The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 04, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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daily jou..:;al,
FacL and Fashions
- EW TOKK. June 4. Contrary to
ill H rredictions blouses are more
I J popular than ever this season
Jt 1 and a scrutiny of the displays
in the big fashionable shops will
convince anyone that this season's
Lio'ises are exceptionally pretty and ef
fective. One of the most striking- fea
tures is the employment of frills for
. ornamentation. Frills are decidedly im
practical, especially with lingerie waists
or blouses, but they are pretty and give
a dainty effect that cannot be obtained
by any other style of ornamentation. -The
frill collar implies a bare throat,
r at least that is the case with "the
lingerie models, though la the costume
blouses of chiffon, crepe, etc., a frill
reck finish is often accompanied by the
shallowest of transparent gulmpes with
i lose high collar. In the lingerie model
this Idea, does not work out very well
and where a lilgh collar is required the
frill usually runs down the front,', " '
The collarless blouse, like, the ' col
larless frock, hag things very much its
own way In Paris, Save' for delightful
little sheer tucked and frilled and long
sleeved models designated as "tailored,"
but although the chic Parisian has tak
en 'tip the collarless models with ,en
tnusiasm there are always women even
In Paris who refuse slavishly to adopt
unbecoming modes,1 and la New York
there are plenty of fashionable women
who will have none of the collarless
models. -
When a collarless frock or blouse is
becoming. It Is charming, but few wo
men past their teens wear It well In
connection with a severe street costume.
In such cases the hard collar line should
be softened by a lingerie frill or em
broidered lingerie collar falling over the
tailored collar and coming next to the
throat .There are numbers of such col
lars in all grades of fineness and us
ually accompanied by cuffs to match.
The veiling Idea tfas strongly In-
blouses and 'many of the prettiest mod
els in this class are of chiffon, silk
mousseline or etamlne veiling silk or
satin, lace or contrasting chiffon. The
Idea la not altogether new, but the treat
ment Is, for the blouses follow the frock
lines, and the best looking of the veiled
models are excessively simple . In line
and have most of their elaboration, ' if
elaboration ; there is, applied to the
foundation, while the sheer veiling Is
of -the -most renounced-, aimpllolty,! 5
Sometimes, where the collarless ef
fect is not desired, Instead of Introduc
ing a guimpe the veiling chiffon or
mouuseline is run on' up to form a per
fectly plain yoke and collar, semltrans
parent, of course, and perhaps relieved
by a line of white or cream at the col
lar top. Often two veilings of chiffon
First White Temple. Twelfth and
Taylor. Rev. Walter Benwell Hinson,
10:30 and 7:80. "One Accord," prayer
meeting. 10; Y. P. U., . Topics, "And
All's Well." "Paul and Ingersol on the
fcame Text, f.H -..v?- ' ?f
Second Seventh, and East Ankeny;
Rrv. H. S.' Black, 10:S0 and 7:30; Bible
school. 12; B. Y. P U.. :80.
Central East Twentieth and Ankeny;
Albert Ehrgott. 10 to 13 a. m, and 7;45:
8. S., 13. Topics, "The Real Glory of
the Rose City." "A New Man."
Arleta Rev. D. M. McPhail, 11 and ;
S. S., 9:45; B. Y. P. V.. T. Topics, "Ood
Helps Those Who Help v Themselves."
Highland Alberta and Sixth, Rev. C.
B. Eliot. 11 and 7:30; B Y. P. E., 6:30;
5. S., 10. i
Sellwood Tacoma and Eleventh, 11
and 7:30; S. S., 10; Y. P.'U., :30. .
Calvary East Eighth and Orant Rev.
J. N. Monroe. 11 and 7;0; S. 6.. 10; B.
Y. P. 6:30.
Immanuel Mead and Second, Rev.' A.
B. Mlnaker, 11 and 7:46; 8. 8., 10; B. Y.
P. U. Evening sermon by Rev. J. D.
Springston. , '
Grace Montavtlla; Rev. Albert ' E.
Patch, 11 and 8; S. S.. 10; Y. P. U t
Special Memorial services. ., '
University Park Rev. H. V. Cheney.
6. S., 10. 11 and 7:80; B. Y. P, V,, 1.
Sunnyslde (German) Forty-ffrst and
Hawthorne;. Rev. C. Feldmeth, 11; S. S..
it 45 v - -'! ?vr. n 4; ,.-ni
- St. Johns (German; Rev. Karl Feld
meth. a. S., 9:41; services, 11 and 7:80;
Y. P. M., 7..'..,,.,.,-, .. I ..... ... ..i....-
8t Johns Rev. C L. Owen. 11:80
and 7:30; S. 8.. 10; B. Y.P. U, :S0.
Chinese Mission 353 Burnilde street
S. S., 7. Pastor, Rev. Fung Chak. '
First German-Fourth and Mill;
Rev. J. Kratt U and 7:30: S. S.. :45.
Second German Morris and Rodney;
Rev. Frederick Baueerman. 11 and 7:30;
6. 8.. 9:45; Y. P. U, 6:46. - i--,
East Forty-fifth street Coreer East
.Main;. Rev. A. B. WslU. ,H and 7:30;
B. Y. P. V.. 6:45. ' ..
Lents Rev. J.'M. Nelson. 8. 8., 10;
11 and 7:30: B Y. P. V.. :80. .
Mount Olive Seventh end Everett;
Rev. B. B. B. Jahnson. 11 and 7:80.
Swedish Hoyt and Fifteenth; Rev.
Erlck Scherstrom. 10:45 and . 7:46;
S. S., 13; B. Y. P. tT 6:80. i -.
Tabernacles-East Forty-first and Hoi.
fate; Rev. F. E, Dark. 11 and 7:80;
. S.. 9:46. ' ' , .
Third Knott and Vanoouver, Rev. W.
3. Beaven, 11 and 7:46; 8. S.. 10; B. Y.
P. U., :45. Tonics, "The Relationship
of Baptism." "The Way of Failure and
of Success." ,
Taylor Street Rev. Benjamin Young,
D. D., 10:30 and 7:45; 8. R, 12:15; E. L.
6:45. Topics, "The Mensage of a Rose."
"The Storv of the Hidden Sackcloth."
Grace Twelfth and Taylor.- Rev. John
H. Cudllpp, t. D., 10:30 and 7:45; E.' E,
6:45; 8. 8.., 12:15. .Topics, 'The Four
fold Man.".-'""A Reasonable Service." -'
Trinity East Tenth and Grant: Lewis
F. Smith, . 11 and 8;, E. L.. 6:30; 8. a
:46. . , . - ,. !
- First Norwegian-Danish Eighteenth
and Hoyt Rev. H. P. Nelson. 11 and 8;
S. 8., 10: Y. P. M.r 7. - . '
Sunnyslde East Yamhill and Thirty
fifth; W. T. Euster; 11 and 7:80; 8. 8.,
9 50; E. L., 6:45. ; - -
St Johns Rev. F, N. Sandefur; 11
and' 8: E. L.. 7: 8. S.. 10.
Epworth Twenty-stxth' and 'Bavler,
Rev. Charles T. McPherson; 11 and
6; S. S., 9:4, E. L, 7.
Chinese Mission Chan Sing Kal; 11
nd 7:30. (
IJiurelwood Rev. R. JO. Myers: 11
and 7:80: 8. 8., 10; K L., 6:80.
Central Vancouver avenue and Fargo
street. Rev. C. L. Haml'ton, 11 and 7:46;
8 8., 9:45: E. L. 6.46.
Norwegian Danish Corner Vancouver
avenue and fckldmore streets; Rev. C
J. Larsen, 10:45 and SsS. S. 13. ,
Japanese Mission III Nerth . Fif
teenth, Rev. Ellsen Ribara, 6:80, and
I -SO 8. 8. 880. .
'SwedlshBorthwlck and Beach, Rev.
John Ovall. 11 and 8; S. 8., 10: E. L., 1.
Topics, "A Changed Man." "The Voice
Of God." , .v ,..,'' '- ' ' "',.. .."
First Gennan Fifteenth and s Hoyt;
O. A. Waasa: H and 7:80.
Second German Stanton and Rodney,
Pev. E. E. lleruler. 11 end 6; B.,8., 9:45;
L L.. 7:30.. . ,. ' - - . ' :
Sellwood East Fifteenth snd Tacoma,
Kv. Lester C. Poor, 11 and 7:30; J. E.
L '30 R. 1 ' 'v'"?
tFi Clinton Kellv Memorial Thirty-
Mnth end Powell, Rev. W. H. Hampton.
K H... ;46; II ana e: E. JU. 7.
? ' iinavllla East Pine and Eighteenth
!. Rev. Ilsroid Oberg; 11 and 8;
T f; lr clasa -miemg, l!ri!.'L., 7:15.
M'wrtljifn-William J. ouglas; .11
' 7:30; S. 8.. 10; E. L-. 6:30.
i'i.n'UHtty li.rk Dawson nnd Flfke,
I . vv. R. Jef fry, J. : 11 and 7 MO.
fr-nn Zin Thirteenth, and Main,
l.-v, n, Matthews; 11 and 8; & -.. 1;
" : - .- 1 . r -..
7 . . . . ,, ,,v .... ,i , ..i1
Sund ' Services at 15orttan6 (Tl)urcJ)es
ill' I
est in
are used in order to obtain a deEired
color effect
The bordered chiffons are used for
some attractive little blouses of simple
line, a surplice arrangement with the
modified kimono sleeve being a design
often, chosen for such material. Persian
or cachemire silks veiled In plain chif
fon, cachemlre chiffon veiled ' in plain
chiffon and eashemire chiffon or mousse
line In exquisite soft tones without veil
ing are popular blouse motifs and much
fa done with - these charming antique
.printed cottone or cretonnes veiled In
plain chiffon or made up without veil
ing and softened by net or lace collars
and frills and, touches of black In cra
vats, buttons, etc, . , r
1 The newest models in very handsome
handmade lingerie blouses are composed
Of heavy, soft handwoven linen, beauti
fully; embroidered In openwork designs
and combined with the sheerest of, llnon
and finest of laces. The cotton crepes
are less used by the blouse makers than
they were last season, but some hand
some models' are made 'up in the fine
cot'ton-et&mines. White, llnon embroid
ered In color is much liked, .the touch
of color echoing some one of the tones
in skirt and coat with which the blouse
is worn.- . v, :. a ,:f :;v. '--:;
The designers of millinery are ,pro ;
duclng new'hataof great, and interest
ing variety. Some of them are charm-1
Ing or quaint; others, are extraordinary j
to else and line, and the rest are wonder
fully, beautiful In line and color. .There ;
are, some hats that reach down to the
eyebrows, - with trimming sloping ab-!
ruptly toward the back, giving an un
becoming, top-heavy appearance that
few women can wear and look well 1
On very tall and allm women these hats
look perfectly grotesque.
There are so many pretty and be- i
coming shapes to choose from that it
is a pity to encourage the freakish.
There . are soft straw toques for
traveling. Including the draped ; rajah
turbans, . the folded Vapotes and the
closely fitted shapes with high rolling
brims at the side. Many of these are
of plaid straw, or of a fortunate com
bination of two tones that every woman j
loves. i
Leghorns with velvet ribbon and mas
ses of flowers for trimming are we'l
adapted for afternoon wear. If a sim
pler type is preferred the large, fine
straws, with a, beauty of line and a
few large hat pins, are extremely chic.
The huge black hat, with its bow of
tulle or lace, will look" well with, any
gown, though there are other hats equally-worthy
of oonslderatlorhr- . s; :
This year ribbon bows are being- em
ployed extensively. They are used on
the skirt,' and draperies and flounces
are festooned and - held by ribbon ro
settes. Box-pleated ribbons are also o
revived dress-trimming, and a most pro
fitable one for the ribbon makers, for
yards and yards of ribbon are required
C. E..' 7. - ,
Mount Tabor East Stark and Blxty
flrst J. W. McDougaU; 11 and 7:80.
Patton Michigan avenue and Carpen
ter. D.K A. Walters ; 11 and ;,8. ., !;
Lents Seventh and Gordon, Rev. W.
Boyd Moore, . 11 and 8; 8. Sn 10; E. jL
f Wbdstoek-pJ. T). Vocifc t and J;sl;
a 8 10; E. L., :80.
Oak Grove Rev. James T. Moore, 11
and 8. B. 6., io. -
Wesleyan Gleason and East Fifty
third street. North. Rev. G. C. Wicker.
11 and 8; S. 8.. 10; Y. P. M., 7. .
'.'.'"" ".'.'.'' rresnyteriasu ' J
First Twelftn and Alder, Rev. Wll
Ham H Irani Foulkeg, 10:30 and 7:45; 8.
8.. 13:10; C. E.. 6;30. Topics. "God
Bless You." "Roses of Gladness."
Mlznah East Twelfth and Powell;
Rev. Hari-7 Leeds, 11 and 1:30; 8, 8V 10;
C E., 6:30.
Calvary .Eleventh and . Clay. Rev.
Thomas. Holme Walker, 10:30 and 7:45;
Bible school, noon. Topics, the sacra
ment of the Lord's Supper will be ob
served in the morning. Evening topic,
"A Day in the Fields." .
Fourth First and Gibbs-. Rev. Donald
Mack. mile, 10:80 and 7:30. 8. 8., 13; C.
E.. 6:30.. 3 ;
Hawthorns Park Twelfth and East
Taylor: Rev. E. Nelson Allen, 10:30,
7:45; 8V 8.; 12; C. E., 6:45.
- Forbes--Sellwood and Gantenbeln:
Rev. Harry H. Pratt; 11 and 7:80; B. 8
10- C. E., 6:30. . .
s Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett;
Rev. J. E. Snyder, 10:80 and 8; 8. 8.,
5 Chinese 145 H First, 7:45; 8. 8H 6:45.
Westmlnster-r-East Tenth and Weid
ler; Rev. Henry Marcotte, 10:30 and
7:30: 8. 8.. 12; Y. P. 8. C. B., 6:30.
i Marshall Street-r-Marshall snd North"
Seventeenth: Rev. C. W. Hays, ' 11, 4;
8. S., 10.; 7:30 service In Finnish lan
guage ' '.' . " .
Mount Tabor Belmont and 'Pretty
man; Rev. Edward M. Sharp, 11 and i;
8, 8., 10.- ,
: Spokane' Avenue East Seventeenth
and Spokane; Rev, D. A. Thompson, 11
and 7:80; S. & 10: C E., 6:30.
Third East Thirteenth and Pine;
Rev. William Parsons, 10:30 and 7:46;
8. 8., 11, - '- -r: - - '
Hope , Montavtlla," East Seventy
eighth street. Rev. Henry L Nave.
8. 6.. 10; 11 and 7:30.
Kenllworth East Thirty-fourth and
Gladstone. Rev. A. Robinson, 11; 8. &
12; Y. P..t7. 'Vs' it '
Millard Avenue Rev. John A. Town
send;' services",. 10; '8. 8.,'11!1S. ' '
Anabel Rev. John A Townsend. Serv
ices, 11:30 and 7:45; 8. 8.. 10:15. ?
Trinity Dakota gtreef Rev. A.' Rob
lnson, 7:46 p. m.; C .JJ. 6;4S: 8. 8., 11.
Vernon Wygant and East Nine
teenth: Rev George W. Anns, n and 8;
8. 8. 4:C. EX r ; r
"r, ,- ' . ' OathoOe. ' , , ;
Bt Marye Pro-Cathedra, :i Fifteenth
and Davis Most Rev. A. Christie, Dr-D.
Low mass, 6, S and . High mass and
sermon, 11.. Vespers, instruction and
benediction,-7:46. .
St Joseph's (German), Fifteenth and
Couch Rt . Rev: James Rauw, V. G.
Low mass, 8. High mass end sermon,
10:39. Vespers, benediction, 8:80.-. ;
Bt Francis, East Eleventh and Oak
Rev. J. H. Black. Low mass. 6, 8:80
snd 9:80. High mass end sermon, 10:80.
Vesper, lnstnlotion and benediction.
7:80 i - , ' .-. " :. i .
St Lawrences', Third and Sherman
Rev. J. C. Hughes. Low mass, 6, 7 and
8:80. ' High mass and sermon, 10:80.
Vespers and benediction, 7:30.
St Stanislaus (Polish) Maryland and
Failing Rev. John Brzoza. Low mass,
8; high mass and sermon, 10; vespers
and benediction. 7:30.
Ascension, Monta villa.; Rev; 3. P.
Fltipatrick. Mass and sermon, . 9 in
chepel of Sisters of the Precious Blood.
St Patrlek's, Nineteenth and Savler
Rev. E. P. Murphy. Low mass, 8. High
mass and sermon, 10:80. 1 Vespers and
benediction. 8:30. : ' .
Michael's (Itallanjj Fourth and
Mill Jesuit Fathers. . Low rnaes, - 8.
High mass and sermon, 10;3fl. Vespers
and benediction. 7:80. .
Bt. Stephen's, rorty-seconi and East
TaylorT-Rev. W. A. Waltu iw mass.
8:80. fHIch mas and sermon, 10:3o
Immaculate Heart nf Mary, Williams
and Stanton Rev. . W, A. . Daly. Low
mass, 6, 8 and . High mass and ser
mon, 10:30. Vespers and . benediction.
Holy Rosary, East Third n Unions
very Rev. A. 8. Lawlar. Low mass. 6.
?. '.n' ?. '" High mass and sermon.
10:80. Vewpers and benediction. 7:80.
Bacred Heart, , Milwaukle Rev. Gre
, gory. JSoMeq &&.yLo w.jnn as.. gOXih
inaus i and sermon, ,18.34 . Vnspurs and
benediction. . 7:8" 1 ' ; . .
Holy Cross, lntversltv Park Rev. J.
P. ThUlman, C. S. C Low mass. 8:80.
J i ! h mumi and sermpn, 10.39. Vevoers
HTld lfi-tiction. w
Holy Redeemer, Port'and and "Van
me ieaimi'
By Kev. Thomas B. Gregory.
ROSA BONHEUR' was born in Borr
deaux, France, in the year 1823.
It was her lot to be born In the
. midst of poverty and want, end
the most imaginative ' among
those who looked Into the face of the
little stranger never dreamed that they
were gazing upon o,ne destined for: im-?
mortality. . , . . . '. (';.;
There are many ' powerful sermons in
the picture that has come down ,to us
of the Bonheur home during the strug
gling period of the young woman's life,
when her glorious genius was fighting
for its very life against adverse circum
stances which would have daunted a
less courageous soul. , v ". ''' .
; The home was pn the sixth floor of
sn apartment house In the, Rue Xtum
fort. where, along with the family, lived
Rosa's pets, among which was a sheep.
v From time to time the father would
take the sheep on, his shoulders down
all the stairs to the neighboring square,
Where it could browse on the real grass,
and afterward arry it back. .
The poverty was deep, and sometimes
distressing, but they were happy and
self-respecting, and always hopeful.
At the age of: 19, after one of the
bravest struggles in all the annals of
art, Rosa Bonheur first experienced the
pleasure of a public exhibition of her
work. Some small pictures were hung
In the Salon and they won medals!
That was in 1841. In ISO the "Cantal
Oxen" was awarded the gold prise, while
for the now" world renowned "Ploughing
In' the Nivernals' It was declared that
no jnedal was good enough. '-'
.These pictures placed Rosa'' Bonheur
for .tHese pleatings which are used in
narrow, widths on sleeves and fichus
and In very wide flounce effects on
skirts. . ' ' , "
The huge bows which are placed
across the back of the new outing bats
are often made of hemmed silk, but
very wide. Soft ribbon is : also used
and Is the easiest to tie gracefully.
Changeable , ribbons make, very smart
hat bows of this sort and sometimes a
strip of the ribbon, shirred on cable
cords. Is arranged at the edye of the
brim as a facing. When ribbon is usod
as the sole hat trimming, no expense
should be spared in the rlbbori itself.
It should be of the richest quality and
Sufficiently wide to crush, up into gen
erously full loops and folds.' The mes
saline satin ribbons . are best for this
purpose and the new millinery colors
are particularly handsome. - - - T
Many of the hats for midsummer out
ing wear are of rough straw, or of leg
horn trimmed with' nothing but big
ribbon bOws' or choux, and perhaps a
facing bf velvet; but in every case these
couver Rev. Ed K. Oantwell. C. 88. Tt
Low mass, 8. High mass and sermon.
10:80. Benediction. 4.
St Andrew's. Ninth and Alberta
Rev, Thomas Kiarnan. 1 Low mass, - 8.
High mass and sermon. 10. Vespers, in
struction and benediction,. 7:80.
' St Ignatius, Forty-second and Powell
Valley road Rev. F. Dillon 8. J. Low
mass,. 8 and .9:30.,. Mass, -sermon and
benediction. 10:8i. . , ' ,
... vj." ; . 1. ;.' i i ii ' 't' ' ,'"". "'
i -.- : JSpiSOOPSl ' " ' K' 'i:'t" :5
, Trinity, Nineteenth and Everett Rev.
A. A. Morrison, 8 and 11, 8; 8. 8., 9:45.
Bw Matthew's, First and Caruf hers
Rev. W. H. M. Breck. 8. 8., 10; holy
communion and sermon, 11.
Pro-Cathedral of St 8tephen. the
Martyr-rThlrteenth and Clay. Rev. H.
M. Ramsay. Holy Communion. 7:30;
prayer and sermon, 11 and 7:80; Sunday
school, 10.
Church of . Our Savior Woodstoek.
Vespers, 4. r
St David's East Twelfth, and Bel
mont Rev. Henry Russell Talnot. Holy
communion, 7:30; 8. 8., 9:45; morning
prayer and sermon, 11 evening prayer
and sermon, 7:45. ' ' - i
St Andrews, Portsmouth Holy
eucharlst and sermon, . 11; prayer and
sermon, 7:80; 8. &. 10 a. m.
, AH Saint's. Twenty-fifth and Savler.
Rev. Roy Edgar Remington; morning
sermon, 11; evening, prayer, 8; 8. - 8.,
12:15. The plshop of Oregon will preach
and administer the rite of confirmation
In1 the morning; - , - ,
St Mark's, Twenty-ftrst and Mar
shall. Rev. J. E. H. Simpson. Holy
eucharlst. 7:80; roatljis and litany, 10:15;
holy eucharlst and sermon. 11; even
song, 7:30.-... .'. . ' -,
' St John's ' Church Fifteenth " and
Douglas. Rev. Oswald W. Taylor, 8. 11
and 8; S..8., 10. . - i
Good Shepherd Graham and Van
couver., Rev. John Dawson. , 11 ; and
7:30; S. S.; 9:45. :
i Grace Memorial. East " Seventeenth
and Weidler Rev. George B. Van Wa
ters. Payer and sermon, 11; 8. 8, 10.
. Ascension Chapel Portland Heights
8. 8.. 9:80. .
Blshoo Morris Memorial ehsoel. Good
Samaritan hospital, Rev. William R.
PowelP, .j chaplain. Holy communion.
7 a. m.; ward services, t; prayer and
sermon,' 7:15. ,, "...
. n Xiuthsrafc'.'-j.;'-.:' Eyy
Bt James English West Park and
Jefferson;- J. Allen Leas. ! 11' nd 8.
8. 8., 10; L. L, ,7 p.m.- Morning ad
dress by Rev; C. F. W; Staever of Ta
coma; evening. Illustrated , lecture on
India by Rev. E. Neudorftef of India,
Betanla Danish 640 Union avenue N
Rev. J. Scott, 11 and 8: 8. S., 10.3 Topics,
"The Call"; "Does It Pay to Be a Chris
tian". ;w' r. v.
. Swedish Immanuel Nineteenth and
Irving. 11 and 8; 8. S., 9:46 -
Nor-eglan Synod East Tenth ": and
Grant Rev. O. Hagoes, 11 and 7:46; 8.
8., 13:10. . ;
United Norwegian 45 N. Fourteenth
Detmar Larsen. 11 and 7:30; 8. 8. 8:4.
9:30. ,-..- i- . r
Zlon's - German Chapman "-and -Salmon;
H. H. Koppelmaun. 10:15. 7:45: 8.
8, 9:15. - - , .
St Paul's German East Twelfth and
Clinton. Revi A. Krause.--10:80 -and
J:30; 8. 8., 9:30. . v ,.; ,
Trinity German' (Missouri synod)
Wllliamr and Sell Wood; J. A.; Rlmbach.
9:16; 8. 8... 10; 7:80. i . , v .
St John's Peninsula , avenue and
Kllpatrlck; 3 p; m. -,. ' -
Swedish Augustahe - -Rodney ' and
Stanton: Rev, H. E. Sandstedt 10:46
and 7:45: 8. 8.. 9:80.
- Swedish . Mission Seventeenth and
Gllsan; Rev. B, J. .Thoren, 11 and 8;
8. B. 10; Y. P.. 5:30. ' .
' Ellm Chapel Michigan avenue and
Skidraore. -Rev. B. J. Thoren, 11; a S,
10. t. ' . .
Immanuel GermanCorner- 16th and
Leo (Sellwood). H. C. Ebellng. 10:80;
8. S., 9:30. .,
Grace English (Missouri Synod)
Kerby and Fargo, Rev. Carl Hassold, 10
and 7:30; 8. &., 10:30.-- . 5
y : ::-k r:': Congreganonsl, . V ' 1
First Madison and Park. Rev.
Luther R. Dyott, D. D., 11 and 7:45; 8.
8., 9:45;' evening sermon by Rev. J;. J.
Stauh. : :'. 't-,- . .'j, ' it 1 ...
Laurelwood-tRev. William H. Meyer,
8. S.. 10 and 8 C. E.. 6:30. , ;
Ptlgrim Shaver and Missouri avenue.
Rev. , Guy L. Dick, 11 and 8; 8.' 8.,
9:46; C. E-. 7. Topics, "The Beauty of
Sharon's Rose " "Character Culture.'V
BunnysldeEast . Taylor and East
Thirty-fourth, Rev. J. J., Staub; ll-and
8;-6. S., 10; C. E., 6:30. Children's day
program by the 8. 8. at 11; evening ad
dress. , by.-Hev W H.. Meyers 4t-the
Laurelwooti' Congregational church.
St Jbhns Rev. G. W, Nelson; 11 and
8; 8. 8., 10. -
Hatealo Street East Seventh and
Hassalo Rev. George E. Paddack. II
and 7:4.: Sunday school, 10; C, K.. 6:30;
Children S .day services. cantau,
In the frst rank of living artists and
established her fame for all time. It is
said that at the coming of this , high
honor the artist wept for hours out of
pure Joy to think of the happiness her
triumph afforded her beloved father! '
V; In' 1853 Miss Bonheur .brought ' out
, '.'The', "Horse Market," which, was "at
once, enrolled among - the. masterpieces
of the !brush. ' , It ; was "the" unanimous
verdict of the authorities , that the
picture entitled its author to the cross
of the Legion of Honor, but the decora
tion was refused to. the artist by .the
emperor because she was a woman!
: It Is gratifying to know, .however,
that the supreme honor came in 1865,
and later on the Leopold Cross, the
Commander's Cross.-the Royal Ofder of
Isabella, together 4 with about ' every
other decoration that an admiring world
could bestow. , ' ' t
:', The amount of 'money that .she" re
ceived for her Wrk was fabulous. The
sum paid or some of her pictures was
equal to a pay of over $600 a day!
For the "Spanish Muleteer," which she
executed after, a brief trip, to the Py
renees, she was cheerfully paid 110,000.
.- Yet she never became rich. Her, gen
erosity, was ever jfeaching put for ways
of doing good, and her, undying tame
constituted the greater ; part of the
wealth belonging to her at the time of
her ; death. ; Her : fame nd - the- con
sciousness . that she had ever; lived a
true,: cleans womanly llfe--was the es
tate she left her kindred and humanity
when, in 1899, she passed out from the
world whose beautiful things she had
loved so long. , "
ribbon trimmings are so handsome as
to be quite sufficient for smartness..
Sashes will be very popular this sum
mer, and with the promised revival of
old-fashioned 1850 styles we shall see
the sash at. the top of favor agaln The
new sash, however, , must ' hang , quite
straight and simply against the skl.t
with ho fluttering loops or ends; in
fact the smartest sashes are heavily
weighted at the bottom, to keep them
down.1 v.-'U; ;.-;.v ,-vV -'. ' . ; i:
The rich Persian and Dresden ribbons
are used as dress . trimmings and, are
used on wool and mohair frocks In the
same manner that embroidery insertion
is used on lingerie costumes. ; t ,
Short dressing Jackets show ribbons
at the throat, back, in front In- long
loops and ends at the waist line; which
Is usually rather short - . f '
There are some beautiful parasols
with eyelet embroidery to match suits
of linen, and . others are trimmed with
embroidery , "set in," ; matching the
lingerie gown prepared, v . -
"Hfarts of Gold," evening. ' "The Bhln
lnfr Life"
Highland East Sixth and Preseott,
Rev. E. 8. Bollinger, 11 and 7:45; 8. 8.,
10; Y. P. 8. C. E., R-46. - '
First German East Seventh and
Btanton, Rev. John H. Hopp; 10:80 and
1:30: 8. 8., 9:15; C. E., 6:30.
: University Park Haven and Bowdeln.
Rev. W. C. Kantner, S. 8., 18, 11 and 8:
C E.. 7. Topics, "A 1 Cathedral Mes
sage," "A Fast Young - Man of .1000
fc-.CV' -
' Chrlstisa. "1 "
Central East Twentieth and Sal
mon; Rev. J.' F. Gormley, 11 and 7:45;
Bible school, 1 10; C. E. 6:30. Topics.
"The Child In the Midst of Them";
Junlor.C. E.. 4: service, j
Kern Park Pitt and Mldburn: Rev. A.
A Beery, 11 and 7:85; 8. 8., 10; C. E..
6:30. ,-. .-. , :. 4.... .,
Rodney Avenue Rodney and Knottt
Thomas G. Picton, .11 and 7:46; 8. 8.,
9:45; C E., 7 p. m. ' j
First Corner Park ' and Columbia.
Rev. W. ,F, Reagor, 11:80 and 7:45; 8,
8.. 10. - - ;
Sellwood Eleventh and Umatilla.
10:30 and 7:80; C. E.. 6:30.
Woodlawn Rev. Edward Wright. 11
and 7:30; 8. 8., 10; C.' E 7. -
Gladstone Rev. A. ,IL Mulkey; 8. 8.,
10, H and 8. ' ,
.' Tnlted vangeiieaL
First East Sixteenth and Popish
Rev. H. A. Deck, 11 and 7:30; 8. S..
10. t
Oakley Green Gay and Willamette
Rev. J. Bowersox. 11 and 7:30: 8. 8
10; C. E., 6:30. . Topics. "Our Children."
Children's 8. 8. program in the evening.
Second Fargo and Kerby, Rev. C C
Poling, 11 and 7:30. , ' v
Bt John's Ivanhoe and John. Rev.
C. P. Yates, g. 8., 10. , , .
' TJnited Brethren to Chrtst. i-
First East Fifteenth and Morrison.
Revr Russell 8. Showers,' 11 and 8; 8.
8., 10; class of the welcoming bmod.
1030' C 'E t -
Radical Sixth and Mechanic, Rev. Os
car A. Martin. 11 and 7:30: 8. &. 10;
C E 6:80. :.:-- v
- Aioerta East Twenty-seventn ana
Mildred, Rev. B. E. Ernerlck, It and
7:30; 8. B., 10. . .. u- ,
Third South Mount , Tabor; Rev. C
P. Blanchard. 11 j- 8. 8.-, 10. u-i ,
- Tremont .Wisdom and Curtis Streets.
Rev. H.- C. Shaffer; 8. 8., 11; C E,
6:80: sermon,' 1 :30. 2 -.5.. .';. :,'.!
Alblna Mississippi and Killings
worth avenues, Rev. H. C. Shaffer; 8.
i V ".'(.-.' " ' 'r 111 ' .;!''.' ..:. .?
, rnited Presbyterian.
First Sixth 'and Montgomery, Rev,
Frank De Witt Findley, 10:30 and 7:45;
8. 8., 12: C. E., 6:30. Topics, "God's
Roses asHeralds of a Glorious GospeL"
"The Marks of a Christian."
The Church of the Strangers Grand
ave.-and Wasco. Rev. 8. Earl Du Bols.
10:30 and 8: 8. 8., 12; C. E., 1. Topics,
"Powerless Power Houses." Evening ad
dress by William B, Bradshaw, "A Trav-
eune Man.
Third East Thirty-seventh and Clayl
j. 1 Acneson, 11 ana v:su, a. 0
rree Methodist
First church East Ninth and Milt
David M. Cathey. ll and ,8; 8. 8., 10;
Y. P. M.. 6:30. '
Second church East "Flanders,- be
tween Fifty-third and . Flf ty-fourtlt
streets. Rev. Wilbur N. Coffee. U
ana 7:30; s. b., 10; class meeting, t:30.
Olive Branch Mission 310 . First
street,, R. II. Knowles, . superintendent
Services every evening. -
St Johns 11 and 7:30. - -
Evangelical Associations.
First German -Tenth and Clay, t,
Benz, 10:4J and 7:46; S. 8., :30 Y.
7. Topics, "The Evidences of Christian
Perfection," "Character Building." .
First English East Sixth and Mar
ket streets: F. B, Culver; 11 and 7:39.
S. S, 10; Y. P. A., 5:80. :
Memorial Rest Eighteenth and Tlb
betts, Morris Heverlng, 11 and 8; a &
i. '.'....j'", ,.;.'.' ' .-.v-'r,.f v
' " ' trBlvemllst.' '
' Chhrch of the Good Tidings Broad
way and East Twenty-fourth: Rev, J.
D. Corby, 10:45 and 7:45; S. 8., 12; C.
T.V :80. Topics, "Johnny Applepeed."
Evening address by Dr. W. T. William
son on "Opportunities- for Serving Hu
manity Afforded the Good Physician."
;.. .,,':')'...." rriends' Chnreli.
-.Sunnyslde Malo&nd ast. Thirty,
fifth. Xlndley A. Wells. H and 7:30:
Blbli school. 10; C. E.. 6:30. ' -Ienta,
Center street. Myr R Emlth,
11 and 7:80; Bible schooU 10.
Church of Our Father Yamhill and
j fv "1. rv. T, n.
: U Kaot, i). iv, Vu.i
S. 8., p. 4 5. Toi icH,
' Child, the. Man.''
mot J?-: t.
M.r e"'t'riius, 11;
"The iiower, the
r eformed.
First Cermn Tenth snd E'.ark
streets, G. Itafner pastor. Service
10:45 a. ni. and 8 p. m.: S. 8., 9:30 a. ol;
Y. P.- S..C E, 7 p. m. .
Services for the Deaf.
' United Presbyterian Grand avenue
and Wasco. Rev. S. Karl Duisola. 10:30,
sermon Interpreted by Mrs, -K. C Met-caif.-
Topics,- "Powerless Power Houses."
. 1- E. Church feontu . ,
, Union avenue and Multnomah street-Rev.-E.
II. Mowre, 11 and 8:,S. 8., 10;
E. Lb, 7. Services at Union Tabernacle.
Cbxistian Science,
First Church of Christ Scottish Rite
cathedral, Morrison and Lownsdale, 11;
8j. 8. 8., 12; subject of lesson sermon,
"God the Only Cause and Creator."
SecondJ-.Wood men's hall. East Sixth
and Alder, 11; 8. S., 11; subject of les
son sermon,- "God the Only Cause and
Creator." .
, " " Klscenaneoas.
Church of the Brethren (Dunkards)
Borthwlck and Kllllngsworth av. Bey.
George C Carl, 11 and . 7:30; & 8, 18;
C W., 6:80. . -
Church, nf Maw TtinnV
Hlrsch hall. Henrv Victor Morgan.
8 It.' m.. Nrw ThnuirVif -PfKla C i-iHir aam.
ducted by Perry Joseph Green. '
onouian Jorps oaivation Army 480
Burnside. 11, 4:80 and 8.
Volunteers of America 28S Burnside
street 8:30 and 8:30.
Divine Truth Center 201 Allsky
building. ; Rev. Thaddeus M. Mlnard. 11;
H. S.. 1 2. Tonln" flAAlnai SlnA -K
Rones." -.. 1. t - t ,
Twentieth Century, 663. EuSt Morri
son. . 8. 8, 10; conference, 11. -
- inwjrnauonai tiiDle Study, L. O. O. F.
hall, East Alder. Bible lasson, "Atone
ments" 1 afl nraflhln- m....,.
R. E. Holllster, of Brooklyn, N. Y.. leo
turer for the People's. Pulpit association.
J.V.H"5". ui 'nasarene mast eeventn
add Couch. Rev. A. O. Henricka, 11 and
7:80; 8. 8.. 9:46: Y. P. M.. 6.
1- New. Churnh finrlAtif isaiAnwtan
Eleventh and Alder. Knights of Py
thias hall. Lay service and sermon, 11.
,,l?m. ot the Boul, Society. Lundy's
Hall Fifteenth and Albert streets,
lii5j. Lecture and message by Mrs. E.
G. Gudhart - ..
Mental Science meetings room 22, Sell
ing. Hlrsch Hall: subject, written ques
tions answered by Mrs. Sophia B. Belp.
Dwcuiaii .crangeiicai i-ree tJBurcn
MlSSlRSlnnl Vnna hull Tnu1 wan
ing, address by Rev. G. A. Young.
First finlrttnnl Bnnlofv ma . A
street - Conference, 2; lecthre and mes-
fc. , bjt aiia. Ainea v. xiauey.
. Chrlstlas and Missionary Alliance
Men's Resort building. Fourth and Burn
side. Rev. C. A. Chrlsman, 11 and 8.
Commons Rescue Mission 22 North
Front street Special services, and 8.
Mental and Spiritual -22 Selling-
Hlrseh hntl ft ; Wi-lttitn nu.atin.. ..4
u. . - , ,. v, lv.,u .4
answers by Mrs. Bophla Seip.
. f,ur.ulina enowsnip eening-Hirscn
hall. Lecture by Dr. Davidson Buchanan,
on, first in series. "'The Forward Look,"
1 Pnnlel ' MtHtnn!81 "MaAmn ;
Services S and p. m. '-
Y. M. C. A. Sixth and Taylor streets;
R. R. Perkins, religious director. Meet
ing for men at 3.:30 addressed by Dr.
Lyman B. Sperry en. "Brain and Nerves
In the Making of a Life." Third in
Journal Want Ad, bring results'
DysneDsta Is our natlnnul Jlm'nnt
BurdocK Blood Bitters Is the national
cure for it It strengthens stomach
membranes, promotes flow of digestive
Juices, purifies the blood, builds you
..'Vi'- iii,' '":r. ? ..'...- v
Anv skin ttehtnv la t,mn.i
- - - c , ...., wv. .wwi.
itches. Doan's Ointment .cures piles.
ccaeiiia-any sum ncning. At ail drug
stores. . v
"l have been somewhat costive,: but
Doan's i Regulets gave Just the re
suits desired. They act mildly and
regulate the bowels perfectly," George
B. Kraose, 306 Walnut avenue?, VA1
toona, Pa. - ,
. A specific for pain Dr. Thomas' Ec
lectic Oil. strongest cheapest liniment
ever devised. A household remedy .in
America for 25 years.
Chamberlain's . Stomach t and ; Livef
Tablets will brace up the nerves, banish
sick headaches, prevent despondency and
Invigorate the whole system. '
HOI an", f.lll TrUSl
Th Criminal twi G:ns!r.i
Thi Feed Drink farill ljit. :
For InfanU, InvaEdsmd Growm g ch3drea
PureNutrilion,upbuilding the whole body,
invigorates thenurringmother and the agej.
Rich milk, malted grain, in powder form,
lonch prepare! fa a minute,
rake no wbstitate. Ask for HORUCK'S
uuiers are imitations.
For Headaches
Causp4 ty. sick stomach, ill
regulated bile, sluggish bowels, ;
nervous strain j or overwork,
the safest and surest remedy is '
Sold Ererrwhwe. latexes 10. and 25c
Geary Street, above Union Square
. . jus oppotuo juora ou B iiaui - ,
' European Plan $1.60 a day up
- American Plan $3.00 a day up .
Kewiteeltnd brick itractur. Vurnlsbedsl
cott of 1200,004. Every comfort and eon
: venience. On carllnn transferring ail otbt
city. Omnibus meets train and itesmert. .
6end for BooiUet with asp of San Francwee
Pacific View Hotel
t m Nefanlon Station. 'Roiislilft. Ort ,
t 55.00 A WEEK AND UP,
Electric Ujrhts and baths. Dining; rooms
and kitchen enlarged and improved. ; All
conveniences for nartics wishing; te do
( light bouBektcjplng.
L P. EAE.EE3CH0U, Pro '-
- , f . ,M ll I I
'OUR FAITHFUL Bell Telephone,
always at your elbow, steadily increase's m use
fulriesa It does a stfire of pr.ranrl wriil a m-'
senerer is doing one.
phone service as a matter of course, like; the . air. you
breathe or the water you drink, " . . '
( Your Bell Telephone performs, these daily services of
. neighborhood' comrnlmication, and it does moreit is
a unit m the uniyersal system and enables you to reach
Any one any time within, the range of the Long Distance
Service. ' , . ,
- a .'.''
C7 r i-'a
Uvery BeU Telephone is the Center of
j, , the System.-. . "
. Portland's Live, Growing Hotel. Kew, Voders, Centrally Looated. '
- i ... . .... . .... . .. ...i. "... ... v
7th 5 StarK, Portland, Or. Pioneer Sqvnrc, SeattIe,Wn.
Oregon's Greatest Hotel
350 ROOMS, '' , ' 104 SUITES.
- . V With Private Batha ,
Tlie Perlilna Cafe and Grill - j
the Perkins Hotel Grill has as an additional musical attraction secured the
-services of Ralph and Frank Markee, members of the celebrated musical
family of Markee. Ralph and Frank have Just returned from an extended
eastern vaudeville engagement to visit their parents,, and will on June 1
Join their brothers, who have been entertaining- the patrons of the Perkins
Grill for same months. Cellq, trombone and-saxaphone solos will be featured,
dene Wilson, vocalist.' ;-.' .v.';.. - ." t
"Tht House of Welcome
BegUininj May 1 our rates will be as follows:', Out-,
side back rooms, $1 per day; single front rooms,
. r $1.50 per day. Our omnibus meets all trains.-
-' Portland's Newest and Most Up-to-Date Hotel '
Proprietor , . Manager
S&topeaa Plaa
EXETXimt opp WAaRziraTOis'
' Portland's
Only Rcof Garden
lmtrioftxi ' ' Bates to
n4 "tiwknsisim - V - fliisk Hn at Waal All
Sample Suites, wita Baths, for Traveling Has . ;
Hot and
' "Tt-Zr'' ' J- S.D.8)V.H.Jorr9nsen, DATCO M (f 9. lid
-zA--es--- - , Props.
You come to accept tele-;
Keadqnartera fot
Tourists an4 Com
mezcial Travelers.
Special rates mads
to families and
single gentlemen.
The management
will be pleased at
all times to show
rooms and five
prices. A modem
Turkish, bath ea
tablishment M the
hotel. i -1 .
K. O. Bowers, Mgr.
J n v H' " I
The leading hotel of Portland, opened July,
1909. . Modern jn yery detail, furnished in
elegance. ; Most beautiful corner lobby in
Northwest Commodious sample rooms.
European plan. Rates $1.50 and up. 'Bu
meets all trains. . ; w. M. 8:waju, prop.
1 II" 1 I
T av,ai ' .
Cold Water Long Distance Phone
TTtsT Attn if atm cts -
6Mgrs. nn l si I ,Uw U Ur
- -?
, .