lyc- r I n. L woi.k up; i.m CVer V T I I if nee 52 RO 'HI. " d t l.f t l.U m I'livatn laimlv; hi in, pnone; ladnv avi. will i : hi-. -nkf-ist. 3H 11' Ci The New Osborne Hotel Grand ave. and 10. Ash, idnsle room ind suites, furnished for light housekeeping-; etearn heat, hot. or cold water In ouch, room; walking distnce. HOTEL PORTLAND only; J3. n da. Euiopeaa plan I-'u LV ED ERE, European. 4th and Alder. HOUSEKEEPING F.003IS WEST SIDE 8 WELL ' furnished housekeeping rooms, 2 for $8 month. 3 tor 12. Cottage, 4 large rooms,, $17,50. " 864 26th at., North (west i1slver), 'W" car from depot, , 3d or Morrison -to J6th, block north, ' ONEONTA" apartnienta, 187 17th near Yamhill. (Take W car at, depot) a, t and 4 room . furnished suites. " Lot and cold. Phones and hatha free, 120 per month. $5 per week and up. Main 4697, A-4739, v " : 184 Sher-nau, South Porllana; 11.60 pet week up, large, clean; furnished house keening rooms: carlor. laundry, bath. THREE completely furnished house keeping rooms; phone, water, lights, "fuel, gas, Included In rent. Maln 1976. ENTIRE lower floor, 8 rooms, with yard, light and pleasant, rent- rea sonable. Inquire 429 7th st LARGE single k room, gas range and, bath, 12.50; single room, $2. 214 N. lth. - " - - FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, uln- fle or In suite, 2 a .week and. up. Raleigh St. - TWO pleasant, rooms, S92H fith' street, to parties without, children. Call at room 8. FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping, " In beautiful suburban home. Phone Llnntnn, "Home phone"; ask for, 811. A SUITE of 2 rooms for housekeeping, 7 21 N. 9th. Central location. iilTCHELL Housekeeping rooma, light, gas: modern. 7th &-Flanders. A-407. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS EAST SIDE. , 48 11.26 to 2.00 week, elean furnished housekeeping rooms; laundry, bath, bent 408 Vancouver ave. . Phone East (189. - -. .. . - ' frllRNISHED rooms for light house- keeping, modern conveniences. 82 E. loth st. ijnone t;aai ib. ROOMS ' AND BOAIID ROOM and board with private family, - ror one or two genuemen; norae privi leges. Phone Main 8628. 484 Jefferson THE LA MERE HOUSE, 150 Pag st.; room and board. Home cooking; prices right. ' - ' HOUSES TOR KEXI 12 WHEN you move you'll neea new ru niture. Buy Judiciously and your aavtnirs will exceed moving expenses. Our NO-RENT PRICES made us one of the largest furniture houses in tha city in less than two yeavs. t Lookers shown same courtesy as buy. MORG AN-ATCHLT2T FCRNITUBE CO, .)rn ave.. far. KL Stark BL East Ankeny and Russell-Shavsr Car - pass our qoor. FOR RENTS25, modern 1 room house! WIJIUUHH ..unvB . tw. Winn ".. . . "-, large yard, fine trees; take Sellwood cartet off Henry ave- 1 block west; corner E. lfith and Henry. iron RENT Almost new 6- room cot- . tage at" 548 E. 14th st. S., with electric llahts. a good range and window shades Included: price 1 per month. Take W-W or W-R car. I ROSm modern cottate: Has and elec trlcltv: newlv napered and painted; only 116. 8624 Vaughn. Phone Main 6891. MODERN 5 room cottage; rent $12.50; 8 blocks from car; furniture bought last tall; will sell at a sacrifice. , $300 caah. J-574, Journal, " FRKE RENT , For desirable tenants. - 227 Olbbs. For RENTA modern- new- 5 room RKNTA house, Portland Heights. 211' Medical bldg. - - - NEW 4 room cottage.-modern, 63 E. S8th st. S. Phone Monday and Tues day. Main 7347. Rent $15 NICK house, modern, best location, neat yard, roses; ? rooms.:;. Inquire East - 5X45. i MODERN 8 room cottage. No. 669 EUs- worth bet. 18th and 19th. rent $15, James & Blgglln, 14Uj let st. M. 7842. FIVE room house, I7tn, near Clay, reus enable walking distance.- Main 6255. VO modern houses. 8 and 8 room ' 774 Id. Main 9092. Apply 229 Grover, F1TRMTITRE FOR SALE HOUSES FOR REiqr 32 FURNITURE of a ( room cottage for sale, house for rent or ror sale. 06S Mall st. Take Sellwood car. Phone pellwood t-81. - " :" Furniture of 11 room house at a bargain; call see for yourself after Sunday; on two canines, a ana itm, 571 Thurman, cor. of 18th. . FOR SA LEFurniture 4 room cottaga everything complete, rent $12.50 owner leaving city. 433 west Park st. FOR SALE by owner, 15 room house a bargain If taken at once; part house- KeeplnSN good income. 4Uti Mark. -MODERN -( room house for rent and furniture for sale, 434 E. Mill, corner 7h st. . i FURNITURE complete for 8 room housu for sale cneap. -jaii in a. iztn st,, house for-rent $ao. - ROOM houfe; furniture for rent or for sale. ' 3o2 2d et. FURNISHED HOUSES 30 SNAP Completely furnished flat,' wide porches, large yard,-healthy, Blghtly, flowers, etc.;. rent $20; bath, electric lights, etc. - 808 Jefferson st Portland Heights car, get otr at Maaiaon st, :. H. O. Tarr, near No. 4 reservoir . . A VERY choice east side home, com fortahlv furnished; will rent to adult for Summer or longer If party Is deslr FURNISHED 8 room house, suitable for One or two families if- wanted. 261 Morris corner of Vancouver ave. MODERN 5 room furnished house. Plion W. 2747. Call next door. SIX room furnished house-for lease .for yr:ti. a h"ii" FOR REj-.T -FLATS 13 FOR RENT Four room flat with bath; newly papered $6 per month, 74fl ' I'j. zmn pt. FURNISHED FLATS 50 MODERN 6 room furnished flat. 81 Bennington Court: , close. In. Phone nt 6 . 9n ft ' ' 116 5 ROOM modern flats, large an convenient. 778 . Mississippi, near Beach. L car, - -; . ONE 5 room flat. Gas, electric light, laundry trays. $18.v inquire 468 Ma- gnn street. 4 blocks Irony car. FOUK room flat, yard, flowers and cellar, $16, with water, northeaat cor ner of Grant and Front ArARTMENTS 43 ..IliE. NEW .BUCK APARTMENTS,, 21st and landers, reatiy ior occupancy jun 1. furnished or unfurnished, 2, 3, and rooms. Anrily Mrs. West, the TTaHford ftrt Annr Kouth. Phones A-SSh. Mali 2782, Also one 3 room furnished apart ment at the imr'rorq. : , K I v -room aimrt'iient. .modern. lil and' roomy, at 125 17th si., N. Call A-&-...1. Ruuui 31i bids I HI Ft. i l lie i.,.' 1 ( - h t j. l e i V.'AXTJ TO I; EXT YOUNG couple wants for summer months; B-5;9. Jonrtinl. furnished house good references. WA.Vl'i :D to r.-ut inodein 4 or 5 room cntt furnished. C-63, Journal. 1IOKSE3, ' VEHICLES, . ETC. , 18 MULES for sale The Murphy Horse i Mule Co. will keep from 20 to 60 head of lw-avy Missouri mules at the Model b tables, 295 Davis St., Portland, Oregon. If you are In the market call t once as we Dandle nothing but the est quality. H. M. Billing, talesman. 1JUST sell fine young chunkey 2350 lba. team; guarantee true workers, single or double; also doubje harness; all for 1F10 If taken at once. Owner leavinar city, call 3R1 Mill at HORSES and buggies for rem by day, week ana month.; special rales to business bouses. 6th and Hawthorne. Wast 12. i RUBBER tired splrler wheel buggy, In gooa condition, ror sale cheap, or trade for horse. Call 214 N. 16th. bORREL delivery horse, harness, wagon, iuv casn. u.,w jtsarn, ta ana jerrer- LIGHT spring wagon In good condition. Call American Type Founders Co, or phone Main 6464. , BIG young team, 8200 lbs,, 1450 lb. mare, an sound ana true. Z42 K. Grand ave. MaRE, 1400 lbs., bay, 6 years old; works any way, cheap, 328 Front st. FOR SALE Horse, harness and buggy, at 204 Salmon st. $150, cheap, Call BUY Keller's Guars nieea Harness, 49 NORTH SIXTH ST. LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY 83 AM going away for aumrherand must sell fine high grade family cow: very gentle and easy fo milk; been fresh two weeks; heavy, rich milker; $45, before Friday. Portland Heights car; get off . . . . . . . . . T . A hi fjrreenway green mmse, across iraci. Mrs. : Mingi - . - . GET a copy Of Conkey's poultry book and a -10c caekate of Conkev s Lice Powder free. . The powder kills lice Instantly and the book Is full of volu me information ror poultry raisers. By mall, 7c, Rutledge Seed & Floral Co., 169 Second st. - SAVE the little chicks from indiges tion, diarrhoea, etc. Conkey's Cholera Remedy In the drinking water Is guar anteed to give satisfaction. Routledge Seed & Floral Co.. 169 Second st ' TUBERCULIN, tested -milch cows, sin gle or car lot. Mokel-Bruce Co.. at stockyards. WHITE Wyandotte eggs for hatching. Mra. j. is. small, jents, or., ranor"i3. WANTED A good milk cow. Phone fjasi a&4. MUSICAL I3SSTRUMEISTS 84 , Chas E. York: Band Instruments and Muslo Bouaa. Repairing, exchange. '88 3d St. , FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES 44 AUTO garage and machine shop In town or iu.uuu; an me Dusiness tney can handle. Building 26x80, equipped With everything necessary to carry on the business, Including good -machine shop equipment, battery charging plant, etc. If you are looking for a business of this kind and win investigate this, you will buy It. 1000 cash will handle It. Ad- ? Wi-p in, journal. MOTORCYCLE. 1910 6 h. twin.Thor majoti eto ignition, pneumatic. . rorkJ near new, am leaving city, will make this a bargain for cash. Inauire Jour nal office or'Maln 5481 after 6 p. m. STORE your automobiles with us, $5 per montn; live storage lia ana up. Guaranteed best of care. Hawthorne Oarage. 445 Hawthorne. East 649. $400 Single cylinder Cadillac runabout, tOD: $aa lamps, speedometer, .? eto. Owner. H-f76 Journal. ..4. ' a" ... 11 " 1 1 '' r - what win you otrer ror my 60 n. p. passenger automobile. L,-57fl 78,. Journal. FOUR cylinder roadster, cheap for cash or trade. 21,8 Commercial Club bldg. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 LAUNCH FOR SALE. - New. Powerful, hieh class, toerfec Ahln A.iilrn 1aiifiiih 9ti It A,t All 1 it. oeam. Bunt rrom special seiectea material, equipped with 4 cycle 12 H. P. automatic engine with reverse gear. Pilot house control. Whistle, belL lights, fog horn, etc.-s Will sacrifice at less than - cost Of material. Relerson Ma chinery Co., 1S4 Morrison St., Portland. HAVE a lot of household goods that I wish jio dispose of. Bedroom furni ture, carpets, sanitary couch, gas range, bath tub,-wardrobe, linoleum, 40 quart lce cream. freeaer. Call 885 E. Alder St., at once. NEW and eecona nana pooi and bll- llard tables bought and sold on easy terms. Bowling alleys, . refrigerators for' Immediate delivery. Address., the j-i 1 uup h t 1 a mr vuu r-1 1 u rri v. if v 1 r j Dmia.H' .Ir Da 1. PAllantaa I JIB IE W FOR SALE or rent, half Interest in lahd clearing outfit: am going east: reason able if taken soon. Box 66, So. Forest Grove, Or. : :--' --- - NEW high grade household furniture, complete tor 3 story nouse, ior saie cheap,- Call afternoons and .evenings. mi c:ieveiana ave, ' COMPLETE outfit of restaurant furni- trro Innliirllna. MtifrA ,tMm tdhla cash register, etc., for sale, cheap. Call at 330 Washington St., or phone A-8338. PARTNER wanted to help manage cleaning works and hat works; Clear lng $206 per month.- Call .486 V4 Wash ington st. RTSTMSTORCYCLk -Americas Best" Recycle bicycles: tnotorcycles-end bl- cycles repaired. Rydman Bros.. 808 Oak. FINE motor boat for sale. Phone Tabor 1618. rOR SALE Driving horse and buggy.1 Appty Pioneer faint co., iso r irat st. CANOE-Canadian wood, first class condition; A bargain. Call 86 6th st. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS-" 5 WANTED Pfople of Portland to know that- we pay nignest casn price ror second hand household goods. Seater ft uStvson, 148 Ruefiein East 1682. UET our price on your turnltura, a it will pay you, w want the goods. Savage and Pennall, 851-4 1st st Main .860, - -. : , : t ;:.. ...;o. r: '. ; BB WISF; get nior for your Seconfi haid furniture by selling it to Ford AOction Co., 311 1st . Main 8964, A-2445. HIGHEST price paid for 8econd hand furniture. Lents Furniture Co Lents. B-3811. CURTAtNS wanted' to laundry;-40c and . . ,...11 .. n .1 h' I . Ohn.. rnA . Ul). Call and deliver. lawn 2S4. -.'.' a 1 1 v 1 i u , 1 v j..- GOOD second hand marine ga.sOltne en gine. State price ; and efjuipment. A-576, Journal.- i - ; WANTEDTo board child between a and 6 years old; good home and care. B-f81, Journal. OLD rubber boats and - shoes, 8c per lb.: auto tires, 6He per lb, J. Lev, 186 Columbia at. Main 6198. WANT ED T'ubfrculin tested . milch cows. Mokel-vBruo Co." stock yards. Spot -prompt attention always given. E, 1087 v4BPaa rniu a v 1 jtums 1 iui uiuin, nneili VMi I .1 4a . . I , . .. .MONEY- TO LOAN 27 MONEY to loan up to $1000 on real es tt. by private party. L-670, Journal. ISAAC L. WHITE, money to loan, fir ' l""rnpe- .331 Sherlock bldg:' SUMS of $2000 upward on real estate. aM44M'i;- Wetlr1elf. 248 gtarlt. " MONK IT to loan on farms. Howard, 403 Commercial block, 2d end Waahington, KAN for" the asking, salary or -ctiJ-t e 1, The Lonn Co., 414 Dekum bid g. Ot.'TCK loans on nil aecuntlea. S. W Kinij, 4ft Wastilnt'ton obit?. Main lon. ... tin, , Tf,; V'TTnnH U Low eliarges. v War.l,"2l(i Ali.-kybMs Privately On f;ir!iii.;r... i ! I ."!;! (( vmairs in j lout! liiniioy t tranSHCtioti at I l ,: i r ' y ,0 hi. Y e i iai' a i nlo. J. jntuii'ly secret; no uoiu- cring your fmn lover. HCTTf IX CRFIMT CO., 512 DEXPM iU.DO. l'tione jMaln 269. $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ $ $ $ $ lil!!ISt!!flli!i II MONEY! MONEY! MONEY! BO CHEAP THAT NO ONE SHOULD P.E WITHOUT IT. SALARY LOANS WITHOUT --; ' ' SECURITY. YOU CAN REPAY US TN SMALL WEEKLY OR MONTHLY PAYMENTS. Rebate Given if Paid Before Due.. , CALL AND SEE US. , STATE 'SECURITY CO., -308 FAILING BLDG. 1 1 inn inni uihm THE CRESCENT LOAN AGENCY, m '402 Rothchlld bldg., corner 4th and Wkshlngton. The recognii-ed bank of the wags earner. A. clerk, bookkeeper, machinist engineerjor employe can ob tain money of us on his note without security. $15 return to us.,.,.,. ..$ 4.00 a month $30 return to us. 8.00 a month $50 return to us.... $13.85 a month Confidential; no unpleasant Inquiries, special rates on pianos, furniture, ete. $75,000 . Want to loan this amount on" pianos, furniture, horses, warehouse receipts, real estate, mortgages or any good col lateral. A special low rate In order to get this money out We want'yOur patronage and are making a rate , to get It. t . ' THE KING LOAN & INVESTMENT CO, - Room 610 Buchanan Bldg. " CHATTEL LOANE Installment loans on pianos, furniture. warehouse receipts, horses. Insurance policies, and all kinds of securities; real estate ana loans irom isvvu up. NEW ERA LOAN & MTO. CO, - ' 416 Ablngton bldg. MORTGAGE loans on Portland real ea tate for borrower or lender. JUS. C. GIBSON, Successor to Gibson & Holliday, 804-S Gerllnger Bldg. MONEY advanced salaried people, house '. keepers and others upon their own names without security i cheapest rates. easiest payments; offices in 66 princi pal cities; save money by getting our terms, loirnan, aiiuumwr cxuiiugo. totjr credit Ib good at the Employes' Iyoan Co... 121 Aoington, luoMi in su I BUY tor cash either first or seconf mnrteiires or seller's eoulty in con tracts of sale on real estate In Oregon or Washington, ii. b. audi, fciimw men's birta. - ; - WE LOAN money on diamonds and jew elry at reasonable Interest for long or abort time. a. e ml. ueiovage, jeweiera, 2(9 wasnmgion si. $100,000 on - mortgages, city or farm property, fire insurance. McKenzie t Co., Gerllnger bldg., 2. and Alder, MONEY to loan, any amount, 6 to 8 per cent uooanougn eeiia, ua uoara Of Trade. . ; . - - SALARY LOANS Confidential, ay to get and ei Henry bldg. get and easy to pay. J?. A. Newton. 811 tn ana ubk. LOANb--Real estate mortgages bought and sold.. F. C. Hesse, US Fenton bldg. . ; .. MONEY to loan on city or farm proper- ty. low rate. E. R. Hlckson, 617 Board of Trade Mdg. - .!-.- . - -. MONEY to loan, large loans a specialty, . building loans- loweBt rates; fir in surance. W. O. Beck. 812 Failing. FINANCIAXi 01 1 . - QUICK' LOANS r ! ' t On furnTTure and isianos, storage re- t celpls, life Insurance policies, live- S stock, real estate end all kinds of $ Aeuritlaa : -f - . t U. S, Real Estate & Brokerage Gomoanv . Room 812 Hamilton bldg., 131 Sd St $ Phone - Mat 2084. LOANS WANTED SO . $35,000 WANTED, ror a five-yeacs' lease, with option to buy,- we will pay 1 per cent per month on the above . amount if - invested In buildings and eoulnment. like we Vant. Mn- in I sawmill- wltbiir i0--rrrrref Port t land. 4 We are in a position to safely ,"- hftnHl thATr,nrtnttlnh . 1 t?ev .tutVi In formation address V-676, Jourpah LOST AND FOUND 21 PARTY who picked up saddle on Foster " Road, near Archer Place, Sunday even ing, is known and will he kindly return saddle to The Journal office or Paul Basford, Clark and Walnut, Flrland LOST Tuesday. 1 7th. on east side, he tween Harrison and Gladstone, Grand eve,, and 29thk gold breast pin with coral O, valued as keepsake. Phone Seltwood 1598. " " LOST Near 29th and Thurman sts., a diamond studded crescent pin; fmder Will be liberally rewarded if returned to 349 N. 29th ft. LOST A black fob with" a gold mono gram initial W. H. B.; finder please return to California Ink Co., 1st at, or phone Main 8100 and receive reward. ; LOST Scotch collie dog, sheared frorri ' white ring around neck back to t.Uj answers name Beaver. - Notify Geo. Sul livan, 813-315 Front St. Wain 8346. LOST At"Star theatre, last, purse containing $15i-check and $11 in money: return to Miss Shearer, com mercial club, and receive reward. LOST, brooch, diamonds and pearls. Friday night.' between Orpheum ana E. 9th and Weidler.y S. Bruhn, 841 E. 9th, North: reward, - LOST or stolen, one Boston bull terrier, brlndle. with one-white eye; answers to the hame of Max.- Phone Main 419, 269 and !7l Morrison; reward. LOST In fton, fox terrier dog, rom collar. East 4741. sore on neck Cor. E. 19th arid Thompson. WILL peradn who found envelope, size 9x4, addressed P. O. Box 561, Port Is ndJOrpleaiei4irr rERSOXAL 23 GERMAN books. magaKines, novela etc. German, Uingusn, urencn, epanian, Swedish and Italian dictionaries; for eign books of all klnda. Schmale, Co, 229 let at. f)R. WALKER, specialist; Jiuickly cures diseases 01 men, piooa ana skin dis eases, sores, -ulcers, swollen glands, kid ney, bladder and pllea 181 1st, Port land. ' ' "" " " " MRS. SOPHIA B. SKIP, metal sclent ist, moved to 21-22 Selling Hlrsch bldg., Washington and 10th Sunday and Wed nesday meetini-T-emjuain 6824. SHIRTWAIST suits, also- ladies' and gentlemen's pajamas, made to order, reasonable, until August 1. 2274, cor. 2d and WashlngMn. Romn 86. gANDKiiSON CVFS-Savin and -Cotton Root Pills, sure remedy for de layed periods, $2 per bo or 2 boxes for $5, T. J. Pierce, 811 Alisky bldg, AlEN--When weak, nervous Or despond mt,t tin Rexoid FillS as a bracer- re stores lost vigor Jlree $1 per box, 8 boxes for $5 iv J. i-ieroe, an Alisky, WOMEN, use remolds wnen others fall; for sale by - the Ausplund Drug Co 106 N. 6tn ei. iain sjwb. WANTED A partner .in- a first class ., hairuresslng parlor. Centrally located, Clearing per iii.iihu, ti-ont) journHi, DR. T. J. PIERCE, Specialist Diseases of women; all irregularities Corrected; no exposure, Oall or write 811 Alisky. RE HI Thohias Kav for confidential re ports and all kinds of secret service work, 419 McKay bldg. Marshall. 268 BALM oi ti, remedy lor diseases women. 629 Belmont st. East 2498. l.rti,.: read mas for Women only rend in as for 2 weeks. Room 2. 129 10th, nenr Wash Llnrrton st. ' ?. KXINE I'iUs only ?"o box. Call or ad- dress Bridge fharmaey, jss Morrison. J AY, 'at. AM'liEWS.'i'lireiiuluaiet, 2ii 6th Ulain 7548. a. " . ; . n an I ci.u-.'rel f I- fl im aitve ( ! urns by cp.,i:.lti'C of Ci.iloren a .u.'-i t h! ace; t ru mn 4 i cared f.;r. Ler d. No charre for , I'.iln S'.)2 . A-r.' mil '1 hatre bu. jr.. i i -.iv -t i -l'. 1 rlv;a t ..'on'T-i- m.iii. I lronc UtlH. ' Hlli Uiee vn I -1 red ma . l u, f .. "d J'arSf i-iiwii- C hua uruir iiuints pernm nently cured in three, u.-ivs; no aufferine. no hypodermic syringes, harmless; insti tute, or home treatment; both sexes; Pplendld accommodations. Cardlola In stitute,' 1627 Peninsular ave., Portland, Or. fien. Cured QuicJUy Modern electric treatment for diseases of the prostate, nervous debility,- nil, etc. W. L Howard, M. D., 304-8 Roth- chlH bids., 4th nd Washington. RUPTURECApE CURED We aaaiat nature by retaining hernia at all times regardless of your occupa tion, "this we guarantee." Examination or advice free. Cadonau & Wilson, 66 6th. DR. LEWIS. Physician and surgeon: treats women and children exclusively; private hos pital accommodations; examinations free. s-Maln 4047, A-2411.. S06 Common wealth bldg;., 6th and Ankenjr. LADIES Ask your druggiaf for Chlcestera Pills, the Diamond Brand. For 25 years known as best, safest. Always reliable. .Take no other. . Chi chesters Diamond Brand Pills are sold by druggists everywhere. DR MARY KRAEMER, specialist for women!- noma natients. oiooa medi cines, examination free. 881 Mississippi ave. Phone woodiawn 1678. r NOTICES 23 PROPOSAL FOR SUPPLIES FOR ORE GON STATE INSANE ASYLUM The Board of Trustees of the Ore gon State, Insane Asylum hereby invites seaiea proposals ior rurnisning sup plies to that institution for the six mrinrnel nrnllnm I lunam Vnwt i lain1 All bids must he enclosed in sealed envelopes and directed to C. N. Mc- Arthur, clerk Board or Trustees Oregon State Insane Asylum, Salem, Oregon, ana plainly marked on outside oi en velope, "Bids for Oregon State Insane Asylum." All bids must be accompanied by a certified check in a sum of not less than 10 per cent of me amount or. ine Dia. xne name ana address of the bidder and cIbbs of sup plies to be furnished, the total. amount of bid and the amount of certified check must be indicated on sheets furnished by the undersigned, and attached to the bid. - In order to avoid confusion, the name of the bidder should also be plain ty written on eacn separate sneet oi the bid. . List of supplies upon which bids are Invited may be obtained by address ing the undersigned. No bids will be considered unless made on blanks fur nished by the undersigned.- The board reserves the right to re ject any or sllblds, or to accept or re-, Ject any .part of a bid. Bids will be opened as tne capitoi, at saiem, June 23, 1910, at 2 . o'clock p. m. By order of the Board of Trustees Of the Oregon State Insane Asylum. . . C. N. M'ARTHURv Clerk of the Board. Salem. Oregon. May 16. 1910. 1 NOTICE OF. SALE OF STATE LANDS, Notice is hereby given that the state land board will receive sealed bids until 10 o'clock a. m.. June 2, 1810. for the following described school lands, to-wit: i ...v, -.;,,i.-. .... All-Of section 18. T. 29 S..-. 9 W. . All of section 38, T. $1 8.. R.-4 W. -j - in bw4, or BE"4jana lots ana , b. 16, t. 3 a., k. is v. All of seotlon 16, T., 89 S., R. 18 W. The NH of 6 and lots 1, 2, $ and 4 Of S. 16. T. 41 S.. R. 12 W. . The NW- of NW14. NE,nd 'flW H or be 'A or a. i. t. 38 b.,k. 22 e. Lots 1, 2, 8 and 4 and 6E14 of SW, and 8V of BE of 8. 1, T. .R.R. Lots 1, 2, $ and 4 and the TV of EH. of W"4. SWA of NWtt and WA iol SWM. of S. 88, T. 18 ft, R. 11 E. All bids muBteacomranied bya regularly executed application to pur chase and at least one fifth of the amount offered. No bids of less than $7.60 per acre will be considered. .- The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Applications and bids should be ad dressed to O. O. Brown, clerk state land board, Salem, Or., and marked "Appli cation and bid to purchase state lands." ... ..- o. O. BROWN. Clerk State Land Board. Dated March 24, 1910. ' NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the Diatrlct Court of the United States for th District of Oregon. In th matter ofrCleaver & Havel6ck, Involuntary bankrupt, v No. 1589, in bankruptcy.' Notice is hereby given .that on the 19th day of May, A. D. 1910, Cleaver- & Havellck, a corporation, bf Portland, Oregon, the bankrupt above named, was duly adjudicated 'bankrupt: and that the first meeting of. its creditors will be-held at the offices of the under signed, Rooms 401-2, Fenton - bldg., Portland, Oregon, on the 9th day of June, 1910, at 10 a. m., at which time said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, . and transact such .other business as may properly come before said meeting. Claims must be presented in form required by the Bankruptcy act, and sworn to. . - : ' . CHESTER O. MURPHY, , , Relere in Bankruptcy. Dated May it, mio. SEALED proposals will be received at the office of Bridges & Webber, archi tects, room 422 Hamilton building, Port land. Oregon, unin 12 o-ciock noon wea nesday, June 1, 1910, for th erection of a cottage and - a barn for Multnomah county, to be located in Section 26. 1 north,-1 east, Multnomah county. Bids for the cottage and barn must be sub mitted separately. Plans and specifi cations may b obtained at the office of the architects, no proposal or bid will be considered unless accompanied by a check payable to the order of, the county court of Multnomah county, certified by a responsible bank, for an amount equal to iu per ceni or ine aggregate proposal to ' be forfeited as fixed and liquidated damages in case the bidder neglects or refuses to entef- into con tract ana provide a suitable Dona ror the faithful performance of said work In th event the contract is awarded to him. The right to reject any and all bids is hereby reserved--F. S. -Fields, conn t y clerk. Portland? Or. Sealed bid will be re- celved at the office of the school clerk. city hall, up to 12 o'clock noon, on Thursday. June tne za, ior the. neating and ventilating of the following achool buddings, viz.; Albina Homestead, Brooklyn, t reston, Clinton, K.eny, Diew ellyn, Lents, Portsmouth,' Peninsula, Vernon. Woodstock and W'oodlawn. Plans of the buildings and apecj$itrtaki or tne requirements can oe seen at tne office of the architect ci'tv hall. J" A certified blank of 10 per cnt of the amount of the proposal must accompany each bid. The board of directors reserves the right to reject any and all bids. , T. J. JONES, Architect. NOTICE of Stockholders Meeting. The annual -meeting of the stockholders Of the Bunker Hill and Sullivan Mining and Concentrating; Company, for the election of a board of director for the ensuing year, and for the transaction of such other-business as may regularly .crime, before them, will be held at the office of the company, rooms 501 to 504 Chamber of . Commerce building, Port land. Oregon, on June 16,. 1910, at 12 o'clock, noon. - . .. ' r OEORGE F. HOLMAN. ' Secretary Bunker Hill and Sullivan Mining and Concentrating Company. Portland, Oregon, May 24, 1910. K' we 1 rTT-rr-Fi . f 1,11 ... ,,4i"t BUSINESS DIRECT0BY artificial trams B.. C. LINSTROM CO., 492 Wash, st, artificial limbs, trussed and braee. ARTISTS' '(MATERIALS ARTIST'S matei'lalSi1-picture framing, F. H. Moorehmisn ft Co., 411 tVas'n. St. ATT0RNET3 CIIRISTOPHERSON MATTHEW. Generul practice. 411-12 Bucnanan I'l l. y " 1- irn k:yci.i: :i'AiKi:a W. W. WOOD Bicycle and electrical ; supplies. House wiring. Guaranteed , woi-K. rrnmnt service. ik ji'Miisun m. , liUEINL'bS GAUDS .-...-s i HOWE. DAVIS COMPANY, 109 2d stKmimi Sc Mmkey..... , Blank books m ti; acts, for Jones Improved Loose-Leaf ledsers: see tb i new Eureka leaf. A-8183. Main 183. I VV A R R E N CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalks ana cross- In gs. 317 Beck bldg. ' - TIN roofing guttering, repairing and eener&l lobbing. J. 10811. Ill jecier- snn, st. Main 1424. J ' - THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO., Portland office. 404 Worcester Difig. JAS. Mcl. WOOD & CO.. all kinds of in surance, surety bonds. McKay blag. CARPET .-.CLEANING CARPETS, rugs, matting, etc., cleaned on the rioor. i'tione ior estimates.' Portland Vacuum Cleaning Co, Phone East 1698. . THE IONE. Carpets cleaned, refitted. laid. Feathers renovated. K. gao. CARPET WEAVING NORTHWEST Rug Works Rugs from nld carpets, ; colonial rag rugs, silk portlers. 163 Union near E. Morrison. WE WEAVE rag carpets, also bed and bathroom rues. 1518 Patton ave. Phone: Woodiawn 2886. CHIROPODISTS DR. LAURA M. RANDOLPH Chiropo dist, foot specialist; graduate of Mon mouth Memorial Hospital, Long Branch, N; J., The Wanamaker School, of Chirop ody, New York City. Office 250 Harri son at. cor. 8d. CHIROPODY AND PEDICURING Mrs. M. D. Hill. 429 Flledner bldg. COLLECTIONS CURRENT and delinquent account col lected. Wells Mercantile Agency. 701 Board of Trade bldg., th and Oak eta. CONTRACTORS .AND HUILDERS WILLIAM F1SHBECK,-- carpenter and builder, lobbing and contracting. 70S 4th. Main 6241. 0. P. BLISS, carpenter and contractor, 1obbinr - bids reasonable. - Call or write 322H Stark at. A-6192, Main 9017. J. H. BURTON & CO.. architects and builders, 148 1st. Main 1817; A-1817V-J. CONCRETE, brlckworit. excavatt.ig, eto. Drop powtal. J. Wempe, 187 E. 83d st COAL AND WOOD 0 N0TICE?A?fSLABW00D GREEN SHORT WOOD, per load. .$2.50 GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD, per cord. .$2.60 INSIDE DRY SHORT, per ioaa k. -... BLOCK WOOD,- per load $3.60 BAWEUST. for fuel and bedding. I'Jiie; Pcrtland. Slabwcod Co. Main- ana. A-ivui PACIFIC SLABWQOD-CjO. Green, short slabwood, per load .,$2.50 Small, dry jnsiae wooa. per ioaa, ,.iz,a Planer trimniings, per load. ,$8.00 Phones Main 87UB.-A-T3B6. Ciiarcoal Wool PROMPTLT DELIVERED Call Main 8767. Foot of Curry at . Wood, Coal and Dry Slab WESTERN FUEL COMPANY. 287 E. Morrison. East 226, B-1026. BOUTH PORTLAND SLaBWOOD-CO-Maln 2165, A-3842. Dry inside wood, green slabwood, clean sawdust for bed ding, cut fuel; cordwood. TAMATO Wood it Coal Co. All kinds nlirwooajJia-JiiceLcoaiDy-jaca or n. Phones E. 818V B-1887. il tb and ton. Main sts. . NEEIi & FARR, dealers in all kinds of fir and hard woods; prompt delivery. 805 Water St. Main 4599, A-404Y. A. H. Edleisen, the fuel man Cn. of Com merce, sells anmraclte and cannel; ",ao cheaper grade of coal and dry wood. WE WILL aaw your wood . promptly. Cascade Woodyard.-- Phone Marshall STEEL, Bridge Fuel Co., wood and coaU t IIUUB U-ll IJ, VV. SHORT dry board wood. $3. SO per load. Phone Marshall 1906. DANCINO WALTZ;- two-step, stage 1 dancing, les sons 25c; ' now opening summer classes tonight. Prof, Wal tVlllson's School. 386 H Waah. st, bet. W, Park and 10th. ' - ELECTROI,rsiS MOLES, wrinkles, superfluft 's hair re moved. Mrs. M. D. Hill. 42 Flledner. ELECTRICAL 6LPPLLLS " MOTORS FOR RENT OR BALE Pacific Electric Engineeerirtg Co.. 213 Second St. GASOLINE) .ENGINES STATIONARY and ' marine; eloctrlo equipments; launches, accessor lea wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Releraon Machinery Co., 186 Morrison. 7i : . LEATHER & Fl-VDINGS CHAS. U MA6TICK & CO.. 74 Front Leather of every description I tap maufacturers. findings. MLS1C TEACHERS EXPERIENCED teacher wishes begin ners on piano, 60c, Phone Woodiawn S02. ; ' - ' y .:;''-...:; -".':. ivRRRlcn Academy Music, violin, man- dolln, p4eno. guitar, banjo, 48H Wash. ITTHIELHORN, vloltrTteicher, pupil - Bevclk.-- Marshall 1629, A-4160. PiaNO,. violin, cornet, mandolin. prof, E. A. Smith. 292 12th st. E. THIELHORN, violin teacher, pui Sevclk, 900 Marqtiam. Marshall 1629. upH OSTEOPATHIO PHYSICIANS DR. LILLEBELLB PATTERSON, spe cialist on nerves, acute and chronlo diseases. 217 Fenton bldg. Main 8961. DR. SMITH, graduate Klrksvllle. Mo., . 1898; post grad, 1907, til Swetland bldg. ; DR. F, J- BARR. A. 8. iK 207 Mohawlr bldg., 8d and Morrison. Main 2226a PAINTING AN I? PAPERING FOR painting, tinting, , paperhanglng, phone EaBt 1356. All work guaran teed satisfactory.' . ' - FOR best work, prices right, call ?, A, Doane, 104 Union. ' Both phones. .- PAINT, OIL AND GLASS RASMUSSEN '& CO., "High Standard" . paint, ne. ccr. 2d & Taylwr. id. A -1771. PATENT ATTORNEYS HANDBOOKS -for Inventors free; tells ' how to obtain and value of patents, trademarks regiatered. Beeler A Robb, 177-181 McOill bldg., Washington, p. C. R. C. WRIGHT, U. 6. and foreign rel ents; infringement fasea. 604 Dokurr). TRlNTINa Doers of Clever things, with lypeaDdjj' w. Kansoro Arent, Main 268. Ink on paper. 141 let THE EAGLE , PrFntING CO.. not trust; close-figures, gooa work. . sua Qoodnough bldg. Phone MniK 4pi, ; PRIVATE I)F.TECT1 'S7"" Rft'ATK ' ttr-fpcttVC. Rtl ttitU' -l)UlneipM. conflilfMUnl f'.Stil .Inni-tiol RtULLlt SiA.Ml'S AND SEALS STENCILS ! office stationery, C'q., 231 J?tar!v, i,Iula C'un- lluL V A !.;. 1 ..-r. M. P., Cut Farm rrepcr'.y...... v.;-ei:-Stf.-l r..niPHtiy IliuiuikiT ft Bmdict ltuttenvnrt!i-Steihewiin remrnny, Iuc.j. ( nril lie-ally & Investment Co ....110 ...5"3 ; feolt & Co.. B. s .. ihapio 4 llfrlow.. I Kin. D. V. V. Co. (Woodstock) MarHhall, Furnm, City Property.. i Holmrt A Umict. Ger.rire A. (1'olenlr.atioD). v. II. Lang Co....- Oreitnn Kenl Estfite Co., The.... S. hulk, Oeonre D...., Shl.Mils, J. a. Hiomuson, M. E. Co Walker, S. T BATED THE Mosler Safe Co., 108 2d It. fcafes at factory prices; repairs, Ipcucuts opened; bargains In second hand safes. SHOWCASES AND FUTURES SHOWCASES of every description; bank, bar and store fixtures mule to order. The Lutke Mfg. Co. THE JAMES I. MARSHALL Mr U. CAJ.. new and old showessea, cabinets, store and office fixtures. 289 Cmirh. M. 203. SIGN ANU SHOW CARDS FOSTER & KLEISER, Sign; tn larg est sign makers in m nwuremi, and Everett sta Phon inv. a,., oa, Home A-I166. . 'SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" Portland Sign Co.. 887 Stark. Paclflo 1596. SURVEYORS WALTER M. OBER. platting, sutMJIVId. Ing and topographical maps a spe clalty. 180 E. 28th st. N. B-209t. CLEAN towels dally, comb, brush, soap, $1 per month. Portland Laundry A Towel Supply Co., 9th and Coucb sta Phone Maln-410, A-4410. TRANSFER AND TOKAGU Oregon Transfer Co, Established lSJO. .Transfer and forwarding ageats. ; Storage, fre.tracki8e. Office, 8W Hoyt st. bet 6th and, 4th. ' Pffones: Main 69. A-1169. -1 D1CV Trunflfltr Xr HIOraKB LU.. VI "flee and commodious 4 story brick warehouse, separate iron rooms and Vanit for valuables: north west eorner 2d and Pine sta Pianos and furniture movea ana psi-Kea ur mmy ment Main 698. A-1998. -.T BniM.Rnit TRANSFER CO. nn.rii transfer and; storage, safes. pianos and furniture moved, packed and shipped. 209 Oak st Main 517, A-2247. Independent Baggage Transfer Co. Storage, aa . amr. axuuu tvu A -4169. TYPEWRITERS Al,T, makes rented, renalred. Sold. Cun- ningnam co., 13 1 Biarx. -m. iivf r . . . . , ,1.9 VETE1UNA1UAN DR. A G. SMITH, '.V. 8., TJ. 8. aSUbles, 848 Front Main 4156. Res. Main 1802. WALL PAPSi; HOUSE painting, paper hanging, tinting, and the goods that go with them, E. H. Moorenouse ft Co., .411 Wash, st iVjiOLESALE JOiibiau EVEKDINO & FARRELla, ' produc and - commission merchants. 140 Front st, Portland. Or. Phone Main 171 ' M."A'l- GUN ST '& CO., ) DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIQARS. PORTLAND. OR - WADHAMS wholeaala-. grocer. manufacturers and coffee roasters. 4th and Oak sts. ' : ALLEN A LEWIS GROCERIES. BANKS IR3T KATIONAf BANK. PnttUna, Or. 1 CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $1,500,000, . EUM AX-AMERICAN BANK Portland. Or. r ' Corner Sixth and Whlaton Sta, -Tratia- ata a utrai nantina bus tioa. uraira 1wort available In all the principal cities of the United States atio Europe, rout per cv-ni lntereat paid on aavlnga accounti. Safe tls poiilt vanlta. ' ' ' ' PONDS AND INVESTMENTS HOItniS BROTHERS, Chamber of Com meree B-'.lding, Municipal, railroad and public service corporation bond. .... .. . D OWNISO-HOPKINS CO. Stock and - grain brokers. Establlnhed J893. Portland, Seattle. Tneoma, SiMikana, Private wires. 201-2-8-4 Coucb Bldg, TRANSPORTATION COOS BAY MINE ? - 5 SAT BBBTXC2J Thai steamer BREAKWATER leaves Portland at 8 A. M Monday 8th, Sat urday 14tb, Tnnrsaay isin, Tneaaay oAt-w Onnria-r fisth. from Alnsworth dock, for jrorth Bend, Maribfield snd r.nnm , Doints. Freight received un til 5 p. m. on day before. Passenger fare, first class, $10; second eiass. 7, including berth and meals. Inquire city ticket office, 3d and Washington sts.. or Alnsworth dock, Phne wain zss. The A. R. 8s 97. sells season tickets from North Beach neAnthe jnbuth of'the Columhla. on the Washington shore, for $4. Steamer Has salo leaves Ash street dock dally, except Sunday, at 8 p. m. (on Saturdays at 10 Pi m,). connecting. Astoria -with tattmer Nahcotta.' leaving Astoria at 7 , dsiiv. exceot Sunday. Magnificent tiavlight trip returning. The only trip known that compares with one "up the Columbia" is a trip 'uuw the CO LU M B1A. -'-.- -:.:;,.;.-;.;;'v..-: ANCHOR LINK STEAMSHIPS SEW YOBK. tOKDON AND OtABOOW. -. MEW YOBK AND HAPLES DUECT. Single of round tr 1 tickets between New York and Scotch. EngllnH, Irish and all princi pal eoutu-rntal points at attractive rates.. Send tor book of tours. Buparior aooomtnodation. Excellent ouiaine. . Apply promptly for aatia. fsotorv naarvatioa. .lor tickets or genoral iu- formation apply to any local . agpnt v of the Anchor Line or to, HK.NUEKSON BK03.. Gea'J Agfa.. Chleago. in. ;; f SAN FRANCISCO & lOKTLAND STEAMSHIP COMPANY From Ainswnrtn nock, fortiana, 9. a. m B3 near,, way pa, June 11. SS nose City, June 4, 13. From Pier 40, san Francisco, il a. m SS Rose city, May as, June 11, mim v., ma a IB. . Alnsworth flock; Harry 0. smith,- city Ticket Agnt. 142 Third st, Maist 402; in i A-1403, SAN FRANCISCO -AN7T LOS ANGELES DIRECT . KOttTSI FACirlO B. S. CO. 8. B. ROANOKE and S. S. rLDIUJ CAXTa Every Tuesday, alternately, at 8 p. r. Tickt offl.-e 132 Third, near' Alder. Phones M. 1311, 'A-1314. .- il vgl.v;. Ai.'.a. I A (r':! ; ... .i c.-.: t.f't nu ...,1!H ! ml St Jl.-kn.r lt!-!s V; .... s.i l.faj-ett LU...).i A I , - . 1 t i-T !'--:: -i, 1 )!.! . .Jural ill 1. Jiida t. S-i-cikI Ht Jursl ill l.....-, A ; Corbelt l.ilig....- Jiulu t,-1 A.: Ctjtunber nr t .rnmrce.. i- ,.Hoi-heitr Vekou J f. ..Ileum 7. Sj'.i j AWcr M u. .. 40 Lftbb lil.lg. m,b 1 .. T Clumber of Ciuturce....Mala si.t A - ...414 AbluKtoo Bid- van i- . .Grand Ave. and Multoomah East T, C ! ,.2i'J Stark 8t Mala S.-i. . ..2e5 3erlln((r BMx iaiu m ..Henry P.lilg., 4th-Oak Main 8',, - A-. ..804 Corbett Bldg Main 6; Southern Paciflo, Learlng Portland asniana fanwoxer fhland PaiMDger ................ S .m a. m- - hZa'ilJ'.rr" "'..." . 4:15 I. m. nJLZ- iteA e ) p. m. ' iv.meou StUKta fderton ttnecgvr. 8 20 p. m. vauiunua tipreiMi ...... S". Franriaeo-- Eipresa.. Went Side Corvallla faseengH . hoerhlaH PaaaenRer . V'l Grota l'aaaeng'cr. Foreat .Grove Paasenger.. ArrlTinc Portland J1 ., Oregon Exprea ,,,, Ashland f'ilttonger . " Koaeburg Pasaenaer . ' Hortlanil Ejpma, . Bhaata Limited " W8t g)de . , " ! Co".llU Paiwagw.! ?:43 p. m .M p. to, l io . m, ' 4:oO p. m. 8: SO a. m. ' 1 K-0 p. m. ' 5:40 p. m, ' . T:S0 . mj t .lDimi p-. m ,t . 5:30 p. m " .11 ;k , ru. V i 2:30 p. j . :! a. a, 1 :20 p. m, "ureal Groe Paaseogert-M"'.;. .10:;l a. m, i; 8:00 a. m, , Ktireat Grove p,WPng:r, 'T .11:5(1 a, . 4:4U p ma ; p. tn, - Korthern Parif lo. euund , ..... . , Tuget .WiOOi nortu bank -oat Limited via Nnr;h Aria,., I., rr uc ouwiiu. 10 014 Tlir.?'?. ?l Is'"-" Bank... :00 a. m. iiialM V''! ,' lior0 ;. bC Sotina ; 10 00 a. m. Exnrtfua via K'nvth Bank . ,.,'.. w 3O0t au' Portland, Tacoma jud Sea't'tli" Ex- ! E "?,M-,lwr'- Olympla and ' Souttj Band BrnucW , :45 a. m ; &',?0,JV"U1!'",V fecial i.....-..H).uoa. au,! rvget Sound Umlted. lirava H.r. ! .... 3:30 p. 104 f Arrlvlnir K,..i.. ' .f .Vt Limited -via North Bank. 8:15 p. ma : wiS Ll'"'ted via Pug-et Sound. 7:30 a. a l-ormera Pacltlc Kxpreaa via Kortb l Pjptri rv... .. .1k m " via N'nrtK lia uk ....... B:10 p. ma i-jijo iMit Eioreaa , vi. Iii. u-.. :,, UWUU .... I ? :M a. ma "..IU HDtMl via Nnrth R.nt M-Hn m. Western Kxpreaa via Paget Sound.. lolao u. na iliaaoun , nn , Expres, via North V ! DUUd . ,. ;00n. BU Portland-Tacoma-Seattle Kxpreaa and- v.J,"W..--.outii Hentl aud -j oray UurUir 4-0f)n m. puKet gound Limited :::S;saSS:s .yucottvet-Porund -SpecUl..". ...1 30 p i. laeolt Paawnger ni ; JPigoaJjUilroaa V Wavttatigft C. Leavtuar Pitt.n,t Pendletou Paaaenaw . .... 7:40 a. , ,7 ....10;OO a. 111. ; . . . . 4 :oo p. m. , ... 7 :oo p. nu . The .... 7:00 p. Bla -.... 8:00 P. m. ,t .... 7:00 a, ma ' ....10:15 a. m. ....10:80 a. (ua Oregon-Waahlnxtoit, Limited. "'iim ixieal .....a.,,, Uoo-Spokane-PorUand , aaat MaU 'Coaco Portlanl to Oregua Expresa . . Arriviiig Portlauo The It. Ilea Local...,:...'. Oregon hlxpraaa. (0-btlOkan.Pnrtlan4 eadletoa Local PjiengeV..V.."",' ': p! u.. v :OU a. ni, ' -....uiiihhh L.imitea :uo p. m. Attoria Columbia Blver, Leaving Portland . SeaaiLU aJappoaa ........... .. 1 S.-O . m4 - :iX p. tti 1:15 p. pi, 4:10 p. Di, : 1, , ........ Ualulee Paaaengor ....... oaiuiw riuer ... Arriving Portland Portland Expreaa ... Portland Kxpreaa .... .12:15 p. m .10:tU p. hi. l! u1 i1.ortIn Pn-:er..4.10:!15a: ml im x uruapii raaatngitr, . ,-. 6:M p. in. - Canadian Paoifio BaUway C, " t Laviug Portland . ' CP . K. Short Line via SookaM.'. T-ftn n Via Beattla X,.. ..12:1SV. m! Arrtvlna. Pf.-ti.n'Xl"" C P. M. Short Line via Spokane. Via Weatue 9:00 a. 4 S 7:00 a. in. " Oregon Washington Bailroaa Company. Leavinar I'.irtlun.l bhaata LHuit3 , . 8:00 p. i , o Arriving r.rtlp:"'""-".-;''" P- V, Portland Passenger . S-4.1u tn t ' 1 ssssr rElTERSOir BTBET 8TATI0W. -. Southern Paoifio. , -r . U-aviui; Portland Dallas 1'asaenger .... Uailaa Paaeengor ..7:40 a. (a .. i.M p, U4 Ari'lVina- Portland Dallaa Paaaenger .... Dallas Paaaenger . ..,.10:18 a. ta, 1 .... 0:13 p. m. 4 ; ELEVIHTH AND HOYT STHEETS BENOES STATION, PAS. Bpokano, - Portland 4V Bnattla Railway Ca. Leaving Portland Inland Kmpire Exyresa ,,.....,,.. B fjo a m. ' for Chicago. St. Paul, Omaha, Kana'na Cltv! St. Loola, Billings, Bpokana, Cbenev. Lam.t . Wasbtucna, Kahiotua. Paarn. R ..... n ,'....i ' dll. Goldeudale, Lyle, White Salmon. 1 Stevenson, Vancouver and intermadlats statlona-t Columbia Itiver Local ,.,...,..., am b. ib!: aortli Bank - Limited 7 00nn. tf. 1'.. ..... , . ..i 1 . . ' ! ".r,',.8' PJf"l 0mb Kauaas City. Billlnga. gpokaot, Cheney. Lamont.' . Kahlohia, Pasco, Boiuevelt. Grand.'. SI. LOU1R, Wcabtuena. dallea. Lyle, White Salmon, Steveuson, Vaa. f cvurrr iiiii inifruieuiaie-siuiiona, arriving nrttana North Bank Limited Sifala m. - Prom Chlcaeo. St. Paul. Om.h. .-... City, St. LouTi, Biilinga. Spokane. Cbenev. i Lamont. Washtucna, Kahiotua, Pasco, Som'n volt, Granddallea. Lyle. White Salmon. t. ' venaon, Vancouver aad Intermediate ' st. 1 Hons. -J Columbia River Local. ,12 2."! o. m. 1 Inland Empire Express..,;;.,, 8:15 . m. Prom Chicago. St. Pant. Omaha. K.n.a City, St. Louis, Billing. Spokane, 'Cbensr. Lament, washhicoa, Kahiotua, Patmt, H.. ! telt, ... Granddallaa. Lylo, . White Salmon, stw venaoa, 1 Vancouver and intermediate ata. Hon. - Time Card Oregon Ileotrla Railway C. Leaving Portland for Salem and Int. atatiws :80, 1:80, U:0o a. m.t 2:00, 3:50, :M, g:ao p. m. Lin-.ted for Tualatin and Salem 0:,S - m. Local ior wusonvins ami int. atattoi-a 5:10 p. m. Pally exrer 1 Sunday for pi)lit on the Salem. FaUs City A Wetern fly. vi Salem, 8;S0 a. m., 2:00 p. ai. Sunday oulj. 11:00 a. m. ' Leaving Portlend for Forest firov an,1 tnf stations 7:05. 8:30, 10.20 a. 12:10. 2 -pi. 8:80, 6:80, 8:25 p. m. ; Saturday only, 11,'ij ' p. m. Arriving at loriiana iron sntem arid I' tatloos 8:40, . 11:00 a. In.; 1:15, 4:00, 811,1 8.20, 10:O p. m. Local Imm WUsonvlll ar.j int. ata twins, 0.10 a. m. Daily exccM gu... day, 7:35 a. m. Arriving Portland from Foreat Qrov r4 Int. stations 8:00. :8f. 11:40 a. m.i 1 2:50, 6:20. 810 p. m. Saturda only, 11:00 p. m. Sttnoay only, 4 40 p. m. Portland Railway; Light te lower Company, Care Leave. Tli-ket Office and Waiting Boom, Flat and Aldir and Knt Walre and Et Mnrjlon -Htrfets, CABS LEAVK EAST W'ATKH AND MORRISON STK(.K'iS. Oreron City 4:, S:3 a. m. int tr mllintea to and Including 9 ! in.; thea Jo.' 11 -nil p. Ul.i lt car mliinUht, (ireahant and ' letroiiUt a,.,r.a ' T'4 8-45.':4.1, 1 e:4S a. m., 12:0, 2 4.'., i! I alrvlow -snd Ii'outdnle-8 r.n, 9 15 10:45 a. ta U:t", 2 4... 5:4iS. 8 45 p. m- . Casadero and f-h 10. la 1)1 r: 'I'-J. 1 Ti.-li.-t'offi.e 'ani " w.ilM-jr M-.a. f,....,L.,,.,.-,.,l Sll-.'.'f. S -i v, A. 9:li. P. 4 ?. 1.1.. I11..11. M.- 12 f. I" r 7 1 1