THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 15. 1010. 8 household NUIOS o -fESTEffl.v'-SALVACE-CO.- Carrv a 'oompltli line of both, new .a -i n.v.n.i hand nouserurnisningi .11 n iha Installment -Plan, too. Terms er & down and small monthly payments. We exchange old fr w It vice vera making a reasonable dif ference. - . , , Give ua a trial eST." i9, Ml. and M' WASHINO- - ' TON 6T. Main U08 orA-a79J: ilOLSEKKEPINO ROOMS , WEST SIDE - " "ONEONTA" apartments. 187 17th near Yamhill. (Ik. W cr liVrnt phones and baths free, pe7 month. IS per week and up. ; Main 4 V) 7 . A-4.3H. Wl-.LL furnished housekeeping rooms . . for $8 n;otfc tor ,.lft ;M Mh depot 3d or Morrison to 2tV PlocK norm THREE rooms irnllid complew ior housekeeping; light, water, and piano, walking distance! 680 MA"on, near lsth. can aner p. m ClTlCAFf "u rnished housekeeping r from $10 upi free phone and bath., 30S ISth st. 144 Sherman, South Portland:, 11.60 par week tip, large, clean, furulshedhouBe- reeplng rooms; parwr. inmm.y. ........ SXiiTRKNT A- -front euite. h"n Keeping room in v - em: 83.7B.. 403 -tni eta. EaRGB houekeeptng : roomi n'u02' en suite. - $2.60 to $6 per week. 146H Fro2vtnear Morrison. ' FoK RENT Parlor, dining room and kitchen, 1 sleeping room for tedy or Bent: kc and phone. 1 zt6 Han at. FiHNISHED and unfurnished rooms for houskeepiug. Cambridge bldg., Sd and Morrison. Apply room 36. houses ron rent 1a houses Ton rent. ' I rooma, 658 Third at., 125, 6 rooms, 675 Water at, $18. , 7 rooms, 1051 Commercial, lit. . - 8 rooma, 391 Weidler at. 122 10. -.7. rooma, t'57 Kurt ilia at, 130. I rooma, 650 E, Morrison, 1 1 d. v- 7 rooma, 460 K 11th at., 30. 8 rooms, 814 Seventh at, 17. ' I rooms, 708 F-verett at.. 46. 8 rooms, 891 llth at., $40.- 6 rooms. 931 K. Ankeny at. 115. 7 rooms, E. 4tltlL near Hawthorne, $15. . - ' i, I rooms. 798 Weidler at, 1. " ; ' FLATS FOR RENT.' R rooms' 448 I-arrabee at, $25. ( rooms, 348 Broadway. S0. 6 rooms, 13, ISth and Division, 6 rooms, 871 Pacific at. $20.50. 6 rooms, ZX4 K. 1st N.. 2b, S rooms,, 400 Ross st, 126. B rooms, 40 J Koa I26 6 rooms, 621 20th St., 830. rooms, 6-si'A 2Utn -at., 35. 5 rooms, 66 K. Alder at, 827.80. 6 rooms, 627 K. Salmon, 28. , . .ft room a; 8- nth st I rooms, 700ft Irving- at 820. ' PARRISTI. WATKIN8 A CO, . 230 Alder St 128. VVJIEN you nova you'll neaa nr rur niture. Buy iioicioujy ana your aar nars will exceed niovini exnenaea our ho-kimt FRiCha made ua one of the 1 arrest furniture Douse in the city in leas than two years. , . uopaera anown asm couriesy aa Duy- era. . ' - : M OR (3 A N-A TCHLTJT FURNITURE CO, rand ave., eor. B. Stark at tQut Ankeny and Russell-Shaver Cars ' pasa our poor. ' BiCVltN ; room modern houae, walking: distance, with carafta. 830. Phone B-2787. - . - , JXK KENT IXA7JI 10 C1TT ACRRfl. 13 IIOKSES, VKII1CLES, ETC. IS Yon can buv 10 aorea inalda the cttV I " ' OALt. Ufl nAUt limits, near the tfcuntrv club, for 11000 I A beautiful bay atalllon, etandard rr acre. . uai vaiuea juijoini ar tvv I nra: nan u inrge mane and tail, wela-h 10 f.h, , auout 1160. Um years old! has no WWJMMA TRUST COM FAN i. marlc but can bo as ruat aa he wants to BoMrd of Trade bldg. I Is tipina; used aa a family driving horse UPPKU flat for rent, 6 rooma, modern I """"'"'a n Kino; name Jlone, jno. bbi 101 JU. lain at. near i 'j miimiokun iwjs, irom iena. wioAina In every resn-ct. Washington, Kee owner, 718 bldg., or call Bllwoofl 11. lVliiim ter. lie is. worth 11 MID to I HOOD: wan 10 irniie ior mgtt (rrnue automopue; aiso flit wltialeIn euiToy ana nrtmm nu ....... ...... rm I nun, porch. 700 Ilovt at. B1NNOTT & BrNNOTT 621-525 , Chamber of Commefpe, NOli liil.I' f lat, 0 rooms,' modern, fur pace, flrenlaoo. attlo. , 701 Mb In (IRS ReepTAPr.KH.lTHni JRtVrTT.'KR. HAND80MK 8iaL brown Standard and : registered brtirmar. WAlirha 1090 lbs. JJverett abHolutoW-auttfid and safe tor lady's uae, very ntyllsh and pedy; -t also nearly EElDGANT 6 room flat florner Ross and "Ahorse , d' alir ir" Hverman need" a,,i gT!'g"- J"n','lr on premjaes. , CalI 0r tt(idr0SI, ray. private realdence, FOLK-room "teum hatd apartment 874 Savler at. 16th or W car to 36tb at t--- . . ----- - , r - -' ' I Oil R'lHWl .1. ID 111 Ui V VW ,VUI furnished or r, unfurnished, modern, Jsnii naratly. . ;;,Cotlel':;rup' V UVKUl' KTAiiLB AT iONAli. MppiatN 6 room Hat walking distance.! , The beat drivina- point on the Oreiron 172 Vi 15. 2d at. N. : 820 Per mOUth. I riBi-lrlcr fau, h,,r nl nmnfortahlA i-none vvooninwn I rlKs meet every .train. You can reach Aurora, . canoy, ' Hubbard, pt i'aui APARTMENTS At I Chamnoee. Newtierir and Buttevllle eas irr iiujn j-'unaio man xtofit vny inmii THW BE.IIlfAV APARTMKVTS. on Vregon iMBeuie. .un on jmra Kew concrete bulldin; with elaborate- r""''.'.'"" Aurora Mil, j i ,.ni,.i a ,i,i I Wllllntitt. proprietor. ' retention hall and nrlvatM bath: all mod- I LADY B driver. , haiulaome. 18. hanuB ern convenle npf. inrara ahadv lawn, eool 1 1160 . lbe.. city brken. . double and verandaa and jHnitor rvlce; walklnir I sinnle; also Studebaker'B best double distance,, mod mil district; rents u carriage, -extension top, suver mountea na up. mj Marsnaii t xaico "w ' aouuie parnosB, eingie ousg-y ana nana car. Main 6232 or A-3191. 1 ' ' I some 6-monuia-old carriage pup. Law NEWLY furnlnhi-.l 2 room apartment livery, 10m ana uouon. private bath, private phone, gas, eloc-l A GOOD sound mare with a nice 8- triolty. aafelv deposit vault kitchen I weeks-old colt cheap, or will exchange. utensils, nilverwartwdlshes and linens: I aa I have no unit for colt: also a fine clubroom in connection; rent f35. Apply I yearllna; mare mule colt will trade for to janitor, xpe Aiiajponi, ota ana toi lees, sts. WELLINGTON COURT7 8 and 4 room apartments for rent on cow. 809 15. ISth at,, W-W car to Glad, atone ave. A HANDSOMK sound black 4-year-old IXuTiE newly furnished rooms, reason able price, nt 64.Glisain -fft. t to dnifr store. Phono Mars hall lwlo. s-vt-7 ' . '" won furnished. house. kreping rooms. J14 per piontli. foot of ostitis st. I WO rooms, . nouHt-keepiriK suii, slnslo room. Phone, bath. . 168 JN. If, til Kt. 820 HouHt-kVepina; rooms, t piockk ii P. O.: use Of piano; botn phones. 28214 OMK 3 room suit, first floor, and 1 suiprie second floor; nicely furnished Call fiffs Kverptt or Phone Mam E9t. LARGK. nicely furnished housekeeping rooma, closets and water In rooms, 10 to 812. 194 S. 15th st. Trj.TKKflor 3 furnished rooms and bath. Hpht and pleasant reasonable. Inn-lire 429 7tt Bt. . L riivo larpe front rooms, flrwt floor, f Ine- to 'good, reliable partiea. 8f.8 12th St. THiiElb pleasant unfurnished house-k-eninr rooms at 174 Porter at; private; no children. Call Tuesday. NKATLY furnished l!i?ht .hoiisokeeping -rooniH at 169 .E. 14th at; J,4 blocks off- K. Morrison ROOM t story modern honse for rent. on juast sun at, near uiaaaone; lawn, . ! C1T Gerllnger Bid. . 1 ' , - FOR RENT ; ' 7 room house, 22d and E. Couch forwent very cheap. .- 1 ;: Buchtel & Kerns " 2 860 K. Morrison St. SIX room hoim, with acre ground; - maice goon cmcKun ranch;, be canine; per niuntn. , - W, J. DAY, 210 Henry bldg. HOUSES FOR RENT. , 6 rooms,"vest aide, 614. - 8 roomB, west Bide, $30, 7 rooms, east Bide, 17. ; 8 rooma, CRSt aide, 16. . M. K. I,KB. 411'Corbett bldff. &YVKLL 6 room flat, west side, walking distance, rent 25; also 6 room house w-nn large yara, on canine for j. iNicnois u,o., bsio Hoard or Trade. Jioij'SliKtpiNtj rooms .aultabU for 2. 8i8 10th at . VO room euite, gas range, water, walklna- distance: 14 week. 89 th. Zii st. 2 clean, well furnished housekeeping rooms, on grounq iuwr. MITCHELL flouaekeeping rooms; light ga s; modern. 7th & Flanders. A4078. KriTii ,f hotisekeenlnar rooms, well furnished; Path, gas, pnon. dence district; walking distance, east Side. $30. Call 505 Lumbnmena bids.. 5 ROOM house. 813 ner month A2H istepnena et. Kast.alde, pear 6th. PUItNTTUKB POK SALE HOUSES FOB REIST 82 421 6th. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS EAST SIDE , 49 $1.25 to $2.00 we?K, clean furnished housekeeping - rooma; laundry, bath, bent 408 Vancouver ava. .Phone East "39, 241? R 1AV'IS Two rooms for light .housekeeping and room for i gentle- Pien FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, with Path, phone, ruel, not ana com waier, 815 Russell. ONli nicely furnished front room, also lor pouseKeepinjr; an conveniences, K- l'''"9- Walking distance. 289 Hftlaey. NICEJjY furnished housekeeping rooms, modern convenlenees; private family; po children. 658 Williams ave. tlGHT housekeeping rooms for rent 409 B. Salmon neat Grand ava,; rent reasnnaMo. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, ?rlvate pince; use of phone, and bath. Mississippi ave. MODERN, newly furnished housekeep ing rooms, single or suites. 632 E. Morrison. FURNISHED housekeeping Bulte, 249 HollfMlriY. Just across tteei bridge. IIOTELS C4 WE have a nice 6 room flat furniture bargain for quick pale; mostly oak. The pricey $225, includes dishes, bedding, linen, etc.; rent $26; 6 minutes' wi1k from Portland hotel; nice locality near liHinaon et. JOSEPH H. JOHNSTON, 82-3 Lafnyette bldg., "Washington & 8th TEN rooms for 82G0. 8 doa. chickens, also , garden, wood house. ," Cleaning none. House rent $16 per month. A pice place for family, where members Wish to work in -mills., Alao can rent ropms or Keen ooardern. House close to woolen mill. 603 Tacoma Bt, fit FORCED SALE Owner called east: furniture of seven rooms, only used six weeks; flna corner on 7th; ten min utes walk' to postofflce; everything modern; terms. 286 Washington, room 611. FUHNITURE of a 6 room cottage for Rale, -house for rent or for sale. 663 Mall et, - Take Sullwood car. -Phone ellwood 982. ' . 6PLEN DID complete furnishings. 7 rooms. 4 now rented pay more than rent 6 mln. postofflce. Reasonable, Quick sale. Main 8002. PARTY leaving the city would sell at a ttocrmce lurnuure or room rial: colt, will-sell cheap or ezchantre for the ground floor, all newly tinted walls I larger horse; also good 84 wagon cheap. ana carpets just cieanea; witn not enaiim jiaiei Ait. bcoil car to norn com water tn every room; with a private arK, men go nortit 1 diooks ana east z Data ana janitor service, uaii room j., qiockb. . . . : - - cor. J 6th and Everett sta. ' RNrAP 81 2S ' hnv matched team an HE Now Stanley apartments brlck), I harness, team weighs 800 lbs., hai corner wasnington and K.lnr ats.. , iness is jieavy preecmng: also 1200 id. 4 and 6 room apartments, $27.60 per 1 delivery horse, $86; express truck very month and up; references required. TWO and 3 room . newly furnishej apartments for 'rent 24 Trinity Plaoe. just off Washington, between 19th and 20th sts. , cheap; set sewed trace double-harness at $35, cost $65.' can .488 n. zbtn at STORES AND OFFICES H 20 head of No. 1 Missouri mules for I sale at the Hawthorne Stables, 420 , nawenurne- ave. FOR RENT New brick storeroom, of- HAVE , bay horse, weight about 1200 fice rooms and a 8 and 4 room apart. KfS., and brown horse, 1000; will be ment overhead, at 647H Williams ave., sold on a guarantee to be truei Bound cor: Monroe et.; strictly modern, cheap, and gentle. 85 E. ,80th BunnyaWo. JS. x iuiiio Di tf 1 ' ................. ... v .u,,v.. . PHYSICIAN leavina- the citv for the I TEAM mares, weight 2400 lba, with summer; will rent or sell hla office '' nw harness and 8 farm wagon, with library and equipment journal. FIRST class outside office rooma for ' rent in new building; steam heat electrio and gaa light with ganltor aer ylce. N. E. cor. 8d and Madison. VILL give tenant lease ortatore cor . ner tfnlon ave. and Knott st. - JOSKPH H. JOHNSTON". 82-3S Lafayette bldg.. Washington & 8th J-649 1200; also light Mitchell farm wagon. IIRLIirffn, ,IIU iU, JIUI 1UI' . JJI, All and Madison, cottage in park. BARGAIN $185 buye matched team, wt close to 2400 lbs. ride- or drive: sound and true pullers; good set breech' tng harness; all complete. Call cottage 26th and Pavier fits. RUBBER tired runabout; Just put $45 in repair, new tires, two new wneeia and -painted; good harness and buggy; $65. Call today, Dr. Hollister, 434 Thompson 't., phone East 1538. NEW $125 buggy and 1160 lb. mare that Etobi,'' 'Via ' i,vni --;,-,.j -y.;. cannot he beat for family use; will Srr Imta So " separate or take cheaper horse or tnnnth n' g location,, I2J.60 perU,, ,n exchange. 809 11, Wrnm.T 2 wStfr22l LOOK $85 buys top rubber tire buggy .fr fLe;" w h',Hl8-bTlJi ftnl band made harness, both Stutfe- sales manager. W. C. Harding Land Co. v-v-er'a het. an aiihilv nd would STORE room. 18x20, with basement I readily pass for new, for Inspection ap good location, at 268 Rusell. Call at ply 874 fiavler st. Albina Creamery, 259 Russell at. FOR SALE Jet black team- Canadian nuti KniNT iarge store room, close in FOR RENT Store building , suitable for grocery store or meat market Kilhngswqrth ave., cor, Maryland. In quire 26 Morrison Bt. Phone A-1721. on v llllama ave F-649, Journal. DESK room In elegant offices. . 829 Chamber Of Commerce, - -- bred French horse and mare, weiirhl rent- reasonable. 1 2500 lbs.; sound and good workers. Price $250. Apply M. Snider, 867 E. Oak, Portland; double harness included. FEW nice offlcea In the Couch and Chambers bldga. 601 Couch bldg. HORSES and buggies lor rent by day, week and month; Special ratea to buslnoss bouses, 6th and Hawthorne. Kaet 72, . MtSICAL INSTRUMENT'S aaiaaaWj ,34 V'tAMflS. - Commlssiona killed ordering through manufacturers' agent, highest gradi lowest prices. N. A. Co., 226 6U st A-897. . gfEINWAY uprlKht piano. $125; an other upright. (i5; Pianola. $S6; 48H luain Hum, tipBimi . 1st, corner Aah. BTKICTLY A-l mahoMany piano, only $216, $16 down, $8.76, montfti, . wau 850 Alder Bt. FOR KALE High grade piano, walr.ut case, beautiful tone; luaviiif ;,clty; 1100. K-B47, Journal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS O XI IU RAO WAHKIIOI'BE. 845 1ST BT, Ship, notify, aotid rags, wool, mohair, fllr, IildoK, pults, old rubber, metal. LurgflHt pioiiM)r dealer of Cascara bark. Cimmilt before selling. ' Phone M. 4S18. I WANTED People of Portland to know second hand houaihold sooda. Heater ft, Oimtavson. 148 RuenelL East 1612 MOXl.r TO LOAN 21 hls-h Krade' umlKht pianos price $186, $10 down,' '-17 month payriients. $400 wv, Tv if, ........ 441 8 d. Main 8768. A-1726 FOIt SALE AUTOMOBILES 44 UJCT iur price on your furniture, aa it will pay you. We want the good: pavaae ana rennoii. bj- tmi mi. aum SHU. A HILL CLIMHFIt WITH A WORLS). wrni,: nitPiiTiTmM. , , BEFORE BU VINO A CAR LET TJS GIVE,,, YOU A DEMONSTRATION WIT I "lin , .1 At KNI N. . 60 H P.. ? PAPS 260O 40 1L P.. 6 PAW4' ,,....$1('J 35 It P., 6 PAWS JJfc' 80 It. P. 5 PASS ,...$1450 TITTT ATinvifl PlllflES ON FULLY EQUIPPED CARS r . O. H. Jf uxt i i,A ' ' 88 North Cth 8t. - - v wt,i hsva fnr .mli nf Ainli&nKa. every. thing In second hand automobiles. Tne roi lowing are a lew m our um f....B..., . If nn, Q A . D Ttanm' Wavne: 1 Buicki 2 Franklins; 1 Max wall; 1 Mitoneii; 1 urusn; i jiac. . Pnna.TnlAn. All In flrat-ClaSS COIldt ion. to. AiouroBKey. ries.. a-. ,iw . SM ' rawiuru, mm. ! PORTLANJJ AUTO WOflllllui-i 60-62 N. 7th Bt. A-445S; MarBhall 864 WANT automobile. Four beautiful full BiBad lots in Montavllla (finest view in East Portland and a spienam puna lng site). Price $2000. Will take good used auto tip to half the amount, oat anna to milt. A N. Saarle. Montavilla, M-V car, get off at East 76th at Of- Iice on trie corner. xanor m. " ;. $350 DIAMOND, two lots In Rose City Pnrlt nriii soma money to trade for o or 7 passenger automobile. - East 649, 44A riawtnorne ave, PASSENGER Thomas, must be sold as owner is leaving the west; no reason able offer rorused. Apply ueimore. juc. uoutrai t Moores, ivtn and Alder. OR SALE Babcock Electric, 1909; coofl as new: used onlv 8 months: at n attractive price. 1 ii;-o, oui nat, tEO automobile, $260 if sold this week; a bargain seldom equaled, f. A., r in. ley, 28S 10th at. - ' ' REO runabout, A-l condition, cheap for casn. 1Z8 lzth st FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS 10 flrtnn A foot sBsoline launch., with "l.- .A ..... T- .. ' H..llnM,. t). 'ucaoiri, - o iioi Bi puwei, vjiii., ea rner Bros, engine, complete with whistle, lanK. -reverso near, eicuinc 1111,0. Will exctiango on an auromooue. STAPLES, THE JJSW KLiH-u, NEW 82x7 foot work boat 13 h. p. I, niimrf wtilsHs. life preservers, full uipment, speed iu w 11 iniien v"-" an will tradn for heavv duty ma rine engine or real estate, vveooer crun, tannery, 'uiton. , ROOM! boathouse, worth $500, but we can't use It and will take what we can get . 142H.-2d at. - . r SUJIMEK RESORTS.' LONG BEACH .: The Brltt hotel, building and grounds; ; LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY 83 LAY OR BUST If you will Bend ua the name 01 your poultry supply aeaier house contains 22" rooms f f w wi u sena you our poultry almanao nlshed: price $1750, GEO. D. SCHALK, Main ?92. A-2892. 228 Stark t 00: send a postal card for it today; tells how to make your hens "Lay or Bust;" also nhmit mil wnnriarful (.iillnhv' Vt,nnaia COZY Seaside bungalow, lot 60x100, forjeosting oniy $1.60 delivered - to you; sale, $1100. -Apply C.H. Precemeder, J money, back if not satisfactory. The Seaside, Or.. . .. I Park & Pollard Co.. 171 Friend at. Tina. ton, mass FI')R,RALE. Willamette logging road engine, cyl inders 10x18, 60 inch boiler, complete with cable, blocks, grabs, etc. all In food condition. Call or address Eggman lros Bhamokawa, Wash. ' FREE TODAY 26c box toilet eoap or 25o,. bottle .riavoring extracts, de livered with 8 lbs. , of "Mocha-Java Blend coffee for $1. The C. M. C, 842 Madison. Phone Marshall 166. WANTED TO KENT ItlfiOO In 10 months from 60 hena ha peen accompiisnea py tne I'm la ays very desirable neighborhood, - Phone VTT TJ V T TTTWUl C 4 . Li Jj - .... .j. , i ,.v,iio( , iiau, villi mustjsell at a aacrlflpe; will discount 60 per cent Terms. .Call 11 6 HiIap ivionnay. . EEVERALj good hotel propositions. 430 vs oreest((r Plug. HOTEL PORTLAND European plan only; $3. is dav. HBLVKltEHB,, European. 4th and Alder. HOUSES FOB KENT 12 FOR RENT Modern 6 room cottage, ce ment basement range, screens, shades, large yard, all kinda of berries. isaa k. KiirnMiae Bt. TO rent new 6 room "liouse, modern. 2 carlines, only $20. Call On McKlnley, Mir&hell, 202 H Stark at , Both phones. MQDERN 7 niom house on car line, 12 minutes'' ride; moierate rent. , JOSEPH H. JOHNSTON, 82-83 Lafayette bldg.. Washington A 6th. NEWPORT HOUSE, pn account of sick ness and not enough help, will ie!l the furnishings chcao: write or bom JJi-iAUTii-lurnlsiied 4 room . apartment in one of best buildings in -udiaiiu; ciobb in,;, moderate - rent jvi-ovi, journal. EACKI'TIONAL snap, quick Bale, second iiav, o rooms, nearly new; iu minuTea' walk P. O.; rent and living expensea A FURNISHED b room house, or will . sell furniture at a . bargain;.- located on E. dh et, near Grant See owner, 468 E. Sherman at. after Sunday. 15th. SE-VEN.. rooms, good furniture, large, light, airy rooms, rent $20., Inquire 294 WIHiams ave.' ft KOOM cottage. E. . 7th, half block from HawtWiiAv $15. McKInley Mltchell. 202 H Stark at Both phones 2)81. ' Cne half of new modern double house, T rooms, rent $30. 663 E. .Madison Hawthorne Park addition. Phone Fast 4161. 'I"'"- 'ir ' ''."'':'' NINE room house, B. 14th at, near high school and Morrlaon carlme; very de airable location; cheap rent La thro p, ll Sd at. Room 616. HOUiE for rent furniture for aale. Good location. . 742 Tivelnv nr 83rd stN. Phone A-1896. ' l UltNITURE, of ruom flat for sale, ' cheap; 2. rooma pav 816 mora than rent; 4 years' lease at $85. Main 7771. FURNITURE of 8 room houee for sale. Look at It and make an offer. 421 Sacramento st. anu irving eis. rnnnd Mat M5. Tonlev. 6th and Jarkson at. Or,ui man wisnus ; lurniBiiea room, l t-ity, ur. , : wxtii Kan; aucumniuaaiiun ior nievnin. near lStn and Morrison sts. S-646, Jour nal. DAIRYMEN TAKE NOTICE. " Oliver and Marsh will sell their en- TWO gentlemen want sitting room, bed- I grade Jersey cows and heifers, sale to room uujoiuing, ana sleeping porcn; tane place on tneir rancn, four miles give price ana acacripuon. -u-oa, jour-1 nortnwest rrom wewperg. May z. ha I. , . v 1 hn' fal.lnm. InAitholA, WANTEDA five room cottaare at I 8 broodora. In and outdoor, all In per Gearhart front June 15 to Sept 15. feet order; will sell all for $16. Also State terms. Addresn 820 BecTt bids'. good strong buggy, $20. Can be seen MAN and wife want vear'a . a o8th and JO. Oak sts. R. F. D. No. 1, best 4 or 6 room buniralow that 812 ?ox Montavllla per month will secure. S-648. Journal. CHINA Pheasant eggs. 16 for $1 in city, LIST your "house for rent with HatchT . 1-1.5 or x? . wbr?. W" are shipped 403 Commercial blck, Marshall 1753. parser, mha i neasani Aviary, X! WWA 0 JTUI VJlOllUf VI R. F. P. No. m 2 J?nJi.- Lj??mr:. ,c."f 8 Phone Tabor 245. WHITE Orpington eggs, Kellerstraas HORSES. VEHICLES KTC is strain, $3.& per setting; Buff Orptng- UU1UUO, V Ml,n.jAJM!a, M3iXj. IB t na and Pelf hr dnclr esru I Kit n Betting; inspeciion invitea, sou jviar- JUST arrived from eastern Oregon guerite ave.; take Hawthorne car. a carload of fine, young, sound horses . av r, f, M and mares welahinr from 1200 to ilna A GOOD, gentle family cow, Jersey, and mares weighing from 1200 to 1700 I ""h' f Vi Tri.-I ?.'. 111 lbs. N. S. Stables. 248 Front mt r.r . sell cheap; 181 Ilazel at, Mt Scot t car Madison st. lo .Krn. V1!?' f nn o north J blocks iARM -Team, new farm wafon narness; must sell neinre nlcht. leavinir cltr. 880 E. Woodstock oar to Powell st, then go and east 8 blocks. MAti!t? EOGS for hatching, tWhite Wyandottes," ! 5 h .7 $1.60. and Black Mlnorcaa. $1.00 per i then ko "etting. F. Mitchell, 1042 Rodney ave. CARLOAD of eastern Oregon horses weighing from 1200 to 1700 lbs. All younr and sound. Also some ci ea n work horses. 184 - Madison at, near bridge. .. ' - ' - near Alberta Bt. 5'OR SALE Fresh cow and calf. 44 gal. per idayj lust aa represented. 998 E. Yamhill. S3rd at Phone Tabor 18U3 i OR SALE Furniture of nine room ! Z hoiiee at a bargain. See owner. 716 I f, Washington Bt. Phone Main 6164. j Jjll RENT 8 room modern house, elec trio and gag, -12 Cleveland ave.; J trl , rent I $29. McKlniey - Mitchell. jft; Ptart t ;'' - .. LKiilT room house on Mt Tabor car line, tn good condition, rent only $1$ per month; cheap. J. W Ogilbee, room 11. 14'i let it - - MODERN t room house, Fst 22d near Hawthorne.. Call $14 Salmon, west h1 e. A-iO?.2. - 6 T!( K)MS, bath and gaa and basement. Uth. $15. Phone E. 2245. ? E ITiit RENT Four room cottage, 200 E. th at, $16. Rose City car. phone P-1977. . - . " - l' 'DERjf room cotaga, on good car- line; vacant drat wek June. ; Wood V n? iS. . .. ' ' ' S i u i i. i. N howae, firatclasa order; nice 5 rd; all right every way. Inquire EL " 1 ROOM roomlnjr b .2rn,; ."'t bargain; leaving the city. 0 I V 1DI W L. COMFORTABLY furnished ft" room oot- tage; rruit trees, bmii I-Jugene st FURNISHED HOUSES : : 80 FOR RENT 8 room furnished house. to alults. Inquire 1290 E; 12th at. r. rnrae iviwuiswn m, i to O p. m. a c , , , .hi in w n , n: , V A.. i . 1' i ' J " 1 ' i iiuum Diwern lurnisnen pouae, nice lawn, roaee; i a month. Apply 191 4th at - v --, SIX room furnished cottage, reasonable. 467 East Ash st Inquire on premieea between 8 and 6 or 42 8d et. f.. h r,ci 1 ta'h, rl.-e car Jen, (Mtkrn pn, fruit 1418 E. Gilaan, on 3,Y fa,- 're i. ..T A pice h'jme of $ rooma, tt v -i- a'-d ?trVt Went Park l-n ' .' i Vt Purlc. 1 1 I it ri.n C'.ner .,t eottair , ,,r, e-t fiort. Hb. ijtMt ? 1 4 ' ' v , "i ii i-r l.'.f oa .,ie i ' r' i t toutk Port f n vr,''iiM 111 l-i i l ! c-1 rt :r.", '- i j i-Vvr IT4. ' li' lMi, rw H't. I :.vni Maia . J : : r f COTTAGE, $"lS per month. Opp. Baptist rhurch. Arleta.- Or. O. w P. car. Transter to Mt roott WILly furnish a bunealow to responsi- M couple who will board lady and lid ef 4; pear er and good locality: frfenee. K-142. - Journal. rblld re aM leaving the city, will rent any bouse furnished complete for one year or less t ImtL 49 E. 82d st Phone E. 112 3. JflXE room Koum furfifahed or un furniald; ail new and mv!er: on wrrllwt. Call 744 Nortfcmit FOR KENT A furnished room houn, with 1 Work front B.-L, car. 61$ Fl"I..f5ilKD rouse. C rotims. modern. t filitori et.- $3a, complete. FOR SALE Span of mules, harness, wagon, an in rine anape to do hard work. 82600. Take Oregon Citv car. Kt-i on t jenuings xxiuge. oaraan. . A TEAM f'or sale.' also harness. 12r,ft: i. weight about 2200 Ibs.j mare and goldlng. Call . J2C2 Kerby at Wood lawn 1076. ONE fresh Jersev fa mil v cow. vehv rich . milk; sell cheap or exchange for beef cow. inquire m ave, grocery store. JVJ L. .Ol-UH. mi , G. D. THOROUGHBRED Buff Orpington and Barred Plymouth Rock etres for hateh. lng. Woodlawn 801.- T. P. Keeney, 443 Pa rragut at. .- EIGHT year mare, 1100 lbs; will work single or double; Bound. Nina year horse;- 1600, lbe.; will work atngle or double. Enquire 68 B. Main Bt. WANTED Teams to haul lumber aul slabs, rhort distance out, short haul, rlank road, steady work. . : Address 832 Mohawk bldg. 80 HEAD of ponies loft at Fulton, cheap. BEAUTIFUL thoroughbred female Col- lla,vat very reasonable price, 443 Farrairnt St., woodlawn 801. t'OR SALE Two extra fine fresh cow a with ealvea. Rutherford, south of Ten(a. '-- -- EGGS from Mammoth and Rouen ducks. - Also China Pheasants. Phone Wood fawn 8 )". FOR SALE White Oriental Geeae eggs for rettipff: fine stock and nnn-aet. Must be sold tn a hurry. Take Fulton I ters. 1319 Hood at, cor. Plower. ear on 2d st. For sale A fine ft nt hr,Vaaa.a. ..... Ins from 1000 to 1700: readv to ma to 111 Betting. wont. vomer inn ana jiovl A FINE black 1'ercheron atallion, lf0 THOROUGHBRED barred Plymouth hock ancj Drown leenorn Danism eggs. EGGS for aeltinc. Silverlane Wiin. dott-s. Black Minorcas. Buff Ornlnsr. tons, cheap. Tel. Woodlawn 1198. CHOICE young frestv yellow Jersey-; 4H dally; rich milk. S E. 80th. Minnynne car. Ff. Eta H cow for aale: been fresh twa GOLDEN yellow, white collar neck I months; $36. Cor. Blandena and Den Scotcb collie. 2 saddles, one rldlnc rler a-re. Rig red bam. . driving hors.195Blandena, I FOR SALE Younr full" blood Alaskan lbs.. Is kept for service corner llth and Hoyt. t'hon A-5SM. ' PA I R ol n-rfires, harness and ' wagon, $460: weltrht 2600.- LenUu t hlocka east of achool house. 8. Scott. GOING away; will sell cheap oak bed rnnm Ret. oalr enmbtnatlon bookcase and writing desk, extension table andl kitchen nunen. Basslndale, 1-8 mile- east of Flrland Btutlon on oartieia st. NEW and second nand pooi an bll Hard tables bought and Bold on easy terms. Bowling; alleya. refrigerator for Immediate delivery. Address, the Brunswlck-Halke-Collender Co.. fttn. i'lM WlrtB", uat mora for vour aocoii hand furniture by selling If to Ford Auction Co., Jll 1st. . Main 8951, A-2445. wXKltEi) Good second iiund vlnlhl typewriter. Perry C. Graves, 41 Wiiwhlngton at. rnin"iK.ST price paid furniture, 8821.. pLD for socond liand Lents Furniture Co., Lents, rubber bouts and shoes. So per J. ieve. lb.: auto tires, 6Ho per lb. 186 Columbia et. Main 6198. PRINTING press waiitBd by country newspaper; must pe untune anu cuoap pand press preferretl. ,, rt-6 4 3. jou rnai. ros, on WAN T iiw S lore and office , fix tun Phone Main 8458. 626 WashlngUi WANTED fjind to clear or bruHh to cut by contract A-649. Journal. IV Block. D-547, Journal. legitimate WILL buy a blue orawhite diamond if perfect and cheap. Main 6884, A-2384 prompt attenl Ion always given. E. 1067 HALF dozen sectional bookcase; Two tops' and bases. Pnone B-2483. ; FINANCIAL 81 ..QUIffiK LOANS " On furnlfViio and pianos, storage re ceipts, life Insurance policies, live- I stock, real , estate and all kinds of 8 securities. , U, S,1 Real Estate & Brokerage - V' Company Room 12, Hamilton bldg., 181 8d at Phone Main 2084. SEVERAL - well ' secured : mortgages. 8200 to 81800 each: Bell part at aood aiacuunt. i . Room 28, 142ft second st . NOTE of $8000 for sale; 7 per cent semi-annually; first mortgage: no dis count. Hotel Hood. cor. 6th and Everett. LOANS WANTED 30 WANTED Money on real itate secur ity; good interest and commission. -' Room 26, 142 H Second St , ' WANTED A loan of $3000 on three stores and a house valued at 110,000, either three or five vears. 6 per cent interest. Owner, J-644, Journal. , WANTED $1000 for 8 or 6 years, on ' 100 ft. square with two good houses. Only one block from car; worth $3000.. m i-regonian oiog. warn vutn.- - LET US HELP YOU MONEY ADVANCED PRIVATELY On furniture, pianos, warehouse re. ct-lpta, r-Ml i-Hluia contracts, etc., the property remain la your poaaesiiior-. We hImo loan money to salaried people. PAY US A LITTLE AT A TIME. . ? Deal with a reliable,, established and responsible concern;' our lari? business enable us to make CHEAPER RATES than ever before. , Every , truuMUotlon ahaolutely secret; no hot: wing your em ployers with uneomrm-lnhhi liuiulrloa. . HUTT0N CREDIT CO.. 612, DEKUM BLDG. . . Phone Main. 2$9. ' . " THE CKt:Si:i.Nt LOAN AOlNCi. "" 408 HuthcUUd bldg.; corner 4th and Washington. The racognlied bank of the wae earner. A clrk. bookkeeper, niaohlnlst, engineer or employe can ob. tain money of ua on bis pole without security. - ... '.. ... $16 return to us... ,$ t.On a month $30 return to us. .$ 8.00 a month 160 return to ua. ........ $13.36 a month Confidential: no unnleaaant Inniilrlea. Specbtl rates on plunos, furnltura. eto. NOTICES. ca 1000 mortKane loan wanted. 3 years time. 7 Per-cent Interest: corner lot: iratna ior ! room houae. it-6 48, Journal. IF you have money to loan on realty see ma.. Gruber. 927, Board of Trade bldg. '. - ' " ' '; ' . ". i WANTED To borrow " $200 . 2 yeara; wllL-rlvft' 8 Pr cent: aemirltv two choice residence lots. A-585, Journal, liOO at 8 per cent for 3 yeara; good security. Phone Marshall 1185. - WANTED To borrow $100 ' ttussian PparsKln. K. 642. on , $300 MONEY TO LOAN 27 MONEY! MOSKY1 1 MONEY! SO CHEAP THAT NO ONE SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. SALARY LOANS WITHOUT PKCURITY. YOTI CAN REPAY US IN SMALL WEEKLY OR, MONTHLY PAYMENTS. Rebate Given If Paid Before Due. CALL AND SEE US. ' , STATE SECURITY CO.,'. . $20,000. Thk! riAi.r.KH. nnuinnv NOTICE OP SCHOOL BOND SALT! Sealetr bids will bo received until 7:30 P. m.. of Mav 17. 1810. .for tlie mirchaaa of 20 aemi-anual 6 per cent coupon gold , bonds of school district No, 12 sold dis trict including the city of The Dalles), of Wasco county, Oregon. Each bond of the denomination of $1000, and dated ,v May 17. 11)10.' - Princlnal and - Interest ' payable at The Dalles or New York i ltv at the option of the holder. Principal payable after 10 years and due and pay able absolutely at 20' years after date. Bond issued under subdivision ai of aeotion $889 of Bellinger and Cotton'a -Annotated Codea and Statutes of Oregon. All bids for one or more bogda to bo ac- com pan led by'a certified check for 2 per cent of par value of amount of bid, and ; only bids for par or premium considered. - IT, O, UUNNING. , County Treasurer. . The Dalles. Wasco Count v. Oreiron. , Addenda: School clerk's census, Ulatrlct , No 12 1.62T . t,.l,,tA afli,..i . . r , Ata-: wu "uiwi riiiuiiuiuiii, , , . f uv Assessed ' valuation . of taxable - property ....... .i ........ . $3,124,260 Total school bonds outstanding 14.000 -Other indebtedness of school '. uisinoi NOna MULTNOMAH COtJNTY COURT- . HOUSE. Sealed pronosaln will- he rerelved at the office of Whldden and Lewis, archi tects, 101 Corhett bulldlnir. Portland. Or, until 12 o'clock noon, Friday. May - a. 4iu, ior piumomg ana gasritting. nd for such other work as called for in pecificatlons. for the east-wina- of a vs new court house to bs-erected for the county of Multnomah, st,4te of Oregon.- " Plana and specifications may be ob. tallied at the office of the architects. - No proposal or bid will ha considered '. unless accompanied by a check payable , to tne order oi tne onunrv- court, or Mult nomah county, certified ry a responsible , bank, for an amount equal, to 10 per cent of the aggregate proposal, to be, forfeited as fixed and liquidated dam- , ages in case the bidder nAglects or re- fuses .to enter into cot-tract and provide a sulfabl bond for the faithful Jierform. ance of said work in the event the con. trHCt Is awarded to- him. ; ' The right to reject any RBd all blda I hereby reserved, . F. S. FIELDS, , 4 - ' ' ' . - County Clerk, SEALED BIDS will be rocelved at the office of R. H. Thomas, school clerk. City Hall, Portland, Oregon, until 6 p, m. May 19. 1910, for improvement of frrounda at the Irvington school, said improvements to cotmlst ot - grading, -construction of drains, concrete walks. etc. In accordance with opacifications of Landscape Architect George Otten. Copy of plana and specifications may be seen at clerk's office. The board of directors reserves .the right to reject any and all bids, ' R. H. THOMAS, Clerk. LCST AND FOUND it I I I I I I I I III I II II II 1 $75,000 FOR SALE Oak hull launch Hattle, Innerth 30 feet copper eaBOllne tank. Cushions, steering gear, etc., ready for engine. Will sell cheap. Phone East 643. ' FOR SALK Beautiful toned, weathered oak, mission iinisn pitjnoj niaraiatu Boston matte, cneap ii iukuu at una M-646, Journal. FOR SALE Brand new $726 Stuyvetfant count; migrii equal value. pianola, niann:- at bitr discount: mieht trade for something or 110 2d Bt. CABIN launch, 30 feet seat 20 people, 4 cycle engine, swell new outfit, bar gain. Relersun Machinery Co., 182 Mor- rison st. NEW high grade household furniture, ' complete for 8 stojy house, for sale cneap. uan aiternoons ana eveuuisa. 791 Cleveland ave, t FURNITURE, for four room bungalow .Bed,: dresser, rugs. cook.,, stove, gas plate, oven, table, chairs. .Woodlawn (1KB, 1U 3 XX. ZOtn Bl .' .J:-. '- ' ; A GOOD 1 yeRr old compromised launch hull for sate, is-o Beam; an touipment $50 if taken at once. 44 N. pin hi, HOUSEBOAT, partly, furnished; floai '18x32. $50; bargain. Sellwood car to Gratton Grove, block west to stairs, down" river to 1 third rrom last. FOR SALE S'AxSW view camera, or will trade ' for. good gent's wheel. Phone Main 4928. ask for "Chlndlund." 4 ROOM houseboat for sale or trade, furnished complete. Jackson, care Oregon Launch Co., foot of Hawthorne. m fsVlVT'R Rambler bike, fine condl tlon: ladv'a Rambler. $9;, small boy'a Mitchell. $11. 290 1st Bt CLINKER brick for nala cheap at Jensen's Brickyard, - Btn ana banay p.osd HAVE a carload of Wonder englnea eomlng.ror launcnos; get your oraor In early. 843 E. 8th st. Frank C. Jones. LADIES' dress and street suits, and iintrimmed hats cheap. Janitor. 668 Flanders Bt. Main 8261. Want to loan this amount nn nlanns furniture, horses, warehouse receipts, real estate, morteasres or anv arood col lateral. -A special low rate In order to get thi money out. We want your patronage and are .making a rata to get it - THE KING LOAN & INVESTMENT CO, itoom 610 Buchanan Bldg. $1000 to loan at 8 per cent on real es tate of 3 to 4 times the value, 2 to 3 yeara time; write your property and aescriptlon out and . mall tq me; - too tuey to taut it over in thB" store. STAPLES, THE! JEWELER, C.ITATTF.1. DitKh. ' Installment loans on pianos, furniture. Warehouse recnlnta. hnrntn. Inaiiranna policies, and all kinds of securities; real bmi auu loans irum fduuv up, - , . NEW ERA LOAN & MTG CO, ' J 416 Abington bldg. MONEY to loan on city real estate, no i-uuiiiuHBiun , cnarges, xrom zo pp. ior a years up. , - ' ,.A- 3- GANTNER, - .618 Board of Trado Pldg. v 4th and Oak St. MORTGAGE loans on Portland real e taie ior oorrower or lender., v , . JOS. C. GIBSON, -' Successor to ' Gibson A Holliday. ' 804-5 Gerllnger Bldg. - MONEY advanced salaried people, house keepers and others upon their own names without security, cheapest ratea eaalest payments; offices In 66 princi pal cities; save money, by getting our terms. Tolman. 817 Lumber Exchange. your rnv.rtrT Is good at the Employes' Loaa Co., 821 . lAoington, luota u sc. Ft)R SALK One good as new Damascus sewing machine: 1 gtod couch. .Phone P-2504. Call at 921 K Main st. SLIGHTLY used typewriter for aale or exchange. What have you to ..of fer? 416- O'Tonlan bide. Mi 7064. It buva Kay Jamison air pump, checkT100 009 . on mortgagee, city valve, air gauge, pipe and whistle. East t61. J-642, Journal. R. 8. MOTORCYCLE. " America a Beat" Racycle Picyclea; motorcyciea end bl- ryciea repaired, nynnun proa.. a on HORSE, waeon and harnesa. Price lini weight 860 lba-, aoupd and true, 607 Mississippi ave. ' . THRllfi ton camel back wagon, top complete; oaH tnrtraeh week. :7 Mia. : sismppi ave. vvooqiawn 747. J FOR SALE Mure and colt; about 1000 lba.; price a. Ai ti. Schioth, Eaat t'd srd Ptsrk sis. VTaniij sultm. Call up Bell wood 887 after 1. r before ! o'clock. SEE me for fancy chickens-and egea; some bargains In A-l atock. H Oiwa. Montavllla. Phone Taber S0. EilALJj vacuum carpet cleaning outfit; gasonne power; pprteci condition; bsrgaln. L-84S. Journal. Folt SALE A launch cheap; worth - while seeing, foot 14th at A Kane, 4M Jjnring st. L. C SMITH Typewriter at a barpsln. New late mode.1. ball bearing. Phone I BUY for cash either firat or aeoond BiortgaKea or seller's eoultv In con tracts of sale on real estate in Oregon or Washington. H. E. Nub. Lumber men's bldg. , . . . We LOAN money on diamonds and jew elry at reasonable Interest for long or ehort time." A. at M Delovags, Jewelers, V9 v aanuiKiim at. LOST About a -totek ago in the Plaxa Park, b black - handbag'- containing keys,' keepsakes' and letters that are valuable only to owner. Liberal re ward. Write to E-544, Journal or leave ' at Journal office. -LOST, strayed or stolen. One 4 year , old rexi , cow, with one large knee, pointed horns.- Been fresh about 3 -months.; 'Please, return her to 156S Knowles ave., or phone Woodlawn 2683 artd receive reward. S T OLKNtFox ho und bitch, answers ' to name of Nell, scar on front leg, had collar on with name M. W. Mathiesen, Mann station, phone Sellwood 1342; reward. LOST White English bull terrier; col lar has large iron ring hanging; an. swers to the name of Troubles. Call B-1600 or Main 9340 and receive liberal reward. . . '-. . - -, LOST Ijarge cameo pin; very iiberal reward for return to deFk at Portland hotel, or to owner. E. M. Hanklnson, Beaverton, Or. -- LOST Tuesday, near E. Stark at, male pointer Mack and white dog; license No. 1896 reward. J. .Hyatt. HJ00 Mul lorv ave. - 1 LOST Black-pony mare: reached: left thtgn branded J. 1; rewara. -none Tabor 1420. L. Werner, Red Front Gro- cery. s, - '. .. 0 WILL pay cash for your equity If price and location ia right..' Give full particulars first letter; also your phone, number, Q-547, Journal. , - , LOST Lady's leather liamibag, con- talnlnir u. S. National onnk certin ; cates payable to Mrs. Elisabeth Kelly. l-iosso pnone to a-oiii. FOUND Gentleman' watch chain, 8 lengths and monogram. Owner can have same by provinK property and paving for ad. 235 E. 47th st. CdST Friday night, ladies' gold watch open lace; neiween tn ann Aiaer ana 6th and Washington. Liberal reward If returned to Journal office. - . ouill set with s.. Alnha X! Delta. Call Tabor 1384. Reward. LOST Fraternity pin; peang. ureen letters,. Aipna NOT REVENGE, but Justice, Persons - defrauded, our legal department is at your service. Adjustment 4 Collection Agency. 401 Lumhermeha bldg. . or farm property, fire Insurance. McKanri. a Co., 3erllngr bldg.. 2 and Alder. . MONEY to loan, any amount 6 to 6 per cent Goodnough Selta. 718 Board Of Trade. WILL lend HO.OuO - lesa on aood resi dence property, Address J-645, Jour-pal. S"OB 6 ALE $ foxterrlers, brood bltchea and 1 male pup; end W-W carllne. 1 Ilsnrer and Heet ava. c Woo1 fc , - ' " 1 ' , . 'IT an ... j x , . ,,,, hit c .v.,.,,, 1 nu iirai iresn cows wnn caiv-a. 1 low. t ail tee ii landera Perore SALARY LOANS Confidential. ,ur to get and easy to pay. K. A. Newton. S16 Henry tild g.. 4th and Oak. SlO.NliY ti loan, any amount, lowest rates. Hatch & Kiocum, 4 20 Commer cial biw-k. j MoXEY to kn on Improved city prop- rriy, ia. AiacAiasier, iuz Worceater LOST Bay horstr with white star in forehead. Write to owner, Jas. W, Vaughan. Oswego, Or. ' 1 - " EbSTGofd monogram fob (It L. M). Reward. Phone Sellwood 205. - Ad drass 624 Marguerite, ave. -FOUND A cow. owner ran have same by proving, paying for ad and keep ing cow. N-648, journal. : LOST Black and white "ahepherd dog; , reward. Tabor 1$$. ' 1 - LOST Pair ef eye glasses. A. O. Wand, rare Alien fit L,ewm, lj-i). journal. LOST While Spita puppy with yellow. Vordorfer. 255 6th at; reward. PERSONAL, 23 DR. LEWIS, . rhvalclan and , anrceon: treata women . and children exclusively; private hoe- llal arcemmoaaiiona; examinations rave Main 4047 A-2411 606 Common- " (wealth hldr. 6th and Ankeny. , ICMKN'TliM guaranteed for j,les, ec- sems, botis and other local flisordcrs. Free sample on request. Icementuia Cbennical "o . 708 Dekum Mdg. - FOR' RENT FLifs IS NEW sirirOy modern 8 rrns flat for rent 424 Stanton at Phone Eiurt sd C-l. iij. ETRItTLT re- Wa 6 room fiata. $41 tin. par Jakaon. 1 wa.k; west r5e 1' s-I, re 3. atari e. I , . 1 rr 1 at. .(H-r and t.TBetit f 1 ,., (' ; t A-ti'ri. i i j ; -1 , 't-l'L." i- r ' TTi , ( '-t f.-r r- I, ; e In; TOi N mni J a r d. A.. rn f . '.. large T et t n I toi t at A Pottae. - Gilbert's rroaainar ma. - Lenta. lbs. o bur a ponv about SOU Stark. Phone Main 614. TS1 JER?EY uw with 2-weeka-old calf; wiii sell chsp or trad for horse. Phone East S4 2. 219 Ru-ell et DRIVING horse and bursr for aale. Ap ply nt Pioneer Pairit t o. I FOR SALE Wr!te Peking duc.ings and eggs. 7S E. Mnin, corner 55th. Is HiiAD tf i-. &iea cheap, at Fulton. Take ear at d aid Morrison. WANTED -ft'-e d-hand l-ngey and h r : rood eowditton. lH-f.4 2. Jurr I. FOR SALE Fine fr, f h cowa. Mint, fniit rtf-re. I es. Se Mr. IX'K S.AI.K 10 or 11 much cowa, cheap. Hot 1. Rei7hn. tr. WANT) i To buy airaij. gentle horse -d t.i;r-rr. '?, JowrraL A HoRi'E. J I t-.Atnm an.1 Iw; r-rf ti'O. F"Hirood f( Hi K. f't and laai borate. I her f.iiiwl 5J. mk Ai,.'. r,am-aa ad tny j f. '-' . ; mi k ' f r r, ,1. hfX K:-r' 5 ia: '4 H ! NORTH 8IXTH ST YO'-'NG thorouehtrd Jersey bu.l for ! ? ,rnt n-r Tth St. UiilliC Wyand-.itte mh for hat.cMra.' 'm. J. P. P -''!. Lrts, Or, T' fcr J 14. TTednes1y. b'rvV -k. SiONEY to loan, large loana a apeiait,-, . buiiding loans- loweat ratea; fire In- enrance. Xy. Q. Be.-k. Bit Falilrg. ANGORA c' and kittens, pe ' f e-l, ch-ap. 7 W. Park st Phone M. 6764. Si'lTZ DcmJ for MuNtf to loan on city or farm prop erty, low rate. E, R. Hickson. 617 Grovar St. lie; ir.aiv; $-. TlO !rrmr4 of Trd r'.lr. , w 1 1.1, loan 4 1 v.ij-.-i or Ja on BOX f ,r tn'-i. c,t tlS. wi'.l !! 116; capacity- 10 Iha. tl fr.fon, N. FOR 6 A LI $4 a., p-ho Ki, j4 IN'GXt 'N .it. p"crNro canoe, 18 Iet B-!44 MUSICAL -IXSTRniENTS 84 Chas. E. York P"d Irtf troirerta ard V-ie Hemae, Rftairlr.g. exctaoge, HI-, id at cheap CO V w few. 4 fh et ''-1 4 '- r r-..raih ith t' ia for r-al rm- MEN When weak rervoua or despond ent tise Serold Pilla as a bracer; re store lost vigor; price $1 per box. 6 boxes for $5. T. J. Pierre, $11 Altflry. J-RP.E' REA M NG.S Wie n on'.y. 129 , I4ita at, between Washington and A der. t'pataira, tiwm t. WoViTu F-"mo:da "nn cir.era fll; for a' bv the Ara'-'und Drug to. J J r N. th t Main SIR tate. at f per cent Farrington. 418 i PKt'FE.-.-OR GKIF1 ITH you in i iuf r CoTiimerf ls.1 Loan if. 'al ealate roorli?ra t n,.f - t and eod. F. C Htata. ii X l m. K 'a -.-'t.-r r: e . . t ch-c-;i at), n ' peat r. hr. pooeit on 1ve c,.-t N. fth at. leAAC L WHITE. Pmh, "furii-." ill r.erior y it 1 aa, f.e 1 1-k me; ha,f boar, Main 4521. A-U44, man-ax On"t st f PAI.- i. t re r La 1 . -, i-. i-. 1 ..f ca!i, tr t f .t i- -at ' iT . .a, a u g feti r,d t T , ,i av. I' 'if l'o a g'joi aecurity. 1: C-r'f!, r-yg. - fT" V W of : ii t r r- f Lti . 1JLr4 W ' 1 ' 41 1 1 a rk. U'C' K --- o-, ii :s;r!tia, W. h t 4 i ri '-ir-a-a Dsne K 'n 4144 L S 1 r h a '"g, ia r " ir t- t'l ' 1 - Co, 4 I 4 1 ,- g. ir., li ; -ai 1.1 c ".l 4xJr,-J-. .,! 49 flu(iir t--i. I , NO or rua' i ji '.; hour, ic roc. 01 41. I'i 4, T. J. .,f li-".!."r, M- 1 ie",t -I ? f oren; ail Irreitufanties orr--tej; f e-j '-re. -asl or write III Alisky. fcl" I hi 1.1 1 . l..r removed. attUnta L f ' " LJ" ' 1 t- M. )"', ft . i , 1 1 : - I.-ora -.j'-'. ,E'is, $l,ii, dyed f-- - -h mr,r at. fcT" CI .-.-; I ' .a t - itT:.o -:. C '1 '.r a 1- ri 5 r " e ' -r( t, y.t -tr r er.. b. t S i . r- t -' r tr a--. a r f w:K.a, tt j i.a!Oit it iAit I4i- 4