THE OIUXON SUNDAY JOURNAL, POUTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 15. ID10, 1 Si rjatso.viL RADIUM People afflicted with Cancer I.iipl), Rodent Ulcers, -Kcasema, Tuberrulotis Joints. Tumors Or Ulaticls. X-Kv Hums, Pear Tissue. Keloids. Mevus, Vort Wliir MhIiib (Mother Murks) Moietf of every -.kind. WartM. tUrk-lure, PruMntle. Hind- iiT and llectal Troubles. Urunulat KyelliJa nd iimny other ril-afcr have ' been permanently . cured with ltadluin Light. I havs tlio only Radium on the Pacific coast. Address or call at 813 Hollx'hll.l bldir., Portland. Or. Lr. V. ' Mallnry. Kndiunr HiircinliHt. tin. alick a. uhiks. Dlsenses of women and children cluclvelyj Vomt'n art often save,! vera surgical operations by consult me. Nervous diseases of children specialty. Private hospital accommoda. tlnna. . Conf lnentrats cared for. Cor , raapondxnca solicited." No charge for . Consultation. Phones. Main 382S. A-6607 Office room 10. Grand Theatre bldg., Washington ana park. el se- In . VOULO you tnnrrv If Bulled?, Each is ana of my matrimonial nupcr contains -annul 40 columns advertisement or la dies and gentlemen from all auctions of the United mates, Canada, Meitloo and Europe, rich: poor, young. oldPro- ' testanta, Catholics, etc. Sample copy mailed nealed tree,, , , X. ,IC Q unnola,,. To. -ledo, Ohio.. ; LIQlToit and drug habits 'permanently cured In three clays; no suffering, no hypodermic syringes, harmless; insll . tute or home treatment; boh sexes; splendid accommodations. ' Cardiol In -siiluta. 1627 Peninsular eve., Portland, " Or. - .- 10 C1TJT ACRES. , ; You can buy 10 acrea Inside tha city limits, near tha Country club, for $1000 . Per acre. Lot values adjoining are $400 tO 1500.- - " ' - ' . COLUMBIA i f RUST COMPANY,!; ' ItoHr.l of Trad bid t. ' ' LA I1 KM Ask your druggist' for Chicesters Pills, (he Diamond Brand. . ... For 20 years known as best, safest Always reliable. . Take no other. Chl-v-ohester Diamond Brand. Pills are , told - by dru,inits everywhere. - ' -y . '.TRuTTFRECAN.BFCuRED We assist nature by-retaining hernia at all times regardless of your occ.upa--tion, "this we. guarantee.'" Examination or advice free, cadonnu & Wilson. 6 6th. coal axd ivoon r.ois and investments KKXV TODAY NEW TODAY ri'OTICEK'iASLABVOCD tiitKKN Hllnifl' W( !(!, per. load, ,2.M tiitKKN 4 Hit IT WiiDIi, per cord. .12 lie INtillPlO I'ltY KIIOHT, per load ,...3.60 HLtrt'K WuOlj, per load ..ti.60 BAWiitTftT fne furl an, I ti.iddinir. Tte Peruana Slat weed Co.' Main ill!. A-7001. EI 0 It It IS FROTHKn", rhBibi ef Com. irKM-ce p'lltlii(. Munlrl, railroad ,and iitblic 4rTlsi enriHU'iitioa boitd. i ' . 1'ACli-H: riLAUViOO t!l. fJrt'en, short sliibwood, per lnuil . . 13. HO Hmull. diy Insldo wood, per load .. $2.5(1 I'luner trimmliiurH, ht loud. . . , ... .J3.00 J'hOIH S Muln 3IU, A-3!). White Salmorir fWlorselaCo: 4 , --r . . - LU I BAK6AINS ippie Land D" Qarcoai ' ,Wcaa Call Main tm. loot of Curry St. WoodrCoaTaiid Dry Slab WKB'i'KHN ITITL'L COAlPANY, " OWXING-nOINlINII TO. Btnrk and grata I hmkerB. EntabllkhPd 1HU3. Portlnd, (tuttl, Tk'oihk, HLkan. Prlvata wlrva. 201-2-3-i touch HUB. . NICW TODAY J7 E. MoniHou. East 220, B-1026. I SOUTH I'OHTLANl) SUUWOOU CO., Main Z163. A-3S43. jnry inside wood. greeu slabwood, clean sawdust for bad dlnjf. rut fuel; curdwood. YAMATO Wood & Coal Co. All klnda of fir wood and nice coal py sack or ton. phones n-liit. hi. tb anq Alain t. UKKH'tc kArh. dealers in all kinds of I fir and hard woods; prompt delivery. sua water sr. Mum 48U0, A-4ft7. A. II. Edlefaen, th tuel man Cn. of Com- r merce, sells anmracitrand cannel; eheanep rrades of eoal and dry wood. BtlCEtTlirldRe Kuel i'.oi. wood and coat i -non (Jt77I, K. 4Z4. SHORT dry board wood.' 13.60 per load. f none Ainrsnall l0. k Bargains 6-acre city home (or $3500 3 acres! of this is cleared and 2 of it i set to 1 and "2-year-old fruit trees, with bearing strawberries between the tree rows, Ari ideal home site, with a fine view.'; In the city of White Salmon. KLECTItOtrs MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous bair re moved. Mrs. M. D. Hill. 41 Fliodnar. Acres Inside tKe City ; r 50 "acres improved at $120. . Only 2 miles on a good road from J-yle; 7 acres- in 3-ycar-old commercial apples, 3,acre in Jjearingr apples and peaches. 25 acres ckared for apples. This is a i real snap and will not last long.. $650 ftrk.21' Wwk l00 n" C,ty $1250 ' bIock ,4, i-urelhur,ti $1600 ' bl?ck It'Ifvlngton..''', t1 Rftn Wck Carter's addl- J)IUUU yon to Portland llelaiita. fl1pCI'',, ( 15 6. block. 47, l03U'waverlt'lgh Heights, ... BUNGALOWS AND HOUSES $3000 $3150 $3300 $3500 $4200 MOTORS FOR RliNT OB SALE Pacific Klectrlo Enirlneuerlna Co.. Ill pecond st. . GASOLINE EXGINKS .nen: Cured Quicily . Modern electric treatment for diseases or tha prostata, nervous debility, .plies, i etc. w. I. Howard, M. D., 804-S Kotn. - child bldg.. th and Washing-ton. ' i JLiAUiEd When - delayed -or irregular, use Triumph P111: always deoendable. .Relief f. and particulars free. Write National Medical , Institute, Milwaukee, WIS. .' "lili. WALKER, specialist;' tiuickly- cures diseases of men, blood and skin dis eases, sores, ulcers, swollen glands, kid ney, bladder snd piles. m 1st, Fort- land. -i... .v ..v..-.. GERMAN books, magazines, novels, etc, German, EntliBh, French, - Spanish, Swedish and Italian" dictionaries; t or elgn books of all kinds. Schmals Oa., ; p 1st st. j- : ' - - WORKING man oi 1 4, refined and x1u eatad," would like , to meet working glrl or widow without Incumbrance, of . suitable age, who would marry. If suit r! fd:".zB3'r Jot'mal. " . ' v - ' VOtl may aa well bo happy. Vlalt the , unique-Phoenix Social club Tuesday or Tiursday evening at 652 EV Morrison 1 southwest corner ISth: for ladies , and gentlemnn: strangers . doubly'- wolcome. MOVING PICTURI3 THEATRE. For .aa . mnvlnsr town of 2500 Inhabitants; the only thra' pictuiff theatre.- In Particulars 626 Y Wash tre In town. IngTon st.' MARRIAGE peper,"" highest oharacter. Incorporated; 12th year; 6000 moin- oers;; paper sealed; send 19c- L. . L. love. box jBOir, lienver. Col. ' MRS. - BTEVENS, 15 years ' Portland leudlng palmist and clairvoyant. has hei late book, "palmistry Made Easy; on ssie at 84Mj ramnin, cor. vtn STATIONARY , end ' marine; alectrle equipments; . launches, accessories, i wholesale and ' retail; engine repairing- I Keterson Machinery Co., ins Morrison. LKATHKK & riiULG3 l)E)Down $15 Monthly Bull. Run water, graded street And i CHAS. L. MASTICK & CO.. 74 Front . - Leather of every description; tap I vantages of an ordinary 60-fool; lot maufacturers. findings. - klook and you will buy. . Xn a. year you will iiave doubled your -money, - This may sound strong, but you won't say. so wben you have seerr. them. Last Satur day we had 42 tracts -when this adver tisement was written we had 26. Preb- U, C, WRIGHT, in S.tnd foreign pat- wnen ynu are reaaing i w won ents; infringement cases. - 604 ur-Kum. Jiave that many. Act quickly and get the benefit of the raise in prices. Come t room bungalow, lot S3) -3s 100: on 3Hh, near Hawthorne, $500 cash, .- . 6 room bungalow, lot SI 1-Sx VI, 7th st, near Hawthorne, 1000 ciibli. , . .. & room bungalow, lot 60x100, 4th, 4 block of car Una, Rose City Park. . - 5 room bungalow, lot 40x100, Waverlelgh Heights. ' 4. room house, WtMHniette Heights.' lot 60x100, Vaughn and Slat at. . ' ' tRflfin room house, lot 5xl!S, B. gQUUU Salmon, near tSd st flK7nn 7 room house; lot 60x100, Irv 9sJI)J j iriKton. on Clackamas. ' near ' 24LU st. . AHRFAftF AMR FARM5 , en .1.. ! I - .4 cn.l ' mwi wiuwuni,! - toy acres, par wy iinprwvcu, i o-. ow K i ., n n Vu n. R.: - A . ., ,. i i -v I I I " : 15U acres ot this tract is linest Kino wwv near Montavuia; land enured so improvements; jor rent. sain or trade. . 6t acres Clackamas river Uot torn land, t miles Gladstone, two thirds under cultivation; stock and implements In--ludod. ,,-f -' -i' . " v,.' 80 acres. It miles Roseburg; all good land; 60 acres cultl . vated bolanoa timber,. REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY i N4ME " ' '' ' ' APDIlKS.-l- Raker, M. D.. City rrm Property .....M'.t ( ,ltt WI, . Ilrii(-8tm-la Company ..................... ,.1 10 rW-.ud ft hrtilinkc-r A JWi,r,ll,l ........... ., ,..tU MrKar blilif. . , lliilierwrth-HlriciMun Curorntnr, , Ine M I 'll 11 I arn itvany tt infrairuent vo, ............... .i in mniia mi.. look A C'u.. II. thapla A llerlo , Tf-t.M'IMvp A 4r'-- M.iri ; r i . . . , Mittn aii1 A l' Wlndxir Urinhia. Main r i , .eta and Hh. Malt, v , , ilarahall l.-.x; A t ... -... :rbit Ul.lar, alula tfc .l A i .;t- t'naniber nf (7,ininre..., M Hm i ! r, D. v. t. ( yi mtitXnck ) ,..B.Kheiitr nl Vnkoa ,.,.liiliil lluhart ft alarhal, Farina, rity l-TOpa:iy,,...iKiB i, zoos Aldar M,.!,, H'. I lloai-k, George . A. (Coluulutlun).,.. 4 IJitbe l,lg ,.im I. Knapp k Mi ky. -,,""l' "t t'omniarc. . , .MulD and A '.'mih W. II. lnt o U AWnuion PliV ia0 H i Orrs"B Mesl Kulata C., Tha Oraml A,o. and alultuomaii.. . . Knat , i'-l ' 8,, Ownse U.. .......... 2 ,',r,k "-; ,...UI 31.2, AS Hbltttds.' I. II. .. v.:...................,....'.16 erllnKr ItMar. . , Mala m o Thompaon. it. K. Co.., ............. . ....II",rjr ltld., 4th-Oak. ..,.. .Main hrU. A ' Walker. 8. T........ "orwtt , tilde iMu 66-. NKW TODAY of apple land; soil all deep red shot, levation 1600 feet, tyi acres in cul- tivati6n; small house, stable, etc.; 8i miles from Hustim. Easy-terms. I AVe have thousands of acres of fruit' and dairy land for sale . in the I White Salmon district. "- For further information, address us. , v PATENT AIlOKMfiXS Day Brothers ' White Salmon, Washington $8000 $8000 MQSIER APPLE' LANDS Improved and Unimproved i Ruff-Kleinsorge Land.Co. '418 Boardf Trade Bldg. Main 90S. Telephones.- A-78BJ. HANDBOOKS for Inventors free; tens how to obtain and value ot patents. trademarKS registered, .tfeeier kodo, n i-ini mcuiii niaif., wasningion. u. v. 50 Acres .PAIXTINO AM I'APKIitxa FOR best -worfc prices right eall P. Doane,- 104 Union. Both phones. WEBBER Academy Music, violin, man dolln. piano, guitar, banjo, 489 hi Wash. ETHIELiIORN7vioIT' teacher, pupil weveiir. ---Marshall 1629. A-4180. - PIANO, violin, cornet, mandolin. I .Prof. K. A. smith. 22 lztn et. - Out 'Sunday:. Agent on the ground ' all day.- Take the Mount Tabor car tft the end of &the line, go east to East 82d st, then south to Shirley Court or take the: Montavilla car to the end of the tone, go i end of the line, go east to East 82d at.. i st - to Biuriey. uourt : urtner panicu ! lars at 420 Lumbermens Bldg.; cor. 6th and Stark. . . ; For Platting Near car on the FSMISISU1JL, where great values are going on. you Can- make pet cent oa money hundred Invested. - . OSIKOPATHli; PHYSICIANS Brong-Steele Co. Crottnd Floor, ttwis Bldg. DR. LILLEBELLB PATTERSON, spe cialist on nerves, acute and cnronie diseases. S!17 Fentnn bldg. Mam K! S1. ! SANDERSON CO.'S - Savin and Cat- ton Root I'llls,. sure remedy for de layed periods, $2 per box or 9 boxes for ta. t. J. 'ierce,' p AUHKy nidg. Rheumatism Cured . Man- wanted to carry banner In - ex i change for treatment. Phone A-4180 03R-' MARY KRAEMER, specialist for . women; home patients, tlond m,1l oines, examination free. Kfit ti9.itssippl ave. i-iiooe nnuuiiwn inn. MRS. SOPHIA B. SE1P. moved to Sr-il lnx-Hirsch bids.. .Washinaton am 10th. Meetings Sunday,-Wcdnesdny and jrinay, p. m. itooms zt and a-. BETTER than gold, our marriage club -it means a happy, home for you;' list rree. - Anchonine Agency, Hot Springs, ' SOCIAL dance and lunch Thursday eve. " 129 10th," between - Washington . and - Alder. ' None under age. ; r " : ' BUSINESS DIRECTORY ARCHITECTS, JD. B. FLICKINGER. designer of ideal homes. 822 . Mohawk blg. . Phonos jA-7Za&. B-18SS, Main IBOa. ARTIFICIAL LEVIES B. C LINSTROM . CO., 493 Wash, mu artuiciai iimos, trusses ll ' - ' , ........... ASSAYEi EC- WELLS ft PROEBSTEL, assayers. ana iytlcal chemists. 204 hi Wash. M. 7608. MONTANA assay office, lsboratoiy and ore testing work. 186 Morrison. ATTOKXKTB CHR1STQPHERBON 'MATTHIW& General practice. 411-12 Buchanan bid. BUSINESS CAHDS HOWE, DAVIS COMPANT. 1 OS Jd st Blank books tnTg; agts.i for Jones improved Loose-Leaf ledgers; see tbe new Eureka leaf. A-31S3. Main 183. WARRBN CONSTRUCTION CO. Btreet paving, sidewalks and ' cros lngs. 817 Beck bldg. - . TIN rooflntr. eutterinsr. reoa general lobbing. J. Losli. 21J Jeffer- Mam J 424. son st. repairing and THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO., Portland office 404 Worcester bldg. JAS. Mcl. WOOD & CO., all kinds of fr- surance. eorety. nonds. McKay bldg. CARPET CXK KXVSQ THW IONB. Carpets creaned. refitted. laid. Feathers renovated.- Work guaranteed. East 30. B-223B. " ' CAKPKT WKATCfG " NORTHWSS'f Rug Works Rugs from old carpets, colonial reg ruws. iLlk fortlers. 163 Union near E. Morrieon. WE WEAVE rag carpets, also bd and batnroom ru ca. uil i-atton avsv -.Phone Woodlawn IIS. CUIiiOPOOISTS .CHIROPODT AND PKPICURIXO Mra M. D. Hill. 42 Flldner bids. COU.ECTIO.TJ yOL"R MONEY BACK" t w and col lections; abstracts cxajfAed and r ports made. AdjuFtmertV Collection Agency of Portland, 401 Lum tM-rmer hid. Tlt T T 'I1 L J ...... ..... tJ-i 1. ....111.. , i n 1-898: post arad. 1907. 818 S wetland Mdir. - . - - 207 Mohawk DR. P. J. BARR. A. & O.. bldg., Sdahd Morrison. Main 82 28. UASMUSSEN & CO.; "High SUndard" paint, ne. cor. 2crt uayior.-- M. a-x i ii. AMY HIV 500,000 People id.1920 VI M SaaV , - 81 S V iRTLAND PO riJCTTKsa welcih mmmtfimvm . 'AMiers of clever things witu type aua tnic on paper. iit tat. Located on the West Side, only 12 minutes' ride from the heart of ' - ' the city, is .worth ' In Portland, fend this property will be worth $20,000; 8 lots, new building, I i stores, 1 flats, " present rent $69, one store to rent at $25. $1000 cash; balanpe $50 per month; 6 Interest Young man. this is your t opportunity., w Glodfelter Bros. i S6500 10 -room Piedmont residence. new, with den, sleeping porch, fur nace, - fireplace,' built ih buffet, hard wood polished floors, on a be corner lot; 8 ; blocks Klllingsworlh ave. Pine view Columbia river and Vancouver. ' Easy terms, . 5000- A beautiful home In Piedmont,' b rooms; every modern convenience, in a strictly high class residence die-, trlct; fine y lawn, vines, - roses ' and shrubbery; 100x100 grounds; t blocks KJllTngswortb. ave. . . , . .&-. ; v i i '; .'-.?. .v';-i!-v:;';-:--'- 4380 'Something new and very de- sirauie in me) way or a resiaenoe; u rooms, sleeping porch, furnace, fire place, bqilt . In China closet, clothes eUute, water cooler In kitchen; hard surfaced streets, cement sidewalks, sewer, ga, etc.; en B. 28th st; $500 cash. , 8350O A beautiful and desirable mod ern Dungaiow, witn rirepiace, oeamea ceiling, Dutch kitchen, screened-in back -porch, lawn, roses, fruit and shrubbery; 100x100 corner, 2 blocks of carline, .school and business: Wood stock, corner Plnce and High at. Easy terms. ...c . A: .. . .... i-f;--'.'(lv-,;;vf: .y ;''- V. . ... .... Y .V.'':'' Close IrV on Burnsldo, fihe investment For particulars. v '"iA. '' Stewart & ZirbeI . 604r8 Lewis Bldg.' '-' - OKAKD CEWTBAL STAKOW. Soothwn faelflo. Aahland Faaaengar KhaMa limited ailrerion- l'aaae,WPf ' California Epw San v I'ranrlaeo Kloreaa Wear - ' vorraiui - 8:.1rt a. m. 4:IA p. m. ftrfal p. ui. t :3i p. m. T:3 p. ni. . i;ao p. in. APARTMENT SITES -! 60x100. corner, 8 blocks from Portland hotel; one of the best buys on tha mar ket:. flt'2lifiOO ,-.. handled with liberal terms; g'lS.OOO Close in, 76x100; IS minutes from bus iness center (walking); one half cash; S17000. y Square Deal Realty Co. ' (19 Board of Trad Bldg... :t 84 roartn Sltreet. , ' . - FOR SALE ' UNEXCELLEE OFFER, 6 room strlntlv modern ' flat. West hpaiitifnl (Bide, 'swell location,, near car:; newly autiiiaiivu, lur iiaov. iowij -ill uibliivs- any, . iMrcasstan walnut, blrdscye ma ple, Flemish oak, brass; all car pet a curtains, tapestry, portieres, . linen, silverware, napery. china, electric fix tures, ruga, pictures. ' Must be seen to know the value' of this grand offer. Owner called East; will sacrifice this swell horn this week for 3S00. , 631 KAMIZ.TOV BIJJO. -.;'- . .- - 414 Couoli Bldg. TUB . EAGLE PRINTING CO., not in trust; close figures, good work. - 803 GoodnotiRli bldg. Phone Main 412L KUltUUii STAiU'S AXU SEALS STENCILS and office stationery, Co., 231 Stark, Main Cun- 1407. -1 . K 'A bHOU CAiiEa. AXp FIXTUKEa WE ARE SHOWCASES "ot' every description! bank.' bar, and store fixture maas to- order, .i The Lutke Rirg. Co. . ' THE JAMES I. MARSHALL Mf(i. IJtJL. new and eld showcases, cabinets, store and office fixtures. 2S9 Conch, M. 4103, HUM AJSli HUOW CAUlJli FOSTER & KLE1SER, signs; the larg est sign makers in the northwest, 6th and Everett st. f hone rlv, Ex. 66, Home A-llt. THAT ATTRACT" Portland 'SIGNS Blgn Co., 287 Btark. Pacific 1696 THE Mosler Safe Co, 108 Id st Safes - -at factory prices; repairs, lockouts opened; bargain In second hand sa,fea btliViilOIi WALTER M. OBER, lng and nlatUna topoKraphical elalty. 160 E. 18th St. N, "- B-2099. subdlvid maps a spe lOW EL btPfLX- CLKAN towels dally, comb, brush, soap. SI Der . month.- I'oruaim L,aun3ry & Towel Supply Co.. Sth and Couch sts. Phone Main 410, A-4410. TltAASKKK AKU HTOfiAGlJ Oregon Transfer Co. 4 ' Established 1870, Transfer and forwara.'ng agentav Storace, free trackage. 1 Office, 310 Hoyt at, bet. 6th and 6th. j iTal M U t .1 1XD r MUUl " ti mil -44Wa-i O. PICK Transfer A Storage Co- of flea and commodious 4 story brick warehouse, separata iron rooms and flrenroof vaults -for valuablea: north west comer 2d and Pine eta Pianos and furniture moved and packed for ship ment. Main oo, OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO. General transfer and s tor a as. saOa. pianos snd forniture moved, packed and hipped. znt lies sc. Alain ti, A-ZI47. NKEJ'ENDENT Baggage Transfer Co. Storage. 334 Btark. Main 407, -4 IS. TVPlCWlUTKIiS ALL makes rented, repaired, sold. Gus li in gnam CO.. !31 r-tark M. 147. VKTEKLN'AKIAJt OR. A. O. EillTH. V. S.. V. S. Stables, 148 Front. Maln41. Res. Mala WtiOiaMALia JOiiilavAvtf EVERDINU KAKKtfLL. produce and commit-: ,a mt-rcnania. trout at roriia.ia. ur. rnon Main u . CIKREN'T and delinquent ac -curta col lected. w;is Merraot'la enrr. 7J prva-d of Trade b'dc, and I a'K . IXIMllAtlOla AM) "a--'V ! a.aasa. -, -, askwaa.., aaa,, i aajasy WILLIAM FI?!?BIX-K,' cirrpe-ter ad bulHr. and conlrct Ir.g lv 4'h ln!n ? 1. O- V l cupiilr end fv-.'-ai t- r. J-,btinar bi'ia rconb!. Call or write it j i$ --t-ltt A - ? ! .' -!- i ;. 371l. f l'Kti.V C v.. srfci!ect al t.,.i,r-. i4 ?, vvi AO-IT. OjCKKTF, bnc"Tia I'ln-n tie M. A. Ol'.NSf CO. DisTRitrxons or fine cioars. PiRTU'VD, OR biiu!i -turera and code roasters. 4 U snd (H ets. ALUE.V A LEWIS rJKOCEHIFJl nAVKS FiEr kti.-nai. CiFITAl. A Nil IH. IVw-flaMI Or. a: ui xt- OM, SELLING THEM FOR ' : , ' $500 to $800 ON, VERY EASY TERMS r And . we are the only . firm in town that can do it. - - Buj one today and make the $500 profit. ; Take Fulton car and get off at I Southport. . ' ' TheiSrlahton Co. To Exchange HOOD RIVER PROPERTY Portland Residence or , . Business Property 40 acres unimproved.- . . .' ;. 10 acres unimproved. .' .... 1ft acres nnlmnroved. . - ' ' 40 acres, with 10 acres in 8 year old trees: 10 acres in l year old trees, pat ience unimproved. f-- . - will exchange any er an or anove. 82500 A Southern Portland home; ,7 rooina, niuuerii, line terraceu tut, view of river and mountains; sewer and water -mains In. cement .sidewalks: vines, bearinr fruit trees, roses, ber ries; right on carllne; no bridges to cross-, f4vu casn. r $1650 room house with bath, etc.. nam, poultry nouse, rruit, roues inu flowers; , 2 blocks .of carllne:' 8650 Casn. s ..v:- '. . -'j d, v.- The Dunn-Lawrence Co. 84S Alder Bt, City. I'leslaaAean-Ael ' r,n.rlilaa I'aaaenjer uruvg 1 fl auan a,a Jreat C,r.)T, f, ' ' Ftoreat flroTS Paaa.n;.r Pnrtland Oregon Ktnr. - . I'nrtli Rlmst Hllrrrl,.- I .... 'v........ Wear M. '".......,.... 0Tallla Pamaoaer .; .' ' ' ' ' . Korea r Urn,. i,?.l'l,""'."-'9-K' trM a. m. 4:O0 p. m. .. :AO a. in. .. 1:ki p. ni. .. 6:40 p. ni. . . T:SO a. m. , . 10:110 p. m. webois Paaaen... ....,, .i:iai p. m. ortlsnaf r.xJZ - ''-' S:Wp. m. 2:."n o. ni. 9:30 a. ni. mva PaaamtKer, l-oreat jroT Paaaengpr .l l:5o a. m. . 4:40 p. ni. vLfT)nI ''ortland KortherB Paelfla. 00 a. m. 'toBdW'iu.--''' forth toait" Limited ".u"'i;J , Atlantic vlZ.'.'' " " 7:00 p. m. A w k LS" " f"" onnd.. 12:13 i. m. Twin r E'Pnwa l Piixet ft-mr-d., 8:W)p. m. j vXftSt::il S 5: . "IS ! i--r,ri.Bite8 uoa- - "''""V.i- North10100 JriV'rvr 'JKiv:::::::::i5.S I "net Sound UmHed, Gra Uar. Arrirlnr pni. V- S5 L'i.y??'.'! ?: :0O a. ru. -.he Pacific" Expr.i"Vunth ' N,irrh b.i S Bcund . Pr la Puget Ooaat CoaaV ' Exprria Express via North 8:33 p. m. 8:15 p. m. Lots, Corner Prominent West Side Business Street. ?31,000-Terms. - ZlMMERiVlAlN ' 621 Board of Trade Bldg. Groarid Floof Iwis Bldg 7'i..i riK- Oak- Street 269 MOTOR "A (PROPER) East Taylor, West of . West Avenue - , I have for sale 200x125 feet 200 feet on the NORTH LINE Of EAST TAT. LOR street (street graded and cement walks 'laid, water, mala In street). I will Sell tha property In SUBDIVIS IONS 4o SMI I buyers. KdxlSS feet er any frontage desired. , This "is very de sirable property and la Increasing rap idly in value;. will wake easy term pay ment sale. A general line' pf street Improvements" are now being made ta this district and there is bo better in vestment tUaa this choice homestead property where th fine residence are. lit Tabor Is .the place, Apply to S; L N, GILfll aS8 East Taylor today, or at 128 See- , And St., Monday. W. J. BAKER & CO. Hood JUver, Oreg-oa. FOR SALE HOUSES room bouse, modern, almost new lot 60x100, good view;- Michigan ave.. near Freemont. Frtce J4Z00; 1200. casn, oaianeo terms. room ' house, lot 60x100. ' modern Wasco st.; near 24th. Price $3600; $1000 cash, balanced-terms. - . .;: - - . 7 room modern house, built half year, near Alberta carllne. Price $3700; terms. 4 room house, lot 100x100; $1950. part casn,-pare terms. - - Swiss chalet. 8 rooms, modern In every respect: west side; - walking distance; tyuuv; juum casn, terms on Balance. 7 room house, modern. In Irving ton; $4600; part cash.- - We haveNiouses - In all parts of the city at all prices ana any kind ef terms. ,;MAGin LAND & INVESTMENT CO. 316-17 Lewis Bid-., Fourta and Oak Sta. $6500 Ladd Addition Residence i K-erythlne modem, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, aleeplng porch, herd- surfacavl streets, cement sidewalks; sewer and a-as mains in and Paid fr: 1 Dock Hawthorne avax. and easy walking distance. If-et cioe-in residence dis trict ln the city; easy terms. 4 per cent. Interest. . . The Dunn-Lawrence Co. 4 Aids Street. ACREAGE! We hare a fine pr-opeeltlon on a piece clie-in scfeage right fr platting. Can be handled on very easy terms. - Ifl latted wi:i return I rer cent on tkt nveetmert. 1 See Mr. Cark, rncorTiNG Kr.u rr i r- I R. A T 7 v - 1 rttr?; 1 GJ hrlHr Union Batik & Trust Ccmp'y I :,vr j.- C- t;rs$ 'I Keal Estate Xerartnart. 83 ftar tt. Splendid' Acreage ' Investment 13 ACRES 55SO Per Acre wiLLAvrTTr; alltt e 4.L-M F.T.TTP.T' sr.ow.N. 4u Uf.a fctf.;:i-g. ESM0INES ADDITION ICAA ; V cre homes in this beau tiful tract; $25 cash and $10 per month, at 6 interest, to 'sets these $ acre tracts, take Gresham or Cazadero car at Easf Morrison and Water streets to Bell station, on O. W. P., rnile due horth, and you are on the ground. Lays adjacent to that rapid growing place, Brentwood. Why buy small lots when yoa can get fA acre on easy payments so cheap? These prices won't last long. Only vt muestrom Mornson bridge." J. W. OGILBEE .Room II, 14554 First Street FOR SALE Elevated quarter, 10th and Prescott, as a whole, or will divide; a "beautiful building site. Sea us early. . ' JAOESOlf tt lJEIBIITO, 846 Stark Street. , raeirie Hank OHt Ktnra,. .1. D . aC." u - , T 30 a. ro. n'ea. i.'prn Nor" Bunk.., S IS p. ni t'i""t! ''''-'- 8:00 a. m. Klrer Exprtia ala , Pm-.t Hank . Miaaonrl o . . ooum Bend , and ' Orays Ifurbnr ......... . . a-nnn m Huxet goBnd Limited mp m i'f-tiasd special. ::: ;i5 ; , JjCKgoajaaUrod, t Kavlyitit, Co. Pendleton i Paaener ' i ',V. ' Ogon-Waahlnir tou Umlted . .' Kuo-b( . ' ,M" (t-'oaeh Portlini" Oregim Expreaa i. .,,,;. Arrirlne Portland '"' fhlr gAL 'wasengers). Oremn Exprw j;,;,.. -v .-Kl;aor-rUrlJalnr t ...a. TMfft. rn. .IO.k a. m. ..-.. 4:(0 p. m. ...... 7:oo p. dj, to Tiie 7:00p,.HI. . 8:00 p. m. I ,w ni. .... 10:i5 . m, ... r4..,.,..ltv;i a. ni. i8i.rtirra t" v "':r:.v.vp""" . Oresnn-Waahlngton Mmited S-OO p "!'. lOOx 100; Going St. Between Union and Williams avenue, - .3 C2500 . ' OOSSAJLD b WTXCBICTK. . 843 Btark St. . lOOxiOO E. 9th St. . ",100 feet from East Morrison, . Very cheap at 810,000 '- ...... ' OOSSAB9 8c WTBOmiCX, . 843 Stark St TRAXSPOKTATIOJI Otterbrook Orchards lO-Acre' Tracts $50 to $200 Per Acre ' . 107o DOWN., " " ' EASY payments:'; 'f Best of fruit soil. V A good invest- ment for, little money. ' THE DUNN- LA WRENCE CO. 248 Alder Street . ALASKA COOL SUMMER CRUISES VIA SMOOTH "INSIDE PASSACr Only Sevea Crulsesi Number of Passengers limited; Best Reserve Berth Quickly. rARC S100 AND UPWARDS , INCLUDINa BERTH AND MCALS .tWrllt for foMer containins large pltittse tt faaaoas MU1R GLACIER, free, Addr.aa -non agent - r Aanc coast s. s. co. 249 WASHINGTON ST. PORTLAND - Aitoria it Columbia Hirer, LenTlug PorclanU JieaaiiM r.xpreiia ..... Astoria Kinrvaa Rainier Paaaenat-r ... Rainier Paaaenger ; . . Arriving Portland Portland Kxpreaa .... roriiunu exprean .............. R:on a. n, 6:311 p. in. -a... .1:15 p. m. ..-....... 8.10-p. m. .............12:15 p. m. Italuler and Portland ' tiUmni'.""w-9ii . aainlee and Portland raaaenger. . . . 6-20 p. in! ' Canadian Paoifie Hanway Cn. , Leaving- Portlantl " !. . C, P. It. Rhort Line via Anna... C....I. ' - --, Via Seattle Arrlvllia PnpflanH C. P. K. Short Line via Rnnk.n. Via Seattle , . . T TOO p. m. .12:10 a. m. . 9:00 a. rn. . 7:00 a. m. Oregea Waahlagtoa Railroad Company. .-v-aiue raiaenaer nnasia uailted ..... Owl . . rrlvina Pnrtlanrf-. Owl T" Shssta Mmf ted ..... Portland Pasaenarer i a. rn. ............... s:on n. ,n. .... . .11:45 p. ta. T:15 . rrt. ..... w p. ni. 2:45 p. In. fEWEaSOK 8THFET BTATIOW. 8onthra Faoifie. ; ..- iA-avllltf JVkrllaltil-M '. . - 11 " '!"" Kn"; L'""""'"""' f:40a. m. Pallas Paaaeuarer ,.,... , Arrivlnar PnrrlanA.. .... Dallas I'aaaenxer .......... 1n-i( . 8:M p. m. Iwiias Paaaenaer IHVEMTH AKO HOTT fTSEETB BENGEH 6TATI0N. . . - r-As- Bpokana, f ortland aV Boattla Railway Co. rBOM WXX.XaaVZVA TO tixlamoox In a delightful one day's drive over the Coast Range mountains. -HARRIS, KASTER MILLER'S STAGS LTJTB. There la no more delightful and com fortablei ride to be had into Tillamook City than 'over the WILLAMINA ROITTE ll D the valley of the Yamhill river, through the hiatoric Grand Konde Reservation and over the divide down the valley of Three Rivers , and Neatiteca, to Tlllnmoox. etty. ivew. eomrortabla and easy riding coaches. ' . Bin Re leaves tuiamina aauy, except Sunday, 4 a. rn. (ttage arrives Tillamook dally, except Sunday, 4 p. m. Seats will be reserved by telephone. 10000 rthwest " corner. Jld and Tork Sts. On Railroad Switch COOS t$AY U1INI2 . DAT BcTBTXCa The steamer BRfciAKWATER lesree Portland at A. Trt . Monday Sth. gat-nrday- 14th. Thnraday lata, Tneeday t4ta. . Soaday 89th. from A I n worth I dock, fnr Mortal Bead. BCarskfleld Sag ; Coos Bay points. Krelxht received un itll 6 v- m..on dsv before. Passenger fare, first elass. lie; second claais. 7, Including berth and meats. Inquire city ticket office. Jd and Washlntton eta. or Aineworth dock. Phone Main lit. Income , Bearing. LOTJTS SALOMOW CO, 833 SUark Street, Bear Saocsa. OF Fatal WA1TTTO On 8 4 a--r of fwir aaji. bjt uvIwirM. hteen Meixst-n4 Tlcard im nra, t"-ar (Tf" L--trv a sf ier.dij prop erty for soMlrtsicn. ACX!W BrTsnra, 8e Era IuhI ANCHOR LINE STEAMSHIPS pr TCtX tOVPOW in 6!ISV, KEV YORK AMO XAYLU tlAECT. Sinf le er roo4 ir tirk t Wlawi v. Tart aaal atra, Ua. Irt mad ill pri. eal eatttiaeittal yntata at at-rartlv him. Iw4 fnr tx. tnera. Saaeriar amaiwatmn, XieaUtwt ealatn. AT.y armpt.y for aava. iaatory isaai iitiaa. . I rw-a-ta or -uera n. i"ra-.t k-a apn'y ativ V-.1 ar i t Aaetnr Lloa er t di.Dtku.1 ttttoS. Tta , (airar.. II Iavlns Portland - Island Empire Expreaa t oo a m For Chicaro. St. I'anI Omaha sr...'.. ,',." St. Leals, Biillnas.' HDOklne. rh.n r. Waahtucna. Kablotna Iaaca. Ttnn.a 'i, ,: dallee. ., Uoldendale, I.yle. White Bahnon. Stevenaon.Vancoaver and Intermediate stations, totarabla River Local .............. 4:M p. m. North Bank Umlted .............. T-OOn m For Chlcafh. St. Paul Omah. 1.' V .. St. Ix0l. BUUnn. Spokane. Cb'ener. tarn,.,,' WaahtiK-na. Ivablotua. Paara nn...i, da Ilea. I.rle, Whita Salmon. Htannaon v.,,1 eoaver and Intermediate statical. Arriving rortiana ( . . North Bank Umlted 8:00 a. m From Chleaa-o. Ft. Panl. Om.w- v . . City. St. Loula. BllUnira. Spokane; tbarwr Laimont, WnMonil, Kahlctna. I'aaoo. R,w. van. uraanaaiiea. ujie. White Salmon. Me venaon. Vsocouver and loteriuedlat aia tlona. x- ' Columbia River Loeal..,,. .JJ:2 p. m. Inland Empire Expreaa. ........... ,. 8:1.1p.m. From Chicago, . 8t. Paul, Omaha, K,n. Cllr, 8L lxnia. Billlnga. Spokane, (h.nrv Iaimeat. ' Waahtacna. Kahlnrna. Paiacn. R,x. Oraaddallee. Lyle. White Ralnv.n. m. verwea. Vaoceaver and lntermediata ttona. - - . - Time Card Oragoa Elaetrie lallway Co, leaving Portland for 8alem and Int ata- :S0. T:IVK llr a. m.: 2:oo. a flai. a :i.i. ... P. m. Limited for Tualatin and Halrnl a. m. Ixcal for Wllannvllle and Int, m.lO p. si. Hallv eipt Hnnflay f.,r - ! on tha Silrm, -Falla i ll A Wtern R. r Balcm, .H4i at., I:Ou p, m. buudav ou:.. U:oo a. aa. ' IaviBg Portland for Forest Orav. a, i r-,, atatlooa T:l5. 6;:M. 10 30 a. m.: 12 1,1 i . ft.Su, .23 p. ax. Sattirdar eslr. II Arrrvtog at forf'aaa rroaa S,l.m an I t ataiiona 8 4,1. 11. cat a. m. . In 4, a, a,. B.20, 1:MI p. m. Loral from UaiT-:i i Int. atatto-aa. I.M a. a ttallj aiiK h.. -u. 1 lt a. m. atrlTinl Prt!an Ttv-na ym-a . , Int atationa - , .6-i, 1 1 40 a. m ; ! 2.&0. I K 8 lo s. Batrday only, Jl t." , m. KoeHav ontv. 4 o p m Partlaad SWlway. ligVt at rawer Cat. )S . a I SAN mANCISCO A TOUT BTE.VrSHIP COMrSl Fmm Alnsarorth Ikw-X- Vor' t !, ) a, r . S. Uee City, May ( J jaB a I S. S. x. ady t. Jr4 11, ' Fr-m r-r Is .-n 11 a m - S. . ar. Vay sl. j, S. 4V lvcae i y jai- 11. J. W.- p.-r,u,nr.. tw A,".:. M- -i 'i j AiaaeotH c-v a : l't-r ; . , Agtr.i, 145 r -J a, A lt"l Tkat Office and W.atu h- ,. ar.4 A-1-r ad 1 -t v,.tr t'1 ..t -r--.--. CAE iruf i r vt , -. n M- ,g !.!' V SIKI , ; rw.-na C!' 4 ' a. a ylmi-.ra atM lip ;-a p BY; --.a en. i v 4. t', .-i a J. ' i . 4 y 5 . 1 ' '-- r e. 4alrvWw a -. - .4,. 4. P t a. p . 4 '. a I 7 - -