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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1910)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY. MORNING. MAY ' 8. 1910. V. G -FOIt SALE FAKM! mm FI1 ARGROVE & SONS i u , IS 4 acres, over 40 acres in a high state H - ' . . , - , lutiui uvuui m - - r houses . fi"'"'!'' ' ,f .i0"! aim m, i vfc " - . - - yeanin. a "-a""--. ,, , elements, nay ana jrun civv fook fine and goes with th place; lcot, L'1T' VAT." oTrtv jTjiit-B avi iiio v. - .Til of cultivation, balance timoer. ii and machinery. -Also household choicest' of rich, njlow soil . with .holoed,,,. Bprlngs on place, ltt mllea KraveU. and , th land,iles rfect y.7 to R d boat landing. Just $66 per ill- 4tMH aVftA a.l. llmfta AT Fftrteli.... s'issa ' r J - n., lund. corners on iwu Bwiu .5hHrc'eV""d....r.eJi This Is one of the best opportunities you will ever have niN. of 1 land: In within easy driving This is a oargain possession.. mrjtTTlW'r. ; ! yPRK8. This choice JO acrea Is all In a h'gh stale of cultivation. Ilea perfectly, not a rock or gravel, the very best dark ricn sou; oranu new o ivom "s--i fine new barn, nicely pamtea; aj ouua - intrs new and In. first-class condition: choice berries and young orcnara.,. it -M Yi Hlrfleult' for, VOU to find fault with this 20 acre.Only 6 miles lrom uie cuy jimna rurunuu, graveled road all the way. Price, with personal property, I6000;t M cash, bal ante 6 Te interest. ,.V ,, v BKST 10 ACHES FX) ft $2500. ' I'M. la una of (Via heat 10 acres WC v.... Mn all In a hleh state of i.ii.irUii srontlfa aannth ftlnrift. the very best of soil, no gravel; 4 room house, barn -and outouiiaings. cnoiuo nuiv, n-ver falling spring: right at the house; rignt at stores, acnooia mi 1 .. A fmm HhA iitv llmlta AT Portinnif. Thia is a nerfect lying tract and the soil la unexcelled. : Price $2500; Vs cash. ; SPLENDID BTT? URBAN 4-ACRB HOME. This elegant 4-acre home is right at the city limits' or forttana, jusi a iew ' blocks from sta'tion, on a nice macadam road; splendid 8 room plastered house, with good basement, Water piped throughout house, good barn and cnicK en houses. - The land Is all cleared. 10 full bearing cnerry trees, 30 bearing grapes, besides nice young orchard of to own sucn a cuuice i c . do tar you in this section. In fact, everything to make home what fenced; on county , road, A S?: you want it. Personal property; 1 large barn" and other buildings, nouee horse. harness and buaev. 1 cow. fine hold goods Included with place ror chickens, all Implements and some new nousenoid goous. ah lor ouv, wim terms. This Is a beautiful suburban home and dirt cheap at the price asked, HARGROVE & SONS 123 Gth st. N., Cor. Cth and Glisan. Matn 43S1. , t: J..'- lfiO acres la Tillamook county-town- amp a aouin. ranga j u , wfMsi ivi ncrc 1 'cleared. 120 acres eood timber. 3.000,000 I feet balance land, 40 acres, easy cleared, 4 6 miles, from Cloverdale, 1 mile from! ocean, large 1 room house, log Darn ana . shed; . price $3500; 3 errant - factories within 4 miles of place; will take in v good automobile to amount of $1500, but , must be good. tl - 14 acres, 13 acres fn cultivation, bal ance stumpage pasture, good large orch ard, large 8 room house, fair barn, good spring water, good rences. on good coun ty road, all level, i miles from Oregon Cltv, V mile streetcar line; bargain. $3200. We also have Clalrmont acreage rang- , ing rrom zvi acres to a srre tracts, z miles from courthouse, good macadam- ized road, right by. school and on pro- I posed ClacKainas (southern R. K. $100 ' casn, balance terms to suit 40 acres, all tillable land, good soil, all level, 16 acres In 'cultivation,- some wood, good well, 6 acres fruit room house. S barns, other outbuildings, good county road, 4 mile from Oregon City, team, wagon, buggy, harness, plow, har row, 2 gooa cowa ana yearling, enicaens, some household furniture; price $100 per acre. VT. F. SCHOOLET CO, l; Main at.. Oregon City, Or. 20 ACRES CLOSE TO BKAVERTON. tl tulles from Portland. Lies a little sloping and very best of soil. 3000 cords of standing timber on it Price a snap at $2000. Wood wilt more than pay for the land. JOHN DICK tZt HENRY BLlxJ.. 4T1I AND OAK. - OAKLAND. ORKOON. Fin f arm -of. 441 acres H mile from -Oakiand..' 600 acres cleared plow land, 3o acres in" crop now. All good fruit grain, hay and clover land. Good houae, two barns, nheep sheds and pena. Bearing fruit and berries. Five springs, one with 17,M)0 gallon reservoir, piped to house and barn with 24 hydrant dis tributed round plare. Fine water and Jinlimlted supply. Iti men. good terms. P- A. "rparV Oakland. Oregon. ' DOUULAH Col'NfV FRL'lT AND " STOCK FARM. iv4 arre, t mile.trom.od town en county road, part cleared. $4004 of timber, creek, springs and i wells, or - chard, house, ham. nomea, cow, chick ens, bogs, tools; sacrifice at Ill.Ofre. on terma. HARTMAN ft THOMPSON. Chamber t Conimerre. ii ACRE? In Nema vailey. prfi county, U ashingtoo, two an ene-half million feet tUDher, I acres slashed and la clover, le bearing fmlt tre-a: f il hue; harn for 29 cattle. Th .North Hank railway will onn be rn lid in la this valley: buy rtow. Prlr Itfret. . rfua. J. G. Sanders, &J Lumberraea'a . - DAIRY RANCH t aerea on fnl'imHi river, fn Mult e r ah ..! y: Ik cow and I bulL Ptio l.ii ;-r rre. on easy terma. from ewa r. An oprrt jntix f.-r tha right party. A. U rl.VDAl -4 1 ,..Sr I Tfkf . M'" 4ll k 1 - Is ivJ are fa.mxia Kl'kUat r 1 Tl arrea Cleared and rwi-x.rr--rttl with rine. mile Fine r.'ttir: rrepo- 1 ... Is tiff'red t I Mv li at $ 5, - wr eeriei" tn?.1 rt It 1 fc. .. ' . F-nna, , ' P l. !- i ". . 1 . ie. n.rv. -X. .. i i . - n , un ' , fear d t--. 4i e' t-w,t. ffw-l a'. f ' - a., t " r- .jr le-el t ... r- : ren- , . , .ri r . H " ar-d , , -. . , -i . - 7 . . a ! a - ! , p : i--w-. J. ti j - ' i " a 1 i g. , 4' SWAPS 1 17 1 W i rOH 8ALE-iFAmiS IT 162 acres. 110 In cultivation.. All rood 1b nd.' No rocks or gravel. Law buildings. All stock and machinery. buildings. All fa i iod . 10 aorea orcnara, vn- acre. . tn fiiltlvatfon. ' good barna and good house. All atock, horse I Vim I II KMH KUim liUUBV, All ,V- . . - . imtta. .w-.j,,.. ,, v i- ,i c v i - 0 Acres, H In, cultivation. Balance. is onlr I 27 par acre; may t ad ' i uBiiv nur unaer mow. ; a rain, n,t ma. m ... Rvan I $ ea.7 per acre.;. . ..--, . - i iu acrea 40 in cultivation. woi U baUlnce .aaHyeared. . .Good .building 8 ii. ABa f iiu'. "iS r.1 w U itiKv fivuv or ouuu in funmiiu K - ty m pari , payment. 'Dtiww term frloa Snly $71 per .cr. Tiie tova ra samples or w i .v,i." r,'V- " rniit and chick en ranches; and wa glva you clean Bolt -coma and see us. resin maxt otamirxT'ria nMT I i. fine neighborhood, fIirhR. narlfoulara ; reaardinar any pi piemy, nt tha :lt V. I . i .T.. ... m.a.. tmm nn all. j-' V I t&Ken will at va immediate y8 ulao have small tracts at reason-1 can Coiumma river t0 Waahougal L Waalt,all kinds, S running streams; grain and ij returnt vla ateamer Jeasle Harklna, fruit looks fins and prospects for a ,.iHn waahina-ton atreei aoca. xrv 1 , nd 3 p. m. i " w--hoiial la 2T miles from Portland ,d a, beautiful scenery and a grand "i, " 4 ,, prea,.nt this advertisement to Cap- I tarn Hosford, of the . steamer ibbi HarknB ana n wi be accepted aa a ticket, then call "at our office and we will supply you with return. Ing for a good dairy, fruit or ranch for I general farming. In a country that I JProvidea, tnai you are ouiimui 1 growa tnings, ana na v . Ry of ollanAA.ci1!nf.7: i .it. &U SrVnlST wTOon;r . .! w. niu all kinds of flraln. 1 4...i4- wa aisia ail klrtrlfl of fifral I the finest quality of potatoes, nd hlgn- egt casse8 OI iruit. . . A plaM especially adapted for grow- i m sr pears. . . J ... .,M I . win .not post vou any rare, trur ranrnaentatlva will meet you at tha If you wish further Information be fore maxmg me trip, wi 80 acrest 70 acre cleared, 10 in cul- tlvatlon, family orchard, small : iruiis, part level creek bottom, all pooa aou, $1Su0; half cash. i - - . k 148 acres line nouso anu "JT-.T (young orchard, 6 acre each JJ "T; 3 aides; running water in , house and barn from spring; miies m bu JVkAo town: all aood soli. Price $4200, $1600 cash, balance easy terms. A rloared. SS acres) I m nr fimivpr na lance Dasiure, uu wi F D and telephone, lies orr main coun ty road:Jlvuig water; fenced; house, I storv. 8 rooms, large barn and other out h,ilMin: all best of soil and will mKe la fine dairy ranch. Price $4000, half leash, balance easy- terms. 10 acrea, 7cfJl lZSnZ:-timr I ISO acres, 46 acres creek bottom in mrauow hhu n ty ow -rvmil I low and P"! JS"i-M;mi pasture small J5" " .5: FivEvawntir tlZ is and fruits, county i-uuinj .T. " -j I fenced; 7 room nouse, s uarna uu v.,,iMin-,. s head cattle, span- mules. v... ii-i itrti' a heart rattle, snan - muieei, l MuiiuiiiA., - - - .1 -11 Bnn chickens, wagom harness and air farm tools go for $4500. Half cash, balance long time, . ' Chittenden, Otto & Both Phones. 310 Oak lt 1S.M1U Z0 acres unuer tmiiainuj aKin t u ,m. nr swain lanu. a - m.9 trnnA eord , W(M)d gwu commercial apple orchard of Northern Spy. Spltenberg, Bald Win and Gravenstelns and lots of berries and grapea; 6 room house and barn. 2 ereeka spring and well; personal property: - 2 milch cows, 2 heifers, 8 spring calves. Joung mare 4 years old, about 4 oaen chickens, buggy, harness, etc.. mile to school, 2 churches and store. 4 miles from boro; must be sold bylfith or price -rill be raised to $5000 with out stock; on milk route. H mile from new prospective electrio line; $4700; $220 cash, . balance 6 years per cent - , , Ask for Mr. Burns. Mt.'Hood Land Company. 711 Rothcblld bldg. Half under tt..tlvfttlon. acres heavy timber, balance good paa true and easily cleared; room whit house, barn, shod. 2 wells snd creek, family orchard And all kinds of berries; personal property, 4 cowa, yearlngs. 8 horses, plow, wagon, buggy. 2 set harness and harrow; 1 mile from school, church, store; R. F. D.; 14 mile from Portland by Canyon . road and 4 mile from Hlllsboro, on milk route;)- net $76 per. month; $i000; (300 cash, baUnce years 6 per cent . Ask for Mr. Burns. MUHood Land Company. 712 RothchUd bldg. . $M AN AP.RF ' ' "lit" acres, 84 acre - la cultivation, mall orchard, building, watered by spring, alao rood stream; lie on main county toad. It. F. IX and telephone line; aom of thia land excelleot for peacliea; 2 mUeo frosa good, towa, Bear electrie line; terma WELLS &DUFUR v 84$ Chamber of Commerce, . Marahail 4. . . - - 26 acre 4 mile from Vancouver, on eosnty road. rhj. ?t i.rMK,Rrfrvi"PLrvT. Ill ACRVJ fruit land near Gold-tidale; la-heartr erehard. 1 more ' reoer r'w; pr'ce l.vefia ean Ad- r. Ulhw Hea.!T Company. ir.Wen- f , . 1 J.. -i- i rt-m innil laj4 t'r TL R srp. R M- Jtrsfl. . 1 M. Kar t El TO '15 AGUES '16 WLES-TI raDrnjuMD''- 17 BUY'HHSilBOACRE L! lo acrea within 60 miles of Port land and - Is-as fins orchard land aa ther la In the west 26 acrea cleared, ha oO bnarlna- trera from 6 to 10 years old, 'balanc planted to crops, -school houaa on premises, 600,000 feet of fir and cedar; there la several thousand cords of wood which .can be driven down tha river, a 10 room house, good kpn A.itki.lMlnM t.Unknn. mn(l . . ,, , iv, vu kill llUlllftl,. .. delivery, rood llva spring and river, on main county road. If taken la the next few days all, crops will go with ' ina uiaL47tv v -.,'1. i on iirmi. I it . X I '; ') . . 0 C 191 4 .1 ifn aims in rultlvallon. balance' pa (" J,: J. k. n, turf, "IrZtffiW.2'. mou-Broadmaadi-IH mile, from food - K. P.. -milk rouU and tel 1 nhon. i rArtlt Th. stock consist- of 4 horse, .worth :,--; ,,, .,- -, i oi inem ana nouaenuia (uou, j at once all crops.. fries bib.dvu make gooa terms. ItS 'acrea cleared. SO acres In new orchard, 10 acres old orchard. i2S acrea alfalfa. 10 acrea wheat, fi acres oata. S J irri cr rrln tniplr rranaa. herriea of rammr croD was never uauer. una land la east of Mopler and la absolutely the best orchard land by teat. This I year's crop will bring $2600. 17. 'itiam im . houaa harn and out I buildings. . Thla place Is worth to cut i ln fu acre tracts li00 per acre.- unis I looks good as an Investment for a man J to make money from the atart Let us I show you photos. Price $100 per acre. ITU -vUUiTUU IA; -t 1275 acrea near Dallas. 100 acre In cultivation, S good barns, well watered. orrchard.nd f '4U I OI ":na naa. L. Tbla is a snap for a few days at $26 per acre. - - ' , - ;;'. RAND, READ ft UU, . 310. Board of Trade. ' 154 acres finest kind of fruit - and dairy land in Oregon; 76 acres In high state, of . cultivation, S room house, new barn, 48x72. with 23 ft. boxing, and concrete' foundation, barn worth $1500; 3 creeks, 1 springs, family orchard ' and all kinds of berries. From 10 acres . of hops last year netted $2500; on milk route, nets $200. Er month; 2 acres of onion land, mile - from graded school,' 2 urchea, store, 4 miles "from ' Millsboro. 10 miles, by Canyon rid. $6000 cash, balance 6 years per cent. Land adjoining sell ing for $160 per acre. . ASK FOR MR. BURNS. - ,Mt. Hood Land Company : . us itomcmia mug, :'" creat flna aoil. 4 mllea from Baa wton. $100 per acre; i miles f rom ' Uallro'.UtlOT: 1 cre cleared. 16 I ?c,r- rln " arion. acres siasnea, easily eieareat living wi Iter; one fifth cash, balance long time.' ter; one linn casn. uaiance iouk time.' , i .. ....n.., jt.t' ' v urea, nail. PAi-riicn t null lauu, nou(lej baPn orcliard, outbuildings, partly cleared; some beavertiam, lies rignt lor subdividing. 4 - miles from Beaverton, $100 per acre; . terms. 113 acres, near SHerwood. half In-cul tivation; good buildings and orchard, plenty, of living, water; t per acre erNEB WBftNNl 813 Le'wrs Bldg. : 40 acres 8 miles from courthouse. 80 acres in crop, fine-fruit, good well and spring, 2 good horses, wagon, hack and farm tools, house and barn, all goes for v.-f. :.:.' r.',Vf-';'''..'V-T:'Vv 'V.r'.Mi- 14H acres, small house,' bam. some fruit, mostly t in cultivation, 2 miles from Oregon City, mile to eleotrlc lne; price $3200. ; 25 acres on good county road, partly slashed and easy to clear, all level, no imiuiiiB, a Biiup v .iiiuvi iviiubi 20 acres fruit land, snm cleared bearing fruit, near , city limits; price omy tiiuu. , . , . . , , 'i For bargains in farms or acreage call or write us ror tree information. . FRETTAfl ft SWAFFORD. Near S. P. Depot Oregon City, Or. "' Chicken Ranch ' . 4H acres, with modern equipment for handling 700 hens. -This place Is in a gooa town m wasningion county and only four blocks from depot If you want to mo Into business and want to start In right come- in and-find out about, this. Neal Brown,- 709 Bwetland piag. . . -- - - -i -- -FARMERS.'. BPECTJtLTORS, TRAT Listen r 820 per acre for S 20 acres wheat land, 804) in wheat goes with the place. All comes unaer jviicKitat lr rlgatloa project. Close to railroad. Terras. - Buy this. and double . your money. P. A- WORTKINOTON WM. KENNEDY wen r argo mag. FOR SALE 17 acre farm Lane Co., on -ravel road. : a .miles to town. 1 44 miles to street car. I mil to school. Farri all fenced and In fine crop. Don't overflow. Fine fruit land, family or chard. 260 grapea. Water piped In house and Darn. . uooa improvements. - srice $260 acre. O. M. Norcutt. owner. Hptingfleld. Oregon. (t ACRES, 4H miles from O reason City, ., lay fine, road on 2 side, good spring, well, fenced, . rross fenced, with, woven wire. harn. Dea nouse, room nouse. heavy team. ' harness, wsgon. 4 milch rows. 1 yearling, 104 chickens, II sheep. It goat. 1 hog. farm macninery. all ror $6100; part casn. A i fires dox 118, M. K. IK I, uregon my. IF your prices are right end yea wish quick result list your. property with CM. . ' ' ' - r.-K. TATWR ft COMFAjrr.--'''.. 402-443 Lewis Bldg. .. . 4th ad Oak St. . FOR 8AL. 144 acres on tiindr river, oyerloolr- Ing - th yalley and Mount flood: for cenery, nothing eveel It' th ou is of th finest quality. For further In formation applv t Jame Wilson, 1804 invimnn n. itiobj iiof ltco. 14 CI TT ACRES. Ton ean bey I acrea Inatde th r-lty limits, tear to Country Club, for $J0 per ar-re. Iot yaluv Adjoining era $4t to $0. - , COLTTMBIA TRI-PT COMPANT. " BrM e-f Trade Mdg. "" FOR BALE B T - OWNER. I bav acre of unimproved lard ? mile from Portland, en eW trie R. R I wish to aell lb awrea; for aa tn- ieaimnt tnis will peer lnvetieattr.a-. "one4-rabia wood on hurd. Kir further jvfo - rmaMfi slre-a H-I'S Jenrr- rTX - Rru..rivrfruirr, poaHry. Nur C"i.r tove. ;i .lir,, Tom,. i Trwanhell. Cottas Oreva, IXII SAUS FARMS MB: mm wmiki FOIt SALE FAIDIS- ,17 HERE ARE THE SNAPS Compare Them With the Others 'Advertised in These Columns X' v' 5 ACRES All set to fruit and tn full bearing. only. 4 blocks from electric car on main county road in good locality, near I good country town, mill, stores, lodge) nana, entireties and schools. Tins is a snap at 260 an acre. ; Must be sold this 14 acres under cultivation and alLlnl crop; hay, oats, vetch and garden trutk;! 7to strawDerrv i niants. assortea or chard of apples, ' peaches, pears, cher ries, plums and prunes; good 4 room nousa... lsxiu Darn ana cnicnen noune; running water the year round; 4 miles from railroad, main line S. P.: 4 mile to school. With this place. I cows. 1 dosen chickens, S hogs, -26 cords of wood, plow and harrow; balanoe of tnis land is easy olearine. with some cord- wood on it; $1600 cash. $2000 to run to suit buyer, .. ,. v'.'-J;.-. ',.' i, . . . , j . . ...ii..iti. beaverdam, balance good black soil and Willi V II 9 went AIIIUI VI ,Ulli yt misfm v. rari or crop now in. witn m iuaoa, S head of rood stock, driving horse. buggy and harness. This is the cheap est place in Clarke county, in a good locality, without one piece ef gravel In the solL ' Price $7500; make, you good terms. . ;- KM SB balance easy clearing; will cut-about j icr"UHrcu. kuu uuuci ,-iiiw"i ovv vurun vjawuuu, BMiiii w in, imw,, with running - water; assorted orchard and soma small iruit; 7 room nouse, eu X80 barn, 1 wagon, 8 cows. 4 calves. 60 chickens; plenty of good bottom land on this place and it cannot be duplicated anywhere ln this country at our price, $4000 takes everything; $1850 cash, bal- ance to run i. w years x i per cent. . uo umDia invesxmeru vor Phone . Main 733. Vancouver.v Wash. S19 Main st 140 aorea. 7 miles east of Toncalla; postoff Ice. school and , phone on place; nhitnriHjica of water to lrrleate: 76 acres of bottom land; all can be cultivated, and you cannot find a better place at "Exoensa money refunded If place Is nnrnhaHM) AlltA . to take VOU.". No. A86 -100 acres, 8 miles from-Jef- rerson, na a ; mnes zrom i " Marion; 65 acrea under cul tivation; -25 acres in timber: - . 10 acres in - pasture; . good river -bottom land, lies level. Seven room house, two barna; -two wells; chicken, house, granary, hog house, shop, ete. ; 60 'good apple trees, small fruits or various Kinas. Tri,.a ififi ne. acre: half cash. balance in 3 years . at .7 per cent, v iilaa rnm CM ai 2 culUvaUon I cre"-'n..cJ. -Xla No. A102 40 ion; J( acrw in cuuiraumi, hiiin ln " stumns and vZ.vT- .4wi .nil- Wvr is room I k.-5 for s horw? I !S.iMai hOood "VJi'.nii? "l! rom -ii c'Uxmjk in achnol On ' J S. P D Prlce $2600; can" firm. CB" t- 4,11 sii iJl(( from Jef - I No. AU1 40 . acres. 2 .ffi,. hVi.nM ,n nasture and tlm- , beri"black soil; .6 room rWJif';.. ' fimaTl j n'h.m, ahout S' vears old. 1 Price. 32500. A bargain when you see oneT 16 acre all ln cuItlvaUon except M, ,Mn tmher. wood for lifetime. fin family orchard, apples, peflrs, cher- i 'nd quInceV- all k n Jf,t t Vin 6 Troom hous 1. ltr outbuildings. F U1U IA Pll..a se, . good barn finest of soli; 12 miles from Portland, on good county road, 20 minutes walk from good coun , . e.. D,t .nil on try town; eiectno . ime, tnunu , schools. This is no old run down rancn but is a dandy up to date piac ana i h,, nr m . Price 23600 $1400 cash, balance long Urn. Ask tot the owner Mr. : Pyke, Crawford Rfilty Co.. , 603 Main St. v Vancouver, wmu. Phone Main 873, Douetas County Farms fli., ,t n III ud 220 per aore. Mr. Farmer, why do you pay from $100 to $200 per acre for farma when you can buy better land for one tf nth the money T LiOok- at mis one; i tt a mil., fmin HtvrllA Hreek. 25 In culti vation; 5 room houae, barns, etc. i good creeK, xarm an : leuuou, w easy terms, , . , v How is this, 800 acres, 2 miles from R. R.t 76 acres In - cultivation; house. barn, running water: an aina o uuv aide range. . ric aouvv. w ,hava all kind of farms from 1 acres up, and the prices are from $14 per acre up. see;ua ana save money, burr-Maiden uompany 80S Board or araae. Ooldendale PER , ACRH FOR Wash. 320 AUKhb :- ' We.ll Imnrovexl: 170 acres In eultlva tion. rest pasture, third of crop goes to purchaser; z mns irora -.--, uoidenaaie, wasningion ; For further particular call, . : , - " JOHN DICK - - 628 ITenry bldg 4th and Oak. Dalrv or Stock Farm : 164 acrea In Yamhill county. 8 miles from railroad end good town; ceunty road through place, pnone in nouse; nair mil from school; ail A-l soil, place well fenced, running water and spring water piped to houae and barn; email family orchard : 5 acrea cultivated and all tn crop: 49 acre open pasture; 80 acre at elnn timber: a-ood house and barn wood house and muknouse; fin lot or stock; farm Implements and household good go with the place at $6500; mort aaaed for 82300. runs 2 years, balance cash. Neal Brown, 701 Bwetland bldg. i0 ACHES, half clearer, t acre In or- chard, most OI u oearing. roixea iruit. hous 26x28 ln good shape, barn, out buildings, all fenced, on 8 . telephone line, county road; personal property. 6 cowa, 3 horses, 2 wagons, new ouggy, 3 sets of harness, oomo chicken, good elL household rood, cream separator: everything for $00; 260 cash, bal ance at per cent ror year, star Real Estat Co, 113 Washington st. Vancouver, wssn.; li miles out. Owner Must Sell ': t have 64 ecre of land near Vale. Or. which I mast dlspooe of: am In need of money; mo agent M-634, Journal. CLARKE COUNT! REAL. F.TATE. 14 acre. acre cleared, ail fenced: ftn level land, only 44 mile from Vncover ferry landing. Price Uliv; half caJh. be'ajvce at 6 r-r rnt 1,-r 3 years. Ftar Real Estate Co, lit WVB- iTif at, Vancouver. WH. 111 rtH A Rii 144 acre: 4 acre cleared; 3. 400.404 feet ef fir tirrh-r on e Hit a Tea. - ;o, 4tt lierllng-er hi? , phit ami Mr lr Vol" WANT a Um e rr kefor. yni fcrr I il a ' rcht irlftt a-o, A. Ilo'jfV, Wuli. .nil v FOIt SALTS FAItMS Deschutes Valley Farms' Near Madras- - 40 sere unhnproved, 4 miles from Madras, lies nice and level, ' all . tillable, the prlca is $900, , half cash, balance two years at j per cent.-:. : 80 acres unimproved, 4 H mlles from Madras, price $1,'' 1-3 cash, , balance 1 to $ yara at per cent Interest, land all tillable. ., 4 160 acres near line of new rail road, 90 acres cleared, under , cultivation, 70 acrea pasture, box house and barn. . good well, fine , soil, well located, price $2700, : half cash, balance 18 months t v 7 per cent ': 60 acres near the above. 120 : cleared' nnar cumvanon. iu acres . pasture, email box house . and barn, wire fence, spring and -i good well, sohoolhous on place, rood soil, a splendid farm at , 3200, . half cash, balance 18 j months at 7 per cent . . 160 acres near Madras. 26 to $0 acrea in cultivation, two wired .fence, S miles from Young post- , office, 2 .miles from school, i hi miles from proposed station on ' : : new railroads, the price is $3000. $1400 cash, balance in S yearly , payments at - per cent interest. . 1(0 irm 4 mllaa from Pulver. " ?I miles from school, land all till- able, 1J5 acres ln cultivation, 4 , roomed house, . barn, fence, cis tern and well, farm utensils, the ' price is $6000, cash.' - - . . 160 acres, one mile from Culver, one mile from school. 140 acres t;; in timber land, 100 acres in cul tivation, 4 roomed house,- cistern, . fenced - and cross - fenced, . ' tha y y a tm fipvv,'ViMiii - . if..,-' 160 acres. 8 miles from Culver, ' one mile from school, all tillable, 166 aoree in cultivation,- good V t lias - A A - ryr n . , V, .. wn ItAtlUihAliI , utensils, farming- utensils and'. ; farm stock, fine soil. . the ' price I j; , ia jBOOO. $2600 cash, $2400 on one and (wo years time at 8 -' per cent. '' f-..- ,. 620 acres, 2 miles from Xa : Monta, 2 miles from school, 260 acres in cultivation, 106 - acres now . in grain, house, barn, good well, running waier-! the- year round; 510 acres tillable, one of the best ranches in the Deschutes valley, only about 4 or fi miles . from the new .railroad now being built, and, the price being , only $13,000, half cash, balance on I . years time at percent interest $. v , Foreign Department ' Union Bank St:Trust Co. 235 Stark st, Portland, Or. -y. nf9 nan a rtni.ia All- but S U acres clear, and in crop, 9 i aS-iu ALAiiO, orwl S nm ho and .nnn him and Z7.Z..n.Z-. : . "7 V. i "-Tr--"""-'- h --j -s-r 7:" f i l clover P? ' ' ? n at .'tl?n! ?? '"e '? .rJ.' m veicn ana seeaea io cjover,. i in v.t ley. 10 In rve. balance corn, potatoes and small, crops, 4 good horses, 8 sets dWe haruess, 3 good saddles. I cows. I heifer, Nhogs. grain . drill, manure -preader,. disk harrow f spike harrow spreaaer, - aisK narrow, spine narrow, -. crt. y plow, walking plow, riding cultivatdr.rf .ed mill, mower, hay rake, - cream separator, - garden oriu. wagon, P buggy incubator and brooder, black- mith and ' carpenter tools, about 100 cnicKens. reed and grain to last nil. nar. vest; all machinery and harness was bought new two years ago; price, ra c-uaing above 13,0; terms on part. aos. . to Molalla. "between 15 and ' 20 Clear, fair 4 room house and outbuild ings, good young orchard, some good peach land; some good : timber, plenty ot water, on main road;, price $46 per acre, - ; . '. i in Arntrn - - dose to Macksburg, 20 acres clear, anca easy ciearea, guoa s room iiuuno ,,n,.w , ,yy,iui c,tiwn when completed, 2 rooms not finished, g 2300 - feet . above -sea level; cool good large barn and outbuildings, small nights nd pleasant days; average rain orchard, on good road; a bargain, at fall 23 inches; this comes principally $4000 , J during the months of June, July, Au I hav other good bargains; let me gust - knd ' September; ' assuring fin know your wants or . come and see me. I have an auto to show you around with and will treat you right y v I eat you rignt A. F. WILL, Aurora, ur. i Sale or Trade for. Portland . , Prooertv ; . 134 acres, Ine county, near' 8. P. IL It, well improved, $40 per acre. " 204 acres, near 8. p. R. R, Lane coun-I ty. well Improved, - $35 per acre. s 200 acres, near railroad.. Benton Co.. well improved, $7000. '1040 acres. Sherman county. 800 acrea seeded to wheat,-well improved, $30 peri acre, j - . t . - ' 3IJ) acres,- Clackamas county, 1m proved, good . buildings, $46 per acre. 160 acrea of timbar Joaephln Co hear railway, cruise 3,000,000, $2000. In, a harn eliletren knnaa fenced, fruit trees, trad for team or soiaia navu, W. H. CARTER CO.. 406. Board of Trade bldg. HERE is a chance to make av trade If I vou want a choice , piece of land to I auhllirlda anil mali. a lot of monev I quick. 226 acres at Lyle, th beet fruit j land in the state, th owner I in-busl- ness here and will exchange for Port land property or sell for $55 per acre. Very choice farm at LaCenter, Wash.. 120 acrea nigniy lmoroveo, gooa Duiia-lna-s. all stock, snd farm .Implements, crops, eta; f li.ouo. hriiu Well improved, only w nt Portland- win talc I roT'erty rpart if th" con- 250 acre 22 miles & nma cltv nronerty u Dirt alderatton. 27 per aore. easy terms. A small farm at North Yamhill, for sale-at half .price: a real bargain. -Nice 40 acre, tract t Rldgefleld, wash., a good ouy at 14000.. no acres . north. 01 Vancouver, ,ivv per acre. " ; ALrnhU Ai bAKLn 212 Ablngtoti bldg.. 104 H 3rd st . Bargains in Farms 134 acre farm, good room hous aouse. concrete . foundation, 20x44 barn, 14 rear eld orchard. ' mile to R. Ft 18 acres in cult. 30 acre In walnuts; hot and cold water in -nouse. $125 per acr; terms. a a aerea k mii.a .., t. ,i.-t I no Improvements but 1.000,000 feet of j timber, land lava roIUnr. Price 210 I per acre. Ion will kow this 1 a bar- I gain when you e it Trm. i Stt acres near Foret Grove, city I Water. 3 acre chicken fenced, barn 1 24x10. room for 3 horse: hous I new, i worth 21000.. If you are looklna- for I your money') worth grab this. Pric I $200. Terms. Oreercm Adjustment 'Co . 64 V,- 4th. FOR HALE Poultry and fruit farn containing 7 3-3 acres, near Tlgard- Vllle. Orea-on t-lectrlc eervlce. arood chool ami mall delivery, 11 H miles from Portland, by Taylor bridge road; rood fence. 4 acres cleared and in cultivation; good house, poultry Jiouse ana otner outpuuaincs; plenty good wster, family orcnard. shot otI: no aa-enta or oommlsainna. Prlca a M 0 a cash. , Adilreas Owner. C D. R. L Box I nherwnod ' Or. I Vn CAi.fcJl -rre. 1- miia .-.! ri,; I Polk county. Or.: Jlo'm ity road! $i per ice tinna H. B. berrle - and chickeni erinr water, on roam acre: 119 caeh. baUnce Flummer, room 411. Lm(r Lxchanga. WALLOWA VALI.FT IRRIGATED LAM'S. Fr Information v I lwls hlAf WK raaka a peoiaHy on fruit farms and acreage. See Our llata before buytnr. . i Alum U'V PAJlT, 4:-4i lewla ftirtt. 4th "d Oak ACKr'-n aoio'nir.g city llmlia, ail Bond -lel land, sll la mitlratlin. fioM bntldlrg d water, ran eaaj'T be !!vlod tn arnaH trs'-t. A ai aorra a-od timber Jarl. Address stn, K. R CALK. k'l ' f-,rm. rr ' r-w 6 r-rn a f r r-.'-a 15 '4 Ex Is. ark, or i o-rw J,it ; ir"'ij FOR SALB FAKSfS 17 . 10 acres within 6 miles from cen ter of Portland, fine soil, nlce , view, running stream, 600 cordai - first growth fir, macadam road, price $2600. - .."''' acres about K of mil from city limits of Vanoouver, mJ i i . house and chicken , house, - stumps blown out, good soil, pries $1300. ' 80 acres miles from Vancou ver. 60 acres cleared, 1600 cords good wood on balance, fine bot torn land close to elnctrio line, ', good 8 room house and other . uildlngs, good orchard, for ' short time only, $126 per acre. , ' -'vHere Is a snap either aa an In- , sveatment or home, 80 acres of . , fine fruit land only t miles from ' White Salmon, 23 acres -eieared, ,' 6. acrea bearing orchard, good house and barn, land around this ,, place is held at from $200 to $200 per acre, for this week only $100 'per acre. '.- '" -.-1 ' . $15 per acre for on of best cat- ';" i , tie, sheep or goat ranches in Ore- , " fon, 1500 acres, 10 miles east of .. LOMeburg, about 500 acres tillable ' .land, balance hill pasture, about ;, 160 acres cleared, several springs -, and running streams, fair nouse,.'-; r old barn and other outbuildings; ., $7600 cash. , , The WasMngtoa and Oregon Realty Company 108-309 Merchants Trust Bldg., Portland, 6th and Washington. Phone Main 2404. and $00 Main St, Vancouver, . Wash. ' .-., ... Ain)'iNATUBMiDAIRY fSLKIEWE.mLLe Consistlnr ' of 178 . acres. . of which there are 100 acres under cultivation, the balance ln pasture: has some tlm- ber; has a running stream; land lays al most level, and - the sou is excellent; the improvements on the place are as follows: :4 house of about 7 rooms, also i small - houses. 1 larae barn, large enough for 60 head of stock, and a large space for hay; haa a nice family orch ard ; personal property- - consists of 45 cows, of which 38 are milking at pres ent, 6 2 year old heifers, 8 1 year old neiiers, l -registered-,-yersey ; maie, IIOUCI - A IKlXOWt T3 fxs J , MMttaiTGflE in. one boiler wVth BeoVrator at-Tg AA1.MAM4.. -.1--. k..,..l,iiU wavnna 1 LauillllCllla cainu uuubciiviu aa, wvw. r. wajwiim l.. a . " 11 - a -l pugine.- ana Jinmrr in x act. every imng 10 run i rai-c I oairy. .price m.uuo; iiuuo casn, Del in years at reni interest place is situated z miies rrom town ' in Marion .county on the county road. ' We have also a large list of small and large, places, all well stocked, s. . ' - Otto & Harkson Realty Co. 133 H First Street .'J. Land of Opportunities S0N0RA, MEXICO - 430.000 acrea - of ' fine aertculturaL fruit and .-grazing land has just been opened up i..f or. settlement.. The soil is rich-and deep, decomposed granite; no better,; stronger, , or easily worked sjoll can be found in North America: no al bal-jkairor salt- . ' I. crops. "gotrtiM cent or this land is ieyei, w,th f ,, , from 1 to I feet per mile; uiAtiniiiM wm.i aw w ov icti w.vw surface. This tract Is covered with nat ural nutritious Brasses the year round and scattering mesqulte trees for fuel. rences ana snaae. , v ... , 4i This land lies from 17 to 80 miles from the S, P. R. R. and only 30 miles from - deep ea harbor; another road - is building from Tucson, Aria.. passing HUUUIII. - W.U WVWW,,, m throua-h this tract to deeD sea, harbor. and., aooordln- to the concession from the Mexican government thlsoad must be completed and in operation within 12 months. . For full information ana meratur call on or address - y MEXICAN LAND COMFAJN J, . 430 Worcester Bldg.. - Portland, Oregon. t Free Land In Oregon A great amount of government land W, C 1 a. a".aaa r.Anltl4 A A j VftntaTea of Oragon arlvea you definita Information ' about these lands. Book describes 34 counties, what the land of these counties is best adapted for; haa map attached,'" In colors, alsa 31x28, showing ail - new town and railroads, and -was - Issued March 1. 1810; - latest man ln U. 8.: booklet also containa u. . hnmMtMil and - Hesert claim lawa. and lowest cost of securinsr 160 or 880 acres of government lana, mm wen as a gen- eral descrlDtlon of the state Of Oregon. This costs you, mailed, 25c Nlmmo & Runey.. 31$ Hamilton bldg., Portland. Or.,: ; V--.-,;. . , SMALL FARM 11M acres, good T room house, barn f1??' ai' .E" town on ood road. mile from. Wil- "f Pv-e5 1!L L"Jta.'- ! 1 JLcf2 cleared, 2 acres orchard, place fenced and cross fenced. Thia farm la situated in one of the oldest and beat communi ties in the Willamette valley; the first man who sees it will take It as -the land without the improvements is worth I00 per acre, and the improvement are worth the Dries asked for th whole: Srice Cieuu, nan casn. IAOINNI8 LAND ft INVESTMENT CO. 816-317 Iewia bldg., 4th and Oak. ALBERTA FARM BARGAIN. 649 acres of fertile wheat land near McCleod. Southern Alberta: farm all fenced .and cross fenced; one mile of river frontage; 225 acres broken, which l 'A. anao at J " glready raised 4 bu. wheat to the - . , . "j-- ' acre; fin spring waters ordinary home J tead . buildings; (w fine stone gran- arles. pric 121 wf aore: i terma ar- ranged. . . s, . ' bav a Specially aelected list ef imeroved and unimproved Canada farm. also wegon proporiy. m. a. uoodnough. WILLAMETTE VALLKT. 764 acres. 360 In high state of cultl vat ion, 160 acre finest bottom land (this i also very best Dear land 1: 2t acres hlllt,id land, which i fine apple land; 60 acre In good timber; watered by spring and branches, two good houses, 2 barna. sheds, alio; guaranteed title; price, with rood term. $46 per acre. , Una mila rrom K li. station. Z.IM MERMAN, 621 Bosrd of Trade bldg. IJ7.60 PER ACBK 164 acre II mile from Portland. 24 mile from Columbia river; 2 acres In cultivation. bslanc can be easily cleared, good barn, lumber ror or house, etc. This land im the beet fruit soil ln Oreroa: would alao oiake an Idea otj farm. A fsw dsys only at II... W. IL MORETTOT-SE INVESTMENT III Alder it . . - - HORfefl HEAVEN WHEAT LAM S. .i -rea, rxxl part In cuitiTatlon. with ax-tte.rlng lrnrrOT'm"r's: will ll In aer-uoos or a.i iucclbct. in i per acre; lerTia.. ve nar r-irvera ; Ona trr or thousand. "Jt will rr tot ti eee ir l"st" HARTMAN ft TMOMr'1". r-rrt r f f '"Trre e - r , A f. M 1 A("n S. T! r are e on ra--m road, orly 4-wiie frcn ti--aton: ' rkafv.a rir - .. er t t Kr- lard, tao ' " a tinder cultl-I,'. m l B ;,,ire- rt 4 e.n lllrl, , r,,rt l- ihr-;r- t-e t ; ato-k ,, ,.r,,.,tl, ,r,")-1 7 fa r" I' - - ).( r k; i IV I.A . -, I i I I e 1 i , t I . t 111 i - l'On SALIWFAIOIS 17 BSBHSt)S8888880B8UB S ' $7000 143 ijJ,ul'4 miles from S . S Portland, 6 mile from R. R. sta., S S and boat landing, 60 acres In fine 8 8 state of cultivation, 7 acres bearing 8 , 8 orchard, soma tlmbifr, balance pas- 8 8 ture. good 7 room house, fair barn, 8 S Prun dryer, 25 head of . cattle. 8 , 8 team, 8 colts, some chickens and 8 ! H hogs, all farm Implements, ou main 8 8 county road. It. D ,V mil to 8 8 school, best of soil. 8 ' I , 2400 acres. Columbia river stump 8 ' 8 land, all lays well, some bottom 8 8 land, no overflow; price only $13 8 :. per acre. . 8 . ' AN UNUSUAL BARGAIN 8 In dairy or stock farm, 80 aerea, 8 5 Pr1- PI I,n" creeit . bottom, of B 8 which 27 acrea la fully cleared and 8 , 8 in cultivation, 40 acres of the very 8 V 8 best upland, nearly all in good 8 8 pasture; some valuable timber, 8 8 8 acres of gdod orchard, mostly ap- 8 . 8-pins, ' unlimited, out range, fine 8 8 water supplies; -1 story houso, 8 8 good larga . barn , and other out-S 8 buildings, Also 2 horses, 12 cows, 8 - a young -rattier poultry snd all 8 , ,i 8 necessary farming implements. The 8 , j 8 location. 4 mtlea liv . mnA . Mua u '- 8 from good railroad .town and bout 8 8 landing in '. Cowllta county, - Wash. 8 , 8 Price $8800. ' . ' . v . ' -i -'.' . 8 B 5 80 acres. 80 acre cleared and In a - 8 good cultivation, 8 acres ln prunes, 8 ; 8 2 acrea In apples, peara and variety 8 ' S of small fruit, very- .deep . soil, 8' 8 watered, by 2 wells, timber enough 8 V 8 on placeNfor use. 6 room Jiouse, big 8 8 barn 46x60, new binder, haybaler, 8 f 8 new wagon and hack, mowing ma- 8 - -8 china and rake, new cider press, 8 - .' 8 all small tools, chicken house and 8 8 100 chickens, good fruit dryer, 18 8 team horses, 8 cows; this place 8 ' S raised 70 tons of hay last vear and 8 ' ' 8 will have from 70 to 80 tons this 8 ; . 8 year; everything goes with th 8 s 8 place, 8 miles out" price $6500, 1 8 ' i i 8 46 acres. 2 miles. from Camas, 35 8 , 8 In cultivation. verV deep soil, and S '?: 8 no rocks; good new buildings and 8 8 spring water; price $8000. . . 8 ' ". 8 . : A SPLENDID HOME. - 8 '; J 8 105 acres, 12 mile fronrPort- 8 " 8 land. In Washington county; 70 8 i V 8 acres In a high state of cultivation, 8 ' 8 26 acres fine green timberj'yery 8 . 8 best of soil, no rock or gravel; all 8 ' 8 fenced with woven wire and cross 8 T"'-.' 8 fenced; fine creek; good family or 8 ' -V 8 chard: all kinds of - small milt: '-.: 8 good 2 story 8 room plastered 8 ' 8 house, fine new large frame barn 8 -fi 8 and other outbuildings; location I 8 8 on main county road; H mile from 8 8 high school. V mile from church; H . " ' 8 has R. F. D. and phone. Price $15,- 8 ' ; 8 000.- . . , - :- S - .. - wig 1Z2 SCI S 122 acres. 40 acres In cultivation, a 7 cleared, bal; 8 ? m'" " I good naature. several - arond (4 8 springs, new - 6 . room house, and 8 8 large bam, 8 cows, team of good 8 8 horses. : harness 'and wagon, all B 8 farming tools; this place is only 2 S, 8 miles from Camas: nrlc 160 nr s S acre. ' . -r , 8 8 10 ACRE FARMS, ' 8 8 1 hav several within, 8 miles of 8 -8 Portland, lhi miles of railroad; best 8 8 soil, no rock or gravoL, at $100 to 8 8 $126 per acre, on your own terms. S . 8 1 personally examine all nroner- 8 - 8 ties before advertising them; know 8 . 8 them to be good buys, and guaran- 8 8 tee them as advertised. See me be- 8 S for buying. . ; . jf;.-;v..-'i.4 r.i,-U' S " S 205 Oerlinger Bldg. Cor. 2d and 8 ? 8 . Alder. Office., Main 8430: ; 8 ' 8 Residence, Woodlawn 3169. S ' S88888B888S8S8S8S8' 187 ACRES, up the valley 25 miles from foriiana; coat landing on tne piace; 0 acres In a - hle-h state of cultiva tion; no waste land; the crops are all ' in. the improvement are second to . none in the Willamette , valley; - 1000 rods of woven wire fence (new I. wifh . cedar posts,, nice spring creek through ' the place: th buildings are all in first ciass conamon, tne nouse na m rooms, pantry, and closets; batli and toilet, hot and cold, water, up and downstairs, two , separate water systems.' sewer connee- . tion, a - glass conservatory, fine shade trees around the house,, avenue of ma- " pies , from 1 house ' to the,' publlo road, extra good, barns and other outbuild ings, good family orchard, all kinds of fruit 7 different kinds of cherries; this place must be seen to be appreciated; railroad and-steamboat transportation; farm machinery and tool of every da- -scription, fine cattle, hogs and chickens, cream separators; is close to graded J high school and church; Oregorf Eleotrio ! survey near by and close to B. P. R R.; price, including everything., $20,000; . cash. . . W. It LANG CO, 414. Ablngton bldg. 40 acres of ftn soil, 26 In cultivation, balance in pasture; good 8-room house, outhouses, etc. Family orchard, living water. Implements, 14 sheep, 26 chick en. 2 cows, small team,- 1 mil from school, 7 miles from Oregon City. Price $3050. half cash, balance 2 years at 4 per cent -r ,. . :-. . . .r.,-if Ten acres., alt level and In a hla-h state of cultivation: , Good 6-room house. gooa uxau oarn ana otner outnouse. Family orchard, living spring, zood well . at - house, t miles from Oregon City. Price $3200: terms. 22000 down, balance in three years at 4 per cent i. ,; ,,. 4 1 IS- .-ELLIOTT BUN, -ii; Oregon -City Or. - 68 acres. 10 4n cultivation, -all level. v; rich fruit land, 100 feet altitude. . good small barn, good fences. 1.000.000 feet - of saw timber, place 8 mile from Mo lalla on good road, 1 mile from new car- .' line survey owner must selL . Pric $44 per acre. Write or call on ;. THOMAS CROWLEY,. ; V ' : Box 46, over Bank of Oregon City, ' - ' Oregon City. Or. - . 40 acrea of nice level land. 24 acre : rich onion land. 2.000.400 feet ' ef good saw timber, all th balance god tillable land, . nice stream of water running ' through place, good frame 8-room house. " good macadam road to this place from Oregon City, elos to sawmill, .Timber enough t pay -for every foot f this - land; clo to country town: owner mast ' ell; no sa-ents.- Price 32500. 4fa cash. WILLIAM M. SMITH. Addres Rox 45. Oregon City. Or. ; - DON'T OVERlXXK THIS FARM. -7 " A SI RE BAR3AIN. 114 acres near Venouuver Wash.. KA acre In cultivation. 3 acre In assorted orchard at house, fine house and barn, about IS acres slashed, 30 acres of bot tom land, mim good timber. This land lays fin rd 1 well drained. Phone. R- F. I. delivery. 3 cream route. Price only $TI0o; (lift -ah Partieulara. APPLE CITT INVESTMENT -CO,' rune .ii, nosri ot Trad Mig. FARM for sale. 10 acre. 6 rKm plastered house and an orchard; shoot 7 acres cleared, creelt mns livht through lan. I fresh cows, I heifers. 8 hogs.- 15 chickens, big barn. 1 good horse. 7 year old. Farm outfit, all ew; about II mile north to Vancouver. Prlre 1400. IISCI caeh. rssy terms. Portland rtrrty. 7 room bona. Pric Hid. 1194 ch. easy terma.. 0iht hi go wav Writ to IL Kalmonaon. 19 ACKE.l for aaie, I v mlie aoulheaat ef Oreaham. f roomd house, bam snd rn,i!trr honea. Family orchard and email fruit Fin o l, 44 rMa irlh l'"'"Z.Z1' , rrl. rr"" - u,H r-' n a R. im' -r-rv. ' r ' M . r a " ia ;i a'i,- r.r fTt,. . ,i( -- il'l rT - r'r "- r f "-t-d; frln'-lraia only.. raiflf mm i ? I . , . , . !- i . ; : , i a.i-.7 t -7il