THE ' OREGON ' SUNDAY -JOURNAL", PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 8, 1010. .OA", ,TUng:t$& Tronic BIIWCHES DARING FEAT OF. HORSEMANSHIP- SCHOOL ATHLETES PITTSBURG'S, CRACK YOUNG CATCHER VETEBAII BOXERS mil oi mm BASEBALL GAMES SOME SLOGFEST . . . . . aim mm FROM BEAVERDOM f. BSaaMaBBSSSSSJBSajaaB . rV" jT WILL SflOV FANS Steen Pitches Good Ball but His Mates Throw Him Down at Critical Moments Manager Mac Fails as Pinch Hitter. . . with a ; man on second and .pne on third, on man out and the' score 2, to against Portland, El Chief Walter Mo Credit bad t chance In tha laat half of the ninth Inning to tie it up with a tittle hit somewhere, but the 8aun terer might Just aa well have reclined ""An, the bench and let Bill Spea take hi. turn . for all he could do. Tha ' ; big manager haa not yet brightened his batting , eya and 1 not hitting aa In tba days of , yore. Time was when a pitcher would have ; ambled McCredle without even having to consult bla cap- tain If the Beaver chief had been eent to tha obloid at a critical atage. .Smil ing young" Brackenrldge, however, put one over for McCredle. and the big fel low rolled an easy poke into the pitch ",:er'jt' box A'' ' result 1' Fisher ,. waa " caught off third anl the last oppor tunity for the locals to break even In the ninth waa gone." With we -bases loaded ; In the ninth Buddy Ryan had a chanoj for the hall of fame nomination, but tha best tha Irish lad -could - do waa to -sky out. Buddy, however, played a nice game In the field. . -- if bar FUyad' Sonchalantly. Gua Fisher played carelessly yester day, and he gave an exhibition or ivory eraiiitimed throwing to center field that lias not been duplicated this year on the home -grounds.' Bill Steen deserved to win yesterday. . His slab work was of the first water all the way through and he. worked all over, tha infield in a vain effort to instill a little ginger into hla teammatee. Field Captain Ol son at short played a brilliant game also, but ' his ' assistance - waa not enough. Ous is sick and ought not to bo worked when he i not feeling' right Hard working "Hetty" Hetling let in the first) run when he made a high hurl to Kappa In the fourth inning and Net- f I let in the second of the Vernon cores in the eighth when ha dropped a line drive to right; . The Beavera made four errors, and .that tells why the Haprhen won. .' " '. i, ; ' Twaa tike This. ,. . , A somewhat less rambling and more euccjnrt description of how, the scores were made would read Jlka this: In th fourth Carlisle, the first man up, strolled. On tha hit and run play Kitty Braahear advanced "Carlisle- to third and took' second himself on his own single to left when Speaa" .threw a low one past third in an endeavor to head off Carlisle. . Steen waa behind thai third- corner tc grab'. the -'ball or tha gunner would . hava scored, . right there". Martinke rolled one "to ' Hatty," and tha third baseman became excited, lie threw one at Bill Rapps which would hava gone ever ' tha bleachers' fence- If , the limber- fellow- had ... not stabbed it, under the clouds after a wild upward leap. While BUIjtvaa in tno air after the sphere , Martinke . I v i? . f ' i J i f - hi,,'- . , - s ' ; - - ' . ' - ; , : t , '4 k - ,xi Interscholastic League Shows Promise of Exciting Race for Pennant Jhls Season With Several Teams Bunched. Mrs. Minnie Thompson, daring woman rider, who without bridle forces - a crazy mustang to do her bid ilng, make the crazy' steed-waltz through the same ayolutions as a trained horse. She la now with , - Buffalo Bill in New T?rk. . - , . , , , nrnGis 111 II TOT Am out ILOIMULIOIIL D reached first, and Carlisle crossed tha plate with the first run. R. Brashear for ed Martinke at aecond. Coy skied to Rapps. Brashear went out trying to steal second, .. Olson reaching for Flsh- Continued on Page Six.) FIGURES SHOW JEFF v v -OVER JACK JOHNSON "'Vt'-X'-'t' :';..V"!r',." '. -i ij- "xf?l,''i v.: ,v;y'" 4r , When Jeffries and ' Johnson stand side by aide- the - black 'aeema to loom over the white man. But the figures show a 4 different tale. . Jeff Is aupposed to be a quarter of an inch taller lhan Johnson. , Johnson' shoul- - a tders are nearly two Inches broad- er. but Jeffries has the .bigger , chest both in normal attitude and - under expansion. Jeff haa a 31. f ' waist and Johnson 17.- Johnson has the bigger arms and legs, ' hut all in all they seem to be -pretty avenly matched in siie. Portland Birds Fly Home Today From LelandGood Time , ' : .'Expected. Pigeon racing 'is becoming as popular as it was two years ago and signs poin to.a banner season with the fast flying homers. Last night a number of speedy birds, were sent to Leland, for' a ?0fl mue. nignt to Portland ana ir.tne oay is clear: anU calm soma record : break. Ing time is expected It is believed that with favorable weather conditions the birds will be noma S ft hours after be ing- UDeratea. .Last Sunday tha racing-was not so successful as lias been hoped Tor. The birds were, turned loose at Albany at C o clock in the morning and it is bo lieved fog and moisture intereferd with tha flight. , .. , ; Some of" tba birds were unable to negotiate the diatanca in. ona day. Ed Lulls won first place and Joe Buckley took second. Third and fourth went to P. Yost and fifth to K. H. Bauer. This morning tha birds will be liber ated at o'clock in order to avoid possi bility of having .their wlngs dampened by fog or 'dew. i ' . -i . :- . Lillls haa entered eight birds, Buckley ANGORA FAMILY PUTS BOATMEN IN QUANDRY . Just what several lucky or unlucky members of tha Portland Motor Boat club, just as you want to look at It. wilt lo with a pair ot angoras la not at this moment known. Last Sunday Mrs. Qufnn of Wllaonville. a sisler of Joe Mat holt of tha club, presented the .win Dera of the free for all scratch raca and the cruiser-race with a couple of mem- hrrn of tha crimson flannol eating fam ily. Mrs. 'Nanny was won by.J. E. Wolff and Mr. Billy by Jo Mathlot. , It has beeiv suggested that the goats tHjrht b ued Id initiatory ceremonies Tlo kf-p down the grass and eat awy t c rubbish around tba clubhoos. - Anj- one who will haad tn a aatlsfae lory ansarr to 'the cotaraodnra will b l'rPW with a piece of Mra. Augna . f in Mutt's pun-kin pic as a reward. . Tne boya a still talking about the I -'1 time thfy had at WUwmVllle. - eeet to aea th new Pacer out th river In the net few daya. ' Z. Bn7 eipects la Install a new en t n In Ms cruiser snd then ha .will go fir i he acalpa af tb other cruiser. Ii Lew-la, a f river, enthoslast. fa h'.n tintt averhsuled. Ha ear f f re la any.imcrt oa tha rtver ha win e it this S'lm'-er. -. - - - " ; .1 re Jp Matholt.-JV 'Walff. Her- ' . i I.r-rhr4t. Joe Srbaels and A. i ' to do with tha goata they .?. -. Inatallad a aew arark r-.t !r ' htt and It rT aarh . -X tt when tha rrrwi atsrte4 Mr. . ti r.early kickad eut t the t ' . - . " - c f f'-e hoat last . ir.i i-rt t ft roii' laka r ret a'e' r w ta tha aid of a K-r aw'e - '.it rr,' !'l r-a hel funday. t r r j-our boat, ao . - i n i (v. merrymakera. -v i ? tre Hi rarlTf t j 1- st ia cha -a ar. J tV ".' show the other fellow yon can- speed aneao or htm. There ia quita 'little talk going around about a acratcn raceihetween tha Red Arrow.' Hyack and Neptune, to take place in. tha -near future. It was aM caused by the trip to Wliaonvllle. A good ordinance would ba to make everyone Joining tha Motor Boat club pass an examination on handling gaso line.' , .; , 1 ; - The Motor Boat 'club haa a 'caretaker who la doing things. , Francis Sexton, ona of tha hard work, era of the rlub, haa taken tha position aa manager oMha g Power ft Supply ompany. . , Tha prospects . look gloomy .for. races at Portland during the Rose Festival. -Ous Fleming, orta'of tha most enthu- t..aatlc members of the club, has started a marine and fire- Insurant- agency an the waterfront- Gua vara ba doesn't expact to become a w.llUnalr through nia new- vennire. . t . Tha Laaralalna: owned fcy Mr; Parka will be hauled out at Von der Werth'S Monday far an overhauling. -The Lonesome, Ray Jame son, waa out Katurday looking neat and trim after toeing repainted. Tbe-ertttor -vlwrenca. wned by Mr. Mclntlre af Taqulwa. and built by Drte- coll Broa. of Astoria.' has ben paring a visit to the city. Pb la equipped with a two rrlladwr,' 1 horsepower Campbell engine. Tha boat and angina hava prove highly sat! a factory to her owner. She will leave for T equina bay today under . her. own power, .which ,1 considered a long trip for a are all boat Bets Ereat o BlUlard. Tha Wll!rdlsta are heavily raking t!'!r favorttea In th match for the tiu between Ttamea Hue fori. the three r-river champion aad Alfred Oe Ore. the former rfcampton, which will b- r,"," tn New Terk May It. IT and la, Ti.a bettc g la ea an even baasa. - 4 four. Tost fiva and Bauer nine. " v Under good conditions, .tha homers should cover at least 1200 yards a min ute. Pigeon fanciers are taking's, great In terest in the game and no doubt it will soon become ona of tha established sports of tha city.- Too Much Sierra- Marathonins'. For the first time in the history, of the classic Marathon race it has been named as tha 'causa of divofee. Pend ing in supreme court of Kings county (Brooklyn) is tha; divorce action of Mr Victoria Wilson, who aaka a sepa ration .from her hUBband. William Wil son, on tba ground that "he became a fanatlo ; over Marathon running. . Mrs. Wilson said that her husband acarcely aver came home he was ao busy run ning or ttralnlng or discussing future races with hla. trainers ar backers Wil son won the Columbia Marathon raca In Brooklyn when ha ran representing the Aavier Athletic club. v , The interscholastic athletes are now In the midst of a most successful sea son. - Students and supporters of . the various school teams ar taking an tin usually keen interest in baseball this spring. " ' ", k ' .- From tha student's point of view thera are aa many' pennant winners as there are teams in the league,' for the student fans believe,, that their respec tive teams hava the ability to land tha coveted trophy. . - . - r , At present the outcome Is about as uncertain as It was at tha beginning of tna aeaaorr. Threa teams Jefferson High; . Lincoln and Columbia are about on - the same footing, each having lost and won a game. Portland Academy la practically out or tha running, hav Ing lost two games out of three. Their defeat at the hands of Lincoln belnar de cisive. Their team aeema com posed of one man, Karl Cobb, pitcher. , , coiumua Has Olnrar. v Columbia. .university lias the srinrer team that promises to make. a strong finish in the pennant raca. The v age and added experience of their players gives them, a slight advantage. - Al though tha 'varsity boys lost to Port land Academy, they still 'have a fight ing cnancfti Tha Washington High ' school . still maintains an average of 1.000 per cent j. ney nave played but one game. Iiow. aver, so that it la hard to give anything aermite about. their Tba Waahlngton lads . aeem to- ba overconfident, and as overconfldence works against a; team of young play ers, it is not at all unlikely that they will - drop a game before the season closes Houck of the Washington team bidt fair to be the star twlrler of the league again, . Wilson, his Receiver, is doing about tha best work behind tha bat Tonne Boys at Jefferson- Tha Jefferson team is -composed of a bunch of young boys, who have base ban ability, and are willing to work, They have surpriaad the -older . teams by, running even in the race up to this time:. Tbeir strength seem to ba in their pitcher, plus their ability to hit tha bau. -i ; . ' Irwin, the new "umpire, seems to be giving satisfaction, although he might move about more and. view .close plays ac a oeiier range. ThaTJnlveraity of. Washington has Mexican to Race, Eut. ; Max Hirsch will r train the atrina of thoroughbreda which Senor r; Alberto Terrazas, the wealthy Mexican.' will race upon the eastern tracks this year. The Mexican secured his 2-year-olds from A. B. Spreckels in California and ha is sura to nave succeaa with them. - : N f '4' f : ; - Mysterious Billy Smith anrj Al. Sling Padded Mitts at Each Qther for Delight of Fans In Portland May 20. ;,. Bridges,' the youngr receiver, who has been having good euccesa with the champion baseball team. , SWIGEfiT WINNER v Y -J. . . ' ' " OFGOLFTROPHY over a week ago and 'which' caused a postponement' last Saturday:-, ' . ' Taa ' green ; was t crowded - yesterday and tha atmosphere took on the air of a big toumamonf. However, - the next tournament will not ba held 'until, the middle 'of next month.-whpn tha atata -cliamplonshlpa will ba played off in an open "meeting. . ,,, While no out-of-town entries have yet been made, it -is understood... that seve ral Californiana of prominence in ' the golf world wilt take part in tba tourney. ' Tha victory- of Swigert ha caused tka snhnnla t Snril.aJ Mu DuAtbll Ui ' CnnnlnU DtMAfel t TIlO VlCtOrV- O . "Yt .nZ A tnii; 7 D,cwa n,-waiwi,ncwiu much confidence among the mora dif " - - . . . ' . . .m . . I am to: 8eattle for their big interscholastic track meet May 21. Thtrack boys will have their, try out May 13, juat after the I Lincoln-Columbia game. .Defeating Bennett for the, President's Cup. fident players and it is likely that mora of them will enter tha handicap matches in the future. . , FIGHT PROMOTER GETS . DECORATED IN FRANCE Cans nunting. Health.' Jnm nana' baa ' dvpti nn the '-Idea. Af i fiahtlna Just now. and ha rone ito mends of unaries r. swigert ara con the coast on a hunt for health. .Tha sratulating him on winning tha opening ex-llghtwelght champion left for his I golf trophy of the season, the Prsl home In Baltimore Saturday and said he dent's ,up,' on the Waverly : Jinks ,yeS' BM, f " "tarday. from;. John Bennett, three up la,t getting aome proper 'recognition possible. f i . I and two to day. , Mr. : Swixert hw k..i.r u.f..M.i, . ...... T played a consletent game throughout jeannette . Billy Lewis and Jim Stewart ' The ' French government has 'caught tha boxing fever. .Tha mighty gladia tors whose faces are marred with dust and .sweat and blood In. the. ring are at n.Aij. "if a , . j . j IT. - ... . -. . ouniue vi invuiii juin lias joinoo i tne. nmamn ournimeni ana ma vie-1 . .k- , - .... ... w. w. -..u ou.iuijr is, legaivra .inn wm. vf ie boxe ' famous in Paria haa been outfield position. -He is, reputed to be V In wlnriin tha President's cup. Swig-1 JLLt.S ,k.XS2I'm. I fi ""-IwH Z. 1W Vi. " ' - " T" . '4 "T I rv- ..r . l , u .. "; i m order of the palm.' ' Mr. McKetrlck hand fllngera. v ; ? I going around the 18 holes in t strokes. nftw W?vinie i-im. :.. hi. n ' 'T . "J ',2 ' ' S H1" beit L Pvloiis record waa 6. buttonhole' aa an Insignia, of the Ka- Tha Catholic club baseball team la be-1 r Mr. Bennett played an excellent game, tinhat rtee 1 . . - ing managea jointly oy ttay nenneay l out no was oaoiy nanaicappea oy a e- and ward uincn. ., . i vera cut: wnicn. nappenea -to nis nana YOUNGEST GOLFER IN THE WORLD "It la e one ? grand honaire,"': is; the phrase Which Daniel la now learning to aay, assorting to a rrench correspond ent ' ' ' s XU1 We Pise. ,( . Ed Corrlgan'a horses at Churchill I Downs are- in charge vof a man bearing I tha euphonious name of , Billy Biscuit. Corrlgan retired from the turf recently but th lure was too strong. He didn't have enough money to enter again, on a grand acale, ao he acquired a faw likely horses, and .hopes to. recoup his fallen I fortunes ..and then some mora during the preaent year., ..... ; . ..v.. Ever since tha announcement to tha world that Jim Jeffries would try and put 1 himself in condition whereby ' ha may wrest tha laurels gathered by that elephantine black. Jack Johnson, It haa been consistently argued - among th aged-ln-tha-wool fans, that it would ba impossible ' for Jeff riea to get . back to anything like his own time fighting con-, dltlon.- Hla condition today simply exv pela all Ideas bordering -along .those Jlncs and Jthe big white champion ia at tha present time in condition to travel ' those 45 rounds just as fait aa in thope bygone days. . The same argument ) U 'now . being " threshed out by the lovers of tba wanly art of self defense, who inhabit this large northern city, aver since it 'was' heralded that "Mysterlous'' Billy Smith, who at one time startled the World with V hla prowess, who fousht all the treat men of hia day, whose reputation ex tends from one. continent, to the other V and. who has never failed to give the fans a run for their money. 'would be one of tha principals In a 10 round box-v ing. exhibition with that sterling boxer Al Nelll of Ban Francisco before ona of the local clubs, May 20. ' , - Kaa Worked for Tear. Smith haa been in Quiet preparation" for hla re-entry Into the roped arena for the laat year: and hia condition at this time haa marveled those fans who, have been fortunate 'enough - to. watch him In his dally workouts. Ha seems to : have regained all those, foxv , tricks ' which in day gone by baffled th best men .of his weight .in the-world. ' Ills encounters with men' like Joe Walcott,- Danny Creedon, George Green- and many others -who hava won fame for them selves in the pugilistic world, serve to make Smith a. formidable opponent for' any of the men at bis weight' who ar -, now seeking honors in the middleweight . division. ; Smith haa made Portland " Ills " res!-v dence for years and now claims , It-a; his home city. f He has bean, in business here fors a number of years, but Vver since he decided to reenter the ring he haa hut everything aside and gone into his training with a- "free C from an -worry spirit hlch ha 'worked; won ders With him. ? He haa- put all f his v. energy into his, training and tha way ha wallons Larry Madden and his five other sparring partners indicates that the once famous boxer has aiippea one over on, those gossiping fas who claimed It was', Impossible for any man to . get back Into t condition after being eut , f ? the mixing for" a number of years.) Under the watchful .aye of Trainer Tom Tracey, Smith has been doing his road work and gymnasium exercise with a vim that snella success and when the gong Cans him to the center of tha ring he will ba in tna oest possioia conamon. , ' HelU. Well taoiraUv'VWv : ' , ' Al Nelll la well known to all the fans on the Pacific coast by his ;clevarness and punching ability., Hia bouta with Joe Thomas, Kid Carter, Jack Moffat,. Jim Hornbuckle and the rest Of the ' celebrities of his division have stamped (Continued on Pag Klx.V u a. rsm JOCKEY REDUCES 18 ' '' POUNOSvIN SIX DAYSX . Jockey Joe Notter balievei-that e ha - holds the recora ror im w e Tapld ellm'lnatiori of flesh. Not y. e ter lost .11 pounds or meat in e six days at tne Aqueauci iraca. w , He had been told that he was too ' e heavy for good mounts,: ao ha -e e asked leave of absence for alx.. . e daya. He got it ana came paca a . looking a living skeleton. Notter refuses to divulge the secret of ; quick flesh reduction, hut sayer a he gets out of a Job.ha will set himself up as a doctor "of fat people.. - , . "i T . ''e ' "' . SOLDIERS OFTHEJ TAKE PDACE VANCOUVERS Standiaf of the Tri-City X.aru Won. Lost. P.C Salem . ; . ..A....;.'... ' f '- ,.7 Peninsula. .. ..:.... - t '- a v .e7 Pell wood-.. , f. 3 1 -V iS67 Dilwortha . v., ......... I ,1 ',".! Vancouver 4 . . . "1 ' v ..' J .I3S West Side . 0 S .SOD Where the teams play today: -1 J West Side at Salem. Dilwortha .vs.;. Peninsula,; at : Ports mouth. - I T' r ; A-;.-'..';---, ' , Sell wood at Vancouver.; - . 'Glancing over tha percentage list one will readily note that four of the teams are bunched for. first place and the race will no 'doubt -be hotly .contested. The I Went Blders got .off badly.' but Manager Rupert haa strengthened up hialaggre- gatloo and Mann en first is considered a player who la dangroua with the atlck and ,1a apt to break up most' any game. .. ',. . -'...-.'.., .." - ! The .Vsneouver franchise 1 ' heli g filled hy the Plrat infantry teem, ss the eTpane for malatalnlng a aalary team waa too heavy t meet. Clarence Ff flow's peninsula team is playing consistent baseball and Jack Olaey haa woo tha twa vletoriee for the club. Mcrarland at first la re puted to be plarlrg a rleasy exhibition, aa la Pnss Griffith at th key ton sta tion. Walter lv Is at third and Todd at ehort. "Nig" Herachler i a by and ambitious ywirrstr and Rogers la a capable outfielder. Mornlnastar, al though a rltcher, understande bow te garner the Hies. The Portland Maroons hava a heavy read eehedol ant are being manared Ky Earl Wlnterbotham. the rangy twfrler.' - ' ernonn. t te dateleacheread grand stand are In poaltloa and the rains have assisted In putting tha field In feed ; shape. Tha Dll worth Derbies are Slated te meet tha Peninsula team. Alex McDonald haa caught ' en with' the Hoqulam club of tha Waahlngton . 8 late league, and had transportation . forwarded to him.- at Houlton. Ha , played short for St. Helens last Sunday, t . The Trl-Cltr leaguer will soon bold sway on tha Vsughn street lot and no . doubt the fans will greet tha boya with old t!ma enthusiasm. Early season rains played havoe with tha young leaguers, but wltrr any kind of weather soma, classy ball ahould be preaented. Csmaa, Greabam. St. Helens and Hills- bore are represented by fast teams and have been handing packages to the Port ' land amateura. ? E;k-f, -7far-o:4 sea r, lit c V a r-j ! -n g ArMe Ar,-m 1 1 Vf t i m ry f- T' 111. I Men, on the ft J--hn or !:- t aft- Pltchar Van Hoinlon of the Iil-orth Derbloa greeted the Vancouver tana last Sunday by-aUpr'na hn ball o,ot of th m-loeure. . Chick Hughe la proving a t-rllng pl.iyer. hitting like a fiend' a4 throwing from the outfield with reau lartty. He Is one of the Trl-Chy finds. Pert Fetehner and "Whltey" Mo Bride, former Trl-Clty lad unJer Hel ser, si msklrg a gl impralon with the Chehalts elub. "Whiter s" name ap pears natural In print when glancing over the aummary In th score sheet. Tillamook will be represented by a first elaes amateur team this summer and Is reputed te hav hooked tw ef Portlands fastest teams for a series ef game. - r t - a winning siabater and r.aa wo hla jm ior tna i e"ir.uia riuo. 1 sin. J ritC-ea to Georfa rj-t roe. r is c:-t t.T.e catrher on the 6L Johns te.uL