The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 17, 1910, Page 12, Image 12

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    . Hjf. W J W
111 vP :,nmm klQT-
"Welding bells have rung: happily for
Miss SIttteel. Howe and Dwlght Thomp
son Farnham of Seattle, whose marriage
loolc place at 8:30 last night in the
bride's borne on North Twenty-fourth
' street, in the presence . of 35 guests.
Pink roses and honeysuckle were used
in the drawing room, where they were
effectively massed. The background of
the altar was banked with the pretty
flowers, while a . beautiful ? Japanese
altar cloth was thrown over the altar,
la the reception hall, behind a screen
of English ivy and pink roses, astrlngred
orchestra was stationed, . which played
"Believe Me If All Those Endearing
Toung Charms" during the service. The
rooms were lighted entirely by . candle,
light and pink candles added to the
decorations. -The stairway - where ' the
bride made tier entrance was banked
with pink rosea and honeysuckles, and
lighted with myriads of tiny pink can
dles. "The Misses Josephine and Elisa
beth Richardson marked the pathway.
i vne ui iuuu win jjiu v
white ribbons. The marriage service
was read by the-ReV. Boy Edgar Rem
ington, and the brider was given into
the keeping of the groom by her mother,
Mrs. C U Howe, Miss Gall Hetherlng
ton, of Atchison,, Kas:, was the maid of
honor, and Pierce Butler Keynolds of
Wilkesb&rre. Pa., acted as best man.
The bride wore a beautiful gown of
white satin cut on princess lines with
a bodice of real duchesse lace. A long
court train and tulle finished the
costume. She carried a shower bou
quet of lilies of the valley, and wore
a magnificent string of pearls. Miss
Hetherlngton 'was in a lovely creation
of creamy white chiffon over white
satin, embellished with, a pretty de
sign of embroidered pink rose buds. Her
flowers were Baby roses. Following the
ceremony, an Informal reception was
held. In the receiving line Wei's Mrs.
Howe, Dr. and Mrs. U T. Farnham of
Binghampton, N. t.; -Mrs.: E. '.R-BIalr,
Mrs. W. W. Hetherlngton, Mrs. Louis
Stopper, Mrs. Jeanette Stiles and Miss
Helen Hackney, all of AtchiBon, Kas.
in the dining room pins roses were usea
with pretty effect, centering the table,
which was presided over. by Miss Gene
vieve Thompson and Miss Helen Hack
hey. Among the out of town guests
, j. n r i .ii,H. rA,.1A
were jjieuieniuii, nnxi justs, auuui --vjij
ftf the barracks, Dr, Edmund Bradford
BurweU of Seattle and Miss Margaretta
A. Frank of Washington, D C. Mr.
and Mrs. Farnham left last night amid
a shower of rose petals, for their honey
pioon, and will be at home within 10
lays at Van Assalt . station. Seattle,
where a bungalow has been prepared for
them. " :' .' - :, ;"'
' Many beautiful gowns were worn. Mrs.
llowe was in white satln'-veiled with
pastel ' passementerie and elaborated
jvith seed pearls. Mrs. Hetherlngton
wore sage green satin with an overdress
Sf black -net. dotted with green jewels.
Wrs. Hetherlngton wore beautiful dia
jnoiulK. Mrs. Farnham was In gay
Wtior silk, trimmed With crystal bead
ing. Her costume was completed with a
handsome pearl necklace. Miss Frank's
gown was black messaline with Persian
irimmiDgs Mrs. Blair was In gray
satin. Miss Hackney wore a lovely
gown of lavender silk. . Miss Stiles wore
jvhite satin with pale blue trimmings.
Mrs. Stopper was " ttrwhttr" satin and
bid lace.. Miss -Genevieve Thompson
wora a beautiful creation " of white
Satin with an overdress of crystals and
pearls.- ". ,
; Mrs. Wallace McCamant was hostess
yesterday afternoon Jn her King street
home when she asked some 80 guests,
for a reading. . Miss Edith Coburn
Noyea of Boston was the reader, and
her subject, was the Lady Deadlock
tory of Charles Dickens' "Bleak
Iouse." The version used was the
one made o famous by Madam Jan
JjRcbek. The house , was , filled with
crimson ramblers and white Sweet TV11
Hams. Pouring tea and coffee in the
dining room were Mrs. Ernest F. Tuck'
r and Mrs, Harrison Corbett At the
punoh table were Mrs. J. C Robinson
and Mrs, William Brewster. Assist
ing In entertaining were Mrs. William
C. Alvord. Mrs, Frank B. Hart, Miss
Pally Hart Mrs. Ralph Wilbur, Miss
Grace Warren Miss Mary Livingstone,
Miss Isabella Gauld, Miss Olive Fall
ing and Mrs. Frederick Wheeler. :
e. .-
Mrs. J. H. Hart entertained ' with a
tea Wednesday afternoon, in honor oi
Mrs. O. J. 6htrley, who is visiting her
sister, airs. v. a. wanarey.
Mrs. Laura B. Newton left last night
for a visit at her old home In Bhlngle
town. Pa, and .was accompanied by
Mrs. Arthur L. Canfleld, who will visit
In Alfred. N. T. Mrs, Newton la. the
momer or A. jones, the raraous Chi
cago baseball manager, and has been
making hor home In Portland for the
last year.
Miss Helen Harmon entertained at
luncheon yesterday,, complimentary to
Miss Evelyn- Rlgler, a bride-elect The
table carried a centerpiece of yellow
coreopsis and covers were laid for 10.
'' The Apollo club gave a reception and
complimentary concert to the associate
members last night on the roof garden
bt the Nortonla. This was the last con
cert of the season and was held a little
iarlier than usual owing to W. K. Boy.
r's leaving for Europe on the twenty
fourth. Between 400 and 600 guests
were present end after a delightful pro
gram tea was served In the garden. ,
-m A wedding of Interest which - took
place last night In Greenville, Ohio, was
that of Miss Ethel Louise Qarton of
Greenville to Fenton JEarl Grigsby of
Portland. Mr. Grlgsby Is a '06 graduate
of the law department of the University
Of Michigan, and Is at present in the
law offices of W. C. Bristol. He la a
Delta ypellon man and a member of
the University club. Mr. and Mrs.
Grlgsby will return to Portland In about
i) days and be at home at 718 East
Couch street ,
rnionnn 1 1 nnm inmr
- Eugene. Or.. June 17-iThe Episcopal
rtute convention organized yesterday
Kb tho election ' of Rev, W. A. MV
Bretk as secreury and Rev. Gerald
i'otts as assistant. Delegates seated
t the convention were as follows:
Albany, L. E. Tracy; Astoria, Frank
Fnlttln: Ashland
vallis, B. F- Pernot, A. I Bpringer, D.
0, Thayer; Kugene, B, J. Hawthorne, H.
W. Thompson, -H B. Leonard; Grants
l ass, li. Looncy; Milwaukie, Dr. T. R.
r.Hwood; Oregon City, O. A.' Harding,
1 !,. L, KV":v Winia.Ti. Hammondrjport;
1. aai, bL Dctvld's parish Dr. F. cTjsell
u.J, A, H. Auterson: St. Mark's parish,
i'. li. PfahJer, R. W. Hastings, C. K
l! Begins; -fit. Stephen's) parish, B, O.
II, 1). Ramsdell; Trinity parish,
'. f, Alvord. S. 11. O ruber; l?osharg,
1.'mi,S; Palem, J. A. Sellwood
An h.ttusiing rm !.i t from the Good
Defense of tke Conventionalities
By Arthur L. Salmon.
THERE is often a tendency with
young people to be drawn away
from the virtues and duties that
appear commonplace Into paths of
doubtful propriety that seem more
original. '
The ways of duty appear tame and
ordinary; they lack : excitement So
much that Is really' worthless and mere
pretense passes under the garb of every
day propriety "that those who wish to
escape from It are prone to rush to the
opposite extreme. : . '-..Vj
In artistic, circles this drives men to
the manners of Bohemia and the Latin
quarter not always 'bad ' manners by
any means, though sometimes rather
perilous; while In literature it leads
them to assume any kind of mannerism
or grotesque absurdity, rather than to
confine themselves , to sober simplicity.
The same impulse leads young "men
either to be entirely negligent of their
attire, or to dress themselves with ex
travagance.. .Just as the average per
son prefers to be In the very vigor of
fashion, with no touch of distinction or
originality, these other ; spirits affect
an opposed liberty they resent any
trammels of the fashionable, they scorn
What is merely popular, they claim to
be dissatisfied with anything that
pleases the many.
The same claim guides them In all
their, actions and influences all their
conduct; : they avoid the beaten track,
they fly from the common pathways,
they saek what is unusual, exceptional,
bizarre. W
The tendency Is natural and- at bot
tom it is not an ignoble one; yet its
dangers are not to be ignored. V '
. It is always easy to depreciate vir
tues that appear conventional in favor
of vices that are picturesque. There are
some natures with which this is a spe
cial . temptation, , but they should lc-arn,
that this avoidance ef the commonplace,
this shunning of the things that others
do and say, may not always be a sign of
superiority. It may be a simple mani
festation of vanity and altogether inglorious.'
They fail to realize that it may be
far harder, and therefore more noble, to
keep on commonplace lines of dectney
and correct actions than it Is to wan
der off in paths of eccentricity and vag
abondage. Those who endeavor to live
good lives and who find themselves as
sisted rather than impeded by keeping to
ways that may be called conventional
have too often been made the butts of
facile' gibe and sneer, But the laugh
need not be all on one side and the end
of things is to be considered before
their character im Judged. ;
Those who are inclined to be turned
y ridicule from the ways that they
know to be those Of duty should re
member that the approval of a m&n's
own conscience is better than the ap
proval of his conpanlor.s, and that no
cdmradeshlp, no praise of kindred spir
its can heal the wrong done to one's own
self by neglect or shirking of the very
tasks that possibly appear most ordi
nary, and even conventional. .
The same counsel may be given to
those who are setting forth on any spe
cial career artistic, literary, profession
al, even commercial. - - The. despised con
ventions are usually the result of long
centuries 'of 'the .world's experience, an
experience that has not been cheaply
bought; it is almost always best to ac
knowledge the weight of precedent and
example, rather than to break into new
lines, adopt original methods that seem
more showy, more alluring.
We cannot afford to despise the re
sult of generations, we cannot afford to
cut the cords that , bind us to our fel
lows; even the' one person In many thou
sands who . might: safely venture ; on
originality of procedure is nearly al
ways most happy and successful when
he reverences the accumulated wisdom
of the past'',-.-:;;
- Society as a whole Is generally wiser
than any single member of it This
does not mean that maJorlties'"must al
ways be right the very reverse of
which Is often true; but It means that
the conjoint wisdom of the world's best
on any given point is always to be re
garded with respect and usually .should
be followed with obedience, ,
Healtn and Beauty
Sweet almond oil is the blandest fatty
material one can use. None of the other
oils quite equals it in this regard.
People who suffer from heat In, the
hands and feet can obtain speedy and
easy relief from the same by putting
Inside their stockings and gloves a small
portion of fine oatmeal.
After a fatiguing day a' woman may
soon restore her good humor and
pate her weariness by taking a hot aro
matic bath, or follow the usual cleansing
one with a rinsing of water made fra
grant with a toilet water.
' ,, .-v.- .'- .' .';
When the hair becomes oily and does
not need washing get 6 cents' worth of
powdered orris root and shake loosely
through the hair. Jn half an hour brush
the hair with a good stiff brush and it
will be as bright clean and fluffy as
when, first washed, besides being deli
cately perfumed.
' rV
. -When you buy face powder be sure to
select the tint best suited to your ; com
plexion. The reason some women look
ghastly white is because they use white
powder when they should use flesh tint
A woman with a normal . complexion
should always use flesh-tinted powder.
f .-, ";i-'J : ..'.":.-'..- .;'
"If every man and woman In town
walked two miles a day in the Open air
we doctors would lose more than half
our practice," declared a physician. "One
third of the drug Btores would be put
out of business, the agents for aids to
the complexion would pass through the
city Instead of stopping, and the beauty
doctors would starve-to death." . .
After a long walk or ride In the sun
rub your face with a little almond oil
Instead of washing' it. Almond oil is
excellent for the skin, and used in this
way will prevent that burned, uncom
fortable feeling that , so often follows
exposure to the sun. Leave on the oil
for 10 minutes fnd then wipe off with
a soft rag. The oil will remove any dirt
there may be as well as washing would
do. .'.v -. i.i v ' .
Samaritan hospital was -' read, from
which is taken the following: - .,
"Patients under treatment during the
year by religious faith; Episcopalians,
186; Presbyterians, 344 f Methodists, 648;
Baptists, 239; Christian, 19S; Lutherans,
466; Roman Catholics, 650; twiversal-
lsts, 6; Mohammedans, 6; Nazarenes, 1;
Salvation Army,. 6; Confucian, 1; Ger
man Reform, 7; Greek (Orthodox), 24;
Buddhist 10; Quaker, 4; Evangelical, 80;
Latter Day Saints, 14; Heathen, 18;
Church of Zlon, 1; Church of Christ 7;
Church of God, Z; Unitarian, 26; Chris
tian Science, IS; Congregatlonallst, 76;
Hebrew, 66; United Brethren, 2; Spirit
ualist 20; Adventlst 22;1 Swedenborglan,
1; Protestant 384; ho religious belief,
HlJS'.total, 4874, :.:,li;,.,;;,.,V'-v,-,;,:,
By nationalities Americans, ; 8472;
Austrlans, 62; Arabians, 8; Armenians,
1; Al.sav
plans, 4;
Grook, 82;
fa; Irish,
an, 1; Tulj
C:ina..!:ans, i
2'i; linrs, 33;
89; I'ren.-h, 7
German, 143;
6; Indians, 2;
25: LnplHnrters,
l n3, 9;
Puti'h. 2;
linns, C;
Italians, 38;
1; Mexicans
I- Mfthoili&t r-;.l.'-.-c-'-'l chtirr5
1; ; tins from, the ai-iutemtc
2; u-olirg of libornl arts. The
were Ruby Coryell, Eiem
r!::--Rt or
lira hiatfs
v t.'olony,
A jmes
'"ore, Cynthia Ilornihrnok, Liola
Helen Bn:lth, Nora Enimel, An-
hi!1 I ; ,
t 1 . t t
!.! 1 In t.
l.-ircG audii'i
:-C It
nt at V.
V HXi-ri-!:: -i w. r
i tne boih annu.ij
1; Prussians, 2; Persian, 1; Russians,
32; Roumanians. I; Swedish, 89; Scotch,
33; Servians, 27; Turkish, 6; total,
Last night a public reception was
given by the ladies of the guild to the
visiting delegates and others attending
the convention. It was largely at
tended by the townspeople who wel
comed the visitors to the city.
(Salem Bureau of The Journal.) v 1
Salem, Or., June 17. Governor Ben
son has appointed H. M. Cake of Port
land commissioner for the Btate of Ore
gon to confer ' with representatives 06
tho state of Washington In regard to,'
the boundary dispute between the two'
states In" the lower Columbia river. !
Congress recently gave Its consent to s
allow the two states to fix- a boundary.!
(Satan Burets of The Journal.)
Salem, Or.,, "June 17. Eleven received
degrees from Willamette university at
the graduation last night in the First
For the Stomach
Here's an Offer You Should
: Not Overlook. .
Rexall Dyspepsia - Tablets ' remedy
stomach troubles by supplying the one
element the absence of which in the
gastric Juices, causes indigestion and
dyspepsia. They ; aid the stomach to
digest food' and to quickly convert IV
Into rich red blood and material neces
sary ' for' overcoming ' natural body
waste.;'- : , -
Carry a package of Rexall Dyspep
sia Tablets In your vest pocket or
keep them In your room. Take one aft
er each heavy meal and indigestion will
not bother you.
We know, what ' Rexall Dyspepsia
Vablets are and what they will do. . We
guarantee them to relieve Indigestion
and dyspepsia. If they fall we will- re
fund your money, t Three . sizes: 26
cents, 60 cents and 81,00. Remember
you can obtain Rexall Remedies only
at The Rexall StoreThe Owl Drug
Co., Inc., corner 7th and Washington,
streets. - ..
i i afllored Qetlies
Choose now and cjioose here from the largest stock
of woolens on the coast
Have your suit made by a firm that has an estate
lished reputation for doing justwhat it advertises. - '
. ' ' ' i . v 1
Thirty-five dollars' worth of satisfaction will go
with every $20 suit sold here Saturday and Monday.
' '
" We sold over 8000 suits last vear at an avera tre nnV
of $37, but for the next two days we offer to cut. and
. build to your measure one for $20.
May we put one on your back?
i v-fv r wZii4
f :ty f V . iwi
' j: I VI
1 'ml vj i
, l,: '
Americao Geatleaan Tailors
"Portland's Leading Tailors" .
Ray Barkhurst, Mgr.
6th and Stark Sts.
n ti
i i ! . 7 I Jt
V : TI:e AI:cvc A.curJ in Prizes Will Cc
Oxsr ; Grcctcst AcIvcrOcina CcnipaSna , .
We are Coast distributors for fifteen of the largest and host Eastern
piano factories, and in order to familiarize every individual in Portland
and vicinity with our name and pianos. We have adopted this method of
advertising, and to the neatest 100 solutions of our puzzle we will give
a piano credit check on the purchase price of any new piano, as follows:
1st. arand Frise 9SO Piano Purchase Check,
SO. Grand Prise MiS Plaao Pnrohase Cheok.
3ft. . GTnd Prise f i m) I lino Purchase Check.
, " 4th. Grand Prtae 6178 Piano Purohsse Clieok.
' . 6th. anmd Prise ftlBO Piano Purchase Check.
6th, Grand Prise -613 Piano Pnrohase Cheok.
' .' ' 80 Grand Prises 4 100 Piano Purchase Check, '
Cain You' Solve Stt?
Jicw to Sdve It
The putsle is to take the numbers
.running from I to 13, inclusive, and
so arrange them in the squares that
each column of figures up and down
and crosswise will total 84. To point
the way we have set down the figures
from tne correct solution in one of
the columns. The other numerals
no using figure more thaoi onoe
are to be placed so that they will to
tal 28 In each column. Few will ret
all four columns; some will possibly,
get but one or two In addition to the
column already given.
Bear in mind, neatness counts as well as correctness, and will be left
to disinterested parties.
, Our pianos are sold direct from factory to the borne.' .. - .
20 23
, Our recent advertising contest. In which we'feateured the APOLLO
'HiTIB PIASO, demonstrated to us that this means of advertising la
the most satisfactory and cheapest, besides it makes it possible for a
large number to possess a piano that could not otherwise do so. With
this end in view, we have concluded to give another opportunity In
which all may share In the above distribution. : 1
- - Replies should be sent in at once, as this contest closes Wednesday,
June 22, o'clock P. M. . .
- " ' '"'
,, waiTB YZtAXSIiT Bead In Tour Guess
"m 1 ThiM o a ' Separate Bbee ef - Paper,
Sovciiden-Sale Piano Co.
' io pxrrx rnucBT, irext to perwus Hotsi. ,
N. B. Every person sending ' la a correct answer will reeelve a prise
worthy their effort. ,
V? 7A .' TT TT7
I ;V.1A-
z J
Women's 03 to
84 Shoes
; Oxfords and Pumps Everyone
should be pleased with this lot, as it
contains " hundreds of pairs of fine
Dress Shoes and Oxfords in patents,,
tans, vicis and din metals, in hie-h
or low cuts. ' Plenty of the new short
k vamps in aii(sizes and
widths. Remember, $3
to 1 shoes now, pair
tne new snort
95c for Shoes
Worth Up to 02
This lot contains hundreds of pairs ?
of boys': and misses' Shoes and Ox
fords, blacks and tans. This lot also
.contains plenty of women's fine "
shoes, oxfords, Strap Slippers and
Juliets, patents and vicis, blacks and
tans. This lot also contains men's,
$1.50 and $1,75 House Slippers in
black, tan - and wines, all A f '
size s'. Remember, shoes llKQ
worth up to $2.00, at, pairtvuy
I C or children's 75c and '85c
.fLieDdJ Dress-Shoes and Oxfords
htr and Pumps in black and'
tans, lace or button; all. sizes. ,
fPi' for children's $1.25 and
J (g $1.50 finest Dress Shoes,
v. Oxfords . and Strap
Pumps.' All the nobby little shoes
- are here in black and tans and com
bination of colors. Plenty of broad
toes in all sizes. RemembeFJA
$1.25 and $1,50 Shoes now i0
on sale at', pair.......,... u UJ
Cor. Fourlli end Ycmliill