The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 26, 1910, Page 4, Image 4

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VP'! '7-PIIIMF w.l I Fl
THE STP..r:3Ll :
iviii:::: our. gates
Cueen Mary Is 43 Years of
'A 3 Today Royal Salute
i. Fired at Noon.
... -London, May IS, Quen Mary, who
n'ithin a few weeks ha emerged from
comparative obscurity Into the fierce
whits light that beats upon the throne,
reached her forty-third birthday anni
versary today, having been born May
56, 1S67. Owing to. the court mourning
there was no celebration of the 'anni
versary. The only official recognition
of the day, was the firing of roya.1 sa
Jate at noon In St. JamW Puj-lc
Within the past three weeks the news
papers have printed columns concerning
the new queen, who previously liad .been
very, little known even to the British
j-uhllc. In the mass of matter that has
found its Way Into print many Interest
ing sidelights are .thrown upon . her
majesty's traits of character. Some of
ler likes and dislikes and other Interest
ing characterlstlcs( may ;be summed up
vs follows: . '
Her gowns are always simple and her
coiffure severe. .
She cares little for beautiful ' jewels
nd generally wears none a all, except
at state affairs. ,
ch tm vrv atrnnclv that women in
lAgh places should be an example 16 the
rest of womankind and that e.xtrava
rance in dress Is bad taste and a bad
! Bhe is said to take a great Interest
la the woman suffrage movement and
j before coming, to the throne she wai a
' frequent visitor to the houses Of parliament-
Sh is a great lover of the drama and
lias a keen knowledge of theatrical af
! fairs, , The- lata king often alluded to
(her as "our musical and dramatio crit
' lc" :-' ' ' :. .'-''-' ' : '
6he has always held that her ' first
auty was to her husband and cblldren,
' nd to them she has always devoted? by
far the greater part of her time.
She takes a keen personal interest In
the conduct of affairs In her household
and always Insists upon a prompt set
tlement of all accounts..
She does not affect any fads what
ever, declaring herself too busy to col
' lect fans or little dogs or to study pho
tography, v.. - C , ;
Unlike moat of her family, she Is paa
Blonately fond of books, and good ones.
Bhe has read widely and possesses ah
active and retentive memory. She Is as
; great a stickler for tha observance of
publio etiquette as waa Queen Victoria,
ni ca 4oti-mnil tn , hold scandal
makers and. scandal mongers at arm's
length. ,
She has an Intimate knowledge of
three languages In addition- to her own,
plays the piano admirably, sings with
taste.- and dances exceedingly well,
though she seldom Indulges in the plea
She has a strong dislike for card play.
; n amnnff wnmpn and ham never taken
' ' f BUlKl.g . , ..... - ' '
any ipaina'to conceal her abomination
lor bridge -whist.
The queen is a tremendous believer In
outdoor life and with her 'children has
made it a point to spend certain hours
each day out or aoors uruess me weaui
er was exceptionally bad. - v .
Bryan D. Kotiwoody. Freewater, Or.
There Is a gre:it scarcitv of labor in the
Walla Walla valley at "present. Kvery
available n,ai! or woman who will work
Is being eagerly employed by the fruit
growers. The strawberry crop will not
last very much longer, "but the early
cherries will soon be in and pickers and
packers will be needed all summer. The.
fruit crop is exceptionally good.
rrnnnQ a -rirjiii" " -r ripr
ui iuu i minu i ...
Fernando Jones 00 Years Old.'
. Chicago, May 2. Fernando Jones, the
millionaire whe long ago established his
reputation as the court of last resort
for all disputes concerning the early
history of Chicago, kept open house for
his friends today In the celebration of
hU ninetieth birthday anniversary. Mr.
Jones settled In Chicago in 1835 and one
of his earliest memories of the city is
that of viewing Bailey's comet from the
lake front 75 years ago. At that time
vFort Dearborn still existed for tha pro
tection of the citizens against the Pot
tawatomie Indians, who lived In the vi
cinity. While still a young man he went
Into the abstract business and compiled
abstracts of all the titles In the county.
These titles were the only ones existing
after the official records were destroyed
- In the great Chicago fire, and from them
Mr. Jones and his associates In business
reaped large fortunes. ; ..
. j . ....
, . ; ,f.J:V
Meeting'of Humane Workers.
Detroit, Mich.., May 26. Delegates
from all over the state were present to
day at the opening of the joint mnmial
convention of the Michigan Humane so
ciety and the Michigan Audubon society-
The convention, will remain In
aesslon two days and will be devoted
chiefly to the consideration Of proposed
changes In tha humane laws of Mlch-
"W. W. Malone. , Lincoln. Cal. Our
country I mean by that the few coun
ty surrounding I'lacer has developed
nearly 25 per cent a greater population
within two years. There are reasons,
of course; there is much Industrial and
development work going n and new
railroads have contributed their share
toward the Increased prosperity.
Arthur a Stewart, Enid, Okla It Is
estimated that at least 500 white men
nave married Indian squaws in , our
country within the past 10 yearshot
for love, but "riches. Each Indian woman
received a half section of mighty fine
land and there were plenty of white
men who we're perfectly willing, to ex
change thelr.names for that land. Many
are now rich, and I "don't believe I ever
heard of a divorce among them.
The following bulldlnar nermlts have
been Issued: .... . .
H-1. & W. E. Dunford. erect one storr
frome dwelling. Blrland avenue between
Lincoln and Lewis; builder, same; flSOO.
Aiian it. atann, erect one siory xrame
dwelling, East Yamhill street between
Alberta and Wyirant: . builder. Jlamer
& Reynolds; 12000. !
fc. JJendla, erect two- Story rrame
dwelling, Division street between East
Twelfth and East Thirteenth; builder,
Gordon & Pearson; $2000.
8. Dendla, erect one story frame barn,
Division street between East Twelfth
and East Thirteenth; builder, Gordon,
4, Pearson; J500. -
xost ft water, erect one story irame
woodshed. 411 Union avenue between
San Rafael and Hancock; builder, same;
1UU, ..... .
H. P. Palmer, erect two story frame
dwelling. East Twenty-first street be
tween Thompson and Brazee; .builder,
McHolland Bros.; $10,000. . ,
Albert Welch, erect one story frame,
builder, same; $50. , . . . .
Mike Zender," erect: one story frame
dwelling, Mississippi and Holland
streets- builder, J. H. Ray: $1500.
Charles McDowell, repair two story
brick building, 309 Washington Street
between Fifth and Sixth: builder, same;
H. Parker, repair one and one half
story frame dwelling, 8C Johns county
road; builder, same; $400.
Clyde Walgandt, erect one story frame
dwelling, Linn street between East Fif
teenth and Seventeenth; builder, Wal
dell Bros.; $2000.. . , , ,
Mrs. j. Bowman, serect "on' atory
frame (raraas. East Taylor street be
tween Nineteenth and Twentieth; build
er, C. K. Green: $160.
w. A. Ebrlght, erect one story frame
store, seventeenth street between Clay
and Market; builder, H. .Skedsmo; $200,
E. W. Reynolds, erect one story frame
dwelling, Excelsior street; builder, same;
C. W. Brown, erect one story frame
temporary dwelling. Baldwin street be
tween Mississippi and Minnesota; build
er, same; fzuu. . ..-i. ,t
J. V. wanless, erect temporary dwell
Ing, East Eighty-second street between
Pine and Base Line; builder, same; $100.
Brooklyn street between Twenty-third
and Twenty-fifth; builder, aame; $50. ;
Alex Mattson, erect one tory frame
aweiiing, Maryland avenue netween Sha
ver and Mason; builder, same; $100.
8. I Osbom, erect one story frame
dwelling. East Ninth street between
Freemont and Beech: builder, same: S50.
A. Ik Manev, erect one sterv frame
dwellingr-East - Eiehteenth atreet ben
tween Thompson and Tillamook; builder,
same; $150.
C. As mus. erect two story frame flats.
Eleventh street, corner Lincoln; builder,
P. C. Beokman; $8000. ;: --
J. B. Smallen, repair one and on half
story frame dwelling, 461 Marguerite
avenue between Division and Sherman;
builder, same; $2000.
W. B. Jameson, repair two story frame
dwelling, 811 Clackamas street between
Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth; builder,
C W. Ross; $600. ' ,.,.:, U
P. 'L. Reed, erect one " story - frarha1
dwelling. East Forty-fifth street be
tween Hawthorne and Madison; builder,
same; $1600.
W. C Norton, erect two story frame
dwelling. East Alder street between
Seventy-ninth and Eightieth; ; builder,
same; $2600,. .. ., - ,
P. L Reed, ' repair one story frame
dwelling, East Forty-eighth street be
tween Grant and Lincoln; builder, same;
P. A Carlander, erect one and one
half story frame dwelling, Mallory and
Killingsworth avenue; builder, same;
$4500. .. ,
T. H. Powell, erect one and one half
story frame dwelling. Ivon street be
tween Thirty-ninth and Fortieth; build
er, same; $1900... :.',.... j,.-
T. H. Powell, erect one and one half
story frame dwelling, Ivon street be
tween Thirty-ninth and Fortieth; build
er, same; $1900.
Madeline St Clair, erect two story
frame dwelling East Forty-third street
between Sandy - Road and Tillamook;
builder, J. F. Miller; $2000. ' '
. Dr. Dunlan. erect two .. storv ' frame
dwelling, Union avenue between Alberta
ana oumnw,. Duiiaer, a. a. Arena; jihdu.
By C. II. Sholes. '
In those, days of marvels we are pre-
i pared to believe almost anything In the
line of Invention, but when we are told
ttiat 5000 words a minute can be sent
by telegraph. If we do not question It,
we would at least like to be ehown.
Yet that Is what Is actually being done
today, and In a commercial sense, too.
i Patrick B. Delany, for 40 years a
telegrapher. Is the magician whose won
der working brain conceived the possi
bility of making a machine do In one
minute as much as the most expert hu
man hand could do' in 100 minutes.
In nearly all great labor saving de
vices there Is a wide gap between the
Ideal plan and the perfected, practical
machine that will carry out the concep
tion of the Inventor. ' So it was with De
lany's revolutionary, epoch making
method of transmitting words by wire.
Achieves Success.
Tremendously Imbued with the belief
that his theory was right, and with the
knowledge, that he was adding Immeas
urably to the world's wealth to . spur
him on. he, with others he Inspired to
assist : him, ' worked "unceasingly for
years to produce a perfect machine rthat
should perform a miracle as startling
to the scientific mind as the Morse tele
graph was 60 years ago.
Delany achieved a success which Is
one of the marvels of . the ae. He
brought under control what had hith
erto been the tyrant and antagonist of
all who sought .to Improve telegraphy,
the "static charge" in the wire, and
caused It to cooperate In his wonderful,
though strangely simple, schema
That accomplished, the rest was easy.
Automatic transmitting and receiving
Instruments were constructed, and an
experimental section established where
the new' method was thoroughly tested
month after month in all kinds of
weather and all sorts of conditions. In
this severe trial Delany's most sanguine
expectations were realised. The tele
post was tha result, a commercial tele
graph system; so rapid, bo cheap, so au
tomatically accurate, that It Is leaping
Into popular demand more rapidly than
anything since the Bell telephone.
r i Teleposts In Demand. , .
The first year over a thousand miles
of Telepost wires were strung, connect
ing some of the large centers of the
east. Nearly every week a new city Is
j 1 M
Is a.-M.'ve I,
for id wore
1 ir iMi t
v.-1 1 become
..I v
- 1
M 1 1
i lor nnv !:.! an
t wins popular
the- it)Uhhi!i1 cul
the inventor a drt-am.
It often happens that an Inventor de
rives little benefit from his Invention.
Not the least gratifying feature about
the Telepost Is the fact that Mr. De
lany is reaping the reward of ycara of
unremitting devotion to an Idea, , Some
what altruistlo In temperament, De
lany longrd to create a telegraph sys
tem for tha people and of the people.
Here was a corporation orpanlred to
control a public service utility of al
most unquestioned value, which Wall
street millions were not allowed to
The savings of the common people
are building the lines, and they will re
ceive the .profits which are sure to ac
crue from the development of rapid and
cheap telegraphy; while Delany's con
structive genius, as consulting engineer,
safeguards every opportunity for Im
provement and progress. ; u'
(United Press Lad Wlrs.l
New' Tork, May 26. William G.
Rockefeller today assumed his duties on
the board of directors of the Pacific
' 1 ' i'iIiViJ 1 I
, ' . v L - .' Y :
' ' ' ' I I. "!'! i ' . t
; : r. .1 out f - r
' i ' t n' ff i s
t uiv, : 20 aiT'-K,
, i i ) a tcvr iSays
-4 L
V .,-;Ci-r.VlC-
A medical td, tmrmlei elf-jio!soa with one's owj seeietionl Of
watt nutter. la other words. It It peiscatof of ths system due to
constipation tnd inactive llvet. Eveiybody is In djnget of this snd
other sicknesses who lets constipation run on or w do does sot keep
bis livor tctivt tnd bis bowels open.
it sure preventive of Autotoxemla, Typhoid Fever tnd other tlck
aessct trlslnf from disordered liver, stomach or bowels because It It
the sure cure for Constipation. It makes th
liver active, corrects the stomach, tldt
Aicrf!tnn. flr.ts hr.ncrtri1tw on thn VM.
J.iWV ' "
I vf f k f f fteya, to&et up tb lystcm aad keep
l'W..a.t U v- "T-X.
7Y:y'Lirrrt.f, v I
you a well sua er woman.
Better than Pills
for Liver Lis ,
' Get a 25c Bbx
. JrFJ ' ' '.
T AT ANY a- man would be unable to enjoy the
JY 1 healthful exercise of ,golf if the telephone
, did not keep him in touch with his business. , .'
. A word over the wire saves him an hour's delay.
in leaving the office. There is another rea?on. .
The busy man's day. is made shorter by the Bell
Service, which brings-him in instant communication, not
only with his fellow townsmen, but with correspondents
in distant cities. , ' ; ' - .
The Bell System provides universal service to meet
the needs of all users.
. kX i-(JX- U1UU AX fJ, v
Evtry Btu Teiennont is tns gtntei of - K
Baby Chih Coats (T 11 fl
Pike :Q)I1-L
mLm - " " g j y A I y 1
All Our i
Regular 35c Neck
wear During '
.This Sale
Only .
This Sale will provethe greatest bargain event of the i season, thinly because the
merchandise involved is of the . HIGHEST CLASS and the opportunity for secur
ing such at the phenomenal prices cause it to be SEUSATIOUAL Many people
of Portland will welcome this wonderful value giving event, knowing that it will
be out of the ordinary and everything iust as represented. The Hems are too
numerous to go into detail. All we ask is, you investigate and convince yourself
Sale Ptice 89c
These Corsets " are
.made in the very
best materials and
are all well known
makes, including Ck
B., Odette and R.
, Gi An" excep
tional value.
. J
7 I'H.
'v, ..' :' . ' '''';' '' ' ., : 1 ' '
Every Cloth Suit and Coat in the
''""'';-"i;'4':;,i;''i':" " '"!"a..s C'vr i '. ' ' ' 't i .. - ,.
You carr be your Own Salesperson
Select the Article You Wish and Cut the Price in Half
- Many Distinct Models of a High Grade are
, to be found in our stock that have
. ; ,sold as high as $75.00 t
1 .j ss?crsM
hi Jr yA f , f t 1
Guaranteed Goat Seal, with gilt or gun-metal-
mounts, leather lined and fitted'
with coin purse.
: Sold in
the Regular:
. Way at '.
; $2.00
Childs' and Hisses' U Fpr,;rr
Coats llov Selling at lo J "Cg
All our nobbv children's and misses' Cloth Coats;
in everyfaslvonable style, color and fabric, will be
offered in this sale at-one-half price.
Girls' -Regulation Suits for
12 PrkQ ; :
These Suits are - made of: all
wool serges in navy, brown'
. ' and red. "
tl TMTT 1 T-r
Unrestricted Choice of Every Trimmed Hat in the House
at OUE'HALF PRICE Our collection includes many
imported models that have formerly
sold as high as $50.00
A '
A TIMELY, REMINDER Don't neglect your furs during the
Summer months, for the little moths will not. Phone and our
-messenger will call foryourfur garments "and v;e will storcthenr
until wanted.
Dont wait until the fur season opens,' when it will cost you a great
deal-TnorerAll f umemodclcd :and"rcpaircd "duringT-he" summer"
ths Byttem. .