The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 17, 1910, Page 1, Image 1

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    I i A I L Y J O U i 1 r A LIC
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The weather Fair tonilit. Satur
day fair and probably warmer.
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Howard -W. Guilford, irjdicted for an attempt to bribe H. M.
Barton, a member of the W. Cooper Morris jury, says he has been
'"double crossed" by the district "attorney's office.
Locked in the county jail under indictment for attempted brib
ery, and unable so far to raise the required $1000 bond, Guilford
thas smade a. statement which he" says is the true statement of the
facts of the transaction, and which puts "Bob" Patterson, notorious
as a divekeeper in the city, and L J. Fitzgerald, chief deputy district
attorney, in the role of the insticrators of the plot to offer Barton a
'bribe for the purpose of smirchinsr
" represented Morris, and who are
r ltzgerald.
"Count' Morris Senosky and
' Kiernan, personal and business associates of fitzjjerald and rattef
on, are also mentioned by Guilford
;up of the deal. .' '
r Accordinsr to Guilford's statement, he was out uo to the at
tempt to bribe Barton by Patterlon, who told him, that the district
attorney's office, Fitzgerald, Senosky, and Kiernan wanted to catch
Fouts and Sweek "with the goods on them." Acting on this infor
" mation, Guilford, says, he went to Fouts and put the, proposition of
bribing Barton up to. him. All during the course of the negotia
tions he reported to Patterson, he says, who assured him that he
would be taken care of, and that,.if he were to be caught, all that
Fitzgerald would want of him was his testimony. He was given
to understand that Fitzeerald was after Fouts and Sweek, and told
. that his work was eood. V '
,; .. After: his. arrest, Guilford says,- he still thought Fitzgerald
would protect him, as Patterson had "promised, and it was only
lately that it dawned upon nim.tnar, iMtzgeraici .was giving nim tne
"double cross." ' . . -' ' , - - ' : -
Because of this, Guilford says, he ,has told the whole truth to
v hip attorneys. Campbell and Geeslin,,andJiis statement as-given -to
Ihem, is as follows: -,
Searching for Graft. :
i "In my Btatement. to .Fitzgerald and
the detectlwg on the day of my arrest,
I told how I vas working i for the
Parcrof f Detective bureau and wat sent
to Bob Patteraon's place to hang around
and find out what I could about graft.
I represented to Patterson that J was
working with a. real estate ; and bond
concern, but never 'told hint Just what
one. We talked considerable, and the
. longer J was "around the place the more
friendly Pattersbn appeared to be to me.
('"One day, I made a hit with Patter
on, when a drunken man attempted to
bluff me out on ' a little argument
Patterson met me onjthe street the next
day, nd asked me to come down to his
aloon, as he had something to talk
about I went down that afternoon,
and hVuld he could not talk about It,
" but for me to come back'the next day,
and lie would have more time. I went
down, and Patterson took me aside..
You want to get to the top, don't
" youT .he sald''.J..'t. .. .".,.-'-.
wl replied Ves. , ' '.w:
"Well, there are two ways to get
to the top,' said Patterson. 'I can put
you there If you are the right kind of
stuff. Now, one way is like this: An
old country man comes to the city, seen
, a 11 story building, and begins to climb
the stairs to the top. ; He finally gets
there. But ft bright, young fellow
cornea along soon after, sees the ; ele
vator, takes It and beats the, old man
to the top. Now, young man. you want
to tike the elevator and get. there in ft
hurry, I believe I can show you how to
got there
Wonld Be Bhowm
""Show me,' I answered. '
That same afternoon, Patterson ftnd
I. met at Third and' Morrison streets,
; and he said to me, 'Now the election ,is
coming on, and there Is going to be
some rich pickings this fall. There is a
late being made up, which consists of
' Cameron for governor and , Fitzgerald
for district attorney. There la ft big
campaign fund that is being made up,
ftnd it will be about $50,000. He told me
'many things about this, and who was to
hold the 'Jackpot end who some of. the
-heavy contributors were. He further said
uiat if I proved to be all right, I could
be assured that there would be con
" fllcKranle work to be done nnder cover,
and that I would be exceedingly well
paid, and hla conversation further as-
(Continued on Paste Thirteen.)
(Caltd Pri-M U-tea. Wire.)
. New Westminster. B. C. June
"17.-Death has "scooped" a Van-
couver newppaper. Two days' 4
after the npolntment of J. E. Mc-
-Ferran. a power house employe
at Barnett to take care 'of the
neighborhood news for the Van-
couver paper,-. McFcrran was
There had been a number of 4
fatal accldpnts at Westminster
Junction, and each time the pa-.
per had ben "scooped" by its
rivals. When'McFerran was ap- 4
pointed he was told to phy par-
tioular attention to accidents. :,
Two days later another man
was electrocuted at Westminster :
Junction, and the paper was1
"scooped" again. The news, edl- '
tor called the power house on the.
JPUon eend, jis,iiewaiteiL Xor,Jilft
number, conjured up a volley of
sarcasm, for his correspondent
He was venting his anger on a
dead man, however. '.The re
porter had touched a live wire
furrying 40,000 volts.
Attorneys Fouts and Sweek, who
personal and rpolitical enemies of
Chief Deputy Constable William
in connection with the framing
, '
Prominent Clackamas County
Republicans Take - Stand
. Against Move Meeting Is
' Called for Saturday.
(SpecUl Dlipatch to The Journal.)
Oregon City, June 17. The call of
Llvy Stlpp, chairman of the county Re
publican central committee, for a meet
ing next Saturday of the Republicans
of this county for the purpose of fram
ing up an assembly has roused the anti
assembly men throughout the county.
The sentiment of the majority of the
Republicans is easily discerned by the
remarks of some of the -most prominent
men in the party In this county.
George C Brownell, when asked what
the significance the county central
committee being called together Satur
day was relaUve to the assembly plan,
replied thus: - "I don't attach any sig
nificance to it I suppose some Indi
viduals who want an assembly and
would like to see delegates sent from
this county who are anxious to elect
their ticket would be exceedingly glad
to have Republicans commit the fatal
political error In this county of calling an
assembly because the Democratic lead
ers know that if this was done it would
spilt "the Republicans and elect the
whole Democratic ticket The people of
this county as ft whole are very strong-
(Continued on Page Thirteen.) .
Will Resign From Taft's Cab
inet to Serve Pennsylvania
Is Rumored.
(United Press Leued Wire.) ' -
Washington. Juno 17, Secretary of
State Philander C. Knox may retire from
President Taft's cabinet to become the
Republican candidate for governor of
renneyivanla, according to ft welt ftu
thentlcated rumor here. The secretary
returned from Philadelphia l&si even
ing, where it la said he discrisned the
4raiiigmpst(rn nd-tfi(TpoB!SlbniUes"of
nis accepting the Republican nomination.
nun ii is saia nas oireaay Deen or-
fered him. Knox conferred with Senator
Penrose of Philadelphia, The senator,
according to the report, urged upon him
Ui necessity of a strong candidate at
tlie (Mimlnp: election. Knc-x .will decide
upon )i!m courso before next AVednesday.
(TJnltFd Press Letted Wire.)
Como, Italy, June 17. That . Porter
Charlton left Como after the murder
of his wife Mary Scott Castle Charlton,
boarded the steamship Verona' for New
York, left the Bteamshlp at Palermo,
Sicily, and doubled back Into ; Italy,
thence going to Turkey and Africa, was
ft statement today of a prominent police
Official here. The authorities believe
that this leaves no doubt that Charl
ton murdered his wife.
Divers are still exploring Lake' Como
but It is admitted by the police that
this is done so as not to offend the
American tate department.
Messages giving descriptions of
Charlton have been sent to Turkish
and African ports.
Ban Francisco, ' June 17.Austin and
Kate Scott brother and sister of Mrs.
Mary Scott Castle Charlton, who was
murdered at Como, Italy, have sent
word to Como requesting that Mrs.
Charlton's -body ; be- exhumed and . in
cinerated and that the ashes be sent
to San Francisco. "Ambassador Irish
man has 4 been cabled 'to arrange for
the cremation and shipment
nrm irmn mm Tn
, . , f i, . i . ' .
t -f. , , - : ' , - , : . - -. '' ' . :-
Mrs. Porter Charlton of New York City and San Francisco, whoso body
the village of MoMxasIo, a few milefe from Como, Italy. The picture is
Their Activity on Island of Lu
zon Alarms U. S. Army
Officers.' v.-l
Ban Francisco, Jftn 17. The Japa
nese are maintaining a wireless tele
graph station near the town of Dagau
pln, on the Island of Luzon, and are
sending messages In an unintelligible
code constantly,;' according; to Informa
tion contained In a letter written by n
American army 'Of fleer to another, army
officer in San Franclco. The messages
have been caught by the American sig
nal corps several times, and the activity
of the Japanese in the islands Is caus
ing United States army officers alarm.
The army officer says the general
opinion held by Americans in Manila is
that the Japanese were , responsible for
the sinking of the drydock Dewey.
(JTnlted Press tented Wire.)
Philadelphia, June 17. DraQeorg:e,
ll!"" Zimmerman and.. Dr. Thomas E.
Eld ridge are Joint holders of all local
baMoon records for height ' In the gas
bag Philadelphia II, they mounted to a
height of 17,050 feet, which Is but 6,00
feet 1 less than the American record.
JCcl pier man felt any 11. effects from
thj Xfip. ..., :.; "
Will Make Western Pacific Its
Trunk Line Over Sierra Ne-;
:...vvada Mountains..
Orovllle, Cal., June 17. The Western
Union Telegraph company will use its
new line along the route of the Western
Pacific; railroad . from'.. .-Winnemucca,
Nev., to Sacramento as a main trunk
line, according to, the men in charge of
the line work here. Because of; the
lower altitude of the Western' Pacific
as compared with the Central , Pacific
llns over the Sierra Nevada mountains,
It is believed there will be less trouble
from snow on the new wire line.
, That an Oregon legislator was'
paid iZhOQ to remain out of the 4
0 Mitchell Joint assembly, In the
notorious holdup Besslon in 1807, 4
, is tho statement made by George'
C. Brownell, former president of ;
the Oregon state senate, and for
several terms a member ; of the
upper branch of tne Oregon leg-
'islature. Mr.' Brownell says a
part of the bribe money was
shown to him, to the late Senator
Mitchell,' to ' the the late Sol
4 . Hirer h and to others in a room in
th -Vtllmett-- htrtettt-slem:-
The disclosure is one of several
made by ex-Senator Brownell in
an address recently delivered be-
fore the Commercial club ftt Mil
waukie. , An extremely interest-
. !n,g portion-of Mr. Brownell's ad
dress will appear in next Sun-
day's Journal.
- .
was found in a trunk in a lake near
from a photo taken in New York. -
San Francisco Now Has $5,-
. ' 773,415; Congress Sets
" - Goal at $7,500,000.
(United Prow teased Wire.) .
San Francisco, Juno 17. The fund for
the proposed "Panama Pacific "exposition
in San Francisco is today $5,773,416, and
the goal set by congress la 17,600,000.
Hope of securing the fair is higher than
evertbefore. .The committee In charge
has ho. fear there will be any trouble In
raising the required amount of money
when the final, call is issued.
At a meeting in the Merchants' "Ex
change yesterday an additional 1100,000
was subscribed. , Treasurer R. B. Hale
reported that since the day 14,000,000
was raised In two hours, the subscrlp
tlons had risen to 15,773,415.
. (United PrM Lcoaed Wire.)
Naco, Arta., June 17. A line of fir
ft8tmrnmtre longls" battling with
ft forest fire that has been raging in
the Ojo and Bacoachl " mountains for
several days. Th entire town of Mov
f arabl, In the mining section of Sonorai
was wiped out last night. A 10 stamp
mm whs among the buildings burned
Many wild animals, Including panthers
una beur, .hove he,-n driven from th
foreRts to th.J banks o tlie Ynqul river.
Governor Makes Positive State
ment for Benefit of. Fans-
There Will Be No Fight and
They Need Not Come.
But They Are Busy at Reno at
Same Time Reno Is in
Full Cooperation.
(United Preni LeiMd Wirt.) '
Sacramento, Cal., June 17. Gov
ernor GIHett today ordered Adjutant
General Lauck to have two com
pan leg of militia In San FranclscQ to
prevent a prize fight between Kauf
man and Langford tomorrow.
, i The .governor's order, dated San
FranclBco, follows: , .
"':."Adjutant General llauck'j' Sacjra-
mento. Make necessary arrange
ments at once to haVe two companies
ofmilltia In'Eaa Francisco at 2 p
m. to prevent a prize fight between
(Continued on Pegs Eleven.)-
Councilman Lombard Threat:
ens to Mandamus. Deputy
City Attorney, Who Refuses
to Act; 0. R. &N. Blocks Sts.
'Tou ought to be and will be man
damused. I have half a notion to
file the necessary legal papers my
self," said Councllmani Gay Lombard
to Deputy City Attorney F. 8. Grant
this morning, after the deputy . had
stated he would refuse to prepare a
complaint on behalf of the East Side
Business Men's club,' charging the
Oregon Railway & Navigation com
pany with obstructing public streets.
Councilman Lombard's statement was
made in the corridor of the city hall,
adjoining the council committee room.
He chanced to pass along the corridor
at the time Grant made the announce
ment that he would not act in accord
ance with the wishes of 6000 voters who
signed a petition referring the action
of the city council,; in vacating por
tions oi Oregor'md Adams streets, - to
the electorate at the polls next Novem
ber -. -. 1- w;' -"'' -v. -"
."The O. R.' & N.- Co.' has no right to
occupy ' those streets ' until ' the appll-
(Cohtinued on Page Fifteen.)
Sisters of Steel King Corey's
" Wife in Strife Over Ad
' rninistratrixship.
(Polled Pre Leased Wire.)
San Francisco. June 17. Mrs.; Ruby
Hegerdorn and' Mrs. C, ;W. Alisky, sis
ters Of Mre.:, Maybello' Gilman Corey,
wife of . the president of the I'nlted
States Bteet company, are Involved In a
dispute in the courts. Each wants to
bo appointed 'administratrix of the es-
1. tat -t 4-'lef a t Mn-t'.hnrlm -r-mrnert:
Mrs. Hegerdorn first applied for ap
pointment several days ; ago. Airs.
Alisky told tha Judge of a written
agreemcntsBlgned by her nlter Wednes
day nljht, in which Kirs. HeKn'i!rn
waived, all rights In fav-or of Mrs. - Alls
ky, ; Mrs. llejffriiom, hwvr. 't'.it-i
that sle IihiI 'li-ini tl it ii,!:, t -I'l l
asaln K:;i;ed j.U'"i"i"-i'i.
11 H
Nearly a Million Outside Visit
ors Pouring Into City; Dec
orations and Pictures of Ex
President Are Everywhere.
Rough Riders to Act as Per
sonal Escort Flotilla of
Boats to Escort Cutter.
(United. Pr Leaned Wire.)
Aboard Steamship Kaiserln August
Victoria,, June 17. The Kaiserln at ,
noon today was within 400 mites of.
Ambrose Channel light and WltlA the
present, schedule maintained, will ar-:
rive In New York In good time for the
"welcome home" of Theodore Roosevelt.
The weather was thick today and the
sea somewhat rough. , ;
i ifr'V':? :r:--:.: '''t'Xr.Xf'---:''
New York. June5 17. Tn eager espee
tancy New York Is awaiting the arrival
Of former President ' Theodore Roose
velt'onUhd Kafserin"Auguste Victoria
tomorrow morning. Fluttering flags,
pennants and streamers and pictures of
Colonel Roosevelt ' are everywhere,
Broa.dway Is a long vista of bunting In
the national colors, while the fronts of
the great sky scrapers facing Battery
Park; where the formal welcome of the.
dlstlngulshed homec'omer Is to take piaee
have been handsomely decorated. Vis
itors are coming In from the north,
south and West to assist in the demon
stration, and It is estimated there will
be more than half a million strangers in
New York' by tomorrow morning.
Railroad and steamboat officials be
lieve the estimate of half s million visi
tors Is altogether too email. Many ex
pressed the opinion today that the num
ber will approach close to a million, and
may possibly exceed that figure. The
trains, boats and trolleys early tomor
row morning are expected to pour a
veritable flood of , humanity Into the
metropolis from the surrounding cities
and towns of Long Island, Connecticut
and New Jersey,
Accommodations at the leading hotels
are already at a premium." The Waldorf,
St. Regis, Knickerbocker, Astor, Belmont
and scores of other prominent hotels are
filled from ground to roof, and near by
rooming houses are taking care of tho
overflow. ' Delegations from single cit
ies or states have taken entire floors at
some of the big hotels. , The Waldorf,
for example, is housing nearly a thou
sand visitors from , Chicago, while an
equally large delegation from Ohio has
found accommodations at one of the big
hotels a little farther up Fifth avenue,
program Completed. ,
Every detail . of the , elaborate recep
tion program was completed today- The
program will be ushered in shortly after
8 o'clock tomorrow morning,, when the
flotilla of boats will rendezvous In the
Narrows, where it will remain until the
Kaiserln Auguste Victoria drops her
anchor at Quarantine and Mr. Roosevelt
boards the revenue cutter Androscoggin,
whlch'has been assigned to the reception
committee. 'The boats of the flotilla
wtll fall in behind in double column, and
all will proceed up the bay and North
River as far an Flftyrninth street, and
back to tho Battery. ; -'
At the Battery Mr. -Roosevelt will set
foot on Ms native soil for the first tlmo
in over a year and be officially wel
comed by ; Mayor Gaynor. representing
the City of New York. This ceremon
Is set for 11 o'clock. It will take- place
on a raised stand in Battery Park, and
the principals -will - be surrounded by
thousands of distinguished guests, in
cluding United States senators and rep
resentatives, members of the diplomat In
corps at Washington, members of Presi
dent Taft's cabinet, governors of states,
mayors of cities, . business men of na-
( Continued on Page Seventeen.)
(I'nlteirrrrw Ied Wlrn.)
Reno, Nev., June 17. The laws
of Nevada cannot prevent Riek
ard and Gleason from brlnsrlng
the Jeffries-.lo)insou flf ht to this
state, according to Attorney Gen
eral Richard G. Stoddard. The
attorney general today lssded the
following statement: ,
V "Since the lglslature ha pre
scrllied cerlftln conditions in.!.r
which - glove .'eonleU may l
held, it Is 'beyond th powr fif
any executive of thU M.ih to
'stop-such a ent'St. Wli-n
certlfli'atei of the rienttn nf tr
cintent;int. re pre nl. ')'
clerks imiKt lHiie t'u fi )'
permltM. The legihhiKiK r
the Mil rrrakir-it i-.x " '
(.iinlMXtfl. BOil i'm t.iit l' I
l.ll:l' h tl" !'" ''' I t .
j ' t!HT!l " ' '
t p - - ; ;