The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 05, 1910, Page 14, Image 14

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lS Or U!
; irnrMTurin
Horticultural Board President
Returns From Trip With -Encouraging
News. -
W, K. 'Newell, of Gaston,, Or , presi
dent of the state 'board of horticul
ture, returning yesterday from -week's
trip over eastern Oregon, predicted a
year of ' great prosperity for Oregon
fruit-growers, withprices ranging good,
Steady demand and sufficient supply.
Mr. Newell said that In all parts of
eastern Oregon that he visited, he' found
promises of a better crop of fruits than
ever before In the history of the state.
He. reported prospects excellent , and
Fald the grower everywhere are excep
tionally 'wU satisfied with conditions.
"We are now marketing," he' declared,
' "the finest strawberry . crop In the
state's history. Not only Is -the crop
better and , larger, but the grade" of the
fruit Is noticeably , Improved, and the
proces are higher. All berry crops
will be In excess of those of past years,
and prices probably -will be higher.
"We expect '.some ; shortage . In the
cherry crop, but It will not be so great
as to be serious and affect the market
perceptibly. Pears, too,; will not be
, as numerous as lhst year, but there
will b no serious shortage. The cold
weather of the early spring tended to
slightly Injure the cherries and pears.
' Great Apple Crop.
"Without question, the apple crop
will be the largest In the history of
the state, and the products will be
. much better In quality. I have not yet
- visited the western and far southern
districts, but there Is no doubt that the
crop will exceed and excel those , of
former years. Prices will be good, too,
I believe.
' "The prime crop In western pregon
will not be as large as that of last
year, but the eastern Oregon crop will
be much better. Prices which will be
. offered for prunes will be excellent, for
the reason- that ; the California crop
will be extremely small. Oregon prob
ably will be the only state to produce
a normal prune crop. . ; .
- "Apple prices will be better than
" last year. : The late storm In the Mla
' stssippi valley, and In the far eastern
- apple growing districts, ; Injured the
crops so badly that I doubt If there
1 will be enough of the fruit to supply
the demand, although the Oregon crop
' will be unusually .large. Oregon may
surprise- the world this year with Its
crop of grapes. So far the "Vines have
done splendidly, and there Is now little
danger but that Oregon will harvest
. surprisingly large quantity "of grapes.
"Amazing , to me --is the, additional
acreage devoted ; to $ grapes this year.
. Many growers are : enlarging , their
fields. Most noticeable to me on my
. trip Into eastern 'Oregon was the rap
idity with which the country is being
developed, itverywhere new land la
being cleared and 'orchardlzed,' and the
- farming. If anything, is. becoming more
' Intensified. Modern methods are being
. everywhere adopted fcy the frult-grow-
, erg, and this is one reason I give for
, the excellent qualltyof produce. Pests
are scarce and I do not believe It will
' he necessary to condemn bat little fruit
-. this summer and fall. , ,. ',
Mr. Newell visited Milton, Or., Fri-j
, day, during the strawberry feslval In
that' town. . He said more than fiftOO
visitors participated In the celebration,
V and many excellent . addresses were
made. Mr. Newell will go to every re-
: gion of the state, studying the fruit
. situation and instructing Inspectors.
Chlldrcns1 day will be eelebrated to
r. day in many Portland churches.s The
t east side - churches that .have been co-
; operating In the Hart and Magann re
:vlval at Hawthorne park will Join In
a union service In the tent tabernacle.
The primary department of the High-
! land Congregational church, B. 8. Bo)'
? . linger, pastor, will render a special pro-
s gram. .. ...,..c;,,.. ;- .. ..
The Hassaio Congregational churdh.
Rev. George Evan Paddock, pastor, will
, render the cantata, "Hearts of God,"
Centenary and Sunnyside M. E. chbrcjies
. win combine their Children's day pro-
i. Krams wlth'the Hart and Magann rally.
me universalist Church of Good Tid-
ings, Rev. James DImond Corby, pas-
; tor, and the United En-angelical (Ockley
- oreen) cnurcn, Rev. J. Bowersox, pas-
i tor, will each give, attractive programs.
t! June In Oregon, among the churches,
belongs peculiarly to the children. With
v wreathed .rosea and ornamental texts
they decorate the walls of the audltor-
i liims Each church chooses Its owi
1 Sunday for observance of Children's
cay, but In nearly every case the event
" is held some time during June. A cot-
lection Is usually taken by the children
't. to aid In carrying the gospel to foreign
The funeral of Mrs. Frank S. Akin
1. was conducted from her late residence
; yesterday at 3 o'clock., . The , many
i menoj or air. ana Mrs. Akin came In
n sucn numbers, that every conceivable
f space In the beautiful new home was oc
cupied and a hundred friends were com
' , pelled to remain outside. . The service
; was, conducted by Dr. Jbhti Henry Cud
v llpp, the pastor of Grace church, of
l which Mr. Akin, has been 26 years a
'' trustee and Mrs, Akin a charter mem-
' ber. . . v .;. ; , , , . , ,
tir. W. B. Hollingshead, district super
intendent of the . Methodist church of
; Portland, offered the invocation and Dr.
: Benjamin Young of Taylor Street church
; closed the service with prayer. Mr. and
V Mrji. 'JU 8,.', Hamilton,.. sang most effeo-
tively, "Saved By Grace," "Jesus, Lover
of ..My. Soul," and as a final number,
. "Asleep In Jesus." Such a profusion of
; flowers "has scarcely ben seen in Port
; Innd. Mrs. Akin was a pioneer, coming
i i Oregon In 1863. She had a host of
friends In church circles and among
, the old residents. Fifty , floral pieces
. showed some of the esteem in which she
'.was held. . - t-'".---
The service at Lotie Fir was private,
Mf the famllybelns; present, and Dr.
,r;,4H(itttrTruemison "of Cvnteiiary
l iiuich, who is a son-in-law of Mr. and
Wis, Akin, ooncludii the service with
the ritual of hit church.
Iffi BY 10
Quarter' Centennial Jubilee at
Corvallis Will Be Elaborate
Artnouncenints which have been ls
sued by . the Oregon Agricultural col
lege tell of the quarter centennial jubi
lee of the Institution which,
on the college campus from June
10 to 14. . ;. , - h
The public at large, as well as stu
dents and alumni; has been invited to
participates In the jubilee. All depart
ments of the college will be open to In
spection during the jifbllee, and the pro
fessors and assistants in charge will
America's Largest
Popular Priced
Washington Street
Corner of Fourth :
Tacts Worth Knowing
About Our Store
Our Private Jelepbone Zsonasre, With
Connections :,';,;sUJ'.
In all departments, enables our patrons
to place their orders iwlth lis without
the - inconvenience of coming to town
to shop. t - J , . - ' - -
i Our systerh ' Free Deliveries "covers
tho entire. City, and insures prompt de
livery of all purchases, either phone or
personal orders.
We will be pleased to send a variety
of articles for your inspection, know
ing that goods offered for sale by us
will stand closest examination at your
home or in our store. , ..
, We've been in business here 44 years,
and expect to remain indefinitely, so
it's to our interest to satisfy you even
more fully in future than we have done
in the past. .........A;,. ..v ,,,.
Every article' on sale In our immense
establishment is the best procurable for
the price asked, and all merchandise Is
sold under positive guarantee satisfac
tion or money refunded no quibble,' no
We take Canadian money at' face
value, sell Patent Medicines, Tooth
Powders, Toilet Articles, Drugs, Family
Liquors and Sundries at cut prices
every day in the year, and offer many
other conveniences to busy shoppers. -
Should you desire to open a regular
monthly-account with us,- mention as
reference any Portland firm with whom
you may have credit dealings, or your
local merchant or banker.
We are responsible and wilt prompt
ly return all unused remittances or por
tions thereof. ;- i ... .
1910 marks our 45th business birth
day In Portland. We hope with your
support and . patronage, to celebrate
many more.' Your welfare is ours. .We
realize . that on the excellence of our
service to you depends our success.
Acids. . ... . . . .1st Floor Drug Beet.
Advertising.. 2d Fl. , Publicity Sect.
Albums, Post Card .... .;..,.;.-.
.,1st Fl. Stationery Beet
Albums, Photo 1st Fl. Photo Sect.
Alcohol.:,'...'... 1st Fli Drug Sect.
Alcohol (denatured).. 1st Fl, Drug Sect
Ammonia. ........ i ... 1st Fl. Drug Sect
Aneroid Barometers. 2d Fl. Optical Sect'
Apron Surgical... 2d Fl, Surgical Beet.
' Aquaria, FJsh.... 1st Fl. Sundries Sect
Atomisers and Bulbs. ............. ,
- ...... .r. .... ..1st Fl. Rubber Sect.
Back Rests...... 2d FL Surgical Sect
Backgrounds, Photo....
' ,..,. '.Srd Fl. Photo Sect
Battery Jars...... 2d Fl. Surgical Sect
Bath Sprays.. .....1st Fl. Rubber Sect.
Bath Tubs, Folding..lst Fl, Rubber Sect
Bath Caps and Shoes,.,.
,,;.. 1st Fl. Rubber Sect.
Bath Mats... 1st Fl. Rubber Sect.
Bath Mitts let Fl. Rubber Sect.
Bath Cabinets 1st Ft: Sundry Sect.
Bath Room Fixtures.lsf Fl. Sundry Sect.
Bath fiiU.'. .-....-.Ud Fl. Surgical Sect-
ttanaagee, surgical, uauze
.. ....1st Fl. Drug Sect
Bandages, Pure Cotton
n ; . .2d Fl. Sect.
Bandages, Ttubber.,.2d Fl. Surgical Sect.
Bandages, Flannel... 2d Fl. Surgical Sect
Bandages, Woveti Elastic.........
' , . .......... 2d Fl. Surgical Sect
Bands, Rubber. .1st Fl. Stationery Sect
Bags, Sponge., .i.. 1st FU Rubber Sect
Bags, Moth. . ......1st Fl.-Sundry Sect
Bags, Traveling.. ..1st Fl, Leather Sect.
Bags, Hand, Opera, Music. Collar,
Skirt,, Pocket Jewel and Knee, t
. . -i . . ...... . . . 1 st Fl. , Leather Sect.
Bags. Instrument Medicine
,..2d Fl. Surgical Sect
Balls, Tennis..... 1st Fl. Rubbjer Sect
Barometers, Aneroids, Pocket. . . ...
....... ....1st Fl. Sundry Sect
Barometers, ' Aneroids
2d Fl. Optical Sect.
Batteries, Medical, Physicians' ; .
....... P ...... ..2d Fl. Surgical Seot.
, Baskets. Work, Auto, Lunch, Tea.. .
..... ...... 1st Ft Leather Sect.
Bell, Jars. .2d Fl. Surgical Sect.
Bellows, Insect Powder...
iv..i.i..,...,,lst Fl, Sundry Sec.
Belts, Ladies', and Buckles. ...
....... ..,t,. .1st Fl. Leather Sect
Belts, Money ..... 1st Fl. Leather Beet.
' Belts, Abdominal., ..2d Ftf Surgical Sect
Belts, Electric,,.. ..lsbFl. 8undry Sect.
JBelts, Sanitary...', ..1st Fl. Rubber Sect
Belts, Friction..;, ,1st Ft Sundry Sect.
Belts, Lumbago.. .2d Fl. Surgical Sect
Bed Fans. ...1st Fl. Rubber Sect
Beds, Air and Hospital... ...... ... -
..1... ...2d. Fl.' Surgical Sect
Blankets, Paper .'. .1st Fl. Rubber Sect.
Blotters. .1st Fl. Stationery Sect
.2d Fl. Veterinsrv ReeL
Bottles, Spinal Water. , ,
make every effort to supply visitors
with information relative to the nature
of the work and its scope. Periods
Immediately -following the historical ex
ercises on Monday and the commence
ment exercises on Tuesday, have been
specially set apart for tne entertainment
of visitors.
Last night, as a special performance
marking the close of the year's study,
"Pinafore" was given In the Corvallis
opera house by the o. A.-C. Madrigal
club and the O. A. C. Glee club, directed
by ProfesBor William Frederic Gaskins.
The general program for the Jubilee
follows: '
Friday, June 10 8:30 p: nW, "The Man
on the Box" (Harold McGrath), pre
sented by the senior class, opera house.
Saturday, June 11 10 a. m., class day
exercises; 3 p. m., reunion of student
organisations; 8:30 p. m., junior prome
nade, gymnasium.,' ':.'
j Sunday. June 12--11 a. m.. Baccalau
reate exercises, Armory;? sermon by
Rev. Dr. F. W. Clampett, rector of Trin
ity church. Ban Francisco, Cal.; 8 p. m.,
union services, Corvallis churches,. Ar
mory. ' -.;;.. ' ? ' - : ' .
Monday,-June 1310 a, m., class re
unions; 12 m. -to 1:45 p. m., alumni
lunch; 2 p. nv historical exercises. Ar
mory; 4:30 p. m,,' band concert, band
stand; 7:30 p. m., student pageant, cam-
pus; S:31 p. m.. .. . ; r , . . . . n,
Waldo hall; 8:30 p. m., alumni rect-rtlon
and ball, gymnasium.
Tuesday, June 14.-9:30 a. m., bust
ness mer lins of Alumni, Shepard hall;
10 a.' m., clans reunions; 11 a. m., Jubilee
exercises. Armory; oration by Honorable
W. F. Herrln, class 187s, San Francisco,
Cal. 2:45 p. m., academic procession,
campus; S p. m., commencement exer
cises, Armory; address by ' President
James M. Hamilton, Montana Agricul
tural college; 5 p. m., band concert, band
stand; 8 p. m,, college dinner, gymna
sium. -
Twenty-five years ago the state of
Oregon assumed control of the Corvallis
college, a denominational school, and
rechrlstened it the, Oregon Agricultural
college. But In reality the agricultural
college had Its origin In 1868, when the
state first contributed to the support
of Corvallis college. So the reason for
the Jubilee Is the centennial anniversary
of ' the ' purchase of the college by the
'state. ?,' . " -.
Thousands of persons will attend the
jubilee. Preparations are being made
to entertain more than 10,000.
,' The Portland cement production in
the United States last year was nearly
62,000,000 barrels,' an Increase of 10,
000,000 barrels over the year before. ,
for the Information of New
Visitors to Portland, Oregon-rThe City
The accompanying list of articles for sale in thismamrhoth stpre is far ffom complete and repre
sents only apportion of the merchandise we carry. We have every article mentioned below, also
a complete assortment of other articles of similar character. For instance: In Trusses we have
over 3000; Artificial Eyes, 5000; Picture Frames, over: 1000 styles; Razors, every known make
that's worth having ; and so on down the list; It will be readily realized that one may purchase
here almost everything required by the human being for his or her personal use, excepting" food
stuffs and clothing. ' Our prices are always ,the Lowest and we guarantee every purchase.
Bottles, Rubber, Water. . . ... . . .
. ............ lat FL Rubber Sect
Bottles, Glass...... 1st Fl. Drug Sect
Bottles, Nursing,, and Nipples. .....
.............. . ibi t L- Kuooer oecu
Books, Scenic, Bill, Scrap, Memo. .
v .......... ..1st Fl. Stationery Sect
Boxes, Tin........ ...1st Fl. Drug Sect
Boxes, noap. ....... .1st t L Touet eect.
Braces, Leg, Shoulder and Body.'.i ;
..... .. . 2nd FL Surgical Sect
Bridge apd.600 Cabinets..,........
1st Fl, Stationery Sect
Brushes, Hair v (Adams, Howard,
Kent Loonens, , Kyoto, ideal, .
etc.! ....1st FL Bristle Sect
Brushes, Military, Tooth, Corriplex-
ion, tuotn, wai, Bonnet, veivei,'
Mustache, Shampoo, Nail, Eye
brow, Infant's Hair, Dog. .
..i.,. t . . .1st FL Bristle Sect
Brushes, Cleaner.. . .1st FL Bristle Sect
Brushes, Cleaning Preparations for
......... 1st FL Bristle Sect
Brushes, Flesh. ... .1st FL Rubber Sect
Brushes, Cloth, Dusting, Shoe, Bath;
Hcrupingana jnoor.
..1st Fl. Sundry Sect
Bronzes and Brasses. 3rd Fl. Brass Sect
Breast Pipes and Pumps. .......... v
.film TH1 T.,KV. dan
Bougies'. ". V.'. 2nd Fl. Surirlcal Sect
Buckets, Folding. . .1st Fl. Rubber Sect
Bunion -Protectors ana supports....
........ zna x surgical aect.
Cameras, View. ..... Srd Fl. Photo Sect,
Cameras (Ansco, Beneca,- An- .
shuts and Corona). .......... ..
. .1st FL Photo Sect
Camera Carrying Cases...
...1st FL Photo Sect
Cardboard. . , ....... .3rd FL Photo Sect
Cards, Postal and Post....
............1st FL Stationery Sect
Cards, Playing. .1st Fl. Stationery gect
Cabinets, Surgical and Dental. ... .'. ..
...2nd FL Surgical Sect
Cabinets, Bridge and 600...........
Carbon Paper, ..1st Fl. Stationery Sect.
Caps, Bed..... $7, 2nd FV Surgical Sect.
Caps, Surgeon's. 2nd Fl. Surgical Sect
Candies............ 1st FL Sundry Sect
Cases, Card, Traveling, Cigarette,
Jewel, Cigar, Suit, Leather
and Bamboo, Cuff and Collar. ..
' .............. .let FL Leather Sect
Cases, Emergency.. 2nd Fl, Surgical Sect
Cases, Medicine, .2nd Fl. Surgical Sect
Catheters,.... ....2nd FL Surgical Sect
Camphor, Chests. .. .Srd Fl. China Sect
Cans, Irrigation. .2nd Fl. Surgical Sect
Canadian Money Taken' at Par. . . .
. .... .... ........ ..... , ,.AU Seotions
Cells, Flashlight. , . . 1st Fl. Sundry Sect
Chairs, Posing. .3rd Fl. Photo Sect
Chairs, Commode. .2nd FL Surgical Sect
Chairs, Invalid (for sale and to v
rent).... .....2nd Fl. Surgical Sect.
Chains, Watch. .... .1st Fl. Sundry Sect
Chamois Skins, 1st Fl. Rubber Sect
Chemicals, Photo.... 1st FL Photo -Sect
Chemicals, Ordinary and Rare Ana-
lytic. Both, American and Eu-
- ropean...., 1st Fl. Drug Sect.
Chess Sets. ... . .1st Fl. Stationery Sect
Chiropodist's Instruments ..........
. . . . .'. i .... . 2nd Fl. Surgical Sect
China ware, Fancy and Crockery..,.
Srd FL China Sect
Clips, Paper. . .. .1st Fl. Stationery Sect
Clocks, Alarm, Watches. .... ........
, 1st Fl. Sundry Sect.
Cleaner, Hat 1st Fl. Brush Sect.
Cleaner. Hat, Strawlne. . . . , . . . , . .
, ,.. 1st 'Ft Toilet Sect.
Cotton, Absorbent. .. ;lst Fl. Drug Sect
Cotton, Plain and Medicated..... ... -
............. .2nd FL Surgical Sect
Corks, Cork and Rubber . . . ...
1st Fl. Drug Sect
Counters, Game... 1st FL Stationery Sect.
Coolers, Water. ... .1st Fl. Rubber Sect
Compasses ; .2nd FL Optical Sect.
Cordials. 1st FL Liquor Sect
Corkscrews. ...... ,1st FL Sundry Sect
Colognes, Foreign and Domestic...
1st FL Toilet Sect
Cosmetics. .1st Fl. Toilet Sect
Colon Tubes ....2nd FL Surgical Sect
Cots, Finger 2nd Fl. Surgical Sect
Combs, Coarse, Fine, Rubber, Metal
Back, Celluloid. Horn, Barber, ' . .
r ,; Aluminum. Pocket Infant, Dog,
1st Ft Bristle Seot
Cribbage Boards, 1st Fl. Stationery Sect
Crutches and Tips.. 1st FL Sundry Sect
Crayons, School...lst FL Stationery Sect
Creams, Face. ...... vlst FL Toilet Sect
Cups, Drinking, Folding and Paper
. ........ i . .1st Fl. Stationery Sect
Cuffs, Empire. ..;.,' 1st FL Rubber Sect.
'Cushions, Air. . . . . .1st FL Rubber Sect
Curlers, Hair. ...... .1st Fl. Hair Sect
Curling Irons. . . .. .1st FL Sundry Sect Iron Heaters..........
; .1st Fl. Sundry Sect
Cupping Instruments. .......... ...
2nd Fl. Surgical Sect
Cups, Sputum.... 2nd Fl. Surgical Sect
resigning on Wood or Skin. . . . . ...
..1st FL- Pyrographlc Sect
Developers, Photo, t. 1st Fl. Photo Sect
Dental Floss. ... .1st FL Pat Med. Sect
Directories and Guides..... ........
............1st Fl. Stationery Sect
Diaries, Pocket Memo and Note
Books. .... .1st Fl. Stationery Sect
Diapers, Rubber and Paper........
1st FL Rubber Sect
Dilators, Rectal.. 2nd Fl. Surgical Sect
Dominoes and Dice
............1st Fl. Stationery Sect
Dolls, Celluloid and Rubber........
1st Fl. Rubber Sect
Douche Pans. i.,,, 1st Fl. Rubber Sect.
Douche Points. ... ,1st Fl. Rubber Sect.
Droppers, Medicine . 1st FL Rubber Sect
Drinking Glasses, Cups, Collapsible-
and Sanitary Paper. ...........
....,.., ..1st Fl. Stationery Sect
Drenching Horns and Bottles. ......
, 2nd Fl. Veterinary Sect
Dusters, Feather and Wool. Whisk
Brooms j( ...... 1st FL Sundry Sect
Ear Douches.',.". 2nd Fl. 8urglcal Sect
Ear Masks. . . .2nd Fl. Surgical Sect.
'"KnsmerrWhtteTubrand-Store Pipe,
. . .... 1st FL Sundry Sect
matimei ware, Burgicai, - Dental,
Charles M. Emery, who is preparing
an automobile tour book for the state
of Washington under the direction of
the Seattle Automobile club, drove Into
Portland" yesterday forenoon after fin
ishing the official trip from Seattle to
Vancouver, Wash, -
Mr. Emery Is working In conjunction
with G. F. Beck, who Is getting out the
tour book for the state of Oregon, urider
the auspices of the Portland, Automobile
club. The two books will be uniform In
style, size and quality. Beck and Em
ery recently completed together similar
books for the San Francisco Automobile
club and the Automobile Club of South
ern California.
Much of the data secured by Mr. Em
ery for the roads between here and Se
attle and other points In Washington
will be Incorporated In the Portland Au
tomoblle club touring book, and In the
same way some of Mr, Beck's data will
Laboratory and Hospital . . .
.......... .2nd ' FL Surgical Sect
Electric Flashlights and Cells. .
1st FL Sundry Sect
Electric Heaters.. 2nd Fl. Surgical Sect.
Elastlo Webbing., 2nd Fl. Surgical Sect
Elastic Hosiery, Belts, - Bandages,
Supporters, Anklets, Wristlets,
2nd FL Surgical Sect
Envelopes, All Sizes . . 1
.... ..1st Fl. Stationery Sect
Eye Protectors.... 2nd Fl, Optical Sect
Eyes, Artificial (5000 samples)....
: ...s...,.,.,2nd Fl. Surgical Sect;
Facsimiles S . . . i . 4th Fl. Art Sect
Films and Plates, Ansco, Luml- ;
- ere and; Ensign, Hammer and
Cramer ....... .. 1st Fl. Photo Sect
Filtre Paper .... 2nd .Fl. .Surgical Sect
Files; Nail and Corn ..............
1st Ft Manicure Sect
Filters, Water.-;. .2nd FL 8urgicat 8ect.
Fish, Gold and; Fish Food .........
.1st FL Sundry Sect
Fluid Extracts ...... 1st FL Drug Sect
Flasks, Pocket.... 1st Fl. Leather Sect
Framed Pictures ..... 4th Ft Art Sect ,
Frames and Picture Mouldings
- (over 1000 styles)., 4th Fl. Art Seot
Fruit Sprays and Pumps ......v.
................1st FLiDrug Sect
Fountain Pens,. Waterman, Parker,
Conklln, Brown. Beacon, Wood-
lark and Schooldays ., .. ...
...... . . . . ,1st Fl. Stationery Sect,,
.Funnels, Folding.. 1st Fl. Rubber Sect.
Furniture, Dental, .2nd Fl. Dental. Sect
Furniture, Surgical ,
..2nd Fl. Surgical Sect
Furniture, Hospital. Laboratory.,..
.... v....... 2nd Fl. Surgical 8ect
Furniture, Enameled
.......... .,2nd Fl.-Surgical Sect-
Gauntlets, Auto.. 1st F!. Leather Sect.
Gas-Mantles. .. .1st Ft. Sundry Sect
Gauss' .....,..-. 2nd Fl. Surgical Sect.'
Glassware, ' Laboratory
...... ......2nd Fl. Surgical Sect
Glasses. Smoked and Shooting,
. Field, Opera, Military, Marine,
and, Reading.. 2nd Fl. Optical Sect
Glasses, Medicine.. 2nd FL Surgical Sect.
Glass Shelves for Bath Room ....
...... ..1st Fl. Sundry Sect
Gloves, Rubber. .. ,1st FL- Rubber. Sect
Gloves, v Surgeon's ..;'.v.
....... 4. . . . 2nd Fl. Surgical Sect
Gloves, "Cross London" (AH shades,.
. for Ladles. Gentlemen, Misses, -
. Youth ana Children).......
- ...... ........ 1st Fl. Leather Sect
Goggles, Dust.... 2nd Fl. Optical Sect.
Graduates, Glass. .2nd Fl. Surgical Sect.
"Gums and Oils. . ... .1st Fl. Drug Sect
Guides, City, State' and' Northwest,
1st Ft Stationery Sect
Hangers, "Trousers ahd Suit,'. ....
............ ..1st FL Sundry Sect.
Harmonicas. ..... .lBt Fl, Sundry Sect
Hair Tonic, Dye, etc; .'.. i . 4 1 . -v
...........1st Fl. Pat. Med. Sect
Hair Goods. Combs, Curlers,. Switch-'- '
; es. Puffs, Curls, Dryers, etc."--
- .......... . . .1st Fl. Hair Sect
Hat Pins......... 1st Fl. Leather-Sect
Heaters, Curling Iron. -
' ...1st FL Sundry Sect
Heaters, Electric. 2nd FL 'Surgical' Sect.
Herbs.,, ........... 1st Fl. -Drug Sect.
Hearing Appliances (send for cata- .
logue)........2nd PL Surgical, Sect.
Hose, Lawn and Garden (
, ..1st n. sunary sect.
Hooks, Picture. s...... ,4th Fl. Art Sect
Hooks, Coat. ...... .1st FJ. Sundry Sect
Hones, Razor ..... .1st FL Sundry Sect
Hospital Syringes... ...... ........
........... .2nd FL Surgical Sect
Hydrometers and Hygrometers
..............1st FL Sundry Sect
Ttnmttnn&thln Rmrt ln . . . .
1st Fl. Homeo. Sect"
Hypodermic Syringe and Needles..
............2nd Fl. Surgical Sect
Inks, India, White, Writing, 'Indeli
ble, Waterproof Fountain Pen,
...........1st Fl. Stationery Sect,
Inhalers and Tubes. 1st FL Rubber Sect
Insoles ,1st Fl. Sundry Sect
Insect Powders and Cans.,,.....,.
....1st Fl, Drug Sect.
Instruments. . Veterinary. ..........
......... 2nd FL Veterinary Sect
'Instruments,. Surgical ;,...
2nd Fl. Surgical Sect
Instruments, Dental ..............
. .2nd. FL Dental Sect
Instruments, Cabinets. Post-Montem,
Rolls,... 2nd FL Surgical Sect
Irrigator, Post, Nasal ............
1st Fl. Rubber Sect
.Irons, Curling...... 1st FL Sundry Sect.
Irrigating Nozsles ,,....,,......
. . ......... 2nd Fl. Surgical Sect
- Irrigating Cut-Offs
..2nd Fl. Surgical Sect
Jars. Fruit, Display,. 1st FlvDrug Sect
Jars, Specimen Display.........
.,...2nd FL Surgical Sect.
; Jardinieres. Brass, Bronze, Baskets,
Pottery. . . , ; . . Jrd FL China Sect.
Jewels, Pyrographlc,,....,.......,
1st Fl. Pyrograplilo Sect
Tfodalo Finishing.... 1st FL Photo Sect
Knives, Pocket.. 1st Fl. Sundry Sect
Laboratory Glassware, - Furniture
and Implements .............
' ......... .. .2nd-Fl. 8urglcal Sect
Laboratory Furniture, Enameled.,.
..2nd Fl. Surgical Sect
1 Labels. Dertnlson's (all kinds) . . , . , -..-.
.,1st Fl. Stationery Sect
Leather Goods ... 1st Fl. Leather Sect.
Leather Novelties, Cross London,
Leathers. .... .1st Fl. Leather, Sect
Leather for Burning ......... . . . , ;
. . ...... 1st Fl. Pyrographlc Sect.
Leather" Brushes... Leather Backed
and Cases. ... .1st Fl. Leather Sect.
' Leather Bags and Purses ,v. .
. .............. 1st FL Leather Sect
Lenses, optical ana Grinding ... ..
2nd Fl. Optical Sect.
Lenses, Photo. .... .Srd FL Photo Sect,
- Lenses, lcroscoplc -. .
-f j'- 2nd Fl. Surgical Sect
Liauors ana wines, family
.4,.,. ....... ,1st Fl. Liquor Sect
1 i 1 in the state of V.'fl t r
Emery Is doing his work in a modtl
I', 40-50 roadster. 11a has al
ready mad 50.000 miles in the machine.
He was Joined on his triD from Seattle
to Vancouver by three other maohlnrs,
the owners of which wished to follow in
his trail.
When the Washington and Oregon tour
books have been completed, the informa
tion contained in them, together with
that In the two California tour books,
will give a complete and comprehensive
line of Information concerning all the
roads and crossroads between Tia Juana,
Mexico, and Vancouver, -B. C, and au
tomobilists can then venture Into any
part of this vast territory. without as
sistance and with absolute certainty as
to their whereabouts and the conditions
to be met. -The Washington state tour
book will also Include the tours on Van
couver Island.,
The present . steam, railroad mileage
in continental Europe is 149,461.. Rus
sia, Including the Siberian railway,
leads with 40,117 miles, s followed by
Germany with 8,701. and France with
S4,4. The general per cent of increase
In 1909 was .1.11, compared with 8.
In 1908. :- -.V. .
Residents and
Lunch Sets, Dennlson's ..........
.......... . .1st l stationery sect.
Lumbago Belts. .2d FL Surgical Sect.
Manicure Instruments and Cases.
1st Ft Hair 8ect
Magnftying and Reading Glasses
uraitiary. . .1st l. stationery sect.
Scientific .2d Fl. ODtlcal Sect
Magnifying Glasses, Miners'.......
2a ti, uptioai oecu
Massage Rollers. Face and Body..
......... . . . . .1st Fl. Rubber. Sect
Medicine Droppers. ... . . . . . . , .
1st 1. f rug ana xtuooer sect.
Mending Tissues. .1st FL Rubber Sect
Memo Books, Fancy. .. . ....... . .
lsiuvi. Leather and stationery, sect.
Mirrors, Antique and Fancy.........
4tn Ft Art sect.
Miirors. Triple, Hand, , Pocket, Bath
oora. .1st f t. , aunary sect.
Microscopes and supplies.......;..
......2d Fl. Sudgloal Beet
Mineral Waters, all brands . . . . .
1st Ft sundry sect
MilH Outfits. "Garglty" . .". . . .;. . . . .
...... ......2d FL Veterinary Sect
Milking Tubes. 2d -FL, Veterinary Beet
Mi)k Fever Outfits..;..........
Milk Sterilisers, 8d Fl, Veterinary Sect
Mouldings, Picture . . . .4th FL Art Beet
Mortars and Pestles ......
.2d Fl. Surgical Sect
Mugs, Shaving.,..; 1st Fl. Sundry Sect
Music Rolls, and Bags. ......,... .
..-.. ...1st v-Leather, sect
Mapklns, Dennlson's Decorative Pa- -
per..... 1st Fl.-Stationery Sect'
Nankins. Sanltarr. ,1st Fl.-Rubber-Sent.
Nasal irrigators... 1st FL Rubber' Sect
Needles, Hypodermic and Surgeons'
........ it Burgicai eot.
Nebulizers..:... .'..1st Fl. Rubber Seot
Nursing Bottles and Nipples. .....
.......1st Fl. Rubber Sect
Noisles, Hard Rubber, 1st Fl. Rubber
Sect and . . . 2d : FL Surgical Sect
ffflces. General. ,Sd Fl. Counting Sect
y Oakum........2d Fl. Surgical Seot
Oil Paintings.... ...... 4th Fl.Art 8ect
Oils, "Woodlark" Olive and Medical
.......1st Fl. Drug Sect
Oils. Lubricating... . ,1st FL Drug Beet
Optical. Wholesale and Prescription,
Grinding and Repairing, Field,
. Military, Marine, Oners. Glasses
. and Barometers, Smsfced and -' '
Shooting Glasses
" . .2d Fl. Optical Sect
Original Water Colors. 4th Fl. Art Sect.
Oxygen Outfits. 2d Fl. Surgical Sect
Palms; 'Artificial . . . ; . 4th Fl. Art Sect
Patent Medicines.
, ..... ....... .1st Fl. Pat, Med. Sect
Paper Blankets and Diapers. ,... . ,
;.., .......... 1st Fl. Rubber 8ect
Pfi nor Wl In T .o r.. n,elr .
...A ........... Id' Fl. Photo Sect,
rapcr,,urepe.,,.ist fi. stationery Beet
Paper, Toilet. ..... .1st Fl. Sundry Sect
Pans, Bed, and Douche.
, 1st Fl. Rubber Sect
Faints. Interior and Exterior House,
, Varnishes, Brushes, Graining
1 "Tools. ........ 1st Fl. Sundry Sect'
Pencils. Steptlc, Stop-Bleeding. ,.. '
..,.-.-......, ,1st Fl. Pat. Med. Sect
Pens. Fountain, Water, Conklln,
r. w, C. & Co., Parker, Brown, -
' and Steel. .1st FL Stationery Sect
reoometers. ........ 1st Fl. sundry Sect
Perfumes, Imported and Domestic
, (largest line on the coast).,..
, ......1st FL Perfume Sect
Photogranhlo Materials -'
'Amateur....,, .,1st FL Photo Sect
Professional... ..2d FL Photo Sect
Photographic Chemicals, Mounts,
Papers. Pistes, Holders, Print
- lng Frames, Posing -Chairs. ..
- Sd Fl. Photo Seot
Photo Printing, Developing En
larging. ........ .1st Fl. Photo Sect
Photo Paints, all colors (Dunn's),, -
.1st FL Photo "Beet.
Physicians' Cases, Pocket and Hand.
,..2d Fl. Surgical Sect
Picture Frames, Mouldings (1000
styles) ..... . . 4th Fl. Art Sect
Picture Framing to -Order. ,.-,.
... , 4th FL Art Sect
Picture Wir Screw Eyes. Glass,
Mats, Lining..... 4th FL Art Sect
Pile Pipes........ 2d Fl. Surgical Sect.
Plasters, Porous.. 1st Fl. Patents Sect
Plasters, Adhesive Medicated, all -kinds..
....... 2d Fl. Surgical Sect
jrousn, unoe. .. . ...1st Fl. aunary ct,
Pottery. European and American.. "
- ,..,..i....8d Fl. China Sect
Powders. Face and Puffs...... t...
............. 1 st Fl. Perfume Sect
rowaers. Tooth (all makes)
...1st Fl. Perfumes and Pat. Sect,
rocxetDooKs, an styles.,.......,.
....... . . . .. ..1st VI. Leather Sect
Postcard Projectors...............
............. .1st Fl. Leather Sent
Prescriptions, 1st Fl. Prescription Sect
rurses, , Indies . ana Gentlemen s,
all styles... ..1st Fl. Leather. Sect
Pumps, Spray. ...... .1st Fl, Drug Sect
Pumps, Water and Electric.'. .".v-
C. ......... 2d Fl. Surgical Sect
Pyrographlc Material of Every De-
scriptlon, 1st Fl, Pyrographlc Sect
ulcksllver. .. . , it . ... . . . ' .
-V Id Fl. Dental Sect
Rattles, Dlls, Toys. . Teething ,
Rings. Finger s Cots.- Bubbles, ;
j Buckets. Funnels . ... . 5. . . . ...
' .............. .1st Fl. Rubber Sect.
Raffia, for Making Baskets
..,,..'..., ....1st FL , Rubber Sect
Razors, - Strops, Hones, Brushes,
Cups, . Strop Hangers, Blades, .
.- Rolls. StroD Dressing. Shaving
Mugs. etc.... ,1st FL Sundry Sect
Razors, safety, all makes; also
Blades and Strappers... ...... fi. sunary Beet
JRackrfioUleand,T? .
ja i' 1,
Receiving Room.
. . . . . . . . . .Basement Recelylng Sect.
Wliil Fi';i DISPLAY
Mi-dford H going to have a fine dis
play in the permanent exhibit of th'
Portland Commercial elub which is now
being prepared. Wont to this effect
was received yesterday. "
Medford, in the minst of a great fruit
growing district, is cpoctcd to come to
the front with an exhibit of, ap
ples and other fruit that will attract
the attention of every visitor to the ex
hibit, and the officials of the chamber .
are much pleased Willi tho decision of
the people of Medford to be represented,
for It will aid materially In advertising
the state's Wonderful possibilities In
horticulture, -
The exhibit is now pretty welt under
way and In a few months many of tha
samples now being put up by a .secret
method will be ready for inspection.
The bill Introduced In the New York
senate so amending' city charters as to
permit the boards of education to sell
In the open market the products of
vacatlonal, truant, trade and ' prepara
tory schools has aroused the active op
position of the New York state work.
Ingmen's federation. . - ,
Rouge, Face Preparations, etc. . . . . . . '
.......1st Fl. Toilet Sect
Rollups, Leather, Fitted and un
fitted .........1st Fl. Leather Sect.
Cloth. Watersroof, Unfilled. . . .
. '.., ....,....... 1st Fl. Leather Sect
Rubber Bands.;. 1st Fl. Stationery Sect.
Rubber Wash Basins..,..,.,..;.,,,
..1st FL, Rubber Sect
.1st Tloor prescription Sect
Calts, Smelling....
Salts, Bottle....
Scissors, Manicure
..1st Fl. T611et Sect
..1st Fl. Toilet Sect.
...... .....1st FL Manicure Sect
Scissors and Shears , , ,
. ......... ..... , ,1st FL Sundry Sect'
Scissors, Surgical
- ................ 2d FL Surgical Sect.
Scales, Surgical, Office and Baby.w
'"X"! 'J1 F1- Surgical Sect
Screws Cork.. . . . 1st Fl. Sundry Sect
Seeds, Garden anfl Flower....
............... .1st FL Sundry Sect
Shipping, Room ...................
... ...Basement, Shipping Sect
Shoe Dressing, Black and White..".
........ .....,.lst Fl. Sundry Sect
Silverware, Burgical and DentaL...
o, 1 "i" ; Si FL Surg'oal Sect.
Skins for Burning
- -. ........ ...1st Fl. Pyrographlc Sect.
Skeletons. 2d FL Surgical Sect
Slates, Slate Pencils ......... 7 , . . . .
.........'...lst Fl. Stationery Sect
Snoring Masks... ..2d FL Burgical Sect
Soaps, Foreign and Domestic, and
Boxes........... 1st Ft Toilet Sect
Bponges, Face. ' Window, ' Wagon.
Auto, Surgical, Rubber and '
, Bath..... 1st FL Drug Sect
Spices, all kinds...... 1st FL Drug. Sect
Sprinklers, Lawn and Garden. .... v.
..... 1st FL Sundry Seot
Sprays, Surgical, Dental and Nasal
.....2d FL Surgical Sect
Splints, "Finger, Leg. Arm, Body....
. ............ Fl. Surgical Sect
Stereoscopes..,.. 1st FL Stationery Sect
Stethesoopes. . . . . . .2d FL Burgical Sect ;
Stationery, Commercial and PrU
vate. Plain and Engraved. ..... .
1st FL Stationery Sect
Stoves, Alcohol 1st FL, Sundry Sect
Stoppers for Bottles.,.,....
. 2d Fl. Surgical Sect
Straps, Trunks. ...... 1st FL Leather Sect
Stamps,, Postage ... . . ....
.... ,. , .... .1st ?F1. Stationery Sect
Students' Supplies, Surgical and
Dental .........
....2d Fl. Dental and Surgical flees.'
Stills, Water....... 2d Fl. Surgical Sect
Stretchers,' Wheel and Carrying..;, 1
............ ...2d FL Surgical Sect
Sterilizers, for Instruments, Ban
dages, Gauze, Books, etc.. .....
'...,,....,.. . . , 2d Fl. Surgical. Sect ,:
Suspensories, Supporters '
. ...1st FL Sundry Sect1
Surgical Instruments and Supplies
and Appliances .......... ...... , J
v .2d Fl. Surgical Sect,
Supporters, Uterine, Abdominal.,... v -
..2d Fl. Surgical Sect
Suit Cases, Leather and Reed. ......
...........1st FL Leather Sect
- Syringes, all styles for Infants and"-
Adults, for Surgical and Indi
vidual Use... . . .1st FL Rubber Sect
Syringes, Veterinary, all kinds......
2d FL Surgical Seot
' Talcum Powders, all makes.....
., ......1st Fl. Toilet Sect1
Tape Measures... ..2d FL Surgical Sect'
, vivywvuw ewu kuyivvs, ra uvinoviiv.)
v 2d Fl. 8urgical Sect..
xenrsie aus.. 1st Fl. Kuooer Beet.
Telescopes....... .....2d Fl. Optical Sect
Tea Baskets, Fitted . . , . . . .V
' ...........1st Fl. Leather Sect
Thermometers.. , . . ..1st FL Sundry Sect
Thermometers, Clinical
2d Fl. Surgical sect
.Theatrical Supplies, full 'Ine..... ..
......1st Ft Hair Sect
Tinsels for Pyrography.. .... .......
1st Fl. Pyrographlo Sect
Tinctures and Tablets..
...1st Fl. Drug 8ect
Tin Boxes, all sizes.... 1st Fl. Drug Sect.
Tin Foil , 2d FL Dental Sect
. Tissue, Gutta Percba.
.....2d Fl. Surgical Sect
Toning Solution. Photo.. . ,. . ...t..
1 stFl. Photo Sect
-Tobacco Pouches. ... 1st fl. Rubber Sect
Toys. Floating. Rubber.. . ..........
....... ...... ..1st FL Rubber Sect ,
. Toilet Bets.. ..... ..1st Fl. Leather Seot
Towels, Bleached and Unbleached,
, Imported ..and Domestic ... . . .
1st Fl. Rubber Sect
Tooth Picks....... ..1st Ft Sundry Beet
- Toilet Paper and Holders. ......... .
.............. .1st FL Sundry Sect
Toilet Waters, Foreign and Do-
mestlo...., ...... 1st FV Toilet Sect
Tooth Powders..... ..1st Fl.. Toilet Sect
Tripods, Steel and Wood,' Photo;
Telescope, Steel and Wood.....
.1st FL Photo Sect
Trays, Photo Developing.. ..... .....
; . 3d Fl- Photo Sect.
Traveling , Cases, Fitted and Un-
fitted....... ...1st FL Leather Sect
- Trunks, Llkly Brand ...............
............ ...1st Fl. Leather Sect
Trusses, largest line In the West
. Experienced Lady and Gentle-.
' men fitters always In attend-
2d FL Surgical 8eot
.Tubing, Glass.. .....2d FJ. Burgical Beet
Tubing, Rubber.. . ..'.1st FL Rubber Sect
Tuberculine Serums
- ..2d FL Surgical Sect
Twine. Wranninsr .1 .........
............. .1st FL Sundry Sect'
Typewriters, simplex
Umbrellas Ladles', Men's and '
Children's...,. .1st FL Leather Sect
Urinals, Glass, Rubber. Porcelain,
1st FL Rubber Sect
Vaporisers... ......1st Fl. Rubber Sect
Varnishes, Paints, Stains,
Enamel, Brushes, Graining
Outfits......... .1st FL Sundry Sect
Vibrators...... t.... 2d Fl. Surgical Sect
Vignettes (Ornaments)
IstFl. Toilet Sect
Vests, Chamois and Flannel...,..;. -:
, , .2d Fl. Surgical Sect
Water Colors, Original Paintings,
4th Fl. Art Sect
Water Colors... ... .1st Fl. Rubber Seot
Wax, Yellow and White..4 . .. . .. .. .
.. 1st Fl. Drug Sect
Wax, Floor .;.... ..1st Fl. Drug Seot.
-Wax, Sealing, All colors.. ..... . . .
....1st Fl. Stationery Sect.
"Wax Tapers... ;. . . ,.lat FL Sundry Sect.
Wash Rags and Bags . ,
' ' ,1st Fl. Rubber Sect.
Washers for-Bottles and Fruit Jars.
...lst Fl. Rubber Sect.
jSWhirllng Sprays.... .1st Fl, Rubber Sect
lirVUIr. DKnnma a n 1 T)natra
TT 11UBSV - l WU1UB U Jfuuvv
..,........,;,.. 1st Fh Sundry Sect'
Wines, Liquors and Cordials, Fam
ily.. ........... .1st Fl. Sundry Sect
WristletsRubber and Leather .
2d Fl- Surclcal gect
X-Ray Outfits and Plates.
, 2d Fl. S
2d Fl. Surgical Sect
!'' ', PS'.'ifiO
mills at Marcola