" ' - ' 'v. 4 I 1 k . O.LuL i.LuLu i L Amended Chamberlain Dili Pro vides That Entrymen Who Show Proper Intentions Da Given Patent. (Washington Buroaq of The' Journal.! : Washington, May "28. The full text of the amended . Chamberlain bill for the relief of the Siletz settlers, as fav orably reported by Senator Chamberlain from the public lands committee; is as follows:, ,.-, "That all pending homestead entries heretofore made within "the former fil let? Indian reservation, In Oregon, 'upon wnloh. proof s were , made 'prior to ,De-1 cemner 31, 1806 hu "9 passed to pat ent In all cases where it shall appear to the satisfaction of the secretary of the interior that Jhe-entry was made , fdr the exclusive une and benefit of the ., entryman, and that the entryman built a house on the land entered and other- , : wise Improved the same, and, actualty entered Into the occupation thereof, and cultivated a portion of said land for the : period required by law,i and where no contest or other adverse proceeding? was commenced against the entry, and notice thereof served upon the entry man prior to the, date bf submission of proof thereon, or - within ; two years thereafter; .Provided, that nothing- here- , in contained shall prevent or forestall any adverse 'proceedings by the gov- - ernment' against any entry upon any charge of fraud." RAILROAD COACH --tRAVEUIlG PMJGCE A rnagnlflcent private car, said to be - the most sumptuous railroad coach ever constructed, has -been sent from ng- land to .South America for the use of the president of the Argentine Republic. The June number of Popular Mechanics contain a description and illustrations - of the oar. It says: , ' . "The coach is 78 feet long and 10i feet wide, and is constructed . of steel. ; The exterior is painted-In cream with gold aid blue lining, ; the national Ar , gentlne colors. - At one end is the presl - - dent!? flay fai66n, 4 comrJartrheiit IT feet t inches long,' decorated -in the i Louis XVI style,, with green silk panel and , carpet. At one end of this is a real Hre place, with mirror above and means for ventilation, , The roof, v, is ' tastefully carved. . Adjoining this compartment is V a bedroom also fitted with green carpet - and tfphotsterrr and furnished withr a bedstead' finished in Old gold, with the Argentine coat of arms, at the foot, The bedroom has three doors, one leading to the day- saloon; -one jo the corridor which, runs -along the side, and one to the bath- roora.', 'By locking any one of these aoors air become locked. The bathroom is provided with a -needle bath" and is finished in marble with silver plated fit tings. .The upper panels are of enameled metal and the floor'js covered with India rubber and cork mats. ; f'The Tiext compartment is a study or library, finished in mahogany,' with red leather chairs and , a. red, carpet Next , to- the study are two more . bedrooms, upholstered with French gray silk pan - els, ' the general scheme being white. with green leather chairs and carpets. These two rooms have one bathroom, A kitchen and attendants' compartment take up the remaining space in this trav "' A H n or Y-i lena BYLLESBY. & CO. MAY - LOCATE AT EUGENE (Special DUnatch id The Joornl. r Lugene, Or., May 28.Byllesby & Co.. . successors to -the Northwest corpora tion, is making preparations to estab- nsn Willamette valley headquarters at Eugene. The auditor, general manager and general superintendent will be lo cated here, as well as the office fdi-ce of h big McKenzle river plant, work on which has started. ; J. L, , Lamblrth, local manager for the company, is look ing around for a larger building for the , , Company's offrces.v made necessary by - the addition of these new departments, and has options on three. - . -: 1 v One of the most - Important things -that the company witt do this summer - will be the construction of a transmls , sion line from the !, Springfield . plant through Eugene to Albany, Later, when ' the big plant on the McKensle is com pleted, this line will be extended up the - river-from-Springfield. NEW POWER PLANT TO ; BE BUILT' ON ROGUE RIVER . ' Spotnl IHapatcfe to Ttt Jonrnal.l - Gold Hill, Or., May 28. Officials of the Gold, Hill Railroad & Lumber Co. have Just -announced that they will - either put In a power plant here on Rogue river, or build a power line from "Butte Talis, where, they have 20,000 horsepower - that may be ' developed. Tney want 4he power for their; new sawmill, now nenring completion, which will have a capacity of 75,000 feet daily. The mill, which will be running with- - in two weeks, will use steam power at - first, but this may later be supplanted entirely"" by electricity, which will be UBed for some of the machinery, from the start. ' Work on the line of railway out from ? Gold i Hill Junetton is being rushed, as it Is the intention of the company to be hauling out marble from the Kanes creek beds within two weeks. GATES AMBITIOUS TO . ; . FOUND UNIVERSITY '.' (United Press IftM Wire. Galveston, Texas, May 28.--The ambl- , tlon of John W. Gates to found a uni versity at Port Arthur, Texas, his home town, is about, to- be realised. - Gates offered to add a double amount to any ! fund that the Methodist general : con ference would raise for that purpose. .'.The delegates decided' to raise $125,000, so Gates' gift will make the total fund $357,000.. - - Steam Roller Is Busy. " (Special Dlnpatofc to Th Jrfurnal.) Junction City, Or., May 28. The 10- ,ttm.,6team.j,oaA..roUe,lal.cIypujcliaBed. by Junction City for use on city .streets arrived Wednesday nlgnt, and Contrac tors White and Miller, "with , a- large force of men and teams, are grading and filling the streets in preparation for gradit'p.' Miller & ; Sons have started puy.ingin the concrete curb. I v.; k 1 i, . . i i a , i I a lj. It J IP "ft7,f r; licril 10 uU.i ! uUj UuLlJ Senator Frye Submits Reports Showing Va!u3 cf lif3 Sav ing Crews; Vcu'd Also Have Pay Increased With Ago. By John E. I.athrop, Washington, May 28. Down on the coast of" Oregon are companies of men engaged in rescuing human lives from the ravages of old ocean the life savers whom ' Uncle Sam maintains on every coast ,to hasten to the rescue of those Who are In peril. , Proposals have been made to provide a system of retirement on part pay really a pension to which life' savers might look forward with assurance that, when their 'service has , ended, and old age has rendered them unfit,' they will be - themselves "life saved" from ' the perils of an. indigent old Bffe. ' The total Increase In expense of maintaining the life savers would be about $400,000, for the retirement $173,000 and for the longevity increase $243,000 a year-r-4t has been proposed that pay to life sav ers be Increased aa their terms" of ser vice grow longer- - J!,;, . ';; '.;' Shows Its Vfelue. Senator Frye has submitted a report favoring the proposals. In it he reviews ably the history of the life saving serv ice, and shows that, in time Of peace, human life In large numbers is con stantly , saved from destruction, . and that in time of war the service is .an in valuable adjunct, being a lookout along the : whole coast line of the United States for movements of war vessels of an enemy. - -. Everyone who has been at the seaside knows of the worth of the life savere in rescuing persons who get into the grasp of the waves and cannot extricate them selves. Thousands of persons every year are saved from watery graves. , The, Buckman school, formerly the North Central school, is champion of the Grammar School Baseball league by defeating the Chapman school "nine of Section, 2 yesterday;' 8 tol. . Heav ier hitting-and better fielding wonrfor Burkman. , , ' : ;. . . The Buckman' players are much larg er than the Chapman , boys, but at no time did the latter give up. - ' ?' Worder, pitchlngr for Buckman, fanned 14 of the Chapman play ersr v r 'Fred Meyers, last season's first base man for the Falling school, and catch- to be Ahe atr bjtteii-fif. tje. dayOut of four trips to the plate, Meyers-got a single, a two-bagger and a home run, which was a beauty.- ' v , Meyers is now. at the head of the Meier & Frank team, which is at pres ent leading - the - Columbia , Hardware league. , Score by innings: - ' ... Buckman ',.....( .0 0 0 2 S 01 0 8 Chapman ........ 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 01 - The teams lined up as follows: Buckman Position, i .Chapman Worden .. p ......... . Aherne Meyers ..........c... Barney L. Klein ....... ..lb. .......... . Olson Gaibarlno 2b.' , rehear C. Klein 8b : Blackburn C. Edwards . .i .ss. . ....... .. .. Grooe Strowbridge ,,,K..t..,. ., .... Klownkl Strong , ,a ....... .cf . Llnd Hanson .rf . , , . . , Rltter t'mpire-Hugh J. Boyd. . ..... ,- , . j MARSHALL IS SPEEDY . ; - . MAN IN L0NMACING Marshall ; gained . the . title of ."speed king", last - evening in the second day of the six day. skating race Marshall took a "spurt' and gained three more laps. Farre.ll, the local lad, is one lap ahead of Fuller and Fuller Is. one ahead of Moore. , Syke dropped out of the race, but'wlll reenter - tonight Fay took another bad fall and was out of the race for the last eight minutes. Fay wl'I tackle It again tonight " Another largo crowd 1 was present and . the' race re sumes at 9:30 tonigh't- - ', t PROHIBITIONISTS WILL ' MEET AT M'MINNVILLE (BpeMal Wsintch to Ilia Jonrml.l McMinnvllle, Or., May 28. Monday May 80, will be a big day in McMinn vllle for the champions pf prohibition. In the evening from 1:30 to 8 o'clock the Yamhill County Prohibition -convention will be held. This will be fol lowed by the Interstate Oratorical eon test of the Intercollegiate Prohibition association. ' In this . contest will be the winning orators of the intercolleg iate state contests of Oregon, Wash ington, Idaho, northern California and southern California. , Oregon Is to be represented by Carrol H. Woody 'Of McMinnvllle' college. The .'winner of this contest will represent the , Paclflo coast ii) the national contest at Val paraiso, Ind. HEJTY GREEN'S SON .. . MAY ASSIST MOTHER (United Preaa lea-til WW.) - New York, May 28. That Colonel E. H. R.' Green, gon of Hetty Green,, will abandon his business, Interests in Texas and come here to, aid. his mother in at tending to her affairs, was admitted to day at the home, of Matthew Stanley Wilkes, Mrs. Green's son-in-law. Mrs. Green la. 75 years of age and for tho last year has been falling in health. The report, that she is suffering from a mental Weakness was circulated last week Wlien she appeared as a witness In court She has always insisted, how ever, ortSiflnd! in g her own affairs in her own way Colonel Green is " president of the Texas Midland railroad. Eugene ;to Celebrate Fourth. , (Special DlapatPh to Th Jmirnal.) , Eugene, Or,, May 28.-Kugene will celebrate the Fourth of July In an elab orate style . this year, the,-Merchants' Protective association having taken up the matter aftf-r the Commercial club i)inde J4cd,BQ,t1,tt.i:flcbrate. An air. snip ana oilier nig attractions win be secured for that day. An effort Is betng made to hold a joint convention-of the two factions of electrical workers at Springfield,- 111., on June 27 BUCKMAM SCHOOL-IS . G RAM MAR CHAftl PiON . 1 , Tr.nl t 111 ! t: ; l;i-.t or ; i-.rt-;r.ity company in that most chiirnihig piiiy. 'Cmf.T J--nithern kles.'- This well Irawti coined v drama in by Lottie Biair faiker, author of Way Down East" It was first played by Gritr George. Lyons and Yosco nt tlie Ori heura. Genrce Lvons and Bob Tosco are splendid entertainers appearing on the bill at the Orpheum this week. Lyons is a harpist of ability, while nis part ner, Yosco, plays the violin and sines extrepiely well. The act is genuinely musical. " Median's Dog Circus Coming. One of the big features of the bill at the Orpheum next week Will be Mee han's comedy acrobatic and leaping doers. This is a great act for the chil dren, and has been a wonderful hit all over the country. The animals possess almost human Intelligence. ; - .".-'.. I . I .... ... .. . IJghtu Candle Midair. One of the most difficult feats ever attempted by a Juggler is successfully performed by Kara, at the Grand. He tosses a candle into the air and lights it with a match before it strikes. He cuts an apple in half and quarters while it is falling. . ' Uamorta at the Star. Eamona, a great picture, is creating interest at the Star theatre.' At the OdeOn', formerly known as the National, many good things are , to be seen, as well as at the Oh Joy and Arcade. New programs will be presented at all houses tomorrow, except the Arcade. t . - . - w :-"..;:v;: , Last Time Tomorrow. Plav natrons will have their last op portunity to see Miss Daphne Pollard before she Jeaves for Broadway tomor row night. Miss Pollard has appeared this week at Pantages in her original retetoire of aongs, and will conclude her engagement tomorrom evening. .n i ' i I. i f -, , sjp f i-. u in ,i ir . . NEWSPAPER LEAStS M HOME FOR 10 YEARS - (Special Dlipatcb to Th Journal.) ' . MeMlnnville. Or.. Mav 28. Contractor Cully Perrlne has commenced work on a one story brick building on the north weet corner of Second and E streets, which will be occupied by the Tele- phone-iRegister Publishing company, which, has taken a 10 year lease. It is expected that the- building vacated by the Telephone-Register will lis oc cupied by a new' savings bank. NEW TODAY ' .Take an "A" car to B. SOth street and walk eight blocks east, . , . . A high class, restricted residence dis trict (i 50100 Lots Kjj; ch Only $600 mo! EARN $10 ' By guesslng how this limerick ends: ,No. 7. -, A man, who a high place had won, -Gave advice to his ambitious' son; 5 "Buy real estate boy; . - It will sure be your Joy; And half of your ............ Any one sending us the correct ter mination of the above limerick will re ceive a certificate good for $10 on the purchase ' price of any unsold lot In GOING STREET ADDITION. ' There" are many'easy ways of making money, . Nearly all wealth Is aoquired by easy methods. -Here la a chance for you to make a start It may lead to riches. : A little cleverness is all that is necessary. , . , ", ' 'If your answer is correct we' will send you the certificate by return mall. CARTER-DUGAN COMPANY , 620 Chamber of Oommeroa, Portland, Oregon. West Side RIWR VIEW ACREAGE 27 minutes' ride five - Cent fare v $250 UP .- ..,-1070 - Down, 2 Monthly . GLEN HARBOR REALTY CO. ' 431-432 Mohawk Building rs lim The one best place In Portland to buy. Geographical center and most desirable residence property In the city. Seeing Is believing. Better go and see the many choice residences under construction and the improvement go ing on.; ; .,'.,,,,,,,,,., V:,..:.',,:.:'!'.-,',,:; ;.;.;. 1 he Oregon Real Estate Company 954 GBAHS AVE. FOB TX AND, OR. SUNNY SOUTte ALBERTA LANDS We want good men tq represent us for Alberta wheRt .lands in their dis trict, and will give them a lint of our own lands and also a listing of over 200,000 - acres of raw and- Improved farms. " As we are the biggest land dealers in westeru Canada we can guar antee the best selection of lanils at the best possible prices and terms. Ve have lands' along the different new roads now htiildinsr towards LethbHdtre, at Trtcr"rnirmrf rrmr t rt"to-1 ?T""'T0 anyone com in s to the summer -California of Canada either to buy a business or buy land, , it will pay them to call or writ us for particulars. , i , ,, The Dowsley-McMillan-Land Company Dept. tJ, Suite 205 Sherlock X.dg Lethbrldge, Alusrta, Canada, . . i i , ... i i , ..4i'?p)i'nr!Kn!!) Mm ir; f Z) 7 AT AUCTION ON THURSDAY, JUNE "2ND. 1:30 P.M. I will sell atrFublic Auction to the highest bidder; without reserve, airof my 58 lots, comprising blocks 17, 18 and 20, in Terrace Park, all located within a short distance of car on Villa avenue. These lots are the choicest in the tract. ' ' Terrace Park is'dotted with homes of substantial character., , Building restrictions of $1500 Insure a good class of buildings. . - See these lots before the sale. Get posted on surrounding values, then come out to the sale and buy a lot at your own price. . .... I,-'';' ' ' 'V: This Is a Sale That You Can't Afford to Overlook I am not selling a few lots here and there, but , Three Solid Blocks of the choicest in thje tract. I am selling at auction because I tan't af ford to carry them any longer, and I am going to sell at auction because it is quicker. v ' Terms -10 dowa and $10 per month, including interest at 6 per year. . ome Sunday or Monday. , I will be on the ground to show the prop erty. Take Montavilla car to Terrace Park, and look for the auction signs. Get off where car turns off from villa ave. walk blocks east ' F. A. JONES 811 Johnson St., City , Grand Free RIVER. EXCURSION TO PEACH COVE On the Willamette River 18 Miles From Portland TOMORROW Sunday, May 29, '10 Arrange to come. " Good music Steamer Undine leaves Taylor street dock at 8 a. m. ' Call at the office for free transportation. '.?. Office open tonight until 9 o'clock M.E.LEE 411 CORBETT BUILDING 20 Per Cent Profit oar hobtey zmnssTEs $24,000 Well Improved corner, on Johnson St.; good, substantial Income; only. $8000 re quired to handle this big snap. It won't last long so get busy. Particulars at 205 Couch bldg., Portland, Or. , . , V MEETING NOTICES 41 OREGON LODGE No. 101, A. r . and A. M. SdpoIrI com. " munication this (Saturday) evening at 7:80 o'clock. Ma. , Bonlo temnle., Work In F. C degree. Visiting brethren W. M.. A. J. HA.NDLAN, . ; : Secretary. COLUMBIA LODGE. No. 114, . . ... m. . . - I J . A 1 .Tibial ' communication'.-, this , (Satur- oayi evening, at 8 ' 0 clock, Mastinlc Temnle. Wnrlr n lha y M. M.-' degree; visiting breth ren welcome, jay order w. m, f 1m ul.hu w. Bee COMRADES of Llncoln-Garf leld Post will assemble at seven p. m. sharp, Sunday the 2th, at their hall and march in a body to Grace church. Monday the 30th. the Post will assemble at S p. m. at me hall, corner Morrison and Second streets, and fall in line for parade. 8:80. p. m. visiting comrades are cordially invited to march; with us. Charles Duggan. commander, R. A. Wahlfarth, adjutant. ' ; w . ' ' "' :; ' ' : NOTICE M. B. A, .Members of the various lodges of this district are earnestly urged to at tend the meeting. 128 11th St. Monday, 8 -p.- n.,-' W. O, W. temple. All candi dates for initiation and those who have only been obligated awaiting this big class for Initiation at this meeting. Our supreme president and supreme sec retary will be with us. An excellent time Is assured. Committee. M. W. OF A. - -.. . ..' Large class adoption, Rose City eamp. Monday evening 6:80-10, Beillng-Hlrsch hall, 10th and Washington. New ritual exemplified. Refreshments. Visitors welcomed. M.,W. A., Rose City camp 466. tnvifa Monday evenings, flelling-Hlrscli bWfc West Park and , Washingtoa F. J. Darlington, clerk, 12 Aiisay oiag. rnone Main 02S. ft. N. A., Qreon Rose camp, meets Wednesday evenings. Alisky hall. Id nd Morrison. R. N. A., Marguerite camp, meets every .Thursday evening: at 109 24 st. bet. Waaii. and St irk.' . - BIRTHS MACDONALD To Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard MacDonald. 82 East Seventh street. May 21, a hrty. CUMMINGS To Mr. and "Mrs. Gebnre Cummlnss. 390 Front street. May 26, a girl. WALLEN To Mr. and Mn. George Wallen, 95 East Sixty-eighth street, May 20, a girl. RA BEE To Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ranee, 6S East Twenty-first street. May 2, a slrl. .-'. - ijIl.ER--Ta Mr ani Mrs. -David., Mil "c, ,.'04 Occident street, May .8, a T HOMPBON To Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Thonlpson, Arleta, May 18, a hoy. NEVVBKRG To Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Newberg, ArlPta, May 15. a bov. n - ROMAN To Mr. and Mrs.Rlchard Ro man, 53 Suinnifr etjepK April 26, a boy. ..... . I 'l i ' e' 1 Mr.". Henry pf,. t- V i . v . a Rirt. i ;-; : ; ; i . . ,.m i o ii r. and Mrs. Jiibn !;', ' I Lust TWfiilh street, An; ,1 pl' l. . c. I . i i '.u. .s I o Mr. ami Mrs. JosppU ( iui'min, ny Minnesota avenue, April fi. a i 1. l..:i.! , .; To Mr. an-1 Mrs. Ttutherford lnii-r, lfif East Thirty-fifth street, Ma v 1 S, a bov. ' UAVI.8 -To "rr. and Mrs. John Davis, Idaho street, May 24, a girl. DTNIU'AY To Mr. and Mrs: Ralph iMiniwfty, 748 liurnside street. May tl. a girl. MANN To Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mann, 570 First street, Mav 16, a girl. MORRIS To Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Mor .ris, 489 Twenty-first street. May 11. a bny. -'". '- ,.. M.1RRIAGE LICESSES "Walter Lauder. aoSU Jefferson, 27, and Minnie. Goertxen. 20. Paul Leabo, ' Nashville street, "t5, and Olive Jepson, 20. . Arthur Hoffman, Seattle, 82, and Prances Lowry. 24. ' . - j Ralph Rea. .1681 HerbordT street, - 24, and Mao Parmentee, 24. , : t QoorRe Gray, 251 Vt Yamhill Street, 44, and Ka'ttle Word, 30. , : -' Tom Morgan, . Lents, Or ' 25, and Nettle Land. 25. John Satalich, SR9 East Couch Street, 29, and Senneca Sholyareu, 24. - Gordan Wey, Portland hotel, S2, and Maud Johnston, 28. , WEDDING cards.. W. G. Smith ao. wHHuuiRion oiag corner oi tin ana wasninRton sts. EiREHii suits for rent, all sizes. Uniqua TaJiorinf Co., -stf Stark st. CLAKjcCE BR03.. florists- fins flowers and floral d'sifrns. 1 84. Morrison st. DEATHS PATETR Died. May 26, Louise Pater, mother, of Mrs. Julia Mantelll, Mrs. Henry E. McGinn, Miss Margaret Pater and Luelcn Pater. Funeral notice later. PETTIT Harold Pettit, 40!S Third streets, May 28, age 20 days; pneu monia. ; ' ,v VIERICK Henry Vlerlck. 495 East Pine sg-etMay 25, age 80; edema. FOSTER George Foster, Colorado, May 24, age 47; heart disease. TONG Ah Tong, Second and Pins streets, May 25, age 65; cancer. EGAN Genevieve Egan, 783 Vaughn street May 23, ago 40; gastritis. TATLOR David Taylor, 164 Dakota street. May 24, age 69; hemmorrhage. PATER Louise Pater. 642 Mllwaukle street, May 26, age 69; diabetic gan 5rene. v .... .' ENSEN Othellla Jensen, 1640 Thlr- teenth street. May 27, age 64; cancer. HUSTON John .Huston. St. Vincent's hospital, May 26, ago 47; rupture, laepKiontai , ran . f MAX M. SMITH. Florist, 160 5th st, opp Meier & Frank's. Main T216. FUNERAL NOTICES PATER The funeral of Mrs. Louise Pater -will take place from her late residence,. 642 Milwaukee St., Sunday arternoon. May 2, at z o'clock, tserv ices at the crematorium. ... s- FUNEHAL DIKECTOK3 Zeller-BrynesXo. 3' phones; lady saststaot , Most mcdern establishment in olty. Dunning h MeEntee UK very-detail T?th ana Plna -Mala 454. A-4858. Lady ssslstant. T CDrU The eadt ' side undertaker. LEKLa Lady assistant B-1888, East 781. e. fltn and Aider. . J. P. Fialey & Sea: Lha5?.od Lady attendant. Main . A-iDt. FRirQHM Undertaking To.. Man Ull llOUIl ; 18S, A-2285; lady aia t TJftRK PTTY CEMETERY. Phones C-2114 and A-4444. v. . cm QITiIl nn.F. 1 . Arttnrm ors To F. B. uunning.-ino. r;. oi. B-aot EDWARD HOLMAN. undertaker. 1 82 8d St. Lady assistant Main 807. REAL ESTATE TB.-IASFERS CERTIFICATES of title made M tha Title A Trust company, Lewis bldg, 4th and Oak. Tapaa Land Co. to John Roberts, lots 28, 89. block 6, Madrona Hill 400 Thomas Hlslop and wife to Haw- ,,, thorne Avenue Stables,-lots 8, 4, .block 80. Stephens addition to East Portland.--. ...... ..... 10,000 George F. Barrlnger and wife to Ellen - J1.- Myers and husband. ' lot 8 and north 3 tt feet of lot . 7 lnblock 9, Mt. Tabor Villa... 900 A. H. Lewis et al to Marie Kor- lann et al, lot 12, block 79, Sell wood . 615 May 8.: Lovejoy et al to Wm. . Newman, lots 6, 8, block 1 1, , Ashleys subdivision of lots 1, t. . block 6, Ainoworfh tract ...... 1,500 Arleta Land company to Kate . Brumberg, lota 1, 2, block 12, Elberta. . 875 Portland Transfer - company to ' Frances May' Miller, lot R, - ' block 2, South Sunnyslde addl- .,. tlon. . , 8,100 Taylor Investment company - to Katherine M. Beneflel, lot 9, block 8, Flrland . 800 Peter Kerr et.al to Emma F. Turner, lot 3, block t, Para dise Springs Tract...,...,, .. '850 University Land company to Florea Frederick, lots 80. 3 1, block 127. University Park. .... 600 John Plocher to Fanny C. Webb. . lot E, block 2, Mayor Gates ad dition. . . 1,200 Ladd Estate company to V. Page v. Harris, lots- 9, 10, v block 2, 1 Blumauers addition ' 1,300 .same to james m. Morrison. lot 12, block 5. Blumauers ig nition. . ....... ,, .v , . . ou T. S. McDanlel and wire , to , .R. Hadley. lot 8, black 2, Els mere 475 Louisa G. fapscott et al to Haiel " Hlslop Murray, undivided half of lots 133, 136 and 139, Ar-. leta Park addtton to Highland. , - - 800 Rose A. Hawks to John M. Lewis, lot 2. block 29, Sulllvan'a addition to East Portland.,...' 1,000 Clarence R. Wagoner et al to Pa cific Auto company, lot 7. block 6, St. Johns Helghta subdivis ion to St Johns .......... ... 850 Peter Green to John Tierney,' lota . 6-and. 6, block 10,- Treinont - Park ........ ....... j 450 Mary L, Preston et al to George W. Evans, lot 9, block 9, Tib ' betts Homestead . . . u,.;. ... 800 J. C. Alnsworth et al to John P. - Sharkey, -Hi acres beginning : at the quarter post of sertions 8 and 9, township 1 south, range 1 east ' 8,000 L. J. Goldsmith et al to G. E. Bruere, lot 2. block 12, Gold smith's addition ........ ..... 6,600 S. A. Thomas et al to Stephen P. Dow, et 'al,. Jot 13, block 62, Vernon ;.,. .v.v ..i .h ..,.., . 3,000 Peter Haller and wife to Clyde R. . Grable, lot 15, block 8. Haller addition $ 450 Guy 8. Meek and wife to John Marschall. lot 3, block 42, Uni versity Park 8,500 D. R. Nichols et al. to Delia M. . Coon, north 50 feet of lot 1, block 4, Mt. Tabor Central Park 1,750 B. M. Lombard et al to Walter C. Oldham, lots 18, and 19, block ' ' viua 175 John Klernan et al to C E. . Fields, blocks 6 and 7. Mable vilW ............. 1,100 Roy Delano to George W. Watt,' ' lots 6, 7 and 5, block 25, Tre mont Place ........ . . .... ... 650 H. W. Miller et al to Samuel S. Thomas,-lots 11 and 12, block -8, Williams Second addition . ." 1,600 Mary.C. Clark to Minnie Martens, .34 acre beginning in south side of Patton Co. Road 876 feet -north- of the southwest corner of the F. Caruthers ' donation 1 4ond laim ...fc.., ...mi. .. in 1,1 3,80. fuinroy Liiniiop antuwire to fc)o. , plila R. Ness, Iocs 19 and 20, I"J w block 1. Walkers addition ... 650 John R. " Vaughn-and wife to E. L. -Pevereaux. lot 4, block 3. Walt's Cloverdale annex 875 E. L. Smith and wife to Pauline IHhln, lots i and 6, mock 2, Chula Vista 900 Y. K. ard ft Ml to If. R N. :!!,?, lot 3. i!i'i-k 1;, Lesu-r l'.-u-k ... II. ('. ( 'rim 1 - !l el al. tn S--h'Vil Iisri.-t K.i. 1, 4xl i-iiiiins in fiofiinii ti, township 1 somtli, rang.v 2 e.it E, S. J:li-ksuti 1 I Bl to Chester Peering. u-Uvi'.!iHl one-lmlf of trnct 1 7, ' Taylor's Hulxlivision of section 2, township 1 south, range 2 snst..-. Chester Defi-lng et, si. to E. S. 2.3J0 8.000 .1,250 . 600 1,100 1,075 Jackson, tne undivided ene-half . of lots 1 to 4, block 43, Penin sular Addition No. 4 ......... . Georpe is. Small and wife, to Clarence E. Leek, lot 4, block 12 Woodstock Edward Seol and wife to Thomas C. McKay, lot 12, block 5, Wil lamette Kings Heights Realty Syndicate to c vv. L,eioir, lots la to 17. block 2. Kinsrs -Helehfs. . . 1,848 . 600 225 875 ' 800 200 12,000 2,260 550 '. t,550 8,700 5.000 900 1,800 8,000 Eliza J. English et al. to P. J. nennemann, lot 11, block 67, Sellwood' . . 1 .t The Barrett estate - to oseph T. LJissonnetl et al., lot 12, block 2. Madras , Security Abstract & Trust Com- any to Mary R. Btrowger, lot OO . 1711 U . . EL L. Beekman and wife to Er -: minda Parker, north 3S 1-3. feet of lot 5, block 2, Cook's Second addition to Altiina Thomas Nelson et al. to Susanna lercke, lot 23, block 3, Te ton ka Park E. B. Gage and wife to Ruby Flint Hughes, south 15 feet of lot T and north 35 feet of lot 10. block 2. Strona's addition . . T 1 . . - R. Reed, lots '1, 2, block 13, North Irvlneton..'. . . . - Andrew Teterson to Andrew Blll- lnes. lot 7. block S2. Vernon. . . . Berthold A. Keehler td T.' S. Mc- Lmniei, jot e, Diock 8, tsiumauer s . addition Euclid E. Chapman et al to Ivy D. , ustrom, 66 acres in section 4, tbwnshiD 1 south, ranae 3 east. Jennie A. Stephens to Halsey Tooxer, lots 8, 1, diock ai, North Albtna... University Land company to Ed- wtna M.. Godfrey, lots 18, 19 block 42, University Park. ..... Abraham Guy , et al to Samuel Forest Genoe and wife, lot 3,. block 8, East Portland Heights. A. P. Smith et al to Elizabeth Pouts Lamont, lot 10, block 10, Sunnyslde addition McDanlel Investment company to P. McCarren, lots, 3, 4, block 4, Kate C. Griffith to' Mattl'e A. Stewart lot 14. Lamarkent Park John F. Dempsey to Grace -A. Carter, lota 10, 11, 12, block 38, Peninsula addition No. 8 Agnes 8. Patterson et al to I , Tavlor et al, lot 7 and south haff of lot 8. block 2, Crystal Spring Park . . t . . . . .... William M. Leisure et al to Al len H. Brlggs, lot 2, block 11, ' Creston E. E. Everts et al to S. J. Park er et al, lots !2 and 25, block 4, Fortune Place . .............. Rudolph Markwart and wife to -Wllhelm Tetz, the northwest erly one half of lot 21, block 3, St. Johns Park addition to St. Johns , . . , . .,....',....... J. h. Dubois et al to Alice M. Campbell, lot 6, block 8, Beulah Heights .... Genevieve Snyder to C. C. Rich ante, lot 1, block 7. Sunnyslde Frahk Chamberlain and wife to Janfes Harper et al, lots 9 and 10, block 6, Reservoir Park.. Eilar C. - Vollielm et ml to C. N: Stockwell. lot 22, block IS, Sun- 1 OKflH ,1.050 150 1,500 , 1.8S0 850 450 , 800 2,409 1J00 8,000 nysioe repiat . LAWYERS Abstract & "mn-vc room S Board , of Trade bldg.; abstracts soeclalty. W. P.. HAI2L1P CO, '.tnc). abstractors. First class work. 8't7-8 Corbett bldir. ABSTRACTS of title, D. Alexander ab- etract office. 413 Corbett bldg. Main 8 PACIFIC Title & Trust Co., the leading Abstractors. 204-5-0-7 Falling bldg. GENERAL REAL ESTATE B2 S. L. W. GILMAN, Auctioneer Office and salesroom. No. 126 Second St., be tween Washington and Alder. Sales of household furniture, etc., Tuesday and Friday Cash paid for merchandise, furniture,, etc. . Main 2473. Davis-Hanna Realty Co, Farms and city property. Rentals and investments, 1; , 1. Estates managed. 504 Dekum Bldg. FOR SALE HOUSES 61 ANABEL BARGAINS. , $50 CASH , 1 Balance 810 per month, for a 4-room house; lot 45x118; price 81200. 4-room house, lot 68x168; price 81100; 376 cash, balance 816 per month. 6-room modern house, lot 40x100, H block to car; price 82200; 8300 cash, balance 815 per month. F. I. MITCHELTREE, Anabel Station, Mt. Scott car. Phone evenings, Tabor 210, - ' ' IF you are looking for something in the way of new modern, up-to-date home; something that is not like your neigh bor's, but that they will envy, don't fall to see ours in Irvlngton, 26th and 27th sts, bet. Thompson and Braaee; prices right and terms to suit, or we will build on one of our lots, either in Irvlngton or other parts of the city, to your own plans and terms. Open every day. In cluding Sunday p. m or call owners, Gates & Yonng. E-2687. Beach Property at Gearhart Park . " " $900; 5 room well furnished cottage; full lot 81100; 6 room well furnished cottage: 1 lots; nicely Improved. Also several nice lots at $250 per lot Otto & Harkson Realty Co, ljjjj rtrsiai. FIVE room house, alt in good shape, lot 40x120, fine woodshed, on good street cement walks 20 ft. alley, $10&0; Vi cash, balance $10 per month; so if you want a bargain take Mt' Scott car, get off at Millard ave.. See Joe Nash, oftloe. Phone Tabor 2312. . . NEARLY AN ACRE. TREMONT; EC .V , . FARE. . ,. .... 0 lots, 240x187; 4 room house; barn, Chicken . house; all fenced; 24 bearing fruit ;trees; $1800; , terms. One acre Myrtle , Park, $1500; terms. . . Fred W, Herman, 8s tsurnsiae. Main 2778. FOR SALE on easy terms, 6 room house and from 2 to 6 lots, all kinds fruit trees, shrubB, berry bushes and small vineyards, 1 block east pf Laurelhurst on East Burnslde. 24 Wlberg Lane. Tabor 1546. - - $1360 vlU buy a new 4 room modern cottage, $450 , down, balance easy ternj8. Take Mt. Scott car to Tremont station. ' See Clement, owner, - at sta tion, from 2 to 4 p. m. SPECIAL For a few days 25 room house al a bargain; the best buy In the city; price $1275.' 402 Commercial block. For Sale'Cfdan House' and lot 100x100, fenced, in bearing fruit trees. Inquire 680 Dekum 1'OR SALETwo fine bungalows. 8 and 5 rooms, lot 60x100; must be sold to gether. Call 692 ;Mlctigan ave., cor. Revere. - -. . , . $50 cash and, $10 per month, buys hew 6 room bungalow,, 2 lots.. Call 221 Grays Crossing, 2 blocks south. Mt. fccott carllne. SEVEN room house, 433 E. 34th, corner Sherman; must sell; - this is a ,nnp for $3500; all improvements madu. Woodlawn 693. t-ar. T' Mock north on I tall bt. blieHl aijd .Percel .sts.illOOO, easy terms,,. Me; Kenny, owner. ; , --"- 7T RAY NELSON. t'ontractors and builders, plans anit estl mflts fre. Phone Woodlawn 2""0. MANY metrinif icent' bit vs; wiiT pnv vVTii ta tiivfcstiprate. 43$ Chamber of Commerce, u DOWfJ BALANCE 825 PKU J!"VTlf. 6 Ho. 'in. 2 story liera.'. FIREPLAfR .PANELED niNIS'il "ROOM. BEAMED CI-lLIMl. DUTCH KITCHEN ' PLACE A 1. 1, PIPED tOR HEATING Lot 50x100 1 block to car. We ask $35()(t Cor this splendnl h"in and Its price is way below actual viilae. -. -i HALF CASH. ' Balance Terms. Five Room Bungalow, etrlctlv mod ern and first class in every iepi' t,; linoleum in bath-room; shades -In; elec trical fixtures, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, beamed ceiling, built in book cases, buf fet In dlnftig room. 2 blocks to cur. ; Lot 43x100 We have another H room bungalow at 82700. : . $50aCask " Bm lance 825 per month. : East Side Investment Go, ' 37th and Hawthorne. 'Fnhor 1147. DOWN NEW 5 ROOM COTTAGE, MODERN. TWO BLOCKS TO CAR. BATH. CLOSETS. - .. ' ' .. ' PAPS PANTRY. SLIDING DOORS. BUILT IN CUPBOARD. 1 FULL BASEMENT AND WOOD LIFT. CEMENT FOUNDATION. Lot 50x100 : Entire Price 81850. $300 down, balance to suit We have others. . ' H. E. Potter Whitman Station, Ml. Scott Car. GOING TO BUILD t Lot us finance th building of your home. If you own lot 10 per cent of cost of house is sufficient cash. Our reputation for good houses, fair dealing and low prices are bringing us many clients. It will pay for you to see 14s now. - PORTLAND REALTY & CONST. CO., . 901-2-8 Lewis bldg. TAKE East Ankeny car, get off on East 24th St.. go to North 104 and look at new tnorougniy 7 rooms,' sleeping porch, etc. Then see owner at 670 E. Stark st. for price and terms-. - - - SIX room modern house, white enam eled bathroom, large porches, full concrete basement, fine roses, fruits, built by day labor for good home; must sell; one-block from car; cheap; pay ment down, terms; fine corner. Ana bel station, Mount Scott car. Phone Tabor 939. ' - - . - . ... - . ' - . . $3550 Modern 8' room house, in Overlook; price is lees than you can buy lot and build; just finished and of fine appear ance; will trade In your lot; 81000 cash, easy terms. Deal with owner, 789 .Wil liams ave.. FIVE room cottage, 1 block off Union ave., 10 minute ride from city, best car service; model home, 8 large fruit trees, cherries and apples; nice yard and shrubbery; cement walks and retaining wall; must sell at sacrifice. Wood lawn 693, - 81200. - Lot 50x100 with 6 room cottage, near Waverly-Rlchmond carllne. Just the flace for a little home on easy terms; 200 cash. 820 month takes this. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 202 McKay bldg. aa ana sranc sts. I HAVE 4, 5 and 6 room houses, close in on Waverly.-Woodstock car line. All new and modern, 81500 to 82000. Your own terms. Also the closest in 3450 lots In city. E. A. McGrath. 331 Chamber of Commerce. FIVE room cement block bungalow, new and modern, full basement, fire place, good plumbinr 240 Farragut St., near Kenton; price 82650; $650 cash, balance terms; owner. Cashier W. F. & t o. express. ixt 51100. NEW, modern 5 room bungalow, 19th ana Aioerta, electric lights, toilet; $2560, about $500 cash, balance easy payments. . BOWEN REALTY EXCHANGE, 425 Worcester bldg., A-643S. THE MAN THAT WANTS A safe Investment should deposit his money with us and receive interest on tne same, from 2 to 4 per cent Port land Trust Company, 8. E. corner 3d nd Oak sts. ' FOR SALE By . owner, beautiful 7 room bungalow with bath, all strictlv modern, nice lawn, young fruit trees, i. Mocks from school, 1 block from car, 12 minutes' rtde from 3d and Washing ton; terms, rnone woooiawn zih. $650 READY FOR HOUSEKEEPING, $650. j room house, 20x26, furnished; lot 40x100; city water, garden; 3 blocks from Flrland; terms.', Fred W. German. 329 BurnHlde. Main 2776. IF you are looking for a home or safe ' investment, call and see the 4 room cottage and half acre. Come. 39th and Francis. Beautiful variety of fruit trees and flowers. ' NEW, modern 11 room house In Irvins ton; hard surface streets; lot 100xl"t, also other houses, also vacant lots. R B. & F. T.-Rlc. office 16th and BT.i sts. Phone Kwst 658. res. Fast 243:1. FOR SALE House and lot In Albert ,1, on Glenn ave. between the Alam"l and Irvlngton Parks; for terms thon Woodlawn 2000, it will pay you. W. H. Ray, owner. . $2200. New cottage on west side of Mt. -Tiber, only half block to carltne, $ 4 ) 0 cash, balance $25 month. A. H. HirrcSi Co., 202 McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark st. ; EASY $650, $850; $650 TERMS 3 room house, 20x26, furnished rwly for housekeeping,, lot 40x100, Firl-Hi.i. Fred W. German, 329 Burnable. M. 277 rt. FOR SALE 5 room cottage," choice ,-or-ner 75x100, on 11th and Ooir.3 sts.; owner 648 Hoyt st.; call after 6 p. in. Phone M aln 8rt57, ,A NUMBER of choice bonnes, 6, 7,'8 rooms, to setect from, fine locations, modern, cheup; lrvlnaton, ilnlladnv a i riitions. C-18H0, E. J 7 1 W. M, 1 1 eni m . 1. $Tl200 5 room house, "i f uirlot.4"," I i fruit treennd bcrrlpji. 3 block f....i car. A. R. Rltter, 226 Lumber Ex change. - FO R SALE 4 r.oom house In sT!T J and 8 room house at Stewart ?t tlon. Call at 666 Sherrett ave. f ..i wood. . Nij,AT, coty cottaxe gn In) foot 1 ., 1 cash, $10 per month. Greorv J.n-,- i . ment Co., end of Roue City l'"rk rarfin.i. A" NfCK a.romrcottAK" cf'i"p; f;. tlon, modern. Call C-iHH-f. E. J "J. ... H. Herdmsn, ror.JSth and ) i c FOR 'SALE ro.on tno,l-.in I". v. basement; ' full lot. yorii? (' : if .. (icfir ,-;ri'n I . 7' - - - '- - ' $ .MOJUf b J a i nroiit'rtv: loconm Owner.' Fohr. 8Hi I' ! - .'-' St.., Arl-:t;t. Ap:'y I"'--'-f,-to. I V I 'tK- i" ,. r.-.i.).-.-,.-o, Ml if . t .. - Hi . il at tt t. . - : . . i .. . ., -