Jones
never got more than $10,000 a year for
new players; last year ComiBkey, spent
$66,000 for young blood. Where ia it
flowing? , In the ditch but one removed
from the last . - .
Jones' services will come high. He
the Chicago White Sox, "who has
8 team.. In this action the fanssee
the baseball world.
passed up a salary offer of '325,000. but
he urged his desire to purchase half of
the Chicago club from Comiskey at a
price close Xv 3300,000. '- Ha Comiskey
experienced a change of mind? Does he
want to divide with the man who made
him ao much money? Does he figure
that the unpopular Murphy with his
leading team Is shoving the heretofore
popular Sox to the brln of baseball
oblivion? , . v '
. Message to Tans.
Fielder says nothing, "Tell them I am
out of baseball," ha says. "Tell them 1
am going to play with Chehalls merely
for mv health. If thev ran ti-r it ,.n
with Comiskey. I love the game. I have
pieniy oi ume io piay. I don't want to
be Idle. I don't want to say that
To the Tra velingTublic ;
The Oregon & . Washington Rail
road desires to. announce to the trav
eling public that iti solid steel coaches "
have arrived from the, east and are
now in use on all of its trains running :
Jbetween Portland and Puget Sound I
v ' -'.':''(' 'M
It. Is not necessary to go Into an '
extended explanation of the great
- value of the solid steel coach. The
fublic is already well informed on this
mportant subject. Suffice it to say that
the solid steel coach will not tele
scope, burn nor splinter. It js the
. acme of comfort and luxury.,
The Oregon & Washington local,
leaving Portland at 9 a. m.; the Shasta
Limited, leaving Portland at 3 p. m, '
and the Oregon, & Washington Owl,
leaving at 11:45 p. m. all are "
equipped with solid steel coaches. -
C, W. STINGER, City Tlckfl Agent
. W D.' SKINNER, ,Cea Pass. ; Agent , '
EVENING, JUNE 17,: 1210.
Biff! Bang! Boom!
What a beating the
Ducks received at
Vernon yesterday.
Billy Speaa se
cured the only wal
lop that resembled a
hit. arid "Hitt" was
right on the Job the
rest of the time. He
had 1 the , Beavers'
"goaf from start to
finish.. -
The Por t land
boys . didn't believe
In playing . "real" balV yesterday be
cause it was Beaton's birthday and they
wanted Tom to get a present Tom
received a beautiful "sousing," bat he
was unlucky. "Thirteen hita'Ms a Jinks
for a birthday. ; '
All the "champions" received their
Dumpings yesterday which doesn't
change our position in the percentage
column. ...; - .."' ,'
' :V
It was quite rude of Roy Hltt to
slam the ball the way he dld.r because
Seaton was always nice to Roy. Yes,
he was "ever" so nice in ever so many
ways and Roy took advantage of
Thomas yesterday and soused him for
30 blngles. , , '. . . r..' : . "
It was errorless game. Oh, yea, the
boys thought 13 hits were enough with
out making matters worse by miscuing.
Lively, who pitches for Oakland, had
a delightful time at Sacramento yes
terday when the Senators made things
very-lively . for : Lively. He ; had a
balloon ascension in the seventh inning.
That slump Is coming. .
. -, . . '. '
Walter Nagle took a slam at the Seals
and they were "easy"., for the human
"sliver," who kept the Frisco boys on
their rapid slide down the toboggan.
The Athletics slipped the White Sox
am going back to Chicago, for there Is
nothing settled about it. I made, my
terms once, they , were not accepted,
and that ends me so far as the big
league is concerned," and the man who
was neveri known to laugh from April
to September, smiled wistfully.
Sis Hew Job.
Chehalls, Wash., June 17. Fielder
Jones, former star in the outer garden
of the Chicago White Sox and for years
the Idol of the south side fans, will
this summer play center field for the
Chehalls team In the Washington State
league, Ihe most insignificant baseball
circuit in the Pacific states.
He will probably make his Initial ap
pearance In a Chehalls uniform Satur
day in the series with Aberdeen. "Fa
ther Tom" Kelly of Eugene, pr coach
of the Oregon university nine, has been
made captain of the local team, which is
now in fourth place in a list of .six.
Toung Togo, the crack Japanese Jiu
jitsu paperweight, -ia training hard for
his match with Jockey Bennett the Cal-
.7Kl!,w'f:;.';. .'!
Pit ii lift S
W ,: r J
another beating) yesterday. Combs
pitched nice ball and held the-Zelderites
safe at all times.
'"-' ",. i('.i.-.-:J '-:''-:'l: '::l''A,
; Dugdale is having a lovely time with
his twlrlers. He has lost 20 pounds In
the last week. ' Hall and Thompson
slipped him the gobye yesterday and the
big. little fellow ia on the anxious seat
3 "',".!" I :'r-' .;'.'-.',: -''r;;-i, '.'
Detroit easily beat-Boston yesterday
by a score of 12-2. The Tigers slammed
the Boston twlrlers all over the lot
v;-;:-'Vv.' V. -( -V- r
A theatre party consisting of some
prominent Portlanders' witnessed the
show at 'the Orpheum last evening and
saw the ;"abalula" dip , Do you know
what the "abalula dip" ts? Well, I'm
surprised at you not being aware of
that graceful dance. Now don't slip
It over to the whole family, you want
to be a little exclusive tor once in your
life. It is a combination ras-ma-pas
with the suah-ma-xusha glide and four
steps back with the als-fa-lals as a
chaser; Teg sir. but you get an appetite
doing it at least the "Geek," who was
trying it never seemed to stop talkin8
about something to eat:. That's the real
meaning pf . the abalula dip. Johnnie
Callahan will give a "destitution" of it
before a crowded house next Saturday
evening. I mean a demonstration of It
;' ,. .;. , ' : ,
, Krapp is due to pitch today or to
morrow and there is no resason why
we should not annex another game. The
boys play Vernon until Monday -when
they beat it for Sacramento. They
ought to be able to get a nice lead for
the rag during that 'week.
As I was saying you never want to
kick a man when he 4s downn The same
applies to those sports who have . the
fifty -simoleon seats at the-ringside of
the Jeffries-Johnson fight They are
having enough trouble now figuring out
how they can get to Reno. They have
been saving their nickels and dimes and
all the rags, bottles and sacks for the
Junk man.' 'o,v y-- -
Ifnmlo. hjintam. 'mnA Ah.rn.iKi, i.
cal wrestler, which wlle 'staged ' in
Merrill's hall next Friday night This
will be the first time in history that a
1lu-1ltau exnert h mat a hn, .i,k
gloves and a wrestler in the same
maicn, ana n is expected to be a big
drawing card.
Mt, Angel Defeats Chemawa.
tSpecUl.Diptch to Te Journil.) .
Mount. Ansel CAllnnr in., i
In a brilliant, keen and clear cut game,
ravunt Angei college nested chemawa
on the local diamond yesterday after
noon In the eleventh Innln. u. .
of 8. to 2. thus bringing her season to
a. ciom wiin tne remarkably high aver
age of .760. The feature of the game
was the Dltchine- of Kturiar u ....
- " , ltv7 ncua
hit but once in seven, innings, and won
us vwn game in ine eleventh by' sous
ing a three bagger and coming in on
Manion's squeeze play.. The Indians
fielded well, but wr
with the willow. The ticore:
? tr tt.
Chemawa . . .1..; j
Mount Angel " ... ; ; . , ,. ,.3,7 3
: Batterlea Tenhn inil.Tianhm.i.! o...
der knd O 'Rourke;' Manion. .
Journal Want 'Ads bring results.'
1.50 Dalliroom
-The shelf is made of weatheredoak and is.V
18 inches long and 6 inches wide. The towel
rack, tooth brush rack,
ers are of nickel plated
I 1 11 '. " 1 in i . 1 I I S i
f f
Vlipt 0N.
Grogan Will Enter Chicago to
Take Up Mecficine Wletz
ger Suggested.. : c
Moscow, Idaho, June 17. John' "S. 1
Grogan. . coach of the athletic team
at thcJniversity of Idaho for the past
year, has resigned. He will enter the ' ;
University of Chicago this coming Sep- .
tember and take up the study of medi
cine.! Coach Grogan' s resignation came
as a surprise to the people connected
with the university and was entirely '
voluntary, ; i. '.-'''-.'.':'..-.' '
Grogan graduated from Knox college .
in 1904 and has since been coaching
athletio teams. He coached at Fargo . '
college. North Dakota, for four years.
During these four years his team' lost
but one football game. During the
season of 1908, Just prevtous-v to his '
ooming to Idaho, his team defeated
every team in that section of the coun.
try and the schedule called for games
against such teams as the North Da- ,
kota A. C, which team was defeated
by a score of 24-6. This . team . was i '
formerly . coached by Gllmore Dobie, ,
who 'Is at present coach at the Untver- , ,
flltv ftf IVB.hin.fnn x
Grogan never, had a losing baseball ,
team bifore this season. Fielder Jones,
coach of the ,0. A. C. baaeball team. V
saia tnar aunougn the. eam ,idiot
win Its share of games, Grogan's mert
showed 'more InBlde baseball than) any
other team. In the- conference. ' 'J
No ono connected with the lnstiaitlon ? '
blames Coach Grogan tor ', the (poor '"
showing of the teams as It is geneVally"
understood that , the material he iad
was poor. It is rumored that either
S -8. Metiger, former O. A. C. coaclt or '
"Pink" Griffith, Who coached at the -
University for several years, will.'e
appointed to fill the position .left va
cant by . Grogan. 3:
1 nQ AMnn rc wimmcd
Chicago, .June. 17. The -Los 'Angeles '
Country club has' won the nernn an..!
nual competition for the Morris Me4
monai goir. iropny, accoraing to un-
official announcement The tournament'
is being Dlaved slmultftnenunlv nn "
rn Golf association courses. ' "
- Los Anareles had 24 down: nalrmnnt 1'
down, and Denver and Memphis are tied '
for third place, with 43 down.
The Waverly ' Golf club took part in '
the Morris tournament yesterday, play
Ing against bogey on the golf-links.'1
The scores made here were as follows:
1,Jr h J Morrow down
J. K. Young 7 down
Jordan E. Zan ... s . , io down ,
J. W. Bennett ;.. 11 down
A. A. Wright 12 down v '
T, B. Llnthloum ... 14 down
J. Alexander ................ 15 down
u. 1. tioneyman ............. 15 down
4 TO 9 P. M.
soap and tumbler hold
metal. . v