Y ' A ,3 1j VETO WILL rriEAti , UNITED PROTEST Universal Voice of Disapproval Sure to Follow Mayor's Veto ? : of Dock Ordinance. ' , ' Statements which Mayor Simon will ". ihalce to a ommltte from the Chamber of Commerce and the Taipayere' league , will determine whether ! or. not It will te necessary to call a mass meetln of protest, should the mayor veto the pub :. Ho docks ordinance, i , ; Mayor Blmon has never made It clear whether: or not he la opposed to the : principle of public control of the water front. He has stated that the principal , reason for his disapproval of the ordi nance authorizing the .sale of I50Q.O00 publlo -dock bonds wm because of ths :Smallnesa of the amount. r ' r i Friends of the plan to establish pub 11a docks are convinced fhat Mayor Sim on Is not fully Informed as to the neces, slty for the system.; They mention that when It was proposed, to Improve the " park system It was necessary to take Mayor Simon to another city. In order that he might be shown the practical : benefit of modern Improvement. . The representatives of the commercial Interests will urge upon 1 Mayor Blmon j. that If he vetoes the -ordinance passed by the council "Wednesday he will be .'' going counter to the will of the voters, and will, place Portland In the ranks of V non-progressive seaboard .cities .which '..11 in nrnvlrie for the rreatly Increased , traffic that will follow ths ppenlng of the Panama canal. , ' . . INSPECTOR AUTHORIZES :;k .MANY NEW BUILDINGS " The following sullding permits. have : 'been issued:. ... -!--'. - - v ' E. -H. Ingham Erect one-story frame 1 f' garage, East Fortieth., street, between ' Harold and Bristol; builder same; $100. ' Seld Beck Erect two-story frame dwelling. EaM Forty-fifth street. ; be 'V 'tween Washington and Stark; builder F. H. Brandes; $1800. , - '.-.' 1 V. I Cluck Erect one-story frame - dwelling, East Flanders street, between 'Fifty-ninth and Sixtieth; builder Ore V gon Building & Trust company 12000. 1 A. M. Krhart Ereot one-story frame '"':: dwelling. EaBt Forty-ninth street, cor- ncr Sandy road; builder same; 11800. : W. O. Fouch Erect one-story frame farago. East Fourteenth street between amhlll and Taylor; builder same; S20&. W. B. Stewart Erect two-story frame flats. Holladay avenue, between East . First and Occident; builder same; 17000. . A. R. Richardson Co. Erect frame . gravel bunkers. .Tract 70, between Fatton avenue and Albina; builder same; $200. ' W. II. Rlthllfsen Erect one-story frame - dwelling. Rodney avenue, be tween Bryant and Morgan; builder same, $1600. - o'Donnell -Erect two-story frame dwelling. East Taylor street, be tween Thirty-sixth and Tlilrty-seventh; builder S. P. McKee; $3000. ' - .-: , w ... fotim-Krert. onl and one-naiT lorV frame dwelling, East Fifty-third Street, oeiween on aw ana uuii, uu er same; $1600. . T. C. Wendland Erect ;, one-story frame dwelling, - East. Twenty-fourth street, between Franklyn and Powell; builder F. H. 'Woodman; $1800. ' 1 1 - J. W. Mason Erecf one-story- frame ' dwelling" Vanderbilt streer between Mftdge and Haven; $2800. . B. J. Rand Erect one-story frame dwelling. Lovejoy street, " between Mo "enni and Wall; builder V. 8. Walton; $1100." i ' "G.i B. Bowman Erect one-story frame dwelling. East Madleore street, between . ; Eighty-first and Eighty-second; builder M. Bausch; $1100. , ' Per ley B. Lent Erect one and one- half toir framed welling. Rodney ave i Hue. between Alberta , and Maeg?ey, builder same; $2000. - " Mrs, A. R. Tiffany Repair two-story frame dwelling, corner Beech and Mal Jory; builder Mr. Clausen; $100. t onn Folfree Erect one-story frame V dwelling.1 Bherey street, between. Foster and Powell; builder same; $1000. . . Liberty Coal A Ice Ca Erect iron roof, Front and Hfyt streets; builder eVrgeV Ross Erect three- one-story .Vfrsmt dwellings. East Thirty-second " street. otween Gladstone, and Cora, builder same; $1750 each $6J0. -- George A7 Ross Erect three one-story frame dwellings. Francis avenue - and i East'Thlrtieth; builder . same; ,; $1760 Oe7rU? 5& Ross Erect two one-story i frame dwellings. East Harrison street. between Forty-ell ghth. and Forty-ninth; bulldernsme; $1760 each-$3600. . -Northwest Door Co. Erect frame "shed waterfront between Albina and '"River; builder same; $800. v , Charles E. Lennon Erect one-story No Need of It When Booi! Ever Get CHOICE POT ROAST VEAL, STEW , MUTTON STEW 8c, 10c, 12c ; 8c, 10c t 8mM& : : . . SHOULDER ROAST JUICY BOILING BEEF ROAST OF VEAL V lOc 7c, 8c, 9c :: 10c, 12V2C loin of mutton ' 'i - 12vaCi ; k v DELICIOUS STEAK VEAL CUTLETS LEGSwQF MUTTON 10c, 12Vc, 15c 12Vc -: .1. Bo OUR SPECIAL BRAND OF LARD V 5'Ub. Poll 85o y , V lQLb. Pall gl7Q : 5.Lb.Pa)iComp6und65c lOLb. PaHCompound $1.25 Bacon 22c Hams ity 20c Picnics 15c JMSneMMeMSBSMWSS BB B STRICTLY FRESH O.Cp- r,n7en; - I i I 1 I . a IX ill J , h III Don't Forget the Number , rrarae dwelling, Est Forty-sixth street, between Clay and Market; builder Qoorgo A. Hubs; $1600, I J. Broil Krect one-story frame dwWllnir, Gladstone avenue, between East Thlrly-sevenih and Thirty-ninth; builder same; Ilkl5(). ' - 1 . K. R. Uoidapp Krect one-story frame dwelling. Marguerite between Division and Sherman streets; builder same; $2O0. - ' ' " ' ' ' 10. R. Ptttelkmi Erect two-story frame dwelling, Hawthorne avenue, bs t 1 . .. -J- ' 'i " ' Frank Eimiilieat 'Gfc FiailTINQ THE BEEF TRUST" . " 22 MARKETS AND ONE GROCERY WEST sTZX 02fl AldeC Bt. Ninth, near savls. Tweaty-first, near Johnson. Eleventh, near Montgomery. First, oorner Sheridan. Kosher Market, Sheridan, iMf Tinrt. Third and Jefferson, grocery and market 188 Gibbs St. ASTOKIA E76 Commercial St. . .- 883 Taylor Ave, ; EASIDB Bridge Street; - VVhen you come to Alder street, be" sure you get In the right place. Keep away from the Beef Trust. See that Smith's name and "Fight ing the Beef Trust" are over the door, and then youH know you're in the right place. , , r '"' " . , ; ' Go to Xny Smith Market for SmithV Norway Creamery Butter, full Weight Oregon . Butter 55c Roll It's the queen of the gJod things of the earth it's the best Table Butter you ever ate and it's so cheap that we wonder why anybody eats anything else when he or she can buy .Norway at only 55 Smith's Pot ' Roasts reduced to, Mb. .v. ,.io Smith' Hms or Half Hams 20 Smith's Bacon by the piece 224$ Smith's Compound, a. pure lard substitute ,,..13 Smith's Pure Lard 20 Smith's Porterhouse' Steaks, per lb... - ,18-20 Smith's Sirloin Beefsteak. , .15 Smith's Tenderloin Steak iv. 15 Smith's Round Steak 12-15 Smith's Shoulder Steak. 1.12 Corned Beef . . ; 8-10-12 Smith's Prime. Rib R6ast Beef, " per IK ......... .12-15 Smith's Mutton Stew ...... Smith's Beef Stew 8-10 All the above meats and the following groceries at Third and Jeffer son streets. Main 8751; Automatic A-4418. A; free basket with every good-sized order you carry home. ' , ' ' 17 lbs. Granulated Sugar K1.00 60 lbs. Hard Wheat Flour ...... .01.25 10 lb. sack Pastry Flour ....354 14 lb. sack Farina l 354 10 lb. sack Graham Flour ..,.... .354 10 lb. aok Corn Meal . ....... ...f. 254 Boneless Codfish, strips, per lb..., .104 S Norway Mackerel,. . ... .,.-... 2a4 No. 2 Lamp Burper, WJck and . Chimney .............. .154 lbs. Italian Prunes ........ ......254 7 Cans Sardines .254 1 2-oa. jar Beef Extract -....404 4 cans Milk 25 ? cans Salmon 254 204 lb. Brazilian Corree . S lbs. Domino Sugar ..............654 5 lbs. Sal Soda... .............. ...104 1 pkg. Best Corn Starch ............ 54 2 pkga. Best Olosa Starch .........154 1 qt. Ariiriciai iemon bxinuik,.. ..owe gal. saiaa uu ............... ..i.yu gal. Dill or Sour Pickles .........354 J ft int eweei i-icaies ... .. ....... ,.iur be. Macaroni 54 ONE THING AT A 'fa. COUNTRY CLUB " MILK 3 Large Cans 25c . 1 IN THE CITY OP PORTLAND ONLY V ' Guaranteed absolutely satisfactory or money back. ,. ,4 ' , We make this low price by selling direct to retail trade and eliminating' all middle profits. , ..'!': .' , ! "COUNTRY CLUB" the milk with natural flavor and color. You Can Buy Meat at These Prices Tomorrow; i SPECIAL, A nPH? MADf THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY: EVENING. MAY 13, 1010- 13 tween Twenty-fourlh and Twenty-fifth; builder G. west A Bon; $10.000. . , PREACHER PRESENTS- , , BIG BERRIED TO CLUB A crate of big, well ripened berries was presentsd to the Commercial club yesterday . by Rev. Hoirier 15, Pease of Hermlston. ;The berries were, picked at SAST UXDM ThlrtetBth and Tenlno Ave.,' BeUwoodU UUwankU Ave, near Trankfort St. ; jersey Street, St. Johns. . ' Thirty-third and Belmont, Snnnyslae. 618-614 Williams Ave. m Ea Bnrnslde, near Burnslde Bridge. ; Alberta Street, Alberta. Or and Ave near Hawthrne . Grand Ave., near Bast Horrlsom BV V91 Mississippi Ave. - Vnloa Ave, and Tillamook St. ,Vl Smith's Rib and Loin v Mutton Chops . 15 Smith's Legs pf Lamb 15 Smith's Plate Beef ....... m.v? Shanks of Beef . . ; .5 Smith's Pork Sausage .....15 Smith's VcalSausage . . .15 Smith's Veal Stew , .10-12j4 Smith's Shoulder. Veal -CutletSi lb 15 Smith's Loin and Rib Veal Cut- lets :.,18tf Smihs Shoulder Roast Veal, per, lb. 1352 f?-xs Smith's Alaska Halibut . . . .10 Columbia River Chinook Salmon, lb....: .15 Smith's Fresh Eggs ....... 25? S lb. Sagd or Tapioca ............Z5e S cans Pears, Corn or Tomatoes.. . .254 2 cans Apricots or Peaches ...... ... .254 2 cakes large Ivory Soap ,,. 154 2 cakes Bapollo .. ................ .154 7 cakes Smith's Soap............. .254 7 cakes Toilet Soap .............. .254 SRflO Matr.hea (Parlorl ............254 1600 Parlor Matches .............. 104 1 lb. Ohlr. Ground Chocolate .......304 2S os. can K. C Baking Powder... a04 4 gal. keg Pickles.. ....... ....... .954 1 bottle Worcestershire Sauce. ...... .154 1 pint BOttle Catsup ......104 1 pint bottle Ammonia. .......... ...104 1 pint bottle Blueing ....... 54 2 cans Shrimp ..:......... S cans Oysters ................ ,...25 2 cans Chloride of uni ......... . .25 I bottles. Vlnerar ...... 25 Almonds, per lb. .................. 184 English Walnuts, 2 lbs. 25 S lha..Tatpa ...... ................. .25 2 lbs. Dried Peaches ...... w 254 1 can fork ana feas ............. iu 100 lbs. Potatoes v .... .7 r54 REASONABLE PRICE snrvr 221 First St., Cor. Salmon Hermlston. Mar J, and Rev. Mr. Pease senalders them as, the first ripened Ore goo' berries. .- ,. t , ; ' We will have a bumper erop of ber ries and evnrrtblntf else we try to trow In Our vicinity,'! said Rev. Mr. Pease. PniCEQUAUTYQUANTITYSERVEHE-mNGOF--CASn 25c Doz. STRICTLY .FRESIJ Cereals 25-Pound Sack of Farint .i. .".80 10 pounds of Farina ....... ;,40 10 pounds of Cornmeal f 80 0 pounds'of Graham 2 ...' i. Are You Using Our . ' Coffee?," ' If not, you are the one who is missing the best of it-in quality, flavor and price. Grand Special, per lb. . .25 Grand Special, 4J tba. ;.fl.OO Monarch Coffee, ; per lb. Folger'a1 Amber Coffee today 20 One pound of 1 Loaf .Sugar free , with every pound. c. Extra Special Items BIG BEND BLUESTEM HARD Wheat Flour Bakes v all S better bread, per aack ... 1IU Per barrel '..f5.T5 GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED 1 sack Special Flour .i.'. 2 5 4 Sacks Special Flour ...... f 4.60 Pint Jar of Honey .... '.. . . . . .25e 9-POUND ? SACK OF ROLLED OATS FOR ......SB 12 boxes of Shoe Blacking . ,".25 4 lbs. Dried Peaches ......... 2S '$ lbs. Broken Macaroni ..... 25e . 7 cans Sardines .......... .'. .25 . 13 bars Soap 25 A full IO-lb. fail rure woney 1 gal.-Syrup, extra good ..,..45 All Spices, per can ........... .8 3 packages of Noodles ., 25 3 packages of Macaroni,.... 25 3 packages of Mince Meat ...25 Crosse & Blackwcll s 7 Cr niivp Oil Quart I 3v 1 BAY CITY PAUL R. Fourth and YamhM Sts. ' , , SATURDAY " . . PURE LARD 10-lb. pail Lard. . . . . .. . . .?1.45 6-lb: pail Lard ...75 " 3-lb. pail Lard.V. 45 50-lb. can I, a rd 97,50 ,r COMPOUND 5-lb. pail .........55 10-lb. pail . . '.$1.05 50 lbs. Compound .$5.00 I ii in i ii i in ii ; i in in . , . . -Get Your Surfdav Meat from : F A IR C H I E D ! The Little Wholesale Butcher :;.i 209 WASHINGTON ST. (Public Market; between Front and First) ; SDecials for Saturday Hind quarters of Mutton 12 Fore quarters of Mutton..,.. 8 Boiling Jseet ............. isou Jrnmc ruu-rvoast.. Beef Pot Roast... 105 lb. pail Compound.... Hamburger Steak 10f Fork bausage, Z ids.. iSDf onouiaer oieax, id -Veal Roast, ..,.;..12t 15 vVf ; FRESH DRESSED CHICKENS 25c LB. SKAMOKAWA BUTTER NOTHING BETTER . 65c Roll FRESH RANCH EGGS 25c Dozen Chinook salmon, lb., 15 Halibut, lb. 10 Crabs, hrimps. Gams. r COLUMBIA FISH CO. , Third and Anieny sts. Main 5. " - A-5SS5 "Irritation Is dolp wonders In our country and the population Is increasing rapidly.". i t . ' .;: ; ; . . t 1 11 1 " Jealous Husband Shoots Interloper. Sonora, Cal., May IS. Thomas Laird, V t?r ORIGINAL jjgSCASH STORE Pacific M. 5700 PHONKS Home A-1412 NOW IS THE TIME , . : If everfor the immediate forming of a cash-buying, habit-r-for stable supplies the saving as against, credit i purchasing-r-is of far greater magnitude thaff one imag inesunless the facts are well known. Very ftw can really afford the Iuxury'of a credit grocery account in ' Portland! It's a costly indulgence and whenever there is a tendency to higher, prices ,in the food supplies of the world the credit buyer usually has to bear, the big end of thd added burden. Buy for cash and you will; always profit by a lower price for better quality, in greater quantity. " . .T . . . . ; SPECIAL ' ' PICNIC HAMS, PER POUND. .15 COTTAGE HAMS, PER POUND 17M EASTERN HA1V5S, PER POUND..::.. ...20 5 POUNDS OF LARD COMPOUND ..65 10 POUNDS OF LARD COMPOUND ........ $1,25 . ; .MEATS ; MEATS Beef Stew . . . . . ..... Veal Chops 15 Pot Roasts.' 10 Veal Shoulder ...;.14 Shoulder Steaks ..:.:10 Veal Roast, .'...'...:.15t? Round Steak . . . . .12$f Glutton Chops , . .12. Sirloin Steak, lb. . .12 Mutton Stew, . .8 Bacon, per lb. ... . ..C22 Mutton Shoulder . ;;.10, Veal Stew 10 Mutton Legs . . 12 free Basket With Each $2 0r3er Taken Home-No Sugar mum SPATH . . ' Phones Main 830. A-2830 SPECIALS SUGAR-CURED HAMS Sugar-Cured Hams, per lb.. . 20 Sugar-Cured Bacon, per lb.. .25 ALL KINDS SAUSAGE Veal Sausage 15 Frankfurters 1 . . , . 12ja? Bologna . '. . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Liver Sausage . .... ... . . . . . 8 Round Steak, 2 lbs..".;. Sirloin Steak, 2 lbs...... ...25 ...154 ...60 Mutton Chops, 2 lbs.... . . .25 ...10 BEST CREAMERY BUTTER ; EGGS 25 JD0ZE5 Best Ham 19c Pound Good Creamery ".. Dairy Butter .... Bacons .... . . . ....... ....85 so ...... 20-22 ...... ....60 Compound Best Lard 85 Wisconsin Swisa CbM...25f-30 Fell Cream .204 Half Cream . . . 15 Cream Brick .....20e Llmbarsex ...35 S,TTRDAT IS OTR OITCKEX DAY ' '( . '- - i ; La. Gran Je Creamery . r.rrYrr,s; thikt At) roi r.Tii 6Dg a miner, shot twice by Jack Whlteford, Is In a critical condition., Whlteford concealed, himself in a room in a hotel and from a window shot Laird as he was passing. One bullet entered Laird's left thigh and another , his right leg. 349-351 OAK STREET, , -348-350 ANKENY STREET ; v , Phones Main 2596 A-2598 ; .' SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY OHLY Sugar 47 lbs. $1.00 Best Creamery Butter . , .60 Our Fancy Paten t Rose City ' Flour, per'sack ....... .1.50 Good Family Flour, sack.?1.30 1 sack good Potatoes'....... 75 8 lbs. good Prunes , . . . , . . . " . 25 3 lbs. Dry. Peaches . .V,. .'. ..25 4 pkgs. Table Salt .... . .25 1 lb. Fellows' Special Blend Cof fee . .15 1 lbl-Creen or Black Tea. . , .25 12 bars Laundry S6ap. .... .25fJ 7 bars Golden Star Soap. ,'. . 25t 7 bars Beat 'Em All Soap. . .25 3 cans Lye ................ 25 1 large pkg. Pearline 20 DONT FORGET THE PlCE BlifJiitheSteffof Life I: I; r r-.y. ssyi 13m 1 iECuEini THEOXLltS ofmci: c:i a; Whlteford. who was arretl by fu.r Sweeney, declared Laird had b-n pi Ing attentions to Mrs. Whlteford, ''"A "federation-of 00 miners was ri cently effected In Wyoming, ;;IBiLiititiep 60c Per'2Lb.DoIl Special-50 lbs. Lard Comp- ; pound .... : ,. '.ii, '". ... f Golden Grain Granules,, pkg.. .20 Baker's Cocoa ... : ..20 3 cans Apples f,i t';Vi'v iV'..25 Half skim Cheese, per jb... ..15 6 cans Carnation Milk for; ;55 7 bars of King's Naptha V.V.m25 3 bottles Mustard' 'v.I'ii . t'f .25 8 Ibs French Prunes 1 , .. r. ... 25 I lb. Full Cream Cheese . v . .20 1 don cans Oysters f. .05 3 pacfiages of JcU-0....,.....25 Seeded Raisins, per package... 5 ARM ft HAMMER SODA ...G 3 cans of Country Club, Western Holly or Pioneer Milk for ..25 Granulated Sugar 17 POUNDS FOR f 0 PER SACK ,f 5.05 8 rolls of Toilet Paper ....v. .25 8 bars D. C. Soap .....25 1600 Matches for ,.,...10 Quart bottle of Chowchowri-. .25 Vegetables Some Extra Nice and Fresh. Green W Vegetables for Saturday. , Gooseberries, per lb.... 10 Fancy White Bermuda Onions, per lb ..4... 5 New Potatoes .....,...... Lar'ge Head Lettuce, 3 for ...10 6 lbs. Telephone Peas ...25 Hothouse Lettuce; 3 for ...... 10 Rhubarb, 3 lbs.' for 10 3 bunches of Onions ............5 2 bunches of new Turnips ..'.,. .5 Potatoes; sack' I, ... 1.75 3 cans Corn, Peas or Tomatoes for . .' .235 3 cans String Beans .... ... .25 3 cans Oysters ........ .,..25. 3 cans Salmon ....... .... 25 3 cans Pioneer Milk . . ... , . .25 4 cans Economy Milk ...... 25 7 cans American Sardines... 25 1 lb. Baker's Cocoa 20 1 lb. can Ghirardelli's Chocolate for 30 1 gal. pail goodTable Syrup. 45c 2 lbs. Corn or Gloss Starch. .15 2 lbs. A. and H. Soda ..15 1 bottle Bluing .s 5 1 lb. Pure Black Pepper ....23 1 bottle Lemon Extract.... ,.5c 1 bottle Vanilla "Extract...... 5 X large box Macaroni 45 1 can Eagle Milk ...15 - OAK STn Bet. 7TH and PARK ' AND . REQUIRES DALLES DIAMOND OR LIBERTYBELL -FLOUR To mike a superior art'.!;. . . " . Manufactured ty n