The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 14, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

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. '- ', ;
Raker ,.,.,,. ,nOa Heidelberg-"
lor t land 'itonammn uin
Orphoum Vaudeville
Grand Vaudeville
Ptntagei Vandevllle
tar Mpvlng Pictures
Kua.tun of Art In future admlaalon
to tha Museum will be frea on five af
ternoons of. the week Instead of three,
aa formerly, . Entrance la free on the
. afternoon of Tuesday, Thursday, Frl
' day. Saturday and Bunday. ,'The regular
, hours are from t to i o'clock on week
, days and 3 to I on Bunday a. The en
trance fee for mornings and .aftornooha
of Mondays, and Wednesday has been
changed to 26c; yearly ticket may; be
. obtained for the price of 10 admissions.
The exhibit of the Art School will re
main open until May 23. Thla 1 a moat
. Interesting- exhibition to all who are
alive to the cultivation of local art
About' tOO designs, drawing and paint
ings . are shown, - representing- all - the
, atudenta and all .the claase of ;the
achool. .
i- Frofessor XUg-0 Sued- Professor . J.
RIgo and wife, muaiolans, have been j
made the defendants In civil suit filed
In the Justice court by a maid lit the
employ of Mrs. RIgo. The amount due
her Is J3. The girl is -Mies Ooldte
Rhodes, who charges she was In the em-
. ploy of the Rigos five days, and was to
, receive $1 a, day. ' The (bill sUtes she
received S2, but hag not received ?th
balance. Br. ; w. M. Kluingswortn naa
also filed suit against the Rigos to cot
lect a bill of $50. This is for prows
slonal i services. The Rigos live at the
Imperial hotel. Notices of the suits
were served upon them this morning by
Constable Iu Wagner.
choir will n
Three Hundred Children - be
light Immense Audience in
East Side Tabernacle.
At the Hawthorne park tabernacle to
night, the great choir will sing "The
Fight Is On." The words end muato fol
lows .
da? cny VESSELS
IE. J. Dodge and West Coast
Steamship Companies Will
Maintain Three Day Sched
ule Between Here and Frisco
Tk rtf ht la 9a.
kill , ' .. ,
, 1H M. M
k n. Lt kt w.
It was enounced this morning that
tne open ittver Transportation com
pany has been made the Portland agent
: Is especially designed fori ' runnln
around on the sound. She T will be
feathering stem wheel type of boat
and It Is -expected that all of the ar
rangements for the building of the
steamer will bew completed next Week,
W. M. Ostrnndor Say Ella and Erha
Still IicIoiiK to Company. ;
1 ftinltrd PrMi t.MHil Win.) . V
Seattle, May It.-fc-W. M. Oetrander of
the Jebson &. Oetrander Steamship com
pany, . today denied that the steamers
Ella and Ems. had been sold. ..The Ella
shifted to Bremerton , ; thla morning,
where the Brna is already lying. Both
steamers . will await . further . orders
there, according to Oetrander, " "I have
instructions from the owner of ..the
ships M. Jebaen of -Hamburg, to dls
charge the crews and -lay both vessels
up," he said. .: -'":,,' . .J-..;.--- v i ,;
CrSTjrS.'SrrS.t; of the E J. Dodge Steamship line an
I ' - ' . , i the, West, Coast Steamship line of San
M frt'ZtZ if iTvF'fr j"-!' Francisco,, and that- there will be a
r TT r- i V t ay " sailing of one of the boats every three
..- 1 Millwood to . Save tfoafc The Sell
-wood Commercial club will hold a spe-
-eltl meeting this afternoon at 6 o'ciock
7 In the Commercial club ball for .-i the
,' 'purpose ,of putting Jnto definite shape
plans tor a. seiiwooa xioai m tne iwm
estlval, and the election or a queen.
In the meeting held last night the Sell-
' wood Board of Trade decided to leave
the whole proposition " In tbe hands -of
the Commercial club. Sellwood won the
troDhv last year, and the .Sellwood rest
dents are confident they can repeat the
-' performance. They Intend to go at the
proposition hard during the three weens
Intervening between now ana tne iesu
, val time. -1 t ',', ." '' .!
rreak BChow Closed Fat freaks were
. forbidden yesterday evening to exhibit
( themselves on Sixth street, it was tne
show of "Jolly Trixy." and "Baby Bliss."
, Th former IS advertised to weigh about
COO sounds, while the latter tips the
,. scales at 600. Constable Lou Wagner
rinsed the nlace and arrested the man
ager, C. M. Abraham. A section' of the
- ta.tuta x nrohibits the exhibition of
1 freaks, and there was a further charge
against . the - show that ' the speeler"
, made improper remarks. ' The how wa
i 'closed In. another olty. Abraham will
be given a hearing this afternoon in the
justice court - .t .
- Snohanaa Sector In securing' the
services of Dr. Davidson Buchanan' to
address the Fellowship and the People's
Forum Jointly during May no mistake
X was made. . This able and distinguished
traveler is attracting large audiences to
' hear, him on the course ntltled "Evolu
tion of Economic Justice." At BeUlng-
Hlrsch hall, tomorrow, his subject Witf
' oe ."Patriotism, True and False.", No
'Charge for admiselon." ,
: - '
r i:te T J-'S
ia ssVTj' ksj esssU aesMssa Klsj
The Open River company received a
communication this i morning : statins;
mat it had been appointed : the axent
for this end of the run and that the
steamers of those lines will sail from
Union street f .wharf, No. J, pier 1 in
San Francisco for Portland and Astoria
direct, B. J. Linden, - being general
iretgnt agent.
According to officials of the Open
Rlvetf t Transportation v company this
morning, a regular schedule of a boat
every , three days will be maintained
and when - necessary - to accommodate
the frelght .extra steam schooners will
be put on. They, say that it will be a
strictly freighting proposition ,'whloh
other interests will not dominate.'.' One
of; the steam schooners, at. least, the
Northland, will carry passengers. They
will also operate in conjunction with
the Open River boats to points in the
inland empire, a large . amount of
freight coming through from San Fran"
Cisco for those points. .
The first boat to arrive ; under the
new arrangement is the steam schooner
Johan Poulsen, which arrived yester
day with cement and asphalt She will
be followed by the steam schooner F.
S. Loop, which is now on her way with
cement and general; freight -and th
Qulnault will sail., from San Franclsoo
tonight for this port.
The west , Coast Steamship line
handles passengers on the . different
At" the ' Hart-Magann evangelistic eirr!t hv the ateiunera will have a
large vy ouit.
i s mi niiiiiiiw-w
-l , 1.
il S mtf
u '
rue of BOO voices delighted a large au
dlence. , Professor Magann sang a most
impressive solo, after which Dr, Hart
proceeded to deliver his great sermon
on Fools." He took for his text, ;'Fbols
maKe a moot or sin.". . Frov. xlv:S. .At
its close a number went forward to ao-
cept of the Christ as fhetr Savior,
New Steamer Leaves for, San Fran-
cisco at Smart Pace.
Captain Noplander evidently .started
the Bear ont to make a record run down
The indications - are. that the men's the river this morning as" he lined the
meeting tomorrow at 2:S0 p. m., in- the boat up before, starting away from the
tabernacle will eclipse anything; of this I dock, after which she. started down at
niiu ever utio in roruana. special i a rapia cup, aiioi ner zdv pKBengei
music has been provided. The men's I lining- the railings an waving goodbyes
cnorus will sing.-there will be a male I to their friends on tha dock. , .
quartet, and Professor Magann will sing j' Although the Breakwater got away
a solo.. IT His will be a meeting- for men ! from the dock several minutes ahead of
only, uoya under IS will not be ad-1 the Bear, it was thought that the la,t
mitted. . '--.. -Iter, would overhaul her before she
This addreas la said to be Dr. Hart's I reached St, Helena The Breakwater
greatest. At Bloomlngton, 111., the Col-1 will probably get out to sea first, how-
lseum, the largest building in the citv. I ever, as the Bear will have about 100
was filled to hear thla strong address. tons -of cargo to take aboard at ' As
At Seattle ilia Tabernacle, seating near- j torla., She took - out 2500 tons'JTrom
ly 1000, was. filled, The largest crowd Iherar j-., .
of 4 men - ever gathered In a rellsious I - Among th ' passengers on the new
meeting heard Mr. Hart In Tacoma. Ann. i steamer this morning were R. - P.
Search for. IV rruhauf-7-F. Fruhauf. I kane and Walla .Walla, where this ad-J Schwerin. general manager, G- t. Blair,
' ronititnt at 291 Morrison street and
. having a real estate office in the Ablng
- ton building, has disappeared. A war
rant for his arrest for defrauding an
innkeeper has been Issued. Fruhauf was
recently involved in trouble over selling
some real estate. The amount due the
landlady, Mrs. 1 Zorn, Is 140, and an at
tempt was made to have h's baggage
. removed without paying. ,
ftiirti0B, xs Postponed The cele
bration of Emperor's day has been the same place at 7:30 p. m. today,
poned by the jungusn societies o run- j.
land on account ox , ine ueaiu ui
dress has been given. - - , t y , , 1 general freight agent and A. D. Ker-
For this meeting tomorrow mat I relL sreneral passenger agents of the
preparations are being; made. The seat- 8an - Franclsoo & Portland - Steamship
inff capacity of the -tabernacle is being Co. ,, 1
enlarged to accommodate the crowd, A 1 ' 1 " -'" '" ' " '
touring car. with banners dianlavnt with ' r-APST7.1CT VF.SHTCTi DlVltS
invitations 4o these meeting will start j 4 ' ' t
f Gra"d 'nu "a Hawthorne at Botler Pasaenger Is Deceived by a
Z:39 p. m. today with sinser and at . . - . , , .
laran comnanv of worlrAra nui. I Huge unsue.
... " . " . " ' - ' I . A. . .. .L. V. I
ne, enure street oar system throughout I vp" uua, muur i mo jun out-
the city of Portland. It will leave again I ' a-y th hl" "end James Thorp
him on the steam schooner, saw a whale
'- After discharging her cement cargo
t the Oak street . dock, the ' steam
schooner, Johan Poulsen. Captain I-n
caster, will proceed to Kalama to load
a cargo ot lumber i for San Francisco,
Carrying 160 tons-of freight for Co
rtullle river points and Coos .Bay, the
steamer Newport. Captain Parsons, will
sail tonight at ft o clock, .i ' - t i t
v With passengers and Q0 tons of gen
eral freight, the steamer Boanake, Cap
tain Dunham,, will be du to arrive at
Martin's dock at 6 o'clock this evening
from . Los Angeles nd ' San Franclsoo.
Advices received, at the offices of the
United States engineers say the work
on the Siuslaw Jetty is progressing- well
and that the wjiarf is now built..
After the last of the I1B00 appro
priated by the war department for the
dredging at Tillamook is used, up, the
people of that place, will furnish funds
to continue running the dredge - until
another appropriation Is made.:-'
(Because of the heavy freight on the
Lewiston run and not reachlnar Celilo on
time, the steamer J. is. Teai missed ner
regular trip today. She will leave her
on next Tuesday. however, as usual,
. ' Carrying 50 tons of wheat, oats and
shorts, the , steamer Beaver, Captain
Kldston, was due to sail for San Fran
cisco at 10 :S0 o'clock this morning.
With 'a large cargo of. lumber, and
some general freight, the ; Portland A
Asiatics liner . Bygja, Captain Svendsen,
will get away for the orient this after
noon. She -will go ' to Yokohama, - Kobe
and Moil.
. .. . r . . . ....... .
Having so passengers and 400 tons of
general freight -aboard,' the steamer
BreSSkwater.' Captain Macgenn, ' sailed
this morning-'for Coos Bay, , .
In charge of Charles Kur of the Im
migration department and J- A. Ramey,
an attendant of the Insane asylum at
Salem, - two French sailors 1 left this
morning for New York to be deported
as Insane aliens; One of them, Eugene
Kmlle Bolsset. was a. member of the
crew of the French bark Sully and the
other,' Yves Videment, was on - the
French bark Turget- They have both
been in the asylum at Salem for about
three years and will be deported at the
expense of the owners -of the vessels
bringing them here.
. x ; , i , i il, i n. ; , '
Astoria, May 14. Sailed at 6:80 a. m.,
steamer Rainier, for San Pedro. Sailed
at S a. m., steamers Catania and Ta
hoe, for San Francisco. Left' up at I
m schooner King Cyrus.
San Francisco, May 14. Sailed at
noon, steamer Rose .City, for' Portland.
Astoria. May IS. Left up at 7 D. m..
schooners Alvena and Salvator and bark
entlne C F Crocker. , Arrived down at
4 and sailed at 7 p. m.. steamer Welles
ley, for San Francisco.
Limerick, May 12. -Arrived. . FreriYh
bark Neuilly, from Portland.
Astoria, May 14. Condition at ' the
mouth of the river at 8 a. m., smooth;
Wind '' northwest 30 miles; weather.
cloudy. -- ' ',.:.
Tides at Astoria1 Sunday High water:
:22 a. m., 7.6 feet; 7:84 p. m., 7.1 feet
:00 a. m., 4.0 feet; 0:37 p. m., 0.3 feet
. Little Kenneth Wood, who was lost
by his mother at Kusa atatlon, on the
Oregon Electrlo railroad, . last. Wednes
day and found yesterday morning at
Baratow, half a mile from Kuaa, haa ap
parently recovered from . his II hours
of hunger and exposure. -, ' (;-'
The child's power of endurance la
most remarkable," said Dr. A. E. T.
Buckell, the attending, physician, this,
morning, . "When it is considered that
he waa. probably wandering over rough
ground and among- .undergrowth for two
nights and parts of three .days, and then
lay in water for probably several hours.
the wonder is that hs was not dead
when discovered. .,;,. . v"'" v..". ':- :.t
'J' "Hi hflrf all th mftrk A plmia v
" " - , - .
posure; his face scratched, his lips blue,
his circulation poor and his body cold.
But I am satisfied from my last exam
ination that he will In a few days be as
well as though he had - never passed
tnrougn sucn an experience,"
Mr. and Mrs. Tracey A.' Wood, the
child s parents, live at 1066 cEast Thir
teenth street north. Kenneth was found
at 7 o clock yesterday morning by . 1
Sampson, whose home is about 800 feet
from the pool of water in which the
cautj was lying.
SvvvwvVvvvwyvvVvvwwo r
' "Jt Coni0rvflto Cuttodlan"
- .' PAYS
4 Per Cenl.
For ; the convenience of
its, customers on Satur
day evenings from 6 to 8
Cof. Washington, Port-
:Vlandr: Oregon:
At Bongalow Tomorrow Night. . 7 J
in aiiraction at. tne Bungalow ' tne
atre tomorrow and. Monday nights will
be "The .Thief," presented by Charles
jfrobman and including In the east
Herbert Keloey and Eff le Shannon with
uppuriiua-' company, ,
- 1 i " " !';-" ""A .
mX Time Tomorrow. .
With tomorrow night's performances.
tne engagement of the Balalaika Boys'
band will close at Pantages. Tbs band
has proved . the musical season's sensa
tion, scoring a most distinct , triumph
aunng its week's engagement Every
niemoer is a taientea musician.,
,10 a, m. i p. m.
New. York Symphony Orchestra and
' ' ' BOIOISIS t k
, ' BTsirma, mat is.
PrIces-11.00, $1.60, . $3.00, $3.60.
Tonight "Old Heidelberg."
uonlant . the . Baker Stock ; comnanv I
will be seen for the last performance of
Old Heidelberg., one of the most beau
tiful plays ever written, which served
to demonstrate" that Franklyn Under-1
wood is perhaps the best leading man
tn company ever had, -
, , Grand's Superior Show.
By an odd circumstances, this week
evry act at the Grand has been a head-
liner elsewhere, or here, and they are
now t round assem bled together. . Little
Hip, th smallest and most Intelligent
performing elephant in the world is tb
particular reature.
Next Tuesday, .Wednesday Nights .
- In the Musical Comedy,
- Prices $1.60, $1 00, 76c,"60aJ
Flo Irwin at brpheum. '
Presenting a most delightful comedy I
playlet by George Ade, and called "Mrs.
Peckham's Carouse." Flo Irwin end com
pany are a g-reat hit on the bill at the 1
Orpheum thla week. The comedy is su
perb. 1 1 - ,
BuaroAiiOW tszatbb , ,
Tomorrow and Monday Nights
- r Charles Frohman Presents -
,1 ' ' AND ,' ' ' t
'Prices tl.60,$l.t)0, 7Sc. 60e. '
Journal Want Ads. bring results.
Krfward. The regular date for this eel-
.ebratlon Is May 34, but It was deemed
advisable at a meeting last -inuraaay m
1 postpone the date in order not to col
flict with the" King Edward, memorial
services. ' ,
Hethodlsi Prsaehsfs Msettof The
Portland Methodist preachers' meeting
will' convene in -Taylor Btreet church
Monday' 'morning at 10:30 ; to discuss
' state wide prohibition. Three addresses
will be delivered end then will follow a
free for all discussion. The public Is
' Shirt walsi Parties Shirt - waist
dancing parties are to be the order of
: things at Chrlstensen's "hall, beginning
next Wednesday evening, tinder the aua
pices of the Wednesday Informal Dane
' ing club. . They . will continue all summer,,-;.
early one morning while on the way up
the coast ana thinking it was a capslaed
vessel, grew very excited and wanted
to go immediately to the rescue. The
captain hurried on deck to. examine it
and .was on the point of ordering out a
boat when the jnOnster fish suddenly
dove beneath the surface.
The Butler arrived at 1:80 o'clock this
morning; from San Francisco , carrying
flirt trtwtm MMMt .nA 4AA tAn. m
George 8. Shepherd found himself out eraU mtrchandise. She will load her
of court with his Injunction suit pf the outward cargo of lumber at the Eastern
"' Snes for wages Miss Frankie Bice
has started suit in tha justice -court
arainst J. Peanette, proprietor of
shooting gallery at Second " end Couch
1 streets. . Sh asks that he pay -her l
. r -1 .. II I I f. . '
Arrested for Koa -Support Jaka Noah
a fireman on the Southern Paciflo rail
' road, was arrested this morning; on a
- charge of non-support Hs gave bond
In the sum of $260 for his appearance
for trial In th oonnty court
- Th JFortlami Vwtr XroJ Worts Is
now located at Second and Columbia
streets. In the most modem ana com
.plete plant on th coast ' '
. -fteaaaes ysseis Xarklns, for Catnaa,
Waahougal and way landings, dally x
- cept Bunday. Leavse Washlngtoa street
dock HUB, .A X"V
' Swiss Woh Tirlac C. Chrlstea-
Sd fir. Corbett bldg. Take elevator.
- The opening ef Crystal Sjak amuse
ment park And picnic ? grounds, M1K
inman-Pouieen 1 company against " the
city for a .few brief hours today,' but
succeeded' in reinstating- the ease by
promising to file a reply without fur
ther delay. His tlm for reply had ex
pired and yesterday Deputy City Attor
ney Benbow, took a default la favor of
Lthe city because ot the failure to reply
witnin tne time .rsqulrec..' :-r'-.- f-
Shepherd wa taken by surprise this
morning when informed he was out ef
court He said he understood he was
not to be ruBhed in filing his reply,
as the answer ia a lonr donnmnf r
ine had been lenient with the citv at
torney in granting a long time for filing
tn citys answer. snepnerd s - com
plaint was filed In N'ovember, 100$, and
it was not until Maroh, this year, that
me city ruea its answer. ... - -A
The suit by the Inman-Poulsen Inter
ests restrains th city from prosecuting
cases against It for obstructing streets
which th city claims . It possesses
tnrougn tne Inman-Poulsen mill yards
and -property on th east side. Th
easameot In thla property the citv de
clares it never relinquished, and also
sserts the company is . eetopped front
claiming ownership of the property.
The land in question Is valued at $100.
000 or more and the city holds It IS
vitally needed for publlo purposes.
' n'l M ' ' '"t
sV Western
I Rainier. -'
St Johns, rand at
Willamette Iron Works Has , Prac
tically Closed Contract-.
That a large steel passenger .boat for
the Puget sound to cost in, the neigh
borhood of $120,000 will be built , here.
Is practically an assured- fact accord
ing to B. C Ball, secretary of the, Wil
lamette Iron ft Steel : Works. . Mr. Ball
was on the sound the early part-of the
week In connection .with th business,
but as all ef the details have not been
completed, he was not In a position to
give tha name fif the parties fox which
It is to be built .?
Th boat which will be built of at eel.
will aooommodate about $00 people, and
Hernlar Ciners Xne to Arrive.
Roanoke. San Pedro May 1$
Kose jity. tsan Tanciso ...... way it
X- I. . T3 I ,
left, va.rri, vws vn . ,,,,., inn ji
Geo. W. Elder, San Pedro ...... Ma v 2
Bear, San Francisco ......... .May 3$
Kegulsr X.lners Dn to Depart
Geo. W. Elder, San Pedro.. .... ..May S4
tser, uan jhTanciaco .May 14
Beaver, San Francisco. ....... .. .May 14
Kygja, Orient May 14
Breakwater, Coos Bay..... .....May 14
ttose city, ean Tancisco .......May
i';v.Vi:'! , Vessels la Port. "
Beaver, Am. ss.......'..........Alblna
Augustus, Or, ss. -. ....... .North Bank
Johan Poulsen, Am, aa.. ,,Oak SU
Falcon, Am, ss. ............. ...Alters
InverklD. Br. ss . , . . . POrUand Lbr. Co.
Sua H. Elmore.. Am; ss. .... .Couch st
Rygja, Nor. ss. .............. , . Ocean lo
Joseph Puiitser, -Am. gas. sen... Ash st
Leylsnd Bros.. Br. sh... .Inman-Poulsen
sa Kont with oemeal and Oeacral.
Bavard. Fr. bk, ............. .Qiaseow
Claus. Ger. sh...........,,,,.Hamburs
Claverdon, Br. ah.. .............. . Tyn
Thiers. FT. sn. ................ Antwerp
Notre Dame. d'Arvoir. Fr. bk...Antwern
Tl tenia. Nor. ss. ........... . . .Antwerp
Monterey. Am. sch ............ .Astoria
Miscellaneous Tonnage to Arrive.
Hercules, Nor. ss ........ . San Francisco
V. b. Flint Am. bark.. .Seattle
Bowdoin. Am. ee. ....... .Saa Franoiaoo
Casco. Am. as. ......... .Ban Francisco
Geo. W. Fen wick. Am. as. Ban Franciaoo
Saginaw, Am. ss.'.. ...... San Franeiaoo
Olympic. Am. ss. ...... ..San Franclsoo
' OH Carriers am Bout.
Atlas.- Am. se...., ...... .San Franciaoo
Catania, Am. sa. ........ .Fan Franclsos
Asuncion, Am. as
Argyle. Am. as
1. ...San Franelse
one more
There is one mors oppor
tunity to buy a lot in Irving
' ton Park at the old prices, but
. on Mo'nday, May 16th. the
prices will advance to some
thins; approaching the real
. value of the : property. ' Look
I at other lots of equal distance
from the city -and you will see
' that our prices of $460 ar be-'
I low the market : And yet
Irving-ton Park has more ad
vantages abetter car service
I (So fare). Is mor sightly, has
better home -and more of
them than Various other tracts'
offered at seven and eight
.. hundred dollars. Secure a lot
: or two VOW. ' If you ar not
prepared to make full pay
ment make a deposit and we
will (1v you a. little Urn to
pay th full 10 per cent
IF. B. Holbrook Co.
it,.'.. . ' ' I.
Room 1, Worcester Bldg.
Russell & Drew. Mgrs. M, 443, A-7085.
Last Time Tonight, '
Alda Hemmi and entire
Next week, starting Sun. Evg.. May 15,
Flotow's "MARTHA." Prices 11 to 26o.
1 . Seats at box office and Rowe & Mar
I tin's, Sis Washington st. '
Main 2. A-6360
O.o. x. Baker,
.. . . The pride of Portland, -i-
Most beautiful olav ever written.
Evening. 25c- EOo, 75c. 8at Mat. 2 60. EOe
Next eweek, opening- tomorrow matinee.
jui out or conege.-
The medloal " fraternity' have freely
criticised Sr. rnlton for, advertising in -the
newsDSDers. . But . lust as in her
practice bo in her advertising, Br, Tnl-
vu 1 as an h wh 1 n namnnBrrn r xsf inur inn 1
Haturopath "Biases the Trail" for others 1
to follow.' 1 .',.' sV. .-..V:;i..--V:
The following extract' from an Iowa
newspaper demonstrates that the Med
ical Fraternity are waking up to the
necessity of advertising: V , ' f
"Waterloo, Iowa, April S, 1110 Dr.
W, R. ' Cothern, who came here -a year
ago from Illinois, has created a mild
sensation In the ranks of , the met! ical
men, by overturning 1. the long- estab
lished custom of not advertising tn the
newspapers. He will run a series of ad-
Lvertlaementa and In his Fore Word he
Sr. mitoa has built up her wonder
ful practice by advertlsng, and then by
aotually earing- the cases which come to
her.-- Not doping Or patching up, but
performing positive cures, which are not
so-called miracles, but simply nature's
lawk fuiflll.d.
Dr.' Fulton Is curing daily the most
obstinate cases of - nervous trouble,
asthma being one of the worst; also
stomach bowel and kidney trouble, par
alysis and all forms of rheumatism. In -fact,
she Is cm ring every day the people
th doctors have g-ivea up I This is a
strong statement but Dr. : . Fulton Is
making herself famous in our city.
If you are still skeptical, why not in
vestigate? A wis man follow Nature's
laws, but a fool follows th. quacks 1
Which course will you take? One leads
to health and happiness; the other to
suffering, poverty and misery. It is
for you to choose, but a moment's sober
thought will convince, you that 'Mature
has provided for all her children, and
only man has failed to take advantage ' :
of her help. . , t . .
Sr. rnlton Is showing hundreds the
way to true health and happiness. If
you ar suffering-, why not let her help
urnui auussi
' 8 TO IS ABO 1 TO 5.
Other- hours by appointment, s
Rooms and care of oatienta durina
treatment If desired, , '
Office Cor. I2th & Clay Sts., West Side
Midway Between- ISth. St and Mt.
' ' laDor i-arimes,
PHOITES MAIN 7338. A-3I33.
TMaonrinnllv A rmma TPrm . Tllil .; frt
Holiday Matinees, Night Prices,
k l ' - MAT. ZTXItf BAT
. fa ,
T 9 I IICAJ KG , . ,
Xlo Irwin and Company In
By George Ade Featured. ,
' Stars of All Nations.
, Special Attraction Extraordinary
Painless DeriW
joa hT their plnr
imnd btldptwork 3n.
luhed fa ens di
j it Boonaarr. '
1 We will s-ive ftm4
22k coid r eorclr
itroweier $3. S3 '
-1 Molar Craws 5. CI
'Qal4 Fillings 1.C1
lEml Fillings 1C I
llntvFUIInn , ,' 2. S3
sQooii Rubber
I Plate 5.C3
- Bet Red Rub -a
terl'UtM l.v t
eic auuiNTilD Worn tn years
The PanUge. Trio: the D.Monlao.1 fA. ICSffiMTiSSSBlVK
pms&fc. Bait netiuM,
I.'. ,rmA" ,V, ,1 V,Tiri"""' . .i" 1 ordered. OoMnlUtiou Vree. To-
H. Tyrrell; Caulfleld & Driver; Arthur jMiniwork done MywheiWAil
and Emma Christy. . . iniwd. liodwn electric eaulpn.
Popular Prices. Matinee Dally..
curtains-:ao, :se ana s.
I O RAIN P -r Wek May 9. 1910
. Ground Floor.
Little Hip
Th tiniest per-
t ormina : elephant
in we woria. .
Matinee every day. S:S0: any aeat. ISc.
Even's performances, 7 :S0, :1S; balcony,
Matt Xeefe
. ' The -Wheelers
Teroni Terdi H
Brother -Xlela
ft oilftoa
Wood ai Kawsoa
AValtcr BcnwcII Hinson
, Preaches twice Sanday at tha '
Tweirta and Taylor atreta.
: 10:50 A. M.
Solo, Mrs. Lula DahJ MUler. ;
7:30 P. M.
"How Much Better Is
Fr"'! Tn-:'-? y tjt3artet asd eborns.
waukle. will be on Sunday, May IL
Bring your lunch baskata.
Old Jewelry WaatV-W buy eld
gold and sliver. Uncle Myers Collateral
Bank. 71 Sixth street between Oak and
Fine, - ' ..v-."' - ";
VortlaaC Aoademy resumes work la
all department Monday morning. James
F. Ewlng, assistant principal.
Beal Banratas In monumental work.
Otto Schumann. Third and Eaet Pine.
. W. 'A. Wise aad, araoclatea, palnleao
dentists. TLlrd and Wean ice tea.
Owingf to Inability of th eoastrae-
tlon company to secure rails aad aagl
iron the extension of Broadway ear-
line froan the entrance of Alameda Park
the center of this addition has not
been finished on time promised tn eon-'
tract Therefore, tb price advance has
been postponed nntil the earllne re ac
tually completed to :th aad Maaen
streets, and tha ears ere in operatloa
te that point This will be a matter
of couple f Weeks st the most
. Is the meantime it la thex wise man
Who makes a selection of a horn site
In Alameda Park, 'the place par excel
lence for a home. Besides, tt has all
the elements of a silt edge tsvestment
as the prices are fully to per eeat be
lew pre ..nt market valoee and the park
Is developing rapidly, 1 '
Let ' anyone who is considering the
purchase st residence rest estate la
any section of tbe city, tnventlrat the
property by etreetcer. It will be found
"-t Movements of WarshJps.
' Movements of the following vessels
ef the United States navy have been
reported front Washington to the local
hydrographJo officer - .- '
On May 7 the Smith, Lamson and
Preston ' arrived at Boston; th Caesar,
Mareellua and Patuxent arrived at Nor
folk; the Wolverine arrived at Toledo
and the Montana arrived at Maldronado.
Th Mayflower sailed from Hampton
Roads for Washington and arrived at
th latter place May t. Th Chester
arrived at Maldonado May L On May
t the Montana, Tennessee. South Da
kota. Cheater and Mars sailed from
Maldonado for Montevideo. - r
fflMV Tolerate
. m r v mm m mmm m
it In t MCMnrr. . War not forenr rid nmr-
elf ef Owh pimples, eruptions, eopper-eokired
.pots, son. peine, etc., etc.? Thee, ere bat tee
ttora slsBtls sod ere tbe Ort stsse of tbat
kins of all diMue. Blood Poison. Brown'.
Blood Tieatstent win tormr endSeste ererj
tree ef dbIso from tbe rtm. n per eottie;
la.le m emtb. - Bead te Or. Brown. Sts Arch
wt.. PbU.delfaila. er get K la Ftrtlaod ef OWL
, ... r- 1 - . - -
Kever heel tat about giving Chamber
lain's Coo gh Remedy to children., It
contains no opium or other ' narcotics.
and can be given with Implicit eonfl-
denca, As a quick cur for coughs and
colds to which children are susceptibly
it Is unsurpassed.. ; ' ., :", , j , ,
in n:ifr Tav,,
uiiu iiudi
Anto Speeder ta PtoedL
. E. E. Merge, was , fined tit thl
morning In the municipal court for aate tnat soen f the o-celled high class
speeding. He waeu accused ef running fridmco districts srs apprewched
down boy at ThHd end Morrison thronsh very undesirable actions, so
ntreets, bet the boy eould aot be o- tht the fellow pasaenrtrs ta the street-
rated. Evidence showed, however, that
tha driver was on the wrong side of tbe
street, and had exceeded the . epeed
limit - ...
Lottery Dealers Ftned,
' Criarles Tons; waa fined lit this seem
ing tn the municipal court for eon.
du-t!ng a Chinee lottery. Samuel
Montgomery wae e!" arrested and for
feited a ba!l ef tSS. Peverml lottery
tirketa were found In the y'ap.
mr are decidedly eacnngenlal types.
Weathrr Burratt Forecasts. .
Shippers Forecast Protect shipments
ss far north as Seattle against tempers
tare, of about ( degrees: northeast to
Spokane, tt degrees; southeast to Boise,
12 degrees; south to Siskiyou, to de
gree. Minimum temperature at Port,
land tonight about 40 degree; .
River Forecast Th Willamette
. Tn-. tll mmma ' ,
tonight or Sunday morning at a stage f 1 CT fl f"T If ff
ef about It feet and remain en a.ltif sis) I l sVJ iiilUlt
stand Sunday and Monday and probably
fall allghtly Tuesday.
iiui any
Range Light lVportMOtst.
Captain Oeorr E. Bridreft. master
ef the Standard Oil rvmpur'i ' taisk
steamer Asuncion, reported e the llgbt-
Tfcerefore. g by streetcar when Is-lbevae department this trvomlng that the
- 'range light o the north eld f the
awritob mar'i"nm iri' m"Ti mnar 111 net nvrninc na ne came
acrpes yesterday morning. He eeld that
U ecMth rhsnnel acroes th bar eema
t r shiftlrif to the westward arvt that
there la now about 24 S feet ef water
tere row. The As-jrrl'n srrtvea at
portnoeth yetery ;) ,t bar
re! e ef ell and will eatl .jJn toe baa
Frenrtee th's aftemrHsn.
the north and reached by Broadway
earllne, affords excel tent surrounding
and aeewtattona. 1
See Alameda Park today er tenaev
row. Take Broadway ear. '
Infnrm.tlB rasy fee hid ef the AJa
eaeda Land Co. eier ef Alameda Park,
i:i Crfeett eii- ;
Til Fesd-drbk fsr t'l lis.
Mors bcalhfj than Ten or Coffee.
Afreea with the weakest Egrtioa.
De&aoas, tnvtgorttins and outrkiout,
RirhmV, tnstte e-rain, powder form.
A ffaick hraca prtparrd ia a toimrte.
Tile as mklllBl. Axk far IIORLId'i
Othen art imitations.
For automobiles and carriages.
All colore, all airea, any price
front 75c to tha finest cloth
Robea at $25.00. Wa have these
for all kinds of weather; mora
of them than all other stores
in town,; 'A:r
r truss Btm-mss -w-Jv;Be-,,
CinaaaoDiAi a juh. Bsaaarssti,
330 EAST
" 1 Wltlt- DRES5 VOO
tas-evT fiatt sr. just on nosmtsort art
Wt make them.
The kind that
are oat of the
ordinary -the business bringing; kind.
5 end or call for samples. Catalog- and
Booklets neatlv printed. Main 2352.
The Jicobs-SUne Co.
; Larjest Realty Operators
on tha Pacific Coast
Cor. rilih aad Alier Streets
Tse Mt Dmital Vtrk at
Lew PnoM.
P.iaUe Extraeuoa. . . .
vmt rnimr
Unit Fil'..A.
Inmtl T.
tt K. Ooid Crmi II
rornelet. Cnmti , f)
Xo.H Ool. 0a 4
It " Mr. ' as Cl" w,r M K- ,!
a 4 ,r tit. J lT fUU, Tar Sot. tt Q3
gtTt a g t h . Vary r -cm Bbmt Ti
WT V.w prlo. 'Bt ea rrth .1?
post tk..c jmr am? ,.nt. .v, . r
n4 t. te e.lir r .r r -.i "
MWt l-.tnlM XH'rt 4 f f--.
fr4 etr" rilpw-nt rrr ea tlm i 1 ' ' r
xvnrr. lb. kt eetlt. .1 !
kl ert- the r-t - -
r.w. kiT0I ti t -
f.trrt M S X-w ' ' -
sd Mefe A '--. '''-' ' p'
II X for eewl. ake vwS
, T TW! '' t
r to j
Cwi ewei -
I km
Cuited f
t.' rt r "