The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 09, 1910, Page 4, Image 4

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imcraioF .
; iioraEiHP
to preach the sermon
of this beautiful church
western border of our great country, la
thia noble and goodly city. Tou have
i dona fh cauaa of liberal Chrtetlanlty
distinguished aervloa in the building
or una temple, and I predict for you a
vary prosperous future in tha food and
glorious work in which you ra en
gaged. .
f'l bring you -tha hearty eongratula-
tlona ef our whole Ztou. and pray for
at th dedication (him, to learn ef tha gentle ahepherd,
rch" here on-thefwh called them hla 'lambs,' took them
In hla arm a and blessd them, and thu
they bo nurtured In all that la generous.
sweet and beautiful In life and charac
ter. Thualt la certain that thia Church
of tha Good Tiding a aa It works through
tha yaara ahall ba a aourca of meeaure-
leea rood to thia neighborhood and to
your raat and goodly lty.'V ;
filfl "01 If 111
. i ii '.t
for men of tha country to take a bolder
atand against political, commercial ana
octal onemJeS of tha time. A sleepy
Chrlatlan may ba tolerated but seldom
uaedi. Tha man of tha hour must be
live on . " ,
:. 'A major general bt our army; not
il ' yeara of .age, baa been pronounced
dead by one' of tha Inauranca companlea
of tha seat Tha Inauranca policy la
paid off and cancelled. A big rubber
tamp haa put "Dead" In red letter! on
tha policy sheet, and ao far aa tha com
tlat going on before and biasing tha
path through tha wild erne, which th
rellgloua progrees of tha ag haa af tar-
warn fnl narail Th ntnrMi In
Hau A P HertPV ftf Kntri. MC. I nrloue thought which haa been a
J .. " I marked feature of the last BO yeara.
' in Mouln ail been In th direction of our
T I caw l to ywiiiuu mi rllf taken Doaltiona. Tour rellgloua
liberal In any evangelical church la
more or leaa openly avowed Universalis!
anditho mora liberal' ha la, the mor
aoceptabl and popular ha become In
ma own church.. It la not Unlversaiism
that men objeot to but th name.''.
ketoaed Condition. ,.
. Dr. . Herver then aketched tha condh
Uons which, the Universal! st faith baa
combated and ' won ; th , victory over.
and continued: -' . .
"The meaning of life to Involved tn
:.7.7t Sch'b Biding, to uo cootin-IRev. J. Allen Leas Takes Text w ZT.Tcn?tumllr
A little girl on finding her mother'
ChurclrVof-; Universalists;
Predicts Bright Future. .
Every red Utter day observed by the
Tnlverealists of Portland la favored by
exceptionally flna weather condition,
yesterday, the happy occasion of their
ocaicauon 01 tn "u":;"""u'"? tha question. 'Are we children of Oodr
wa again maraeo. dy wwu-i. " Tha tn---.a. .!. TTnlv.r.allat church !.....' ,.-
In Tabernacle. ,
Seldom in th history of Portland
have euch aoenca been wltneeaed In
rellgloua awakening aa In th Hart and
Magann tabernacle at Hawthorne Park
at th two services yesterday. Dr. Hart
delevered a aoul searching tneaaag
from Eseklel ;17-1. "Son of man I
have mad the a watchman unt tha
at my
from me. When I say unto th wicked
Thou shalt aurely die,1 and thou glv
eat not warning, nor apeakeat to warn
th wicked from hla wicked way, to
aav hla Ufa, tha aam wicked man ahall
die In hla Iniquity: but hi blood will
I require ; at thin hand. Tet.lf thou
warn the wicked, and he 4urn not from
From Judges vii:7 for Sun-:;y--:
day Sermon.
"Tha Man of th Hour" wai tha aub-
ojtratrthVahaVr wSS j "on delivered by
mouth, and give them warning1 1 A,1B St Jam' Luther
an church laat . evening. . He toeii hla
text, from Judges vll:7, "And th Cord
said unto Gideon, by th three hundred
men that I&pped will I aave and deliver
th Mldranlua." Mr. Leas aald In part:
"Thee 800 were th minute men 'of
Gideon's army. Thev war men who
fought for him th battles of tha LordM
and who won for him a moat glorloue
church letter In an old trunk came run'
nlng to her mother excitedly calling.
Oh! .mammal mamma! I have found
your religion in th trunk.
."Th man of th hour muat b steady,
reliable, kot spaamodlo, always abound'
Ing In tha work of th Lord. , You re
member th old painting, a lad standing
on th bank of a stream-holding a fish
lng rod and Una and a great, strong,
weatherbeaten fisherman . standing by
th lad and with on hand-over hi
shoulder la steadying, for him, the
bending rod. ' Under th picture are
these words: 'Steady, , Johnny, steady.'
Gideon's Army Tearless.
"God Almighty Is willing td atand
by th worker, If he Is willing, and keep
Is that God Is th universal father.
Untveraalisnt declares that a defeated
God is no God at all. ' This church does
not us words to conceal thought; but
It deans what It says and says what
It means. When It speaks of God's jus-
tic It means Justice the thing that la
right ana fair " not som theological
riction. v
"When It speaks of th mercy of God
it means real mercy, not a purchaaed
favor, bought with the blood of Chrlet
That 'gentle, sweet gift of compassion
and pity whloh' only th strong can
Show th - weak.
"When we apeak of th lov of God
w mean lov in its truest meaning, not
Th message closed with an Invi
tation to mothers, fathers, brothers and
sisters and others who hav loved ena
unsaved to' eoma to the front Th
mother went forward 'first In great
throngs, then husbands and fathers by
th hundreds, then a great multitude
who crowded and waited In deep and
earnest prayer for the salvation of tha
lovad on. Evangelist Magann sang, j
Will Meet :Tou' Thor.:'i yr
Th chorus of 400 voice lead by
Magann and assisted by piano, organ
and orchestra gave forth a volume of
sacred melody. - Magann- rendered a
sola-: "Lift M Up.'? - Dr. - Hart .thn
proceeded with hla sermon on "Shams
555r?.1ilJj: hi. t.xt,God'a languag to
to Indifference Or hate, . V preach an
ver enlarging faith because w believe
there can be nothing imagined too good
for the good uod to hav in store for
his children. '
Tlfth Act Determines.
"It Is the fifth act In th piece which
determines ? th nature - of . th drama.
If that is a tragedy, all Is a tragedy.
Adam. "Where Art .Thou I"
This Question is 'of momentous im
portance," said the speaker. "When God
placed man In th garden thr was no
discord. Everything was in " perfect
harmony. Sin entered In and then earn
th fall mat nrougni misery ana neii.
Everything was there for man's good.
which showed that God was vary roina-
attendanco taxed tha capacity of the
beautiful new church. ,
The music by th augmented cnoir
waa of the highest order, th soio, "u,
Divine Redeemer.", by Mrs, G. H. Ward-
ner, and the tenor solo by C. El patter-
son being especially nouceaDie. ev.
Albert C. Grier of Spokan. pastor of
the First church In that city, mad the
Invocation, and Rev. W. D. Buchanan,
'pastor of the First Unlversalist church
In Tacoma. ; read th lesson of the day.
Rev. Dr. T, I Eliot, pastor emeritus of
the Church of Our Father, led the great
congregation in th prayer Of dedica
The dedication ermon' waa delivered
by Rev. A. B. Hervey, Ph. D.,' of Bath,
Sr. Hervey Opens Sermon.
Using Matthew 111:1 as his text) "Th
voice of on crying in th wilderness.
Make his path straight. Make y ready
the way, of the Lord," he said In part:
"I feel myaelf honored in being asked
Will You Pay LIFE IN
1 Peoel wllllncr Iv nav larare sums for
life insurance, which is really death In
surance, but - real llrer insurance fre
quently consists In taking Eckman s Al
terative. . T"'., rv.
Can any "lung sick" person afford not
td take the Alterative? Investigate fit.
Write thia verv.'dav for letters, teetl-
imaii ,1. A rt . irfLfairlf, iHav fHut It m,n In TH. HIM ItihnAl': N Ym
really haa CURED Tuberculosis. t I hltrh school than In tha nnlvoraltv niit llAIDl CCQ AfSPMT Tft
Rc-ara and tnlllc fatten, without eurlnsr. .m.l . il'L.!: I IIU.fcii.uw nu.ii w
Tleea cost. say. 80 cents a dosen. Forced I , .,. wti "i
fiilnw with tin nnA mllle Mrt a. V w lY '"" Miuiona t
day, $1. SO a week I quarts milk a day, I ""'"",-"- " university
at s cents, costs over t a ween. I v.iv n m. iiuuibij t . u wvnu
Eckman a -Alterative sharpens . the I will accept th liberal faith as It grows
up to It. It is a matter of great com
fort and courage that so .-many hav
grown up to It, and so many others ar
giving welcome In head and heart to Its
inspiring and cleansing . message,' and
uie mora aounaant,
Hopeful Xeliglon.
-unu . cnurcn stands her for a ra
tional, reverent, hopeful religion. Its 1 1885 from L.
ms . wioaeunesa, nor xrom i mni wnw won wr aim a most glorious h, .nlrltuallv firm and self nnasnasd
way, ha shall die in Ws iniquity: but victory. Thlrty-two thousand numb.rad '5 . 0 0!.
delivered thy souL7 ' ' I th army at first; .2.000 of thes werel rh7 . - , .... :
The-Unlversallat church proclaims good fuI of man' . happineaa, but all , thes
tidings, It affairms that this Is God's wr rf used, 1 Paradls was a prepared
world, -thatch end Is not tragedybut place for ood'a creatur and heaven Is
Joy and victorrand. peaoev v A-f ollow- a prepared plac for a prepare peopla
ers of Jsu w try, to llv by bis gold- what the soul needa today U a thor-
en rule. W do this neither to escape t ........Mr,- , wt nreuh no
prdltlon nor win heavn In another I Muwinn. Environment will
world; but to promot th common good 1 ! UVa you. Ethical cultur nor
faint-hearted; 9700 war Inactive, ,and
of tha original army of 13,000 only 100
ar ten ror xne worg at nana. ,
. "God direct Gideon according to
unique plan to-choos from th first
number th real, fighters. They all be
long to th- army, it is true, but there
was . a vast difference In their useful
ness. Three hundred with the power of
God wr , worth t vaatly f mor ; : than
thouaahds alienated ; from God. - Th
proportion then is this, 100 active men
are to 33,000 Inactive men, as the Gos
pel of God. is to the energy of man.
Three hundred with God as their aid are
now able to enter upon a successful
conquest of an army of 185,000. .
"The conquest was not ' gained by
mere physical force, but rather by
strategy, a plan appointed bjr God,' di
rected by Gideon, though on the very
surface seemingly foolish to man. -. This
is the age of masculine activity. .Forty-
three out of every 100 per cent . of
workers for the Lord today, are men,
while not long' ago the pro rata was
one man to every two women. Now,
with this new condition of things It is becomes the richest prise in the last
Ui iu um mva vi luuajr- 10 see mat we I nour on earui.
Gideon's 100' were likewise fearless.
willing to march into the face of an
overwhelming number, There ' Is one
requisite to fearlessness and that Is, a
clean , conscience. See the man on the
witness stand testifying in
at court. Hla, consoience Is hot at eaae
for he know there is something hidden
which is In danger of being revealed.
He measure . every answer, guarda
every sentence but in apite of it all he
occasionally becomes tangled and con
tradicts himself.
"The man with a clear conscience and
clean hands is able to face any accusa
tion and undertake any task and by the
grace of God will be uaed as a mighty
Instrument for good and the cause of
righteousness. "- ;.j,vi.'
The man of .th hour also must be
faithful. : Like-sunshine it gives light,
or if it does not, it is not faith, s It is
not a mere, ornament used for the pur
pose of decoration. : It makes a man
after God's own heart, it makes him
live for bis fellow men and makes hlra
rich beyond measure. It give him a
solid foundation on which to stand.' It
the genius of Walter Daroro-rh as -'a
great conductor, have permanently en
dowed hla New Tork orchestra, and this
la the only reason Portland people are
able to hear the same mualo that gives
uch ' keen enjoyment to New Yorkers
during the height of the musical season.
The box-office for the sale of seats for
these two Portland concerts will open
Saturday morning at 10 o'clock at Sherman-Clay's,
opposite the poatofflce.
May 14. ' . . 1
1 1 ii i . i' 1 ii ii . j . . ... gyggggagga
and make the world a better place for
all of us to live in. Universallam offers
no substitute for a right life.'
"As a testimony to the truth of
things, numbers do hot count. ' There
are more pupils in the primary school.
Christian Science will aave you. Judas
is an evidence that environment will
not aave as he sat and at with Christ
before his betrayal Get your charac
ter and heart changed.
are engaging in th services quality as
wen a quantity. - -. ,
"The great difference in men is not I
so much in native talent as it Is in
personal application. -oftentimes the
greatest masters in their.' respective
"The other, day I stood by the bed
side of a man, whose soul passed with
out a struggle, without a single regret
He peacefully closed his eyes in sleep
and went to live with Jesus. This, I
take it. Is the man - of the hour who
lines were but dull students,' but they jean be a man in; every hour of bis life
appetite, - makes life - look, different,
brings better health wit a greater earn
ing power.1 Often persons-are ao much
improved that they can work even be
fore they are finally cured. - v
Send today for literature on the aub-
jtfcz, it you. are broad minded enough to
believe mat mere can be a cure whlcn
8nedl Dmostefc to The Joarnal.t
The Dalles, May 9. F. B. Mills, ex-
sales agent for United Wireless, who
was Indicted by the Wasco county grand
Jury at its February term, and who has
been fighting extradition for several
months 'past, has - consented to be
brought back for trial.
were disposed to hard work. Paulhan,
the French aviator, won the 150.000
prise recently.; by vigilance rather jthan
skill for he started and practically won
the race while his competitor was rest
ing in sleep. , ,
.. . affiant Men Seeded.
"The Rothchlld fortune was
and is not ashamed of his record in the
hour of death."
tXTaT4aM - Ta mgfcrtavts. yrA lit at XTawf YV
thr6ugh vigilance and energy by that I BVmnhn h...,o hinh'
member of the family who carried the Portland for two concert, Wednesday,
news of the defeat of Napoleon at May 18, matinee and evening, under the
Waterloo tO London eight hours befor I Hlr.lnr n Tta i3Mr..Wvnn nnmin
fJl'1011 lnform,at,n received. I have done more to introduce th noble
"Th great need of the Kingdom of and beautiful muelo of the great mas
God today is not ; a large - army of I ters of all ages Jttan any Other orianl-
i-oun convenes 1 meaiocre rigniers but minute men.. hn in im.riiMUi, ...
Mr Ik. iT.h hfrS ?n .whlhi'Mms not only are able to read the signs of tract to give all their time to the study
tsindlcfed ia that or having obtained th times but Who are ever eager, Ylgi- and interpretation of symphonio ihusto.
jo. boiij . viujuiD. 1 iui iu Kiwwvn ui iigniing line anoifnr thia nrfiheatra. hu ttntn h
ivV' TTfllt.1 Xtril-.l.. I .a. 4a m .1. am . V. . M a I , . ... ..
has not been sensationally-exploited, 1 or
which la not based merely on climate or
oiei restrictions.
Elckman'a Alterative
Throat and Lung troubles,
al In Portland by the Oi
te obtained at. or procured by, your "io- J na,.r wS it u" .r . e-malea, Mine was arrested at I tor y of the world whenr the opposing J queotlonable musical merit, as all other
cai druggist. Ask Yor Booklet of Cured oft-nitlon of brotherhood and universal Spokane, but refused te come back "to j forces were men systematically and de-1 orchestras In America ar, obliged to
vmct or writs ior jivinpnce 10 iqe ck-I ' vuuunu w m vn ivi nm. ,uvwuur ncnun is-1 nanuy arrayeo ana consequently tner I do to keep from starving.
man Labojatory. Philadelphia, Pa. I Uught to love .God and never, to fear sued a requisition, which was granted. I never was a tim when it- was itecessary I A f evf rich music lovera,' aajf i
fa - mnA " .tl I nAAri ar. fln,n il IhAM w Vl rt tinA. I th.ff : h vnnM .11
, and is on 1 that which will nourish the mind and stock in return therefor. He failed to command. .. i. . .
rr1"" c,raI comfort tn h'rt- It atands for civil deliver the stock, and th grand Juryj "Tber never was' a time in the hls-lnart of each year away in Odd mba ot
5 recanting
rr a nr? mi.:
ni2y. fare - fciifjii ji'iycrs
Our Suits for Men that tve're
seHing at (Th
anything, we QVMJ.
will overtop
have seen in
former seasons. In gentlemanly style and
becornfngness we have not seen their equal. r
The variety in cloths colors, patterns- and
cuts gives every man a chance to look his best i
166-170 Third St.
Tb Instinct of modei fy natural to very womaa Is often
; reat biadrano fo tb eur of womanly dUeaset. Women
shrink Iron the personal questioos of th local physician
which seem indelicate. The thought of examination it ab
" horrent to them, and so they endure ia silene e condition
f diseas which surely projrenee from bad to wore. -
It Dr. Prc' rrerf to carta
- -. . great many women wbo tawa toand m retat v.
tor modtMty Im hla otter ot FBEB oneulta i "
tlea br letter. Jill torreepondeaee Im belt
j ma aaeredly eoaltdeatlat. Sddreaa Dr. JR. V. r
' Pierce, Battalo, iV jr. . ,
Dr. Pierce' Favorite Prescription restores sod refulst
tb womanly functions, abolishes pais ' and builds up and
put th finishinf touch of health os) every wak woman,
who ivs ii fair trial. ' .. ,
: It Makes Weak Women Strong,.
Siek, Women Well. ,
Ye can't afford to accept stertt nostrum as a tubstitur
for this non-aloobolie medicin or tuovn coxrosmoN.
Emends a Cordial Invitation to the
Ladies of Portland to Attend Their
'i- r -
M CMsteisen "H
Eleventh and Yamhill Streets
(Yrmhia Ectrcsce)
Each Ttedsy smdi. Tksrsday M temoom
Conducted by
Teacher of Cookery
racy : ;
esson Thursday, May Twelfth, at Two -Thirty p. m.
Subject: -"A Dainty Luncheon1'