The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 17, 1910, Page 16, Image 16

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    tiii: or.EGon daily journal, rorrrLAD, - Tuesday ev
1 f1t'
- atTfS fine fruit and alfalfa land In
"; 'I "t.:as county. nar ' Medford, fine
:i ; rov.inents; win consider nigniy in
i r,,i .-.1 ,.mi! to thfl value of 116.000.
Li4 srr.'S, 75 acres in fruit, alfalfa
ciu grain: fine improvements; near
Muster; would consider notei or store
business, or sell on terms. . ,
Several choice 'farms along: the Mt
'Hood electric road. .- -
4;Vorcester bldg., 3d and Oak tits.
150 ACRES land near Mosler all
rood apple Jandj a weuld ex
change for land In "Willamette
valley; rric.e of this tract $3000.
( all at 43,2 Chamber of Commerce
bldg. . . . t i
.. rina. uj-vrA near Pnrt1a.nr1 on or near.
ear line. une or. me nicesi mu m
the city, with a 4 room box house, 25
minutes out. Value $1000. Will pay
difference, $25 or $30 a month. , P-543.
FOR "exchange, good wheat ranch of 800
acres;, 600- acres growing- crop; take
vaiiev or cltr Drooerty for all or part;
price $25 per acre.
218 Lewis Bldg, ' .
PHONE ' your exchanges
Main 5478, '
A HOUSE for sale or trade for email
farm In part -payment . House onJ31s
mark st No.; 781. Apoly to J. CV De
ment, No. 7Z4 Kaet ijist st., isoutn.
DEPARTMENT store in growing valley
town to exchange for city, property,
or farm. - $16,000. The. Ames Mercan
tile Aceney. Abington bid?. -- -
EXCHANGE Choice residence, prop
erty, n' Small farm owners -only, D
$43. Journal. - ; ' ' ' - - -- -". ::
$1200 equity In nice 6 room cottage to
trade for rooming house, t Can pay
cash difference. 88 10th st. ' - .
I WILL trade $75 equity In good lot for
diamond or motorcycle. Owner L-417,
Journal. ' ' " ' -1. - " ' '-
1RADE Improved lot on Gladstone ave
nue for 2 . seat, 80 H. P.; runabout
1181 Gladstone avenue,
I' you want to sell, buy or trade, see
Shoemaker Inv. Co., 627 Henry bldg.
Vein 4465. A-7434. -
An old established general merchan
dise business carrying from $20,000 to
$J5.000 stock, In a live country town.
M ill sell or trade for .Portland or out
side property. Address 610 and'.; 611
fenton mag., rortiana, ur
"WOULD like to trade A-l talking ma
chine for carpenter work. Portland
.monograph Agency, gbo Aider.
WHAT have you to exchange fdr a
good typewriter?. -16 . oregonian
nick. - Main 7064. .
"VV'E are having constant calla-for resi
dences, lots and acreage; If you have
something that will sellt and the price
and terms are right we can get results.
Commercial Block. ' ' "
Cor. Id and Wash. Marshall 1753.
IF IT IS your desire to make quick
sale of real estate, cJl upon St. L. N.
Gllman. 126 2d st, between Washington
and Alder. Sales made by public- auo
tion or at private sale. Call at Office
m rAfn .u.
WILL pay cash for your equity If
price and location is right. Give full
particulars first letter; also your phone
number. 0-547. Journal.
WE WANT houses, lots and farms' any
kind, anywhere, from owners. Fort-
, land Homes Co., 204 Marrlson st
VANTED Acreage,' tots or equities;
state lowest price. 626 Vi Washington.
III! 11501
329 acres, 200 acres in cultivation,
good huilriincs. fine Iatpb hnrn hnx
stalls fof thoroughbred stock; has a
nishes water, for all domestic use be
sides running a dynamo that furnishes
power for lights and all other: uses.
This farm is very sightly, looks down
on a very beautiful valley, 2 miles from
one of the best towns in the ifXlley. Tho
land is rolling and the soil the very
best in the valley for fruit dairy, or
general purposes. Fine gravel road, the
surrounding country is all in high state
of cultivation We will guarantee the
place to. be one of the -finest in the Wll.
lamette valley. For price and further
details see-us at once. Its likeness for
a thoroughbred stock farm cannot be
duplicated in. the state. . t
n urn m
80 acres of first class land,- on the
banks, of the Willamette river: 40 acres
in cultivation. 12 acres of GENUINE
BEAVER DAM, all cleared and partly
in onions, fine 6 room house, fine barn,
fine large Kpring, piped to house and
barn; all crops go with place; 8 cows, 4
g-ood horses, all farm 'machinery, wagon,
harness, household goods. , Price of this
property is $10,000, half cash. Reason
for selling, -wife left husband and chil
dren. Hurry, this won't last.
832 Chamber of Commerce.
FOR KALE 173 acres at Nashville, Or.
. In Tag ulna valley; about 60 acres good
fruit land; 10 acres cleared and 18 acres
partly cleared; nearly 60 trees In full
Bearing, o -room nouser large barn; 40
acres fenced; less than a mile from sta
tion; river and 8 creeks cross land;
$12 an acre; cash for Immediate sale.
MRS. Q. B. FRARY, Nashville, Or.
4.000,004 feet of timber; acres Wear,
house and barn, fine family orchard,
running water; a bargain. Price $4300.
Owner will sell 40 acres of this; terms,
!. Bixtn st
FOR SALE Farm of h acrfrs, all un
der cultivation, good buildings, good
fences, orchard, on a good county road,
close to town on Salem electric line;
worth $200-ah acre; our price $13,000;
part caeh,: balance to suit, quick'action
, ""i 1.Z .'"weaiea. argo Orchard
to, 88 -5th st. '
FOR SALE 320 acre or any part of
same, ten miles from Vancouver, In
Clark county, Washington, choice Beav
erdam land, with buildings. Price $76
per acre. This land is worth $260 per
acre; must be. sold at onco. . '
, 920 Board of Trade. ' '
I WILL sell- 12 acres of choice land,
with small house. and running water,
edlolniiig .Vancouver . city limits for
$.iO0; t hie .would make a good truck
tarden. hog- or fchicken ranch. r
f Wrewt 8th st., Vancouver, Wash.
4i Hcrew, near Gaston, 28 in crop, 13
acres m adjoining place included: fln
water; 22 ares can be irrigated: family.
orcnara, . s ore, s cows, tools, nar
npu ipnarfltnr. notAtoen. furnftiitA a...
eiythlng (roes -for $5000, terms.- Con-
sirter-some trade. 4 JO Worcester oldg,
02 acre homesteads, best in Oregon,
cheapest fee, am going in a few days,
don't throw away a fortune, get free
land while vou can. 204 'Chamber of
4Nmimf'."iw . bid.- ."" 1 : w
A im;DN. 10 acres, all cultivated, 11
T"i'wTTrti irirmnTTT.Tnree Tnrm
firffon Vny; price $30y reV acre. Ad
iliws J. W'. Armstrong. JVF. D. No. 6,
v..ii city. . . . ' 5." county is the place for a
-.!. -t'-ii tahie home at small ooft; fruit
1 ry r.rms.. Call on O. G. DeJaba,
. , t r.
9m I
ron sali: Finva - n
Then try Linn County, Oregon, the
city or Albany is the county seat, only
SO miles south of Portland. Here we
can compete with any section of the
state, as to Lanfl, Climate, and Prices,
come and look, "We can show you."
You can make larger profit by buying
any of the following real bargains. -
No. 39. 160 acres of land adjoining
the Ltnnhaven Orchard Co.'s land. 40
acres under plow, balance In timber and
pasture. Small ' house, and ' barn,
price ..$30 per acre, terms
half cash.
No, 6. 128 acres, good house and
barn, well fenced, half of this land !s
beaverdam land, 80 acres now under
plow, 3 miles from railroad station.
Price ....... V... ...... 440 per acre.
No. 7160 acres, 12 acres under plow.
28orBtrawbeTry"piantB,-600 raspberry,
300 loganberry plants, 100 apple trees,
4 year old; 15 cherrv trees, and other
kinds of fruit Small house of 4 rooms,
and barn, 32x40 feet, and other out
buildings. ; 15 acres - slashed and In
rrast halnnra In tlmW Thlfi land is
of splendid quality, and the price la
only .$2600. half cash.
No. 78. 320 acres, -100 acres under
plow, 2 living streams of water the
year around,' 2 springs. This is good
bottom land, and there Is about 76
acres more that- can be easily cleared.
balance in hard wood timber. Has gooa
house and barn, and olenty of pasture.
Price.,, ... $50 per acre, terms.
No. 98 231 U. seres, has . good S
room house, barn 40x40 feet I acre of
orchard, - 24 walnut trees. ; plenty or
small fruit. 76 -acres under Blow, run
ning water year around, water piped
Into the house, with, god engine house,
and granary. On cream, and mall route,
also will sell ' Interest in telephone.
Well fenced, and cross fenced. .7 miles
rrom city, school house on place, dbi
ance in pasture. Oak and Fir timber.
Price. . .....w.,,. ........ ,..v..'.$7000.
No. 112. 227 acres. 170 acres under
plow, balance in pasture and smarTi
gruDs, s room house, and rair earn, ana
outhouses. This place is located 4
miles west of Albany, on' food road, has
2 acres ,of fine orchard, apples, pears,
and prunes, and cherries, and plenty of
small iruit On telephone' line, . ana
mail route, Running- water year around,
rood well: This place is offered to a
quick buyer at $60 per acre,
No. 67. 280 acres, all tinder plow. 8
miles south of Albany, and near Plain
view, has small house, i and barn, and
the land is all excellent quality, plenty
of fruit We can sell -this land
at ......,-,...,;......., .$76 per acre.
No. 77. 80 acres, 6 acres under plow,
balance is in brush and timber, about
300.000 feet of good saw timber, has
good spring, and small house, and barn,
Price ,....,...............(1000, cash.
No. 116.T 40 acres, all slashed, and
sowed to .trees, do buildings, 7 miles
from Lebanon. All good soil.
Price J..., . ,;700, cash.
Apply to C. W. Tebault Albany Oregon.
Office down the street '
from the Depot. ; : - --
MIS - -
We make a specialty of selling high
riass rarma in Washington, xamnm,
Clackamas. Marlon. Lvnn and Mult
nomah counties. w have farms from
$40 to $200 per acre; we can suit you In
price and location. Give us a call If
you are In the market for a high class
larm, ; ,
Five Acre Farm . :
, This 5 acre farm will brirtg you lar
ger returns than many 160 acre farms
will. -15 miles from Portland adjoins
good country town, school,. -church and
store, in a tnlckly settled neighbor
hood, two m lies from electric car line.
Same line has been surveyed close to
this farm.' ( Good graveled road. "Heavy
sediment soil, usually called beaverdam,
all clear and in high state of cultiva
tion. You can begin at once to get
the largeBt returns in growing onions,
asparagus, celery, etc. Similar tracts
have yielded up to $800 per"acre. One
acre -of timbed for fuel and a town
lot 60x100 go with this farm,, giving
you six acres in all. " Snring water can
be piped for house use. Price $1200,
half cash, balance 6 per cent easy pay
ments.. : -..! - ('
M. E, Thompson Co, '
Henry bldg,, I Fourth and Oak sta.
" Main 084. - A-8327.
IM acres cleared, 5 acres set to young
apple trees, good new 4 room house,
chicken house and yards,', all fenced,
good well, all level, land is sandy loam,
no gravel; about 1 - acre in timber, Vt
mile to railroad sta-tlon, on main section
two ivau. x 7 11,110 iv V": Li, . s 1 i 1, o, X a
miles to Portland; soil . first class for
fruit and berries, lies slightly rolling,
does not need to be drained.1 This place
Is $100 per acre below the market price
of other tracts that are selling In the
same neighborhood with an equal
amount of Improvements. This place
must be sold by the 1,9th or price will
raise $2600; price $2000; $1200 cash, bal
ance 3 years. ,
713 Rothchtld bldg.
' 400 acres. 260 ' acres In cultivation.
balance open pasture and some timber;
all Jtenced, r good , well water, fin soil;
fine large house, 2 good barns and all
outbuildings, j. On good road. . 6 miles
from towns near school and r church;
price $26 per acre, easy terms.
66 acres, 19 In cultivation, 20 acres
slashed and seeded, fine pasture,-balance
timoer, ail iencea, line spring water,
land all' lies good, best of soli, ho rock,
R.; F. D.. . near school, good road, 2
miles from town; price $36 per acre.
J04-6 Gerlinger bldg., 2d and Alder its,
Portland, Or. .
Farm and Fruit Lands .
800 acres near "Albany, 1 all cleared;
fine for fruit ranch: $100 an acre, terms.
300 acres bottom land in Morrow coun
ty; - buildings, stock,' tools, etc., $22,000;
terms. -
320 acres near Eugene, orchard and
garden land:' In cultivation; fine for sub
dividing; $66 an acre, on easy terms,
470 acres, Yamhill county;, nut land,
half cleared; $50 an acre.-
, 800 acre wheat ranch, Sherman coun
ty, :in cultivation, well watered, $26
per. acre; will trade for Portland prop
erty. . , , We have others. ' . ' .'
' One acre or thousands.
"It will pay you to see our list.'
' ,Hartman&.! Thompson '
' " Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
16 acres, all in cultivation; good new
house, barn and well; on main macad
amized road, close to carline and steam
line; 11 miles to- Portland; all kinds of
fruit and berries;- price $2750, $1260
cash, balance to suit.
(lis Komcnnq Ding.
100 ACRES adjoining city . limits, all
good level land, all in cultivation.
Good buildings, jood water; can easily
ne aiviooa in email i rai ts, aiho some
rCot'timrjeT land. Addrcfcrfdw tier, E.
. MuriDut. ieoanon, ur.
$0 ACRES' of land for sale; 6 acres
improved, l,uuo,oo ,Teet of timber,
nvostly fir; an 8 roomiotise, barn and
rhii;ken' house; 125 fruntfees, bearing.
For particulars inutrlre 214 Columbia U
Portland, Or.
I3S1K1 IT;
British Columbia Farm
Lands on the Line of
-the'GrancPTrunk- Pa-
cific Kail way
How would you like to
Own a nice little farm In '
thls great undeveloped
country within two or three
miles of the coming sec
ond largest city in the Pro
vince of British Columbia,
which will in a few years'
time be one of the most im
portant railroad centers in
the Dominion , of Canada?
. Think of- this country .
with its rast-EtrFHS-of -un
Improved natura' resources,
: its fairly limited amount of
good agricultural lands; Its
climate. Its laws and not
i overlooking Its wonderful :
possibilities. You may be
discontented with city life,
you may want to get back
close to dear , old Mother ,
Earth, for, she does not, ne
glect her children Look at
. 'the modern farmer of to- :
v day; he is one of the most '
independent beings on
-' earth. And why not? 1 He
gets good prices for" his
' crops, and usually has a
nice fat bank account.
We Own Our Lands
- and Are Prepared to :
' f2iwrt Plaor Tilno'
: uivc vicai i iiiuoi
' the"
Government of Brit
ish Columbia,- '
We know about the gold. :
silver, iron and coal of ' ,
Central British Columbia,
but we have heard very lit-':'
tie of the real wealth of
t-his sectlon-the fertile
valleys sun kissed and al
ien, sleeping between the
Chinook-fanned hills.
' Probably the richest and
. most interesting of the val- :
leys that are being settled,
'as a result of the construe- ,''
tlon of the transcontinent- " ,
al line are the Nechacco -v
and. Fraser valleys. . In -
this country it is notnec-,'-.
essary to experiment. One
- glance at the heavy growth
of wild .grasses and pea-
, vine, of wild berries of al- ,
most every kind, convinces
even the city-bred man that
this Is an agricultural counr
It dfles not : cost a for
. tune to secure a farm tnV
this most favorable locality '
for all that is required is
... $3.00 per acre cash and bal- .
ance in ' five annual pay-
' -r ments. .
Call at our offices and -
. se'e sample of grain grown. ;
j, In- that troufitryr also' phote--;
graphs, field notes and gen-
i era! Information.
These lands, are being
sold capldlv, so you had
. better act at once. -
" North Coast Land po, v
Limited :.
General Offices 'Vancouver, B. C
London Office, 6 Old Jewry. ''
Selling Agents
'.; ... 200 .Chamber of Commerce,
. ' Portland, Or.
Open evenings 7 to 9.
.Phones Main 3143, A-1312.
All In high state of cultivation, good 8"
room nouse, large Darn, winamui, tank;
In fact a strictly modern farm. - It
borders on the Yamhill river, boat land
lng on the place; a beauHtful oak grove
surrounds the house; the place is most
ly fenced and'erosa fenced with woven
wire. - We can recommend this as One
of the best farms in Yamhill county, 5
miles from Newberg, 1 mile to railway
stop; price and terms given on request
. 875 acre stock ranch on Sauvles Is
land, 12 miles rrom Portland, fine for
dairying or beef cattle, will cut 300
tons of" hay or more every ye'ar, 2 large
stock barns, dairy outfit, gasoline pump
supplying water for the house and the
stock, large dwelling house of 13 rooms,
farming implements go with the' place,
young orchard of assorted fruit, set
out this spring.. For further particu
lars, address L. Sparks. 269 East 39th
st. Call and let me show you this place.
This section is: fine farm land and
the electric is soon to open Jt up. Buy
120 acres, some cleared, for $16 peracre,
and you make $4 an acre in 90 days,
us for other bargains. -
Mt, Hood Land Co,
, 713 Rothchlld Bldg,
20 ACRES, half clear, acres in or.
chard, most of It bearing, mixed fruit
house 26x28 'In good shape, barn, out
buildings, all fenced, on S telephone
lines, county! road; personal property,
8 cows, 2 horses, 2 wagons, new buggy.
2 sets of harness," somo chickens, good
well, household goods, cream separator;
everything for $3500; $2600 cash, bal
ance at 8 per tent for 4 years. Star
Real Estate Co.,- 113 Washington st,
Vancouver, WaBh.; 12 miles out
80 acres, an Ideal , garden spot, 14
miles from Vancouver,' Wash.; 40 acres
clear, mostly all swale and black, solL
easy cleared; small patch of goodmim
ber at one corner; beautiful building
spot overlooking valley; living stream
water on place; i mile from railroad, 3
miles from electric road under construc
tion; $60 per aore, on terms. By owner,
222 Alnsworth ave. Woodlawn 2593
DO you want a home in one of Oregon's
i most favored spots? Splendid orch
ard, dairy and timber land, from $20 up,
in lots to suit purchaser. . . Town prop
erty in Sodaville, the town with the fam
ous mineral springs, at bed-rock prices.
E'or Information regarcflng this great
health resort, apply to Knapp & Seifer.t
real estate and general merchandise,
Sodaville, Linn county. Oregon;
For Information call 318 Lewis bldg.
FARM FOR & A 1,13.
160 acres. Apply to owner at 1013 E.
18th st. N. Take Alberta car.
A 40 ACRE farm Including all personal
property, cheap; well located. Wolf,
stein. 227 Front.
'.' 'li'HlTPCTirtwrer" "fruit land, "
sier. surrounded.' by orchards, 20
acres-prautically cleared; $4000 If
sold soon, 432 Chamber of Com
merce bldg.
':v;-.'"'V- ';'
Mil STo
110415 AND $20
. . PER ACRE -.
When we say we have
strawberry and apple land
for. $1 0, $1 5 and $20r per
acre we mean it. We can
deliver the goods, Douglas
county lands are the best;
4- the climate is superb,; the
- rainfall is . less than -any
. ,oher place-in western Ore
gon, ,
Prices are advancing rap
Idly and'we feel safe in say
ing that prices. will double in
ayear's time,
. Look at this one: Forty
, acres, 3 miles from Myrtle
Creek, ,10 acres in cultiva
tion; all fenced; balance tim
ber and. pasture, Price $600,
; 160 acres, 4 1-2 miles
from Myrtle Creek; 4 acres
good garden land, balance
' wood and pasture; fine out-
side range; $3000 worth of
.wood. Price $1000,, n
160 acres, 7" miles, from
Myrtle Creek; 20 acres in
cultivation; fair house, new
barn, chicken hou&e, etc;
family orchard;. 1,000,000
ft. good saw timber, Price
We have other good buys
lots of them. Call today,
Don't wait. Bemember we
.pay the fare,
306-308 Board of-Trade
-. ' LISTEN. -
People do not make BIG profits in
buying a lot on the Installment plan.
Those who make BIG MONEY buy 10 or
20 acres convenient to PnrMnn'rt for
Ju6t so sure as Portland grows and
grow It must Just eo sure will this
acreage increase steadily In value. Wise
investors. Duy iu acres ror about the
same-money that you tuit In a lot GET
WISE buy a 10 acre fruit tract conven
ient to Portland at about the same price
you will pay for a lot-and on easiest
Kina or terms. -.--i .s
- I offer you an opportunity to buv 16
actes of most beautiful FRWT, LAND
convenient to jrortiana, at one lot price.
Don't be a chump buy the 10 acres
-r-and make dollars where the other fel
low makes' cents. ..
let me show you these -beautiful 10
acre fruit tracts. I PAY ALL TRANS
you a cent to see them and then do
your own thinking. '
Drop - a postal card : tor descriptive
literature. .
i J.'O. ELROD,
. ' . TRACTS."
i ' 619-520 Corbett Bldg.,
' ' Portland, Or.
A FINE country home of 15 acres.
Surrounded by fine orchards.
8 room modern house with fireplace.
Barn and good family orchard.' ;
' 10 acres sot out to
Spitzenberg and "Yellow Newtown ap
ples. -
Beautiful view, spring water' supplied
iu nuuHB vy iiyurauiiu ram.
5 minutes' walk to R. R. station.
60 minutes' ride to center of Portland,
. Electric line now building will' .
have station close to the nrooertv.
Price $7000; 10 per cent discount for
au casn.
: Could be bought for $3000 cash, bal
ance - . ..
$500 per year, per cent Interest
708 and 709 Corbett bldg.
.Dairy "and Fruit Land
Dili! (niUultj
160 acres and up a $20 per acre. The
best dairy and fruit land in Oregon.
On good auto road, plenty of spring
water. The land is easy to clear. This
Is, located in : and . near the Molalla
valley. , East of Oregon City.
. . . J, wl, Kerr & Co,
- ' 'Sll.Henry Bldg.
Apple Orchard SnaD
10 acres apple land, cleared, planted
and cared for in the most annroved
commercial ' varieties, 60 trees to the
acre, all guaranteed to be in growing
uuiiuiuon on aenvery; eveTy tree Will be
Worth $26 at least calculation In five
years; price for the 10 acres $2500; one
iiiin casn; wouia sen nan. . '.
For further Information see Mr. Carr,
ePlTZENBERG Bcappoose orchard lands
in: tv, v una av Hero tracts are selling
a good thlrfg when shown. Only 26 miles
irura roruanQ, n raiiroaa. f rice 1300,
$400, $5p0 per tract BETTER HURRY
and go with us by appointment
Call or write for full particulars. Lib
eral terms. ,
, 319-8U Corbett bldg., Portland, Or.'i
wemv oc t-ajiin;r, oaies Agents,
20 acres splendid fruit land, 8 acres
cleared, 4 balance slashed, bal.- tim-
uer. Dmau nouse, ana oarn, tunning
water,., miles from good, town and
it. it., timiu; terms,; ' '
T. E. DWIER. 30ff Isit st.I" room 9
1 SELL my own land In large or smafl
,:. tracts, on terms to suit you. -
GEO. A. HOUCK, 227 Wash. "
TEN or 20 acres Irrigated land, tipper
Columbia river fruit land with 8 room
house at bargain, ' easy " terms; 204
unamner or commerce bldg.
FOR RENT or sale, a good Improved
4ii aore farm; good buildings: well
HOMESTEAD Eastern Oregon: We
"!? Krouna; come to headqiiar
ters. - Wet Ttoeate nearly every home-
sHer InW district Oregon Hume
stead Co., 217 Abiijgton bldg..
BUT- '
That you don't imve to live on: nl"j
choice 32.0 acre HOMESTEAD FREE.
Beautiful rich vallev; twenty water and
wood; z railroads; descriptive boiik free,
500 milo tour through central Oregon,
by automobile, with all expenses paid
for ti days, only $50. W
Join our excursion levins' Wednes
day morning ami see this wonderful new
empire , of the west, whether you want
land or not.
z-ix Ablngton Bldg,
FOR reliable Information about the
desert claims and deeded Irrigated land
& INVESTMENT CO.. 301-302 Buchanan
omg., on Washington, near 6th, : we
leave weekly with homeseekers. .
RELINQUISHMENT li;iracres- In Alsea,
k 12 acres cleared and under cultivation,
30 acres slashed, on county road., house.
outbuildings, stream crossing one corner.
504 Dekum bid.
In Lake county, plenty of fine claims
.uu. rvr particulars can on jrrea c
King, 606 ... Commercial block, 2d and
167 acres, , 6 million ft. -spruce, cedar,
and hemlock on Shoalwater bay. Pa
cific Cu.. W'asrl. .
6 million ft. etumpage pllmg, and tie
timber, on drlvtng stream, $2500.
80 acres piling and tie timber on
Molalla river $1500.
r. rj. jjwiiDH, zuej4 ist St., . room a,
WE are headquarters for Umber and
lumber enterprises of all kinds. Kin
ney & StamDher. 631.2 Lumber . Ex-
cnange Diog.'
FOR SALE--Sawmill and timber, $1800,
terms; one mile from R. R. Will pay
to Investigate. J-543, Journal.
SAWMILL, and timber, hear . Portland,
ior saie. 430 Worcester bldg. 1 -
'-i ''. FURNISHED. .
Centrally locaterl- best transient house
In the city, clearing $200 per month;
terms, z, 4 -s --:..-
62 6th st, Grouhd Floor. .
SOME of the best rooming houses In
the city for sale, cheaper than anyone
else dare offer them: will sell them on
any kind of terms, and if you haven't
vim money i will iiinn it to ytiu. : dco
me at once. Nichols, 620 Board of Trade.
18 rooms; long lease; rent $65; fine lo
cation, fine furniture; never on the
market before; owner In hospital;- villi
sacrif lw;- 81400, terms. - 88 10th. ,
ROOMING houses, any else, at prices
to suit, we Duy, sen ana exenange. -f
813 Henry bldg. " .
MODERN 10- room rooming house, close
in. clearing over J50 per month, good
furniture and rooms all full. $550, part
cash. Phone Main 3730. By owner.
A 48 ROOM workingman's hotel, with
barn, doing gooa business, ror- sale
cheap, by owner, , No agent apply.
L-542,' Journal,
WANTED to buy . rooming house of 10
to 40 rooms for cash from owner. No
agents. Call 102 ft . 3d st, room 607.
TRIAL stock, get our prices. Davidson
& Co., Lewis bldg. Marshall 778..A-171I.
MINING and industrial stocks; tele
phone and other bonds bought and
sold: C. 8. Fletcher. 126 Ablngton bldg.
IF you wish to buy' or sell mining
PARTNER wanted; -Set lv partner
wanted ror wholesale and retail oil
and gasoline business,- established 17
years; pay over $300 per month- clear
profit; 8 days' trial before buying; price
iuo,, or saie oy owner, 410 ti. Mar-
ket, : z'
ROOMING house; 62 rooms; . eornet
DricK; o years' lease; rent oniy iio;
good location and guarantee : to clear
Over $200 a month, . Price only 4 33000,
half cash; or trade for real estate. In
quire 88 10th, near Stark. - . !
GENERAL mdse. for hale or part trade.
Invoice bet $3000 andy$3500; good
clean stock; good location in a. live
town; good schools, churches, opera
houses,, mills, factories and banks. F
648, Journal, v 1
HALF interest for sale by owner In a
. machinery and manufacturing . busi
ness, established and profitable. In Port
land; requires $26,000 to $50,000 cash;
will stand close, inspection. Lock Box
ziu&, .Portland, ur.
TRACT containing 40 lots, small pay
. ment will handle deal; proposition of
this kind is presented Just once In a
lire time to small dealers. H-b47, jour
nal. - - '''.
$800 Wholesale commission business,
long established; live man should
clear from $260 to $300 per month, A.
D. Christianson, 125 Front. St. care
oreen Transfer oo.
GOOD stock of general hardware, paints
and implements, well located, Eugene,
ur. inquire or vviiuam i,ee, im jn. etn
st, Eugene, Or.
$100 BUYS furnished real estate office
and business, including balance this
month's phone and office rent; leaving
city. ' 223 Chamber of Commerce.
Young- man, hustler; references ex
changed; ' $160 cash j required, F-569,
Do yon want a transfer business? "We
nave a money rngKer. 40a commercial
block, 2d and' Washington : sts.
WE CAN place you m paying business;
before buying be sure and see ua
Kinney. - ft Stampher. 681-2 v Lumber
Exchange bldg. A-488I.
ust retire on account of health.
H-567,- Journal.-.
GROCERY and confectionery, good lo
cation across street from school; fine
trade, gooa living rooms, cheap rent
can 361 ti, vtn. rnonf t;ast 655
BLACKSMITH shop, centrally Ideated,
good town near Portland, , fine open
ing for good man. Inquire Robertson
Hdw. & hteel OO,
HAVE constant calls for business open-
lngs. If you Want to sell see
402 Commercial Blk.,.2d and Wash.
Vita SiT.K CnloniTIri ironnral
dise -business, account .sickness; part
.AAt,.l,,, I i
117(10 . ' "
80 rooms, centrally located; owing to
sickness am forced to. sell; 4 years'
lease. 402 Commercial block. ; . '
A FINE opening In light manufactifr
lng business and - upholstering; for
further : particulars : call at Kinney ft
Btampher, 631-2 Lumber Exchange bldg.
FOR SALE Restaurant . doine ir.fl
business dally:-good location. , See
owner. uyg vyasnington street.
HOTEL in good town, Income from (1200
-to jiBuo per montn; a, line opportunity
ior a live nun, j Worcester Dlag.
FINE opportunity for neat young man
with' $350 as partner in good paying
business. 242 6th ft. ' 8
W'E CAN, sell your business or you;
; have cash buyers waiting. See us for
. OO , A.I. . , . 1 . 1 . j ,T ,.
HALF Interest, In fine tailoring business
: for ale, or will trade for lot; must
have help, 490 Wash. st. '
F()R-AtrrOoft -resrsuntrit,- with
lease; good location; reasonable price.
tnv jayior St., city
$10 to $100 made daily In moving plc
4ure business; $160 .starts you. 526 H
JuOOOGeueial-Hiercantile stock, a snap;
suburban. A. D. Chrlstliinson, 125 y.
Front stv tain Green Transfer Co.
a n . .... i.T i,,n nn
ii ii ji-i ' ,-iia t Biiwuiiii j.,!,,!,,,, . .
railroad. Sii miles from Portland, now in
the hands of receiver, is- ollered fur
salo to his!, est bidder, subject to con
firmation of court;- capacity tof mill 40,
ftAii ,.,u.,v.ii.rv, Arv kiln and
general equipment, boarding houses, out
houses and dwellings, of the very best
and up to date; 200,000 feet of mer-
V. ....... v. 1 , i. - . .1 . V, n enM
uauittujo iumoer on iihou, nucv
Immediately. For further information
aatiress vv. ii. Smltn, receiver, cbio v-wr-nelitiB
hotel, Portland, Or. '
"t TION. J
This arencv is in a position to f r-
niBh reliable information regard. .,g
business openings, city or country.? -
Parties seeking locations here, or de
siring to purchase an established busi
ness should examine -our list. Only,
legitimate proportions considered.
- The Ames Mercantile Agency, Ablng
ton bldg. Established 1895. '
Best -located, most cdmnlete old es
tablished business on-east side,-carry
ing a clean line of cigars,-tobaccos, sta
tionery, sporting "goods, confections,
with Ice cream parlor; a - good paying
business the year round. Will Invoice
stoc. Pl'lce about $3500. Y-486, Jour
nal. -: ' : v--
FINE stock of dry goods and gent's fur
: nlshlngs for sale. Fine up to date
stock, if you want something good for
an investment see us. ' .,
Hatch &.SIocum 1
402 Commercial bldg.
HERE is your chance to tuke charge and
manage the manufacturing part of the
-uesi ugni manuiacturing ' ousrneB in
the city;-will guarantee $35 ber week
salary; experience not necessary; $700
cash required.. For Information call ,683
Glisan st.
Second "hand. as. rood as new. 20.000
capacity; edger, cutoff, slab carrier, 30
horse Russell skid engine. Take Oregon
Electric, to Donald station. A. E. Feller.
r. u. liUDDara, ur.
MUST LEAVE Good home and bubl
ness, groceries and confectionery, fine
locatioh, county seat town, ground 98x
198, all in fruit, all for $5300; or will
sell store and lease dwelling to suit
A genuine bargain, investigate at once.
Qwyiera only. B-647, Journal.
WANTED -Men capable of earning $60
per week selling trees for. largest and
best known nursery In the-west; choice
territory; guaranteed stock. For par
ticulars address . Oregon Nursery Co.,
ureftco, or.
WANTED Steady, sober man for or
cnara, 16 mues irom Portland, on k. k.
station; one used to handle horses; $30
and board. The Crossley Co., 799 .Cor
nell mag.
FINE opportunity for young man with
good habits, and small capital: experi
ence not necessary, but must be ener
getic' Inuqulre 3264 Washington et,
itoom 4 u.
WANTED Salesmen ln every " locality
in. K MAU.Ata.. m. A
Weekly; many make over $i00 monthly;
choice of territory." Yakima Valley
nn . . ... . ,',
iiurwery m tvppemsn, wasn. '
AGENTS make money selling new dust-
less metnoa ior sweeping; me only no
dust brush on the market. Call room
3Q0. New Grand Central, ortfiddress P. O,
box zoi), fortiana, or.
WANTED Reliable man - at once to
' work in Portland to advertise and sell
our machines) experience unnecessary,
as the machines are left on trial. P-641,
Journal. - . -
WANTED Men to buy $3 sample straw
hats now at $1.50. Low rent ln base
ment is the reason. Hats cleaned and
reblocked, 60c. The Hattery, 315 Alder.
WANTED Men who have had exper
ience in industrial life Insurance. Call
at 219 and 220 Commercial Club bldg.,
corner 6th and Oak sts.
IE you are not making $200 a month
. and you have any ability as a sales
man, call at 219 Commercial Club bldg..
corner or otn ana uaK sts.
iOLICITORS for NO DUST, best sweep
ing " compound; household necessity;
sells on sight 233 Market st Phone
Mam izt4
GOVERNMENT employes wan t e a;
uK Preparation free. Franklin Instl-
ri. moi . Jii.- t ir .
10 1IVE MKN to sell A-l rosldonce
... . . i . . i ,: " . , .
property, , vye luinian names oany
to call on. Call mornings. : Taylor,
am Auington ouiiojng,
$5 PER MONTH Telegraphy taught in
- practical forms. Day . and evening
sessions. Address Myers," 329 11th t
Portland. Main 8612. -
MEN Wanted We have a few uncalled
for suits, will sell at half price, In lat
est spring and summer atyles. Harvard
Tailors, sok, Hurnsiae,
, eastern Oregon, capanin or maKing Dlsr
money. Call at room 306, 326 Wash-
ington st. ' ' . -
EXPERIENCED real estate salesman
good opening; take charge of depart
ment; no money required; musti be a
hustler. 88 10th. -
VANTED First class candy salesmen;
' no other . need apply. Pacific Coast
Biscuit Co.
INTERNATIONAL Corre spondence
. School, 207 Marquam bldg. Main 1026.
upen evenings until :au
WANTED to BUY. - , "
Diamonds, any size; take old gold for
casn. z waBnington st. y ;
PLASTERING, painting and wiring In
exchange for dental work. -402 Buch
anan ping., mm wasnington St.-
$150 starts you in the njovlng picture
pusiness; tv to - tvu uany, . OZHyi
Washington. i.',
CHEF, headquarters and helpers Cali
fornia Wine Depot 286 Yamhill, next
to journer.
WANTED At once, 4 men to learn to
drive" and 'repair automobile trucks.
pan dvi aqq j minn mi st.
WANTED-Young man to do bookkee
ing: BiRio Binary ana experience
Awn nnnrlwrlHn d , Tl.RfI7" . .TniirnAl
.tWO salesmen wanted for gilt edged
" ........ .. - " ct , " " " , v... .
resiaence reai estate, inquire s to 12
a. m., 822 corpett Diay -
BOY to deliver papers and do collecting:
encouragement, to the right boy, .817
WANTED Rough corpenters, shing
- lers and metal lathers at East 12 th
ana nne sts
WANTED A ' few wood choppers to
cut cord. wood, i Ca,ll 808 Board of
Trade bldg. ' ' . h ''
Af- BRIGHT boy over ,1 for office work
wanted. - State experience," salary
wmnmi. rnuim numoer t-oo journal.
WANTED Energetic young men with
or without . experience. Baltimore
lrniry l.unrn co., tni wasnington at.
WANTED 4 good rough . carnRntp
. Macadam road, opposite Fulton power-
FIVE boys with wheels; must ba 16;
can make $60 to $60 per month, t M
649 Journal.
THREE boys after school and Satur-
days with - wheels can make $25 to
900 yer niuiitii.- ivt-pa, journal.
W ANTRIV Vlrnt ela
insrau warm air rurnaces. j, c. Bay.
ef Furnace Co., 204 Market st.
WANTED 2 good newspaper subscrlp-
tlon solicitors; $1 a day and com-
iiiiHsion. ymti at. ,
ACTIVE young man wanted. Apply
nailing 3 department, Oregon Box &
Mfg. Co.. 1326 Macadam street. '
BOY wanted, ; with wheel at Skldmore
Drug Co. - ;
WANTED BOy with wheel, good offer
for bright chap. 224 2d st
FOUR plumbers wanted. Apply Simon
& Bros., 144 Front street.
TWO strong hoys wanted at Oregon
o-jn or. mi it. to.,; li&p iviacafifinl s t .
MA. VAXli;iJ-AXiiiAAi.-.,Xut MMwnti-hand
tdothes. . 2U8 Main st. . .,
BOYS wanted for delivering; can earn
150, '(40 guaranteed. Apply 144 7th st
WANTED Laborers, E. 12th and Irv
ing. -
WEAVERS wanted. Portland Fluff
R"'C'-j70.WAMne,"n: .
LOY waiittt 7 6 "3rd. .
E I. ;. yminsr man seeking1 empl.-'v
incut, or d.-Mrlng to better his condi
tion, M.ould pt i,, quick 'touch wltH
tne aavisory pa J enn.iovmcnl secretrr
' -..M- A- Special employment'
memoership. .DuHn April we placed
Jh men in permanent and 97 men la
temporary positions. Strangers our spe
, '.001 advice; fclloship and
2Ij''"itinUy Bat you- Demand for
1iy yiU,n? lnan who can do anything
?ri' lhi,"k twlce- and then some, b
Uon m monJr ln any Proposl-
WAN TED Able bodied men ror the U.
,- Marine corps, between the ages of
19 and 35. Must be native born or have
A..pai,frs' Monthly pay $16 to $69.
Aaditional cotripensation possible. Food,
clothing, quarters and medical attend
ance free. After 30 years' service can
retire with 76 per cent of pay and al
lowances. Service on board ship arid
ashore In all parts of the world. . Apply
to 3rd and Washington sts.. Portland.
.n,nA:.tvhn rurt u(lt,A
COnRclenclnita tnuvi oKHIitr I.
lines can get 6 months of year con
tract at top wages. Nine hour day.
Weekly pay day. , Pacific Art Glass
"uiivn, ipi rroiit Bt.
RELIABLE, honesty steady man wanted,
V4 "Interest fine paying, established,
cash Third street business. Will pay
you sizo montniy as your part, clean,
agreeable work.. Easy to learn, hours
requires an investment of $250. with &cr
vices. Call 102' T.hlrd st.' room 507.
kELP ' wanted at Hood Rlvei ior thin
ning apples and picking strawberries
about May 15. Employers will furnish
fuel and camping location. Free trans
portatlon to and from Hood River.
Depot or steam boat landing. Mail your
application to Hood River Apple Grow
ers' Union. . .-..-
. utiuu. ijuim, up-to-umc party can get
contract for 6 months or year at best
salary. , Pacific Art Glass, Works,' 151
Front tt.
BOYS 16 years v and over, who, If
bright and active will hv an nn.
portuntty to learn -the business, Olds.
yvortman ft King.
PRESSERS Good workmen wanted at
once. Olds, Wortman & King.
WANTED Salesman; many make $10
to (150 ber month; some even more;
stock clean, grown, on reservation, far
from old orchards, cash advance week
Iv: choice of territory. Address Wash
ington Nursery Co., Toppenlsh. Wash.
PARTNER wanted In established cash
business; will "make you $160 up
monthly to : start; too much work,
can't handle alone; $250 cash required;
experience unnecessary. Call 326 ft .
Washington St., room 313,
International Correspondence Schools.
H. V. it IE ED,
(08 McKay Bldg, Marshall (97.
Office open Wed. a,nd Sat nights.
.' --' - : - ' WANT , . , . .
. SALESWOMEN, first class. In a num
ber of our departments wanted at once. :
ERS, thoroughly experienced bands, at
once. -'. . . ;. i
GIRLS, 16 years of age and over, who
will have an opportunity to learn th
business, if bright and active.
GIRLS 16 years and over, as messen
gers, wrappers, etc,- ,who, If bright, :
and active, wtH'have an opportunity to
learn the business. Olds, Wortman &
King. ,
2 girls for machine ironing.
2 girls for sorting.
1 girl for marking. ' -
1 girl, shipping department -'-
Also experienced hand Ironers.
East 10th and Morrison.
SALESWOMAN Experience unnecess
ary, one having large acquaintance can
make $50 per'"week. Call between 10 and
12 a m,, 413 Board of Trade, ask for
U. H. A.;
WILL give free office space, furniture.
Btattonery. -visible . typewriter and
other help to young woman willing to
ao stenograpnic puoiio wur,. n-io,
SURPRISE yourself once, buy millinery s
cheap at 227 V4 Washington st. cor
ner 2d, room 27; remodeling, too. Bring
any oi, materia,.
GIRL or woman to help ln a boarding
. . nn, . . 1 t ,-.11 n,
l ann a aunnay. eit nyn g m
WANTED One starcher and one neclc
band . ironer. The , Standard., Laun-;
dry, end of Woodlawn,. hear car line.
WANTED Cooks, waitresses, chamber
' maids, city or country. Howe's La-
Oies AK'li y, A. om, o"71 acu. wu.
SEAMSTRESS wanted, alteration hands'
on cloaks and suits. VvGaieijOutflttIng'
Co.. 430 Washington st.
WANTED Girl for general house work
Swedish or Norwegian; will teach, to
cook. Main 4906.
WANTED A competent nurse . maid.
willing to do some secono. lti i.
Z2d, corner irving.
LADIES--Buy hats at' the Millinery
School, we cnarge ior material oniy.
274 Williamsave.
WANTED A good reliable woman for
general housework In Country home,
- mn f 1 1 no C4..1. . ...
"npv" - - - , .
WANTED Ladles, we bleach, dye and
remodel naio, piumes at price,
Model Millinery, 387 Yamhill.
Diamonds, any size;. take old gold for
cash. 828 Washington st
WANTED Competent girl, - general
4 housework, family . 3 adults. - Inquire
812 Kearney, between 24th and 25th sts
YOUNG Klrl to assist In housework and
care of 8-year-old tihlld; good home)
and reasoname wages, rnone -zu.
WANTED By - widower, : middle aged
woman for housekeeper. U--563, Journal.'-"
-..-.'""" "'' ;'': :f -i.':---i-:' t--'-
BOOKKEEPER Department store expe-
rience. ? ; References required. Grand
Lead err
A GIRL in family of 3 to help.tik.
care of baby and assist in geitcial
housework. Phone Main 8677 mornings. .
WANTEW Elderly lady to care for '
child for room and board,, references
required. 680 South ave,
WAITRESS " wanted. Corner 23d and
navier. 2.1a eireetcar.
CHAMBERMAID wanted at once. Ill'
IN. (til St.
HOUSEKEEPER for family of 3 men;'
- good, easy place. II-fiPl, Journal. '
GIRL wanted, general housework. &TT
y 3d st v' -s::' ,".i'v"'-'--"v":' '-
OPERATORS and. flniaheis on pants.
348 1st st. . ' - .
A GIRL lor cooking and gerneral house
- work. - 600 Taylor st Main 304. 1
IRONERS wanted at tha Union, laundry,
2d and Columbia. '
-l a10ooVpOSIT10N8
For graduates last year; ren and wo
men learn barber trace In 8 weeks; help
to secure positions; graduates earn $iS
ta.AZlwWtteklyfc, expert. Ihfctrux lor;, tcoia , ,.,
free; write for catalog, Moler Systeni
of Colleges, 85 N. 4th U Portland.
WANTED Salt smeh, either sex. hlgH
class proposition;. no peddling; no
stock. Ilawley, 204 Chamber of Com
nierce Mdg. ' .
MAN and wife would, like management
of hotel, town or- country, - 0-513,