THE,; OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. , SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 15, 1910. 10 NEW TODAY TODAT JfEW TODAT XEW TODAT NEW TODAY . 1. ' Fort' Cranton& wmm. ., , '.406 LEWIS BLDO. General Real Estate and Timber, l.u JB- ' ; I " . NEW TODAY" V ' H.rxrLn.njn.jinj iii n.rujiu"Vr'rJ'bJ" NEW TODAY Reserved Martin For Voui A-3187 Marshall JZ84 in Westmoreland, 50 Owner must sell. . PRICE ON APPLICATION 440 Acres Ninety acres in perfect state- of cultivation. Good house, barns . arid all outbuildings1.. Five acres prunes and 'good family orchard. -.V PRICE ' ,-. $12.50 Per Acre 160 Acres Forty acres in high state of culti vation,' 5 acres in walnuts, good family orchard. Four room house, - rood barn, fine . spring. Forty acres all fenced. Timber , esti mated at 10,000 cords pJL wood. Finest red shot soil. . -t . " ; 3 price '".; ; 4&206 246 Acres Over 100 acres in fine cultivation. Eight room house, large barn, joung orchard on river, 100 acres fine pasture. On county road, R. F. D. end telephone line. ? One mile from S. P. station, 16 miles from Portland. , One of the fin est farms and dairy ranches to be found. Can make excellent terms. '"PRICE; . $125 Per Acre And Examine the Famous Scappoose Orchard Tracts ,This district is now opened up with big improvements under way. Railroad through center of tract ' Kich soil, abundance of wood and water. Buy while the prices are low, TEN AND TWENTY ACRE TRACTS AT " 350 to $500 Per Tract - TERMS TO SUIT . -.. .. . i . Call at office and make appoint ment for trip. McFarland Investment Co C. MERRITT, Sales Agent .310 CORBET T BUILDING Tae one beat place In Portland re boy. Oocmphlcal center and most deslrabla Bering la believing. . Brttmr to and the many cboioe rMidemrea ndr rmstrucUoa and the Improvement go- Ing on. --,- lit Orcoa Real Estate Company lit OIUS ATX. WALKING DISTANCE To Madison Street Bridge fZ f0 ronru cottage. wrnr. fnclud- , g rurmture. 40 caan. fl per r ."h; l and roees ' S'J M .virr i room cottage, sJc f 2". ' l mtna mttag. cerwer; room t mon Kou t II T(0 nnm roltaca. ftunnyofde, i... i.t from ia "rn: rvod raiie. f'jitn It t. rU'tia and ! t Ur: ..i ' it 'r.r lot, 1Kb (n Rhon , (uiiful. tw, rooms; built - i t.ior"i et. I '",( IT:. !d loU eta yrner; c. i rirta, Corner lot by 100. Take a Trip to Spitzenberg A Lot $3.00Cash SPerlo. Where can you - gelt a 50x100 " . lot,, all cleared and stumps out, . ' with water in , front of each lot, for as little . money? , - ' ONLY AT No. 2 AT LENTS 5 CARFARE Better buy now ' and get'the in-, crease in value. About 50 lots sold last two . weeks. . ' " Cowperthwait & Christensen Agents at Lents. : Western Oregon Trust Co; .Owners Ground Floor, Chamber of - : Commerce West Portland $60 to $90 Ten dollars down and $4.00 per month. Don't let this opportunity pas and in later years regret it. Willamette Realty Co. 420-422 Board of Trade ' Phone Main S914 ' A beaatifully situated tract of five crei on Rivertide Drive; river front age, fine sandy bach. splendid old shade trees. Will subdivide this prop erty to suit purchaser. . - Geo. D.Schalk 223 Stark Street Main 392 A -2311. BUNOALOW SO CAgX. - TUlajM-e ey t-rm. . Fla w mod era i room butif l- fear A1bevta c-ar: flrp -, rwi. Linm h (, full rmnt btwtimt, iiilM J-V batk. toll Th( uit for tl'i. uvm B-turcts co, 0-w av&f o TreAa. Seiitoiie Park RIVERA Heads the list of high class residence districts. 2 1. : . i. ; It is the best improved. The most attractively laid out. '. - .k , , i , , ., . Nearest to business. - , 1 ' ' r A Has the best car service. J Is decidedly the cheapest and can pe bought on easiest terms. ' . and up The pficeot the . lots in-1 eludes it the cost of all the beautiful improvements. . ; One:: .Tenth Down The, remainder may. be paid in monthly of quarterly payments, with 6 per cent interest. Discount for cash. Warranty deed. '- F. W. Torgler 106 Sherlock BIdg. Strong & Co. 605 Concord Bldg. Agents on the Ground. , eaveiton- Resdville 3800 ACRES Onlv miles out. 40 minutes' '' r ride. Five trains each way per way per line and I . . i "T " . eight cars each way pn Electric 1am Asitt rlr .i. ...,v. ji , 1 One, tWO or , five acres here, r ' bought on our very liberal terms, means an excewent investment . , . -, . lor Salaried "men J also , Will . give pleasant and profitable, employ - tnrnt tn thrstf Vivinp thir full incnt io inusc giving tacir iuu t time. -v.cY'" .'..' -v'i --vv Timber and brush land S125 per acre and up. ' x - v ' Ueared land fUU per acre and up. - ; ; ? ,y -' ': ' '' : Small cash, payment, balance terms. . . THE SHAW-FEAR CO. 245 STARK STREET Main 35 A-3500 rty 100x100 on 15th and Pettygrove; trackage on United Railways and Northern Pacific Geo.D.Schalk 223 Stark Street Main 392. A-2392. 100x200 on Park ave, hard surface streets, water, gas, sewer pip' laid to in:de lot line. One of the finest building sites is the city. .. ., Geo. D.Schalk 223 Stark Strett lliia 2?2. - . A-2JJ2. Warehouse Prope feentrai nn mm- Ma .Farai W own th land and' ' title. . can give clear History Repeats Itself a rew yeara back vnu rnuirt hnvii mir. g cnased land in the vicinity of Port i or jubi a lew aoiiara. mow wnat worth? Makea you aton and Chink It notT Whether or not vou let that I opportunity go by. don't mlaa thla. You ! no doubt 'have heard of the millions of i dollara that have been spent in British Columbia- for ' delopment purposes. Why? Because thn Oranil Trunk P. cifle Transcontinental Railroad la des l ttned to open up vast areas of the most fertile .and productive agricultural lands In British Columbia. The gov ernment authorities estimate that during- the coming season .128.000 Amerl- cana will , enter Into British Columbia I to settle in this great farming district. J." 3. Hill says: Back 'to the land.. Re a. mnA nwnor In the new country. Be a pioneer. Iook at Portland's pioneers,, they are today the wealthiest men; the backbone oi mig cuy ox wonaenui growtn; . ,. Fort George Is destined to be ths tnetrnnnlfs nt this Inland country. Five railroads, two of which, are under, way, will open up I hub great- country.- wiin its i vasi ;re i sources ' and . commercial Indnntrloa. I Think this over, if you have a. fw him. urea uuiiars to invest. - 'ine men. that are needed In this great country are tne men wno win ro in anil tin th enii. and put their - future welfare in the hands of. mother earth. . She will not neglect ner onuoren. -. .. ' This land does not need to be' Irri gated, as there are 22 to it inches of I rainfall annually. There are no Sum. I mer zrosts. nor severe Winters. ' Corn of th Flint variety la belnff rrown with rnttt mteimum n.t. fheat.1 rye and barley do equally well, la iacr toere is no Deiter grain, country In the world. . H . , Tho great mining region of Northern British Columbia with Its deposits of coal, lead, Iron, silver and gold. ... Vast tract of forests , that will soon be cleared away, -the Grand Trunk Rail road touching the Atlantic and FaclfTo Coasts all help to make - Fort George, Nechaco and Bulkley Valleys the most desirable section In: British Columbia. We are absolutely aura you will be pleased With this land la the Fort George district, for It la mostly level Oil Dftirlf All Af II .HmmH mr,A '?r 5?RSow- - Tb?r J B better land fine wona over, man tna whlcn sur-" !rLGf?r? . n ,wh? j hub lv wiisxt. cuuii ir ana wnn in f ?mlliar '.wlth the conditions writes us Itha he has not seen invthln. Kb. t I te,thoVrm? Tweivads lo! J f arm imnl amenta Ar nn thoi ws Fort Oeoree: th hsnk. . -7.".i- lo hotels and storeaeamboats T bow runblfiar on thn FrMr n4 ?MigiaRwaSrw ot - Tnmic what this means to the man wno ouya isnaa loaay, wun tnese great railway' Improvements under way. IbWA'SI tow labor fto be uaed in the construction of railroads or like uro- iects that are bonded with tn govern- menu -thus giving opportunity for thl man wno is wining to work. This to I tbe man with small caDltal means great aeai, aa wages ar blgn, an In stance of which I will (rive. Teamster 112S a month and board; flrst-claaa carpentera, 110 a day. giving Jblm aa op- uuiiuDiir 10 mae Buoa money,- aeveioa I hia land, and In a few years be Inde-I penacnt lor in luiure,. Plant Your Dollars d Do ItNpw Call and look, at our maps, pictures f th laad and aamplea of grain grown in inai wunurriui country. - 1 nia wetHC witoessea tbe departure of tnaoy farm- era for our Unas. The auto stage Is now. operating. Our representativea are on tne tana witn nor "end accoromo- oationa for ail. ; W Issu through tickets direct Fort George. . . , , . to Our special auarantee aafernarda every ouyrr. i ities are guaranteed by th government. - j . . Don't delay. '-' Com ta and ua. Every acre you buy today will lncreaae la value many tlmra over in a very t nat la wny we say. our Fort oirt farm lands from fe rpoKlblL ryllable nd honorable company J' nth paid up capital of $I.0iKi. References, any bank In British Columbia. Call or write for pamphit, tnapa and ne of Fort Oirs . farm lamia. Fpflal Indurrtnnta to tho burin this wer-s. Tfrne to suit sll bujr. Think - fwily S3.0S pr irr down, bal ance In t iv annual Inatailmenta. Don delay. -,.'.- North Coast Land Co., Ltd. RVTAJf AV ADAMS. B.lUng IrtU. ! t CTaa-iber ef fomiwrft b'dg. Op- Etftlrp frm 7 t . lni"n orn-. 014 j.vrr..' Teitoce lU.a 11(2. A lia aeos The Best Lots in eftefee E. 42d & Hancock St. " ' -. , ' , Were reserved by one ; man, but " for personal ; reasons - he ; decided to dispose of them,, hence . we are now offering , these choice 50x100 lots for as low as 1 While They Last Terms so easy that any one can afford to buy ; ' them., v - 3 Per Month : ' r : : V " ; Right where the Beau- ' mont car is to leave, the ; Sandy Road in the -1 choicest part of the most 5 active home-building ! district in the city. See 1 the fine homes - being -- built and you will real- " ize that prices will soon. ADVANCE All improvements IN CLUDED in the pur chase price. Such bar gains will not last long, so you must act if you are to get this chlnce to Make Money! ; ' Call and wewill explain conditions to you, and -- then you will know for yourself. ... 7:v , ' . i ' Western Oregon iistCo. V Ground Floor. v ' Chamber of Commerce.' - From 2 to 10 Acre Tracts Adjoinine Rose City Park 30 UNDER MARKET PRICE! - EasyTermg OREGON & WASHINGTON . REALTY CO. 527 Chamber of Commerce" - '. Main 863. I , - Portland Heights Home View Property ' Built one year: Strictly modem. Sev en room. Owner Compelled to go cast I Sacrifice $1000 - 10OO Uk 1- NOW 1 1 a! f Cash. ' ' Phone A-:4. Ownr. Portland ?Mk Knan Pt fr, t Kekt:fil kta, r'M f rr: aewe. atr rs. tl'-'ty - i Koi h it'.r, IT--''. '-If 4cfitjop $800' ACREAGE LOTS e'enn , ' , . AND UP.1" . ...v.. . - '.v ..: .. v. -t .. 10. Per Cent Down j 2 Per. Cent a Month 6 Per Cent Interest " ' , , - v ' ' 4 BEST VIEW ; ; . GOOD CAR SERVICE RESTRICTED DISTRICT IMPROVED STREETS , CITY WATER 'IT TOU BUILD ON A THAYER LOT Tou will have Refined Neigrhbora. . -. xv you uux a THAYER. LOT You will have an INVESTMENT and m qpporiuniiy 10 QouDtt your moner In a. nnort time. - Take W-W car to East 41t and HoU rate atreeta, 1 block east. The Dunn-Lawrence Co. 248 Alder St. It 17 AN ACRE, terms on part 978 , acres, txA miles south of Rosebure, Or. About 100 acres ! under cultivation, most all till able. Well fenced, mostly woven wire. - Well watered by springs and wells. Large 10 room house, sonnfir water - and teieonone. 3 barns, 2 or 3 small cottages, good ing timber, lime kiln and , iron mine. ' About SO acres good bear- ing Italian prune orchard, 6 acres good bearing Bartlett pear orch ard, 5 acres good , bearing apple orchard, small peach orchard and small fruits of all kinds. All good land. Desirable place to live, on the main' road, v R. F. D. every day. WALKER & RUDOLPH 326 BOARD OF TRADE Positively the Chance You Will Get : to Buy This f 100x135 Foot Southwest; Corner ; ' Improved with new flat apartment house, three S room cottages, paying over 7 net on Investment, and, 26 be low value. 02TLT S3000 Is necessary to handle this, balance your own terms to suit Street 1 Improvement !n and paid for. - This property , will ; never again be offered at this sacrifice. Clr cumatancea compel ovrner to e, leav ing city Immediately. , . - Should make 109 per cent on amount Invested by fall. ' If you are looking for either good speculation or good Income property Investigate this "bet or It is too lata. 1 vv - if:-.:- ' F. E TAYLOR & CO.' OSf9 lmin ldg, ronrth and Oak Sts. Over one and a half lots at brad of LovejOr street; p!cnriid view. This is where the1 new boulevard and car- line are to be.' The price is Jess than - ; : uirounding property. . 22$ Ftark SlretL A-2Z-1. Last $7SOO raw NEW TRACT JUST BEING OPENED; This beautiful tract is now being' improved and will be offered. to the buying public at Drices and terms, de fying cpmpetition. Streets graded and'; water mains laid..1 fine locality and; 1 near car. Come out today and select a home.. -'- Terms 5 1 cash. 2 ner i; month. No lot less thaa 40x105 ' many larger; $235, up. . , T . . r i . v. "j . ,. See Chat., I Hunter ' (owner) at- residence on tract, 3 blocks south of " Grays Crossing on Mount Scott Hn. I evenings and Sundays. During week . 223-225 Board of Trade R0SSMERE: Have fon een - the new homes ) built aund beinsj built in RoMmere? ' Do you 'know what delightful naUK dence district thla Is rapidly-' becom ing? ; r-' : ' i ' Do yon realize that, more houses will be built la this tract this year than the total number now com-' pleted, that . prices " are . rapidly ad vancing and that your chance) of se curing a. beautiful location for m home la this Improved ' district at reasonable prices Is becoming less I with each day you wait? -- r . , Buy now and: yourself reap the ' profits of Increased value. Agent on the ground everjr afternoon. , c Clafk-COOk COmpafiy Main 5407, A-3252 Place Your Fire Insurance WITH Jno. P. Sharkey Co.. . j Agents For, V' v GLENS FALLS INS. CO' - Glens Falls, N. Y. , SECURITY INSURANCE CO, New Haven, Conn. for a Term of Years The German Aid Society Trill entertain bids for leasing its prop- erty, 100x100 feet, southeast cor ner Morrison and Eleventh sts., for a term not ; to, exceed ? fifty " years. - Principals only. : Appl y or phone to H. C BOHLMAN, secretary, 46 North Ninth street. -Phone Main 4804. ';. ' ,:! '-i Quarter Block Thirteenth and Flanders Streets. Trackage. . $45,000 - $5000 Under Market ' 1 ' " Investigate . - LEASE TO 310 Lewis uiag 4th & Oak. . V UU IUU WAIN 1 A New first Gass Home a IRVINGTON Pr!ihed floor. lmH and paneled dlnlrr room arol rten. buffet, tOfk, flrepiac. httironra and hmtinf pinnt. trie bf!l ohtninaMe. se ar iIm K fine bt fiitiires nd every other feature of t' t"!je. Mit he eold before June 1. if, Intf-rented In hjv1na a lnh da home, n to t proud of. on ey trn end beiow actual coat. aadrea T-I4. .Mortgnse Loans O elty proT-erty at re(wkle rate. CXJlK-CO0aT COVTPAWT. trl ef Tro aiilng.