I, T T T V IP' . . . -.4 W i i? 01' Till a) ii It) OiiilUL TO IDE MBIT CESTOVED BY GOD Dr. Luther Dyott Preaches Ser mon on "Riches' of Child of God" to llarge Congregation 1 at Sunday Services. "The Riches of a Child of Go" was the title of the sermon delivered' yes tPrday morning, at the "First Congre gational chunch by Reverend Luthur R. Dyott, pastor of the church. Dr. Dyott took his text from Ephesians, 3:8-10. The text and the sermon In "brief, were as follows: , V v -:, ;'-' .fH " 'Unto me who am less than the least of all saints, was this grace given to preach unto the Gentiles the unsearch able riches of Christ; and to make all men see "what Is the dispensation of the mystery which for ages' hath been hid In God Who. cheated all things:' to the Intent that now unto principalities and powers in . the . heavenly places -might be made known through the church the manifold'. Wisdom of God.' Epheslans 8:8-10. 'j i;-; he . "In this text , Paul . speaks of ' per sons, and places, and things In relation to life as it is, ajid as it ought to be. Here he speaks of himself, of the" saints, of, the Gentiles, of principalities and powers (by three he means different orders of spirUtual Intelligences), and then, above all other persons, and en- richlng all others, who are willing; to be made rich, he speaks of Christ and God.-..'-. :n . . "Then he mentions ', Jn connection with-these persons all created things, and the chunch on earth, and then he speaks of heaven. Grace, the unsearch able riches of Christ, mystery and the manifold Wisdom of God are here men tioned. It is difficult to see how a man could say more In a few words than Paul says In our text The centra thought of it Ril sterns to be ' the riches of a child of God. - Merit and Humility Together. "Now a man Is essentially rich In that which -he la. 4f rich at all. rather than in that which he has; and, as 'a rule, merit and humility go together. Paul de clares himself to be less than the least of all saints. "We do not care to hear a man say very much about himself even though he may speak in terms of self deprecia tion. If self praise be half scandal, then self blame or self depreciation can be little more. Such things have nothing to do with humility which enriches and adorns . the souls of some persons. Humility means that we neither over estimate ourselves nor underestimate ourselves, but placing a Just estimate upon ' life - enriched of God, we know ourselves as we are, and In that knowl edge we make the estimate. , Blob. With JUttls Goods. "A man can be rich even though he may have llttl, of this grid's goods. He can be rich because of hi libera tion from provincialism and religious prejudices. Paul, a Jew, was preaching to the Gentiles, and was telling them about the Christian- religion. His cos mopolitan' views, with reference to relig ion showed that his mind 'and ' soul were not poor. ,.- ' . . " "Religious limitations and prejudices, biased, views and sectarian Berylllty Im poverish the souls of men. No body cf religious believers can corner truth, and men and women enrich "themselves In the' inner' life as": they .welcome tfuth from any sourceand through any chan nel. ; But " t the .same time, there should be loyalty to the highest,' even Jesus, ; Christ with his unsearchable riches,.:, must command the loyalty of the Christian, and we sl.olud not con clude that we have had an exhaustive and final revelation of religion and the mind of God. Neither should Inevitable mystery baffle or discourage us as we seek to Increase the riches of religious knowledge,,- '" . v Ood Has Plan. "God has a plan reaching through the ages. His, church on earth and the an gels In heaven can find no greater honor and privilege than they have In co operating with God, as the mystery gradually decreases amid Increasing light upon the plan of God. ' - v : "The material realm has its place In this plan, and material things find their highest value and real meaning; In their subsidiary gelation - to - those things which :, are more than material. This view will give us light upon material riches, and the accumulation of mate rial possessions. The ability to make money is frivsn to a man. The K if t it self is from (lod. It is a talent, Just as certainly ss any other unusunl en dowment is a talent. ' r -Should Va Talent. "If God bestows upon any man the talent to make, money it is a sin for him not to use that talent. He is re sponsible for the failure to use It But. on the other hand. If a man has the talent to make money, and uses it sin fully, or having accumulated money, re fuses to place it at the disposal of God's cause, which is the cause of humanity, let that man know that his riches will impoverish his soul, that he must some day leave his material possessions on earth and answer, to God for what he should have done with his wealth. Hon est accumulation, , even of material things, Is praiseworthy. A wise and generous dispensation of money is one of the most necessary things in estab lishing the "kingdom of heaven on earth. Again, If one man hasmore than an other In this world let him not allow his riches to spoil him, and he should not try to make distinctions where God has made none. The rich have no right to be proud and clannish. The poor should never be bitter and envious.- AH should be. truly, rich In everything that constitutes essential wealth of . mind, and heart and soul," in the unsearch able riches of Christ, which are the qualities of his life. . "No man is rich who can claim noth ing; in the spiritual life and the spiritual world. ' No man is poor who has God for his , father, Jesus Christ for his brother, and Is an heir, of God; and Joint heir with' Jesus Christ llrh'n. r-'.Hv!' r here the dejjree cf Master r.f Arts. In 1 8,15, new Mr. Allen took charge nf a Presbyterian church in Kansas City. Mo., then known as the First Cum berland Presbyterian church, but now as the Grace Presbyterian church. Here he remained as pastor elpht years. In 1S93 he enme to Portland and took charge of the church now known as the Hawthorne Park - Presbyterian church, where he has held a successful pastor ate ever since. While on his trip Mr., Allen will visit his old church In Kansas City and some of his relatives In southwestern Mis souri. Last summer " he spent five months abroad, traveling about 17,000 miles all told. He visited Egypt, travel ing 730 m"es up the River Nile to the first cataract. He went as far east as Damascus, 'Syria. During his summer vacation in August he will go to the mountains withhis family. TO VISIT HIS ALMA ' . MATER IN MISSOURI To visit his alma mater, the Missouri Valley college at Marshall, Mo deliver the commencement address ; there Oft June S, and receive' the degree of Doctor of Divinity, Rev. E. Nelson Allen pas tor of the Hawthorne Park Presbyterian church,. East Twelfth and . East Taylor streets, left this morning at 10 o'clock -over the O, H. & N. Ha expects to be back by the second Sunday in June. Rev. Mr. Allen was graduated In June, vl892, from' the . Missouri Valley college, receiving the degree of Bache lor of Arts. After leaving this Institu tion he attended and was ' graduated from the theologloal school of Cumber land university, and later did post graduate work In the Union Theological seminary of the (University of New York in the department of oriental, re- COMMENCEMENT WEEK AT DALLES HIGH SCHOOL ' ! (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) The Dalles, May 23. This ia com mencement week for The Dalles High school. The ceremonies began with the baccalaureate address, delivered by Rev. B. A. Warren, rector of St. Paul's Epis copal church, In the M. B. church (yesterday- afternoon, and the class play given by the senior class will be ren dered In the Vogt opera houss tomor row night The graduating exercises will be held in the Vogt opera houss Friday night, when diplomas will be pre sented by Judge W.. I, Bradshaw, s member of the board, to a class of 15, as follows: Luelle Boyd, Georgians Cross, S. Marlon Drivers Hasel M. Donahoo. Lewis C.i Palmer, Celia Gavin, Tracy E. Griffin, Edna C. Harrlman, Nellie" H. Harriman, Iva Hlxson, Charles A. Hunt ington, Mildred Mulllkin, Virgil A. Raw son, George FV Sanders, Victoria M. Thompson.' The schools close on Thurs day, to reopen September 19. ' Professor A. C Strange has been reelected city su perintendent. Professor B,. A., Joung, principal of the high school, and all ths grade and high school teachers nave been reelected to thb positions they now hold, t Lnmber Company Starts Work. Wallowa, Or.. May 23. The Bear Creek Lumber company started their mill Monday with a sawing capacity of 25.000 feet per day. And the Nlbley Mlmnaugh Lumber company started their mill Tuesday and will saw about 0,000 feet per day. Principal Portland Agents Columbia Yarns Drucker Trunks -Philadelphia Larn Movcrs Special Lunch in Tea Room 50c, 1 1 to 2:30 Tomorrow 4$b W3lk f lie reatQir Meier ilk? Great L3ay Sales: of -White CoMbimq An unrivaled collection of the worlds best merchandise at prices unquestionably lower ' than ever quoted The Meier & Frank Store kind of Wares the highest standard of quality the stamp of newness on every article and always at the lowest prices We offer to the purchasing public of Portland and the Northwest, for the last week in May, the great est assortment of every kind of wearing apparel in white, yard goods, etc. of the; desirable kind; at surprisingly low prices Extra salespeople and extra service to : help you in shopping Don't fail to take advantage of the low prices at thisgreat May White Sale- ': . - ' " . " .' " 1 " ' 1 ' 1 . "' , ... II - ,, . ,i , i i L ii i . ii i .... .j . Reppeseiaftifig Mie Greatest CBBectiEif BeGBrable'MercIiae'dise Ever Stoivn AT REDUCED PRICES Our Entire Stock of Vool Dress Goods at RcducedPrices Groat Sale Discontinued Carpet Patterns, ig 1 .80 Vals. Sl.25 Sale Women's Summefc Underwear, R.eg, 25c Vests at He Ea. Great Sale Women's Neckwear, 1 8c and 25c Vals. at 10c Each. Women's and Misses Tailored Suits. Values to $20 at $9.93 r Silk Coats, Summer Models, $20 and $22.50 Values $10.45 Women's Lingerie Waists, $3.50 Values, Special at $1.82 Ea. Wbmeriffi at $5.45 June Brides and GraduatSupplyYouriNeeds Here at Great Savings Sale; .of Wfeke Iei Uiafe- - - - . .. . ..... - ...... .. r w - s n i.i inin. ii ii iiiisliiis Preseiits UEegiiaBed Savifflgs Pcrrin's Real Kid Gloves, Regular, Q1.75 VaIues, Special $1.29 : 20000 yards Gibbon; 35c and 50c Values, Special Yard 25c Great Sale of Allover Lacisis at W Less Than Regular Price PtedXajs:-and Batiste; II ZVzc Values at 8c the Yard Tremendous Half Price Sale Handbags; $ 1 to $ 1 0 Vals. Price Daby Week Here Again With Hundreds of Bargains for Rabies Spedal Sale Prices dli Rattan andjG Screen Dd6ry2-6x 6-6 Feet, Special Tomorrow at Ea. 97c si 7 Ml -v I "iwi We Have Built Our Reputation On the Values We Give The Suits We Sell at J Are as Good as Other Stores Sell at $20 - WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD ITS SO Smith's Norway Creamery Butter, full 2 pounds.... 60 SMITH'S BEEF Boiling Beef 8 Stewing Beef 7... 8 Necks o Beef Shanks of Beef ........ 5 Shoulder Beef i V 1 10 Corned Beef jrv; . . .8, 10 Plate Beef Brisket Beef ,T . ........ 8 Soup meat Beef . . . . 7 8 Pot Roast Beef .... ; .10 Hamburg Steak . . . :.12i Round Steak ...12, i5 Sirloin Steak v t : f , Ai? Tenderloin Steak i i.. . .15 89 Third Street : 3d and Oak" 1st and Yamhill 1st and Morrison Sinll fcW , SMITH'S YOUNG 1 MUTTON Young Mutton Stew ...8 Shoulders of - Young Mut- ton .......... .:....io Shoulder Mutton Chops 15 breasts of Mutton . 8 Legs of Mutton . . .... 15 Rib Mutton Chops . ; . . .15 Loin Mutton Chops . . . ;15 smithFs CURED MEATS Pickled Pork 20 Smith's Picnic Hams . . 15 Smith's Hams 20 Smith's Bacon ....... 22 ALL THE ABOVE MEATS, ETC., AND THE FOL LOWING GROCERIES AT THIRD AND JEFFER SON STREETS. MAIN 8751, AUTOMATIC A-44 18. 2 qts.- Fancy Shredded Kraut.,. 15 1 gal. Dill or Sour Pickles ...:35 I pint Sweet Pickles ....10 10-lb Pail'Table Syrup 3 Fancv Norway Mackerel. Boneless Xodfish Strips, per lb.. 10 1 auart Olives l ib.' Brazil Coffee 20 4 cans Milk $2.90 per case..';.25 1SQ0 Matches ...... 10 6 loaves Bread. ............. 7,. 25 7 cakes Smith's Best Soap ....25 3 pkgs. Rice or Corn Flakes ...25 6 lbs. Oatmeal 25 3 lbs. Dried Figs or" Peaches ,.25 7 lbs. Italian Prunes .'.........25 4 jibs. Macaroni : .25 5 lbs. Sago or Tapioca . . . ;. M , .25 4 lbs. Split Peas or Lima Beans 25 4 lbs. -White Beans or Jap Rice 25 1 I'oldintr Ivunch Box 20 3 pint bottles .Catsup V.....;.. 25 5 1 pint Bottle Blueing 1 gal. Salad Oil 5 lbs. Sultanas ............... .25 2 boxes Shinola ................15 Good Brooms, each .......... ..45 No, 1 or 2 Lamp Burner; Wick , and Chimney for , ...15 3 cans Corn, Peas, String Beans or Tomatoes ...... 25 2 Cocoanuts i , . .-. r; ; . ; ; . 15) 1 lb. Honey the Comb ....... 15 100 lbs. ; Potatoes . : 70 fn il. tt. .. j itn ... Tr. i. .i... a , a su ids. xiarn vvneai riour . ....iPA.isa 6 rolls Toilet Paper 25 1 gal. White Wine Vinegar ....25 7 cans Sardines .... ... .. . ,...'.,25 2 pkgs. Jell-O, any flavor . . .....25 10 ,lbs. Sal Soda ......20 l large cakes ivory boap ......15 3 cans Salmon ......... .25 2 cakes Sapblio ...15 25 pzs. K. C. Baking Powder.... 20 First dass, including Meals and Berth. , ' S f (Second Class, $5.00.) , NEW, STEAMSHIP "BEAR," L. N. Nopander, Master. ' Saih 9 A. M., Saturday, May 28. Harry (. Smith, C. T. A., 142 Third 8t 3. W, Raniiora. Bock Agent, A4n- worth dock. Phones Main 268, A-1402; Main 268, A-1234. San Francisco Portland Steamship Co. The Best SalesmMisa Q1 TEETH . v - .. ... , :- . o Sclentiflo Palnlesi Den- Bklll founded on xperl. i enc, ana wis la why! THE BOSTON , DBN- TISTS ara abla to t- tract n TEETH " WITH OUT PAIN for half tha charra made ty other dentists for painful ax- iraciiuns. TEETH' ' A nerfon fltMn. in t,f.i ivt- set of artificial TEETH must he as sembled bv an Tnrt In iirlntf1n n. chanlsm: this Ja why THB BOSTON utniioia are aoie 10 mane a set or artificial TEETH that restores the nat ural racial contour and expression aa well as to maatlcata food with. TEETH The proper filling- of a tooth requlrea knowleriee of the mlnut nnatnmtf of the TEETH, Jaws and head as nell as the adaptability of filling; materials io d usea, ana antiseptic preventions of further decay after fillinr. This Is why THE BOSTON DENTISTS are able to guarantee their fllllngs to stay' in. i . " TEETH v Gold and porbelaln crowns when nrnn. erlv , made restore broken down umi badiy decayed teeth to their former use- luiness ana Deauty - ana last a life time. . This high class dental work U not experimental but a lasttnc suc cess when made by a master of the den tal science. . This Is why THE BOSTON ui'Jntists tdvise mis class or work where it is required: ' T E ETH if PER WEEK XL'wjCu DRESS you n Gold and tiorcelaln crowns and brldee work made strong; and well adaptod replaces missing; teeth and foiT cleaniu ness and utility Is the most beneficial and satisfactory Work when made by ex- ' penencea aenusts wno- use xne nign grade gold and best material. This is : why THE BOSTON, DENTISTS are abla tflj point with pride to thousands of pa trons who are wearing this crown- and bridge work with comfort and satlsfac- -tion. , , - ., , TEETH Shouid' be cared for by reliable den- '' ' iisis wno cnarge xor actual worx none. This is why THE BOSTON DENTISTS are able' to do high class dental work for the low prices. . One Price to all is the motto of - . The Boston Dentists Const rifth and Uorrlson sts, . . Entrance 291 H Morrison street, op. poslte Meier & Frank's and Postoftloe. Open evenings until 8 nd Sundays until1 4 for people who work. . IVYORK-OUTFITTING-CO Journal Classified Ad. f-t7 FIRST ST. JUST Of FMOJTRI SON ST