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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1910)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 14, 1910. It LAHSS1' MEWS BERRY SUPPLY IS Condition of Arrivals Makes It Necessary Jfor Receivers to ' ' Lower. Prices Stock From . California Handled in Pails. Rerry-supplies on Front street today wer very heavy, and while trade wl good, lower price resulted. - , Most of the arrivals were of poor quality ' -because of the long T 1B shipment. 'Soma of the "tuff that cam forward this morning should have ar? rived yesterday mornlna and therefore , , uimi of tha Florin stock , could, bo . handled better with , buckets than vby ' hand because of the flowing condition. ..Marketable . California strawberries old from $1 to $1.40 s crate, but few aara mala ihnvt 11.25. and It Was hard to move the bulk of the shipments even at that figure, unis was ant w poor quality and not to any lack of fle- mana tor goea iun. r ; . Ail Arrlvala Ax Vary attp. All arrival of atrawberrlea along front treet today were. In a very ripe - condition and therefore could -not' be held over. " While the Caluornla atock ' waa the eoorest In this regard, some 01 ha. Wtllnmatta vaillAV fruit wa RaOM- - xTced because it was not up to standard. " Soma of the" atock that arrived in paper boxes was especially bad.. Warning haa been given the growers not to us paper . boxea, but they aeero to us than JU8t thn xm nd suffer' the Drlce1 losses. Many strawberry shippers havaneg- . lected to atamp ineir namer ana our unnn the mrli&ieK contrary to the pro- ' visions of "the . state law. Under the state law It Is the duty of tba county fruit Inspector to aea that th provision are carried out, but Front street v haa received but scant attention .from the paid official Of Multnomah this season. - ' ' , Cannot Sell HojV-i-A " While some dealer who have con- tracts are talkiusr of bright , prospect .for the 1910 -a well as thel909 crop, other dealer ay they have been of fer ing choice, jroods recently to the same " Interest, and have been unable vto se , cure 16c a- pound for the best" v ' New York Producers Price . Current ,eays of- the general situation: rvi ,-rv , There i no change and the bop mar- no transactions of any - Imrrtanea -. In NewvOtork j.-state'tiocally- the tnarket . tted to hand to mouth purchases. Crop report continue excellent; - the -alight rrnat In New York state doing-no dam age to the crop - The vine la far enough advanced so that farmers are beginning to tie their vine to the pples which ia unusually early. English and, continen "tal condition are also unchanged. ;: -.- New Tork prices per pound: j ',.".. State, l09, prtme to choice,. . .2T2S Btate.-1909, medium to sood,.. 24 26 .pacific coast rj -prim w -y choice . .T. . . ..... i9 O 20 Pacific recast,. 1909, vi medium. te' woff' i i - -V. " ,' v .-" ' WIS Pacif la coast, 1908, r to , . i- --. " choice .'. - I'ffii - Paclf l cast. JIMI j'V. v.v-,'-.i 9j0 Herman. 1909 ,t .2iHi68 Pacif lo coast 1906 6 N-Vnrk hnn movement In bales: Receipta for week 659 Keceipt irvm ai-pi. ihvi.i.(.ii. " Receipts same tltpe last year. 75.613 'Export to Europo for week.,,- 75 Export from Sept i'SS Export same time last year ...... 47,090 'Import for week : . . J Imports from" Sept. 1. .1 . . t ;.7 Import am time last year .... 9,50 told Potatoea f or eeL There 1 only a limited eall for pou toea of the old crop her and prlcf mrm nnmlnal. California Is calling , lor a small -number of car 'for seed pur-. nose mun r ano -tnia aemana is ex pected to continue until the latter part of tha month. New crop atock from the south a arriving la better condition .'here and la i finding mora general de mand around go. - .' x-.. . . , ' Peaa Are? Dragging Sale.' ? Qreen pea are (Iragglng in the whole ale market and . much, of the aupply irhlch came lorrn irom mt oum oai been dumped owing to the lack of de mand. Price have been shaded as low twitmA without avail althourh best quality bring mora than thia In : & unmeq way. j ' . ;. ' ' Look Like Lower Poultry. Poultry market 1 ahowlng a weaker reeling na luppnet ' rt onnmf i Termer nrloea From the present out look values will be ahaded during the eomlng week although reeelvera -."mrej holding out for. present price a long . a possible. - . ; ' . t --, - FRONT STREET QUOTAHOKS BOp. Wool and Mdea. ' j HOPS 1909, choice, 16c; prima, ISO tic; medium, 12o J.'- SHEEPSKINS Shearing, lOfflRc -each; abort wool. J580c; medium wool, 60c 1 each; long wool. IScQ 1.25 each. "V ' - ' - WOOL Nominal, 1910. Willamette alley. 18020c; eastern Oregon. -.12 "TALLOW Prime, per lb., ICo; No. and rriNiss, 20 2Hc " CHITTIM BAK 1909 Nominal. 44ic; 1810. 4Hc. : ' HIDKSr ury nines, -is m y ' c . in.; rreen, TTS4er outim, wtw c id.; tps, IClOe; calve, green. 144116a per lb. . . ... " ' MOHAIR Nominal;- 1916. tlViff 22kc. i- p ... . . Batter. Tm and loaltry. BITTER ' i.xtra creamery, X7e; tor. iOJSn. - !.: BLTTKR FAT T. o b Portland, per fMXin V. fiweet cream, -Se; sour. tAo. EQG8 Local, candled, select, 220 22 Hp. ' POL'LTRr Mlxd chlrkwia, 19e; fan'-y hen. lHJOc; star". !7Hc; broiler, nsoe; rrjrer. - iHtlZ&c; Sb. Ife for live. HQlic for dred; urks. t; turkoy. alive.' 200 21c; JresFed J71f2:lcfln. squabs. 22.R0 iJ id ioi-n: drsi rMrkena, le to 2c tvo'ip I Mnr than allv. CKtiliP1 Nw (reon fsncy full 7l4Hc: triplet and dalsle. 16 Tount America. 17 Oil e. , Oreia. Tloar aad slay. HARI-ET Prviicft prir1t09 Fei t:3rr"d IM: brewing. Ifl. WHFAt N" Trifk, cluh. S" - - i nam wawt oazssrs txax A2TO 2032C TT nn.t drowsed ve.l end porlt and lire ttinker. We do sot chart conm.lipn. We wt;i . rsv yon w1 r.rni,i r. Ft D BT ousntitv -.'P sr.r dv. TVe W 1 py es fol mmtm los for ra. fat mjii: Iwi Veet to l&c. -X-r1 Tor It. 11a, - 1,1 )'', lie. -, ., . 'l..--t, i.e. - , A4'rees all h'rnrn(. rilTf TTH sTEAT CO, rrtt:-.r tie Tnsrt," , yeaiLAri), caiGos. LOCAL BUTTER IS GOIilG II v AT HIGHEST While Report Cannot Be ..Con ; . firmed Trade Believes, It ; Possible North Buys and Pays More for Cube Stock. 4 4. ..." ... .. Batter to Adranoe, , ' 1 . 4V .iLn advance of le a pound wljl e ! be quoted in the-v price Of all 4 grades ; of creamery butter1 by.i, e 4 'local maker on Monday morn- e lng. Thl will pnt th whole- . 4) 4-',aale. value to 28s a pound In box ' 4 lota Th .dTnc . wa decided ' upon at a conference of the lead- e e J ing creamery Intereata." Local Gutter ! going Vnto-etOTage ac cording to report but the report cannot be confirmed.'-- ii-ViM fa-n, 1 i . Butter market her ia Intensely firm and some, makers report that, .they, are unable to fill' all their orders, aitnougn thia condition Is not general. ' ;; f - ' - , With, higher prtoea m effect at north ern points, th local trad continue .to hip a portion Of Its mske ln cubes.. Ad vice from the north state that thl but ter . if hot , only goina- into. Alaska : but soma Interests have begun to store. . ? ' - If the report that storlna; haa started should be confirmed, t mean that thl year's product goea Into tha Jce house at a .higher price than ba aver been shown before, either hara 4r in . any other part of the country. ,.-. Uct bluestem. 1 28 a 8o: Willamette Val ley, 84C - . -i 'r'":i I MILLSTUFF3 -Selllna- price, ear lots Bran, 119.60; middlings, 29.80; shorts, 2lfi.M;-.cnop,?-fiwv.-. vi.i'--.-. KlAJsn iNew crop, , paienie, , Willamette valley. I8.6t bbl.; u.a. v . local straight $4.30)5.25; baker, 5.60; export grades. 14.00; rye; 25.76; bales, $3.16. ORN---Whole, IS6;. raham, Hi , cracked.' 2ST ton. M A Y rt-odueera' nrlce New timothy. Willamette-valley, fancy, 221r ordi nary, 118; eastern Oregon. iipis; mixed, I15j60; clover. No. 1, 16.601; wheat. $16 17; cheat, 217018; alfalfa. is. . OATS Spot 'delivery, new, producers trice Trax:k-rNo. i white. Z7f gray. r raits aaa Tegetabies." TOESH lfRUITS Oranires: New na vels, $2.E0ii3.26 box; bananas. SHo lb.; lemorw, $7BO5.SO b? grape fruit, ? 4; pineapples,' 6fTcj strawberries, Co lombia River. 25 & 6.60 1 Florin. I101.2S per crate; local, 21.7502.60. . t POTATOES-Belling, . new, 60o: ' buyi lng. eastern Multnomah and Clack amas, 40o;v Willamette yaljey.. J640cj new potatoes. 2 02 ttO. veqetabIjES New turnips., beets. 11.50: carrots. 11.60 per sack; cabbaare, 13.60 per cwt; tomatoea, Mezt can, 11.75 cratejFlorida, 12.26; v beans. 7 He lb; : horseradlah. ' 10c: green onions, - 10 12 H 4 dosen; peppera, bell, zztte lb-; heaa lettuce, hot joc dox.; hothouse, 76c box; radishes, 10912c doxen bunches; celery 96c- dosen;" egg plant' (-4) lb.; sweet - potatoes, 3; sprouts.. ): cucumbers. Jl 1.28 dos.; asparagus, local. 70CcrtJL " per aoxen; Walla "Walla. lUO&lJs box; spinach, 6 So lb. - . -. , : nirnN.qTji1 inbhlns1. Wo. 1. 22.26 per cwt; No. 2, 29: buying,. No. 1. $1.76; California, L76r; garjic. iuwijo per wiuna. - - j, APPIJES 2J.60. ' -Orooeries. Vnts, Bto. SUGAR Cube, 20.65; powdered, 26.26; fruit or berry. dry granulated. $6.25; eonf. -A. 26.05; extra B, 5.66; rol(lenrU, J5.66; o yeuow, 5Jij; Deet. 8.05; barrels, 15c; half barrels, 1 20c; boxes, '6 5o advance On sack basis. (Above quotations are 29 days net cash quotations.) - - ' - . RICB-lmperiar Japan No. - V 4Ho No, 2.t84e: New Orleans head.. 6-Hafc: Creole, te. r BEANS Small.; white, $6.50: large, whl $4.75; pink,-$6.50; bayou, $7.26; Umu, .sr reaa, - . SALT Coarse - Half ground.' 100s, $10.00 per ton; 60s, $11.60; table dairy, 60s. $18.50: . 100s, 217.60; bales, 42.2j extra fine barrels, is, 6a and 10s, $4.60 06.60; lump rock, $20.60 per ton. ' "HONBY-rNw, vl$H Pr Ih. , s ' ICeat, Tlsb. and Previsions. bRESSED MEATS Front street hors. fancy. llH12c; ordinary. 1114c; veals, extra, OtatplOc: ordinary, 909Ue; spring ' lamDs, - iv m viitsc, yearnnaT lambs. lOHc: . mutton,. 9o.w.. ,.-. -v. HAfS BACON, ETC -Hams, lHc; breakfast bacon. l27e; broiled ham, 2 7 29c ; picnics, 18c; cottage roll. ); regular short clears, smoked. UHc; backs, smoked. . II Vie trickled tongues. 40c lb. i i v- :' L.ARD Kettle iear. es. i7e per in.: steam rendered. 6a, 16 Me per lb.; com- pouna, re. i(; nr m. TURPENTINEf In cases, .TSe;,, bar ren, to pr iiwn. ' - OTSTKRS Shoalwater bar.' per sal Ion. $9.26; per 100 lb. sack, IS; Olympla, C, IflA Ik - V. . - er gallon, $2.75; per 100 lb sack. 50: canned eastern. 65e can is.ew uo os.; aatrn n nhpll. tl.CS Der 100. flounders. 6c; halibut. Tcj - striped bass, 16c; catfish, 10&ile: fresh Chi nook. o: steel heads, c! aoles. 7e. shrlmpn, lie; percn tc;' Tontcon. ( . ); lobetera,' 25c; herring. Sc; black -basa, jOc lb.; Columbia smelts, $1.26 per box; silver smelts, 7o lb.; black cod. me; crabs, $1.251.76 per dosen; dressed shad, ie; roe shad. Sp; shad roe. 20e lb. . CIjAMS Harasneiiw per . ooxw o id.; rasor clams, $2 box. raists, Ooal Oil. Xto. , BEKZINK $6 degrees, cases. 19o r gal.: Iron bbla," lHe per' 'gal, . MNgKED OII--Raw, bb,s 97e; casts, $1.02; boiled, bbl a. 99c.; cases, $1.04: Pr rUon lot of 250 gallons, le lees; oil rnKe meal (none in market). , , WHITE LEAD Ton lots, 7 per lb.; 600 lb. lots, 8c per lb.; lees lota. iUc rf lb. - ROrB- E Manila. c! sfsal. U. COAL, OIL Pearl, astral and mr, 16a Fr guilon; ertne, l:r gallon; elalna, He gallon: heed!isht. 2tHe gallon; ex tra star. 2ie rsllon; water white, 11 frllSo fr gallon: special water white, 16c r ollnn. OAPOLINT? R4 crown and motor. lCg!3e rs:!on; t ganollne. I9174e gailon; V. 11. A P. naphlha. llHOiOWo gai ion. i, , , . XORTHWEST BAXK statejlkxt y-orUaa Banks. CloeHnx today $1.5117411 iar ago 3.276,(1 C!n ............ .I tfS.60 ..ll 0 4 .. - 14.U1 67 FincH (o4ay ltr ago iHtUl IUll O'STlBrs t-vtey ........... .rf a t " " Taenoa Barks. C'er1nr t .. . hakance toor . .I2.?1T P . J-2.('?4 -87J TH OSTORE mttWWSM: RMEMSTS AF.IALGAr.TATED UP Stock-Market Very, Dull Today -(Except for Specialties; Har vester, Canadian Pacific and - Reading Higher. ' , JTew York, May 14 The stock market today was. very dull except for a few specialties. The activity was principally confined to Amalgamated Copper, Har vester, Canadian Paclflo and Reading, all of which displayed ' Considerable strength. The strength In copper was understood to be due to the acaulsltlon by that company of the Clark properties In Montana. The strength in Reading was attributed to further purchases by banking interests.. It 1 said that the earning of the company of the coming year will be very large. Crop report coming In - from . th northwest are still , reading quit un favorable."' '"..- ! At Boston,' today's session' was rather dull, but tne undertone is very strong. Buying still continues. " i-FractlbnaJ gains were scored in mo.t of the lint Commission house business 1 gradually Improving and condition of the metal market is making for better markets. .The all Street .Journal says in Its summary-today! .-', - London market closed. 4 ' 4 Helnse says he svlll return to Butt. : ' BrsdBtreet's says retail trade In the east is only fair and wholesale trade is disappointing. . :. C " ' Dun'i Review says flulet pervades the dry goods market but advance bUBlness booked by Jobbers exceptionally good. . Banks gained on week's currency movement 26,12,000. t a : !. Burlington's new Improvement jblans call for f32.000,iQO, including $10,000,000 for equipment ' . . ;-- "i: - Damage to Icotton In' hbrthem" Texas not as considerable, as first estimated. - More favorable reports on wheat out look In Kansas and Nebraska. . . American Can reports orders on books larger -than, ever before. . . ''. Railroads reach: agreement; on sugar rate fight. ' ' - . ; American Beet Sugar annual report ending March tl, shows equal to, 7.81 on : common a compared with ' 6.98 last ' year, - -.ahge of New York prices furnished by Overbeck & Cooke Co.; . J , . Description I Open! High! liow Bid Amal. Copper Co. 71H Am. Car & .jr. CO. 9i ao era. . . .. Am. cot, ou, a Am. Loco., c. .. Am. Sugar. c 6 1 128H 12$ 80H ' ii 110. Am. Smelt.,' Cr 79 W 80 do "'Bfa.'.'V, lot : Anaconda M. Co, 44 H 86 4 Am. ' Woolen, c. Atchison, o. . 110 102 do pfd. B. A O., o. .., 103 do pfd. . , . Brook. Rpf Tran. Can. pac e ... Cent. Leather, c ao pfa. ., ... C.. Ttf. A Bt. P.. Cht & N. W., c Chesapeake & U. Colo. South.,' c. do 2d pfd.-;. do 1st. pfd. .. . Cora Products, c. Dsla. A Hudson, P. & B. 0 41 Erie C.....V. - do 3d pfd . ' dn 1st Tfd 28 86 Vi Atr 26 46 Ot Northern, pfd 1S6J4 186 21W. 135 134 . 20 147 Illinois Central iuier. jvibi., . - LoulS. Nash. .s 147 M..K. & T., C. ao via. ....... Distillers Ore Lands. . ... 80S Mo. pacmo.. Nat Lead . . , N. Y. Central N. T.. O. ec "W., . Nor. A West. C do, . pfd., . . . Nor. . America '. Nor. Pac.-, o. ..' 131 til Jac jsau B. o. . Pennv Ry .u . P. Steel Car., cJ to 29U -do,-, pfd. ..,- Readlna,' c do, 2d pfd.' , i . do 1st pfd,. i.. 16214 ioU 101 98 M Rep 1. A 8., do,- pfd. -'. . , . Rock Island, C. ,. 45 80 ?. do. pfd. ..... B. L. & a P.. I P j - do., let pfd. . H. L. i 8. W C do. Pfd ...... 8o. . Pao, . c .-,. bo. . Kf ., iC . . . So. Ry.. nfdT .. S2 98 T- 8. I .. U. P c. ....... 182 44 U. S. Rubber, c do.' cfd. I 111H1113 tf. S. Steel So., c. do. Pla. ..... Wabash, c.. - do., pfd,C . . , ; . Wis. Cent.,- 'er . Westlnghouse r. Beet Sugar. ...... 87 4 Otah Copper.,..., Third Av.e,..,,,, Cons. Gas........ Big Four ,..-,. Vlr. Chemical.;. K. C Southern,. ' do pfd . .". WheeL A L. B... Allls Chalmers,.. do pfd Amn, Con.-. . .. do pfd i,. , Alton, c......... 9 - do pfd ...... O. W., pfd . . . . . Nevada Cons . . ier. Meotrlc. . . 20U 20 29 I4IH ....1 Total sales, 240.500 shares. SEATTLE PRODUCE fVattle. May 14. Butter-Per rx,(l TTaniiir trton creamery- firsts, 2ftc; renrh. Idc; fwitern trrnirv. 25c; process, llc; Ore ron,' 2'1c; California. 2t ' Krsa l'r j"jn, - iwai rancn, Z7c; ea'-rn. 25'": Ornon. 2c ' tw pr poupo. cram cries, lis tr; wbel Sia 104? ?lc; blork Ptm. 11c: lrnrcvl wheel baiss, 9c; TlliS- t)r io- ut'son kiln dr!i, 11 frrr: Australian. rr pt.nd. 1 exa Pr- r-iu.ins. 11.00 til to rr . crate; Call for", red. II Pr bn. cPtatn. rar 'T ro. 11711 pr xrm: fancr -urn V n.nio. 1 ' 1 4 ; iew st IS 4 per pou4. aweeta, poaad. 6c per Oil PURCHASE OF EWPROPEIIIS PlEStOR TODAY . . Kw Vork-LovMkn Sllrrr -Kew Terlt.-Mar 14. Ear silrtr. Indfa. Vy 1 4 .yTr, t4'!c' 5tc mm vlf EAT BOUGHT BY COUNTRY MILLERS Prices Are Steady but Un-, 1) changed HereBuyers Do Not hear. I hat surplus will Be Sent to Chicago Market, 1- i, V Northwest Crop Weather. .'' . Portland and vicinity Pair snd cooler tonight, with-light frost; Sunday, fair and warmer, northwesterly winds.-..... ! Oregon and Washington Fair and cooler tonle-ht. with llcht frost: Sunday, fair, warmer except near coast; north westerly winds. . - Idaho Fair and cooler tonight ' with light frost; Sunday, fair ana warmer. .A'' smalt amount: of wheat" has been moved during the past 14 hours. Millers at country points are said to be taking some bluestem around the prloea printed h. .Th. JaiihiiI Kiit . f . r m Irnnwn nA club- has. paesei because there is Utile of this grade to offer. , v, Thc report rrom waua vvaua inai in farmer' union at that olac ' contem plated shipping the bulk of its held over supplies to the Chicago market because it was believed a higher price could be obtained than here is not alarming buy ers at tidewater, because most, or them say they already have more wheat than they need and would Ilka to unload a few lots themselves..-. v i ',;'' ; One Carload Arrives and Goes rat $655 for Steers 1 3 f ' Loads Easterni Hogs. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN. is, Hoes Cattls -Calves . Sheep Saturday iiv. Ml 4 91 eilf-' 45 Friday ,.: ?29 . !';2 P-I-'S'M Thursday-. 63 tl 9 41 Wednesday ' . ' 48 . 1072 .. - 709 Tuesaay ut iv ... Monday- -V V. i.i 75 162 1 1269 Week. Agft...". (3 'iSS.-T fh'i'f-i . Portland Union Btockvards. May 14. Jim Wilson has the honor of shipping the first loads 01 grass cattle to mar ket from 'this state tha present aeaaon. Not only' this but, he has been financial ly rewaraea by- reoeivmg . ine mgneei price ever obtained for Oregon fed grass cattle, his . snipmeni consisted or st Steers .which sold at 25.26 and one cow tnai went at gs.a.. , - :rf - !?.' Thirteen loads of hogs came In from Nebraska today. They were contracted prior to arrival hy , a local packing concern and therefore did not enter the local market. - Sales of hogs were made during the past nours at tu.ei ana as iu.a naa Deep ,, previously paw it neveiopi that the. market was reallv down Si although some interests give out other reports. Being j Saturday, the cattle market was dull this morning although th ar rivals were light r Sheep sre generally quoted at the for mer range,..;....; . '!, y, : r'v i Amoar . tha 'fAippersv ' Henllne A Ohllnger brought forward l2 loada ' of hogs from Nebraska for fh. TTnlnn MMl flntnmnf. . C. D. Baldwin shipped two loads of boss rrom ruer.-. laano, 10 tne locai - J.- K. 'Mlschler shfTtned a mixed "load ef hogs and sheep from Hubbard, Or. G. c. Lincoln nad a ioaa or cattle ana horses in the yards today. . .i - 1 Jim : Wilson was offerinar a load Of cattle from Mitchell, Orr- ; Came via J E. Reynolds, the regular.' shipped 2 mixed loads of cattle and calves from Condon. .,- ?- 'v's Todav'.. run . or iivestocK compare with this day - in 1 recent years as roi ...,.y-: :-'.! - noss. tjattie. tineen 19I v;. ..;.;.1274 . 99 45 1909 . , 100 ! 1ZA 1907 i, .W ..''... 178 ;!ii ' 509 190S ..,, .... r . -,-. ' 404, v.., 19P6 t.... , . .. 566 " 1500 A year so todav there waa a fl tone In all lines of livestock with no change in values offering. oxzioiai uveasoeK sales. Following are 1 official transactions and indicate demand, supplies and quality offering in the stockyards. They are the only prices secured direct from sellers in tnis msrset: - J ';''-w . ' 8TEEKS. ' '; .4: rrlce. 19.26 4.75 -A. lbs. If steers-.,..,,..,.,,. .1150 I steers 794 ,. - . ; cows. ', 1 cow ."... r..... ;....11M 15 25 . 4.50 12 cows 464 HOOS. . :'- ' 90 hogs .., ......... j." 22 2101 89 hogs Ill ' 19.90 99 begs .......... , .. 107 : 10.40 Todays range of livestock nrlees: CATTLE Best steers. I.55fl4: food steers. 15.16; common steers. 269 ; cows, best. 15.26: fancy, 96; hHfers. 5 16; Urs. 6. 5006.26: ulls., $2,600 .60. - ' HOGS Best east of the mountains. 219.40; fancy, 210.60; stockers and feed ers. $. ' 8HKEP Sheared, beat wethers. IB 60 47 6.40; ordinary wether. 85.60: sorlns HALVES Best 17; ordinary'. 16.509 tit; poor 1.76g. .. . tamos. t( mi, ii.tin.fv, ALL LIVESTOCK IN t' v - CHICAGO IS STEADY Chlcaro. Wsr 14. Hon are ateadv. Receipts. 9000; left over, 20(; recvlpta fear sro. 11.000. Mixed and botchers, 9.456 9.75: good heavy, 69.0.76; rough heavy. t.46t9.6S: light." 9 46 ft 0.76. Cattle steadr. receipt lit. Sheep atrons, receipts 16. - Kansas Citv. May 14. Hogs, JOOt; cattle, 2Q9; sheep none. , HOGS 5 TO 10 CENTS I ADVANCED AT OMAHA (8rur Mntr tm j i t 9Vflth Omah. May 14 Cattls r- ceir's. none. Steer. 7.4(l; cows and rers. 14 ai. Hns Keolr'a ITO" Market 5O10e his her; pHr. l27Sfl946. thrrp Ro-'rts. '. Mi4ct Stl1v. Wtbera, 66 .i69T.26; lamb. 64.600 6. Tt a1tset jfmmlMlfmr cf latvr f the state board ef Waahtnrtos Is a in IIIULI 2 CENTS U III Decline Is Heaviest of the Day May ' SDecfacular ; With Rapid Changes in , Price . All Options Lose.' . - ; ; Chicago. May ' 14.- Liverpool 'was closed r today : and tha bears took full advantage of the situation by de pressing the entire market . Closing was 10, off. for the May, for the July, Jo for September, and , o for Decem ber. Opening was o to 2c lower. . While BeDtember was th weakest and showed the sharpest Joss ' for the day, tne prices in tne way were, spec tacular . and ' lost - and - sained rapidly, At Qife time during the day the market was 3e lower put toward tne ciose it rnade recovery of 'a cent 5 " : Pari wa th only outside market of importance that gave forth any quo tation, today and wheat waa 10 to 15 centimes lower there at the closing. World's shinments: '-Wheat ; Itt.OOV bushels; corn 2,666,000 bushels. 'W neat on passage increaeea x.viu.uvv bushels; corn 1,785,000 bushels. Rus sian wheat shipments 1,834,000 bushels; Panublan 250,000 bushels. ' 2 4. cash wheat saies 'iso. j rea.; No. S red. 21.0801.12;, No. g. hard winter, l.4; No. I hard win ter. 91.0701.12. -'1' Ran ire of Cnicaso prices furnished by Overbeck & Cooke eompanyi , . ; . . w n OA. a . Open, High. Low; ; Cloe. 112 .112. 104 104A 101 102 B it Mar. 114 114 July. . 104' 104 102 ' 102 y CORN. NtVfi'Msj Hept i ' ;60." July. -, Sept, f . , v '62 K.62- 2 91 OATB. May. ';'.".'' 42 42. 40 , 40 . 29. ,,....'' -3.9 : - PORK. 2280 2280 2292 . 2292 42 , 40 88 2270 " 2275 i277' July. . Sept , May. . 2277N 2287B 2287 July. . Sept. i;.227T 2290 j. ::.? LARD. ' 1305 1277A .1266 A July, , r.i.1276i 1277 Sept V ...1267 1265'- 1270 1257 RIBS. May.ji'i,., 1290,. 1290 128a 1265 1247 , 12903 1262A 12ta , July.;i.,1265 1282 Sep t.:;;. ,;,, 1241.1162 , , KEW; YORK COTTON MARKET ; : (Furnished by Overbeck 'ft Cooke Co.) new, xonc. iay 14. urriciai , range: : Onen . Ill eh . Low Close r Januarys i.-i 1278 51276 1270 March ,,. JZ77 iz ; 1ZY4, May ;.V... 1685 1659 1542 June 1649: 1649 1549 July V. , .' 1654 1657 , 1 541 Auguet ... 1404 1508 1492 Heptemoer ia issb 1310 October November December2' 1274 . . 1279 ; 1271 Big Ran of Fish. ' ' 3 Aberdeen, May : 14. The catch of Qulnault salmon is to ba .unusually large this year, although very late in the sea son. The run of the fish is said to be the largeet in years, and shows the wis dom of the plan adopted by the. Indians at the big powwow last year, when they decided, to maintain a clear channel 100 feet wide in the middle of the river for theflh to go up and spawn." W. W. Kurts of this place has bought the en tire catch, which he' is packing, and shipping to a Seattle fish firm, . 8iMtrial Dlxpstch to Th Journal.) Vancouver, Wash., May 14. John Tal aminnt or Battery B, Vancouver bar racks, was found guilty in police court last night on a charge of "mashing," and waa fined 550 and costs, or 80 days in Jail at labor on the street Ha ia at work this morning. . Talamlnnl was con t-lcted-TOf forcing this attentions: on a woman, who after exhausting her pa tience slapped him in the mouth. .,.. Newcomer Bays Business. . .; ' ' (Special Dlptch to The JouraaL) Vancouver, W'anh., May 14. George Thiessen, who has , bought and taken possession Of the Latlska saloon at 207 Washington street is a new arrival in Vancouver, and came, direct from Blouz City, Iowa.; , Mr. Thiessen was in Van couver ..for a short time three or four years ago, and sines that time has al ways bad a desire to return. Public Marbet Retail Quotations v . - 2CZAT2J . -'.' ' " " Rolling Beefr lb. . . . 84) Pot Roast Beef, lb. JO Round Dteak, 2 ibs., . ........ .,...2. Picnic Ham. lb. .....Irti Compound, 5-lb. pall ............ .604 Columbia 'River Smelt lb.. ...... ..Be Halbut lb.- .Sj Phad. earh 1 Crab. 2 for .,..,...t.2Ss Kippered Salmon. 2 lbs., ......... .35) ...'' . ' 1VTTSB ' " ' ' ' V Oakdale ... .....;.;.........;... risin . . . i cnr Fresh Churned fSAjt helburn . . .., .!l Golden Rod ,.....,.... ,.ftK Ekamokawa ...,............ .435sr -r" OSOCZ&IXS - Tewle's Circus Syrnp. ta. ...... .204 Japan R Ire, lb ...-5 19-lb. sars nonr ..1 ..3f l-lb. sack bt Rolled Oats KM.nm rui mim ................ o Pearbes and Aprl'-ota, X cans 2 lba. Santos Coffee i A 4k H.tda. kg. . ... ... . . & t TZAS AJT2 OOTTE . Tsa. lb. 44 160 Off. $ lbs, ....85 ' rmvm ajtx rxormiEi Perries, from ......... Mli-d.r!. lb. li; Un Prun. t lba ..5 t Arrau- lb........ e Pa. 2 I- ISe nnii. t n j',r Onioas sad Radlabea, 2. on or bee aezscsxjjurxo v I.rbT-a t trand Bacon. 1-Tb. Jsr H rrm "' Cak ..A'1 Garwood s Ice Cream Cones ........ S OCDTCIlflC uLflLI C1HCAG0 MARKET , . . 1- 1 , - ''"''""''f":.;.?' : :,::i'1.-'-.;'-..v.':,'i'M'.';.. 1278(fi)74 1278080 1547d49 16448 1649i50 140109 138lSS2 1294 95 128184 1277I Washington Street OREGbN HIGH DEFEATS v GRESHAM HIGH, 6 TO 2 'V1'1"''-- ' ' " ' '-:'''. '!! ' (RpeHal rHipateb to The Jootntl.l ' ' Oregon City, -May 11. 8U to two In favor of the home team .was the re sult of th gam played at Canemah Park yesterday between Oregon City high school and Oreshsm hlgrf school. The game was fast from tha start and with the exception of portions of the fourth and seventh, was played In big league style,, Hart was on the mound for Oregon ( Cltyf and delivered i his slants In such a manner as to allow tha visiting contingent but two measly hits,' Striking, out .11. ' At tha receiving end of the. battery, Mulkey played gilt edge ball and failed to miss anything coming his way. 1 For the Greshamltea, Lynch pitched good ball allowing five hits, three of ...these came during .the seventh chapter,- when' his- team mates were slightly, rattled. . i f . Hargreavea singled In : the first, and scored on Raney?s error - In handling Hart's drive, and the fast tittle third sacker added another score In the fourtn. ; In ' tha , seventh canto, by a combination "of three -singles, , a . base on balls and an error, the locals suc ceeded In chasing a quartet of tallies across : the . plate, .,-:'. " ;,,' m ?,'! !- Gresham's two scores came In during the fifth, when Hart ( had his wires temporarily crossed and hit two men in succession, errors at critical ' moments also helped to prevent a shut out j , ..The lineup:; 'ylM; Oregon- City . .; v 1 .'i'i i ?( Gresham Mulkey , , , , .a, . Sunday Hart '.p. .'. Lynch Baker'. ..........1 B.,, ....... Raney Griffin ,....,2 B......... Rauw Hargrave 8 B. ........ . . Ryan Wilson 1. ....... ,.8 B.Af-t.ti-r Gedamke Alldredg , ... ..V.L F, ...... i , JdcColl Andrew ... .C; F. Kern Smith . ..R F. . .. .. . .; , . Hoss . v. SCORH'BT INNINGS. . Oregon City ...w.l 0 1 0 0 4 0 -9 Hits ............ .1 0 0 0 0 l. 0 6 Gresham i.0 0 0 0 2 O'O 0 0 r-2 Hit ...I 0 0 0 0 0, 0 I 0 X ., Whist tInb Entertained. ' Oregon CityX May 1.The Friday Night Bridge Whist club was pleasantly en'tertalned last night at' the residence of Mr. . and ; Mrs. W. A. ' Shewman Jr Washington street The , house; .was tastefully decorated for the , occasion with roses. I Prises wer won by Mor timer D. Latouretts .and Mrs. A. L. Beetle. During the '. evening, refresh ments were served ... by the: hostess. Present were Mr., and Mrs. A ' -L, Beatie. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Eairtham, Mr. and Mrs. John Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Llnwood K. Jones,.! Mr. and Mrs. Mortl mer D, Latourette, Mr; and Mrs. B.. T. McBaln, Mr. and Mrs. Eber A. Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Straight Mr. and Mr. Thomas F. Ryan, Mrs. Craig, Mrs. Wlsner, Mrs." Josephine Shewman,-. Mrs. E. A. Sommer, Miss CIs Pratt and Miss Grace Shewman. . 1 - Dedicate Canby Ball Park. ' (gpeclel Dlipstch t Tt Journl. ii 5 Oregon City, May 14.- The new; base ball park, which has been laid out with in . th ' rack - track enclosure ' at the county , fair grounds at Canby, ' will be opened tomorrow afternoon. The new ly organized Canby Reds will play , their Initial game of : tne season, crossing, bats with the Aurora team. The Can by band will ' discourse ' muslo . during the contest and Dr. Dedman, mayor of Canby, has Consented to pitch the first ball. ; No pains have been spared in laying out the new diamond. -. and . It is pronounced to be one of the best in th state. . . . , , j, ; , , , Young People to Dance. ' . 4gpeelI Olseateb to Tiie JonnaLt '' Oregon City. May 14. A special meet lag of Bt. Johns Young People's -club- was held in McLoughlln hall, at which arrangements were made for giving, s dancing party. The hop will be given Friday May 27. in s McLonghlin hall, and invitations wilt be sent out. in a few days.-- Several committees : wer j named -'laafe ' nlht.,:";;7-!vi''MK4:;:-v 'A Rot. War VlaiU Old Homei ' ' 8psUl Dispatrk to The Jearnal.) ... " ' Oregon City, May 14. Rev. A, 3, Ware, formerly pastor of the united Brethren church ot this city." but now pastor - of tha Philomath charge, 1 spending a few days hereX ReVr War will occupy the pulpit at the. United Brethren church tomorrow night t Oldest Bank on , Capital fully paid Surplus and undivided .- -',V " 'U-'". OFFICERS: - -fr ; ; W. M. Ladd. President. .' ? R. S.. Howard Jr Asst Cashier. Edwsrd Cookinghm,Vice-Pres. , J. W. Ldd. Assistant Cashier. W. H. Donckley, Cashier. . Vf i .Walter M. Cook, Asst. Cashier, Interest paid on.time dejposits and savings accounts Accounts 'of banks, finps, corporations and individ uals solicited. . Travelers checks, for sale and drafts issued available" in all countries of Europe. MANY 1:' ' s PROPERTY OWNERS ; Many will learn, that Pavement . ' stability. has more more real , value. tlTun nr cthfr BITULITHIC hard st rface f.1 vc- iCE t a 1 11 rniifri'n AloAll rliilllblob! 'j L 8an Francisco. - May l4.-rVhft Australian and propo. l.go 1 : : Sonora, 51.4501.72H; good to rhot-''. California club, 91.624 tf I.BTV4 : Northern- wheat blueatom, 1 1.60U 1 .fig ; clul., 21.62MiW1.67 W; Turkey. 1.B0J 167 ; Ruslan red, tl.60itvl.63Vs. v. " Barley Keed, good to cttiolce. 210H, W111V4; fancy, 6 1.13 UJ poor to, ll.OiVitfl 07V4; brewing and hlpln, 1.12V431 15; chevalier, nominal. Erks, per dosen California, frffh. Including , cases, extras, 2c; firt., 24 He; seconds, JIVte; thirds, 21c. I Butter, per-pound California, fr-Kh extras, 27o;- firsts. lV4c; seoanrifl, 2ii-. . New cheese, per pound New Califor nia flats, fancy, 14 Vtc: firsts, ISVc; seconds, , 12Vc; ' California Youirnr America, fenoy, 15Vc; firsts. J4c. storage New 'York chpddars, fancy, 2"c ; do slnsles. i 20c;- Wisconsin - . singks fancy. 19C ; . ' . '' Potatoes,' per-ycental--Rlver white?". R0iS)6c In sacks with extra quotable nt 70&00O per eental; Lompocs,. lfti1.10; Salinas. tl 1.10: Oreon, 0cfr 1: new. per- cental,- tlt1.25 for red an-1 51.251.60 for white: sweet potatoes Id crates, S2V4o for fancy only.' Onions Per cental, Oregon, $1(91.25: do Bermuda, seed, $1.28 for yellow end $1.75 for-, whit , was per crate: new green, per box, ;40W60o; new red per ack,; 76i85e. -.. - . ' ,' .. - Oranges Per box. new navels, choice, ty7662.25; fancy. $2.6002. ' ; e) t v' At . the bregon Ciir CSaurches. Oregon City. May 14. The following services will be held tomorrow at the Oregon City churches: ; ''. Gladstone. Church of Christ Glad stone Rev.- A. H. Mulkey. .pastor. Bi ble. school at l(Ua. m.j morning service at 11; theme, "For or Against. Christ." Evening service, ,7:45. -Theme. "The Unpardonable Sin.".. Special music at all services.,: , The ' teachers' training class will meet Thursday evening. ? . St John' Catholic church Tenth and Wayer streets. - Rev. Werhaar. pastor. Low mass and sermon. $; high mass and sermon, 10:80. ; Evening v service. t:80,;tMay devotions .at 7;80 svsry even-. lng.'A-:-f.jvv ,..-'iA.''-':;-:':.. Vv.. -:'-i.' -1 - Regular services at the United Breth ren church as follows; f S.' 8., 10 a. m. : preaching, 11, by Lieutenant Bradley of Portland; junior. :80; C. E. at 7. Preaching services at. $ by Lieutenant Bradley and Rev. A. J- Ware. All are cordially invited. , . St" Paul's ..Episcopal f church Ninth and Water streets, Rev. T. F. Boweii, rector. Whitsunday, the Day of Pente cost?; Holy communion,- 8 o'clock; cor porate communion of the Brotherhood ef Bt Andrew, morning prayer and sermon, II o clock; Sunday school, 12 m.i W. A. Shewman, superintendent: confirmation class, 4:80; evening setvtce. T:80. Ap propriate Whitsunday sermons will be preached at each service, - ' 'Methodist Episcopal -nurchR. ' C. Blackwell, ' pastor. Sunday SQhool at . 9:45 a. m.; morning service at 10:45 : sermons theme; "Praise and an Ordered Life;" Junior league at 8 p. m.i Sunday school at Willamette Falls at 3:15: Ep worth league at 6:45; evening service st 7:45; sermon' them, 4Tn th Shadow of Hi Wings." f Ladles 'Ajd society meets Wednesday.' 'Dinner S from -12 to 1. Prayer meeting, Thursday evening. First Presbyterian church Rev. J. R. Landsborough, pastor. Sabbath school at 10 o'clock. Mrs. W. C. Green, superin tendent; morning worship at 11 o'clock; subject - "Truth . .Personified;" Junior Endeavor at t p. m.; T. P. S. C. E. at 5:45; topic, prist's: '. Verillea.'Wno. :S-S3. .Evening worship at 7:80; sub Jeci VThe Bible Surnmgrised.': 1 . i-. First BapUst church Corner Ninth and Main atreets, S. A. Hayworth. pas tor. Preaching at 1:80 by the pastor; subject ,"The Completed Building;" S. S, at noon,; Junior and Christian En deavor st $:45""p. m.; evening service at 7:45. - Pulpit; will - be occupied in th evening by Kenneth Latourette, Ph. D,l subject. "Spiritual Apostollo ucces ceaslon." All are Invited. 1. : . 1 First Congregational church Rev. W. M. Proctor, pastor. . Morning) worship, 10:80; sermon topic, "The Dragnet and the Tares;" Sunday school. 11:45; C. E.. 8:45; evening service, 7:45. The Broth erhood will have charge of the service. The sermon by the pastorF-who is also chaplain of - the Brotherhood, will . be uponthe subject. .rA- Man'n Religion." Tha Park Place quartet will sing. I t '' W - ' the Pacific Coast ; v. $1,000,000.00 profits $600,000.00 Overbeck Ci Cooke Co Ccmns'islcr Mcrcbir.. Stocki, Ecr.j potto.-, CraLi, iz. 216-217 Ecard cf Trade : ; ctri ym i -'. ' -- e- f PR OF PRODUCE r-r ! Ba. - v r V. p hare two r f rTit r.n Ti. Irrtn w-.- Front 'i I ut J-i, r vt efr'-e ?l Tit i.: twin who wa r-rt1y pronvted te that p"e'U?n. ' 1 ,. ' r-cnt h:I