! 3ID, ' SUNDAY I.IOIIHIHG. MAY 15, 1310. - I 'J. JJJ'l 1 U'U'J . 60 Years in Business V on the Pacific Coast Our Diamond Jubilee' 60th ; Anniversary Sale en err H ( - ..- i - MW f'M ' 1 ' I"1"1 f III 4 .III ( j r f 1 1 j t - t JS-- Tin: onr.con cunday journal, ro U. .,.-LilUJ,lUJJUlH. .UU. i. .UJJM 1,-1 mm . Mmm i i i i - f ' 1 1 ' ' - 1 1 1 ' " 1 11 1 1 i in II .1 fl hi ii ii .n . Ilmr-ir-tll- 111 ii 250 Importers, Manufactur- ers ancl Jobbers Send Thousands Upon Thousands of Dollars Worth , of Goods at Less Than .Wholesale Cost as Their Contribution to This Jubilee Sale BR 19JO.-v:P.OI mmm rar pep & RRRII IP R taQEiil IBMfll PPrI ;i MiTCIJ MQL J3P i r . jt i m a -rf a v. i i i nil nil iffl ' ' " '. Glf'. . prri LcJe rer, Strause ' ' 'i r 61 Co. Contribute to This Event Untrimmed Hats At $1.00 Regular Price $2.50 Cuban Tuscans, Three Star Tuscans, Husk Tuscans and Bird's Nest Straw shapes; the very choicest, of all spring hats for mid-summer wear . .Phenomenal values. Positively none sold in quanti ties. $8 Leghorns Jubilee $333 Eeautiful. shapes modeled after Paris fashions in a great va riety. , , ; I . 'V V ') r "J- Tf3 MOT .JM ' Iff J CAaj. 7ac3 9 Co. Contributes to this Event TT l? 350 Womeas Silk Dresses -i1 The Pick and Choice of Their Show Rooms llot 'one dress worth less than $25.00 V ; More than half worth easily . $30.00 About 100 worth all of . $35.00 This sale will be a triumph for this store, for with all the sales now in progress in the city you can; make comparisons and be 1 JT ou can ac iour cnocc of any in v ic lot tomorrow at $12.50 The styles are exquisite and exclusive, and, best of all, these dresses are. made right. They are beautifully draped and-evcry detail makes for style and beconiingness. , c, " :,r -Fabrics are messalinest foulards, checked and striped taffetas, pongees and cloth of gold. Every new idea in style is represented in this collection of " dresses, . Some are made with beautiful lace yokes laid over1 " gold, net; many' have hand embroidered bodices. -Your choice ui mint, JJ1411CU anu sunuursi cneci 5Kin5. s;many 01 tnese dresses As we can display properly, will be shown in-our corner windows! 1 " All sizesrCome early, for these dresses will not be here long at $12.50 65. : ; . Cheney Bros. Foulards Elxclusive Styles in Dress Patterns Shower sProof and ' Imported Satin Finish ."JTV Cp " 1 Vo Two Alike J C Foulara silks will grace many informal occasions this season, will be seen almost universally, in fact, for both street and house wear? We don t think our display of Cheney Foulards and Imported Foulards is approached in this city, he diversity of colorings and patterns will please you. In this stock you can choose at random. without risk exquisite,' inspiring foulards, no two alike. V !' 10,000 YARDS OF CHENEYS' 5000 YARDS IMPORTED SATItl FOULARDS, REG. $1.00 YARD FINISH FOULARDS, REO. $1.25 Jubilee Price 74c v Jubilee Price, 94c eFmK&- Arnold Constablb's Co; Hosiery Is Sold With the : Guarantee That the Retail Price Is Less Than Cost, arid All Specials Are New j 9 1 0 Spring Merchandise i ,j i f j ' " ' v " " i Contributed to This Great Event mi : Reliable, Worthy Hosiery Combines DothService and Beauty You may Well regard this as the most fortunate and. important sale of Hosiery tha,t has ever been advertised, the retail price representing less than the import cost, No more than four pairs'of hose to a customer, t ' - v" ""I Harold & Co. Contributes to his Event - w ' rt. i-.H. i i. tj... ...... i m-m. V- f.'Pi- .1 uwu rJi UAAO I I I .11 ll I I I f To show his appreciation '.of ;our business this manufacturer sends us a. thousand aprons samples' in. white lawn, ginc-' Jiam and percale. The variety ' of styles is immense, containing aprons for "waitresses, nurses, maids, serving and tea aprons, trimmed in a hundred different ways with embroideries,, inser tions and Jace. When ' it came tb' price ' he told us to sell these at less than his cost, .which enables us to state right here that never be fore have you had the opportur i-iAnd all through : the liberality J of this manufacturer. ' Regular 25c, 35c, 50c, I 5c and 51.00 Aprons at 13c, 18c, 25c, 38c, 50c each, Richard Hochester Contributes to This veni 75c Very Newest Barettes at 1 7c 1 I I Jl ' ' I. I I ! I I ' ' . ; " Beautifully carved m the Cecil Sorrel, Chant Icier and Strand . effects. ' A great assortment of high-class barrettes CV -X in : various sizes, la. t: ffi "'M ' various sue, V' V, j either shell or am- ,r -.n' t-v '":-x' ber coior-- V 'A. : 7 ;j- - J Hair Nets at 9c y Reg. "Price 15c -These nets were sent us expressly for this sale. Fringe riair nets made from invisible and un . tc arable fiber." . Comes in blonde, light, medium and C??ark brown, auburn Sgd black , . ' 55.00 Hair Svitdies, Jubilee $2.89 Jj- . extra z i?:rcr-?-Um Switchc. inade from real is it" .'.n r. r. I .;-:r in a. I shades of blondes, brown From Steiher & Co. We Receive 500 . . $2 Night Gowns for $1.08 Phenomenal v a Ju es and low records set for undermuslins. ; Ladies, "fine nainsook gowns in square neck, , circular neck and slip over and. open rront; styles. I nm- mmgs or fine embroi dery, 1 a c e, . insertion, French bandings, bead ing and ribbons. Yak to $2.- special, $ 1 .08. ' Regular $1.50 Drawers 89c Ladies' fine cambric and nainsook: drawers, in circular lyle, f deep ruffle' of dainty, fine embroidery or lace and insertion.; X I .v? Albert Hockheimer, New York's Foremost Ostrich . Feather Importer, , ' l" Contributes to his Event $3000 Stock Plumes With a request, that these, plumes distributed amongst our customers, at his import cost, and agreeable to Mr. Hockheimer, these gorgeous plumes wilt be offered to our custo mers Monday at unheard of prices. The richest, pure, black dye, African stock will be marked the following prices: 1 , , . , ,Y -$5.00 Plumes $2.98 $10 Plumes. $5.75 $15 Plumes. .$8.69' $20 Plumes $12.95 $7.50 Plumes $4.39, $12.50 $7.19 $18 Plumes $10.79 r $25 Plumes $17.29 5 Knoislton & Co.; Contributes to , This Great Event ( t . y rr ; ; r7, ' ' 500 Shirt Waists, Jubilee Price $1 .85 L Pp. . From a Leading New YorkfCtoeler We Received 500 Solid Gold Hat Pins at $ 1.48 Mull Striped Lawn, Cotton Pongce, Rcg.s $3.50 Value : Jubilee $1.85 . .v,N Will ) ? Hundreds of new Summer Waists in lingerie, silk mull, madras, plain and striped lawn , and cotton pongee.1 Made with embroidery, tucking, fine plaiting and sde ruffle 1 styles. , AH new and fres'h arrivals for, our Anniversary Sale; The assortnerit , comprises almost every new material and styles adopted for this season.' v : . ' S; '-We are not permitted to mention the name of this jeweler, whoclls to all the leading stores in Portland As his contribution to our Diamond Jubilee Sale he has sent to usSOO SOLID GOLD HATPIXS. with IfSJJINE STONES. They are the most beautiful hat pins we Jiave ever had the opportunity to offer in Our Jewelry Department. Exquisite desirns. same as those illustrated. We can safely say that never before has any store in America, whether jewelry or department store. offered such remarkable values. - - - W eslcm Feather Co. Contributes Ho This Sale Extra Quality Flosi Pillows Thee Pillows are filled with the finest quality floss and at the prices quoted are great bargain. We are certain that you have never before bren fortunate enough to buy floss pillows at ch little jnce. 6-mch at ..iv. lGSS2-tnch at 4 4 S-inch at .J. .'..21f -inch at' 4V 20-inch at U.. 33! Clinch at : C2f - The Trenton Mills Contribute, to This Great Event ; .' " , "- . . ..- ' .. , . """ " Phenomenal Vues in WaskF 25c Imported Mercerized Poplins 14c This is probably the most popular Wash, Goods for 1910, and needs no j introduction. A cloth in every way suited to the present mode of dress in popular weight repp weave and in more than fifty different shades. A 25c Imported Dimity 17c This, the queen of printed Wah Dress Gls. in one h-:nircd jittrrns in a combination of C'lorir- v.-ch s, have revcr 1 een shown in 'Portland. Tlicse dimities ccn:e ii wh:e and tinted ground, 'with self checks and ate f;-vral de-irr,. . p!a;i5, rcr which, are ; r:-,:H real, tlc'.ic . . .m msm. 7 JrmiimM:: i . l COSH 35- T ,J . i 7 , - 7:-!" ' 't J ;7 '7- - .' . . ) IgS i . lite :" vv.-. .; ... S" - '"' , --c-Vr . : . "3, :r:':7L ' .". DM ril - . 6 ;iT 7 Imported Gauze Hose 34c Lisle r Hosiery 87c, a Box : Regular Price S0cPair : Regular Price $1.50 Box ; ' 'v.,.-.:' .... r i. .ii ii ... . ii hi i" i v r,',afa..-::..-tJ;...'' r' ' '. "' "' . 1 " t ' , i Ladies' extra fine imported gauze lisle 500 dozen ladies imported black gauze thread Stockings, very sheer and made , lisle thread Stockings, garter tops and full with extra splice toes, Wheels and sojes; fashioned, real Hermsdorf dye. .Put tip extra garter tops. Sold always at 50c in boxes of three pairs. Real value. SOc pair, For this sale 34c. ' 1 : " , ( pair. For this sale 87c per box. , . ' 7 From G. Sidenberg & Co. Neckwear Stock We Will Sell , : 7 ; DeaunruiiewjUDuecnecKweai ji c u 0 ValiiP ftasilv to SL25 7 'i Jl 'r&Cever before in the history of retail selling p "" in Portland has There ever been a more ex- (Nn quisile or daintier lot oj neckwear offered atrif yy , A this price. Hundreds of pretty styles An La- V , V p (uci nctco'cu, winjjnsuig t cut uioji tu Co e$ neckwear, comprising real irim tap ejrecis, i ( j ucA arid "Sailor i collar - styles stdefiec.i ii'V J 7 liars pnd jabok, novelty creations, etc. x- , , frr.7 3000 Yards jubilee Embroidery 1 9c Valenciennes Laces, Regular Values to $2.50 Per Dozen; Jubilee for. 67c ; Insertions and galloon styles. Swiss, nainsook and cambric in ' this p season's newest patterns. There art many ' n this .. assortment that would' readily ' bring ti2S a yard.- For this great u . -i ereiDroiucry, event w ui - taken all our w.ji9 m offer yon your choice 1 it- 1 e - a j- yard. fa&?t: V:.-yard Doz.. K. 11 edges anS V insertions . in , widths from three quarters , ' v. f v . French, German and Ital ian Valenciennes,: laces, to one and a half inches. Values tq,$2.50 piece. ' Jubi- 1.. In f.Tr An immeniie assortment of dainty,' desir- bre patterns ' o s e 1 e c t from.- :Xht greatest 'sl ats wave ever seen in VaL Laces. i V Gans (Bros., America s Greatest Parasol Makers, Contribute . ... -....j . i v .in- - ri . ' 1 " -'",., '.-. ..' Parasols, Val.to$15, $2.50 Parasols in the'mosl up-to-date shapes, silk Taffeta silk Pongee, Brocaded silk Persian border novelties, ribbon border novelties, , embroidered novelties, floral silk novelties and shadow effects. . Frames are of the very latest; gold, silver and enameled, rib ivory lips to match. The handles are of the choicest' imported woods, all of the ncu eDirecloire effects. Light, me dium and dark color combinations. Lindbtrg, Irwin & CaContributc to bis (?ggnf v Handkerchiefs at Less Than Cost Prices 8c Convent Initials 4c 35c Embroidered 1 5c ; " All pure linen ladies embroidered A tb'M'satvl drrn U :c' can -ric fuil Haro'kerchiefs in an eni!fs variety of sue initial Hanc'kcreh'?K convent ma ie, datnt- devgrj: piti-ely the thet hanj- hini einbrcidrred iritis'. Arv letter. kerchief value ever offered. Faber & llein, Contributed to This Event 111 1 1 1 - "i ll - is ' - m i. ii ii i. mmvm iwwn. r 25 0 Tailored Suits and Costumes JXCostly Models and Exhibition Qarmenb - , of suit worth less than $43,00 " j Others that are worth. . 60.00 . V 7 i :And many that are worth 7500 . An immense collection of stunning garments fashioned in the smartest styles. An opportunity sale that means two suits at the price of one; We have never before had the opportunity to offer such remarkable values. , , ' ' - . r Koa cai aJe your choice of any in the lot tomorrow at $28.75 Modeled in the, very latest midsummer styles, .By clever designers; fashioned to fit. by the most expert o'f tailors, using the finest silks for interlining. . ,r , ..' , Fabrics are serges', sharkskin! diagonals and fancy. ' Worsteds, vide wale and iriens materials . s UFhe range -of style 'in this, assortment is broad; some "of the garments are severely plam tailored; others have a; touch here and there of braiding and embroidery, while, some are very elab orately braided and fancy- trimmed. ' The skirts are made in' a. great variety of the newest plaited and fancy modeled. ijh' All sheS",'Come early, for these suits will not be - here long at $28.75 V ' v " ' '1 lUIJUI. - BHMBMMnSBt4 i-Maa-. fcY- y , r- Yorkshire Linen Mills Contribute to This Event Bleached Linen Huck Towels Jubilee He ; These towels are 18 by 36 inches. And as advertised are wonderful bargains. Bkzched Damask 72 Inches Vide, All Linen Jubilee 15c , T h i s . d a n? a s k comes in " assorted patterns. ?5c is less than the. cost t im port. " Reg. $1 a yd. Bleached Turk ish Bath Towels '' Jubilee tSc . . . . i i. . i - . i "ir . . Hemmed. Made in 22 by 40 inch size. Immense values. Zephyr - Ginghams 1 8c Regular, all over A merica, 25c These beautiful Zephyr Ginghams were selected with the . utmost care in the' choice of patterns nd color combinations. There is no wash fab-'' ric of this character that we can offer that will demonstrate the saving pos sibility of this great sale. Thousands bf yards are offered to our customers on Monday. ''; Fancy Ribbons at Un heard of Prices 'Regular 65c Ribbons for 33c Beautiful full ft-inch best quality Dresden Warp Print styles, stripe s. Persian novelties, in a vast variety of dainty patterns; values to 63c; your choice 33. ' T&zular 25c Sltessalines 13c Thousands of yards cf 5-inch Mes aalint. Satin, Tai.'eta and Moire Rib bons, in most any shade; extra grade all pure silk; never sold at less than c per yard. For our Diamond Jubi lee great ribbon special, the j'ard. 13 v Hoffman, Huber & Co: Contribute to TO vcnt 1000 Imported Curtain Samples From St. Gall Switzerland VALUES TO $15 PAIR, 69c EA., SAMPLE This firm, in order to contribute their share to our Diamond Jubilee Sale, cabled to their factory Jrt St. dali,' Switzerland, f and had them send one thousand, of the finest factory curtain samples direct to our house. In the collection will be found some very beautiful samples in Irish Point, Bjattenbergv Swiss Points, Brussels Nets, Filet Scrims and Nqvelty effects curtains that would be worth from $3.00 to $15.00 a pain r. White, cream and ecru color." All th curtains are 50 inches wide and Vz to i yards long. There are one,-two and thr'te pairs of a kind. - Values to $15 a pair. Special G0f. each sample. 1 From Lehman & Co. We Will Sell Tomorrow Regular $3.00 Newj CgT r Shopping oags at " Trl ra1 Jmnrvrtr? cjal leather on a fine German silver etched frame, in thef latest Avenue shape, lined with colored , ribbed silk and fitted with coin purse.1- "1 J Lowenberg & Co. Contribute to This Event ,Reg. $2.50 Automobile Veils $1.17 Not to be outdone by any of the other manufacturers t' ? I . we have done business" with for the Ist quarter c f a ' r. . C"0 .Automobile Veils to be fold f-r Ie than the n- t - f jard lung by 1 jtrd wide, extra fine quality .! -m' -n '' A he jtititched "all around, in a!l th !a''n '.i t p?rl (' ' popular shades much .in demand ths V''"'k : V1 '