il Vr7 A' Jiv 'fr. 1: - IS 5K THE yer of 1M m!ht toot ta - nanwd th jrMr of dot1- tic on th fuhioa cnJentOar, bco . Btsrer wa tjier , nor fnoiltd hunt for the tajhioo&bl prtce than at th - trMMt tlio. Th ; touch that ctegaac and Indivldualitr to th atUr Im aonsht .wmallr r h ' xtrem mat th eonawraUT flrear nd th ' r olt of ccrara I la proportion to,th ' doJ taat and food election dl piajd.. : - r ' Norltla, hcaua of the!r uppod . tranalant ttavdiln bar th aom . tltaaa prohmttlT aan of "luxurl" at tacbod to them, but after a tour of th d'.ff rnt local store with thslr cap UTatlnr dlaplay of th article, on I proo to admit th sentiment of th old Hn that "A tiling of beaatr i a joy forerer."' - ' " . -.-'" " ' Beautiful Scarfs at Lipman-Wolf. ' An artlcl of dre which baa r rr -Tally arvied th craa for th 1-mpir and remain with M, not on rtlt c-ahed s to popqlarlty 1 tb I If toreequ 4 diaphanous" scarf. Ther r 100 becomln; to b discarded. 'And this Is not th nlr factor la Its faror. It often aW a 4nT tosch to a lows 't tltrnrt wnuld b too slmpl fo ' tKylon.' ad provide th Beaded t t ( f protection Jio arras and boulders, 'n mlimlT d"ns her erpnins; IT'wn. N 4 and t are beautiful Parleleiui n i,.; : at Llpman-Wolfe'a J a Jt- bUck i;k rreps acarf cm 11 ilr m-Hk both ?d S itfi a S.-T" frlr.r of blsok silk. - f.rlpe f thick aet w ,, . , ry )ri.vir.t r '- . ehowlnc th ,,4's! t ".r s. MJt and irreen of , ,T-.r f-.rf that tnarkf of t)a 1 . 4. ! of tb rv--tof Be. r--iir ff t"'. l broke by . 1 m -' 1 "! c" .-n In a sjSaed , . T t : Is "- 'ed 1 , '". 1 'S.'ttT t t ... - ! t co: or THE , r W ' 4 . lit . '. 4 , t . kebern. All around tha-edf of th carf la 'hemaUtched a deep band of soft rlolet tncHr ribbon. No. - 1 another acarf that would especially lend ltelf to whlnwlcal draping. It -la a beautiful champagn color lllt with a deep border heavily dotted with irides cent yellow beads. Th oentral design la to floral, outlined with bead. Th lac acarf s of .Toaca or Chan tllly ar delightfully becoming -to any ona, or everyone, They, are .often a simple tn design but th effect I al ways rich.- They eeem always suitable whether tb toilet be elaborate or plain. One Leghorn Hat- v'' ; X really chic and novel leghorn hat Is ahown la 'Hamburger millinery de partment. It la cream colord lff horn, with a full tarn crown, circled by a wreath of Pink rose and foliage. A large bunch of tb flower and f oliag la heaped at th left aid. Th stylish ly bent rim baa a unique Inset of band lace, mad of horse hair braid and straw. Th design la an alternate flve petaled flower and a butterfly, caught together by fine threads of straw. This Is aa unttaual and novel touch and give th conceit a drey individual, appear ance. - ' . ' Stylish Paraaola, The new parasol r euttrely new Idea and very attractive one Into th bargain. loa. 1 and 3 ar charming novelties ahown by Meier Frank Co. The carry oot a pretty aunrmery ef fect in th prof uaely . beflowered . llk that 1 so much in vojru at th pres ent tlm for sun lhde. ' "No. 1 Is a splendid quality of deep gray. or. better, changeable black and whit slik ovr err4 with manse f bat1fol pink, lav ender and , blue rose delgn. with oc casional sort dashes f green folia, Tbe ribs ar ttrped with rich Roma gold. Th gray wood handl end with a s-e-rjemi hauc?itr peaneck in natural leiara. Thla parasol may be carried S OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL'. PORTLAND. SUNDAY YLA A 0 -- I-?-'.; ; fk ' 1 4, ' V7 : v 0 T r; It fittingly , with any conceivabl attira If th dress Is a black -or gray pongee, what a modish,' pleasing bit of color is added by th roaea Or, if th dress is a light ton it receive a Frenchy accent by the touch of blsck In th sunshade. Th other parasol, whll pleaalng with any gown, would undoubt edly show to . th best advantage over one of whit or a light shade. It. is. covered with a rich ivory ilK- Ther Is a bSrder design of largo pink rosea t agatnat a Hn of black,, rrora th bor der to th atick th Ivory allk founda tion 1 thickly strewn with larg lv snder violets la Dresden design. ' th color ranging from j a delicaey that fairly merge with th Ivory to their own deep rich ahad. . , ' Ncml Undenregt. , - Ko. 1 I aomethtnir entirely new in the nnderfeet.lln, how at BannwT It is a UtUa il affair with lacy trim ming and beading Uk -many another garment of the earn nam, but its novel feature lies ln-th cut of th neck, which entirely obviatea th pos sibility of th shonlder strap slipping down over th arm. as is ths npi'as aat habit of th ordinary veet. This virtu Is accomplished by substituting a narrow ck for th usually over sm ple on nd a different -ut of th neck. These Uttl garments g br 1 juun Of Tb Melba Mod." Bod wheth er the wearer Is sitting, aa-kln. stard lrg er reclining 1 eev pose, th strrs Blwsrs rnel In po'!,a " 'h shonl If It Is be wrn tnwler i cciielU g-owa tt tlripsea We a.:;ij e k 1 ' f or 6 7 ft' tfCJaV. rf- t V -down under th arms, and th garment wUI stay In placa . Fancy Selragt Edge. ' J Among th most . charming; novelties offered this eeaaon by the local stores ars tb hew materiala bearing th beaa . tlful . decorative selvage edge. This earn selvage that has for o many years fallen ths victim of ruthless "sheers" ha developed Into a detail of such beauty and ornamental worth that It play a very Important role la the. drree design of th day.' However, It 1 not only a product of artistic feeling. It is also born of necessity. Tb Im perative cry thla season, baa been to veil everything that It I poasihl to velL and th need at eaee presented -Itself for an edge to the wide Tailing material that would overcome tb peceaelty ef a hem, prevent ' raveling and that could b turned back upon Itself. The reault'was th self flnlxhed mater tel. It appears la a great variety of patterns and rotor erheroes as well as materials. It is to be found la th' Henrietta a th Bedford cord, and th baaket weaves" ss often ss in tb dainty sheer rhateriala sucb aa gaasa, chiffons, mnueeeline de sole etc It Is bard to tell wftetber It Is th brilliant color piste that bold forta In such strong contrast to the present veime'l ak'ltts. thst flret gave veiling ita It, pet oc, er whether it wee because .f the STibdolDC Irfluence of veils thst r.e brlrr.t colors fDund h:r fotboid. In sry ee ty sr Tre Sivl the two r'""a'l'T l"et ee-r., Tere se qjitt i-lli touches trirg e'tr MORNING, MAY 15, 1810. ii - 1 I If- I '"Si . day and times before us in dainty, odd, 111 a oanMi nil man tea vi of chlf fon that ar in uch high favor for wear summer venlngs. usually inesen ar cut in th atyl or yi Victorian inA an1 are finished with Quillings, shlrrlngs, puffed bands. - frlng and marabout,' Just ilk our grandmothers : wore, and are altogether adorable in -themselves, to say nothing of how be- , coming and aaUefactory, they are.;-.,'. Exquaite Satin Veiled With Chantffly , ' No. I 1 a handsome Imported gown i , ahown at TuU A Olbbs".' Th under dress is of raven' blue chiffon aatln, . which, hanging . a . trifle full .from th , waist, fall In th most graceful long -shimmering folds about th feet, lengthening eut Int a hort train at' tb back. The skirt Is covered to with. In a foot of th ground "by a tunlo of. chaatllly lac which la gatnerea unoei - th girdle. This oversklrt Is finished with a handsome scalloped edg in a rich roe design for a border. Otherwlr it Is a plain net. The tunic la In two ' plecea th larg piece extending around and aet meeting on ths right hip. Here le left an opening and the second piece ruia it la ' fall in a- at the aide, te a length considerably longer than the ether tunhj piece. The scallop of the piece meet pcint to point, allowing th bright erots ot luster and eclor to ap pear. This harrow strip of ths tunie Is caught'ond secured ty a V hpe4 band of large, bright- Iridescent cut bead a shining forth the peacock shades. A novel glrdie, narrow st the right eid and gradually widening to a veiitsole rorsags st ths left side, is s!o of the bright beada A wide rlec ff the lce Is laid gracefully over either shoulder and caught to the girdle. Th front ot the cortiage I beautsfutly hand em bneMered 1 colored Hi rr.tchlrg the gird:. s 1 T - hijf!ftl rlT- vf Vegerle lvt sr hrrn r j- i f-t-sran A i'Z r tcl ".-"'J 7T . V -a-,- 7' .1 J J -v. Fr It lieriuM rf their elaborat' .' 1 ere ty ei-T I- in (-oria tr.jr.. tl '.irs U Ue V v j i ; 7 " 1 H4.- t. fut thy t ' " fe t.. - 1 were f;een b"t"ee el rf rf.w t-t rj-rs IS .:ri.;c-j. V