4? ft' i - 5 . ( I , f K , ? , r i . f ., t i .' . ' ' . , " THE 'OREGON SUNDAY' JOURNAL, PORTLAND, ' SUNDAY MORNING, 4 MAY 15, 19101 i X "At-- AO y 'v,;i , II X i ', y-iy:::yy-i.my-tf- ry, sillRWMSi3 v.,.:.- 'Si j , 4 0 h i I Kf-; n . 1 .' v - -f . it ... ' f ' .. if 8 if fi ii v. .'''mi1 f ' ' ;:'-.' ' HE; proverbial oranire-blossoms are Here until the old-time ibrifJal'Tefl.' but "Bpread.iout ponithejpage.are otJicr flowers in' varied combination with , ' ., tuJle or Iace: Does some one ask-, the. la tost style in bridal veils! Surelv,. ..it were better to,' dwell upon ; their choice arrangement than to try to fit ., arbitrary, fashion to a beautiful face.. .- ' .' 1 1 ., 1 . .' "it "ice or iuue mar oe useo oia lace or nw-or a hannv Mmhiniimn nf tniio - - wjun mee, an . . Io length the veil is extravagant and follows the-line of the train as it falls'." V J j upQn e houlders.'or depend from the- back, according to. the face ' ' . and figure of the we rtr. The Itatuesque woman may carry to good effect the long, dignified folds covering the back only. ' - ';"- -. . ; ' . ' Little rosea .are, a" late Parisian fancy "in'flowers '(the French have never . strongly favored the orange-blossom) ( but the wreath takes' on whatever flower or form is necessary, that every woman may look her best Upon ber weddinsr dav. The last , "wrinkle in .actual methods for fastening the veil-is an invi?U4tj ' '," wire headdress' devised by the expert milliner to carry part of the weight of the long material and .to keep it from dragging down'the hair. In the rvrfertiou ', vi iuh ; ire urauurgp-s rcsw xne success oi tne araping ot the veil. It ii.ec essarily made to. cling closely to the head, and holds the wreath of oraEjr-llos-soma in the simple form here shown, or the roses 'in hood eftoct, like the picture - showing. a frill of lace veil surrounding the face. ; ' When the veil is held on with roses and arranged in bunches at each side, the wire may or may not be necessary, according to the weight of tbe veil. " , " ' When marguerites are-bundled at the sides with the veiling, there 'is more than evpr a necessity, for-the wire frame, which-, fastened securely like a ban lcsu round the bair, will bold thi weight more evenly. Two puffs-of tolle,. which .fasten Ao eith-r side.of roses wreathing the he si, ; egsm are dependent upon the wire :foundation. oWi ih hi'!. ;!! v.. fJet apart. , , - . ' An old-tinie bridal wreath'of lilies-of-the-valJey is simpV arrange! to hsU .- the puia tulle veil in place. Quite like the Eridish i this 1. able in dar of revtval I.ke lhe M-pt.nt . . - , . ".Grace mWt recrari!y be adie.l to firmnrw. and it itwrlfto r-aa h irji, rci -.and: wreath" uj.nM-head' without'thc. -frrDehih .m v tben,m.5 anJ V f )rred tK-noath n later Ijccominnf ss is rar bomxll'aste.'.a-l tie InJai rc.l , .,1,- v-.v . 'V ' 'id "I .ft" "7- HA.,..: '.. TAr .1 nv j " 1 f" n! l! ::;V .. - - . ' f. fl , tn nl 5 . a' - p.. M .:vi.-':-.; eb-O"-, r. ...... ' ipsa''':'-?, ' u I ! f; 5 Vl '4:f v frftf IW:' : f;t y i-. ; Ty,;l ( )r, -y.y i V -.Klr . if,', tt.' .w-'- - -",' f1 IM ".r ? ; '-"r" , 1 4 . r' : . , . mm l -vv ... - , k 1 . , U j m V-1 ;r, t' ; V - ,4 ., . .,'-1