THE OREGON SUNDAY ' JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. MAY I, 1910. ' , . ...,.., . . . ' i "- ' ' ' ; ; t-. .fH .' hi , .i" i v i t 1 I v : r.!ra. LKla,DsIsl r.Iil!cr Will rendefcthe following numbers be- T twen the hour of s and 10 Olock f Monday evening, accompanied, by Web ber' orchestra? - ', Webbers' Orchestra will render the following program from I to S o'clock, in the afternoon, and from I to 19 O'clock In the evening: . , 1 t March Roumahia..Juarrans-fteba1latl 1 orand selection ; uaimea r .wor-, ' . f 0& n Hill I Spanish Caprlcef Violates. .Bebagllatt 4-Maiurka-8eria.fwaIdteufel-RbtllaU -Patrol-U. S. A. i . .Melchen ' 1Orerture Btradella .,,;..., ...Flotow I The Rosary ............. . . . . . Nevln Mrs. Lulu t)ahl Millar and Orchestra. , . .(. ' r1 Hungarian Dance. S Csardas Ortienwald 4 Love In tM Boutmana uanneia " Mre. L.UIU Dam Miner ana vrcnesira. twilti. "Oardtn of Dreams" ...... j8t!meon I Ich Ltebe llch.. . . -Orleg ., Mre. Lulu Pahr Miller. ' T Beautiful Night ....... f ....... Offenbach (From Tales of Hoffman.) . V 101 'ill And Couvcnlro of the occasion will bo dla--tributed to ladles - while (000 last. . The ' store will ppen for bualneaa at 10 A. M. but ; business will cease sharply at S:S0 o'clock the doors will re-open at 7:80 for en tertainment - and pleasure . , until 1 P..M. , Bnend Monday.1 erening at Morgan's. , f . 1l X r t .1. eaa-IiT 3 3 Ah if, Mboday, :I 0: A.- M. and simultaneously MORGAN'S -DE-.-PARTMENT STORE, Grand Avenue ' A ! C t- CenAi 1 M inl'ft y . : .V,U1I4 JUUOt UlUlll WJe. TV11A UWWVUUl Ull til .V- gral part of the business lifeof Portland Representing an investment of thousands of dollars,' this store has not been organized as a mere business-get- ? ting venture no more will it be grounded upon the shift- " 1. ing sands of sensational merchanclising-M ORGAN'S . . enterprise, depending for its success upon its ability to J . satisfy and win the confidence o its customers. 4-. v- It is to be a retail business, building for permanency in , Portland, of Portland, for Portland , t ... . : ... . . . . . . . ...-.:'...'.'.. j is io oe a Dusiness xounaea upon ngm jviercnanaise, ; right Values right Methods that shall grow, more effi- :. ' cient arid effective in your service, guided by YOUR " needs and YOUR suggestions. , i I r P- f'7 1 t. it-.' Oeautlful JPlatca Free Souvenirs to all ladies visiting the store Monday, Opening Day, while 5000 last , The 5tore Will Open Its Doors for the First Time Monday atlO a. m.V instead of at S 9'clock (which shall be the opening. time. hereafter), in, order thatjgverything may start off smoothly oh this first business. day - f , ' ' Complete Stodts of All New Merchandise Are Ready-And Values 'that will majce it worth the while of the thrifty shoppers to cpme'and share them for shrewd buyers haVe the success of this brganization at heart, and have ransacked the markets from top to toe to secure the best the markets had to give, both as concerns quality and priced Opportunity After Opportunity Will Be Forwaird---Repre-, senlative of All the Following Lines: mm "Centemeri" Gloves, "Kayser" Gloves, Ribbons, Veilings, Laces and Embroideries, Hand- J. 1 I" T . " J 1 . f-' T f . .': TT. . . TT .. 'I'.-' siery, Knit Underwear, Men's Furnishings, Wash Goods, Bedding. ; 1 - 5 . til r r SgESSSS It! Cloaks, Suits, Skirts, Dresses, Waists, Sweaters, House Dresses, iMuslin Underwear, Petti-, coats, Wrappers, Children's Coats and Dresses, and Junior and MissesV Tailored Suits and i l Dresses.'',' A : " . ' - . ,''..- " l - -all bearing the standard of quality that makes them worthy Morgan stocks, all at right prices, many marked , ridiculously, low Extraordinary Introductory ' Values and every saving will be safe. ' ; us. ' -fv THE spirit of ' Growththe in domittble sifit of the Great -North west the p!rit of Portland -it reflected in the tpirit of this new tore stepping: stone v " ' mm Shop at Morgah's-p Monday The first morning of the store Shop at Morgans Mon day afternoon. Come to the Grand . ... . . i mr . y v.onccn ana rromcnaac ax morgan s Monday evening. . Grand Avenue at East Stark Street. 38 THE, STORE HAS BLLN FOUNDED on Grand avenue at East Stark street because) of the trend of the dry - East Portlandwarda and be cause of its greater nearness to the homes in which is can be of service. . The purpoM of this store will be to win confidence and to satisfy custom ers by having; foil stocks of wanted merchandise of good quality. - - By keepins; prices as low as they can be consistently kept fat all cases. By making; prices unusually low when '' possible, because "of . unuruaj, real reasons. By maintalninf an efficient, cour teous and willing store service. t By guaranteeing, every purchase with an iron clad guarantee. , SHOP AT MORGAN'S Monday. : . - V ' ... m f.r i f , 2f 5X I; 1V w - r- 'F ; J 1 r1 M i .J mm I H I I Grand CohCert and Promenade Monday everinf , to which all Portland It invited. There will be no foods sold. It is to be an evening in which to tee the store enjoyably.