The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 15, 1910, Page 26, Image 26

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. "w
room plastered house,' corner lot
76x100, and J4ou mortgage, .for ood
ranch. ,. , .' A -; r
70 acre rsnch. fine tpil, IT acre In
crop, family' orchard,. 4 room, house,
water .pliied .' to house, running water,
on electric Hue, for city . propertyr j
7 room plastered house, lot 8.X120,
In Newburg., for lota or residence. .
2S ACRKsl beat fruit land. SO acres un
der cultivation; spring and running
water; Meal spot for home,' peach, cher
ry, appie ana pear orchards adjoining.
a mile station; electric una survey.-.!
by the nlaoo. Price ITS an acr. - Will
exchange on modern home In Portland.
FOR SALE Rrand new 1716 8tuyveaant
pianola piano, at big discount; might
traurt ror aometning or equal vaiua.
110 2d at.'
TWELVE acre on electric line. S rolltn
-from Vancouver: 1 acres cood onion
land; price. 12600; exchange for home.
Ettt i,ewis nmy.
40 acrea fine fruit land, Lans county. WANT ,0 ,rad, fRrm for city property
nartlv Imnroved. small House, vaiuo
Il600. Mr cjt value,
. ' - 206 W- Morrison st
grocery, restaurant' rooming house or
something- mat, win enow goo a ncom
'.'fiMB'IMT ;:. '
- . , . listens
People do not nuike P.IG profit In
nuying a lot on trie .installment Plan,
Those who make P.IO MONEY buy 10 oH3" nursery; price If, taken soon.
Inquire H. E,
it. wl)
James, tig 10th at.
PHONE, your, exchanges, to
Acreage for a Cottage
! . A fine piece of level land,
' all clear, short distance
V out 25 bearing , cherry
vr trees, all In grass and will
: soon be ' ready to ' cut,' on -'
splendid road, no buildings;
trade this on a casl basis.
, Henkle & Harrison
-ly Gerlinger bldg.
EXCHANGE -House and lot. 13 mln
men' car ride. Price 12500. for cultl
va ted farm near Portland, on electric
line. K-6f ft, Journal. '-
WILL exchange my 5 passenger auto
mobile, fully - enulPDed. as first pay.
ment on bungalow, value. 1600. -8644,
DEPARTMENT store In growing Valley
town to ox en an ge ror city property,
or farm, t 116,000. The Ams Mercan
tile Agency, Ablngton bldg, .
EQJFITY of 1976 in 10 aero tract near
tuagie crecK. to exchange ror, conrec-
I uonrry or siitiiiar busincaa. sos Aiisky
1 oiog. - -
11050 equity in a fine new mod- '
' ern bungalow, corner lot, , east
front. In fine neighborhood, close
to school and 1 carline, t ex .; .,
change for J to t acres, Improved,
rmnr carline. 1 See
' . , - S00 Henry Bldg.
ROOMING house, niostlr house keening.
Clears over 60 per month: want real
estate in or out 01 city, value, iisov.
231 K. 6th St.. ' -7
WILL exchange inv nighly Improved 0
acres, near eiecino unr, ror noma or
lots. Mrs. l)., liBK k.- yamnui st.
WILL exchange 15000 Chicago boule
vard residence ror same value in fori-
land. Inquire 193 Burnslde St.' '
I"'DK S ALB or trade, 1 room house and
two lots ror nmaii rami, partly im
proved. Phone Sell wrtod 1 662. 1 '
NJNH room modern house, close inr
hlsrh class furniture, cost 11800.- will
take 1800 cash or trade. BOO Henry bldg.
W ANTED To . exclunge mercantile
Tn nrhann 1 60 acre, house. barn. I cash for difference. J-S41. Journal.
family orchard. 1 acres ciearea. ..-I KXCHANGE Choice residence
000 ft. pulp timber, horse, w"Kfn. tooif i erty. - Small farm owners only.
unu niat-iiHicrj. i - - S43. journal.
0eTtu.ednnT "l; Wain Mti! A-T 34 ' " Henry bidg
enme to city. Will exohango ' for city 20 room hotel, paying lzper cent, ''111
nropcrty OI - equal value. . iia , u i ira jor irni. vaiua i,9vv, . cii
Ll1fT- ' A ,. , property, froo itenry piag.
runi i irrO uii.i vauey ana otner property . ror
I-XI .HANhKS , Klamath '.Falls nroDcrtv. 2i Lewla
SB acres orchard land. 6 acres bearing
Just so sure aa Portland : grows and
grow It must just so sure will this
acreage Increase tea (lily 4n value. WIhs
Investors buv 10 acres for about the
same money that you put In a lot GKT
WISE buy a JO aore fruit tract conven
ient to Portland at about the same price
you will pay. for a lot and on easiest
kind of terms. ( , i ' . " ; , '
I offer you an opportunity to .buy 10
acres t most beautiful FHIJJT LAND
convenient to Portland, at one lot price.
Don't ba a chiiino buv tha 10 acres
and make dollar where the.other fel
low makes cents. ..v ";'';, f '':'"
Let me show you these beautiful 10
ere frurt tracts. I PAY ALL TRANS
you a cent to see then and then do
your own ininaing. ,
' Drop a postal card for descriptive
literature. ; . -.: ? i .
, , J. U, KliKUU,
; ' ' , . TRACTS."
V SH-BIO Oorbett Bldg., :
j . Portland. Or. :
1 20 acres, ; nrar Mount Knod
electric, croHsi-d bv auto ' rnnd,
running .water, good' soil, some
smalt tlmhur, close' to HrowneU'S
137.60 per acre. ' .
Main 9510. 713 Rothchlld bldg.
ornharrl. balance readv to set located In I 23 foot 6 h. p. launch and 36 foot house.
one of the best apple and fruit dis-1 good condition; cash or trade for
tricts In the world. Price and terme residence property. . Phone Woodlawn 4,
right or Will take a good residence in RKSIDKNCK lota in exchange for
Portland. I stocks, bonds, , or aecurlites. Give
-b acrw wumrrreuo vaucjr in m i name or security. K-S47, Journal.
Kdlem, 86 cleared and in. cultivation. I ... . ,,, .,' ' , ,. ,,. t 'l"A'
A fine farm, will exchange for good UAVi ,6 r 0r"UaJX
cltv oronertv I . -t- .
718 Bonrd of Trade
Term rai.k or fxchangE.
The finest 40 foot glass cabin launch
TRADE what you have .for something
you want. ii nenry piag.
FIVK acres at Moaier for lot
H-ftis, journal. -
on the river, built in 1909; cabin, decks iTHREli lota at Baker City, will trade;
and interior are of ' solid mahogany;
electric lighted, has lavatory ana ex
tension berth; fully equipped for cruis
ing; also 12 foot tender and 60 foot
house for. launch. " Could not be built
for less than 15000. - Well sell at a bar
gain or trade for real Vatate. Ross Kng
JimIi Investment Co., 322 Mohawk bids
Sd and Morrison sts. - . .
what have youT 600 Henry bldg.
SIX room houae, near Killlngsworth
ave. to trade. 480 Worcester bldg.
An old established general merchan
dise business carrying from 120,000 to
126.000 stock. In a live country town.
Will sell or trade for Portland or out
side property. Address 610 and 611
- Fine-Platting ProDOsition'
12 miles from center of Portland, Kenton bldg-. Portland. Or.
mile from carline on Salem road. j At.:KKS. 11 miles from Portland, near
135 acres on two county roads, fine I v TTnltod Klectrlci exchnnirA for Port.
fruit land; will sell on good terms or j land or suburban property; an elegant
trade part Portland property.
R. Horning, 319 Allsky bldg.
. EffiCMGEAiiT
'40 acres of fine wild land for sale
See J, 1 proposition for chickens or hogs. Smith-
I wagoner uo 311-au Lewis bldg
HAVB 142.60 equity in lot; will trade
; ror watcn or anything or value; also
nave zoou snares or mining stoeK, win
trade. What have you. L-417, JournaL
We are now offering 10 acre tracts In
the HY LANDS of YAMHILU 46 nvlles
aouthwest of PORTLAND and In the vi
10 ACRKS FOR 1750. - .
10 CASH, ' - '.'A ' '
PURCHASES. t.v-' ;'',
Just a word about the land and Im
provements In ? the Immediate vicinity.
We have recently planted 8000 apple
trees.. P1LK1NGTON. the nurseryman
of Portland lust finished planting 100
acres Joining our land; CHURCHILL-
MATTHEWS CO. have BOO acres In wal
nuts and cherries. THPS OREGON AO
SQRS OWN and are developing their
holdings. Extensive researcn la oeing
pArrlert on under- the supervision or rum
. The ,, land will produce all kinds of
rarm crops to perfection. - .this ttx-
iaivu UKurr liKuwistiu asswia
'HON has employed a competent man
to advise any one as to the care ana
planting or orcnaras. ' - - -
Don't class these lands with common
valley land, but take a day qff and see
for i yourself. Think of the price and
terms We have rhotos or the land at
our ornce and win pe picasea to an
swer any Questions.
As a final word. ' We have sold over
600 acres of this land and every man
going to the tract has pougnt. -siuty
BED. '
' S82 Chamber of Commerce.
, Parhana vou ve not ced thlnas ara
doing at MoMler, ' Thero's a reason.
Price of land Vi that of Hood River,
values JiiHt the name ' subject to same
market, so why pay more where you
have to build tin district., as well, as
marKetr enrewa investors are puytng
in Momer, knowing that it win: do a
repetition of Hood River. What more
do you want? Luy (Mountain. View
orchard tracts. 10, '20. 40 acres." Price
lao to 1100, latter cleared; 20 per cent
uown, painnce your own terms.
I, . THOS7 M'CUSKER, . - )
' ' 829 Lumlxrmen s bldg.: r
10 acre orchard tracts lii the best Dart
of Orugnu: fine soil, best of transporta
tion facilities. If you want aomothlng
good in apple orchard tracts, loo K mis
un: easy terms. Can ' handle a good
Portland residence In exchange for some
of the tracts. ,-. -40
acres, bearing orchard. 27 miles of
Portland: ' commercial aDDles and some
prunes; good buildings; aa elegant place;
easy terms. ,.,. :
i - 718 Board Of Trade, "
WANTED; Printing press, type and
ImnroVed- ritv Drone rtv and business
or iraue wn.i nave ytiu. : jms niace i cnance ror sale or exenanra. 211 f irst
is oniy j mnes irom n. . ana aeooc i st. Agents wantea.
line spring, ana Lrewis river cut
across one small corner of the ' land.
1). S. Cameron Realty Co.. 610 Washing
ton St.. Vancouver, wasti.
IF you ha-e. some goodtdty property
you want to trade for -Acreage near
Portland, see
i ' 119 Allsky Bidg.
10 acres, , all cult., fruit, berries and
nuts, vat airview; good house; 3
streams, near car. Take city property
20 acres 1 mile United Rv. best fruit
land; ail rine timber. Take city prop
erty part pay., bal. easy. . v
160 acres Alberta wheat land. Im
proved, Want Portland property.
414 Couch bldg.
With 100 feet frontage, fine view.
Jots of . roses; will trade for a
Kood un to date automobile.
210-11 Abington . bldg.
A business corner on the east
side; Income now US per month;
went automobile or vacant lot.
L-416, JournaL ;
16 acres 10 miles from Vancouver; fine
Improvements: 13500. Will exchange
for city- property. ,
Good paying livery 'and boarding
4 stable, $5000. . Will exchange all or
. , ptrt for improved or- unimproved prop
erty. : , J. . , ,s
' ' 420 LUTTiber Exchange.
' EXCHANGK. 60 acres, about 60 in cul
tlvation. 10 acres In timber, - good 4
room house, large barn, orchard, well.
Mack loam soil, none- better in Oregon;
' 31 miles from Portland, nvar car line.
, Will take half or two thirds In cltv
vrcperty. Price 1140 per acre. Z-125,
Journal. -
Two liverr barns In eastern Washing
ton and acres of wheat land in
eastern Oregon.
: Building Investment Co.,
45 Mory hldK .
I. . . L ' "
11AVK Z lots i.100 J blocks from the
bank In St. Johns, worth 1100a eah;
wlh to put In one or both as first pay
ment n 1 io s room house in good lo
.allty from 400a to 160e; must be bar
gain., balance tti to US. per monta.
owner onlr. K-643. Journal
1 OR SALE or exchan,
DRUGLESS physician would exchange
treatments for new office or house
furniture. No charge for examination.
K.-D4 1. journal. -
WOULD like to trade A-l talking ma
chfne for. carpenter 'Work. Portland
monograph Agency, 60 Alder,
WHAT have vou to exchange for
good typewriter? 411 . Oregonian
bldg. Main 7064.
WOULD like to trade A-L talking ma-
chine for insurance. Portland Phono
graph A gency. 850 Alder s t.
21 ROOM rooming houso for sale, will
take part in trade. This Is a good
house for money making. S-641.
To buy a piece f income bearing prop
erty, value 116,000 to 120,000. Will pay
7J ajnnii.
WE are having constant calls for resi
dences, lota and acreage: If vou hava
something that will sell, and the price
and terms are right, we can get results.
402 Commercial Rloek.
Cor. fd and Wash. Marshall 1761.
- How people will come to Oregon
and pay as high as $2200 per
acre for young bearing orchards
when there- are some of the same
.. age,, having the best- - -possible
care and attention, that can be
had for one-sixth of that figure.
Listen to this. We offer for a
. . short time an orchard containing
V 69 acres that Is planted as fol
lows: 75 acres In apples, acres
-jt m pears, 6 acres in cherries and
12 acres Iri walnuts; trees - are
.' four year old tops and will bear
, some this year,. and heavily next
year; orchard adjoins city limits
" of town of 1600; good 7 room
- house, . barn, complete spraying
: outfits, tools, etc., go with the
place. Ownex , is , leaving ( for
, California eand has authorized'
us to sacrifice it at ONLY 13&0
per acre and give terms at that
figure. This orchard has been '
pronounced- by the- authorities
from the State Agricultural Col
lege to be' "the finest young
- commercial orchard in Oregon."
:' If you are looking for a REAL ,
BARGAIN here it Is. For photo-
grapns and farther information
call on - -.
Chester H. Starr
1022 Board of Trade bldg.
ISO acres fiar Mount Tlood Electric:
crossed by auto road, runnlna- water.
good soil, some small timber, close to
i-irownen s nursery; price it luuertt&agon.
Main .350. ; ! v, , 718 Rothchlld bid.
i-. T ACRE. .. : , ,
That you don't have to live on; siho
choice fl20 ucro MOMEHTEAD FREE,
iluautlful rich valley;, plenty water mid
wixia; i raiiroana; uescriptive hook rree.
llll ...,(.. . I. u . I , ..... . .
UUU IIII4V It'll. lliniUKII J.fll.ll UltKUII,
by automobile, with ail expenses paid
for i days, only 10. r
Join our excursion leavinr Wodnes-
ouy morning and see tins wonuerrui new
empire of the west, whether. you want
land or not. ,
- i2S Ablngton Bldg.
iioomixu jiotstos vmi BALK 53
reliable Information about the
desert claims and deeded Irrigated land
INVESTMENT CO., 301-802 Buchanan
bldg., on Washington, near 6th, Wo
leave weekly with homeweekers. - - -itHO
' ACRE iiomeutea'ds, central " Ore-
gon goingf fast, don't wait till - too
late. ; Come In and talk It over. Get
busy, and set ' land, v 201 Chamber of
Commerce laldg. , . '
HOM ESTEAD Eastern ' Oregon. We
are on the ground: come to head-
Quarters, r W liieAtA nenrlv everv home.
seeker in the district. Oregon Homestead
yo-fzit AQington bldg. ,
FOR SALJ0 by owner. ,13 'A acres, all
, i Mr. . llnrn. ArchnM .ml ornsiti nrull
11 miles from Portland. 2 miles from
o. K. station. J. Gaarde, Tlgard, Or.
HOMESTEAD location, or relinquish
ment wanted. M-646, Journal.
160 'acres.- Tillamook count v. 1 mile
from coast, 6 miles from Cloverdale,
20' acres timber, balance ; open land
easily cleared, some buildings: price 122
per acre; part .cash, easy terms, or will
trade for-city property Buy of owner
and save commission. ' x
4113 Main st, Oregon City. Or.
211 4th st.
. tinnMiMd houses. . ,
8 rooms, rent 137. SO, at. ......... .1276
6 rooms, rent 137.60, at.,.,
7 rooms, rent 120.00, at.,,....,..
7 roomH. runt 1:111 110. at. ........ .
7 rnoiiiu r,.nf im nil. at .......1400
8 rooms, rent 140.00. at .... .' 1700
8 rooms, rent 140.00, eL.,4 ,1500
H rooms, rent ISO. 00,' at ...... , .... 1275
8 rooms, rent 150.00, at., ...1700
9 rooms, rent 140.00. at ,.1650
0 rooms, rent 125. on, at.....,.,
10 rooiiia, rent 155.00; at..,.,...
10 rooms, rent 122.60, t...,...
10 rooms, rent 1.15.00. at.:......
10 rooms, rent 140.00, at. $'J00
10 rooms, rent 137.60,. at, v 1750
ll rooinn. rent 1:10.0(1. at .....160
11 rooms, rent 155.00, at. ........ ,11050
11 rooms, rent, st ,.sou
12 rooms, rent 150.00, at .......... 11600
13 rooms, rent 155.00, at. .1760
14 rooms, rent 175.00. price., ; ,,., .11 100
16 rooms, rent 155 00. nrtn. .. .. ..11000
19 rooms, rent 1100.00, price. 11650
0 rooms, rent nrlce ..-..11600
6 looms, rent 1120.00, price. .... .. 12800
80 rooms, rent 166.00, price. i.,.',. 117
30 rooms, rent 1150.00, price. .,,j. 13750
40 rooms, rent 1160.00, price.. ... .-,1.1000
62 rooms. 5 years' leaso, rent 1116. 12650
6 room boathouse, rent 112.60, will sell
for 1260. " ' ' ." - w ',,.'". i y
' - , BUSINESS CllANCES. ! 1 .
Grocery and store . building, on lot
60x100, will sell stock or .building and
stock, price 4600. : , . V '
FlTtiireS and lenae for - 4 Stores' to
gether 1200.' Good for ,a second .band
store. , - '-; : .-,.; :
Delicatessen at a bargain. '
vORN KR saloon fpr sale; a - nap If
ini at -once. ' f .,
Another BHlDim. with 24 ' furnished
rooms, large atcfrk of everythltig; will -sell
all f(,r fTJOi). Room 211 AllskyJ''
bldg., corner 3d and MuriUson sts.
: ' V ,
DO you want to get ,4nto profitable,
retipeetahlu biiHlriens. increaalng every
year? - Then examine this prnnoaltlon at
once; will sell, half Interest for 11000
anil demonstrate that we can easily di
vide, above cxpenxen, over 13000' first -year.
N-543, Journul. i
MUST 'LEAVE Good home and bubl
ness, groceries and confectionery, fine
location. COllntv ...I lr,u, aa
48, all In fruit, all for 16300; or will
-a., mum nuu .ease dwelling' to suit.
A genuine bargain. Investigate at once.
Owners only. B-547. Journal.
Ton can
buv 10 acra ltM. ..
limits, near the Country cl
Per acre.. Lot values adjoining ara 1400
t0 1500, , '..., .. , , , ,, ,,i
- Hoard of Trade bldg. '
A SNAP : tr-
X - branch'' real estate' ' office mnn
proposition for liustlor, little money re
quired. . W.. F. Schoolev & Co.. l fnin
at., Oregon City, Or.
10 acre' tract, approved apple' orchard
iana witn auu staaaara commercial aPi
pie trees planted and cared for, Alti
tude, soil and drainage perfect for apple
culture- light at R. R. station: surface
Irrigation absolutely- not required;" price
ror snort time 2ouu;.one ruin casn,
balance easv. I wHl nay 1200 cer vear
and crop for taking care of adjoining
zi acres, nee Air. t arr, tsvi iewis bldg,
Over 10 acres. 30 miles from Portland:
steamboat landing on place; S acres of 9
year old fine bearing fruit: balance fine
cleared soil, excellent for early berries
or vegetables; cheap freight to Portland;
no hauling; owner living In the east;
must have money; will sacrifice If sold
at once, for 12500.
HHillMAN & J-iATH HOP, Vi-
515-516 Ablngton Bldg. ' '; v ?
iy)n Wo iTo sign
LANDS. ' - ....
FOR 8ALOr trade.. 400 acres timber
-land, sawmill ,y or; cord wood proposi
tion, Multnomah county, near Scuppoone,
vtlA Pfanlr fi l,.mn 1 1 L mlla. nluf Inn
and river, good fruit land or dairy ranch
when timber taken off. Also platting
proposition and acreage on United Rail
ways : at Burlington; .bargain, h Call
Parker, 603 Corbett bldg.
7a MILLION feet of timber on each side
of railroad; this is good operating
proposition; terms can be had; also 230,
000,000, - well located, , and f numerous
other timber tracts. ;-:.-'.;',..
. - .v . OREGON LAND CO., 'h '-r-
- . . 215 Henry Bldg. . ;
16x24 Inch Erie engine and mill, com
"Dlete in every way. only 2 miles to
R. R.: a little money gets this; will In
clude 30.000.000 feet sood timber If
desired. Buyers only, iconsidored. P-549,
journal. - ' . (15)
Su ACRES situated N hi of section 26,
' township: 40 S., range 1 W.; choice
timber -land, principally fir, some larch,
110 per acre,. Address Owner, Box 41,
Arleta, Or.' .
OC'ER 1,000,000,000 feet 80 per cent ye-1-
iow jir, compact ooay, wasnington
county. Or.; nothing like it to be had In
western Oregon: nrlce on aDDllcation:
no agents. L-643, Journal. (43) ,
All KjTioTRooming' Houses
70 -rooms, transient. Washington st.
steam heat hot and cold water In al
rooms; some .with , private bath; . long
tense; jbuuu.,,-, '- : . , :
. 40 rooms. I near O. W. A K's : new
building: v 3 years' lease: ' cheap rent'
14000; would take real estate for part
boe tnis Monaay. . t., .
60 rooms, new brick apartment house,
3 and 3 room suites,' with all modern
conveniences. Clear tiuo above, ex
Dennes: lontf lease: 15500: terms.
50 ' rooms, transient; - full of - good
steady men roomers; well located: rent
only 13 , room,' with long lease;- clears
tfo montn; juuo; terms.
22 rooms, part housekeeping; 1 floor
rurniture new; rent w, good lease
12000:. terms.
If you don't see what you want In
this fist, ask for something else. -We
can place you. . ,
603 Bwetland Bldg.
10 ACRES, one hour's ride from .city,
on Oreson Electric R. R.t tlmhereri
with good cordwood, fir; 1150 per acre;
terms if desired. Inquire 1033 K. Grant.
NEAR MEDFORD. .-'.,-' ,
About 55 acres. 36 acres bearing orch
ard. Spitz and Newtowns, 6 acres Cornice
pears 3 years old; : price only 136,000;
118,000 cash, balance time fl per cent.
Best bujr in Rogue River valley.
621Board of Trade blg,
ATTENTION . payers, 470,000,000 feet
vellow fir. nlv BO miles from Port
land; a special price to a prompt buyer;
no, agents considered, -t P-648.
WE are headquarters for limber and
lumber enterprises of 11 kinds. Kin.
ney ,. & St amp her, , 631-3 Lumber Ex
change bldg. ,.,...
HAVE 1500 ca5h and"lf500 "equity In
contract of nale on 114 acres of Hood
River apple land at 140 an acre to turn
In on good' Portland home; will assume
difference. What, have you to ..offer?
615 Board of Trade bldg.
15 ACRES ;
The best apple and English
Walnut district in the
(Northwest . -II n e q u a 1 e d
combination of climate, soil,
air and water : drainage.,
Only 60 miles' from Port- ,
. land ' on Southern Pacific
and surveyed electric line:
10 acres tracts, 180 to 1150
.per acre, on easy terms.
Orchards planted and han-
died for periods of 1 to &.
years at low figures. ' Will
show land In automobile. .
C. T.' Frail, - 925 Board of
Trade ' bldg., Portland, Or.
YOu can buv 10 acres Inside the Ht-
limits, near the Country club, for Siooo
rer sjjjje. Lot values adjoining; are 1400
- - Bonrd of Trade bldav
WE have buyer for close In income
property up to 820.000: also buver for
good apartment site. Make low nrlca
and we will make quick sal a.
v:iXJit't:L,TKl BROS.,
in toucn mag.
Good stock farm of not less than 111
acres, within 10 miles tof Portland: pre
fer not less than l acres in alfalfa;
give full details, including lowest cash
price in first letter. N-64I, JournaL
IF IT IS your desire to make quick
Sale of real eatulo evil nnnn 1 . J
Oilman. 121 2d st, betweem Waahtngtoa
and Alder. Bales made by publie sue-
tun or
- - - - - - - - " " ' w .. yuMii, uc
ii or at private sale. ' Call at office
Main 24.3. Quick action. '
WANTED, by orlvate party or e&ah.
1 or t lota in Elmhomt, Rossmere or
Rose City Park district west of !nd
st Give price and location: bo scents.
M-14J. Journal.
of a. four mom Imnu. - lt jcw.a
M' k et tha one block south from
rr-d or Hawthorne av. csrllne. lla
Inquire on uremises or adarevs F 11
Warrwr. P. O. H"T 271.
I;nnmxo hoo. ll-ronma. 112s; rest
i; clears ITS; swell furnltur: to
r.t for 1 er rooms of furniture,
suitable for bous. - -
tlT tlkpr h.4e
'H n-lr.. S'm1 ranrh or
?.-rr; ff s rr-a vrowlng rro ; take
fY r-r nty f.r'erty for all or part;
., e I li I" a. re.
?! l.nii yil.le-
; I to .K. ... eji,ity 4n arrea.
r , . to fiwd Inmn ar-d elwirte
,'j fnr4 rm bu )d:rs, very lrnt-
k-rc rity: ifi..rn lor city
-. t s- :". Ja r-i.
- ' . .!:,. i. jt if f,r Nt-i
l -. - -t rl'-. I,-s a :i o-er
i f, f..r rw lnt. pulfe
e.r . t '.mrmt pf ft.-lofTf-!-.
I " '.'I lW8 bMg
" ;-. .,Zs-7Z "
' - ' f r i'-'r e t f t-
-- ' ' - . "A t - ? i ffc.Ad
- , I--. . -g. l,r':.J
' -
WANTED Cheao boiuws and lota, from
11000 to 12000: . i also acreare and
small tracts near Portland; we have
the buyers If you bare bargain. 60
WAN T home in Portland, cottage or
bungalow, corner preferred, not over
laOOs: have first class automobile to
five as first payment, terms on balance,
f. Webster. JITVi Mill et
A fine fruit farm and a beautiful
country home not more than. 7 miles
from Portland postolfice." close to car
ana on a nne gravel Toed; 8 acres In
fruit; Income not less than 11600 from
fruit alone; not far from Garden Home,
where cleared land with no other iw
provements sells for aa much as asked
for this highly Improved and well
equipped place. This -is ' decidedly the
best fruit farm near Portland; fine 8
room cottage, fine place, good bath, hot
water heater, X goojl wells, windmill and
tank an siock and implements go with
place at 1600 ptr acre; would take good
nome in fornand as part nay or would
take good S-passetiger touring car, 1000
cash and give time aa balance. .This
is worth looking up If you want a-good
paying place and a fine home. . Place
contains l acres and 48 rods
Brown. 709 Swetland . brdg., . 6th and
a FINE country home of IS acres,.- .
Surrounded by fine orchards.. . '
8 room modern house with fireplace.
Barn and good family orchard. . . :
10 acres set out to -
Spitsenberg and Yellow Newtown ap
. r's. ."'-.-
. Beautiful view, spring water supplied
To house by hvdraulic ram. - -
6 minutes' walk Jo R. R. station.
' 10 minutes' ride to center of Portland.
.Electric line now building will
nave station close to the property.'
Price 17000; 10 per cent discount for
all cash.
Could be bought for 12000 cash, bal-
ance .
lioo per year per cent Interest.1"
7 and 74 'orbett bklg. - '
DIRPXIT attached; mill, 10,000 M. ca
paclty, all- complete, at sacrifice
prlc. ; 11000; . can be moved any - time.
Kr544. Journal. LjL2lL
FOR SALE Sawmill and .timber. H80o7
terms; one mile from R. R. Will pay
to investigate. J-643, Journal.
I NEVER had so. many absolute bar
. gains in rooming houses. I certainly
can piease tne most cnticar and . par
ticular of buyers.. These are my own
or. exclusively ior oy me.
. 10 rooms, elegant furniture; rent $30;
modern house. : Will clear above rent
to; great bargain at 1700;, worth iizoo,
10. rooms, close to Washington st.,
rent 140: couldn't he heat as a -clola
In place; ..Terms" to suit. . Dirt cheap.
me. m iiunuy. p ., - - -
10 rooms in warehouse district,; $360;
modern house. - , .
, 'P rooms, , lease worth $2000.' - My
price iouu, ciose to journal ornce.
i. 38 : rooms, housekeepintr. long lease;
worm eiiHti; . my price zooo, . Terms.
Others . similar. See me- Monday.
616 Board of Trade bldg.'
60 room modern rooming house; steam
heat; good i furniture; fine location.
W-531, Journal. - ' - r
12 rooms; fine furniture; close In, west
side; bargain price by owner; good
terms. Phone Main 7039. " ';'""-'-
60 rooms, brick, steam heat, handsome
NINE room rooming house, -close in,
rent reasonable: terms.. Main, 2529.
471 Main st. B, Williams. ,
FOR SALE RooiiTing house. 11 fur
, nished.. good location. 4 block from
postoffice; reason for: selling ' .poor
health, by owner, only. 327 Salmon.
$750 handles this Furniture , of 17
, rooms. 4 blocks from nostofflce; owner,
lease. Phone Main 788. '
WANTED Rooming bouse from owner,
cheap for cash. S-533, Journal.
Finest land in Mosier for apples: 'snan
at 82000. or will trade for Portland
property. L. W; Martin, 605 Columbia)
piog. Main - "
I SELL my own land on terms to suTt
. you. Any . sir" tract.
FOR the purpose of enlarging our pree-
furniture, cheap rent, long lease; han-! faciltties for turning out i our
die this with 13000 cash: be sura to see Product wa are offering to the general
this . j '-''- iipuouc a limited amount oi our siock;
'' i '....') we can' guarantee big dividends, for we
45 room apartment house, first class ! "J producing big results; we can also
and up to date, long lease; pays 33 per offer ,0..t,he proR.1r pa.rty JLho Invests a
cent on investment pretty good, responsible position In the company;
WANTED Party at once, to take
charge and manage, thd best; light
manufacturing business In city; experi
ence not necessary; will guarantee 1
per day salary; must Invest, 1700 cash.
For further Information call eBa-llwan
FOR SALE The best transfer business
in Portland; a big money maker,
everything first class. . For particular
see . -. ..- .--. .... ,
' " 212 Ablngton bldg.
GENERAL mdse. for bale or part trade,'
Invoice bet 13000 and $3500; good
clean stock; good location In a llv
town; good .Bchools, churches. , Opera
houses, mills, factories and banks. F
648, Journal. ' ..1., , '
FOR SALE Second sash and door and eiure; emuDiisnea place; over ,
twenty years. ' Have larea number nt
customers. , Will soli at low - figure, '
284 2nd st, between ( Jefferson and
Columbia . ,. ,,- - -
For Sal&tr
Physician's tiractlce. IKOOO. ee" r.
sonable. In residence district . C-611.
WILL trade my bakery and coffee house
-- for : Portlnnd ' nrnnertv . ir n-m :
cheap for cash;- rent $60; 10 months'
lease; best location in the cltv. J, EL "
Nichols Co.. 620 Board of Trade."
' AND ROOMlNa pnnsii! i TropuTV
PLY- 274 , EVlc.n.iT!TT ST Ttrt-Tia ,
SALOON. - j - - - - r
This Is a' nnn 1 K AAil nn.tfv aillh i
donkey and Dlaner 82000 worth n-
ing timber, In operation now, all for
15000. 'M-540, Journni.
$800 Wholesale commission business, ...
loris established: live man .hnnl.1 'i
Clear from 1260 to $300 per month.. A.
I. Chrlstianson, 125, Front stH care,
Green Transfer Co.
CONFECTIONERY, cigar, .tobacco, lea i
cream; good : business, , 2 carlines, ' : ;
cheap rent, 2 years' lease,- other bust- :
ness forces me to sell, 841 Mississippi
ave. - -.?).;.
FINE location on Washington kL, for sa
. loon -or 'cafeteria: lona- lease. This -
will not last long; want good tennant, -as
It Is fine location and getting better ';:
every day. P. O. box 454.
15 rooms fine location. --Tent" 1SS. SO
steady boarders, clearing $100 monthly:
over all expenses,' must sell, sacrifice
ror 1650. Inquire 88 10th. near. StaVk.
IF you want to get into the transfer -'
business, we have a- money maker; ,
on't fail, to Investigate. 402 Commer
cial OlOCK.
$2250 Confectionery and Ice cream par
' lor. good location, sood store, eood
trade, arood money, sood buy. 201 Aliskv
GOOD stock of general hardware, paints
and Implements, well located. Eusone.
Or. Inquire of William Lee, 181 N. 6th
c, riugene,- ur.
GEO. A. HoTrCK. 2S7H Wash.
I SELL my own land in large or small
1.: tracts, on terms to suit you. -
GEO. A. HOUCK. 2274 Wah.
IF you want to sell your farm,' list
with usjv ws have more buyers than
. J. M KERR & CO.
311 Henry- Bldg.
'40 rooms, 'swell, closeln. on -account
of illness can be handled on easy terms;
long lease, ... ,- . V... .:,, .v
:vv . "."::;:':!. n 'w
80 rooms, 4 years' lease, center of
city; sell cheap on account of sickness:
terms. i
84 4th st, 619 Board of Trade bldg.
O-640. Journal.
CAKH for troprly, any kind, anv
where. If you-want or sell
aAeress KorthwesterB Business Agency
M'nrteeroUa. , '
Kn- Price 15
rom bu on rt aide
cmp ana gooa local
t StOt: n terms. Owners eoly,
1 AM 10 "tte n.crket for o.d lot. K,.
must he
City Park, rinlmral
gtv lot ana blok numb-r.
trm 0-24. Jn-irral.
price sad
AS1LI T bny bunf ow, tlil
Ta". $S Pr taonth. B-144. Jour-
C"nr.AP lr,t In
Jr.nrt 1
G4v pries and terras. K-44k
;ott r. t,T cr
fh and i Kra tip stock. 24 w
ine"n. fc.w.'n 5)1.
For s abort time only. Owner mat
selL This Is an Meal proposition' 17 l'J
acres in Walki Hills Fruit Farms. 1 S
miles from Aumaville and only 19 miles
fmra hl.m; 4 acre In I. 1 and 4- ear
oWl appla SAd cherry trees: -7 acres in
pasture: enough wood It lt a life
time; land baa Just enough aiope ts
drala well.
on muntr road, new 1H story km
not entirely finished Inni.te. cort $S9ft;
1 br ;x4S feet; good well; cash.
bairce years.
Ten ti have ts set quick en this.
11 !d rt. MrR)l 1S47. A-1SI7.
Possession immediately of 15 acre
rruit and dairy larm. neavy crop perries,
cherries, pears, prunes and hay. If you
want someinmg gooa apply at once, uer
mrfns. Italians or Chinamen preferred.
iN-4i, journal.
WANTED Man with good team to-put
In 10 acres late potatoes; first plow
inj musx oe none eoon: win rurnisn
seed, help put in crop.- For particulars
see me, $4 mile west f Tigardvlllo, or
aqqrcas tj. k. urgan, Beaverton, or.
OVER 100 acres in Willamette valley,
fine soil, ail cultivated, 6 room house,
granary, well water. Part cash and part
crop. .-. - 7 - "- -"::. - ,
v . " - OREGON LAND CO., .
218 Henry bldg. ' '
This Is the very best name we can
think of for . our B acre subdivision,
Multnomah Acres 'No. 2. A piece of
land that will grow anything; on one of
these fine tracts there is a small orch
ard, an old house and a good well and
barn, besides 1 acre of strawberriea; on
another there Is a Very large hopbouse
that an industrious worker could con
vert into a very nifty bouse and still
have lumber enough for a good barn: on
this piece there is also about 1 acre of
tine strawberries; oniv t miles rrom
courthouse, on good county road, milk
route, man route, telephone; even your
groceries aeuverea to your aoor; oniy
V mile from 'carline and 1 miles from
a 7 He car fare; 1250 gives you posses
sion. Smith-Wagoner Co., 111-112 Lewis
hldg. -'
Lease for Term of . Years.
120 Rooms, c .
Second and third : floors Burkhard
bldg., E. Burnside, between Union and
Grand aves. ; now being remodeled; hot
and cold water each room,, besides sev
eral bathrooms Installed. Location cen
tral, close to west side, ; with best car
service In clty: In all directions.
316 Falling Bldg. -
125 per month, 8 clean rooms, walking
distance, west side, rent f zu: clears IjO.
ll rooms, near medical college,, al
ways full, fixed for table boarders; rent
140. This house clears $l2s monttu This
is a bargain at 1800.- . -OREGON
13000 stock, will sell at Invoice; swell
location, fine, room, nothing better;, best
reason for selling: positively a look will
convince you. - 211 Alisky bldg., 3d and
Morrison. Main Z40v
WE CAN place ylu in paying business;
before : buyln g be sure and see us.
Kinney & - stampher. . 631-3 .- Lumber
Kxcnange Pldg. A-488I. - ' .' . .
. i v . iv, .f- , - pqjj BALE. - . '
Corner saloon, good location, stock,
fixtures, ; license paid .to July; pries
$1000. JE-640, Journal. ,
FIRST-CLASS irrigation' proposition:
upper Columbia, river; $10,000 or ptors
can get in right, zo Chamber ofiA;orh-
meree piag. - .- - . .
HALF interest for sal by owner in a
machinery and manufacturing ' busi
ness, established and profitable, in Port
land; requires 125,000 to 150,000 cash;
wUl stand close Inspection. Lock, Box
2105. Portland, Or.
WE WANT to get n, touch with some
' "live" parties who can sell stock in a
meritorious manufacturing . enterprise;
liberal commission given ,to party who
can prove that he call produce results.
N-643, journal.
$5 room rooming house In -the heart
of ' the city, corner location, all large,
light antl airy rooms, furnace heat, good
furniture; can show this place Is clear
ing 1240 monthly;' good , lease. Price,
12000; cash, will handle this Peters,
16 N. 6th St. "
I HAVE not less than six. cer
tain and tDositivexustomers
for rooming houses of 15 to 20
rooms. 615 Board of Trade.
v7 Free Land in Oregon ,
A great amount of government land
can "be had in Oregon. 4 Our booklet Ad
vantages or Oregon, gives yon definite
information about these lands. Hook
describes 14 counties, what the land of
these counties is best adapted for; has
map attached, in colore, else -21x28,
showing all new towns and railroads,
and was issued .March 1. 110: latewt
map In U. 8.: booklet also contains U. 8.
I homestead sod desert claim lawa. and
lowest copt of sectirlna' 140 to 320 acres
ff government land, as well as a gen
eral -description of the state of Oreson.
This costs you. mailed, t c. Nlmmo A
Huner. Ill Hamilton bidg.. Portland.
Or. . -
OV4 v Kit ! - on cr t
H-K tom austahle fey spartnmta.
P. -tl?. J '.yrr-al. .
M AS i 1... Te Km small tract .f
n d r'- H -. Jr.,, .!
. AMI Arr,
S ts T ic wrtt prt -.
Cits Warbicgton.
FRUIT lami. II nn-., fin cteek
thrc-rh pi ace; timber cut . r r
This 1 better thin Hrwvl Rivk"
located mil f "tn tijrs sutinn n
jnn Br tt it iH bt lrd!"e
i u t " nT" wortu at lat 1
" J "n. t-r.t,n t
n-i ir i.Mi tr, r u r. ,t a4
1 t F.rr ri'trte; hae
tiwi. 1 ta 14 aure, an!
Irr f - ' A. - . .p. jf , r
w-l fr rrrii l.t, wr
tr. Lit A Lir.y. ;5 Taking b,4g.
27 ROOMS, In best west side neighbor--hood;
completely and well furnished
in z ana 3 room nousekeoping suites;
furnace, gas. 4 baths; rent only $85,
with lease, and clearing 1150 a month
over all expenses. Price 11950, time on
part Marshall 1298. 88 10th, near
Stark. , - - .
- Grocery and Confectionery
On good street in the heart of the city,
doing 130 daily, fixtures will -Invoice
11000; pries for all 1900. Peters,, 15 N.
tn st. ' "- -
GROCERY and confectionery, good lo-J
canon across street rrom- sonool: rim
trade, good living rooms, cheap rerrt
un i fj, vtn. fnone iast- 6256,
ONE of - the best confectionery, and
cigar stores In Oregon City for sal
for 16 days only. . Address Journal. '
Oregtm City! Or.- -
FOR SALE Splendid general merchan
' diss business, account sickness; part
down, balance security. Inquire room
10. 145 1st st. - "'
FOR SALE Good paying, well estab
llshed coffee r and tea business, in
Portland, will Clear $2500 a year, 12000
cash will handle it. C-548. Journal.
Room 26. 14214 Id st
In Al location. Includlnr 2 living rooms.
completely furnished, stock. will Invoice
8oo; price lor an 30u; .cneap ; rent
Peters. 15 N. 5th St.
For sale, -moving picture- theatre.
town 6f 500 inhabitants; the only thea
tre in town... particulars ozstt wasn
Ington st. ' '-. - -
6 ROOMS 6 ,
In location, good furniture, rent only
116, one room rents out for 122; price,
if taken at once, 1200. Peters, IS N.
6th st. .- .... ..----.--.
14 ROOMS, $100
- Mostly housekeeping. Rent 130, clears
150 monthly. Balance 1200, your own
terms.- . .' -
JAMES, 88 IQuynear' Stark
10 ROOMS. S275
Something swell, money maker; leav
Ing city. Balance 1325 as you make It
JAMES, 88 10th, ! near Stark
23R00MS 23
In good location, rent only 130 monthly.
2 years' leawn, rooms always full and
clearing " $1(0 monthly. Pries. 1559.
Peters. 11 N. 6th t :
A FINE 16 room huse, all full and
making money, will trade for houae
and lot or f"r a reasonable price.
Jut the thing for an old lady who
wants to mike an honest living. Call
A -35 after 4 p. m.
STORE building, good place for busi
' ness, residence nearby if desired; they
are worth 11800 . to 12600. but can buy
for lota lees as we can't use them. -
TRACT containing 40 lots, small pay
ment will handle deal; proposition of
this kind, is presented just once in a
life time to small dealers. 8-547, Jour
' One near Washington at: 'rhap rent;
fixtures, will Invoice 1500, but on ac
count of ah-kneas will sacrifice for 1200.
Pet ern, 16 N. 6th St. .
GROCERY, and confectionery, in - best
.location; school, car barns and fire
station;' doing good business. For par-.
tlctilars call East 664. - - - -SMALL
stock of shoes for sale at bar-
gain; owner sick, wants to sen quick;
low rent fine location.. Call i 2000 E 1
piara sir, enn m-v car line.
HIGH - CLASS mechanic - experienced
builder of - mission furniture, seeks
congenial partner with $3000; Al refer
ences. L-549, Journal. : - - -
LADY owning building, best location.
. town of 8000, no opposition,, wants
party, to put In moving picture theatre; .
partnership, or will lease. Phone A-7404.
A FINE onenlnir in lliht miinufact nr.
Ing business snd upholstering; for
further particulars call at Kinney A
Stampher. 631-3 Lumber Exchange bldg.
If you are seeking a business and have .
$19,000 I can show you the best op
portunity in - the northwest I am the
owner. - R-64B, Journal. ' ' .
FOR SAl-jj-Confecllonery .
store, doiiig good businees
grocery store.
and cigar
siso small
Phone Woodlawn 1206.
FINE,ontortunIty for seat young man '
with $350 as partner In good paying
huelmss. 242 Rth st. .
FEW thousands and services for inter
est In good paying business. M-544,
FOR SAL Grocery .store, good clean
r will take part In trade. -phone
Woodlawn 2836.
REAL estate office, what It's worth.
V ' .. . Room 26. 141V 2d st ,. t :
Near city tis.ll. rent 10 monthly, rooms
always full clears thi: price this week
1175. Peters. 15 N. Uh St.
HONEST aotx-T man rim obtain l,aif In
terest In wrl! emablif t:ril good Paying
manufacturing' buslne. tlo66: or ex
change, niortaare. real estate. 221 hi
HorrtRon. rnom
800 Confectionery, cigars, tobacco,
liR-FIt rroceries: low rent, with lease.
pa ylng business. 206 Allsky bid g.
FOR SALE Oood , restaurant with
' lease; good location; reasonable price.
! Taylor St., city. , ' V s
KNAP Fine confectionery store for
sale; cheap rent. Inquire 23? .3d St.;
comer 3d and Main. ,
KfcSTAURANT olearlng 1
will sell for 142& rash if taken at
once. J-&46. Journul.
FOR SALE or rent Restaurant doi a g
nice buines, fvt cf Waolon st.
bridge, fullv couU ntd. Teaeonable rent.
(Apr.1v ! Mi'll-'-n st.
Rl;UNJi:irHMNT ti acrea In Alsca,
12 acres cleared and under cultlratlon.
Is arre slashed, on cmjntr road, houae,
eutt)'iHrflnr. stream crc.ains; m comer.
t4 I'fkum blip.
fw flr erttintv i.ntr fit fin rlairr.
1 left Iftr riarllci; Van. r,i rn Fre( tl
King, t Commercial blvk, 3d and
In c t't.. : '
i; 1 T e.l rny . i - 'l ri. r,.
mnt w'" .re 4 P fet e-f r-4
Hn.Ker. en ri 1 ' r. 2 n-.t;.. f -om rmwl on.
Neil a , j rrei- tr nalm at once.
Arti't .N Hi. Jourci.1. i
A FIFTY room workingmana holei. d-
ing a sond business, for sale these
4or cash. By owner. This Is the bent
hotel on market for money. Y-632, Jcnir-
GOOD market for sale on Hantliorne "'
ave.; owner nas two rtarkrts; can nn)y I
handle one-. Phone H-l 4f4, Tabor 19. 4V I
FOU SALE Iila kumltr. shop n-TrT ,V
tools; only shop in the town." A .1-
drena or rail on A. IVternen. l-iarow. or.
i 1 d to FlOO mA.le omIjv In nirtvins ri.l ' - I
1 tore business: 1150 starts you. 624 '4
W A N T H) Smt.l looming liouoe,
cheap vex im: ,wlll pv ca.-h If price
i rlen. Phone Mnin 7.S
K.mXING houses, any oixe, ml nrirca
to suit; we buy. sell "and excharge.
lit Hiry Mob-
1J room bouw clear'ne l'J to 1 J (I j.r
month, will be sold chettn, If tnkea at
once: waiklrg distance. ; V est siJe. 12 J
ChBT.ber Of ."ommer.
V ILL r ,. t .,r modern f irm' -1
tor til l leae ufifnii,iyt) rooming
"-SO room.
Nr.t Ke well lo
p-Mi. Jwn.i.
la in e A-l
hi'UFe. U i
fri'it if.r-1
4. JvuidSlL
busiest loct,on: wt ,d. for th-renl 4 I. KVrTl " ' ' A " S T't Vr,' J
tal 193 BurnsHe t. Owner eollcit. t o L,Ji1Danl-AV' i'l'll"'- ' : ':
1rr store room.
strleteet Inveet
I, ! ....... w . . . : - . ."VI
L1G ot-ning fr live commercial tr.r ',,,11;,.; Vo'v, rVipoit nT "l:-.
no rapist required. HuMling abiij ? BO rwt , ,,, - v f,n,V
wanted, lortun awaits right man. 211 . . . , r IfJlVi
t emmeretl bir t. Ft PALI. t 2 ct.eir hathr t...p,
; . ..... . . : ,i.r,! mr'A lv-.tion K-M! J-u
VtAMKI Iaiiy to fiotnft nns,l jot. r '-rri r i. - - -
irg bDines for man and ife: t.u-
44 I.imKS. e.l f in.l s :- r i. tet ,.f j.
ctun. 1 least, mill tr4e i;o ' 0.
f offif for .14
'- '-r .:? Journal. .
2 hmiM.
in r
LKSiJ foe : on I jtr.t i ier
1 -1' Ki.NT Pool r.Ktm ml iii
ib!e.; f irr rtore; irtock
aie et rx
five ... s ".i-"
for t o" - r. : V t .
I t"f - ft '
for t-v4 Ligation,,
il i-1-
v r
ft ? -r.,-
-rv ai-,4 fi-'i1...Miv Iir j y. . , . 1 y--, j.. ... c m p-t'.
j T-f 3 i, , J'i rr.l. ' aid WcrtK'-x' -
d -
4 la