THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. 1 j'l .; . : PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 15, 1010. .4 mam of WATEfi POWER HAS BIG'POSSIILIIS Statistics . ShoA Great Energy of Undeveloped Streams Ca ; pable of Being Turned Into " Productive Power. m ' By Praaton C. Adams. New- York, May l.Estlmatliic.' as - they dd In tha west, that a stnc) horse power or energy, applied in 4 creative form, la worth $21 a year, th statemunt that there a from 75.000.000 to 160,000,' 000, undeveloped horaepower available In the United States, .run tha value of tha power that will one pay be utilized In , thla, oountrys ao far , nto figure ; that - the mind geta.dlxzy contemplating the total.. ,1. ... a, . .' , , T. Commerford Martin, aecretary of - tha National Electric Light association, and the freateat electrical statistical authority In that world, has prepared report Which ha will read at the twenty- . nrtn annual convention or thaaaaoci , tlon. which starts at St. Loultf Mar 2$, In whlcfthet ehowa tha emormous- value of tha' waterpower of. the nation, and points out how far ahead of the other countries of tha world the United Statea '. a , - - Watarcowar narelonmant. - The approximate waterpower develop , , ment of the . country according- to- Mr. Martin, is J, 500,000 horsepower, of which horsepower Is used in electric , lighting-, power and railway plants, and - 1,900,000 - in Industrial plant. -: As against this, the public utility compa ' Dies of New York develop 00,000 horss .: powar y-steam.-iiif-: -;; -( 1 It is estimated thst 'tha amount of ' Waterpower available. for development at t cost comparable with -steam ; Js 87.- 000,000 horaepower,, and . tha amount available at reasonable cost is, as sta ted, from 75,000,000 to 160,000,000 horse power," .The eight leading eountrles of Europe, according to Mr, Martin's re : port, have about 36,000,000 horsepower that , could be developed on ' the basis of the quatltlea of i water per second j. available during nine months, - and, the following table shows what this is:-. , , H,P.Ji.P.per ' per sq. 1000 Total H. P. Km. ' Inhab. Great Britain..',.-. 863,000 23-1 Germany ( V .;,'. 1,425,800.' 2.J J4.6 Switzerland ;i . ; ;l,toa,000 - 6.6' "454.5 Italy , 1. 8,600,000 , 1S.0 169 France. .........5,857,000 10.9 160 - Austrla-Hnn. . ...6,460,000 , 9.9 138 Sweden ...,... .6.750,000 . 15.0 1,290 -Norway 7,600,000 20.0 8.409- .' -, In Canada, Mr. Martin says, the Hydro aiecino commission of Ontario baa so far advanced With Jts plans that. energy from, Niagara falls Is promised for de Mvery 'at points like 'London,' Ontario, by July U The onrai results of this governmental enterprise will be watched . witlt great Interest, the plans Involving generation of 60,(H)0 'horsepower and a transmission potential -of 110,000- volts en the line. The' plans of the commis sion Include inesupplying of about 27. 900 horsepower to 13 cities. ; Toronto is to get 10.000 horsepower at 18.10 per horsepower for 24 hours aervlre and New Hamburg la to get, 266 horaepower at-2&0. To the costs are of course, to hm added those ofJhe lK-al IdlMtrlbutlng system. llonorabla Artnm hook, rnairman, statoa lnst rebruary that the total amount under contract waa 27,360 horaepower, which, at an average of 20 per horsepower, aa asalnut f(0 for ateam energy, would represent a saving of.ll.01l9.600 per an num : ' , The Wast Oraat asset. ,;' , ;,' ; , Tha western country with - its ' 'tre mendous amount of undeveloped power, will rival the eaat once tha power is placed in a creative condition, which la rapidly being done. The mountains of California, Nevada, Colorado and other western statea will supply an inexhaust ible amount of power for all purposes. one matter which will be thoroughly threshed over at the St. Louis conven tlon will be the attitude of Clifford Pin chot on conservation. . sells fiancee for , v ; $10; ALL HAPPY NOW Wllkeabarre, ' Pa., May 14. Ten dol lars 'bought the fiancee of Alexander Papanls of Brooksldo. That Is what ha paid' Peter Momoney for Ilelema Jarovf ski of Philadelphia. The girl la an at tractive Austrian, aad has' just passed 21 years, and consequently she la now her own boss, a far' as .marrlagejpon sent Is concerned, n. ,- .. The transaction. ' stunned Marriage Clerk Edward Smith. He had Issued a license to Helama giving ber legal au thority to marry Uomoney, but when eh appeared again . wHh another man and wanted another license- the mar riage clerk was somewhat fussed. - tl seems, that Helema had come to this city about two days before.- It did not take long to fall In love -with Ho- money. She Was anxious and, ready to get .married and ' all arrangement to get. (heir license were made on the day uiey met. once appeared at the marriage license office,. and got the cer tificate. I ''V I; ,.-"',. ; : ' When she returned to her boardlna house Helema. met Alex. Although he was not so good looking as Peter she fell ,h love with him. really. ' Alex, wss willing and then he made a bargain with Peter whereby lie was to set the fair Helema for $10. The license waa Issued. .' 1 11 in "1 i , STRICKEN BY REMORSE; FORGOT; JO OST. MAIL Trentom s; 3.. Mav l4.-gnMtinm lawyers and others who were in. the Su preme court, received a bad scare when ex-Attorney-Oeneral Robert H. McCar miiu wkb uvuik a case, iioDpca. aua- denly in his speech and placed his band over his heart, as though in pain. , Expecting to see him collanse. several or the court officers and counsel rushed to his .aid. - As they grasaed him, Mr. McCarter took his hand down and there were three! letters. ..... My wife gave me these letters to mall this mprning," said Mr, McCarter, "and J forgot all about them. In fact, I forgot that J had' them with ma until just this mlnute, in the "middle: of1 a sentence." Notable Soloists Will Be Heard ; . x With New York Symphony Orchestra BOLD SNEAK THIEF , :R0BS BANK OF $1200 Syracuse. N. Y., May. 14. A . sneak thief robbed the First National bank of this city pf tl20D. While the president of tbe bank, Charles W. Snow, was in another department, a man without hat or coat, appearing to be a clerk from soma neighboring office, entered the president's room and grabbed packages of. f 5 .bills aggregating $1200. Meeting the president at his door, the thief asked, what rate of interest the bank paid oh-deposits, and upon receiving, the answer left the bank. r Walter Damrosch. . California music;, lovers - have . Just given one of the greatest ovations ever accorded in this land of sunshine, the occasion,' being .'(he (Concert by- Walter Damrosch and t her New York .Symphony orchestra," ; They ; played to an audience of C000 people at the Greek theatre, Uni versity of California, many leading San Franciscans being-'present,,' It,' was. a Wagner program and the splendid dy namic effects: rf the great orchestra, now Vising to..heights of tragic music that fired the soul, now sinking into a whispering' breath ' of ' tenderness of poignant beauty,- carried the audience by storm. - In addition to these (heart stirring orchestral numbers there were no fewer, than five soloists represented on' the program. After -describing the Insatiable desire for more orchestral en cores on the part of the excited audi ence, the critic of the San, Francisco Call says: ' "Then came a surprise, after the dis appointment that followed when Dam rosch only bowed to tne great appiauae, but didn't bend. "The -surprise waa the first soloist, . Marcus Kellermann, who sang 'The Song to the Evening Star' from 'Tannhauaer.' ' "Kellennann's voice is mellow, almost WARM WEATHER NEEDS mellifluous, with the sensuous charm of the IUlian, but it is also deeply ex pressive ana powerrui. " 'Elsa's Pream' was sung later , by Mme. Sara Anderson, who sustained the delight that Kellermann afforded. She is: a true Wagnerian in style, - method and delivery. Her voice Is high, full, resonant, and with a touch of the he roic about it that fits the bigness of me wagner heroines.-. Reed Miller, the tenor, sang "The Prise Song" from "The Meisterslnger," and won all hearts by the beauty of his voice and aeiivery. - This same program, including selec tions from seven Wagner operas "Par sifal," "Walkure." "Tristan and Isolde," "Meisterslnger," "Rlensl," "Lohengrin" and "Tannhauser'---wlll r1 be - gtven in Portland, 'Wednesday evening! of this week, at the Armory. The matinee con cert Wednesday afternoon will embrace selections from -the leading modern or chestral works of the day. Some of these masterpieces of genius wllr be I given on this occasion their first ren dering In this city, ' such as Dvoraks I symphony - from - "Tha New World," which will be given In full, and Tschal kowaky's fairr ballet suite, "The Nut cracker." There will be two soloists at this afternoon concert These two con certs are under the direction of .Lois Steers-Wynn.;. Coman. Seats are now selling at. Sherman. Claj & Co.'s store. oppuniiw .ins pwstonicjB. 1 , in it ii i ' The Qulck-Hleal Stove i -Has x revolutionized cooking ;and ha - transformed s the ' , drudfrery of i the kitchen work into a pleasant pastime. - The Quick Meal, is always ready for work. ; Produces . no smoke smell or "'ashes Jjjt's; safe, it's ) economical, 'it's' cleaning requires no, expert to opcr ate' hi:S'itf:A-v"--! "?v. : Garland Gas Ranges ' :i Garland Water Heaters : Have been so thoroughly, introduced in our city and proven "so satisfactory that we feel warranted iri making the state ment that they are "The World's'Best" Bonn Syphon Refrigerators7 Are lined 1 in the" provision chambers Hwith a vitreous enamel lining. Vitre- ! ous enamel is fused onto sheet steel at a temperature of 2500 degrees and cov ers th' surface with a snow-white,, glossy enamel which will npt' crack, discolor or peel off. As a result the, refrigerator is absolutely. sanitary and easily kept so. Low. temperature, ab sence ;'of. poors' ecorrtmiy in' the con- sumption ofice,-makes the Bohn an idealrefrigerator.; It looks gotid, and it is as good as it looks. - Carried in hardwood and white enamel cases. Great American Lawn Mowers Penn sylvania Lawn Trimmers H. II. Spe-' cial Green Colored HoseHose N02 iles Lawn Sprinklers Screen Doors Window Screens Poultry Netting and Garden Tools of All Kinds. AWUD iiiioeeymniae EiaFdwaF2: Co. FOURTH AND.ALDER STREETS, PORTLAND, OREGOfl (Doited Press Led wire.) New Tork, May 14.--Coney Island has been taken out of the moth balls. ' For weeks a great army of painters, car penters and decorators has been Im proving each shining hour, touohina- vr I old structures, building and remodellnr otners and giving . rresh .coatings of whitewash to the resort's "marble" pal aces of mirth and pastime.-until the one and only Coney stands forth in all I its-pristine giery. New York wm, suffer no dearth of amusements this . summer. ; Broadway win hold at letust five hi roof rar- den musical shows; 'vaudeville halls will be In full summer bloom: thou sands or small saloons, will transform their back rooms into "summer gardens" Dy the : installation ; of -papier mac he palms, rubber plants and electric fans. Within easy reach of the city heart will ba a score or wore of amusement parka and dance pavilions, some of them bearing tbe name '"Little- Coney.' In tacit recognition of- - the .greatness of tbe real resort down the bay. But to tbe summer visitor New Torkl means Coney Island. ' If he. haa never been there, he goea for the experience; next ' time ' he goes because well be cause Coney is unlike anything else In the world and exerts a peculiar attrac tion upon tbe moat staid and conserva tive of Its millions : and minions - of guests. They may personally be averse to looping the loop or leaping over preci pices in automobiles, but there is al ways a chance, that these darn idiots In dulging in these gentlest of. Coney's pastimes msy break their goeh-dlna-ed necks. In which event- the bystander would have some yarn to' relate to tbe folks back horn a . . - Oettlag Beaay. . Tfew Tork loves Its Coney. Already extra, cars aad trains are running en all he tines leading to Coney'a gate ways, and the newly painted Iron steam boats are carrying goodly cargoes ef hitman fratvht aawh tHrv Br the t?d of the month every nesort on tbe t&ahd i will be in full blaat and Coney will be j receiving her hundreds of thousands of dally gueeta, "Everything new butnas ocean, .the slogan launched last season by the en terprising press agrat or Dreamland, one of-Coney-s thre largest parka, bids fair to arply to the whole Island thla season. - From ena end of Surf arenas to the other everyone Is hopeful of a banner summer, and If the weather bu reau doesn't lola tbe Insurgent move ment and throw a damper over the whole shebar.g the amusement kings wi;irt their wia?. ;At aay rata, their enthuslaam baa led them to a arvat. outlay of capital and labor sn ever i In providing new fwn and thrill t're-! durera , for the hilarious summer throngs. BRIDE OF ONLY ONE V ' DAY TRIES SUICIDE Clinton. Ind., Msy 14 Mrs,' Achlm Berban, ir years old, a bride of a day, attempted suicide by, shooting herself in . the breast with a revolver at her home. The young woman is said to have agreed to marry fierban, a mer chant, agalnat her own wishes to sat isfy her mother. There waa a stormy Scene lust before the marriage, argu ment and persuasion being necessary to get the young woman to consent to tho The bride's friends say she ceremony. had been enid to a died a yenr ago, and been deeictnlint. young Hi. Ill huil fchi'o 1 A rrnient for ftnlns ru' r nietal la made of one part of :..'; dissolved in 10 parts of trmg h monla. Full tine. of Field and Marine Glasses and Binoculars fn Stock Waterman. Conklln and Other Fountain Peris at and Up 1 1 ' i - 1 1. 1 hi' : t '!. " ', " ' " ' ' " 1 t 1 . r . ISugj GoiO KaQc Salle ; " 1 .1... ,.m.i i.. .. 11 . . ' y " ".'7" F21m" Facie ' Gamer a s mn m San sMsssBJJSSBasasjssWjaas m tiT I mm 19103SEWECA Boxino and Folding Never a Chance Like This Belore ' MSPMSasBlaaBaMBIBSSBaiBBBSMSBSBSfBaBBaBS Regular. $5.00, box kyle,T3 x4 1 cach'. . $3.75 Regular $&00box;.st Regular $6.00,, box style74x5prJce, eacli; V. $4.50; Regular $10;foldihg3Mx4MfPriceach'$7.50 Regular M HlVr $9-25 Regular $12.50, ioldingxS, price eabh1. . .$9.25 Nomis; Staiii Re tnoyef, sale price; eacJiv30c Photos tinted in Oil and Water Colors bx: our artist at reasonable' prices. - - -y1 Tinting Photos:'; &1(V sale; price,' each J, , . . ,30c Tinting Photos;-1 lxj 4; sale price,; each 1 J 50c Tint'ing Photos 1 14x7,;sale price, each ; v ,65c 'Samples now on display. Printing,' develop ing, enlarging. v:V ' J, ' , Eveg'Reafly Botflies Keep contents hot 24 hours. Keep contents :old 72 hours. No Auto V' 3 Complete -.' Vithout One. The bottles are made of extra heavy plass, with a corrugated lining between glass and metal cover, and have, recoil spring at bottom to protect bottle if dropped. Every bottle . guar anteed to be in perfect condi tion when sold. 1 r : :'- Pints $3.75, , Quarts $5.75 Full line Leather and Wicker "':yU Carrying Cases. ; TFiFeaiu mmeinifl With" bur . Home Medical Battery, VThe Woodlark,M, accomplishes wonders ; in relieving Rheumatism, Neuralgia Headache, Par alysis, Cramps, 1 Constipa tion and . numerous other ailments. " . m. J iprice, , complete . . 9.00. . vyc aiso carry compicie line cxecmc catteries Suggestions From Our Razor and Sundry Section TV 4,v Gillette Safety ' Razor Sets priced from $5 to JplS cacti.-' Shaving and Hand Mirrors from 5Ut upward to $15. Razor Strops $1 to $5. ; - Fine Shaving Brushes, real badger hair, $1 to $5i . , Wostenholm Pocket Knives, men's arjd women's, 50 to $3. Fine , Picture Framing !, . ' VVashlnflton Street at Fourth - s -Agents :: Cross' Gloves J. mmW-- " : .'..';::,':?--.V:-;,V:., ' mite x:AfisntiiiS:0ii: : , ,Pfr,: Steps FaliinHair v 1 i W- ,h " ! 1 Wm'i' UlTrr nXv? 7TiyC-r-o:"y 1 '1 am feeling fine.' Do Z look good? Just washed ray hair and jmt Herptcide on it. The worst thing about washing hair is that it is flyejr and unmanageable. By using Herpicide Soap (or shampooing and then applying Newbro's Herpicide you wont have any trouble. Herpicide allows it to dry quickJy and the hair ia just as light and fluffy as can be. You can do it Bp as nice the first day as the second. Herpicide h the finest tbingfor the hair I ever saw. It is not greasy, does not stain or destroy the natural 0. It is just right. . - ' f ---.' ..-..' - , . . 1 beKert Herpicide Is a sanitary necessity to every woman's toilet. Besides being; a most delijWul cress in k, u asTri me nair jrrrents n coming out. ioose Dau in tne como is the sure s ;n of danger. Tre oanaruti germ aoes tnat, kui tne touicies and and throws up the scarf skia that is so horn'.. Fifteen AtnHrs "ESTiiats , In rran npert lltl.aoe.ea worta ef sh!r"n's to t VnttH Ptat Iri is, in lit lll.S fS srerta Is !?. raris Ia4a wlU tf..f. Herpiade kills this germ, keep the scalp clean and allows the hair to grow as lAihou! Deaututu fiaxr c air tnat nas tnat nice gloss and lustre. , Yoo can get a large bottle of Herpicide from your druggist for a doSsr. Use it si direct? i a sstisfied, go back and get your money. The company thst mates Herpicide are so sure thst it they claim that they guarantee it. - " 1 i - If you hart not rad it; you should send for their book The Hiff and Its Ca-e." anyone cpon request. Yow ten also get a nice tg sarrr'e of Herpicide with the book ty -ia postage stamps to The Herpicide Company, Dept. 2S3 Detroit. Mich. It 1' : 1 : The bt barbers snd hair dressers all recommend Newbro's Herpicide. 'FOR, SALE A.X ALL DRUG f7TOi:i: iX