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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1910)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTL AND, SUNDAY MORNING. MAY 8. 1910. IE; WILL HOT STAtlD FIGIIT WHEAT DEARS AH IIIPPEDID1 SALES OF BONOS AOIiOAD HAS GOOD SJXl.3 UJL.. U,'.')- "! J- " " .L'J.S!, !! I.L.- .K.1.1. .. JliUL-L-'a- JJI 1 -...11U - Hl ; I gSggBg I!"1." SILVERTOII MAKES I orilgqn capital city news " ..I I II. I . . , ,1 , I. Ill' II, ...... .11 I ,. l , , .1,1 I I I !..!, EFFECT AT IKE WE TO FBOifl - ' r Trade Believes They Are Down Financial Sky In America Is ,w 3na out, and Therefore Rise Cleared .by European ;Tak Splendid Opportunities There ' Exploited by. Progressive '; V Citizens' Committee.' - . ' Is F6rced In Chicago Options Yesterday. , : ings Kuhn-Loeb &" Speyer Take B. & 0. Issue. i Sllverton. "the heart of the WlJlam ette valley,"-Is growing nl ".aa fast-ns It grow its business1 men, boost. ', Con sequently ' the :llttle town has: doubled IIIIJs ImprMwrtJ With WUlamotta Valley- Interested In Willamette University- J. Thorbnra'IloM Orta Into United States Buprem CourtGovernor Hen Mm llecomnien Ah May 8 iu "Mothers' Py"-rre-, par for Cherry Talr -Much Interest in Great Northern Demonstration Car Mute School Moves" , Plans for Open Air Sanitarium. V; , v. v,;H ' , ' .'; ,-.'.'., ",.,.: --'- v ' rfS.lMfn Tln.Mtl itf Til. Jrtuntflt. Salem, or., May 7 James J- lllll. the great railroad builder, visited Salem on Wednesday for the first time, accom panied by his son, Iniia mil, ana iv or II other railroad men and financiers. The 'party waa taken on an sutomohlle tour through the moat beauttrul of the surrounding fruit country and tits dis tinguished visitor really seemed greatly Impressed Jwlth tha advantages of . this portion of the Willamette valley, ... ir . . .Interested in Valvsrslty- Among all the things he saw In Salem V , By Italphi Emerson. ttnMl.hl n. r . wm . wire.) ; , ' By, Joseph F, PrltcharoV , (Br the International News BeiTlee.K Chicago, May 7.-rTho wheat bear. 'are New- York.. May f. -The news of the whipped for the time being, st least, and f,rj2V l"ess of King Edward" In the mere la no uss, In denying, this f act "i',""! in". wo" nu s more serious Their action In refusing to put un a IVJ.'.I1 u??n the -market than his flgbt clinches the assertion that thv J-1 1.' 'J' the turn , are aown and out. i , f .1. ,.. 1 .1.1 TjJvl i wnicn ine maraet took in . The entire trade is expecting a bull- : ' , ", was a subBtan- shape of an enormous abandoned area. .ln6 ral'rosa financing abroad and the -Tha 'Missouri May report was, whisked Jiss -which accompanied the news here -Into Chicago by C. A. King dt Toledo, took a large part- of the bear section Ohio, after the close of the exchange to- surprise and It waa obliged to re- rlght and It waa a surprise to those treat, although It attempted, to take .Who -were on the curb. The condition refuge In the news of King Edward's in. wnr in Missouri was macea au1"'"" auu ulu. xae Dear T)arty Is , 70. S compared with 87 in .April, show-1 supposed to have suffered heavy losses I . Ing that the rains have been a benefit. I The placing of great bond -issues . iiv cuiiuiiiuii y bsim,,! o-jii. tif.u4uau clearing Or the rlnan 1 was -76 last - June. .The acreaee aban-lcial skies in ih. TTnit St.... -5ir drmed was placed at 18 per cent, or 848,- cial men believe there could be iio gen 000 acrta. . . i . :'-- ulna .confidence in the future YmtTi . . i, A?ftvnWnrS tJ&JXJlL L"d,"on-ben.r-ed where there - r . : t .- ,r . . i " iiii.rL upon wnirn ra 1 1 rrva ri In nnrtnl.Mnn 4nHii' l. naat- ti VMM JfimH J..' lllll. Seemed to tSkS the gTeSt or se, while 4h eountry round about eat. Interest In WUlamett university. Is filling rapidly. ;.:The wooded hillsides He' Inquired 'Into its financial standing sre beginning to change Into orchard. The, big farms .are, being cufup' and sold to small farmers.' Diversified farm ing Is becoming the rule and not the exception. It Is getting to .be a city full of people In the midst of a country full of prosperity and of opportunity. - si.,: ronr visitors. ..(. '-tvt. Testerday,. four men, James ., Cralsr, George Hubbs, R. E. Klrfnsorg and 8. E.- Richardson, , paid Portland - a visit. coming i as the representatives of the Sllverton chamber 6f commerce. They and Mid such a school should have an endowment sufficient to give It an com of from i0,000 to iso.oop a year ,':; .;' ', towia ;1U1 ' BoosUr, j : Ix)uls Hill proved to be this valley's greatest booster and took great pride in pointing .out to the members; of . his party; themagnlflcent stretches of land that lay before them and he said that the Willamette was the, greatest .valley where any Hill .road v has" yet penetra ted. He said bis father had heretofore manifested great Interest In the.'WU- were on a boosting trip and daring the I larnette alley nd that for five years day were . the guests of '"William Mc Muruay, general passenger agent of the Harriman lines,, and' of Tom Richardson, publicity man of the Portland Commer cial -club,'- 'i,-.i--..r' "V 'f ; This delegation lias wonderful stories to tell of the things that are happening ha, had' been- endeavoring to get hi father.'.to make the, trip in -order to ehow hint Oregon As to future plans, the' Hills had nothing to say. ; In fact they . talked about' everything ,, except rallrdaaa and railroad, building." , They acknowledged a controlling interest in up in the bustling little city- below . the I the Oregon Eleotrlo to He with, them and dav. While the volume of trade in viM .n .h... . u" P:"".0?" I far .famed Silver Creek falls. Foe one it la believed that tha a tensions to Al- -4he .Mv ftttHM- wiih nnt - nvr HOft flnft I t',cf VF P?"OS lO 1 k, . ,. k. . 1 1 , j m. m v.. in bushels for the day and the dtmand wm two th. .boid ? h. IT f.iriv mat hv thw th. .nHn. XiZ? J1B5 ?. ?n8oona market In this coun- , h;;n,.;kVt7hLl tlhtn n B. )"OW that the placing and reflected the" likelihood of addl- "nV if tfot l lLTLJliX . tlonal trouble for those who are Short. ,, iufna s ; ' " company s Is- Price .changes In coarse grains were i,".-' n,,i':.:;ik:''i::i':. small, tne maraei thing, there is going t be aood roads I bany and McMInnvllls will be -built In meeting' held-' fh Sllverton 'June' i,- at I the near future. : The visit generally , which Morris O. : Eldridge will be the augurs well for the future of Salem and "'principal; speaker. "Mr;, Eldridge 'Is a the Willamette valley. ,' - a runna- narrow, uorn i - -r - ciuu v opened steady and prices advanced t" wcni."e. 1er 'today;, that Kuhn- nearly half a cent over Friday's close It-JJ1.99:! 30l"y on buying by ' local professionals, both Am .5d..nronl $Litlmor. , lOf long ana snort accounts, tws de- r". v XT" yjw year 11 V mand being filled and t Ue selling becom- T0; which would be placed by bankers ing rather large, tne market was with-1 " - Europe. ina notes are government good roads expert 1 who - Is soon to visit ' the coast in connection ' with the good roads work - belnrf done by the government Much good la expected to come from the good roads -meeting and it is ex pected that an added impetus will be nere ana in xwirope. These notes are rivt.n mid biHiiiitia- . . renin r v 7" V .7 .f.rrr. ".rr. oul support and the early advance was P B0 000,900 lasue of which 10,. the meeting T ' ""tencea w i serve live year, mine state mA mm im ., ' 1000.000 is beinar reserved ...m, T 1 ne raeeung. .. . I nrison bv the court, of this State. Jus- n.ti wm vftrv Ann. hiir nrfna. n.M t ' un iflfl vrt -curNmAv MAvAminf -their own, taking the tone more from(w or names gained 17,043,000. On Boss Bodges Penitentiary, J. Thorburn Ross has been success ful 'again in postponing Indefinitely the day on whlchx he will enter the Oregon State - penitentiary for - the embssle ment of 1281.000 of state school money, of whch crime ht was found guilty and Of the United wheat than from corn. - Provisions had very poor ', early, but later sold off. support FRONT STREET '- QTTCTrJlTIO!f. ' transfer operations .with the interior mere- nas oeen a net gain amounting to-17.868.000. tint a ln nt tats AAA subtreaaury operations. There were no gold exports. .. The nreaident nt th atl .nmnntu. sailed for Europe this week predicting pester business, not only in the steel .".-S TV-iSn' Btatas aupreme court, at Uhe plea of JP h,ftId Vc!ltZ J?!l Ross, ' has- allowed a1 writ of review. nun iioi i lie understood, nowtver, , were verton before the advent of Mr. Eld- ridge, for there 'are now five miles of macadam roads leading into " the city and more 'miles are being constructed and are under contemplation. k -. City" Is Growing-. . - Sllverton, the city, is growing fstr than : ever before,, say the, committee. that ministers of the 'gospel end other publlo men , throughout tha state ' take steps toward a general' observance of the day and a discussion bf the thoughts which it suggests.., . We, shpuld not tor get that-our first and beat friend Is bur mothec. and 'that "the.'. Influence! 'of ' the mother always tends toward , better cit izenship."' ..., V' y,Kl '. -. ffr. Prepare for Cherry Pair. 'h:':Ml: ' - Arrangements forj the aunual ' cherry festtyaK are' being shaped and the-committee which will" have 'charge-, of ' -the dlffurent phase of the tfirea days' cele bration were selected at a meeting of the executive board of 4 the fatr-assoclation IVednesday evening. ."- A committer . was added to the uSual comptttees.',, It Is a committee on aviation.! , It .' consists of M. O. Buren, H.'lL OUnger,and H. W, Meyers. - The .committee promises that Balem will have, a real flying machine at the .cherry fair. -1-: - ' - '' '- I ' Offfcsrs of ,the association were'se leoted'and W. I. BUley .of the Capital Business .college was sleeted president. Ils will have a general supervision over all; the arrangements; County tYuit In spector -E. i C. " Armstrong 1 was , elected secretary: and .William Walton, treas urer- Aside from the aviation. commit tee, committees were appointed on con cessions. .' parades, 4 amusements and games, receptions,"' publicity,'- program, floral and decorations, rules and Premi ums and exhibits. Nearly everybody who will have an Interest in the festlvsl Is on some committee and 'will contribute to Its, success in one way or another. l-T'. -'Interest la' Xxhlblt Car.:,-"'. ". Considerable Interest wss manifested in the Great Northern demonstrtalon car that was set In on an Oregon Electrle sidetrack on High street during Wednes day and Thursday snd during the visit of the Hill party. That the exhibit of1 Washington i nd Montana prmlucts a splendid one but t..t they tun to produced of sa good quality hi the Wil lamette valley without irrigation 'mt, to be-the ronnenmia of oi'liuoii In to the exhibit, , Nearly, 2i)) people via Ited the car during the f-jw hours it was in the capital city. V Kate School Moves. , " OrsdiiBlly "Xhm mute school Is moving from its old site sautheun. of Fl-in to Its splendid new home in north Balem on the Oregon Klectrlc. Tne old luilld ing or rather the site, has been tiaiis ferred to the state commission for the treatment of ' pulmonary tuberculosis and an open atr sanitarium will i.e es tablished on th site snd will be ready to receive patients some time In Sep tember, ' j - - - ;, ';- w Plans 'for Sanitarium. ''' -.' At -a meeting of the tuberculosis commission Thursday tentative plans for the new tate institution were de cided upon , Dr. Clements, bacteriolo gist. at the state hospital for the in sane, has already been selected superin tendent and hla plans for tne optn air cottages will be adopted by the board. The main mute school building will be remodeled so as to accommodate the physicians and nurses and convales cents.!: It Is believed there. Is no mors Ideal location for' an open air sanita rium. It'ls high and over-ooks the val ley on all sides.. ..'' -.''-'-.;.. j! . i which direct, that the supreme court of this state shall forward to -the .United States supreme 'court the record of the Case.''V' :;'''-' :v,. '':..' ; ''; It IS difficult to get into the united States supreme court and it Is only pos slble to appeal a case to mat mnunat when some , right guaranteed to clti '.' Hops. Weot and Sttsa. HOP8 1909, choice, lc; prims, 18c; 1 industry, but in every branch of Am medium. 12oi, ,.r . . - I erlran entAi-nrln . - , . . ., t ;.ech7"ort P163.0e'; meS EdwIt'rS.1 trtoc m:rKer.e-,..onKwa5 "1 Vll'Z W the United 8Ute. by the fed- wool. 80c sBh;.'ong wool, 76c O only an. hour today, f. The opening was wer systemr It is paving Its streots. eral constltujlon has been violated. In axcla. , ' generally higher.. Southern Pacific ad At the present time 20 residences or the Ross case the attorneys contend (hat y00!?:?!?1, i910A wlllamstts vanced one-quarter on initial sales. This- mor bslns; constructed In the city that provision of the constitution has ... sMl 1 law.. 1 on 1 V SS aflfltS e I llMMII 1 9 i. till. s m A TT B . Vl l Mt , a. l - a . Its. k - iJ - . M a. w ... ... .. . . ' ; ss"')r., t nr tiwi uwii 1-ntuio, wnicn immeaiateiy i jduiuhbiuiji. b.h uiu inouorn bus-i been violated Whlcn ' proviaes tnat po TALLOW- f and areas CHITTIM -TnDWsftry -Wam-ilf HOltUr' IKH v?tonAT - tha fruit, grain, hops and dairy section f: ""r .V":,' srreen. 7HHe. ":' bulls. reen ..Jt, changed Utah at a T decilnt T of T and of the vaUey, with aoil that is adapted L' Y5'??;" wl. - l wm am i iim i iwasi sswsaAa la . . . . . a . . . . . - viniinn si i risa iisaiisL uibsiiucij w ass kvui , - ,v. . viio-naii.. wiae opening, oc-1 mess diocks are Being puuc, witnin tne ev nost facto law shall be Dassed. Z tn " ttSKlVk'SSif1?1 V"m f ' thr years tha population has . tor-'s Tlsw of Case.' ' 0H bOT thycToVty William green. e ' lb.; 'kips. fOI0o) - calve IJOiBe per in., , - -. MOHAIR Nominal; 1910, 3140. Butter, Errs and poultry. "... - BUTTER Extra creamery, f7o; xancy, oo; atore, unjiio; fauxornia ex . tra creamery. 26a.' . - BUTTF-R IAT DeHverv t . a. b. Port land Sweet cream. 28c: sour. 24c. EGQ& Local, candled, select, 22eO '" t$V4c. POULTRY Mlted chickens, 20c; fancy hens, 20 4d 21c: stags, V 1 8 Hp; broilers, 8 0c; fryers, ttMfpiSc; geese, - 12O180 for live. 14lSo ror-dreesad; aucks, isc; . lurxeys, . aiive. iozici ' dressed, 27928c: pigeons, squabs, 12.60 - 98.00 dosen: dresssd chickens, lo to 2c a pound higher than alive, , , CHEESE New. Oregon fancy full cream. 1618c; triplets ' sjid doJsUa, lle; Young America, 17X7ic - rata, Tioni ana Bar. '. BARLEY;.' l-rodiicrB- price 180J ' Feed, 26: rolled. $28.60; brewing, 826. WHEAT Nominal Track, oluh, 83c; bluestem, 8686o; Willamette val ' 84c 'c " T " ' MILLSTUFFS Belling ance Bran, 121; middlings, , 2930; shorts, . 823; -Viap, xvw" - FLOUR New crop patents, . Willamette . vallev, J6.50 bbt; straight, ' $4.806.86; bakers, .- export grades, 14.00; graham; Ui, , CORN Whole. 88: tracked. 817 ton. HAT Producers' pnee Nr timothy Willamette valley,' fancy. 220021; ordi nary, tl; eastern Oregon. 122023; mixed. 8 It. SO; clover.' No. i. 811.60 918; wheat, $18917; cheat. 817918; alfalfa, $1741. - - OATS Spot delivery, new.1 uroduoers j pneey-iraca jno. 4 wnite, in; Amalgamated at a recession of H which was soon made up. --,- -.".-,-', ,-V-' -i Trading turned dull after 80 minutes, with a slight decline. . Southern Railway Issues were strong on reiteration of tha runor that dividends would be resumed on the preferred stock. The sales were 261;034 -shares. Call money waa nomin ally per cent, sterling exchange was strong ft per cent higher today. All bonds were firm. T - . 1 . HUM ii "ON TO PARIS," BULL SLOGAN OF THE WEEK to any kind of agricultural work-the resident of that section believe that their country is to be the real heart and core of the valley within a short time. They are i working for small farms and many of them for Industrial development and industrious tillers of the sq11. Ons of the things that brought the commercial club-committee to Pert viction of the bank president, was com pelled to reverie a ormer decision Baker vs.; Williams Sz England Banking company, relating to the deposit of state funds thereby changing the law after the crime had been committed and after Ross had been advised by Lord that, ac cording to the decision, mentioned he was committing no crime, v xnis Aitpr- Lswiston, Idaho. May 7. To manufaci cure preserves ana giace rrults a com- 5.CS; local 6.60; $S,1H 128. array. trotted Press Leased Wlre.V ' New York. Mv , 7 Tha Financial American on Monday . will say: Wall street, at the end of the week, was enaaared in dlscusslnv the nrnhahla effect on market values , of King Ed- ynai ain. tin some circles ,lt was nan B- been formed In t.ii.i, feared that the deplorable event would ; l" - Lewlstoni and ise a general financial unBettlement I " . . M ouiiaing mienviy incaiea- oy me eeattie brew ery, J The incorporator, and sharehold ers ara prominent business men of Lewlston, who have carefully investi gated local conditions. Those. Interested are ,F. , P. ; Lint, E, H.- Kllham, . J. H. Nave, '..'- Oehler an Kenneth Gordon. - xne nrm wilt do a Jobbing business cause on the other sfde of the Atlantic, which would be - reflected by pronounced; nervousness amortg aecurtty holders. nere. - wall street nas passed through many-such periods of depression but their effeot has quickly faded away j and the cause , been forgotten. The , general opinion, however, was that the maraei .wouia recover quickiv. ri. I . ... 'land yesterday was to ask the aid 'ot ? hr? JloWs '8,an " P,??!,1"? the Portland Commercial club In spread-1 m f" r :. ii.ia;r ing the. story .about Sllverton through- vlalem 1" dtrtJL ..ttI? ... I rather than-atthsoourt This ex Tost get-the Portland organisation 4 send J . ITti prospective home.bullders arriving from Ior" .""V"'"":"-. " the east to Sllverton to take a look at the court is a delicate o ne 1 1 what that section of the oiintr h. t gether new. The effect, as Is readily offer to those who desire to cultivate seen, is;the same as if an x pos t-fsct o tha soil IntellirenUy, and scientifically, law had been passed by the legislature 1,11) UUUVlUii IVVDB BJOHa MM ; Ross attornvs are right, but It Is gen eally. conceded that a court may change its former decisions without jeopardis ing the-guaranteed rights of clUsens of the state or united otatea. , Beoommemas ."Mothsrw Day." - , Oovernor Benson has Issued a state mont in which he recommends that Sun day, May r 8, be -observed ' as Mothers' day. a request was made ny -me na tional- -mothers' organisation lor . sucn action. "I would earnestly recommend." says tha governor, "tnat ina oay do od servbd by ' appropriate exercises and) FRWT PRESERVING PLANT AT LEWISTON Prnls. and Tstretatdaa, FRKSH FRUITS Oranges: JVew n. . Vels, $2.6093.26 box; bananas, 6He lb.; r lemons, $4.606.60 box; grapefruit, 84; ptneapplea 69SMc: strawberries. Florin, $191.60 per crate; local, $29 176 pr crate. " ,;. T " POTATOES Selling, new. ' 50$0o; buying, eastern Maltnomalj and Clacka- ' mas, 40946c; Willamette valley, 30 85c; new potatoes, 344c. . VEGETABLCS Naw turnips. $1.60; beets. $1.60; carrots, $1.60 per sack; Cabbage, $3.60 per cwt; tomatoes, Mexi can, $1.76 crate; beans. 16o lb.; csull flowsr, s $lJ6 crate; horseradish, lOcj green onions, 10O12Ho dor; peppers, ell, 85o lh.; head lettuce, 076e doi ; hothouoe, $191-26 box: radishes. 1012c doaL hunches: celerv. 60c dos err nlant id.; sweet potatoes, ss.oo; sprouts, 8c; cucumbers,. $11.26 doa,; aspar- Bgvx, local, 7 60 $1.40 box; spinach, bfftc lb. ONIONS Local JoBolng. No.- I, $2.25 California. $1.7692; garlic.' 1012o per APPLES $2 92 $0. : .: OToesrtas. aTuva, . S0OAR Cube, .; powoxared, $.?; i fruit or oerry, .s; dry granulated. $8.26; conf. A, $6.06; .extra , $6.66; goiaen u,, v y.iw,; Deet, tt.06; barrels. 16c; half .barrels, $ftc; . sexes, aae aovancs on saca nasia. - . (Above quotation, are $ - day. set . sash Ouotatlona) KICK Imperial ' toan "Na. a. Hsi No, I. 6 H: New Orlaan. bea, H9lo' - Creole. lUe. - ---; - BEANS Small, '.whltj. $6.60; large , white, $1.60; nlnk. $.C0; bayou. $7.00; Limai $6 86': red. $7.68. i SALT Coarse RaV (round. lSsa, 8100.00 per ton; 60s, 31160; table dairy, ,60s 311 60: 10Ss. lt7.S; balsa. $11$; extra fine barrels. J a, (s an -fta, $4.66 ' fli lt; lump rock. $.M per ton. HONET New,i 11 He por IV. ' I . . lg Walla Walla, 1 CURES RHEUMATISM ' Ccldea's Checmatic -Cere Pas settle. AST tmUU MXUXBT POsV j RHEUMATISM ' XM STS 2CAJTT POSJEa, Felatiea I Nerrows Headaebee Neuraleia ' I Nearalglc Hedarhe Nerrouaneee I N'enrwus rr"reria Sleeplessness Narrevs AffeeUoas . TRAX2C tcrPLlED BT A.Ve Allen &Co. Wnolessle and, IUU1I lmri'ata " Uti t Kanhiil 5X Fcnlir.l. Cr. rACinc coast aocxts. On to Paris '- waa the. hull a1nn I ftnrf fll main an.M.i. t fi!f 25--Vfif Awnjn rlace and maraschino cherries besides the news of the placing of large blocks I manufacturina all claasea of nV,n!i of American railway bonds waa firat ,7,. ! Jzi.f of preserved riann-o. ivir nn p.i. hut ii ih. v adiuu vjLiir v. financial centers on the continent will lP -'tha past ykar Mr. Gordon has sup- oe pjacea again in an -easy monetary I pnea mo entire country witn fountain position, and it la natural for capital I syrups and crushed fruits and. this lino fXVtoVn factored by prevailed from Anril II to lis. I. nrlroa 1 company. v, of nearly all the active railroad and in- I il.l.Uf I....A. JiU.J A . - 1 la pointa xne market tone then be came atrong in response to the placing i migt oiooKB 01 securmea in fans. Then came tha disquieting influences from London. ,-' - - "The bank statement was of a char acter to increase' confidence In bullish circles with substantial cash increaaea being shown.- Tlria makes the outlook co1idUmn.m.tre5,.C0c1o.,.Onof "iUn " a greater degree 1 ... " 1 """w. jr".1?' . Bn ,t 1 w.c:x;u, notes. favored the bull aide to a areater dearre- than at any , time since tha beslnnln vi iiiw year. - - Haata. Plan aaa 1 DRE8SEQMEATS rront .treat hoasv fanev. lieiHic: ordlnarv. 11c: v.a Is, extra. 10c; ordinary, 8H91Or spring iamoa, tovttrizc; yearling lam OS, ishc; mutton, sc. , ...... s breakfast bacon. lH37Ho; broiled ham, 279280; picnics, 1IH;. eettage roll. ( ): regular abort clears, amoksd, ItHc; backs, smoked, 18 Ve: pickled tonguea,40c lb. - ' " LARD Kettle leaf. 17e per lb.; steam rendered. 6a. 17o per lb.; 00 m pound, 6a. 12 Ue per lb. TURPENTlisB la casBs. , T3t har rela. tc per galloa. ' OT8TERS ehoelwater bar. ner nU loa, $l.2t; per Ib. seek, $6i oiympia per gallon. $2.76 r per :! ax, $79 1.60; canned eastern, ate can. awai eastern in shelU pee lea, ri8H Nominal Rock- od. Its: flounders, - c: halibut, te: strl baaa, lie; catfish, 18 0 lie; frealf Chi nook. c; steel beads,. c; soi.a 7c; shrimra, 12 He; perch, Tc; tomeod. ( ); lobsters, 26c: herrlnga c; dibck Dua. zvr in.: iojidii smeita. 61. "I ner Sox: silver smelts. la IV: hl-rk cod. 7 He; crabs. 8L26 91.76 per doeea, dressed shad. 6c; roe shad, sc; ahad ree, 10c lb. CLAMS Hardshell, per tat, lb.; raaor clams. 23 bos. - Paints. Osel OS. ana. BENZINK SS Peg use, eeaea. It ctet gaL; Irbn bbls. like per aaa. ussi.t l yjiu ptia 1 to; eases, FRESHMEN TIED TO TREE; . SUFFER ALL NIGHT Owatonna, Minn., v May 7, 'Two young men, ragged, footsore, and .weary, walked Into the Rock Island atation and offered to pawn a ring for UckeU to $11; boiled, bt-la, tfc: casva. II.S4; I WH1T LEAO Tea lota. e s fib.; t in. 6t, se per ia4 laea Uia, ( a iwr llv pr ration -iota ef nt gallone. la lies, a ee meal faone la ra r ). . . I F' r'E Maaii. ; at-ai IHa I ' CO A 1- 01i 1 erL eatraJ and star, lie ton ; bl rm'io; aa- j Sta Bauoa; wet-r wnite, Il'po;i le ltd ire star. Carleton college, Northfleld They said they were kept tied 'to trees all night after having been bound by stuuents who were Initiating them Into a secret society. , - The tormenters of the victims, who are- M. O. KJorberr and Mark Fraser, hired rigs and took them to the woods three mllea from this city. There thev disrobed the young men, who are fresh men, substituted ths garb of . a hobo. ana tiea mem to, tne tree . , .. A farmer boy. heard their cries for neip and found ths young men. He lesaed them, and they hurried to town. 7 ALTAR BOYS ROB . CONTRIBUTION BOX FitUburg, : May 7. Soma - modem Schopenhauer might flad material for gloomy reflections ia aa Incident which has Just occurred here. - Systematic rob bery f the contribution boxes Hi the immaculate Conception Italian church has been going on for two years, but it came to an end in the arrest of seven altar boys. Detectives hidden in the eonfeaetonalB saw the boys come In sad pry ths boxes open with Jackknlvea. .. One of the boys aald be bad eloien between $21 and $I0 la tha laat two year, and spent It for candy. Marked mosey put la the boxes was found on the soya -; " , BROTHERS IN CONGRESS; i POLITICS OPPOSITE He Washragton, May 7. A Sweet faced a woman, the first In the United tee te hare two eons xf opposite m:lft.s.t f.tlt,. Ik. - - - 'ue'sVlcT PClil sUtlvee at tb. aame time. Joined In j OliHjUXS Red erewe and Me, ,h stferlsg srrlauae wben Euaete N. $ oni V. a. a J, aaOka, Its. ljlWs -Inducted Into office sa eorrresaman. sauoav I Mra res took. with tnoth-rl l- j teeet at the wew congrvaanisn ' - g .By Mrs. Neal . B, .Inman. Thla , is : Mothers', day, . a time when we pause In life's hurried march and, think yt. kth oompanion of our child hood's 'hours and don the whits flower as a token-of he purity and love. And by' the) way, there is-no . great distance between .ths little wnwa bow. and ths flower; ths bow a sign that the mothers of the land have heard tne cry or dis tress coming from tha cruel slavery of ths rum. power. We are hastening to ths rescue ef 'thi children. There Is similitude' between these ; marching mothers, who number In ths nation more than 300,000, and In our own atats between 2000 and 1000, with a generous company of young people who -Stand ready to atrlke for -our altars" under ths little badge of white, v Our conquering little general. Lul L. Shepherd of Salt Lake City. Utah, who ia still In the state and winning friends for our cause right and left, is aeon to be followed by MIsa Marls C Brehm of Chicago, one of our own, -although sent - out by the Presbyterian church. Miss Brehm la a strong, and dignified character and handles her subjects liks a born leader and wa bespeak for her at this early date large congregations. -Just ons word to the voter: In .this month of May you will be approached with the petition for the new law and we ask. that by the tender remenbrances ef motherr that you sign these pspers and thereby make aafe paths for, the children's feet. , i - '., , Tha announcement of Governor Had- ley, of. Missouri, . that he does not In tend to- enter the race for the Repub lican nomination for United States sen ator this fall, has left the way clear for Walter S. Dickey; chairman of the Re publican state committee, to - oppose Senator William Warner. - -' m WAttru nut v 4 rvn vsiik 1 Dr. Beaoersoa'e compound Sarin and Cot tea Root PlUa The best and ealy reliable remedy for DELATED PER IODS. Cure the most ebeUa- ate eaees la s te is aaya mo '1 fr bo- or three boxes, Sold a? trail its-.-ery where. Addreee T. J. P Lui 111 Alisky bldjr Portlasd. Or. FenatAr Oa !:'. ree. ef Nw itlf, was a trartl'-tng rfrr'rUii be fore h- weet to e-cerre. r,4 w'.l take, a Hreljr tnTert eTetv!rt pertain irg to Ua medical tr'e'fta. ard alwt Hsn-p- Bt rxfmuBd rrwa, ReputJloan, of CWaxo. fMirmin ef the fooimitfee on naval af-f!-a Fe was aes'-d In th- froat row ef t V- srekre gallery with tbe alves f ber evca. . CHICHESTER'S PILLS 1- 1 f , mrm film X. r-1'W k.4 -v4 M.V k . 1 MB . V r-. A..-rt , 1- " i .TTV !-. MIH MH.. aa m , m liAhw.1) 1 ST3 IT MaTAXfOi To Perfect Health Strength and Rob.ugt Condition NEW LIFE for WORN OUT " and NERYOUSMEN . WHEN OTHERS FAIL, CON- r .1 SULT ME I " ' No Cure, No Pay EXAMINATION AND ADVICE FREE : Men, Why Suffer : Why bo despondent ? Why so on , 5 'dissatisfied? Why neglect your dis ease and let it undermine your health? Why give up and lose all? Don't Wait Another Day Consult Us free of ail cost. If your ease; is curable we can with our new system treatment cure you. If not we will honestly tell you so. Remember There Is No Man loo Poor to Get Cured by Us .Many Cases Cured for $S to $10 Fee Varicose Veins I dally demonstrate th at varicose, veins can be cured. In -nearly all cases, bv one treatment, in such a f satlsfsc'tory way that a healthy circulation la rapidly reesisoiisnea, ana instead 01 the uepresaing conaiuona X guarantee you a cure or refund the money. Blood Diseases - If .you 'have sors throat,- mucoua patohea, ptmplea, copper oolored spots, sores and ulcers, bone pains, fall ing hair or any other symptonr-of this disease; you should consult us and be forever rid of It. Our treat ment cleanses and erad loa tee every taint and every Impurity of the blood and system. All danger of trans mission or recurrence Is removed. Why take poisonous drugs for years when a thorough cure can be obtained wltnoutT consult usst once. Nervous Debility . Cured in a few weeks. Improvements from the start If you suffer from loss of energy and ambition, feel tired when you arise in the morning, lame back, dls slneas, spots before the eysa, and feel you are not tha man you once were. I will cure you for Ufa . Call and I will explain why it eures when all elae , falla, A friendly ohat will ooat yqu nothing. Call at . onoe, and don't delay.,-,', , . --t rCoiTtractel Disorders ' We cure these diseases by a method peculiarly our own. Our cure removes every obstruction from the urinary passage, allays Inflammation, reduces the pros tate gland, cleanses and heals the bladder, kidneys. Invigorates anil restores - health and soundness to sv4 ery part of the body, affile ted with the disease - otm riMMrrxr, saravr utnoxovoBxy aad at the zwast ooet, taxxoosb Txurs, wxaxitsss, 3PdSKIirDISaAaB3, KIPbHIT and BZUADIIB SZSOKOSJM, V&OWS, BORES, VAIIT7TJI. swxu. Iskhs, annurrjrg, rrcmjro and ntrr.a arsr atioj, jnuftrousoxss, zkmss of srosBKGrrs ana Disorders of Men. Ourkfaes aa ananlallata fair vuraa ara 1m. thui tiuu. h, tr fimlk nlmlnluii m anwsnna . ; furnished from Our own laboratory for ths convenience and privacy of our patients, from $1.H to $6.(0 a course. " vauai em.ii, .wTiie xor our a-juua MM.nTiin.i'nn aibajsK surs JKiwa. uours, 1 m. Svenings. 7 to 8. Sundays, 10 a. m. to 11 m. enly., a. m, ta 6 p. THI? nrWCftN nrnirAI iriRTITIITI? Morrison Strict, Bet. 4th and 5th, Portlamd, Ore. SS73S MEN TSAX TOUS AJTO WEAK, XTZB- xvn bowi Come to Me and be Cured Pay -' .When I Cure You TKB DOCTOR THAT CURES a pay me aa gat tha benefit t ur , ' trsatmsat. ': , ' TUB TOM A mfl lower than any speclallat la tbe city, half that others charge you.- and no exorbitant charge for medfeinea. m I am aa expert specialist Have BS' IS vearw Dractlce In tha treatment el dlsase Of men. My office sre the best eoulpped in Portland. My methods sre modern and wo to data Mv eurea are euiric and poaftlva So not treat ennptoma and patch up. I thoroughly examine vach case, find tns causa, re merro It iffs thus e-ire the dlae. ' t CTI Tarleoea Wain a. OoatraoSed Plaiss.s. Uee aad Spectfls IMeod rel- au xmsaosa ef MEN CURED 'A - - PAT wzsaT z enm roxr. My Methods ara Original, Direct and Certain. . The few words abore suggest why I am the . most successful specialist treating men's ail ments why I am able to ' cure cases that others csnnot cure, and why my practice is the largest of its kind -west of Chicago. , I have abandoned the. moss -covered theories. to which others cling, and have learned and applied the scientific truth regarding mens ailments. . Consequently -1 treat aa no other h hyslcian treats, and my 1 success In curing as brourht mv marvelous arowth of nractlr. As to my facilities, there la no other Institu tion in tne entire west equal to mine In di mensions or equipment My offices . occupy - ten rooms, so fljted and arranged aa to Insure utmost comfort and privacy for my patients. I Cure Tarloose Tains. Contracted Ailments. Specific Blood reison, Obstrnetloaa, Mies, etc . COaTSTTLTATTOaT TMXM. ' - ' Oflfea Hoars S A. SC to t P. at. Sally; SSV. TiTLOa. Ths X.eading KpecuUlst Snadaya, 10 to X. .The DR. TAYLOR Co. .JT1'0.- Private Entrance. 234H Morrison St, Portland. Oregon? StPXCZAX BZSZASSS Kewlr eon. traded and ehronlo casee cored. All burning, itching and Inflammation stop ped In 14 hours. Cure, alfect la aev- en dxra . WI N G ;L EE The Great Chinese Doctor G insnres every man a lifelong cvr. with out taktne medicine Into Ui stomach. Fxamlntttna frr. If enable te rail, wri' for Hat ef questions . Office hoar- a. en. te 8 p. m. 8vua daya. It a a t I a n only. - e DR. LINDSAY r AxsrK.) II 1111 nil - -' ' j 128 H SXC""rT ST. CO yuaTlUJs. OA. 4.0CATKO tS PORTLAND SINC 1633 He la called the treat becsuae he enree dlsaaa without resortina to tha knlf t .1 have a free examination. lie win fl ' taaet nature ef your trouble. He tiai s-j fully evory ferm of ferrjii. comr-iatnc .l ti and blood ! . nnr.i, rniii,,, turtK-ft r -(natlani and ail o.aorders ef trs stArracn. 1 -r kid net a H haa had gat u--- it car t t Suirrtt-i' h" the vittlm t rt 1 w r , r dean r the eimm, and l.l tt-T f--tf " - ea lr.- -.l t i irt time. liehr t e i i elnea f -r-ra 1 ;it r.-a. lrt --. . i vetM teoa. a,l of f - - ' - end vhoM Tn-.1lcir.aJ fr-r.-t e-e - u raer-f 6 rc T't t.-- ti ! r e .- -ffriit crtr ro -- i, -- ? - timomaie from gratef l r , al i DR. Wirs'Q LEG tr t JOURflAL VAr.'T Aj P."