::tlatid, gunday i-:ci::m;G, may cd, isio. ro:: tat.: CI ro:: II LCT3 13 1 on sali: ixii: 13 ac::::.ci 7 ACKr.ACnp: 37 ACREAGE 57 it mi "1NC0M5 1 N VI- 'T .M ;INT" ALWAYS SAFE". Z per rent int. paid on cneott ircnum?. 2 - per cent in t. paid on 10-day call rprt i t !i'.'4 1 pt .8 if-r cent int.,, paid on 30-day call 4 pr cent int. paid on 90-day call cprtlfH'atPS, Small t-hnck Brenunts received. 23 years" banking experience In Fort- land. We will ln von huv a home. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY! BArK. Third and Uhk sts. Who 1b Interested In a home cannot afford to miss this elegant 7 room bungalow. Here are a few of the good points about the place. Reception hall. Large living room with A dandy fireplace. Paneled dining room, - ... : Beamed ceilings, ' : , .- Dutch kitchen. 3 large, bedrooms with 2 windows each.' . .. Extra large closets. . Dandy sewing room or den, Swell bath with' best fixtures. . l-'ull basement. , , " "' . . This is the beat- buy we know of. Think of ft, 7 large well finished rooms vlth every modem ponvonience. and all Improvements puldifor, and the -price la only 01 CASH; LiiiuiiiL'ituyu ADDITION Near Mt.' Tabor reservoir, at end of Hawthorne ave. car line. Beautiful Lots . in Beautiful Blackberry Patch WATER MAINS STREETS GRADED KAMAMI $3000 Or possibly less and balance $20 per mnnit mill V.11V mrtH.Tn R room buntra- low in Hawthorne ave. district, 1 block from car,, near 48th st. .r-nce Also 6 room cottage, celled and papered, in Mt. Tabor district, price $1700. 326'Lumber Exchange. V I own a beautiful "building Bite 100x150 on Portland Heignts whji of Mt. Hood. It runs through from one street to another with 160 feet, or frontage.. Within two blocks are 1 houses each costing over $3000. It is two blocks to the car liner Because I need the mor.ay I will sell this prop; erty for $1000 less than the owner or a. mallei piece directly across ths road has recently" been offered. $1500. cash will handle it. V. VINCENT JONES. 802-303 Lewis bldg. ' Finest Kind of Soil. Balance on terms. Ypu will be pleased if you see It. $11 .CASH mice on tei pleased 11 WHY? Because of the Handy Location Fine Soil ' Fine Fruit Fine Car Service ., ' . It's close to good school and' . ... Streets are In fine shape., iUMTIl 360 E. Morrison at. of- Balance tlS per month. This place Is not quite completed so you can hare ; tinting w buii. Take Waverly-Rlchmond car to flee. Get off at Marguerite ave. t , Call for H, A, Askwith I have places from $2000 up. so If this doesn't suit I can show plenty of others. Sell wood 1705 B-1207. 6 ROOM modern house, corner lot, near car.Thls must be sold; make me offer. Price $1450; $450 cash, balance" terms. -100x100: $500, $100 cash. $15 per month. E. Efton, Tabor 670. HOUSE and seven lots; garden, lawn, , shade trees; well rencea, good wen, centrally located; ideal home. Make your own terms. , Owner, 44 Cambridge bldg,' ;' " $2400--By owner, new 7 room house, strictly modern, full basement, con crete floor and walk, for sale on rea sonable terms or trade for land. 1045 E, 2Sth st N. , 1 FIVE room house at Myrtle, Ml. Scott ? car, 1 block north on Hall bet. Sheal and Percel sts.; $1000, easy terms. Mo- Kenny, owner. i FOR SALE, new S room modern house, furnished, ' Must sell at once. Owner leaving city. 480 East 11th st N. : Phone C-2381.' ': - ALAMEDA PARK LOTS ' Are high and sightly, overlook ing Irvington; near Broadway car line; best city lmprovamentSi priced 26 per cent below the mar-, ket Inquire Alameda Land Com pany, 322 Corbett oldg. River View Lots - ' $250 up, 10 per cent down, 2 per cent monthly; water sewer, streets all In and paid for. Take United Hallway car at 4th and Stark sts. to Glen Har bor, 6c fare: agent on the ground. GLEN HARBOR REALTY CO., 431-132 Mohawk bldg., cor. Third and , Morrison sts. r THIS IS A SNAP. -56x77 on 46th and Salmon "tree, two blocks -from ' Hawthorne. . Pine location and ia in ood district. Bear ing fruit trees on Dronerty. burrouna- ing lots eelllngv at $1500. BO WEN REALTY 'EXCHANGE. A9.K Worcester bldg.. A-54JH. 30 PER.-GENT' PROFIT -My cllertt wants $900 right away; he offers i very beautiful lota in Mon tavllla on the bill and in restricted district, surrounded ' by property held by Investors at 1450. a lot. . For resi dences they are very' desirable and for speculation there is at least 80 per cent prom, mis is a case or big prom to the buyer for the money is needed by June 1. ' O. F.' MARTIN, Attorney, -' - 81 Falling Ave. , ' ' TOS-AEMHAUF ACRES 1 blocks from 5 cent fare. Lies fine and good vlew-)iie--lialf pet out in nice orchard. Water on property and fine macadamized street in front This lies on 36th street and would plat . nicely. Small house and barn, also . chicken park. Price $650. Good ! terms. E. R. MARKHAM, (J. H. Shields.) 205 Gerllnger bldg.,' 2nd and Alder, '. '$260 'CAS Will give you possession of 10 aeres of fihe land in the heart of the fertile MOLALLA valley, only 24 miles south of Portland and 1 V4 miles of Canby. There is no better land in the state than this. 1 and for an Investment or a noma, you can .find nothing better. Come in and let ms give you par-. - ticulars. Price $1000; $260 cash, balance 1, 2 and 3' years at 6 per cent. y ' :, ; -; Repass & Woodyard , 300 Henry Bldg. ; , 16 1-2 ACRES $500 21 Acres $880 . $100 Cash, $10 a Month' 6 Per Cent Interest Half hour's ride from the city.' Half mile from the station. On a good county road. ' Red shot soil, no rocks or gravel, v The best kind of a place. For an orchard and chicken ranch. A living spring, creek through the place. ' Can bell tnough Wood "Cedar Posts, Cedar Poles To Pay for the Land From the first day as much . Can come in. each week From this sale of wood and posts. As you can earn m tne cuy. Call and talk it over and Arrange' to look the land over And see for yourself If I have, stated it fairly. Fred F. Huntress. 530 Lumber Ex- Change.' N , : ORE' FIN USE Our price cmr-pra $550 Two blocks from the car. -$1300 . . Very sightly 100x100;. four 'blocks from this such a building Bite : cost $4000 to $5000. ' , .- ' RORSMERE. ' . Fine corner 100x100, two blocks from oar; all improvements paid, only $2250. 822 Mohawk bldg. ' ; -r- South Portland Lot FOB S ALELOTS 10 Lota $30 to $300. mm Adjoining Bay Ocean. r . ' ..' Lots 60X100, , Graded streeta, i, Water piped in front of every lot, " , tot $30 to $300. i. u.mthArnA tt.vnue. fax id. Nina elevation. Streets im proved. 1 block from car Only $800. Henkie & narnsou . .. ' Gerlfnger bldg. ' ' " FoTSale or Trade . IflOrlOO fine suburban lot fifteen yUa frnm hUBineBB 018- trict. for sale cheap, or will trade f or business -of equal value that wlmP man and wife for time and . work. Owner. V-600, Journal. FOR SALE Fine business corner, iu bv 100 fronting on vEastmpreland. There being no Btoresaaiowed in v- moreiana wis corner wu -year from now at $1500; present price $750," easy terms. H, Alwater, $W Merchanta Trust bldg.. 6th and, Waah-, I n g on. Phone Marshall 698. ' .60x100 1 lota on Roso City car line. , AH Imnrnvomcnta 1IM tOf.. JUU WUll. Rose City Park Lots One block from the Alameda Drive. block and a half to the streetcar, or to the brick stores and postoff ice, facing east; Improvements in, lots graded; the best location out there, and price below surrounding property. Phone evenings .ast 92 or see owner daytime at 3 E. Morrison et - . .ACRE ' 2 blocks from car on 35th et High and sightly, good view, gentle south slope,, fine macad amized street In front of property, also water on property. A few fruit trees, berries, small house, barn and chicken park. A dandy home site. Price 2250. Terms. , E. R. MARKHAM, . (J. H. Shields.) , :' SOS Gerllnger bldg., -, 2nd and Alder, 12 1-2; ACRES WEST; SIDE . . CLOSE IN Hard to beat,' all in cultivation, new t room house, on macadamized road. 2 miles from electric. Fine soil, Al for gardening; $4buo; izooo casii. Mt. Hood Land Company 7iz Kotncniid biag. Belle .Crest, t Price Columbia LOT 18, block 80. jbuu; terms. Corner lot 60x100 near park, trice $400 cash. Lot 50x100 on Humboldt, near Denver ave. Price $600, $50 cash, balance $10 per month. - . .. Cozy little home and lot 45x100 on Blandena st. near Patton ave. Price HARALA"' &' STEVENTON, 789H MissiBHlppl ave. Woodlawn 686 2 lots, 2 blocks from Union ave, o each, ' - ,. .. ; 2 lots one is corner, tor t BKUWW, ll i iiimii "'"ft- BIG SNAP .wl $ lota between Hawthorne and Bel mont, in section being paved, ewer, gas and water, best car service in city, 10 minuteV out$2500. hall ' cash take, mil H owner.' H. O. Tripiett, 110 3d Bt., no Addree. agents wanted. - ' Bennett Addition . . t nviAn i'itn 25 down. $10- per MT. 8COTT REAL EBTATIfi OU., IN U. 1 month; water main iaau , For further Information regards Ing Ocean View, fill out this cou pon - and receive complete and minute details by mall. . ; , Mam ............................ - - LOT BARGAINS. ' $576 ROSE CITY PARK $575', Faces east, two blocks to carllne. 60x100 FOOT LOT., Less than one block "to car line. Ad Joining -Laurelhurst. Close in. Price $700. $70 cash, balance $20 per month. 575 ROSE CITY PARK 1576 I WE HAVE" SNAPS. SEE OUR LIST, MULTNOMAH TRUST CO., . Marshall 6G8. . 314 Hamilton bldg; . A FIVE ACRE FARM - . ' 1 mile from Beavcrton, all in fruit. 6 room house and a barn and chicken house, a good well, price $3500; $2600 KalotiAA (1 Ann E iiaava A na nant Will trade for lot and house, bunga low prererred, on union ave. , . $35 PBR ACRE FORTY-ACRES NEAT? BEND Near big ditch, water rights secured and paid ror. can on S. C. SHERRILL, M. E. THOMPSON CO., 4th and Oak. tM acres in the highest s'tage of cul tivation, good house, barn, chicken 1 house and yards, fine water, five minute Crossing. This Is an Ideal place and "-" ' xo pota oe tne price is joooo; $aooo casn. naiance on very easy terms. Don't fall to look 'i6?! RV-- Fartlculars phone Don't Lose Any Time on This ID I Mil IE Convenient to Portland and R..R.. on Iv U mila from electrlo R. R. survey. all under cultivation, 1 with running water on each tract; also faces the coun ty road; no better son ror rruit ana gardening i in the Willamette, valley, ana uniy iou per eu;i tt """!., ance very easy terms. If you axe think ing of purchasing acreage- for a1- home or an investment, this can't be beat; it will double in money. Others re do ing It. why not you 7 can at our of fice and make arrangements to go and see these beautiful tracts. ' -r - BLANCH A RU a C'L1KMtj'--JN, Phone A-1568 or Marshall 829. 318-18 Swetland bldg. Evening, or Sua day, C-1287, M. 8175. . PLATTINC reiPEW Will make 28, fine lots that will sell for $660 to $800 per lot. Property lies high and good 1 view. , Water on property now and can be put on market at small expense. Within two blocks of car on 35th street If you want to more than double your money investigate this. $3600 will nan-' die. : Balance good terms. -i . E. R. MARKHAM, (J. H. Shields ) . . $05 Gerllnger bldg., 2nd and ' Alder. .. : How Is This? A DANDY li!t' farm of 4 r. - . A miles from the citv limit. i s quarter mile from electric lino ! n i small house, wowl tlinl, Hi!-kcn I. .r and yard. 15 snorted fruit tn-- v bearing. Price '$u00, ' j cash, liaiaiu on good terms. SULLIVAN & CAT HER, 421-4-22 H.nry !!!?. S36o mn Balance on easy payments, must cl EXCHAJXGE REAL ESTATE 21 I HAVE a FINE FARM I will ex change for rnnil Pnrtlan . iM-nnnrtv $350 per acre will buy 8 acres or the r,nJ l1;;1 " muualla valley best 1a nil In Clackamas county, all un der a high stage of cultivation, and all in crop now; on good roads. This is the best thing I know of and it will pay you to Investigate Jt. Good terms ir desired, l win tae you out to see this tract if you are Interested. -: ' '. J, W, GREGG 818-317-318 Fenton Bldg. -Phones, A-8303; Main 6303. . 8H 0.000 about 20 miles from Portland, on South ern Pacifc, only 7 minutes' walk from station. There are 124 acres, and about 70 under cultivation. All the rest can easily be put under cultivation, but now in woods pasture. It is the richest of soil and any kind of crop will grow, from fruit to pigs, and all the way be tween. Has comfortable buildings. Price, $18,000. If taken by June 15, all crops o. It is fairly well stocked iid price includes, the stock and farm Im plements, furniture, including . piano, and in fact, everything goes if the right kind of property is offered at true valu ation. Any one wanting to move right on to an improved farm can walk into a FURNISHED HOME and get break- lasi wiimn 24 nours arter trade made. This is a. SPECIALLY FINE FARM. Must deal with owners: or legally authorized agent. No time " lo fool away. ; Equity about; $13,000. s 8. T. WALKER. 804 Corbett Bldg. une or me uioiuti aii nruunu m a beautiful Michigan rarm ana yairy naiiunes u - College i own Terea - on i nis iviarKex ana- n Cannot Be Duplicated; Any- wnere Tor Tne rnce. Lies adjacent to the college grounds. ' Unencumbered and valued at $10,000. The owner desires to move to Oregon. And will accept any Oregon property Tributary to Portland. Fred "F. Huntress, 630 Lumber . Ex change. Main 8973, Tabor 876. YOU or some member of your family may need special treatment - for ob stinate catarrhal trouble, obstruction ' 160 acres, 80 acres under plow, and all in growing crop; It has some of the choicest bottom- land; there is a good" six room house with water connection. 2 barns, 200 tons hay cap nrr-harH vHtlv: vaHaHa rtt place is well watered; personal proper- some trouble of the eye. ear, nose, throat ty: -span or mares, wortn boo; tnree "? "" mu.io 8'f sets of harness, 26 milch cows, 4 hogs, J1" At present I can use tallor- 18 stands of bees. 8 buggies, 1 wagon, Ing.-diamonds. . Victor machine and all necessary implements. The place IeL"raB ali,a gfnw lurnisning gooas in is only 1V4 miles from county seat, 5' t8" lv,r ''ra1 Bna K1"80"- ' t fruits; the ' nose, adenoids, enlarged tonsils,- or with railroad facilities and it takes about 7 ' hours to make the trip from Portland. Terms $5000 cash,- balance In 9 years at 8' per cent. Otto & Harkson Realty Co, 133 First street 10 acres: 6 acres in oats; IV acrea In fins' orchard and berries; bal. of land verv easv to clear: a fine 6 room house; nice barn and outbuildings; good well water at house; good live spring; "elec tric line survey by place; 2 miles east of Oregon City on good road. This is a snap at $2500; good terms if you want mem. J. M. Kerr & Co.. 311 Henry Bldg.. " CHOICE LOTS. .r - -50x100. corner East ; 30th. near W-W cat; bargain at $550, $185 cash, bal. $15 per mo: - '- - - -y -? 40x100. East 24th St., wlth-7 large cherry trees; great bargain at $750; $300 cash. bal.. easy. r . A. BEARD CO., ' 826 Washington St., room 216.' . Lents office 101 Main Bt Phone Ta " bor 1433. -' East Side 840 ' E. Ankeny. i Phone Clty 449 Sherlook bldg.. Plon Mar shall 1458.' : .'" '"""I"' close to car. r s woodmere Real Estate Co.. r ' O 0 H A M H U n I I AHAV KMC SrHmr: stailon. Mt Scott line, Phon COJ nilU, I lUUL-rtUH I rtV l. Tabor 1425. . , ,.- - 1 OOy 1 0f) ROO! Tprmc. See Owner? East 3434 1 In LOT BARGAINS. Terrace Park, $100 Choice LOTS. .aa.aa . niAAaiuib rinA Aorner. blks to car, $800, . $100 cash, bal. $15 per mo. - . . . tunn J lots in Montevi la. Ill a tcn. . W--"" th " tees man n walllA Best business lot In Montavilla.' ' , NELSON & GRIBKU . -Tabor 24. 2002 E. Stark st tti WaHhlneton St.. room 216. (ruDL-m Mii'intu at the beach, on hill i overlooking ocean-, bay and moun- 'ONE' of irvlngtons finest quarter tains in fvery direction s o"p"o.; " hwUkiTsin Stanton street only $2760 depot only 2. hours ride fromu.. If taken Vifore June 1. Rememberthis will trade for .team or , -"r "ij -Nice lot 40x100 E. 40th Bt, 2 blocks from carllne. .Terms. . , : .. J. J. OEDER. Cor. Grand ave. and E. Ankeny. Is $800 under surrounding values. Come and be convinced. ,w JOSEPH H. JOHNSTON, 32-8 Lafayette bldg., Washington & 6th. $1860 $300 cash, $20 per mo, t room bungaldw; bath, toilet, sink, lavatory, pass pantry, linen and China closets, wood lift wired; lot 60x100, restricted .alBtrlCt-F. ' A. BEARD & CO. $28 Washington st. room $15. ' ' "WKST SIDE. - , j.,.,,, .. ' ' " WEST SrDE. ' . WEST SIDE. ' $1600 Exclusive - residential nelgh ' borhood, full lot, very close in. Why ride all day on the streetcar,,;. Good -terms. Q-68. Journal. ' Irvington Lots - - - Twov beautiful lots in Irvington for ' sale very reasonable; 1 on 2 2d st. and 1 on 17th st. vNeal Brown, 709 Swet - and bldg., 6th and Washington sts. VVAVBRLEIGH HEIGHT& Jersey cow for sal". Bood.milker, it nnarts: Phone Woodlawn 1333. Westmoreland Snap - Three business. If on Mllwaukle, 60x 100. $1000 each. : Fine location., OooH BOWEN REALTY EXCIIANGE, ..15K Worcester bldg. A-51.1S. SOME fine building lots at E. 41st and Taylor sts. A few nice building sites in Maxwell addition.. adjoining Pied mont Also a few lots in Saratoga ad. O'Brien Realty Co., Lewis bldg., 4th ana iidk bis. - -.2 Acres All In Cultivation Sightly location, close to Oregon fclty car line. $200 down. ' ; 2, 6 and 10 acres on Oregon City car line. All' under cultivation. .Richest soli.. No rocks or gravel. '$450 and $550 an acre. Terms, win take cuy prop erty- in exchange.- -i -v--- v i J 6 acres, oest or iruit ana oerry ou; High and sightly with living water. One and one-half miles from railway station. Graded school, stores, etc. $600; $50 .down, $5 a month. THE DUNN-LAWRENCE CO.. 248 Alder st. 5 ACRES o All in high Btate of cultivation. Good 5 room house with pantry and cement basenient City water in house and on 6 cent car, fare to a city of 10,000 peo ple. Large barn Rnd sheds. About 2 acres "of mixed fruit consisting of ap plet, pears, prunes, cherries, English walnuts and almonds. - j Place situated about ' 8 miles from Portland and jonly 9 blocks from street car line. Must be sold soon and will make liberal terms Owner, 411 Henry bldg. MACADAM ROAD-Faetory business Owner, B-546, journal. SNAP. . For quick Sale. . , 850 feet on Cable street, at Junction of Montgomery drive Price $2000.- GODDAkn & WIEDRICK, ' 243 Stark street. 7 acres, 2 miles from Hillsboro, all in n.,ltlvatinn: 5 nrres' hottom. orcht- ard and small fruits; fine house and barn, good creek,-, -!';r-ir.;.,V-i:.rx:r,, " 14 acres, lJ mneu irura nnuuuiu, nu In crop, good new house and barn, horses, cows, buggy, wagon, plows and all lm Biommtn and croos go with - place, on main county road, R. F. D., milk route snd telephone. This Is the best buy In Washington county. . v 229 and Z30 Mimnennen a pms. A . BEAimFUL Til::lllrai OR: FLAT- 609, Journal 20 acrea fine, nearly level land, 11 miles out on United Railways; fine auto road. Want home or lots in city. , 2 r acres,. near Courtney station, $2000. Want bungalow or good lots. Good house, 6 rooms, close In, rented at $25, for lots and some cash. 160 acres, improved, near Calgary, Canada, for city property. . CLODFELTER BROS., . - 414 Couch bldg. $12,000 For 150 acres good land; 90 acres In- cultivation; all fenced and well Improved; 25 acres in hops; 16 acres in fruit;' good .new ' dryer and packing house; 40 acres in fine timber; no rock;-the best fruit land in Oregon. Yamhill county. . Will ' exchange for Portland property. Particulars at 205 i-oucn bunding, Portland, or. EXCHANGE ' A '. business " property worth $2500, and bringing in, $115 a month, and some cash for chicken ranch; must be worth what you ask for it. Also have good farms, cltv nronertv and adjoining this is selling for $1000 per I business chances to exchange, one for tLi;it. ' TTO BID ullCllllK tlild TV II VIC II I UtB UUlCT. - ON.," ..- - , Hereis aTroodacreasre buy and you will regret it If you don't take advant age or the opportunity. 1 acres near Oak : Grove. - All deep rich soli. No rocks. Lies high' enough to give ex cellent view. Car fare 8 cents from Portland.' Remember that acreage on the electric between Portland and Ore gon City is rising fast in value. Land for $1000 for a few days only. II- desired. I Terms F FUCHS. 221 Morrison St. - 22 acres, in high state of cultiva tion, to be in city limits in a short time; acreage Bold adjoining for $3000. For particulars call Main 6694, Mrs. L J. Brown, ' " 1 ' . River View Acreage' - Take United Railway car at 4th and Stark sts. .to Glen Harbor, 6c fare; agent on the ground; $250 up, 10 per cent down, 2 per cent monthly. ' ' ' ' GLEN HARBOR REALTY CO.. ' 431-432 Mohawk bldg, cor. Third and -Morrison. Bts. - v $425- Nice corner 80120. water main street, Mount Scott line. ' . . J. J. OEDER,' Cor. ..rand Ave. and E. Ankenv. In 32.29 Acres A Snap . All in high state of cultivation. Four blocks to postoff ice, stores, meat mar ket and depot and within J miles of two other towns.. Close to Portland on main line '8. P. and at $100 per acre Is certainly a pickup. This year's crop worth $500 or $600 net . Address own- er. F-576, journal. - Fine corner, very cheap; terms, any reasonable offer entertained. Ross Eng llBh Inv, Coy 322 Mohawk bldg. CORNER, 100XWO. oornerr Price $1260. nue. line. inwi0O. corner noiaware ave.. near jveniuii. ...in,, ninmhing. Price JT-r.- T.rwY.r :w F, & Co. Express. k fine sightly lot on Kehllworth ave- Half cash, balance $20 per month. UNION A-VKiNUBi. Between i Alberta and Kllllngsworth, A BargainRose City Park One or two flno lots near car, $650; lots sell for $750 and $800 all around my fine lots. Phone Main 4144.' car Two blocks from the W-W Price $860. Terms. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, --848 Slant street. Just think A full slied lot, within . 15 minutes' easy walking distance, of the P. Oil on tne west siae, 100, wnn a masivificent vlew of everything;; $17J50.' Terms. X-577. journal. , tin t)nwn will et you one of my beau tiful , lots overlooking : the Columbia, "going at only $500; easy terms. 1 A-609,' Journal. ' " ' , -itiVER frontage, 110 feet, west side; I must nave .money .- vnereiom mt ; va price asked for adjoining property. Ask for JenksatnJI40Roxsburg station. "' ' . 1 "FORCED SALE. , - ' 6 rooms, furnace: cement basement and walks. - Noar Steel bridge; $3250. : Ravmore Realty Ca.. 430 Worcester bldg Vtii SALE or exchange, 3 lots 60x150, Los Angeios beach lots; high land, clear deeds, for Tortland. Farnham, 8Kb Fremont st. FOR SALE Two lots on Council Crest east exposure, .finest view in Port land , Will sell at a bargain. , See own er, G. .G. Brackett White garage, 6th ar.d Madison. . ! l.,;.,1A..tiAHI) ' GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 BtarK streeu 40x100 ON East 11th st, near Couch: an elegant buy for a flat or small apartment; price $2500; awfully easy terms. Smith-Wagoner Co.,; 311-312 Lewis bldg. . : - : $700- A 'beautiful 60x100 corner lot, t'rtR 1 SALE block, between Steel ""j Khhm: good location nu niv"" , : - 1 near ci for flats or apartment -nu.i v..; destrable: can give good terms. and MCMiiien; ynV . , " - " Courh bldg. Phone Marshall 296 Mt. BCOll near carllne In Irvington Park, very can give good terms.... ssoo kxtc a rrTT ninsa tn Stewarts: line; corner iwo.uki, Ti-'"'J? , r K.r-riP will sell all or half. 11800. Terms:, Call 226 Lumber Ex change bid. ! ' , t. CORNER 90x100 UVaverleigh Heights. ' beautirul Dunairg-five, facing right, j. qaNTNER. -' v 1 rtnard of Trade bid.; 4th and Oak. A KINK business corner on' Jiist 9th . street, between Alberta and Ki'llngs worth. Price $100...,-Versy terms. UU1J1-AK1J OS niouiuviH .:,- , 243 marK si-rgft. 3Sxl00 LOT and room home- on East Davis, near 21st; everything modern; price $4500, terms. Smith-Wagoner Co., 811-812 Lewis bldg- 60x100 in Woodlawn. 16 bearing fruit trees. Diowen ano renced. 4 b ocks to 2 oarltnes, $450, $150 cash, balance $5 or $10 per month. ( Owner, 522 Surman. .BEAUTIFUL corner in Tremont Park, 80x105, 16 foot alley, block from ctyinty road. Owner, T-602, Journal. ACREAGE 57 VINE lot, , suitable- for . residence or WESTMORELAND Two spJendid m flats, eoxioa, B.-.ZUUI ana. uhk., own- t- at less than value. nce .i4vv, lots 75 tr, Phone B-1619. FOUR beautiful suburban lots in cul tivation, $1000; Jthis, is a bargain; terms. Wolff Land Co., 146 1st st. RO.SSMERE lot -on carllne. Improved . streets,, cement walks, - $700t terms. Phone Monday Main 8960, , 1 TOR SALE $3000 60xfoO on Thurman st.. bet. 28th and.29tli.- Inquire F. " Abendroth,' jeweler, 342 Wash. . ' TWO choice lots for sale' cheap;.. $400 under market'' price,': for quick sale. Need money; must Sell. D-807. Journal. 100x146 Flue, sightly, west of Mount Tabor, for $1350; $300 cash. W-600, ' Journal- -.''-'; .', - A SACRIFICE 2 business lots, 40x100, on carllne, Myrtle Park; a good buy. C.lV bicycle shop. Myrtle Park. . : J LOTS, for sale, 2 blocks from East SU .Johns depot, with fruit trees on them. '. s E. Main. '. ; - - UO., Z swcimnu mi'if. - $625 Alberta and 29tK St., facing east ' nn!-.Wot,rlBlh TfniehtS. ' Cor. ' lot Bts. Owner, . 202 29th and Tibbetts Washington st. SEVERAL charning corner ; and Inside - lots cneap, irvinio,iii'i"'jj j tlons; C-1866, E. 273.. . W, H. Herdman. 15th and Broadway. ' SNiP, $2100 7 full lots, orchard,, gar . den,, all clear, close in west side. New. ton McCoy, 716 Oregonian bldg. Main 73 sr.. ' ; : WESTMORELAND lot. $700; Highland - Park lot. $450. iiarHe-uorQett, ; iUB Alisny. Call Monday. . " FOH SALE Two lots opposite Colum bia Park. Uiflverslty. Or. E. McClaln. Reedvllle. or. ROSE City Park lot fqr sale $100 be- toaujMUitg,iijca.i. ri ll(X k..f r-oi-fert4 fcftn I ft4wWt morelo nrt Klr(e---iocT- tion. - tODV. rvuwcii x-n jr cAwimnec, 426 Worcester bid. A-6438. Xti 09. Jqu rnal. $ 2.50 Down, $2.50 per Month Htiyg lot, price iqu. fi-pun, journal. $30 equity in a $500 lot for -eale at 50 ci. on the dollar. ; Phone today, Vain 1463. X1N10 lot, west side, very close In, $'JUii, Half cash. .G-679, Journal. BARGAIN FOR CASH. ... 60x100 onEast 17th st, Sellwood. By Owner. Phone East 2vu. IRVINGTON corner, 100x100 on 21st st Low price tor immediate-osaie. "CaTi Cash or terms. . E674, Journal. FOR a B-(!111 cheao lot and ask for R. on ens tt-rms. Keegie.( RAYIwQRE REALTY CO, ' srVCESSORS TO City.RealV& Building Co, ArilviS " S. AND . ACREAGE" . EAST - ' ; OF . T THE ' CITY - ' SPECIALTY . : . . Some Choice Bargains' BETTER SEE US AT ONCE. , RAYM0RE REALTY CO, 430 WORCESTER BLDG. ' 50x100 FEET, Fairport addition, $650. 2 acres, Metzger station,, on carllne, xirmn. .... .... ;.. v --!.;, 30 1 mi' res, t n iirereil t aTTTrr't'tWTOt1 rrom iroutaaie, a miles rrom corbett station,- xibuu. 10 acres, improved, 2 mile? south cast Oregon city, isooo.. Apply to owner, 11 a. m. to 1 p. m 272 Mill st. - ... Phone Mnln 1079. ,. . ,,.,:... ..,., THREE Jots on E.- 87t.h st. for $560; terms. .26. Lumbcr,!Exchange..bldg. . HALF price for sumo out of 100(1 acres in dnrcrent locajities; xiu to j.idii per I aci. - Owners room 142 -aJ st " '!: Parkway Drive 1 , The new boulevard now being 'built passes . through Parkway, the most beautiful suburban acreage near Port land. ' 6c fare. Near Linton road, Just beyond city limits. , Covered with beautiful trees, magnificent view of river and mountains. - Can you afford to" pay more for a lot than for an acre in Parkway? -Let -me show -you. Thos. McCusker; 329 -IjumnermnB bldg. - Three acres of land, all in fruit and carden. and a modern 7-room house for sale cheap, in city limits, good car service, v' I. also have a 10-acre tract, all lm a . uio 419 Henry bldg.- ' . A. Magnificent View of The Willamette River 2 acres of ground. r 1 room house, bath, f freplace. Every convenience and comfort . 4 room tenant house. , . .: Beautiful Lawn and Shrubbery . "150 Bearing Fruit Trees , Half hour's ride, ldc fare. , : -Frequent electric service.; $5000. Terms given upon interview. . Shall be glad to show it any time. Fred F. Huntress, 630 Lumber. Ex change. .".''' . - IF you want to trade your house and lot -or vacant lots ror a tarm or acre age, come and see us. J.M,Kerr&Co, 311 Henry Bldg. EXCHANGE 35 acres by owner of fine orchard land, part fine bearing sd- ples, in Hood River district; want a i residence in Portland , or other good i property. This is a . good property. Kast Ztj4. ; " .... i WANT modern house, close in, for 20 ' acres on electric line; station on place. The place will make an ideal fruit and chicken farm. J. H. H. Andersen, 83 N. 8th st. - CHICKEN RANCH. 1 acre all in fruit, well improved will sacrifice for $1500. 6c car fare;" will take city lot up to $500 as first pav ment. Inquire H. E. James. '88 10th St. FOR sale or exchange, homestead relln quishment 80 acres, 60 volunteer wheat crop will nay for 'place; horse and buggy in exchange; Morrow county. w-606, journal. . . ., Owner Must Sell A fine 10 acre ranch, all in cultiva t'" X"?i K"e 2?d : r2,T TWO good strictly up to dt. rooming no gravel, .on a fine graveled road, anci within 8 miles of city limits; all crop, good young-team and all machinery goes with place if taken soon; price $4000, part terms. - - '. ; . J. C, Mitcheltree ' Archer Place, Mt Scott car. 10 ACRES, $300' worth ha; now-buildings, fenced. roved, house, barn, good well of wa- Salem electrlo. Forced to sell; 9325 per lay this year, 7 miles out for rt'ni tn rr iin ArlrtreHu 125 E. i acre: $1000 cash. $1000 under value. 87th Kt. Phone Tabor 2076. - 1 acres, good buildings, worth houses to sell or trade for farm or city property. Phone Main 4222, or call on me at 3,19 AUsky bldg. J. R. HORNING. A Good Platting Proposition In acreage in miles of city limits, to trade or sen. see me at Aiisxy oiug, 119. J. R. Horning. SEVEN room house in Portland, hot and cold water, electricity, etc., for Im proved or unimproved land near Sandy. t0 McKay mag. ; , . r y $1600; high sta Improved, 10 Acre Tract Near atn-cPricteRtf J A BARGAIN. Three 10 acre tracts, half of each in fruit, the remainder tn grain; win sei; one or all; 1 mile to carllne, on rural route, 6 miles from Vancouver, price $1800 for eacn iu acres; ouu oown. d - ance 3 years at ( per ceui, puamo monthly or yearly. .'. ' : 603 Main st, Vancouver, Wash. Good new ' bungalow, good barn and outbuildings complete; wire fenced and n a high state or cultivation, rnce $4750. -v . A. M WKKIiUK, 802 CORBETT BLDG.. Phones M. 3366, A-6775. A SNAP 160 acres or goou iana in Washington-county, near good town, school, postoff Ice and 8 new railroads, country just opening up, m "u v-.v.i timber will brlngtnore than price asked; good log house; spring easily piped to house.- Plenty of easy clearing. Tele phones close; will take half cash, bal ance at 7 per cent Price $12.60 per acre. G-670, journal. 33 acres, In cultivation, balance gojd , timber worth the price asked; spring well and running water; some bearing fruit trees; 4 room nonse," goon Dsrn; 3 miles to car line. , Price $2000, $500 cash,, bal. terms. -o ry:::: r. A. n.riJL oe -826 Washington St., room 215. A SNAP aren v 8 roohi house, good barn. good well, Small fruit trees and straw berries: lose te church, school, store and poRtofflce; in fact a fine home for a famllv; price $1700. Dletman Realty Cn 603 i Main St., Vancouver, nami, 1, 2, 4 or 6 Acre st W. South of Wichita, on Cazadero car line, 7o fare. Near new school, nice place xor a no me and wont in the city. O. W. P, Land Co., 1st and Alder. . " I8"'ACRES near Beaverton; nartly im- proved; smaii nouHe; ivn m una iim ber; would exchange for Portland real HencA from owners only; price $3000. " I also have a few fine suburban homes. largeand small. Give me a call, CHARLES H. t ux, .Beaverton, ur. t TfAVF, a. tract of excellent fruit and garden land, lying level, near town of Sandy and on MAunt Hood electric sur vey, whloh I offer to sell very reason able in 10 and 20 acre tracts if sold soon. Prospects excellent. L. L. . Kid der. owner. Gresham. - i- 10 ACRES. Best location to be had near Port land. RnaD at the pricet J160 per acre. On carllne. Near station. Too good to last so -investigate today, . Brown, 411 Couch bldg. ; ' - , - ftO-eerds-ssndinrlimher, blocks from new Sifton townslte. miles from Vancouver, on new railroad good : proposition for acre tracts. For rartlculars call C-1940: . IF YOU are looking for acreage of any kind bid. see us. --! Bishop, 829 Mohawk WILLAMETTE part 4 acres. Grove, Or.- llvr rruntiiKe, nil or M. O. Proctor,, Onk Reedville $1600; high state cultivation; right near $noo equity in a 5 room cottage to trade uuui mcT BiaLiuu. urrauuiui ouuuiuau lhome. Price for few days only, $2250; 2 acres, all in cultivation; good 6 room house, big barn; right on R. R. station; fine road from city; only 9 miles; on section line road; half cash, balance to suit. . ... A. J. GANTNEIt, 618 Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak. 87 acres at Meldrum sla.. between Port land and Ore if on Citv. 2?0 ft'et f acinic on O. W. P. Ry., and running west 473 feet all in good bearing' orchard, with road on three ' sides. Price $3000. , , G. B. DIMICK. Oregon - City, Or. $1000 cash, balance 6 per cent $300 peri year. These are best buys we ever adver tised. - , CLODFELTER BROS., , 414 Couch bldg. - SUBURBAN HOME SPECIALTIES. for . vacant - lots. 40 acre improved farm on railroad, for cottage or lot. A-1216. ' : HOOD RIVER VALLEY-40 acres un- Improved. 12 mues irom town,-rront-age on Hood river, 80 rods from station; will sell cheap, or exchange for city property or merchandise. . . Unas. k. Hail, 380 Front St. - --. ' - - j A SNAP for subdivision; 15 acre in city limits, on Kelly ave., ,east or Mann station, W-W car; $2300 an acre, $16,000 cash, balance terms. W. G. Evans, owner, 1010 Kelly ave., Wood- stbek. ' -. --'' " -; ' - ' TWO choice acres, 30 minutes' ride Sa- lem lino and county mad, with run ning water; would consider rooming or apartment house in exchange. Phone Woodlawn 1650' - " '- ' ACREAGE near electric line.. Running water.' iiuo an acre. lerms. n you do:i t inniK ir worm tnat, mignt take less. uwnn t tiuuin to, 2nd St. 10 ACRES. Best location to be had Smin at the price, $0 canine, near station; t 6- acres 1 mile- rfoi imuroved: 1350 per f acre at Metxger $750, terms. ' : BROWN, 411 Couch bldg. 2 HOUSES, 5 rooms each, lot Jones- more, 2 acres Courtney. ' 2 acrvs Oregon City line, for farm. $10,000. See owner, 718 Chamber of Commerce. HAVE good property in Oregon that I will exchange for property in N. Y. , or eastern states. Laldlaw. 605 Com merclal bldg. ' ' .- - ' ' i CORNER grocery; free of debt, with Uv- lng rooms, to trade for city property or acreage. Price $1500'. See owner Sunday or Monday. et k. Anneny. want to trade for a lovely 10 lodging house? If so see nut at once. John B Goddard, 615 Board of Trade. OWNER will trade desirable city proi ertv for erood ice cream and confec tionery business, with living rooms pre ferred. Owners only. E-603. Journal. FOR sale or trade, for a good apart-. a house and lot as Dart Tlgardvllle,; all payment - on good improved farm. T- ' V ... 1 A - J Am. 10 minute walk to carllne; will trade for DO you house and lot; price $2000. room J.M. Kerr & Co, 311 Henry Bldg. . . , lear Portland. ?or acre, on good to last. re. tation, with house;- . - MULTNOMAH ACRES NO. 2.. " Finest acreage aboujt Portland, . 7 miles from courthouse: all level and in cultivation; 5 acres for $1750 terms. This acreage Is closer to the city than St Johns and Is very cheap. Smith Wagoner Co.. 311-312 Lewis bldg. Koa -Jnnrnni. FOR sale or exchange, clean stock of merchandise as first payment tin, house and lot or acreage. C-609, Jour- 5 ROOM house, full lot, near St. Johns carbarn and new nigu scnooi, tor jirip trade for acreage;, value $2000. 93 or Alblna ave, . Don't Lose APPLET0N 80 acres on Mt Hood road, at Apple- ton. Will divide into 1 to 5 acre tracts; $100 per acre. Taoor idub. y owner. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 480 acres unimproved' land, 35 miles of Portland, val. $10 acre; $1500 cash, balance in vacant lots. Owner, C-6 01. Journal. , : ,' . - 6EE Wa Ifo ' Board. - 1st and Alder, for particulars about farms and acreage.. - o). ACREAGE worth $5 to $100 near cars. Will.' sell for what it's -worth. Easy terms. Homes & Investment Co., 143 2nd. Room ' 28. 1-OR SAL .... 1M ,B. 889 3 acres at Metzger Sta., emsy- terms. -mong FOR SALE Acreage on Oregon City i car line. J. L. De Long, 166 E. J 8th. Phone East 418. . A acres of bottom land. In 216 ,7th li'OR Rai.k- quire of .; Carl Schoenhlns. st Oregon City, Or, FARM FO fl SALE. 160 acres. Airily to owner at 1Q13.JE, 13th Bt N. ' Take Alberta car. - The chance to get a piece of , fruit land while it is cheap, 20 or 40 acres. $30 per acre NOW. O. W. P. Land Co., 1st and Ainer. VALLEY TROUT acres, LAKE All level; SNAP 40 under ditch; free water; easily cleared; 6' acres oats; mile from town. . $66 per acre. $1600 cash. Will soon double in price. A. Q. Belshelm. Quler, Wash. 16 ACRES near Vancouver, all under cultivation; with fruits and strawber- ries; will exchange for city property., 420 Swetland bldg" Main 7776. SEVERAL vlots ina good eastern Ore gon town to exchange for city, prou- ertv o acreage. : 420 Swetland bldg. PHONE your exchanges to Main 5478, h ; : : 75x100 lot, good 8 room house, !" inar distance, jsouu; want ' smanrr FI lri: acres all in cultivallon.T-iinnlna- water, house and ham and irult, 1 1 suburDan piace; ome gauu ana. icrmB, mile south council crest; price 84500. riatneia, ioo n at., room $2500 cash, balance 6 per cent See Joe yVE have Beveral farms td trade for i-lT? Hammen, 232 Wash. .. FOR NOTHING You can have. use of my 5 acres for 3 years for taking care of same. E-602, Journal. 40 ACRES Choice out of 10 40; $320. $32 down, next 40 $40 . more, etc. They Bay it's worth $30. It's near R. R. and pertly cleared. Owners, room 26, 142 2d St. ' - -" ' THERE will be no .buys like this In a , uhost .Ume-i'i.Adfea. ou..ji. clty northeast partj. $1060 an acre.' L. V. Lundburg. 627 Chamber of Com merce. Phone Main 7987. $100 AN ACRE $10 down and $2 a running uwners. month; near electric line. water; fine for chl,eken ranch, room 26, 142 2d wt. NEW house, and lot, $700; 1 acre, frail building; a snap; 10 acres, beaver- &uai..nuan, ' izl Couuucrcial bldg. nronerty. If you have anything, li t us know about it at once. Oregon Lmni Co.. 216 Henry bjdg. ' C008 BAY lots for sale or exchange. Phone or address owner, room an. Imperial hotel. . ' i WE want ranches and a-r-ag, to trmtu tnr citv tirooerty. Wolff Land t, 145 1st st. ; WHAT have you to trade tor hun". l"t timber land equity,' wort aw? Poggess,' 221 MorrlHrtn, rooim ft. llTl.T. i-idiii'if! !...'.! vi .i:'1 iii ' ' . i Co.. fur Cuvfi i.iiv ja-n-iiii. 4.,), " ', Journal. HAVE good cl'-tr l"t that I nl -' change for piano In fioxl corflin.-r 411 Henry m ; , ;, " 'V? you waot to sH. 'buy tm-.i". 8hoemit(!r inv. Va., til Hitf '. i Msln i-.A.:ii.l:. : WILL ex.:b.i!sH l"f ' worth, I .