DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 14, 1910. 10 '.WJ ! i , THE OREGON flEl'S OF DKTH ti Old Time Superstition Revived At Westminster Bridge as i -.King Dies. ;v ; " iSiihday Ser$ London. Mar 14.-Ae .mlaht be parted, a number of persons have come to the front this mof .w rout ifiUmn ; assertion that , they saw : "the 'boatman", start for. Hanover with the tiews of Xlna; . Edward's death.', ' A the . "Wat ef the eeJfjBtyled eye witnesses to he ' supernatural event, however; are : eallors and ions-shoremen who are com monly supposed to be more superstitious ;lhan veracious, their confirmation of the old story of the Hanover boatman msv be taken for What It la wont h. - The earlleet authority for this popular rKtory. which hae been revived with me, death of every '.British sovereign for nearly a century and which la atlll be lieved by a suirriatnjrly large number 'of people, was Colonel. Dawson Demur, a eon-ln-law of the celebrated Mra. Fits herbert. It eeems that on. the nlht of June 2$, IMO, Colonel Darner was stand Hngr with a friend on Westminster bridge, "when he saw a email wherry containing a little muffled figure dart- from i the shadows and .; swiftly . and noiselessly make Its way down the river. , While they were watching 4he-email craft a Thames waterman near by exclaimed in ' en awestruck -voice, "There goea the 'boatman to Hanover.";, U " ':' " . , V ' V On being asked what be meant the man explained that King tieorge roust ,fbe dead, as the figure always appeared -on the demise of the sovereign, his con sort or the direct heir to the throne, and rowed to Hanover Ur carry the news. On returning home Colonel Damer heard that George IV had died at the hour when he aW the wherry set out from beneath the bridge. - , 'k 1 v. The chostly boatman Is said to have come over with the house of Hanover and to have been seen at the death of each of the English sovereigns of that dynasty. When the prince consort died In 1861. the. boatman Is atated to have -, appeared from beneath , "Westminster A bridge; and, again, at the very moment when' Queen '.Victoria breathed ;her last t Osborne,; not only, many' Thames watermen, but quite a ' number' : of well educated and responsible people alleged , tliRt they saw the messenger of death bending to his oars on his ghostly r . rand to Hanover. It is a queer superstition, quite In keeping,: however, with those according which the death of a member of the reigning house '.. of Hohenrollern or ; of : Jlapsburg is always heralded by the ap '. parltion of a white lady. CENTENARY OF BIRTH . , OF NOTED STATESMAN Jackson,' Miss., May l.Tomorrow will mark the centenary of the birth of . Jacob -Thompson, who was one of the ' members of the cabinet of President "Buchanan and one of the leading public ' men of Mississippi. Born. ' in North ' Carolina. May 15. 1910, Thompson came to Mississippi ' In early manhood and -at the-age of 28 he was chosen to Con press as a Democrat. By continued "reelection he served in . congress for nearly 20 years. President Buchanan appointed him secretary- of the interior "in 1857, , and Mr. Thompson served un ' til January,- 181. The occasion of his "resignation was the ordering of troops to reenforce Fort Sumpter, , ' While he was still holding the office of secretary, of the interior,, the Ieglsla- . ture of Mississippi had appointed Mr. 'Thompson a commissioner to urge on ?orth : Carolina the adoption of an ordl r nance of secession. in the midst of the xver he was elected governor of Missis- nlppl and served from 1862 to 1884. He afterward was an aide-de-camp to Gen eral Beauregard in the field... In the eummer of 1864 he Went to Canada as a confederate commissioner. His. death oc curred in Memphis, March 2, 1885. s - Cottage Prayer Meetings. ; Cottage prayer meetings of the anion ; tabernacle meeting In progress In -the Hawthorn Park tabernacle will he held at the following 'residences, each morn? ' ing from 10 t 10:30 o'clock. . These. rep resent the-42 churches taking part in j the Hart and : Magann services: " : I F. C. Dun lap, 828 East Tenth; Mrs. ; Richie, 609 East Taggart; George Oaks, 17 Morris; Mrs. E. M. ' Lewis, 676 East Tenth; Mr. Vogel. 82 8 East Morrison ; Mrs. I; R. Delano, 695 'Marlon avenue; W, L.' Hartley, lit Marguerite;' Mrs. C H. Chambreau, 88 East Fifteenth;. John l. Wigie, 805 Nelson street; Mrs. Mln nie Fisher, 50 Beacon street; 8. W. Anderson, 268 East Twenty-fourth; Hat- tie Kenyan, 835 East Sixth: street; Mrs. J. C. Cross, 290 Glenn avenue; Oscar D. Stanley, 484 Lexington avenue; Mrs. Julia Jones. 408 East Twelfth street; Mrs. J. D. Edwards, 1178 Belmont; Mrs. M. Wood. 247 East Fourteenth street; C. J. RarnadeJU corner Gibbon and Linn avenue; Mrs. H. C. Ross, 604 East Oak; A. O. Hendricks, 814 EaatjCavle; Mrs. Chris Hottex 875 Hawthorne - avenue Mrs R. L. Russell, East Nineteenth I street; Mrs. 3. G. Bennett, 828 East Sal mon: jura a. m. truutm, itit jsaac gar rison ; George A. Rockwell, 121 East Nineteenth; H. B. Arendick. 671 Maple; Dr. P. Blttner. 804' East Eighteenth; Mrs. HI Zelgler, corner East Ninth and Cam there; Mra L. C. Dickie. 288 East Thirty-fourth; Mrs. F. W. Woolley, 1088 East Tamhlll; a A. MulK I East Thirty-first atreet; 3. W. Thomas, 888 East Main; Mrs. EL. Daugherty, 818 Maiden avenue; Rer. A. J8. Fortea, 487 East i Sevcntenth; Mra J. B. Can dish. 88 Kaat Pine; Mrs. Graves, 82 East cUxty thlrd; Mra T. F. Spicker, 188 Eaat Slx teenth. ' . - r'?- . . . ' , - - - . v - ': .";': SasUsW i -:;..'-S'i'" .' V,- Flrst--Whlte Temple, Twelfth - and Taylor. ' Rev. Walter Benwell Hlnaon, 10:20 and T:80. 'One Accord." prayer meeting. 10; . V. P. U., 8. Toplca, "And Vou Are One.- "How Much Better. Is a Man Than a fiheepr" -. ' . eacond Seventu and East AnKeny; Rev. H. 8. BUck. 10:20 and 7:202 Bible school, 18; B. Y, P. U.. 8:30. . . Central bast Twentieth and Ankenv; Albert Ehrgott, 10:30 and 7:46; 8. 8., 12. Topics, "The gueen Of Virtues,". "Every Man a King." .. ' . i Arleta Kev, D. M. McPhall, 11 and 8; 8, 8.. 9:46; B. T: P. U., 7. Topiea, ' The Program of the Church," "Job's Bpiritual Vision.".,.,. '.........,...' -i Highland Alberta and lxth. It , and :; B. Y. P. E., 8:40; 8 8., 10. r. j-rv- " cieiiwova j.acoma ana urvfnfc',n and 1:80:, fl. 8. 10: Y.. p. IT.. :30. Calvary East Eighth and Grant, Rev. J. i. Monroe, 11 and ?.; B. ,B a- -; Immanuel Mead and Becond. Rev. A. B. Mlnaker. 11 and 7:46; 8. S 10; B. Y. P. V.. 8:46. Topics. 'Limiting -God," "The Lights That Condemn. " - Grace Montavilla: Rev. , Albert K. Patch. . 11 and 7:30 S. S.., 10; . P. V., :30. . -. ; University Park Rev.-H. T. Cheney. 8. 8., 10, 11 and 7:30; B. T P. D.. 7.; Sunnyaide (German) Forty-first ana Hawthorne; Rev. C Foldmeth. 11; 8, 8.. 8:46. . . ... '. .. '- r-.. v 8U Johns f German) Rev. Karl. Feld- meth. s. S., 8:46; services, 11 and :20; St Johns Rev. C. U Owen, ll: and 7:20; 8. 8. 10: B. Y. P.. U.i f-30. Chinese Mission 35i Burnmae street S. 8.. t. Pastor. Rev.' Fung Chak. First German Fourth v and ; Mill; Rev. J. Kratt. 11 and 7:80 8, S.. :45. Second German Morris and Koaney; Rev. Frederick Baueerroan.: 11 and 7;30; a 3.. 9M5: Y. "P. U., :4a. v, ; East Fortv-f If th street Comer mast Main: Rev. A. B. Walta. II and 1iZ0; li. V.' P. V. 8:46. Lents Rev. J. M. Nelson. 8, B., .101 11 and 7:30: B. Y. P. U.. :30. Mount Olive Seventh . and Everett: Rev. B. B. B. Johneon. 11 and 7:30. Swedish Hovt and Firttenmi itey. Erick Scheretrom. 10:4o and 7:45; 8. 8., 13; a Y. P. V.. 6:30. v Tabernacle East Korty-nrst ana hoi. gate : Rev. F. K. Dark. Hi and 7 :0 ; 8. H., 9:46. - ; Third Khott and Vancouver. II ana 45: 8. S 10; B. Y. P. IT., 6:45 Rev. W. J. Beaver. Topics, "The Test of One" Religion," "Spiritual Security." I-lt X1 : ' v',' ?v' )9- freshytertaa, 'a -w .' ' First Twelftn and Aider, Rev. Wil liam Hiram Foulkea. 10:30 and 7:45; 8. R. 12:10; C K.. :30. Tonios. sermon i by Rev.: William Parsons, vThe Uw of the Spirit": evening uddress by Rev. T, B, Grlswold,'i)n ."The Good Fortune of God's Man." Mlzpah East .Twelftn and Powell; Rev. Harry Leeds, 11 and 7:30; 8. 8.. 10; C. K a 30 " . Caivary-Eleventh and Clay.' Rev. Thomas Holmes Walker. 10:80 and 7:45; Bible, school, noon. Topics, "The Por tion of Caesar, When a Great Man Was Rash." Fourth First and Glbbs; Rev. Donald Mackenzie, 1Q:S0 and 7:30. , a 8., 12; C E 8 ' 3 0 " " . r ! ' , J . . , " toa'wthorne Park Twelfth and East Taylor: Rev. E. Nelson Allen. 10:80, 7:45: 8. 8., 12: C E., 8:45. Topics, "The Power-of a Transfigured Life," Union Tabernacle meeting. . Forbes Bellwooa . and Gantenbeln: Rev. Harry H. pratts 11 and 7:30; 8. 8.. 18: C. E.. 6:30. Piedmont w Cleveland 1 and Jarrett; Rev. J. E. Snyder, 10:30 and 8; 8. 8., 12 ' C e , 7 ' f Chinese i45 First. 7:45; S. 8., 6:45. -Westtninsur East Tenth and Weld ler; Rev. Henry Mareotte, 10:30 and 7:30; 8. 8.. llT. P. 8. C. E., 6:30. Marshall Street Marshall and North Seventeenth; Rev,. C. W. Hays, 11. 4; 8. 8 10.; 7:30 service In Finnish lan guage. Mount Tabor Belmont and Pretty man; Rev. Edward M. Sharp, 11. and i; a a. io. , Spokane Avenue East Seventeenth and Spokane: Rev. IX A. Thompson, 11 and 7:30; E. 8.. 10: C. hi., :30, . Third East. Thirteenth and Pine Rev. William Parsons, 10:30 and 7:46 8. 8 '12 ';''" ' ' Hona' Montavilla. East 'j: Beventy. eighth street. Rev. Henry L. Nave. c B 1ft- 11 and 7-30. ... t ' Kenilworth East Thirty-fourth and Gladstone. Rev, A- Robinson., 11; B. isr v P.. 7. v Millard Avenue Rev.' John A., Town send; services. 10; 8. 8., 11:16. Anabel Rev. John A. Townsend. Berv ! llritn and 7:4u: R. 8.. 10:15. Trinity Dakota street Rev. A. Rob Inann. 7;4R n m C. iC. f:4Sj S. S.. 11 Vernon Wygant and . East Xtne- teenth: Rev George W. Anns. 11 and 8. 2:46; C. E-, 7. . In and 9:30. High ntasa nd sermon, 10:80, veiper.: instruction ana peneaictiou, f:8i) ; 1 ' .,..'.. St. Lawrencea', Third and Sherman- Re v. J, c. Hugnes. Lon maws, ,. 7 and 8:80." High mass and sermon,. 10:80. vespers ana Deneoionon. 7:no. Ascension, Montavilla, Rev. ' J. Fltanatrlrk. Mass and sermon, t chapel of Bisters of the Precious Blood. St. Patrick's. Nineteenth and Sav! Rev. B. P. Murphy, Low mass. 8. High mass and sermon,' 10:10. Vtipers and benediction. 8:80, ' L; " St, Michael's , (Italian).' Fourth and Mill Jesuit . Fathers. Low mass, I. High mass and sermon. i0:30. . . Vespers end Benediction. t:iv '. t .. t. ' St. Stephen's. Forty-second and' East Taylor Rev. W. A.lWaltt. uavr maaa t a. H)h miM and sermon. 10:30 and Btanton Kev. w. a. uaiy. low mans. 8. 8 and 9. High mass and ser mon, 10:30. . Vespers and .benediction, Hoy Rosary. East Third and Union- Very Rev ' A- Lawler. Lw mass. 8, 7 and. 8:30. High mass and, sermon, 19:30..'; Vesnent and benediction. 1:30. v 8acred Heart. MllwauKle Rev. Gre gory Roble. O. S. B. Low mass, s. Hlch mass and sermon, 10:30. ! . VesDrs and benediction. 7;80. -t i Holy Cross, Unlveraltv Park--Rev. J. P. Thillman. C 8. a Low mass. 8:30. High -mass and sermon. 10:30. .... Veaoers and benediction. 4. Holy Redeemer. - Pnrlland and Vn-eouver--Rev, Ed IC. Cantweli. C. 88. R. Low mass, S. High mesa and sermon. 10:80. Benediction 4 ' St. Andrew's. Ninth A"d .Alberta Rev. -.Thomas 'K'ernsn. , Low mass, 8. High man and sermon. 10. Vespers. In struction end benediction, 7:80. St. Ignatius, f orty-second ana rowen Valley road Rev. F. Dillon. 8. J. Jw mass. 8 and P:80. , Mssa . sermon and benod lotion. 10: St. Stanislaus (PollnhV Maryland and Failing Rev. John Breosa. Ix)W mass, 8: high mass and sermon, 10; vespers and benediction,, 7:30. ' . i xpisoopai. t , Trinity, Nineteenth and Everett Rev. A. A. Morrison. 8 and 11, 8; & 8., 9:45.. St. Matthew's. First and Carutfcers Rev. W. H M. Breck. 8.' 8.. 10: Holy communion and .sermon. 11; 8. 8., 10. Pro-Cathedral or St. Steoben. tne Martvr Thirteenth and Clav. Rev. H M. Ramsay. Holy Communion. 7:20; prarer and sermon, 11 and 7:30; Sunday school, 10. , , church oi our savior wooaswwg. Vespers, 4. ' , - St. David's East Tweirth ana Kei mont. Rev. Henry Russell Tatuot. Holy communion, 7:30; 8. 8.. 9:45; morning prayer and sermon,! 1; prayer and serm- vn. 7:45. ' " , ' . 1 St"- Andrew. Portsmouth - Holy eucharist and sermon, 11; prayer , and sermon. 7:30; 8. S... 10 a. m. All Salnfs. Twenty-fifth and Savlar. Rev Rdy Edgar- Remington; holy com munion' and sermon, 11; evening pray er. 8; S., , 12:15. -i - , ' St. ,-Mark's, Twenty-first ' and Mar shall. Rev. J.. E. H. Slmnson. i' Ho'v eucharist. 7:30; matins and litany, 10:16;. holy eucharist and sermon, 11; even song, T:S0. St. John's Church Fifteenth, and Douglas. Rev. Oswald W. Taylor. 8, 11 and 8; S. 8., 10. Good Shepherd Graham and " Van couver. Rev. John Dawson, ; ,. 11 and 7:30: S.- S.. 9:46. t . 1 Grace ' Memorial. East Seventeenth and .Weldler Rev. George B. Van Wa ters. Prayer and sermon, 11; . 8. 8.. 10. - Ascension Chapel Portland Heights 8. " S 9 ' 3 0 " ;- Blahon' Morris Memorial chanal, ftood Samaritan hospital. Rev. . William R. Poweli.t- .chaplain. Holy communion. 7 a. m.;' ward services, 3; prayer and sermon, ,7:16, . . Rev, H. A. Deck. Jl and 7:20; 8. 8. io. ..... ... , ,,. Ockley Green Gay and Willamette. Rev. J Bowersox. 11 and 7:30; 8. ft 10: C. K., 6:30. . Second Fargo and Kerbv. r.ev. C. CJ Poling, 11 and 7:80.' , ,' St. John's Ivsnhoe and ,', John, Re. C; P. Vatea ' g. fl., 10. ; ., -',.:.' ',' tmited Presbytertaa.' .-'. ' Fl rs t 6 Ixth ; and , Mon t ornery. ' Rev. Frank De Witt Flndley. 10:80 and 7:30; 8. 8.. 12: C. E.. 6:80. Topics, "Your Church,'!. "No Revision ,ln . Lues Record."'' f , -' ? The Church 6f the Strangers Tirana ive; and Wasco.. Rev. 8. Earl Du Boia, 10:30 - and 7:8018. 8.,- ji; -i;. Topics, "Beasts - Ready to Spring," rHeroes, Named and iwnameav-. v Third East Thirty-seventh sna uiayj Rev. J, L, Acheeon. ll and 7:30, 8. A. 10. T ' i ' i IH1EREST SHOWfJ INSIUCM1P 'Be Established at Spiri Lake; Wash:; by Y. M. C. ; ' A. for Boys. 1 Taylor Street Rev. Benjamin Toung, Lf. 1., v,av huu I..0V, n. a., .av,- a, m-i ' Grace Twelfth and Taylor. Rv. John H. Cudlipp, D. -D., 10:30 and 7:4: 8. B.. 12:15; Jefferson street mission, 3:80; E. 'h Ran tf rjollbt." ... . .:r. 1 , - Trinlty-I-East Tenth and.Grsnt: Lewis F. Smith, 11 and 7:30; U. u.. :30; S. 8., 10. Evening, union - service at the Tabernacle.- -'''; , - ' ' '' ' V a Urat ' Norwegian-LaniBn tiignieeniii and loyx. itev. a. tr. ieson. ii urn ., iu: 8. 8. V n n . Bunnyslde--East Yamhill and Thirty. eietbt w T Kuater: 11 and 7:80: 8. 8. 9:50: E. L.. 8:46. .Topics, ""The Fifth Saying From the Cross. Father, Into Thy Hands T Commend My Spirit"; -evening unlna In Hawthnrn TaMmaeia . St. Johns Rev. F. N. Sandefur; II and 8: E. L, 7s a 8, 10. ' I'nwnrth Twentv-atith and . Bavler, Rev. Charles T. Mcpherson: 11 and 8: 8. 8 9:46: E. L.. 7. Topics, "The Purpose of Life4'; Epworth league anni versary, address by Miss Elsie Lathrop. ' Chinese Mission Ctiaa 61ng Kal: 11 and 7:30. :' - raninntrr Fast Ninth - and Pine Clarence True Wilson.. D. D.., 10:10 and 7:80; E. L. 6:80;f 8.-8.. 12:15; evening service In Hawthorne tabernacle; morn' inr tnnlo. "The flreat Exchanare. . -:' Laurel wood Rev. K. It Myers; II and.T:0; 8- 818: E. L.. 6:10. " rwiirl Vancouver avenue and Farro street. Rev. C L. Haml'ton. 11 and 7:45; 8. 8.. 9:45; K. L.. 6:45. a Toplca. "Unpar donable Sin"; Epworth league anni- Wallowa win have a new 16000 Preav byterian chnreh , - - f rgf wtrf wm - 1 1 Aa IsasJatleej 9ar -II '.ocpInrj-Couchg Croup, bronchitis, Coughs,. Diphtheria, Catarrh. C ' as a Aeeseetea. It K-4 MWniIMtkWtlli -r t t . W IM hernial cM tfeee 4 j-iti rKTM " r r :-'. m "T"-r . , --.- b . r- pr-m4 u4 ...... fo. I , S. . - 1 vrurv and" Installation of of f Icera. Norwegian Danlah Corner Vancouver avenue and tsaiamore irewa; iwt. v J,L.raen. 10:45 and 8: b. a a sta svi iBiSi a a a ua i k v xav- teenth. Rev. Eileen RIbara, 9:30 and BAi.KRnrthsici and Beach. Rev. John Ovall, 11 and 8; a 8., 10; E-L f. Sermon by Rev. E. Erlcksoiu Topiea, rirst German Fifteenth and Hoyt n - 11 and TJI. Second oerman iianion jtna ivaauwr. Rev. E- Fl Hertsler. 11 and 2; & 8, 8:45; SeUwood East Fifteenth and" Taeotna, Rev. Leater C Poor. 11 and 7:20; J. E. L-. 2:28: E. L., :. ' Th. iintnn Kellv Memorial ThlrtV' ninth and Powell. Rev. W. H Hampton, a 8, 9:46; 11 and ; K. L, 7. . - Montavilla Kaat nne ana cignteentn streets. Rv Harold Oberg; 1 1 and 8; 8. 8.. 10: class meeting, 12: E. L- 7:1. Woodlawn William J. onuglas; 11 and 7:29: a 8- 19; E. L. 6 JO. Unlveralty ark Dawsee and flake. Rev. W. R Jeff ry. J.: 11 and 7:38. African Zlon Thirteenth and Main. Rev. W. Matthews; 11 and 8; a , 1; 1 Meant Tabor East Stark and 81.tr flret. J. W. MrDe.rn.- It Sod 7:3. I Pattoo Michigan arvnue anl Oirpen ' ter. D- A. Watters; 11 and 6; a a, 1; I E..L-. T. . .. I Lenta Seveeth and Gordon. Rev. w. i Boyd Moore. U and 8; a a. 19; E. L. i Woostoek J. It. Verei 11 and t:8: i a 8L. 10: E. L. 8:86. i Oek Grtre Rev. Jamed T. Moore, 11 and 8. a fc, 10. - ! Oataeaa. X IX and St. Msrv Pro-Csthexlral. nfteenth and Davie Most Rev, A. Chilstie, D. Low mass. a. 6 and 6. Hlak man eermnn, 1 1. Veepers. Instrucuoa aad I be-i-dH-tlon. 7:46- - j Ft Joseph's Cler-es1. rwmti ad ' r.cs Hi. Rev. Jam Km, V. X "lw na. 6 Hlfh-meee fM seiiusa. 1 e--r-rs b-ne-llrtlon. 8. 39. Ft. Fra"tl rM K.leT-ith and Oak rev. J.' li. Black. Low ss. ft, 3.39 Xatheraa. - 1 ', , St James' English West Park and Jefferson; 3. Allen Leas, 11 and 8. S. H.. 10; L. U. 7 t. m. Betahla Danish 840 Union avenue N Rev. a, Scott, 11 andAf; S. 8.. 10. Con firmation service in 'the morning. Swedish Immanuel Nineteenth 3 and Irving. 11 and 2; 8. 8.. 9:4S Norwegian ssynoQ East .lentn and Grant: Rev, O. Iiagoea, 11 and 7:45; S, 8.. 12:10. - - United Norwegian 48 N.-Fourteenth Detmar Larsen. 11 and 7:30; a a. 9:46. :ao. v ' 1 Zion's-Germani Chapman and Sal .-non; H. H. Koppelmann. 10:15. 7:45; 8, 8. 9:15. ' ... , St. Paul's German 'East Twelfth and Clinton. ' Rev.' A. Krause. 10:30 . and 7:80; 8. 8.. .9:80. Trlnlfy , German . (Missouri synod) Wllllarae and Soli wood; J. A Rimbach. 9:16; S. 8.. 10; 7-30. ' - St John's peninsula : avenue H and Kilpatvick; 3 p. m. Swedish Auaruatana Rodnev and Stanton: Rey, H. E., Sands ted t. 10:45 and 7:45; a a, :30. Swedish Mission - Seventeenth and GUsan; Rev. B. J. Thoren. ll and a e -in. v t . EUm 'chanei Mlchiran avenue and SKiamore. Kev. li. J. Tnoren. 11: a, a, 1 n ... ... -. ....... Immanuel German Corner 16th and Leo (SeUwood)..-H. C Ebellng. 10:30 8. 8.. 8:80. . - Grace 1 Enrllsh (Missouri Synod) Kerbv ana harco. Rev. carl iiassoio. is and 7:30; a 10:30. - arree Methodist. ' First ' church Eaat - Ninth and Mill, David M.v Cat hey,.. li and li 8.8 10; Y. P. M 8'80. ' . 1 Second church East -Fisniers. oe- Iween . Flftv-thlrd . and FlftV-fOUrth Street. . Rev. Wilbur ' M. Coffee. ' 11 1 ana ;jv; iu; ciase mocmia, ": Olive Branch Mission Siu rirsj street, R. H. Knowles, superintendent Services every evening. - ; f ' . "1 ' st, Johns 11 and i;s. 4 , j -' EvanreUcal Assootatloaau - First German Tenth and Clay, r. Bern. 10,45 and 7.46; 8. 8. 9'30; Y, P Toplca, " The Miracle or t'entecost by Bishop Wm. Horn of Cleveland First English East 'Sixth, and Mar ket streets; F. R Culver; 11 and, 7:30. 3. S, 10. Y. P. Am 6 30. Memorial East Eighteenth and Tib, betta. Morrlfl H everting, 11 and 8; S a 1. i tTnlversaUst. . " . ' j rhtirch nf the nnaA Tldlnaa Broad way and Eaat Twenty-fourth; Rev. J. D,n Corby,. 10:45 and 7:46; a-fl., 1!; C. U.,- 6:80. Sermons by Rev. A. B Her vey of Bath,- Maine, and Robert G. Dlech. - , .-, ' ' 1 . , " '. ) rrlesds' onuot. , 1 n;. ' 6unnyalde, Main and ::.:Eaat Thirty fifth. LIndley A. Wells. 11 end 7:30: Bibl-f school. 10: C. E.. 6:30. . Lents, Center street, Myra B. Smith, 11 and 7:80: Bible school. 10, - - . Unitarian. ' Chureh of Our Father Tamhlll and Seventh, Rev. W. G. Eliot Ja.; Rev. T. L. Eliot,,, D. D., minister emeritus. 11 and 7:45; r." P. F., 6:30; 8. 8.. 9:46. Topics, Address by Dr.--T.; ; L. Eliot. No evening aervlce. . ,( - - r' v Reformed. ' " First German Tenth and Stark streets, . (i. Hafner pastor. -Services 10:45 a. m, and 8 p. tn.; 8. K, 9:30 a. m.; Y. P. a C. E- 7 p.- m. . , , . Bervloes for the Seat. -. United Presbyterian Grand . avenue and Wasco, Rev. S. Earl DuBoIs. 10:30, sermon interpreted by Mra. F. C. Met calf. Topic, "Beasts Ready to- Spring. " Great Interest is being shown by the various boys' clubs of Portland in the summer camp that Is to be established at Spirit Lake, Wash.; by tha be-ys' de: partment of the Young Men'a Chriatian Association. The camp Is to be opened July 4 knd will be maintained through out the entire summer, new groups. of boys coming out each week to Join -in it sleasures.,? i ..". " .-'r:-.. !'; .. , The May Issue of the Beaver, the T. M. C ' Af boya" publication, as well as a special pamphlet, have been devoted to the camp project, which . Is the- most elaborate outing ever undertaken by the Y. M. C A. Although- the camp will be In charge of J. C. Clark, , the T, M. Cv A boys' secreUry, ; It 1 will be a , self gov erning bodyw. The boya will elect their officers,! make and enforce their, own laws, subject, of course, to such .regu lations as shall be laid down toy Mr. Clark, w-ff'-.v.vs;:;.-. Athletics will "be a big! feature of the camn. one of the T. M.f fk A. physical directors'- being preaeni ' to direct 'the sports. : Eyary week a party or ooys will climb' to the too ' of Mount 'fct Helens and there wlll.be plenty of fish ing and boating. There will also be nu merous excursions to point of interest. There iwiil be a nature study class under' a' competent teacher who will In struct the boys In the characteristics of the surrounding"-country, :-A camera cjub wilt spend much time pictuVlng the beautiful scenery around spirit iaae, and a carpentry class will make boats and camp furniture. There will also be a 'camp school' each . morning for- boys who wish to makeup their, studies. ( . Plans for the camp are now practically complete and It is certain that several hundred l-ya will visit there at some time this summer. Several clubs from towns throughout tha state, aa well as many church boya't clubs' of Portland, will Join with the Y. i M. C A. in the camp, -.- . c . ;r - a , -1' 1 ' 1 1 ' Christian Sdenoe. First Church of Christ Scottish Rita cathedral, Morrison and Lownadale, 11; 8: 8. 13: subject of lesson sermon, "Mortals and Immortals." Second Woodmen's ball. East- Sixth and Alder, 11: 8; 8.. a. 11; subject of lesson sermon, "Mortals and Immor tals." ' r. ....',',; - . , i v.- VL H. Charon Bouts. . Union avenue and Multnomah street Rev, E. H. Mowre, 11 and 8; 8. a,. 10; E. L., 7. Sermons by Dr. Barber. . . v; ' r:,;':': i Christiaa. - . Central Kast Twentieth and Sal mon:-Rev. J. F. Gormiey. 11 and 7:45 Bible school. 10: C. E. , 6:30. Topics. Tne BDirit s Message on, Pentecost." A Beery. 11 and 7:85; 8. 8., 10; C. K Rodney Avenue Rodney and Knott: Thomas G. Plcton. 11 and 7:45: 8.-8.. 9:45: C. K-, 7 n. m. Topics, "The church at work, -a Man's conscience. First comer park , and . Columbia Rev. W. K. Reagor. 11 and 7:45: 8. 8, 45. TodIcs. "Songa on a Battlefield. The Waterloo o the World's History. Bell wood El even tn snd Umatilla. 10:30 and 7:30: C E.. 6:30. Woodlawn Rev. Kdward . wrlghL 11 and 7-30: a a. li: C EL. 7. Gladstone Rev. A. H. MtBtev: a a. 1V as a. 1st I f .ww. VJ"1 vi v a gcaaeaaai 1, cnnsi,--. The unparoonaDie. pin.-, ,, . . j-:-'.':' .V -i OoagTegatMBaL x , First Madison and Park. ' Rev. Luther R. Dvott. D. D- 11 and 7:46: B. fled." "Bome Thlnas for Which the Twentieth Century Man Should Stand. Laureiwood Kev. William H never. o. je and s; u. k.. e:o. Pilgrim 8 ha vv rand Missouri avenue. Kev. tiny u. vie. 11 ana ; B. o. 9:46: C. E.. 7. Tonics. "Oot Kaowa." The Man or real Dimensions." MCU u Domaoi). , .- Sunnvalde East Tar lor aad East Thirty-fourth. Rev. J. J. Staub; 11 and 1:10; a. i: j.'j.. :iw. iodic. A Word of Sterling Counsel." A Prom- se for Every Day." - m. jonns nev. u. w. neiaoa; 11 and 8. 8.. 19. Hasealo Street Eaat Seventh and Haasalo. Rev. George E. Paddack,. t l nd 7:20; S. g.. 10: C E.. 6 30. Mofnlna ddress ty Rev. W llllant MrLana of New Haven: evening . topic 'Hell and a Rirhteoua God." , ; Hirniand East Blttn and Fresco tt. Rev E 8. Bollinger. 11 and 7:46 a 8.. 0: Y. P. a C. E. 6 '46. Tonlca, "A Oar- and for Ashes." Tha Element That Conta in Servica." First oennan FTasv eventn aM Stanton. Rev. Jehn H. Honp; 19:89 aad ie: b. b.. :&; n.. t 10. Unlveraltv Park Haves and Dawson. 11 and 7:39; 8. a, 19; C E, 6:39. Vattea Xrvtarea First East Flfteersth and Merrt Rev. Russell 8. Showers, 11 and 3; a 19: claaa of the welcoming hand. lOrlO; C. 6:36. Topic. ' Sanctlflca- loa." Union evening eertlca at Haw thorne tabernacle. Radical Sixth and Mechanic, Rev. Oe- ear A. Mertin. 11 and 1 J; a a. 19: K, 6:30,- Albert Eaat Twentv-eeventh and Mildred. .Rev. B. B. Emertck. ,11 and n a r.. je Third foth Mnt Taborf Jlev. C Blanchard II; a 8 19. Tremotit Wisdom nd Otrtlm It-m' P.ev. H. C. Shaft er; a 8, ll; C &, 6.14; eeraaon. 710. AIMna Mies'pp1 ' en4 ' Kllllnrs worth avenue. Rev. H C. Shaffer; 1.19. ' . fyarsad Vvaagaaeal. " First Eist Sixteenth aad 'rorlar. ' IXlsoenaneotts. 4 ' Church of th Brethren (Dunkards) Borthwick and Kllllngsworth ave. Rev, Georga C. Carl. 11 and 7:29; a a. 10; C. WT, 6.30, ' " Church of Kew ' Thotirht Selling- Hirseh hsll. Henry Victor 'Morgan. 8 p. nu- Bible study -With Perry Joseph Green. Swedish Corps Salvation Army 439 Burnside. 11. 4:30 and 8. ' Inter-Denomlnatlonal City Mission 6 Fifth -street, r A. Welle; superintend ent, 8 Sunday , ' -., Volunteer of America 286 Burnside street, 8:30 and 8:30. 1 Dlvlna Truth Center 201 Allsky bulldlntr. Rev. Thaddeua M. Mlnard. U: 8. 8., 12. Service by Perry Joseph Green. WlUCof "ood ..Pr,n,ar nd -Beoondary Twentieth Centurv: 862 East Morri son. 8. 8., 10: conference. 11. TodIc. 1 "onB r Soul Culture." opened bv Professor ' datlon of TWO UNHAPPY EUGENE . WOMEN MADE SINGLE Raeeial DUpatch to The JnarsL V KuaenA Or Mav - 14. Two divorce leases which have attracted considerable local attention came to a termination when Judge Harris of the circuit court granted decrees ' to - th plaintiff In each case. Mrs. Maud Murdooh alleged that her husband. . Charles N. ' Murdooh was guilty of drunkenness, that he would often' come home late at 'night In a drunken condition and ouss and swear at her and their , twin daughters,: Helen and Hortense. Mra Murdoch was awarded the custody of the twin, and 825 a month alimony with which to sup port the children. The Murdoch were Married at Sandpoint, Idaho, on Feb ruary 18, 1906, - The.. other case was Ida Carpenter Dompier vs.' Edward Compter. They were . married at West Springfield ' on January 29, 1905. Mra Dompier alleged that her: husband was guilty of Illicit relations with her daughter by a pre vious marriage, Mrs. Clara: Carpenter Buchanan.: She was awarded the cus tody of their minor daughters.' Faith and Violet and $25 a month alimony. : EIGHT DAY FAST IS ' . V, FOUND BENEFICIAL , . '.-, 1 (Rperlitl Dlnnatch to Tna Journal.) Bend. , Or., . May 14. C- Coi liran of thia place and formerly of' Portland, has Just finished an eight days' Sinclair treatment. He began fasting on the third of this month, and has eaten nothing until Wednesday, wnen ne began to taae orange juice. Cochran had been ailing for some time, and after reading an ar ticle In a niagaslne written by Upton Sinclair on the fasting treatment, con cluded to try the new panacea for all Ills. During the fasting ( period v Mr. Cochran- has had plenty of . exercise, walking a few miles every day, and last Monday put In the afternoon working on a houae. He says he suffered no dis comfort whatever, except a little nerv ousness at times, and that he feeltf much better and belleveg It has done him a great deal of good. applies to all vessels entering th har bor and which goes into effect June 10. The regulations provide that all vessels of 60 tons or over shall not run at a greater speed than .six miles an hour In the upper bay, and smaller vessel shall not exceed thatl speed while pass ing a wharf,. Special provlsipns are made for licensed speed boats running at a. greater speed, The commissioners are also planning to deepen the channel in, the bay at North Bend., . . v-? , Speed Regulation for Coos Bay,' RDeclnl Dlnnateb to The Journal.) , . Marshfleld, Or.. May 14. The Com missioners of the Port of Coos Bay have adopted a speed regulation which Feel languid, weak, run downT Head- arret .stomach "off"? Just a plain caae of laiv liver. Burdock Blood Bit- luiira nvrr nn StomHon, promotes digestion, purifies the blood. Soothes Itching skin. Heals cuts or burns without a scar. v Cu res piles, ec- ' sema. salt rheum, any Itching. Doan'a Ointment. . Your druggist sells it. "I suffered habitually from constlpa--tlon. Doan'a Regulets . relieved and strengthened the bowels, so that they have been regular ever since." A. ft . Davis, grocer. Sulphur Springs, Texaal Cheapest accident insurance Dr. Thomas' . Eclectic Oil. Stops the pain and heals the wound. All druggists sell itl ' . ''ll t ' I ' " I . '.,.. -I,'.", Women's Secrets - TWr 6 ana maa ia the Usated State who has perhape bearf Bare reMnea'i secrets tbaa any ocJear bmb or woman is I be , , Thee secrets ar not secrets of ftnlt or a bam, oat th sein e ti of afieringY end they bv m eosrfided to Dr. Zy R. V. rierc in the hope aad expectsooe ot oavtc ana aeip, vy That for of the wwaaea bave beea djaappouitod ia their ax ' Mctetioaa is preve by th fact that ssuier-etfbt per eaat. of II woaaca treatee) by Dr. Pierea barr beaa aJyeolatelr and altogetaer oared.' Sacb reeord wcaki be remaritabt if the treated were Bbrd by bond red eely.i Bo wrhea : that record aapliea to the treetnaest i saore tha ball-- saO ho woanee, ia a pvactic of over 4 year, it is pbeasooacaal. m4 entftles Dr. Pierce to the fratuoo seoordee iusb ay wo asrcialiato ia the trtsrtnaent mt woetea'a disss ee. r Everr tick iiso may soasalt Dr. Pfare by letter, . anVaraa. AD resfies are saaOed. sealed io pevfeetry plaio oay priatiai or odvertiaiaf whatever, epeat tkena. Writ withes leer as evids ajsa fee, t World's Dtspevmxj Ucdical Asssrsarisa, De. R, V. TimttmL, BaiSaa, IX., Y j , ; r , . ; , , t ' , ' " , . ; . . " Dni pnsncE . FATOixrrn TTxrssssxxrnttssx '4f w astWirstof listitl rit "lvveraTvaevKa. John A . Melton CAnimmm ajtd atrzrsa Factory and Offlec 231 8 . y"' street, near Mala. ' .;'. . t, . . j. - -.' ., ..... t---. K ' Phone: Mala 1717; A-X?lf ; Off lee and Store llxrnraf built aad twmodeled, V - Altering muS lepeiiln) Bhov and Contra tmnt. Repair Work Given Prompt Attention rounder, Machinists aad Boilermakers. Building and Structural Work. v PHOENIX IRON WORKS V. Offtoe ail works Stawthorne Avenne aad Bast , Third Street. whom Xaat St. lHBTJaaJn, OJaVBQOsT. ,1 OREQON HOTELS Barker. Si Church" of Naxarene- IUat Havanrh and Couch.. Rev. a. O. Hen ricks. 11 and 7.30; S. 8.. 9:4Bf!y. PM.. . u" . a , Kew Churcn Socletv, rRwedenbortrnn) Eleventh end Alder. Knights of Py thias' hall. Lay service ana sermon. It. Home of the Soul Socletv. Lunilt'i Hall Fifteenth and Alberta - streets, 7:46,. Lecture and message by Mrs. K. f, Qudhart. . , - Swedish Wvsrurplln1 Wu rrhnrch Mississippi avenue hall, Tuesday even ing, aaaress oy Kev. -u. A,, Young. -First Sniritual Socletv 109 fiamnil atreet Conference, 2, subject, "Principle or . Harmpny"; lecture and message, iour.,mr. Ainoa v. tianey. T. W. C 1 A. Seventh - inl .: Tavlw streets. Fireside hour at 4. d. m. Christian and Miealnnatrv Alli.no. Men's Resort buildfnar. Fourth end Rum. side. Kev. C. A. Chrls-man. 11 and 8. : Commons Rescue Mleslnn s Mnrik Front atreei ; Special services, t and 8. State Bnlrltuallsta' Asenrlelnn ana Altsky Hall 8, speaking and messages. Address by Professor Deyoungh. - Portland Fellowship Selllng-Hlrscb hall. 7. conference for areneral rilaii.. alon; 8. . .,- -..;.. . Penlel 'Misslon-r-224 Madlaon at r..t Services 8 and 8 p. m. " T. M. C. A. Sixth and Taylor street , R. R. Perkins, rellrious director. Mu meeting for men at Hawthorne taber- i nacie at 8: sermon by Rev. H, C. Hart on "Hot Shot." Meeting for hoy at V BV.Ti,M..c;. wU1 be addressed by B. O. Mitchell. BIBLE CLASSES GIVE : GOOD 'ENTERTAINMENT At th Whit 'Tempi last evening an entertalnmant was held under the a I . A. V. . ... I'm 01 uf.ocrnna ana nJllgata o th Temple Blue classea. Tha feature number of the evening wa a one-act comedy affair en titled "A Caae of Bus pension." -' Thle act . was a ploture of college life at a giTla seminary. . It was very entertaining and was areaUv en- Joyed by the large andlence. The tableau. "Hie Old Sweethearts." was a living picture showing a bach elor looking back over his old sweet hearts ander the spotlights. Several vocal aad Instrumental selection were also given. The success of th enter tainment was due largely to th untir ing efforts of Mra C M. HIgglns. who prominent la social circle. ' By re- qaest th program will be repeated st an eariy oat a. '', v; Oakland to Celebrate.- . -' ' (8peclal Dispatch te The Joarnal.l ' Oakland, Or., May 14. An . organisa tion, haa been perfected to arrange foe1 a big celebration on July 4. Prepara tions are. being made for the accommo- a large crowd, as it Is ex pected that , people from all over, the county .-'will'-.b- In -attendance. xPHt THE IMPERIAL Oregon'g' Greatest . Hotel ' 4 HO ROOMS. " . 104 SUITES. . " With Private Baths :' , NEW FIREPROOF BUILDING , MODERATE RATES ' -- ',- ;-. - .-.'.,-.,'.- ; r,. f: .? . PHIL METSCHAN & SONS, Props. '4 T 4,e,ip -lWJjMfflrfj j ft Commander Julius r A. - Pratt Post No. 143 Dept. HUG. A. R. - We have a communication from Mr. Isaac Cook, ) commander . of Julius A. Pratt fost. K.ewanee. ill. "For qnite a long : time I was bothered with back. ache and pains across ray kidneys and back.- About two months aro I started taking Foley Kidney Pill and soon saw they were doing Just as claimed. I kept on taking them and now I am free from backache and the painful bladder misery is all gone.' I like Foley Kid ney Pill so well that I have already told many of my friends and comrades about them." Skldmor Drug Co, 161 Third st .-;'sv. r, - ' ''.''-i 5tt , . . ' .. .'. : ' ; -.. .if-"- '-Prompt relief In all cases of throat and lung trouble if youuse Chamber lain's Cough Remedys-.pleasant to take, soothing and healhigM effect The first American flag ever made tn the Colted State ef Americas made earning recently waa sold at auction la Lor. don. A NOTRE DAME LADY'S APPEAL Te all knowing sufferer a r-f rheuma tism, whether muscular or of the Joints, eclatlca, lumbatroe. fcerkache, pain in the kidney or i.euralrt pelna. to write to her for a borne tratnnt wMrh baa rpat3!y cured all ef these mrtcr-a, Fhe fee; it her duty t send It te a.l sufferers FREE. Toil cura earaJf at h?tie e thoueand. will teetlfy a rhange of climate being rere.ry, TMa Unpie dieeovery bartahe urte arid from tSe txned. lorns the etlfewd joints, punfee th blond. ,ai4 tnhtens lwe f' g'trg elac'tjr ard tone t the wfcoie srstera. If t-e 1ot Inter ests rou. f-.r rrf mrwn Mra,.M. iu?aaera. 1k. Iw Notre Itoa, Ind. - , Palace Hotel . '. .. Present the .v '. alace Hotel entirely new 88.008,809 fl re building, . rebuilt since the fire, and . the . . 1 la lV nroofA . , In I fa FAIIlfiiONT HOTEL Superb BItuatkm. As superiort example of modern hotel building and hotel keeping. ." TropAjr r&Ajr out : Rate front 12.58 per day upward San Frnnclsco iTMU PORTLAND PORTLAND, OR.; r Sm'tepeaa Plaa ' . ;iulaarav4 Bestaamat- . 00s on ' icrxriov solum ' Xeadqaartera f ot Tourists aadOoau mercial Traveler. Special rates made to families and single gentlemen. The management will be pleased at all times to show 100ms and give price ' A modem Turkish bath es tablishment, la the hotel.' ' i" M. O. Stowere. Mgr. THE. C ORNELIUS . - . " v , s. "The House of Welcome - - . ; CORNER PARK AND ALDER STREETS ' Single $1 JO and up.' . Double $2 and op. Our omnibus fvt f-' meets all tralna.a . v . .. t ; Portland's Newest and Most Up-to-Date Hotel C W. CORNELIUS 'Proprietor f.,:.-,J HXjt'HSX. FLETCHER Manager 4we)4r4444444w iFi OITE IS O REQON; : : e J V, ! CORNER , SEVENTH AND STARK STREErTS-J t Portland V New and Modem Hotel. - Rates $1 per -1 I :f-',-.'iyuay and up European. Plan ,' ':r . , -WPJGHT-DICKINSON HOTEL CO..'Prbps. e4)4444444)e)44)4 v FiO'j-'-',w5 SEWARD THE NEW ;,f CORNER TENTH AND ALDER The leading hotel of Portland nrvened Tnlv 5 1909, Modern in everr detail, furnished in elegance. Most beautiful corner lobby in n orinweit vommoaioui sample rooma. European plan. Rates $1-50 and tip. 'Bus meet all trains. yr. rnriSp, Prop. HOTEL STEWART SAN FRANCISCO Geary Street, above Union Square Jest eyeeaiai Eons' Sc. aaoa European Plan a ear op American Plaa $3.00 a day ep rw rt- rr4 V-ci rtraeeare. IvmM at seat e4 04 00, nn or fnrt an4 -. i Oe eartifwa mMrm-f an erar eT. aai'i trw.it n rateera. fctai lor aMe-iia SB. a a4 aas f.-asciae WORTOBIIA nOTEL megaTTSl OPT WAgOTCTO WX. Portland's . Only Roof Garden i HZ-.; aag sTarepeaa asBple SaJte. Sate te PaaaUle CHur Baa Meets All Tralaa with Bath, roi TravUag Maa ' ) e ) i rcTSlaD new alio Hot and Cold Watet " Long Diatsnce Pbcns Hotel Lenox COR. THIRD AND MAIN STsf "AZX'uTZr"- RATES SI XX) & UP