, v THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 15. 1910. WiLLi-J.U-llLL !i I'.J-J." I'.." 1UUU 1.1L.J . -i H-lLi!!.'J-..UM.-i-J-U.lU."..U..l , .11 J 1JU -'MEWS--- Field t X2c:scsd ' CREWS PRACTICING FOR COMING REGATTAS OF ROWING CLUB. Rin g , s Troclt PR0GRAP.1 IS FIXED FORGOlfTOURflEY; ATVMVERLYUHKS MULTNOMAH CLUB TO GATHER YOUNG STISONDERIIC Af.'GELS Fi;!ffl CUJtROWVMYINTO : EM BIB i lm i -"- Star Players Coming From Puget Sound and California Greens' to Compete for ; the : Champi6nship. ; , V What 1 expected to be th greatest rolf tournament In th history of. the Waverty chib .will be held from June 1 to and Including June . wnen tn mil mini U.te ehamDlonahlDS will be held. Of 1 1ciala of the club expect a larger and classier entry list In the .coming tournament than Ifi any prevloua one, and aome of the beat playera on the sound, aa well aa a number of Calif or nlans.-will bs present . for th tourna ment -h - t : '. i-.j' V' , '! v Winged M Figuring on Granting Intermediate Membership to Youthful Athletes of Portland Schools; New Blood Wanted. The Multnomah club ta eonaldertng a plan foe bringing about a cloaer rela tion between Itaelf and the lntersoho- laatlo athlete. ' The acheme ta a com mendable one, and If carried out will undoubtedly aocompliah th purpose. Up to the preeent time, the club baa made few Overtures to the. youngsters, and consequently haa been benefited but little by the large number of 'athletes Aeveloned In the Heholastle learua nmu The handicapping committee, whiei .nj in,eets. Heretofore the-club haa de- conslats of K E KOehler, A. L. Mill ponded nearly Altogether upon the ex and C. H. Lewis, has been hard at work i college stars to maintain Its standard In on the program and their efforts have athletics. This action, on the part of th resulted in a splendid list of event. be-cIuo officials is timely and appropriate. lnir provided. Th program la as follows:, , r ' Wednesday, Jan 1. - 12.S0 to 'I p. m. Mixed foursoms fhandlcan). 13 holes, medal play. En- trance fee $1. :i , YY Thursday, Jans 9. 15:30 to 2 p. m. Men' open Cham- nlonshlD. 18 holes, medal play. Qualify ing round. 8 to qualify. Entrance fee II. 1 to 2:30 r. m. women's open cnanv nlonshlD. 18 holes, match play, first round. Entrance fee $1. li to i p. m.-'-Clock golf, daily prise. for : the infusion of new blood Into the athletic teams wjll be a pleasant Inno vation. t ' ' r- .-'''. f The. M. A., A. C. director propose to admit to Intermediate membership ex empt from membership fee, paying only the regular Intermediate dues of one dollar per month, all students who have i played one whole game In an interscho- laatic contest, or who have been point winners .In an lnterscholastlo track or field meet : ; , t Kurt Belong- to Laagu. ' Only such, students as are member Hi 1 ---"""'r & V ' .t l.... tY 12 to p. o. Nina hole putUng. dally of athletic team of the Portland High .prize. , : ! ' ji schools and- academies which , belong v iTrtday,' Jan s. : . 1 to the Portland 'Intet'cholastlc league 9 to 10:80 a- m. Men's open cham-l shall be eliglblef to lnterscholastlo in r.inn.Mn il hnls . match . ola. firt termedlate memberahlp. , . round. ,: ;, . . j The above plan was submitted to. th 12-36 to t o. m. Men's open ' cham-i board of directors of the lnterscholastlo plonshlp, 18 holes, match ply, second j league and approved ?Tlday, May 13. round. 1 to 2:80 n. m. Women' open cham pionship, IS boles, match play, second , round. 10 to & d. m. Clock golf, dally jr!. . 10 to i p. m. Mine hole putting, dally prize. V t . . gatarday, Jnu 4 I to 10:30 . m! Men's open 1 cham pionship, finals, it holes, first 18 holes, match nlay. 10 to 11 a. tn.i Women's open cham' BlonRhlD. 18 holes, finals, match play. 13 to l p. in. junior opea-compeu- It Is hoped by the club members that In Jhls way they an ultimately bring Into full membership many promising athletes. From the lnterscholastlo point of view it la thought that the students will take advantage of the opportunity offered, and that they will , eventually become more - Interested In amateur sports. In the past there has been no little trouble on . account of student yielding to temptation of semi-professional athletics. - Especially baa this been true during the: summer months, when there 1 no apparent . restraint t!on, 18 holes, medal ,play. Entranoe ivaua u,uu 12:30 to 2:30 p. m. Men's open cnam-i-? , - jom Bnarsey- xiumor. plonshlp, second 18 holes, final, match I Tom Bharkey still Insists that he will play .'"r".',Kf-.' " be on hand on July 4 next to challenge 12:80 to 8:89 p. m. Men's open bandl- th winner of the Jeffries-Johnson con cap. 18 holes, medal play.f Entrance test Tom either has . very keen, sense fee 31. ' - - 1 of bumor or else he hasn't got any at 1.-80 to z.-so p. m.-women s open nan-iaiL dlcap, 18 holes,' medal play. Kntnince fee 31. 4:30 p.. m.--Men's approachipg, best average; women's approaching, best av erage. ' Entrance tie 60v cents. . Men's driving, longest drive, best average; wo men's driving, longest drive, best aver age. ' Entrance fee 60 cents. 10 to :30 p. m. Clock golf, dally prlxe. r , 10 to 8:30 p. m. Nine hoi putting. dally prlxe. Entrance fee 60 cents. The rules of play are: " ' Competitors must "tee off" between the hours, provided for eaqjt event. The open championship events -are1 open to amateurs belonging to club: on the Pacific coast. Entries- for the open championship events will be received by the secretary either by mail or wire, up to 13 noon. Wednesday, June 1, 1910. Entries-: for all ether events may be made with the committeemen acting .as starter ar-tne links. ' .' -y Toronto 1. M. C. A. Busy, ' ' The Toronto, Canada, T. M. C A. 'will hold a big series of game In June. Jack Tult, the runner, who has charge of th affair, has been scouring the country for athlete .to take part. MR. METHUSELAH HAD THING Of ITHISBOY i Speaking -of, the, old baseball players and veterans on ,th diamond ' Frank Sander .of Blckleton, ;Wash..'. who Is SI years old. Is probably he oldest active player on the Pacific coast He is the first .baseman, of the Blckleton... team. He fields his position, run th base, hits the ban,' end annoys th umpire with much , more ginger than most - of the youthful members of the team. , "Dad"' Sanders " began ' his baseball career In hi home town, Marshall, Ly on county, Minn., when he was 14 years old, and has played with an organized club every season, save one,; since that time. He started In playing left field on his horn team, but hi 'throwing ability . became - so noticeable : that - he was soon tried as a pitcher, in 1878 he joined the Silver Stars, of Winona, Minn., In the Northwestern league, com posed of 16 team In the leading cit ies of Minnesota, Wisconsin, - Dakota and Iowa. He pitched for them four years. He returned to nis dome town in 1888 1 and played with Ooldendale, Arlington, Or.; Blueiight and Blckleton, wash. .'. VP Three Successive' Victories Too Much for' McCredie's Well Flushed Crew and Pitchers Are Unable to Stop Hitting. . Above-rSecond girls' crw in the training barge with Eva Fanning, stroke; Hazel iHenry Nr3;, Mabel . Woodworth, No. 2; Gladys Woodworth.bow.';' Panel on left, junior racing crew Spooner. Btroke; Pb.il- lipbar, Ho. S; Hullnr No.' 2, and Allen, bow. On right, first glrls'L.ourr-Stella Burger, stroke; Nettle ; '7 .' Bukoweky, No.' S; Katherlne-. Dorney, No.v2, and Nell Dorney, bow. "- - - ' LOCAL SHOOTERS . . . , - t What James Thinks. Jim Corbett estimates that 810,000,- 000 will b spent over th big fight. RO WING CLUB TURNING OUT MANY CANDIDATES With fair weather today, the Portland Rowing club members will be outonthe water in full force. Last 'Sunday . was the busiest- in the club's career, but to day looks as If it will be. even, better For further Information arDlv .to Tt I from a training standpoint . 'Th addl H. Koehler, chairman handicap commit-1 Won Of the girls' rowing crew and the tee. -.,.-., ... vt. .',?. -. s '' :.,.,. I arrangements ror. tn ladies' annex; has Officers of the club are: President. I created unusual Interest In the club and William MacMaster; vie president, Wirt membership campaign- will be Inaugu- winor: secretary-treasurer. A. 8. Roth-1 rated shortly to swell. m active list In well; handicap committee, K. H. Koeh-j the organisation. ler, A. I Mills and C. II. Lewis. I Th raring nnwa hmv hwn VirH mt work for the northwest association re- Isn't Be Previous? .' Igatta next July 1 and 3 at Vancouver, Ther Is a negro In Boston who a- B. C, being In connection with and one plres to b a pugilist. He calls himself lof leading feature of th Dominion Young Jack . Johnson. - Rather previous. I aay celebration The regatta this year don't you think? So far as one can I Promises to be tb best in th history iam ints is tne nrst coon to usurp the euphonious title of the ebony guardian of the heavyweight!! belt However, let us add that Young Jack Is ss bunt a fighter as yon could find in a year of Sabbaths. There nay be a Weonsin college, prlng. of. the association - and. the .Vancouver oarsmen will do all n thelf power t mak the affair, a memorable one. Senior Crew .Weaker. , While the senior crew will probably not measure up to the strength of th last few year.-ther is. much more In ternals tourney of ttereat In the Junior ranks than ever b- lit Milkaukee . this I fore. Several Junior crew are at work In the four oared shells. and rivalry :-V.Y YY:-':''."--' iYY'.-' .:v among the different four la -at fever heat - , -The official this year have provided th oarsmen with everything to be de sired and ' accordingly more interest 1 being displayed In club affairs. Last Sunday 'SO oarsmen and women' were in th racing and training shells, th larg est number ever before out at one tim, and this 8unday.lt 1 believed ther will be nearer 40. . The women' ' crew haa been In creased to three, another four being pre pared to go Into training today. , The first girls'' crew haa made such prog re that- th club ' officials ar Im mensely pleased. They are now permit ted to go out alone In on of th racing hells. i Y.'., Y. : x Th second 'girl' crW Will 'row for a few more days with experienced male oarsmen and then "they will be given a racing shell and allowed to shift for themselves. Th third crew -will- fol low the course laid out for the other until they become proficient la th us of th racing craft ; ' ' . The Interest the ladle ar showing it (Continued on Pag Five.) IRVING; CONTENDERS IN GRAMMAR SCHOOL LEAGUE r t t . ; . , ' -' ( . vt; ' ' I . . . . 1 . v: I ! i AT INLAND MEET Portland's Best Trap Experts Take, Part In, Walla Walla . : Tourney. , Portland -will ' be weir represented at the' Twenty-sixth Annual Shooting tournament of the Sportsmen's Associa tion 6t the Northwest at Walla Walla Tuesday, - Wednesday and Thursday of this week. . -Two high prize winner at last year's tournament, Frank Howe and Jack Cufllson will try to repeat their victories and - they ' will be backed up by half a dosen of the best known shots IJn Oregon. 9 I IhAii 1 AA a-niiB will tn Tr In the shoot and the local gunmen will have their work cut out forjthem In this classy, company. ,.Th : prises are very elaborate gold medals, studded ' with Jewels, i- several of which re solitaire diamonds to the value of fZOOO. Walla Walla citlsens hare added another S1OQ0 making 1 th total priie valuation - CI 13000. - ;-".'vf,;i. , - Those who go from her besides Cul llson and Howe are: Morris Abrahams, Ed Morris, Harry Ellis,. W. W. Caldwell, W.-. E. Carlln, Charley Wagner ana Jack Converse. " ; -' . , Koldr of Trophies. There will be 11 - event each day. At the close of tha first day-the Wal hr.Walla-Brownlee medal, the Dayton medal and the Individual championship medal will ba contested for. ' They are held now by Small of Walla Walla, Stacey of North Yakima and Barclay of Walla walla. tm Multnomah medal. the Anaconda-Dupont and the Spokane- Brownle will be shot for at the close of th second day. They are now held by Frank -Howe of Portland, Barclay of Walla Walla and Storey or uoseman. Mont ' Th lat 1 event ' of th final day will be th shoot for the globe trophy and the team tropny. Tn team troohy i now held by ' Seattle.:. Jack Cul llson wonth high average .medal last year : which . became hi personal property, . , s -i't-?- .: ;K.JiY-;i't PIGEON RACERS TO SPEED 300 US Fanciers Evenly Matched on Birds, Which Race t From Sisson Today. ; . EAST SIDE TO Not te.be outdone by th "coppers' of the local force, the-firemen of Port lend have taken steps to organise a club for firemen to te known ss ths East Portland Firemen's Athletlo asso ciation and will have their headquarters at th firehous aituated at Bast Third Sua L'ne i.reei w. " AJI the latest gymnasium apparatus i. Ut1lng placed, in the new beadauarters, j Vwhlch will be on of -the best in the city. Th firemen bav com t th ; t- s r ss's vr ito ia the hir.ors la Section 3 and who defeated the crack Ockley CrWn in th r-r t v -r: jfrtxzU Irvlcrtoa plaj-s Ctapman ?hooI next Tiesdax. Tie p!avr are froa C T ,"!. V,svcr, rJr; Login, utility; Mulrhead, first base; VmtW pltr.hpr, maBSgr. ':x:-rt. tichfT; McLaoghlin. lft field; Bonney, shortstop; Crosby, third bu. Bottom f, r t:t I i; irrT,f, twea ta. and captain; Scfciiier, nter field conclusion- that on account of fires bring so scare In Portland somethtng bad to D none to no tnemeeives oi tne extra avoirdupois that naturally accu mulates without exerelp. - Captain Mountain, who-Is th presi dent of th new aesodstinn, is a strong sdvocate of physical exercise and has hlmwlf takes off rv-r li pounds of r.fh in the last two ws. Cjulte s few of the 1 - ters appearing bef .re ti-e local imf - -t bav dorv t!i r ri-T..l!tlrn1ng at ' e new r ym na ii-ri I all have v id It one cf the be.t ii nn.' W't -r K.-iwlUin. wtx tnnk t rt In, the r-. -r,l ArmTr imonfr and woa tn bout In half 4 round, Ik a in era her of truck 4 and will r-e th boxing In ruror. Misrs. Cunlff sed Craig srs the .-rubber." end will tT;f- mn.'r of the department does a llttls -exerct.ityr" he there are no rftr.fls- fnnlnpa, is well taken care PC rter hi work"tit. The vtflcf-rt of th ,KJtrt rri'n-id Firemen's soHatlfw are: ' r t ! n M'untatn. rTr-lor.t; Cptls TSat"ttt. TK-e l M-t ; Jl J. f(ts.- se-r(iry; Y. J. H'Ttf-ni-A. t-f or.r; 'rt Today th Oregon Homing dub will hold a 300 mil pigeon raoe, tha bird being liberated at Sisson, Cal. While fewer birds are being entered-- than on the - shorter race, th competition - is mucn Keener, as tnre noted Dira win race homeward. , Ed Lillas has among hi entries hi pedigreed bird "Hero"' and ha full con fidence In winning the race. . . '' E. H. Bauer will' have among hi en tries two famous birds, Oregon Queen and Portland Belle, both bred from his Belgian and English birds. ' His hopes are centered on ; Portland Belle, as finders pick- her as one of the swiftest flyers in the northwest.-' t -,. With favorable weather 'condition those ' three bird' should average 4jyer 1100 ysrds, per minute. . ... ... Birds' entered fot the race are as fol lows: E. LUlas, 9; E. H. Bauer, 6; J. W. Buckley, 2. , t , '- . , -v The race Sunday Is the deciding on for the average speed cup, best average speed for one. two and three hundred mile race. - , , , m' i The winning of this cup 1 a coveted honor, a It shows a consistency , f speed from the loft . The three mem bars - re entering th race on nearly an. even basis. , , B lbs InternsUonal News Berie.), V; ls Angeles, May 14 By beating the Beavers In the fourth geme of th series . at Chutes park this afternoon ths An gels still retain a fingernail hold, on. th aeries. The locals played errorless ball behind , Toser' and desptt tha ef fort of both Garrett and Krspp. who twirled for th northerners, walked off with the big end of a 3 to -1 scorej ' s - ' '.. ,'x Aa;Ifl Bit .'Hard. ' ' ; Th Angels had 13 men on base iluf-F ing their eight and a half inning sliig fest and touched Garrett for. seven hits ' and Krapp for three, 'but . could only score; In - theslxth Inning.- -Wftft two . men -down. Dillon doubled -to -left -field ' and scored, on , Jilurphy' alngl to the ' same territory. ; Roth singled to left field 1 and Murphy . scored when Speas Juggled the ball. , Delma was oat Portland scored in th second Inning- ' when Rapps doubled to right field; V He cam home on Garrett singlo to center. Th game was. featured by -th treap pearanoe in the Angel lineup of TDoo" Bernard, who haa een out of th gam since he was hit In th head by Roy ' Hitt during the last Vernon-Lo Angeles - ' r' LOS ANGELES." .'. ' w - ...)' - ..'.V, AR T XT DA A tf ''.'. . . .... . M.u. J. J... A V. U.. jjaiey,'cr. v. ;.-. 4 0 ' 1 3 0 0 Howard. 4b ....'.,,.,.. 4 0 ' O f 1 MurohV. If -.. Roth, 3b 4 Delma a, ss J Orendorf f. e .a ' a Toser, p j 0 i 0 0 - 0 3 -0 Total The Brooklyn baseball players of the National leagua have been promised a liberal bonus tn tne. event or tneir im- ishtng in the first division at i the end iof th season. They will receive an Increase of from 6 to 20 per cent of tb salaries. ,. t , 1 s MOTOR BOATERS PUT ENERGV INTO REGATTA Members of the Portland Motorboat Club are throwing all their-energy into the proposed .- coast , championship re gatta, here July . 4. to which ' the fast est bc(gts from Oregon, California and Washington hay been Invited. ' Prise aggregating several i thousand "dollars will ba out tin for the res-atta and'it Is. planned to make it the greatest power boat affair that has-ever been held in Pacific , coast water.'. ' The- champion ship trophy will -b . donated by . thr American Power Boat association, which will also send ah expert timer from the east to take the time of the races. - The race has also been sanctioned by the Pacific . ' Power- ' BoAt : association; which will also do all In Its power to make the regatta a' memorable me. Two boat, th Fighting Bob and tha Gen eral IT. considered, the fastest in Cal ifornia, and th Seattle Spirit, a Puget sound boat" are among, some of ' th speeders. Y - Y'y : Boms of rut CrafY Y Portland is' th home of two of th fastest, boats In the west.. and three more will fee launched and made ready for tha free for all for tb tltl cup In the July regatta.-'The Wolff II and Hi pew Pacer, the two fastest boats at th A. -T.-iV exposition at Seattle last year. ar owned here and are ready to nter a race anytime. The Wolff is In tha 40 foot class, with a 110 horsepower six cylinder Sraalley engine. 'The new Paer is In the 32 foot -class and has a sis cylinder lit horsepower Lelghtoir en lne. " . Otto Ranft of Hapy Heinle fame Is building a new S2 footer, which will ba equipped with a four cylinder Portland built engine, as he wants ths boat to bs strictly an Oregon product . . , Captain Milton Smith of ' Rainier Is also building a 33 foot boat In which will be installed a six cylinder Emerson engine. - - - - All of these boats except th Wolff II will be entered in the 3 foot class a well as the free for alK . - , , . ; . '. oo Aftr loo mi Boord. - -r The f res for all race will be over a 30 mil courser but the"boatsmen - will also go after the '100 mile world's rec on, for motorboats. If the race Is held It 'will be down-river to-Rainier and (Continued on Pag Five.) ......... 33 J 10 37 13 Un X JLtAL LJ. tasey, zo Olson, ss ........... 4 Hetling, Sb .-.i. 3 McCredle. rf 4 isher, c . . . . ... . . . tJ. . 4 Kyan, cr . , . 4 RaDDS. lb S Speas, If .',.. 3 Garrett p -. . ". , 3 Krapp. p 0 U. OMUIU 4, a a - l H. PO. A. E. 0 , 1 .l,.l - 2 4 2 0 1 I o ' i ' 9 - Total ...... .31 1 3 3 7 34 ,io v- J. Smith batted for Garrett enin. . . f . SCORE BT INNINGS. "" Los Angeles Y...0 0 0 0 0 3 O'o Base hits ....'. .0 3 1 1 1 3 0 3 10' Portland .,.', 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 9-- t Baser hits .... 3 3 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 'Y ' ' STJIMART tl ..i -Hit made -Off Garrett 7; and '2 runs In lnnlnsrs. wq base hits Ranps. ' Hetling; Dillon, Speas. Base on balls--Oft Tozer 2. Struck 'out By . Garrett 3, by v Toser 8, by Krapp 2. ; Double plays Torer-to Delmas. Wild pitch-r-uarrett Hit by pitched ball Murphv; Hanps. , ' Time -1:40. Umpire--Flnney. JEM DRISC0LL COCKY ; J Zi AS SPARROW OVERFILL Jem Driscoll Is In New York, as cocjty as a sparrow and full of plans and fight. talk Jem say that the game on the other Bide Is in-fuM bloom,' but that America offer more money.- ' - Abe Attell says that all th arrange ments have been made for; his- battle with Driscoll... the English' chamDlort.- and that. -Jley; will fight 45, rounds at Colma. Cat, on the afternoon . of July 3. - The weight will be . 128 ,- pounds.' weighing 1 four hour before the" batlef: Attell wanted It at ringside, but Dris coll would not consent s -.,-(' JOCKEY BENNETT- IS . - - AFTER DAN WEBSTER . '. ' , -; - , j i - Fred Bennett - familiarly known, to th prtlng world ss "Jockey" Be,nnett ; and on of the best little bantams that 4 ver, laced on a glovs. Is still In -Portland looking-for an argument with any; of th banUm,-.vYv V . ;- f - He ha boxed every man of hi weight excepting Danny Webster, and would be tickled if he could meet th Los Angeles, demon In a 10 round bout before any of th local club. -Y'Y Hs has been keeping himself In splen- - did condition and Is capable, of Jumping Into th arena at a minute's notice. . YOUNG SCHOLASTICS WHO MAKE GOOD AT BASEBALL i. - " A - . Y J Jefferson Hiph scttwij tMr,l tPtm. wh:-h la the rlty Inters- olatU; lf : -;. .-l t Wanhirftoa H!gh la tfc lat i-t!. f the i.rr ar hoys tut two y.r r-ynacs-r ss Is ii rlS cats and as a-f ! ' ca b frond. TJYy am slwttt 1 . Jff frro 1 SeV4- eTii rtt J' . i h! ' i I- r3e i s'.ecd.'i record -.n fcor to carry off th t wek. JrrPn H!ra i trrm the grarr.rr,er sc 1 1 r-hrr nchfxYi. tbey -': rl rshtlcg fcara an against tfce oiler h!ga chrol pUrra e pennant in another year. Ttey lost Is only two year old and moet of hool clan. . Althoueh sTril yar fcT caie a r-PTd cf wtlrh they til Xt.t lsjt icair.g if ov?r. Wstch th