i-iiiii brings a.Nev.jou vor 9 "? f 1 '! r K.MO OF A Co3 ON eR.YH AND CWT NVe OOD, .' . aSwr'' STAND ABOUND - rw n KlCtIN&, STW. . CWM"T ' " t (' te ill V " ' A XOU1 NO VET POLKED I WJkY ADIT II A COJ?5 c? C i. just k.-.-':'-D" X VJf,S GOtN' TO ,Q5US a: n,s v ' ' OA. I .,7' -rpi. ' $y-:'. .J DERBIESSCAHER MILITARY BR GADE Rafferty's Support Rank and East Siders Clatter Around the Cushions. .A good crowd. was present yesterday to see the fast Bilworth Derbies down the Vancouver soldiers on the profes sional grounds ty the score of 8 to 2. This game places the Dilworth team In second place and throws, the soldiers jlnto a. three cornered tie with Peninsula Jpnd West Side for the cellar champion ship. ' ' . , . ( Rafferty twirled for the infantry Steam and aside from a little wildness performed- well. His' support was bad, mint heartbreaking - errors -being made (behind him. - '', i j j The Derbies scored twice in the first scanto, twice in th fifth, and rounded up ifour, more in the eighth inning, mostly on errors ' of the Vancou verites. The isoldlers" made their two tallies in the Ifourth on two walks, . a single and a jtwo bagger. Townsend again carried off the hitting honors, securing. two of the four hits made by the" Derbies. . Th score:. . !....: DILWORTH DERBIES. - Robinson. Ss. nJories. So, . . f ?Hai's;ravt. If. .-.Hug ties, It ; irownsend, rf. T.ri:I.)uffy. cf. s-JIcConnell, 2b, Bauer, c. Van Hoomason, p, AB. B. H. PO.A. 27 11 2. .Totals .34 - 8 VANCOUVER. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Cashatt, e. 4 Cooper, cf. maden, ss. . Ksfan, If. . . . Stivers, rf. .. Mills. 3b. . ,. (Jtlnian. If. . ohrlber. 2b. Ilafferty, p. Harding, lb. Walter . . , I 2 0 1' . Totals . . .S3 2 24 1 V - SCORE BY INNINGS. ' Derbies 20002040 g Hits . . . 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 4 .( Vancouver . ....... 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 02 Hits, ..,..., ...0 0 1 1 0 2 0 1 16 )i- : SUMMARY. Struck out By Itafferty, 11; tv Van Hoomason. 9. Bases on, bails Off Raf ferty, 7; off Van Hoomason, "4. 'fwo base hits Egy, Cooper, Jones. Stolen ases Jones McConnell 2, MclXiffy, . trooper. Bladen, Stivers. Hit by pitchod iall Hughes and Jones, by Rafferty. . Parsed balls, battery error Cashatt, Bauer. Jeft on bases Vancou ver,-6; Dilworth, 11. Tim ot game Ons howr and SO minutes. Umpire Rankin. - LAST INNING GIVES " . SALEMITES VICTORY In a game which was not, decided un til the last tinning, Salem (was victori ous yesterday over the Sellwood tour ists, to 1, in the Capital city. Scott was batted out of the box in the last canto, Habernicht finishing the game. Bowen, Salem's southpaw, was on - the mound for the home team and held the tourists to three bingles. , Batteries Salem, Bowen and White; Sellwood, Scott, Habernlcht and Mc i Kinlcy. Umpire Ehret. - . WHITE Cap ft FX 1 "THE QUALITY CAR" Made td stand tip for every day use not for one season, but for many seasons. The White Gaso : line Car is designed and built to run at a lower cost of upkeep mile for. mile than any car on the American market : ' ' WHITE EIXTH AND MADISON STS. . Immediate Deliveries. . COAST PITCHER WHO KEEPS UP RECORD .. -.v ...... ., ..-.-. ; V-. A H 4 :' f - V ' & - 7 ' v A mm opto Stesn Has Nothing In Morning While FisherJhrows Krapp . Down' .' us 2 j Orral Overall, pne of Frank Change a boat bets. He n doing excellent work In- the box again this year for the Chicago team. . San Francisco, May 23.--There .was nothing to it but . Oakland yesterday and the Commuters Carried away the long end of the series. .'They won from Steen In the morning, 9 to 1, and trounced Krapp In. tha afternoon, 1 to 1. Steen was touched i up for 14 bingles, while Krapp held th Oaks to six bits, an error by Fisher that let in two runs, beating tha Mlchlgander. . V .'-V Moser pitched a great, gams In the afternoon. holding : the northerners to three hits. Fishers' pegging was weird. Four stolen bases were copped tiff his unworthy arm, and one of . his , bad throws to complete a double", play in the- fourth Inning gave the Oaks two runs; , -'-' In the morning JSteen'a arm was tired and. he had nothing on the halL Swanriar rami Nelson rnt hnma 1 riir.it' Swandef and Cutshaw ; got three-bag gers, and Wolverton got a two-bagger. Scores: . v . ' Morning game: -PORTLAND. - ' AB. R. H. FO. A. K. Ryan. If., .5 0 0 2 .2 Olson, ss. 4 0 2 1 2, Hetllng- 8b. .w. 2 0 ' 1 2 2 McCredie, rf. .. . . . ., 8 " 0 0 fl 0 0 Rapps, lb. .......... 4 0 '0610 Fisher, o. 1 0 0 2 0 0 Kpeas. cf." 3 0 1 -21- 1 ' 0 Ort, 2b. ............. son 0,01 isteen, p. S 0 0 2 1 0 Murray, o. .......... 2 1 0(10 Smith, rf, ........... 1 0 1 10 0 Totals ; 82 1 24 10 2 , OAKLAND.. ' ! AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Cutshawv 2b &14 1 0 Wares, ss. .......... 2 1.1 0 2 0 Hogan. cf.-ss. ....... 5 1 2 2 11 Cameron, lb. 3 2 .2 9 0 0 Wolverton, Sb. :.... 2 112 1 .1 f wander, rf, ........ 4 2 3 ,8 0 0 Maggart. If. ,3 0 0 2 0 0 Pierce, c. ....... 4 0 0 ,1 0 1 Nelson, p. ,'. 4 1110 0 Cf. 1 0 0 I 0 0 S 1 Ughl Did you "pipe", those scores yesterday? Two of our best ' twirlcrs got their "bumps." - , tteen and Krapp were the candy kids for the "Wolverines. : They "only" soused Steen-for l4-Wts-and -among those-' 14 were two homeruns, 2 three baggers and one double. It couldn't have been much worse, unless they had put McCredio In to pitch himself. ' Krapp allowed six hits and walked six Oaks.. "All" the boys were' wild. If something Isn't don pretty, soon we'll be at the bottom .of the heap. OMf mother. : .' . .- :' . s i ' ' . . - Lob Angeles and Vernon split a double header. Happy feela tickled at the way the Vernonites are playing. -, . We have two weeks of baseball with Sacramento on our home grounds and - i .A tit 1WUI fc. .r ' . j.. V J I Rteon had a "Salonie" ball ysterday. There wasn't i a thing on it and the Oaks Just lambasted it alt over the tot. It isn't very often they get . Steen in such a.flx as this, but then . .-, ; e e . The Dillworth Derbies and First In fantry team from. Vancouver played a fair game of ball yesterday at the Vaughn street grounds. The fans ought to patronize this league a little better. as they play ; a nice article of ball. Twenty-five "cs" admits you to the grandstand. 4 ' . ; Rapps had only five putouts at first base yesterday.. Something unusual" for a first sacker. : ; . , - . t-i Krapp is unquestionably , the best fielding pitcher in the Pacific Coast league and his fielding at San Francisco yesterday , was " the - sensation of the game. It is not very often you see a twlrler getaway with, seven assists, as a pitcher usually has some hard balls to field. Krapp's work on the home grounds gave us a chalice to see what a ciassy iieiaer he is. , j no i-uruana piayers were leellng a mile unaer tne weatner.; xney came from los Angeles where the "Weather is nice and warm and hit those1 cold winds and logs or Frisco, which, took a little of the "pep" out of them. '.'A poor ex cuse is oener man none at nil 'lhere are quite a- few i prominent sports who think that T&x .Rlckard ought to rtwllns An art as rfferco of to Jack, Grant, " Rlckard "states that he doesn't see why he- can't act. as he is sure to give 'the fighters and public a square deal. It sounds good. "E-U-Gene Krapp and "Rube" Gregg win box for the championship of the Portland ball team jvhen they arrive home tomorrow. . Botft- have agreed to do the "paperweight" limit of 95 pounds at -5 o'clock in the morning. They have agree to box "crooked" not straight Marquis Of Huckleberry rules (aa in terpreted by Jimmy Campbell). i Jack Johnson is fast warming up to his training and the fans who assemble at his training quarters each afternoon are, treated to something sensational in the conditioning line. . ., Jeffries worked out before a large number of the Olympic club members at Rowardennan yesterday. Jeff sur prised the bunch with his boxing and they went Home satisfied . that he will be the "geek who wtll beat the "amoke" on "Chuly" 4th. Chief Martin of . the San Francisco police - department has stated that . he will personally, attend all prizefights and will- order the contestants . thrown out of the ring should they show signs of faking, xtu're all to the good, Cap tain John. , v-; : , . The Beavers didn't do so bad on the road. They won five out of seven against the Angels and lost five out of seven against the Oaklanders. That is not the worst record In the' world, but we should have done better. : . Tou never knew that we had a de scendant of the royal, family , of Wor cesterhlre (ho relation to the ' Sauce family) on the Portland team. Well I should say we have, and you'll admit when you see him togged out after the game that I'm right when I say that Gus Hetllng, our nifty third Backer is the real "Count." I'm not saying what kind of a count but you can't beat him He went into the bank and drew his breath1' and the cashier deducted $10 from-him.; Seems rather strange doesn't ItT We haven't learned the full par ticulars of tha'-case but an "extra" will be run by the papers in the morning giving you the full details. . .. " I V-:--lit ' -,.-y:r::rir'-p-:'i.. Pon't forget to be on hand tomorrow and get that "rooting habit and see if we can't send the Beavers up to the top of ' the percentage column. Doc. Ander son has ordered a new suit for the bc- his "voice", with him. v -! Christian, Totals . SCORE BY ,.33 9 14 27 10 INNINGS. Portland 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 -0 1 1 Hits i ,:i : i . .. . . i .1 O 0 0 0 1 1 2 1-i Oakland . 4 1004000 0 Hits . .-.".....;.. 2 1 0 4 2 1 l. 14 ' (" SUMMARY." " T '"' : Stolen bases Cutshaw. Christian. Home runs Swandciv Nelson. Three- base hits Swanden . Cutshaw. .. Two- base hits Wolverton, Hetlinsr, Speas. Sacrifice hits Wares, Wolverton, Ort. Pases on balls Sioon . 3, Nelson 4. Struck out Steen 6. Nelson 1. -Hit-bv pitcher Maggart. Double plays Speas to Kappa to -Bteen: wolverton to- Cut shaw to Cameron; , Ryan to Olsors Time 1?25. Umpires McGrcevy and Vran Halt ren. - . Afternoon game: v - . ' . PORTLAND. - 1 AH. . H. FO. Rvan: If. Olsnn. S3. HetltnR, 3b. McCredie, rf. Fisher, c. .. Rapps, lb. . Ort, 2b. . i , . Speas, cf. . . Krapp, p. . . ,t 10 14 0 ,1 0 0 Totals . . ...... i.. .30 1 8 24 16 - 2 " . OAKLAND. , s AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Cutshaw,. 2b. . , Wares, ss Hogan, cf. Cameron, lb. . Wolverton, 8b. Swandcrr rf.. . , Maggart, If. . Mitze, c Moser, p. . , , . . . . .-. 2 1 1 1 1 2 0 18 1 ,0 0 '0 0 8 1 0 l Totals 29 3 8 27 16 . SCORE BY INNINGS. Portland ......... 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 Hits . . .........0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 03 Oakland . . .......0 0 0 2 0 0 0.1 3 Hits . , , 1 0 0 2 0 0 1 2 6 SUMMARY. - Stolen v' bases Ort. Cutshaw, Wares. Cameron. Masrwart- 'Balk Moser. .Two- base hit Moser. Bases on balls Off Krapp 6. Struck out By Moser 6, by Krapp S. Passed : balls -Fisher 2. Time 1:45. Umpires Van Haltren and McUreevy. Angela, 4-3; Hooligans, 1-5, Los Angeles, " May 23.-Los Angeles won yesterday morning, while the Ver non crew scored most runs in' the aft ernoon. Scots: Morning game . R.H.23. Los Angoles .............4 11 1 Vernon 1 8 '! Batteries Wheeler and Smith; Breck enrldge and Brown. -. p Afternoon game R. H. E. Los Angeles 3 5 4 Vernon ........................ 5 8 1 Batteries Tozer and Orendorf f ; Hitt and Hogan. . .' - .: '. the Jeff rks-Johnson fight.;' In a letter J ruped In proportion to Its sljie the horsp ha the snfallest stomach area.of any quad. THIS ISN'T A REAL BALL PLAYER .'V'. ' "N A"' , ; jt,-.-..-g--.-J--j!-.jL-jfc.-;-j . ; 1 FIRST FINAL GAME Hawthorne and Eliot Meet for Columbia Trophy on Mult- ; nomah Field. 1, , V " ' . . 1- - 'J7r- There has been a change In tha data of the. final game for the Columbia 1 Hardware company's trophy cup in the Grammar School league. The game waa originally soheduled for .Wednesday, May 25, but It will be played tomorrow afternoon at 4 p. nj. at Multnomah field. , - The two teams which will play, for the trophy cup' ar Eliot of Section III and Hawthorne of Section IV. The two . Reams' have played splendid ball throughout the preliminary gamea and ' " iodd gatne should be played tomor row afternoon. :;,;.'."vr..'r,',,v t'f-i.1- The final game for the championship , of the Grammar School Baseball league '. will be played as scheduled, Friday, May 27, at Multnomah field at 4 p. m. . Th' two teams that will play the -game for the cup offered, by the Hon- , ; eyman Hardware company are Chapman , , i and Buckman. The Chapman nine has,, ' won every game it has played and so , has , the Buckman- nine. The Biickman -l ' nine looks to (be the stronger of the, i two, but the "boys of the Chapman nine .- ; halve practiced hard; and faithfully and' r promise to be in the game all the timer. . , Admission " to the games will be 25 .' cents, Tbe proceeds will go toward pro- "; moting athletic meets- in the schools; All ' who are interested in- grammar school'-. athletic work should . go . to the two , final games. Tickets can be , secured . fom any school children. - mt, Boyd win probably umpire tna final games. . It la'only Jim Jeffries In one of hlB training stunts at Rowardepnan. Jeff Jlkes baseball and plays It all the time, but he is no Wagner, .- ' you know. . ". ' " PAPKE STILL ON JOB IN THE FIGHTING L1 v Loa Angeles, May 28. Billy Papke Is in town today. He wants a fight, and it is probable that Tom' McCarey. will match'hlm with Jim Flynn for a-25 round battle at Vernon June 18. Ed Papke, the fighter's brother-manager, didn't lose an opportunity today to con tradict the various reports from San Francisco that the' Papke-Thomaa fight wasn't wholly on the level. Ed displayed : volumes of actual or well, simulated wrath whenever the Dreamland fiasco was mentioned. "V ''Bill ' fought his best," Ed exploded'. "The result of the Tight was a heart breaker for us.' You can bet your last cent BUI would have put Thomas away early In Jthe fight if It had 'been pos sible." - - V- ' The Papkes still profess to believe Billy Is a great dra'wing card, and both apparently are keen for a local match It is probable that Billy will do light work at one of the Los Angeles camps to keep himself fit for anything Mc Carey may offer. ' NATIONAL, LEAGUE . V ''Vf,;;,-. i r 'V''.. , At ' St. Louis: .' ' ' R.H. E. St. Louis ,.rr........l '8 1 Brooklyn .............v.. .2 12 i Batteries Bachman. Sallee .end Pholps; Scanlan, Wllhelm, Bell and Er- wm. - . " 1 ' At Cincinnati: Boston R. H. E. ,.3 9 1 .4 7 2 Seals, ft; Senators, 3. Sacramento, May 23. San Francisco took the game from Sacramento yester day,- 5 to 8. when the Senatorial infield mew uii'.'-'Bcore: 111 1 . ' ' .R.H.E. :.Z l n..5 6 3 and . Spies; 4Ienley Sacramento ...... . San Krnnclsco Hatlr-rlos liaum , and Berry. Clnclnnan ... i . r. ...... ....... i. t latterifs Mattern, Frock and Smith; Suggs and McLean, At Chicago: R. H. e! (Thlcaaro ..7 9 1 Philadelphia 3 6 1 .Batteries Richie and Archer; Ewlng, Breunan and Dooln. American Association Games. At Indianapolis Indianapolis 0, Louis- ..111 n A ' 1 i i n t . i Toledo 1, Columbus 0. . 1 Al i oieau luieuu i, Luiuniiiua v. . ' At Minneapolis Minneapolis 5, Kan sas City 1. . . - At St. Paul St. Pau 0, Mlltvaukee 4; (second game), St. Paul 0, Milwaukee (12 innings). ; , , . RUPERT'S RUBES STEP UP, ON PERCENTAGE LIST 'Hubert's Rubes are again in the win column, defeating the Peninsula team yesterday on the Jatter's diamond by the score 'of 8 to 1. .."'Bix Six"' Kotter man was on the slab for the west siders and again twirled a.'jiteady- game, hold ing Valentine's Colts to - four hits and a single tally. ' Practically a new team represented Peninsula, and the new men showed up 'well but showed lack of team work. Cox at short played a nice game and .did soma good sticking for the home team. The score: , R. H. E. West Side 8 12 Ppnlneusla ... . ....... I. ... ..1 4 Batteries West Side, aotterman and Colbach; Peninsula, Mornings tar and caul. n . - Umatilla Wins Over Hermistonl Umatilla. Or. May 23. Umatilla, the tall-enders in: the Irrigation ' league. broke their' losing streak here yesterday by taking Ilermlston, ; the league lead ers into camp, after' a bitterly fought contest by the score of 6 to 5. Standing of the league! . Won. Lost. P.C Stauflcld - 10 , 1 .910 Hermleton 9 2 .819 Echo . .'8 .."'", 3 v . . .729 Umatilla .1 '19 V .001 STANDING OP THE TEAMS Pacific Coast Leatrue. Vernon - San Francisco. . Portland - ; . , . . .. n..i,u. J ' IjOS Angeles ..... 28 Sacramento ...... 17 Won: . 29 . 28 . 25 Lost. 21 22 22 28 . 28 , 32 " Northwestern Lengne, , . : Wnn. ' l.nnt. Tacoma is - - n Vancouver. ....... 15 : 12 Seattle .......... 12 " 1 16 Spokane 11 , 17 ' .680' .831 ,80ft .481 .347 PC. .631 .588 .393 American' Association. ' -Won. Lost. P.C. St., Paul , 21 0 .700 - Minneupolis ...... 21 9 -: .700 Toledo 16 16 , ' .500 Louisville ....... 14 17 Ah. I Indianapolis':,....,'. 13 18 ' '.448 , Columbus ........ 14 18 -.438 Milwaukee 12 17; i. 414 Kansas City ..... 18 .333 ' , Western League. ' i Won. , , Lost Denver 14 9' St.-Joseph- 1S- 9--- Sioux City .....a iii ". .10 v Wichita 12 11 Lincoln .......... 11 .11 t Omaha 10 ' " 12 Topeka .......... 8 ' 13' Des Moines ...... 9 14 , PC. .609 7 .591!' -.624 .52 .600 . .455 .400 . .391 Tri-Oity Leagues ... i , ' Won. Lost. Salem 5 Dllworths 4 Sellwood 8 Vancouver 2 Peninsula .... 2 West Side ............. 2 '1. 2 3 - 4 4 4 P.C. .833 .667 '.600 .333 .833 .833 Slayton Wins Over Turner. Stay ton. Or.,"' May 23. The baseball game played here yesterday between , Btayton and Turner resulted in a score of 10 to 9 In favor of the local nine; - ' Western League Games At Sioux City Sioux, Clty4, St, seph 5. - , ' '-. ! At Lincoln, Neb. Lincoln 1, peka 6. At Omaha. Wichita 3, Omaha' 1. v At De Moines Des Moines 2, ver 1. " 1 Jo- ,To- Den Tacoina, 4; Seattle, 3,-V Tacoma, May. 23. Tacoma took the Series, yesterday by winning, 4 . to 3. This makea. nine out of, ten games for Pitcher Annis. Score: ' ; i ' , R. H. E. Tacoma -Seattle , .............4 Vancouver, 8; Spokane,i.l. r Seattle. May 23. Vancouver trimmed Spokane, yesterday, 8 to 1. Score: v,v yancouverj uit. M-wt, ..U3,3 Spokane 1 5 2 Batteries -Gardner and Sugden; Ryan, Bonner, Keener and Brooks. t There are more than 30,000 proprietary medicines in the AmoKtfcan dlug trade. t VillKliltUllll luiiull iniin i lllaiill What's the use of pre tending ? Timet ,will find ; you 'out. ' IMPEDIALES : MOUTHPIECE mate no pretense, but tney've taught thousands of men what quality mcani in a cigarette. They 'are what they . are, always the longer you smoke diem the better you'll like them. " 1 0 " foiT 1 OTenti T THE JOHN BOLLMAN CO- I i ,l