THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING. HAY Jg. on rnnATrnn ' P UlibJ PllOJEC GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY OFFICIALS TOUR CENTRAL OREGON btLLOilUL UUniliil reaaiY fil'hiiced Eastern Capitalists' Will Jnv gate e00,GC0 Acres' in ( , v Southern Idaho. OFEASliltiOltY -J - Clarkston Will Welcome .Men Who Bring Two Million Five ' Hundred Thousand. , Townspeople ana rarmui jum In Celebrating Coming of X Transportation. . ".."' '4 ... " f :'v.".. i:.. v v .: T - Madras. Or.. My 11. Tha coming of . ..... ii Tim riin nf the Oreat Northern railway, to central Oregon was made the occasion for something of celebration of the passing of old condition.- At Madras everybody took a half holiday bualness houses closing and farmer from a large area coming to town to hear the good newa. of coming transportation. ;-'-'' -..' ; ' Appreciating the - efforts made by country women who with their children, came many miles o see him. Mr. H1U paid his respect to the Oregon family In no uncertain term. One fond grand mother In showing her grandchildren to him said. "Mr. Hill, have you seen any prettier babies than theser Mr. Hill re plied: "I have some Just like them, at home four little ones. The only un pleasant phase of my trip ta that I ca not bring my family with me. ' ; r Koom for Two oad. President Hill. In the public meeUng. was charitable regarding the competi tive Deschutes railroad, building Into central Oregon. One of the speakers preceding him said that the Harrlnvan road would not be needed since the Ore gon Trunk was coming, as that line would fill the needs of the country. As if deprecating such n expression, mr. Hill, In the course of his remarks, said: "You people will not get too many all roads." ' ' - " "iy.-.'-y-? ';':'.,: . Weather XdaaL Weather was exceptionally pleasant during Mr. Hill's stay. In Madras. The rains of i few days previous gave the air a freshness and exhilarating effect which will give President Hill a most favorable impression of Oregon's Inland empire. - - William Hani y, the big land owner and pioneer stockman of Harney, who is looking out for the welfare of the Hill party In the tour of, central Oregon, is losing no. opportunity for showing the noted travelers the country's great re sources with lta magnificent prospects of being a populous and .fruitful em pire. . WASHINGTON FARMER , ' HAS BIG FISH POND 'V'?- '-'V- i i i v ' ' i (Fperlnl Dlapnfa-h to The Journal.) Goldendale, Wash., May 11. Jesse Scammoh Is building one of the largest private fish preserves' In the state. The dam will be six feet thick and 200 feet across, making a lake of 1 acres, and the depth at lta deepest part will be 28 feet.' The rock work, it Is expected, will be completed by June 15. In - a temporary, retaining" pond Mr. Scammon has 80,000 young trout hatched last year. In addition to these Mr. Scammon has about tO.OOO native trout secured1 last year and this spring. Ap plication has been made to the govern ment for 100.000 more trout.. -; Oil Well 26SO Feet Deep. pecll DlBpurch 'to Tbe Jnrol. Ontario. Or., May 11 Work Is pro pressing on the Ontario off well rapidly. It has now attained a depth of 8R80 feet, the deepest oil or gas well in the west, outside of the California oil fields. A sir Inch casing has been put In to the bottom. The drill Is now in a shale formation which grows harder ? with depth. This is considered a very prom ising Indication by experienced oil men. The oil indications are growing better dally. Eeavti!ul Hair Cones : With Dry Shampooing From Woman's National Journal.) Dry shampooing always has been and alwaya will be popular with the woman who takes pride- In long, abundant and glossy hair. : The dry shampoo does away with so much of the inconvenience and bother accompanying "washing -the hair-eliminates the long drying hours and abolishes the danger of catching cold Indeed, la SO: all-around satisfac tory, that one wondera why soap and water, eggs, etc.', can find any followers whatever, ' . v'V - "- Pry shamrpoos certainly stimulate the growth of hair. There can be no doubt as to thaO Just-mix fou- ounces 'of powdered orris root with four ounces of thero. sprinkle a lablespoonful of this mixture upiSn the head, brush the powder well through-the hair; do this two or three times a week for a while nil BCW XIIC I CBU I 1UI J 1 " . i . lino will keep your hair light and fluffy, and beautifully lustrous. It corrects the conditions of the scalp that causa hair to become streaked, ; dull colorless, coarse and brittle. , ' - AGE NO BAR Everybody in Portland; Is ':; Elicible Old people stooped with auf ferlng.- fc" ; " Middle age, courageously fighting, ' Youth protesting Impatiently; Children, unable ta explain; AU In misery from their kidneys. " ' Only a little backache first. . Cornea when you catch a cold. orwbu rou strain the back. " ' Many complications follow. " ' -'.'. Urinary disorders, diabete. Bright's -, . , ioan's Kidney Pills cor backache. ' Cure every form of kidney ilia. - .. Mrs. A. S. Cummlnn, 214 Clackamaa iret. Portland. Or, saysr The pub lic u''ment I gara In 10J. recom rrndi:iir Poan's Kidney Fills, still holds rrxi. This remedy relieved me a that time ef a revere attack of kidney and r : Uer trouM. I still take Ctoan's Kld- rer Pi:iS oort siona'lv and find that t-er prevrt a! -? disorders to which ;rly fn'ks are Other mem bra rf fj t'l'y l.i slM received frt r-'Tf't fr- n V---"-' KM'tff Pi! la." TfT ' lr '' '-ts- . rri 19 ,-'. Foter-i: jm Co, Bjff'.. rw Tc sale aj'-r.'s f:-r ih Yri'ti r,-,vr - tY ri e fl'--'"s iri mi f f DRILLERS Oil Tests of Oil Welis:in Vale Dis trict Will Be Made at an r , . Early Date, j 1 ' ' ftlllAH tt th TattArt1 rvATI well ill the Vsle oil fields have ceased1 opera tions, as tney arw convinuBu mm nicy have a. flow of oil In commercial qaun- H.iao n., rA,f effriiltv In thin asi in an other wells in the Vale district Is to control the flow of water xne- wen has been cased, 'and as soon , as the requisite pumping outfit' can be In stalled? It Is to be , emptied of water, that the drillers may be able to deter mine ih, ftflW Af nit. . r'-' T. W. 'Davidson of Vale, -ona of the heaviest owners in the- eastern Oregon eompany,,ws in jfoniana t lant wem h.i.Hnjr Mimnlntr . rtlflnt, which will be imed In drawing off the water from the easterri Oregon well. , ' "On account of the Tine riowoi on In iha eastern OreRoh-," wa have decided to go no deeper for the present," said Mr. Davidson, "but will install a pumping plant and iraw off the water. Then we tii Min-t flow of oil In the well. That we have oil In a number-of the Vale wells there is no aouoi, una every Indication points to a commercial flow in several of the deeper, wells In Hie uiniiitu. , . "An "immense amount of development work la-in progress m me wnir jiiM.lni nnntlniierl Mr. David son. - "I never aw; that section of the aute enjoying such prosperity as k n now. Railroad . development, irrigation work and the seeming assurances that oil has been struck In northern Malheur county has given a tremendous Impetus to the whole of eastern Oregon. v? . .1. An hprn are elent or ten of those big drilling outfits at work. Several or tne weusi nearly J000 feet. . BUILD ROADWAY TO . JOSEPHINE'S CAVES . ' (Pplnl t)lPt-h to Tba anrnl. Grahts Pass. Or.. May 11. Ta make more pleasant the trip to the cavea tma summer the great limestone labyrinths, of Grayback mountain, known aa "Ore-, gon's Marble Halls," will be put in shape to recelvs visitors at an early date. These cavea are said to be the largest marble halls In the world, and every year are Visited by tourists from all sections of the United States. Form erly the cavea were controlled by pri vate Individuals, but are now within tne dmflnes of the Bfsklyou foreBt re serve, and much the same as a national park.. They will ba protected and cared for by rangers of the forest service, in faeU one of the main camps of the rangers is near the entrance to the labyrinths. - ; .v " Thousands of people would visit Jhe eaves but for- the . hard Journey. Lo cated 6S miles south of Grants Pass and -with the last 22 mllea of the dls Unce covered only by a narrow, rough and tortuous mountain trail, the, trip to the marble halls Is anything but pleasant, and can only be made by the aid of pack animals. The government, through its appropriations for such purposes, will construct a road to the cavea from th main highway at Wll llama valley, and will provide suitable shelter at the caves. Being situated In the- heart of the forest and well up on the Slsktyoua. the "entrance to the caves Is an Ideal spot for camping, with an aoundance of big game close at hand. "Oregon's Marble Halls," with their endless caverns of white limestone, will no doubt be visltpd by a far greater number of people this Summer than ever .i onntnnrttnn With the for- st service officials, the Grants Psss Commercial club is gvving - hi bhiv ance1 toward popularising the wonder ful cavea and making them eaaier of FIRST ALFALFA CROP' GIVES HEAVY YIELD (KpwIO Pt.ptri U The Jwrwt Hermiaton. Or, May il Harvest of the first crop of alfalfa la on here. All indications point to a heavy yield and aa there Is a good demand for the hey. no trouble will be had in disposing of the crop. AS sooh ss this cutting is out of the way water will be turned on and the ecnd growth started. If rowing weather continues aa late aa usoaJ ffcls fall It la quite postble four, crops will be secured, which' would pay big inter est on land valued much higher than here. ' .' ' Will Tluild School. rallas. Or, May U. The DslUs school directors will accept vians for the $40. aoi acbeol building next batur iy. A a!te will b selected within the next few days. Building at KlaaflHd. StacfVld. -fyr.. txy 1 1 Webster . ft Evrs have trun cnf truction of a two-story concrete bulM'.na 1 Cv ava nn. Tt building wl'.l be 0x7 feet. On Mrte, of Hit m11a at an arer sr ef -4 mi,e m dr, a P..iiaf cel-y r;'ur -.t h-!t six ro,J"'!. while Mi hPTm cn.'y i man plaht Jl'."" U President Liils W. Hill SCENE IN VALE OIL FIELDS ' ' y . i - . 1 e - , -k i - ( : i i i ' . , . . . '- -j - illillliliP iMi.4liWBHi' f t ' ' ! 1 - i ' . . ' ? ! 4 1 - J' f I'' : ' V;.:;.:-?.::'-: i1. 1 i : 1 ... : Si . 'l Nt -v . U i, yv ,V '"- " C- -f 'e rJM- .Drilling outfit at the Eastern USE 1 ,250,000 FEET; LUMBER l Orchard' Lands to Be Watered by Expensive System'ef . ; Canals. - (Special Plspatch'to Tba Joomnl.k Weiser, Idaho. , May 11. A fluma sev en miles in length and requiring the tise of 1,250,000 fee? of lumber is be-, ing built to i carry, water to wtha Meaa orchards.. ' - . - " Off the 8000 acres .in -the1 project, 000 will be devoted to apple orchards and. 2000 to grapea, cherrlea, prunes, plumes and such gardening' aa will be required . to supply, vegetables to. the tract holders. ' Ample1 water supply waa near at hand. The Middle tfork of the Welaer river waa within seven miles, but settlers had filed on most -of the water aupply. To meet the conditions a supply reser voir to furnish water to the Weiser river la lieu of what, would be taken from the Middle fork, waa built 80 miles distant - Thia acoompliahed, the Mid dle fork -was available for irrigation purposes and from which a water .sup ply could be obtained. Here a diversion dam has been built of concrete and steel and a flume seven miles in length la tinder construction from which 25 mllea of lateral will distribute water to the orchards. In the plana a small townalte has been located on a most beautiful com- tnandlng knoll, where orchard tract holders and no else, may secure lots for home building; here, too, will be lo cated a packing house and cold atorage warehouse, r rom tne tawnsite to tne various districts of the orchard, elec tric tramways hare been provided for, aad from the power generated, which spproxlmatea J0.00O horsepower, electrio lights will be provided every home, like wise a complete city water system tj every house. - N Masons to Balk Temple. Psrette, Idaho. May 11. Negotiations are pending for the construction of a Covey Seven t FLUME .... i . . i "V i and party at Madras. Oregon Oil company' -well three-story building 0xl45 feet In szh which the Masons are contemplating erecting on their property at the cor ner of Boise and. Main streets. At a meeting of the lodge next Tuesday even ing the details will be finally , passed upon, ,. , :.,---- - REPLACE OLD FERRY ; ' -: ; .' BY STEEL BRIDGE (Special DUpatctr to Tba Journal.) : vRoseburg. Or May 11. Sixty years ago a ferry was established on , the- Umpqua - at the r point now ' known as Dimmlck'i Ferry, add for more than a half ' century , the " travel to the coast from Inland points via Elkton and Bcottsburg road has been ferried over the river at this crossing. ; i Of late years the traffic has Increased ma terially and as the ferry is really dan gerous in the winter when the river is swollen, a large - signed 5 petition has been presented . ta the county court asking that a steel bridge replace the old ferry.: PLANT 1000 ACRES " J , TO SUGAR BEETS - " - (Special Dtioavcb te The JoonuLt Cahibrldge. Idaho, May 11. One thou aand acrea of land adjoining Cambridge are being seeded to augar beets by the Utah-Idaho Sugar company for Its sugar factory at Nampa. The compatiy con fidently expects to produce from this acreage at least 15,000 tohs of augar beeta. Counting -40 tons per car it Is seen thst these 1000 acres will yield at leaat t?8 cars of sugar beets, which with l cars per train load, will mean over 18 train load a of sugar beets to be hauled to Nampa from Cambridge. NEHALEM OIL WELL STANDS FIRE TEST iSperltl rHpfh to Tb Jmirml l Kehalem, Or., May 11. All doubt of the success of the oil well Is vanishing sa the drill goea down. At a depth of 5d$ feitf the ball Is bringing tip a chocolate colored product that gathera In the- bottom of the bailer, and Is thrown from It by gaa that Seems to be Fathered with the mud and wsrtrr A tire test was spplled Monday when the tnn of the- bailer burned a blase three fetT high and as the water was forced by the s out over the side of the bailer, the bias ran down its side near ly to the floor of the derrick. niolor Car Co. h zzl Cczcb STrccU r rWrff Am j 1 e . 4 1 I 'v-;,'.. f' PRIZE FOR J. J HILL Gilmbre & Pittsburg Surveyors Likely to Run One to .North '" Bank Connection. ,. V' ; Special PI'oatcb to The Joariiil. i i Lewiston. Idaho; May 11. Gtlmore A Pittsburg surveyors have run their lines down" the Snake river ss rapidly as pos sible. They ha,ve. been working from their location at C?sh creek bar on the Snake river, going towards Lewlston on the north bank. This part of the sur vey will be completed within two weeks. It is surmised that the survey will be continued down the Snake river to Pasco. . - - It is stated on good authority that the Harrlman Interests will, build rail roads , In' the Lewiston country this year. A" survey .will be made down Joseph xsreek and also ; from Swamp creek, finally reaching - the : Grande Rondo river and " coming out on the Snake "river, At some point between h. the iunctlon point on the Elgin extension wlll .be located, as the converging lines 1 must meet In that vicinity. - It Is stated positively that the Gll more & Pittsburg blue prints sbow .that this line runs from Salmon City to Reno'a ranch, on- Birch creek. In Fre mont county: that the survey runn-from Salmon City to Bquaw cree,.a west of the, town .of Clayton, , up the Salmon river; that the survey runs down the'Salmon river fVAm Salmon Clty to the "Snake Vtver,1 and down the Snake rlvef from the mouth of . the Salmon rlver'to Lewiston; that the survey funs from Lewhston In two lines to connect with the "North Bank" road and . the Idaho Northern. , , " The completion of the Panama can al In 1915 will Just about, coincide with the building of this new part of the Hill system. This probably means that, the transcontinental traffic from he Pa cific coast will be hauled on a straight line from the ports to the Northern Pa cific and Great Northern . connections. BUSINESS BUILDINGS ' . 4 RISE AT ONTARIO Ontario, Or- May 11. Among the best buildings being erected in Ontario Is the five-story hotel. The building Is of pressed brick.- with 80 guest rooms. T. H. Mofre Is erecting a three-story brick blQfiJt. This building Is to be of brick with a frontage of 75 "feet.. The three- lower- rooms will be for business purposes, while the second and , third atnrlea will be fitted up for offices. Mr. Moore- ! also erecting a modern build-. ing near the postoffice. jTnis structure for the present will be tmt oa story in heightt :-.-"-.-'- '-', ' -,; - i" -;r" f- The Boyer brick is practically com pleted. This building is 115x120 Jeet In size and contalna four stora rooma. Two of the rooms rwlll bo occupied, by the Boyer Mercantile company.- ',' 1 ' Palace Hotel - Company ;, ' . Presents the -, PALACE HOTEL ' In it a entirely new JR. 000,000 ' fire proof .building. . rebuilt since th fire, and .tha . - FAIRMONT HOTEL -j . -- . . ''in Its'Supefb Situation. As " superior examples ht modern hotel building , snd hotel keeping. . SV3U)WEAH ritAlT OlOiT Rates from S.!0 per day upwards. 9an Froncisco - ICEUEIV TI:c Jnco':3-Slinc Co. Larfft T.n'ry Operators ci the Tacific Cc-5t Ccr. HI Ji sn1 Mlzr Sfrcels SHAKEfHvTRPASS ' (Special PUfwtib to Tbe Journal.) r-M.,-1,...., vv.h. Mav.ll. To oele- hr.i. fh. invontme'nt of 12.500.000 of eastern money In Clarkaton a barbecue is to be given here June . pvci Trrfsk & Co., cL New- York, recently bought the. holdings of t the Lewlston ClarKston company,' and 'a reception to the capitalists, will be giyn, . Tons of cherrlea. .will be given away to vlsltois and some of .the best known publlo nen'ln tha states jwf.Iduho and Washington will De. presvuv -v iA t,.in mMke tha event a . . The streets and busl- uess houses will be profusely decoratej with the blue and yollow. which havfl been aelected as the colora for the day. ' Many distinguished guests will be in Clarkston on that day, and arrange ments have been completed to have 10 orators deliver addresses. Among those who will speak are: Governor M. E. Hay of Washington: Governor J. ,11. Brady of Iadho; Honorable John ,I W - son. -editor-bi. t" gencer; Judge Thomas Burktf of Seat-tie- T P. nockwell of . Olympla, ! state : ' " r of WnfthliiKton: Hon- orable James E. Babb of Lewlsfon. M1- . at v 1 aT m r e-l 1 n OT1 T 11am Goodyear oi i.imn, .F.v.-.-. newspaper man In the pa louse section. It la practlcalls , assured that three banda will be Inattendance. . , , it seerrw Impossible for congresa to remember the Maine. - . , ? Brinq Into .. .... a . -r if Will vo i havo W At vJl r vitality'BO greax, auu w.-o- .... . ... VU ' -..nt, ..rintr this period. - ' - ' on your own -..-T:feiTcinLc l - ' aifQ insuring vigoiuun siExrc Oritr a dottn lottJu from ' your heal druggist. J' 1 -Intitt u$onrt biing Paht , OREGON THE IMPERIAL i .Oregon's Greatest Hotel : , r , 350 ROOMS. ' 104 SUITES. With Private Bath NEW FIREPROOF BUILDING - MODERATE. RATES ' ; , PHIL METSCHAN & SONS. Prop. THIS PORTLAND PORTLAND. 08. tl.-fftLAUaJ Btifopeaa Plaa Modera 'jgstaarant. COoT OITX HtLUOBT DOUAU THiL CO RKE.LIUS "The House ot Welcome" " CORNER PARK AND ALDER STREETS ; . , - .... f . ; ; -.-!- Single $U0 and up. Double $2 and up. . 'Our omnibui , t . .. ' i . ' . meets all trains, . . -. ' r ; . . Portland's Newest and Most Up-to-Date Hotel C. W; CORNELIUS Proprietor i ., :' CORNER SEVENTH . iPortland's New and Modern Hotel. Kates $1 per ' ' 'Day and Up European Plan ' . t WRIGHT-DICKINSON HOTEL CO., Props. THE HEW Vtie 19C9. Hot and COR. , i I. - JPimcin! Plpnlrli to 111 Jonrnal.f - -.Boise..- Idaho. May Jl. Word has reached Iiolse that tho - Bruneau proj ect, 600,000 ''acres, also known as , the west end Twin Falls extension,, has been, financed by Frank II. Buhl, Archie Mll-n-r, son -of the late S. B.- Milner, and others who have become associated with them: In this tremendously . Important Carey act undertaking, the estimated cost Oi wnicn is aji,iniiluv. .. The financing, of the enterprise" has j been turned over to the Publlo Secur- 7 Itlos company of New Jerspy,-which Is ' understood to have been organised by Mr. Buhl for the; purpose.- An - an nouncement Issued by the PublU Se curities company mentions the finan ciers interested. It is stated Boise, will be the headquarters of this project, , ' Library Building at Bend. - ; . ; ' (Special Plftpatch to The JournnL) Bend, Or., May 11. The Bend Town- site company will erect a building for . the local library. The new library building will probably be 20x40 feet., The main room .will be about SO feet long and there a smaller room at the rear for. storing, fuel and for packing. . . .,'.-.' - - f i -v.- ..; ? v;t w. - , ; ' Canning Asparagus. Eugene. Or.,' May 11. George A." or ris has 14 people at work at his cannery putting- up asparagus. The crew is preserving about a ton each day.. i strong- "healthy . children the wor7J, - 4 4 , ; . , unaerjo wo "-"-t. " ' 'w-"': ' " n- j- JXit' -. HOTELS m at 9D -iS (fit BIB :i l Haadqnartsrs' tot Tourists aad Com mercial Travelers. Special rates made to families and single gentlemen. The - management will ba pleased at all times to show rooms .and . glva prices. A modern Turkish bath tabllshment la to hotel. B. C. Bowers, atgr. - r it E. FLETCHER Manager asasaasBBWBjaj AND STARK STREETS V. CORNER TENTH AND ALDER ieadinft totel of Portland, opened July. Morfcrn m every dctai!, furnished in mm t ."' 1 , , ...I, ii I ' , I, -i hi in'-. "'I. '- i T 1 . I. M ... . m - .... - j ii .. 1 - , aa f " SEWARD eleeance. Most beautiful corner lobby in Northwest. ComTrod.ct' samp' room. turopean plan. Kites jl.iJ and up. meets til train. I w. m. ctwam, : Bus Cold Water Long Distance Fbona v IX irVKKY r.CK)M . t nox i t- . s THIRD AND MAIN STS. 7:ZuK':T HATES S1.C3 L UP r