The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 16, 1910, Page 1, Image 1

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    t ii r a i l v jour. i: a l i z
Sun-Jay Journal 5 cents; or 15 cents
a week, for Daily and Sunday Jour
nal, by carrier, delivered.
The Weather Fair tonight; Fri
day, , fair and warmer. ,
jou:;::i c;
- V 4
VOL. IX. NO. 88.
PRICE TWO CENTS - 0N "An and ktws
1 ' )
It 11
Should This Week's Battle Be
Stopped, Small Chance
!. ; for Big 'Mill:
(United rrens Leased Wlrs.1 ' , s
' ; San Francisco, June 16.That the
legal hattle which both sldea expect
will determine the fate of the, Jeffries-Johnson
fight may be made un
necessary by the outcome of a small
er legal battle over the Langford
Kaufman contest Is a possibility that
confronts the sporting world .today.
- - -.- - - - - - i
ney general to apply hla Instructions
regarding the greater to the smaller
battle, evidently .added by the gov
ernor as an afterthought, may bring
fight affairs In San Francisco to a
-Xlltnai more qiitcldy-thanromoters
and officials had expected. . ,
: ..V Indicate Action. ';-.-y-!';'
iln declaring that he.wpuld Mtlow the
governor's Instructions Attorney General
Webb Indicated that steps 'would . be
taken at' once to stop the Langford
K&ufman' go', scheduled for Saturday.
Since this battle Is only two days away,
whatever action la taken must-be taken
with all possible haste, and at a decis
ion In the matter will cover exactly the
ama points as will .. be. covered in the
proceedings against the Fourth of July
n AAIsJa 4a LAM. 4?MMaSAMM I A
; Shippers by Withdrawing 15
: Wagons From Streets;
Protect Strikebreakers.
, The-: waymen s association went on
atrike this morning. '
All transfer service will be denied
shippers until the teamsters' strike Is
ended. There were about 15 wagons to
b taken off the street Others have
not been moving since the beginning of
the strike two weeks ago. "
. Word' was received, at union head
quarters this morning that 100 strike
breakers ' were on their way to Port
land from Spokane; , Fifty were said to
be coming by way' of 9the North Bank
road and 50 by the O.-R. & N. In an
ticipation ' of their coming all depots
were heavily picketed. '
' "No matter how much it costs or how
many officers It takes every man who
wants to work shall have protection,"
aid Mayor Simon this morning.
"I have given Chief Cox and Captain
Baty carte blanche ,ln the matter of
additional appointments or Incurring ad
ditional expense. Their orders are to
see that the men are allowed to woTk.
I wish to be very emphatic in saying
(Continued on Page Two.)
passenger Rates to Points This
. Side of Grcsham to Bo
: Increased..
For the purpose of equalizing the rates
Charges for transportation of passengers
on its suburban system, the Portland,
Railway, Light & Power company has
decided to advance its established farjes
to a few points this elde of Qrea'mni on
the Cazadcro line. The advance will be
come effective as soon as the new tariff
can be published.' 1
"It becomes necessary for us to make
a few advances in fares charged on the
Casadero line," said Prcrldent B. S. Jos
sclyn this morning, "because complaint
has been filed with the state railroad
commission . charging discrimination
against the patrons of the Oregon City
line. . " ' -
"The fares charged between Portland
and Oregon City and on the Cozadero
line were, established by the O. W. P.
company and haveHjeen permitted to re
main, but "In view of the complaint
against our charges .between Portland
.and ilr log iUgheiiliaA,iiMa,
charged on the Cazadero line, we have
decided to equalize them by making the
slight advance on the Casadero line. The
advance will affect very few passengers
since our passenger traffic between
Tortland and points this side of Greeh
am Is very llif ht. The fare to Gresham
will remain. 25 cents as at preient"
contest, the decision regarding1 the Lang
ford fight will probably settle the Jeffries-Johnson
If the fight Is stopped attorneys here
today declare,, there is hardly a possi
bility that the big battle can be pulled
off in California, Should the fight be
stopped and an appeal taken, attorneys
declare It Is extremely unlikely that any
effort to stage the big battle would be
made, since, there would be an added ele
ment of uncertainty that would make
the risk "ot financial loss so great that
promoters and principals would not care
to faco It . '
Since affairs have taken this turn
the- eyes of the sporting world today are
turned on the- Langf ord-Kaufman battle,
and It Is for the time betng. overshadowing-
tn-4mpertanee-thebig-f ight
If the fourts refuse to grant an In
junction against the Langford fight and
the attorney general carries out instruc
tions to-1 -bring criminal proceedings
against' the fighters and promoters, it
is expected this also will influenoe the
final decision regarding ' the Jeffries
show, according to attorneys. The un
certainty that would follow woujd have
a paralysing effect upon "the promoters
of.the big fight and it is believed it
might hurt "gate receipts." Therefore
(Continued1 on Page Five.)
! -
Mrs. E. F. Hardin,' Recently
Brought, to Portland; Victim;
First Symptom Eruption on
- Fingers."
j Pellagra, the strange disease which
the United States government regardi
so menacing that it has created a spe
cial commlBslon to, study the malady,
has made its first appearance In, Port
land and on the Pacific coast
Mrs. E. T: Hardin, who was brought
to Portland May 20, Is now lylrtg in
a critical condition, at the Portland
sanitarium. Dr. R. E. Dunlap, the at
tending " physician, has diagnosed the
case" as being pellagra, a diagnosis in
which he is supported by leading phy
sicians of the city.
Mrs, Hardin was seized with the first
attack of the esoteric Infection five
years ago, but she had apparently re
covered after ' an . ' illness of two
months. Last December, however, the
disease again made an inroad and the
sufferer was obliged to take to lier bed,
Her condition has been steadily growing
Disease Baffles Doctor.
For .weeks Dr Dunlap studied the
symptoms of tne .disease, but the mora
he studied It the more completely was
he baffled by It "As the malady ex
hibited none fit the symptoms of ; the
well known diseases, Dr., Dunlap be
gan, to .at udy up. the, more. obscure dis
eases snd he at length found, that his
observations , were similar in many re
spects; to those :of physicians who had
attended pellagra cases In the sooth.
where It is now prevalent to a great
; On Inquiry,' he found that Mrs." Har
din has always been very fond of corn.
(Continued, on f age Two.)
(United Prees Leaned Wire.) "
Omaha, Neb., June 16. Mayor P. H.
McCarthy of San Francisco today de
nied an Interview purporting to have
been given out at Chicago declaring he
was "running"' San Francisco, and not
taking orders from the governor. ; '
"The interview was untrue," he said.
"I did not Isay the California courts
would not sustain a petition for an in
junction Buch as TJlIlett asks. The ar
ticle published as coming, from me was
a fake from start to finish."
Mayor McCarthy seemed to be exceed
ingly annoyed at the story that had been
circulated. He emphatically denied it,
but refused to make any comment on the
fight situation. He declared he was too
far away to be able to grasp all the de
tails of the matter, and he did not want
to talk about it. ' ,
McCarthy was extremely angry re
garding the interview, which ha branded
as a fake. The interview seemed to
cause him more concern than the action
lb- (4rw-id-4akerH-wTHrr
ttcu'ariy uisiuroea nt tnat part of the
alKged interview which said:
"We know what ;e want and we
are going to have It. k We want the
fight, and, take it from me, we are
going to have it in aplte of the gov
ernor, the attorney general and the
rest of tliaj brand."
Jack Gleason on Right and 'Tex" Iticltard on Left, Promoterti of Jeffries.
Johnson Fight. , , . .
San Francisco; ;- June 1 6. -Attorney .General U.' S. Webb and his
staff spent the grealer. part of the, day, In preparing legal papers for the
purpose of . -preventing the- Jeffries-Johnson fight" on - July ,. 4, "and the
Kaufman-Langf ord fight Saturday. 1 1 ; ':::: 'v -'" :- y V ::
! ' In an Interview granted the United Press Attorney General , Webb
"The papers require considerable preparation and care, and will not
be presented incourt before tomorrow. - That will be in plenty of time"
to prevent the f ights. 1 think' the "court's grant the desired" restrain
ing orders. "
"Although I do not apprehend a re-'
fusal by the "couft;" a refusal "would'
result In the following procedure:; rThe
fight probably would be held. 'Just as
soon as I became convinced that It was
a prize fight and ,nor a. sparring exhi
bition, I .would " lodge an .information
with the court tc that effect and secure
warrants for the -arrest of the princi
pals and promoters. The flgHt would
be stopped within , kt, few rounds - after
I had come to : that decision ' and 'the
arrested men - would be prosecuted
promptly." y '.f 6?" Ti
Attorneys here . when questioned -regarding
the .attorney general's statement
said there-would-be -nothing,, to prevent!
Webb from reaching his conclusion re-1
gardlng the status of the fight almost
at the first blow, and that should he
interfere irf the second or third' round
the fight -undoubtedly would prove a
fiasco. ( -. - r ! . i - ."'
Attorney' J. E. White of the Church
Federation today revealed-the plans of
the federation regarding the Langford
Kaufman fight- These plana, however,
have been superseded by the governors
action. ' - , .. ..-.- v. -
According to White,' the Church Fed-,
eratlon -planned to; send a- band' of de-,
tectlves to Blot's arena' to gather evi
dence that the contest was a brutal
priae fight- With this evidence White
planned to call upon District Atterney
Flckert to proceed against the fighters,!
(United Press Lstsed .Vlra.l
San Francisco, June 16. District At
torney Flckert announced today through
the United Press that he would not at
tend the Kaufman-Langford fight to de
termine whether or not it. would be a
violation of the law, Flckert said:
"There is only one way of determin
ing the legality or Illegality of a boxing
contest, and that is to witness one. That
would be my procedure in the Jeffries-
Johnson fight and I cannot see how- the
status- of -t he- f I R -eouk - be- determ fned
After admitting the similarity of the
fight to be held Saturday and the big
fight scheduled for the Fourth, of July,
Flckert said: . 1 ,
. "I shall probably 'attend the Jeffries
Johnson fight to see that the law la ob--erved.
I shall not attend the Lang-
and If the district attorney refused, to
demand warrants 'for 'the arrest of the
fighters and promoters from a. police
Judge.'-!, -If this was refused he planned
to go before a superior court Judge and
prosecute the principals, ; '
Attorney White also added ttyat Gov
ernor Glllett's action - had .resulted In
the: federation's' receiving scores of con
gratulatory telegrams, from all parts of
the country. He -said the- governor had
saved, himself .considerable trouble, be
cause the sentiment of - the people
throughout' the state was crystallising
against the fight -
tr "Following a recent plan, SO minis
ters fend 60 laymen were to leave today
for Sacramento to wait upon the gov
ernor and ask him to stop the fight"
said White. "The governdr's 'action,
however, precludes this' necessity." 1 ,
Oklahoma Republicans Meet. .'
Guthrie, Okla.i June 18. In response
to the call ; of State Chairman James
Harris, the" Republicans of Oklahoma
assembled in state convention here to
day, The chief work of the convention
is to be confined to the organization of
the state committee to conduct the ap
proaching - campaign; The - organization
of the new committee Is awaited with
much interest as It is expected to show
whether, the insurgents or the stand
patters are to control , the Republican
party in Oklahoma., - --,
ford-Kaufman fight, because the mat
ter Is now in the handa of the attorney
"I feel that I have no right to take a
hand in this matter. I know that no one
can enjoin a felony previous to the com
mission of the felonious act. it does
not appear to me that any one can pos
sibly stop the fight as a felony before
the commission of the act : ' -
"I have stated that I will take; no of-
iiciai ac i ion lenuing towara a prohlbl
i t lrnf f Hrhtw-etteh--ee--the Jeffries-Jolin-
son affair, ; for s the , very reason that
many 'similar contests nave been held
in this city In the past without' opposi
tion. ' .; i i - .' '.-''. -
"My ' decision was made in written
form several weeks ago, end I intend
to hold by it. no matter what Governor
Gillett may decide to do."
This Course Decided Upon by
East Siders as Surest Way
to Prevent Road From Ob
structing Streets.
Harriman Line Building Bridge
Abutment, Ignoring Refer
' endum Petition. .
The city attorney will be asked this
afternoon by a committee from the East
Side .Business Men's club, to cause the
arrest of officials of the Oregon .Rail
way &. Navigation company on a charge
of obstructing the public highways,
, This was the unexpected announce
ment made by State Senator Dan Kella
her and George 1. Black, representing
the East Side Business Men's club, this
morning. . On first thought the commit
tee i had almost decided to, seek an. in
junction preventing , the- further , con
struction of the railway bridge 'abut
ment on portions of Oregon and Adams
streets, the -transfer bf these ' streets
to, the company by the city, council hav
ing been estopped' tty the referendum
which the railway has completely Ig
nored. - ' .' "
The business , men 'of the" east side,
however, held a meeting last night and
the committee, on advice of special
counsel, determined to surprise the rail
way forces by proceeding against them
In ah unlooked for direction.
It-was discovered that the corporation
could be attacked with' more hope of
excess by resorting to an old city ordi
nance which forbids the obstruction of
streets or highways. That will be the
charge pressed against the O. R. tt N.
if" the ' city , attorney responds to the
request of the committee. This, method
of procedure - possesses the additional
advantage that it brings the authority
and prestige of the municipality Into
the battle of the people against the rail
way company. . ... , -
If the injunction plan Had been fol
lowed the fight would have had to be
directed by eitlsens without the aid of
the city, as Mayor Simon has stated
that rt was not his duty to seek an in
junction to prevent the railway., from
constructing the abutment for Its new
bridge. '.' ,.',."..,' ." .'.: -y. ' : v.
Shippers en the . east side sent a
communication to the Oregon state rail
way commission this afternoon,, calling
upon the commission to enforce com
pliance on the part of the O. R. & N.
and Southern Paclf lo . Railway compa
nies with "fflB terms of , the franchise
granted to them, which Included among
other provisions, one for the construc
tion of a freight depot-on the east side,
(United Press Letted Wire.)
Spokane, Wash., June 1.-Misa Tearl
Hunt f Brooklyn, N, Y., one of the
youngest stars in vaudeville, and W. W,
Dreyfus, a prominent merchant of this
city, will be married in September,! fol
lowing a very, pretty little 'romance.
Last July Miss Hunt played in Spokane
at the Orpheum theatre., Dreyfus at
tended and fell In love at first Sight
with the star, who is only 20. '
They became acquainted and -during
the past month Dreyfus has been al
most as regularly on the Orpheum, cir
cuit as though he were a vaudeville "star
himself. Such was , his perseverance
that he was able to announce the en
gagement today. -
Laden With Gold Seekers, Ma
chinery and JM, Sinks, in j
Thirty-Mile River.
(United Press Leased Wtre.l
. Dawson, Y. T., June 1.---The White
Pass eteamer Cases, Captain Williams,
lies at the bottom of .the Thtrty-MUe
river, twelve mllea south of the Uocta
Unqua. Carrying sixty-five "first-class
passengers, 60 second-class, J6Q sacks
of mall and 15 tons of mail, the Ca sea
struck a .rock and sank almost immedi-
saefly, but the merchandise is ruined.
The engine toorn Is under 9 feet of wa
ter. - A barge being pushed ahead by the
Casca, carrying 130 tons of dredge ma
terial ,for the Yukon Gold cynpany,
was not damaged. ' Many of 'the Una-
ca's passengers were boytid for the Id-
T. Roosevelt, Jr.
' .
t .' ,M
Snapshot of Theodore Roo.scvclt, Jr.,
taken as he tvaa cari)ing a bou
, quet to his, fiancee, Miss Eleanor
B. Alexander of ew York. Young
' Roosevelt is ' devoting almost bis
entire time to preparations for his
coming wedding, and has already
attended to such, details as order
ing the wedding, ring, making cer
tain that no nUaor . matters will
cause a hitch in the ceremonies.
The wedding is set for Jane 20.
Procession to Be Elaborate
25,000 Adherents to . Cheer
Colonel Rough Riders Will
Act as Escorts;
(United Press Leseed Wire.) '
New York. , June 16. Details of the
reception : to . ; be . accorded Theodore
Roosevelt Upon his arrival In New York
Saturday were completed today and the
committee In charge feels certain there
will be no hitch in carrying out the
program," , The parade and, reception
ceremonies will , be concluded at 1:30
p, 'm. . -. ' : ,
- Mayor Gaynor will - deliver a brief
speech of welcome, to Roosevelt who is
expected to reply briefly.- ' r ,
Roosevelt ; will " have an escort of
Rough Riders and Spanish war vet
erans in the march up Fifth avenue
from Eighth to . Thirty-sixth , street
Twenty-five thousand' members of po
litical organizations will line the ave
nub and cheer' the distinguished leader
as he passes.
Societies to March. .
There will also be members of many
social and fraternal societies along the
line of march, including Italian, Hun
garian and , Scandinavian- organizations.
Roosevelt and his - family will dine
at the home of Douglass Robinson at
Sagamore Hill and wlU leave Long Is
land City at t o'clock in the afternoon.
The Nassau county reception commit
tee has made arrangements for Roose
velt to travel in a private car on a
special chartered train.
Bough Ridars as Escort. V'
A detnehment'of 144 Rough Riders
under Colonel Alexander will march
ahead of the carriage In which Roosa-r
velt and Mayor Gaynor wilt ride. A
detachment of , mounted police ' and : a
band will lead the procession.
Following the Roosevelt carriage and
surrounding it Will be mounted Rough
Riders. Carriages bearing other, not
ables and representatives from other
states will be next in line. '
Two thousand United Spanish ' war
veterans will await the arrival of the
parade .ftUhOyh,,ns"t-n ,rch. awlwiii
probably present RooHevell with resolu
tions, of welcome. , The veterans' will
thcn'fail in at the rear of the proces
sion. ; ' ' ' ' " , '.4.
, lends Wlrelesj I'ettKg.
. A wireless message revolved here, to
day from Roosevelt eiM all wre well.
'.Continued on Tuz3 Two.)
, : lOCiCISEIi
Mayor - Faces Employers at
Mass Meeting Speaks His
Mind Freely They Have No
Right to Insult Him, He Says
Defends Police Department and
Says Employers Responsi
; ble for Strike Disorders.
Declaring he had been Insulted and
the police department vilified. Mayor
Simon' angrily faced a crowd of BOO
Jeering, ridiculing business men at the
Commercial club this afternoon.
It was a mass meeting called by the
Draymen's association. An . opening
statement read by C. F. Swlgert de
clared that strikebreaking team driv
ers had been searched by the police and
then turned over to mobs of strikers.
Cummlngs of the Northwest Transfer
company declared tht he and his men
had been- mobbed and had to escape un-
iwr m siiimer oi iocub irora une sinners
when they attempted to doitheirtwork.
'' 'The statement concluded by saying
that'while these conditions had obtained
Mayor Simon and Chief, Cox, though
promising to help, had given no protec
tion. Allen Lewis of . Allen & Lewis re
peated a conversation with a police of
ficer in which the policeman had saiil
(Continued on Page Twelve.)
James Stricklen of Maryland
Says Taft Has Been Adver
;tising for Him and So He
' Came Right in. v
(United Press LeMed Wirs.)
Washington,, June 16.Armod with a
.38 caliber revolver, James Strloklen.
miner, of Cumberland, Md., attempted to
reach President Taft today. He almost
succeeded in passing the guards at the
president's private office before he was
Stricklen, who is of prepossessing ap
pearance, entered the building without
causing suspicion. He-said he had an
appointment with the president. Th
doorkeeper noticed the man's excitement
as he was turning the knob on the door
of - the president's private office and
stopped him. . 1 " ' 1
Detective Sergeant Dalrymple placed
Stricklen under arrest and he was taken
to the police station, where he was held
pending an examination ; as to his san
ity. He gave his age as 44. He sail
M mtuillt -V A l. l. liu V4 cava - iiaiu V l
him in . West Virginia newspapers and
that he went to the White House in re
sponse to the advertisement.
It Is reported here that he attempted
to reach President Roosevolt in. the same
way two years ago.
" It has developed that Stricklen was
at one time an Inmate of an asylum.
Mrs. Hannah Welch, 0, at San
. Francisco Wounds Deputy
John Barr, Who May Die.
San Francisco. Juno IB. Mr. Hanrh
Welch, -60 years old, shot and pr.iiMl
fatally wounded Deputv . Mierlif Jui.n
Harr today when the officer tii.l-vrir 1
to eject the woman and her hus
band,'' John -Welch, from tii hot) hi
which they were livlns". Thu house a i
sold at sheriffs enl a ycur "i .-,-
with a force or mi n, w ,.; : i-t :. .
posaess the Welched. Mrs. Y
a revolver ami
I?arr In thn t
, l.ntei-, nt I
paid the liuH,
muscleH ar( 1'
gr of h '
la. ..-j
'P't. Ttie I'"
i'H (n-