The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 08, 1910, Page 27, Image 27

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ci:i:ruL niLh estatb ca
i i i
',.' 'V.',.i-.
-. 1 L- '. 1 ' .' "...
.t ' o .. iv ,', .., .v :-
, On Streetcar Un8
$15 TO $50 - v
pku front foot. ' ':'
!abighorst& Bagiey
buildings. 2 ' BtJtea. 3 flat, rented $5 . Irga living: room, fine flreplao, pan.
par month. 1 store not rented. WU1 f' oininy room, pint raiu oeam cen-
take iiooo casn, Daiance tu per monin, i "" .. '.'" '
l . ... ...... . .nionHiif hin for I Dutch kitchen. 2 la rare white enamel I
a young man. a rental will meet ths I bedroom, swell bath with beat of j
outlay and the property . will oouoie in I rn"",''V, uivoij uuicu
$3000 BUNGALOW $2850
$2900 BUNGALOW $2750
' On of these newC modern homes must
i oe soia at once, so we win mahe a pres-
sat oi iou io tne nrst Duyer. .
Tou will rendllv conceive the great I
advantages forthcoming by purchasing
or investing your money in .roniiisuia
rroperty. . vvhyT Just take, a glance at
he map of Portland. You will find it
has ' taken . wonderful strides to the
north. Why? Booauaeiproperty can be
I bought 1 cheap a fine suburb eelect I
surrounatng- every advantage ror a
quiet home life. Business places have
sprung up in the near vicinity to an ex
ceptional extent. We have excellent oar
service, uur main nutnway, in naru
surfaced; other avenues graded and Im
proved; cement walks and curbs. .
1 s.
414 Couch Bldg.
h Full - basement cement floor, attic I
large enough to make 2 rooms, 60 foot
frontage on eac"h lot, one on a corner, I
ui oiner next to it ,
These are certainly snaps and -,
500 CIS
Will hn6U Jthr one. BaUnc $11 pr
8 room house, first class, 10x100. lot
Inside, and one of the best and cheap-i
est apartment sites on west side. , ily
price H casn. .
I CR SALE or will exchange for acreage
near Portland, a brick store building
on Oawego street, Bt. Johns, jnats
above store. $8000. Will give or take
difference In an exchange. Oregon Tim
ber & Realty Co., 621-628 Qhamber of
Dayis-Hanna Realty Co,
Farms and city property.
Rentals and investments. , : -
, ,,,'Kstates managed.
604 Dekum Bldg.
Fine level land, high state of culti
vation. - I- miles from Portland, i N
rocks. No gravel. The finest for gar-1
dening. 1260 cash, . balance terms.
Emlth-wagoner Co., 811-818 Lewis blag.
KliiVERAL valuable pieces of property
in St. Johns to exchange for farm or
Improved Portland property, will as
sume difference. Smith-Wagoner Co
81. -31 1 It wis bldg. - I On this brand, new bungalow will han-j
K6R sale, 3V4 acres at Metigeir station" If1 "I AarKa rooms reception hall, full
corner lot 68x100, restricted dlst l"tvJUoa,w.f w"1"11"' grained
rr ... t,i . K.ini Tn eon land - rubbed: larire closets, norcelaln
1 """" -"-lK.K r,W i.h.. ...n,.rt t 1
vy"r" t - .ju.n.t.ino, w , mnn launnrv rravi oAment. ami iir n. i
Income of $337.50 per montn. 47 1st. I mnf ,iki rmmi) in An7mn-
. $
tU ithr on
" ffiHlil- GO. ,
Take Waverly-Richmond car to offlna
Ion Clinton street Get off at Marguer
ite., We are always on the ground.
r-nones. ja-izo7f xaoor lztig. ' ; '
$600 DOWN.
Ifllllfil :
Tabor I26S.
Main 8888.
46th and Sandy road.
411 Henry bldg.
Smalls house' and lots 80x100 -
each. 81400: terms. .
Cottage on Kerby street, 1 block from
Kllllnssworth ave.. 81S60: terms.
Modern home of larks rooms, fine I
bath, basement; lot boxiou, set in
roses;-m blocks from Killlngswortb
avenue, on Alblna avenue. $2o00; one
half cash, balance S years time, 4 per
cent interest. v ,
Vacant lot, 8 blocks from Kllllngsworth
avenue. i4uu; lino nowrr, sio per mo.
: palmer & Hill -,
153 Kllllngsworth Ave.
' Phone Woodlawn 1260,
ilMON & Ml.'
844 FRONT 8T. , . :
MAIM 20. A-ZOOl." , ,
unbroken lines of
Ulnlu .
. CHOICE' . ;
. AH modern - and up-to-date. , -
Wf Bit 00
13200, $300 down 4 rooms, two story.
siricuv mooern. un to oate. moms tint
ed, furnace, cement - basement, Dutch
.kitchen, fixtures, paneled plate rail.
inrgs ejoseis, ouiiet ana. isunary trays,
13800. 'fiothina rlnwnr R rooms ' two
i ""iry, - inoaern, rooms untea, - pantry.
oeunuiu yarci, lawn ana iruit trees. ,
$311 ill
splendid view; positively 10 minutes!
out; 160 feet from car. Pries $2760,
terms to suit. Other bungalows and
nouses on list. .
Wynn Johnson Co,
Half block off Albert.-
- ,$2500 , ;
Phone Owner. Woodlawn W63.
I3E0D. $30 down; 4 rooms, beautiful
pungaiow; one block to car: beam cell-
at iwucicu tuning ruviii, - uut9 rail.
ment, laundry trays, beautiful-fireplace,
bookcases on either side, sliding be
tween dining room, tinted walls, best of
eieutno ana gaa nxiures.i- rurnsce
everyuung; iirst Class.
full line Of dumbing. flreDlace.' bufft!
paneled, and beam celling In - dining
BATH. '.,....; . ..
rkOHETS, ' , .
PL1DINO DOOR 8, - ' - '
53 ffSff flKfil
LOT 60x100
' IE
Room SOf uerllnger bldg., 2d and Alder. 7 room house, modern, almost new, lot room, lawn graded.-. Best buy In the
jfnone Aiarsnaii ivta. I oxiuu, gooa view; ' Micnigan ave,,iity ivr me money,. . . ?
near ITeraont Price $4200; $2200 cash, I
balance terms. " -v . I $1100, $100 down; 4 rooms, partly fin
i Wasco alreet. near 24th. Pries 13600! I ..::''
11000 cash, balance terms. ' 9t600, $300 down; 6 room bungalow.
i room mc-aem nouse, duuc nair year, ione oiock o car, recention nan, large
near AiDerta canine. , inco fsyuv; I ving room, snaing aoors, aming room.
terms. , i , , ; I paneled, plate rail. - beamed celling.
4 room house, lot 100x100: $1850. part I Dutch kitchen, cement basement, wash
leash, part terms. . trays, brass gas and electric fixtures,
i - Swiss chalet, 4 rooms, modern -In I fireplace, booKcales, rooms beautifully : i-- .- ' . everv . resnect: west .sine: waiainar ma- i unieo. craieni column ana raiimtrari
i luuAiuu cm iifir iul. nnw b rni mi mnn. I . - . . . -. ... - - . , . , - - .
rn, house, paneled and beamed dining l" $9000:3000 cash, terms on Pn-loc5
rootn. flreolace, full cement basement. - . . . . - 2, ,L0"e Jfff mirror tn door,
pass nantrv. larKe bath electric and I . '.f0m "O"". moaern, in imngionjiiuu ugia piate giass in rroni aoor.
Fine View Property at
bargain, 3. Days Only
gas connections, fine view of eltv. ML I 4?.0,?" Pr
i . . .... ... rt . . .. a . . . . ' vwft fiKVH 'nn inn
nooa ana mi hl jneiens: siouu aown,
We have -houses in' all tiarts of the
1300 DOWN, BALANCE TO SUIT, balance easy terms. Call Monday, Tues-1 f J..1 u Prtee- nd -nyrklnd of
o'clock at 4th and Alameda bou
Rose City Park, or write owner.
Price, 66 B. 16th st, and make appoint
ment lor evening.
Whitman station, Mt Soott Car.
5 rooms, bath and pantry, large front
Forch, screened porch at back door; lot
0x100, 1 block from car; full cement
basement, wash trays, best of plumbing:
everything is modern throughout; first
clans material and work: nothing better
In Portland for the price; $750 will han
dle it Neal Brown, 709 Bwetland bldg.,
fit h and Washington sts. -
NEW modern & room house with sleep-
ing pure., cement Dasement, launary
. Fine 9 Room Home '
- -$300.
Close In. " v ,
Most beautiful location '
On West Side,
Overlookina- the Willamette river and
,ast I'ortiana.
boulevard. Maginnis Land & Investment ,(5JE BBTOJMK
uomoanv - i
14-lf Lewis bldg.. 4th and Oak 'Sts. $1400 to i4000. 4300 down: Anderson
bungalows. 6 to rooms fireplace, fur
nace, wash trays. Putch kitchen. Holmes
disappearing beds, musia rooms, broad
r x't i r i l p, i porcn. witn cement noor ana steps, ce-
Beautifui Suburban Property ;zooL?is-J'h
i room modern bun ealow lot Oxluo roo,m1 PPered with imported English
600; cash. $500. , balance $20 . per Kfnl ndow 'SSL linoleurn'on
ai.cnen. dim.
I $2600
4 room modern house; .8 lots 60x100,
$3000 1 "
$500 Down, $20 Month;:
tnd you will aurely buy It Swell 4
I room bungalow on full 60x100 lot, 160 1
iri w , ma car. ' 4 :
Full norch. larre recention hall and
a, living room that is a beauty. Jarge
i flreolaca. huiltln . hnnlc r&ii. nnnHlft I
aming- room, plate, rail, boautllul cell
lings, bulltln buffet, fine Dutch kitchen
"'in avery convenience you could wish
tor. . J .
Three ' fine larara bed rooms with
extra large closets and a fine bath room. I 1 Those are the words spoken by a man
1 Ills Is certainly a dandv "home and I that rrrnlimlnil fmm lh ntri wh.
nothing has been slighted. Not Quite (he took up our 4 months free rent offer
I complete and you can have the tlntlnrlln Ornrv Hulirhl. Aitrincr thi nmat
and fin la hln h- an v vb v vaii f1mi(r I
.The at r f la fmnrnvail mnA Ik. tn... f rv.MA ... ... iA, 1 .1 .
::',-"", .'- 1 Will WU. IUIIIUUVW BIIU iVb.UI IIIUW
'..n 18 J?1 'wlltl homes on all I you how this man succeeded and how .
sides. This Is. what : van hin ; Imn tnn oinnin lliiriu .nffim . . i. . '
wishing for so com out and see it be- property. ,' End of Rose City Park car
fore it is sold. . - j lino. . . -( v, "
Gregory Investment Co,: V
''.i LONGER.
black or gal van lied, : . ;
. In all slies and lengths ; .
. for' any purposo ..-; v -
our trusTbustin'q'7
Prices are lower than
you can duplicate . - j .' - v
- 1 ' FOR YOU : .
Take Waverlv-Rtchmond en. tn offlf I
on unnton street uet off at Marguer
ite and you will find us always there.
Sell You a Good Home-'
filv ninin hnilla. nit J7-1AA W . a
About 25 other choice- places to choose 1 ment. front room and hall, living' room
Phones Tabor li8, B-1107.
umE-'H0ME8 wrra-
'a. r
M 750
la I'
dining, kitchen and pantry; upstairs-. 2
bedrooms, bath and toilet: has a larce
veranda on front and small ons off
from kitchens , downstairs all revar
nlshed and the house has just been
painted, street improved, cement side-1
walk, Bull Run water, gas and electric,
sewer, everything- all ready to move
right into. . Can be bought cash $500,
balance terms. The-lot alone is worth
$1600; 4 fruit trees, cherry and pear.
221 HENRY BLDG. vr-.
4i20O 8 room modern bungalow, new.
fairly well furnished; $200 cash - and
$20 Per month: this nlaca is i blocks
from Hawthorne ave. -
- $2850 7 room modern house, cement horv anS flowers
cash, balance $26 per month.
$2000 8 room house, lot 80x40. in
South . Portland:' rents for $12.50 per
month at present; $1000 cash, balance
to suit purchaser. . -"
I1UUU- .Nice mtie Home on B. 44tn
juoaern, - . , , -
4 large rooms, . - , '
Bath. -Toilet.
Good plumbing.
Electric lights.
Fine porch, with splendid lawn, shrub-
$2600 4 room house, lot 60x100 ft, or 1
win iraoe ior vacant lots or acreage;
U blocks from Alberta p on SI Slat.
', $2500 S room house with S lots, 80x
100 ft. each; all set in frnit trees. - Two
blocks -from 8t Johns carllne. 8-81,
This is a nicely -finished ' bungalow I blocks from Alberta car. on EL llth N
nome ouut ror myseir, out must eii. io-jo
st: $300 cash, balance easy payments.
$13004 room nlastered housa. 4
oiocks irom mrMi. cott canine. -
16U0 room house, lot 80x125; nice
xtie nome: a diocks rrom tns Mt ncott
$6001 room house. 6 blocks from the
Mt Scott carllne, $176 cash, $10 per
Otto & Harkson Realty Co.
' - 138 1st St
Only one block to car.
Price 4600 cash, balance easy terms.
. OWNER '.;
SOS Chamber of Commerce,
Marshall 489. . "
$19004 room S store bouse, lot EOc
100 ft. within ons. block of fit Johns
I carllne on Huron st. B-62 ,
410608 room house, lot" ROvlSE ft t
two blocks from . Montavllla carltna
near Liberty at ' ' S-61
41000 i room house, lot KOvlOO ft :
all in bearing apple trees; two blocks
from Glenwood station on Rt. John
carline; $100 down,, balance $10 per
month. " 1 . , - ,
110-2d-st. -Marshall -1147.-A144r.
0rffaL,;6O?rlVi?2800; ' ,M.09 t0 ": 300 down; 4 rooms,
' rrn&l KT- m,r,J Kwift MP". furnace, cement floor In base
4 room dandy house, 2 lots 50x100, in ment paneled dining room with beam
ance sio Der montn. ' " 'ton hunt in fi.At... ...
Mountains also In view. ) i- -6-0x100
lot: ' fine lawn, shrubbery and
. . ? i i .i... . , - - I t -.ill t.- ... I ivr
gaa, eiecinc, lurnace, streets lm- I ... . " j " yuy iaae nouse, lull line of nlumblng extra tol-
proved, half block from car, Beech and f -Interior nicely ( decorated, fine rooms, Mt Scott car -to Clark's station and see let on rear porcb. " " "rr. 101
I a uvu Tiri'iiiun;! uMii imi co fcuia urnu 111. 111 nuuuru, . i .
rnmmiirr-fiil at i3AOO
New modern flat, Cherry and RoaaJ m"nt oasement, $1500 cash, balance easy
goua income;
ncome; we have other good buys. terms .tX.rrm -in
and see us. Bowen, 424 Wor- 4 SMITIt AK"?17!01!15, .
bldg. A-6438 Room 14 870 Washington st
Owner Must Sell ,
ilODERN. cottage of 6 rooms, corner
loi, ;tu,caBn, Daiance xi per month,
with interest at 69a. - Close to carllne I
ana scnooi; line neignbornood.
Also have two fine, bungalows that
can be bought for. 4200 down: these are!
linth near Anil m fulArn nif.-lv 1 m.m I I wtAvn mAiliwi K,ffA. AAnMn VaII.
near school and carllne.' (bath, toilet; - pantry; pass pantry and
Call Tabor 662, Marshall 1758. ' china closet; range; large closets in!
oeo rooms wain stand up stairs, tinted
v II I t 1 v . um vvm.i.v iwnviuaiiii I
) II I Isrge porch front and side; also In back;
G. JI. TAYLOR, at Station.
On Ckackamaa st, 4 rooms,
furnace, fireplace, i hard
wood floors; your chlce of
the amount of ground, all
the modern things and con
veniences in this house..
: Henkle & Harrison
Gerllnger bldg.
42800. 4800 down! K miwii m11
oi piumoing, rooms irotea, furnace, f lre
place, paneled dining room.
Purtv laiotyint olflf Vaas 4"t . V. 1
int MinS Vumiti ,ot acn Oxl26; all fenced; fruit
i575 P TermS- kt Mt "smt? Pi tr,MS8i chckn bouse; alley In rear;
mont station. MrTiSLJv ' ?-. .
.43750. 4200 own! : S nutm. t .
, i'ubo, juiuioiicu ur unxurnisnea; recep
I tlon hall, nillaj-s ivh tn Jivinr xw.
sliding doors to dining room, which has
plate rail. pantry, kitchen, up-to-date
yiuiiiuing, iurnac, wasn trays, cement
iiw . ouaenienv; a
5T , . ,V""CT in .iiiiiiig iwugn, - cur. ra ana Morrison sts.
n rooms ana Dam. - tjne acre or ground,
61 fruit trees, cherries, apples, pears,
rear hps and prunes. loganberries, rasp-
' berries . and tr,wh.rcl, . a
home. Better see it Address owner, 14 I room strictly modem bun gal aw,
'hwmber of Commerce. Tel. Main 1189 I la'sTO attic, cement basement lot 60x100,
lariTY irpra" ijnlee lawn. block from Alberta car on
r on ran Duy m acrea
limits, near the Country
per acre. Lot values adjoining are 4400
Board of Trade bldg.
$1200 CASH, balance verv Mav t.rm.
it line ior. t goon HOUiM. IC&09.
larce - tmArruimm
With olosetM rooms taatafnllv tint.i
electric fixtures, beautiful furniture!
oak and blrdseye maple.
ISIIU) : itllll llam a ...
large living room, fireplace, . beamed
t,i, - " ,. lth st; faces west: price $2460; terms.
811 Henry bldg.
Portland a uoMa for $2Sdo.
TRUST c . ,
I CO. 'Listen. Just helna- fin.
IBANK ished; a room modern, fur-
meni best of plumbing, celling dining room, plate rail, pass pan
, piped for gas, wired for V- wtehen; S large bedrooms and
. . electricity, Ai district I i . i . "'""V large oea
rnis is close to the car. I" "w iruii, nouy, nowers.
$250 cash, : balance like I " f 3"0. 3?0 down: 6 room modern bun
rent. . - , galow, , f ull plumbing, fireplace, book
PORTLAND TRUST CO. I' . rtcePt,01 - hall, buffet, small
. - a E. Cor. 8d and Oak Sts. L'ulcn. i,cnen- ru.n basement; 'most be
All modern; half block from
Hawthorne ave. -
Select -neighborhood.
LOT 50x100
Balance terms to suit
. 50,000 FEET '
All guaranteed positively new,.
- -40' PER -FOOT!
144 Front St.:
Bargains in Houses
Beautiful S room homa lot TOAvlfln
corner; lot Is worth $18fi0. -
- Lincoln Trust Co.
214-215 Lewis bldg.-
and lots, sea
ror-good buys and snaps in homes I "vo; terms. r---v.;- '.'"!-''
e rooms, moaern, jot - ouxou, price
H00; terms.
'WV; IEALinf j ,34rootms? modern, lot 40x124, pries
iiduu: urmL -
7 rooms, modern, lot 50x12. price v
East 660.
876 Broadway.
- Fine City. Homes
For sale or trade, easy pay
ments, on terms that can't be '
beat: One ofthem we Just got
A modern, up to data home, beau
. tiful lot and one you will like.
Owner going to Cal.: come and
take a. look at It; only a small
amount of peeded,, balance '
to suit. , , - .
Waggener-Real Estate Co,
- - 210-12 Ablngton Bldg.
f - ' ' Portland. Or. '
7UVoomrsm modern.' lot 60x100. nric. lAP!??- Term, rfo
tinnn. ,rma ' "' - I "!" . uuy- mis m any reason-
I4U00J terms. . . . labia terms. Owner BliT Vnnmnv.r ...
4 rooms, moaern. ioi -. xnree. ericei n-r a i n . v
. ' ' , unit lj i . iwr.f.
izbu; terms. -
rooms, modern, lot M. block. Price
ft suo; terms. -
Homeseekers Land Co, -
132 N. 6th at
1 block from. Union Depot.
- 604 Chamber of Com meres,
Main 6124. A-8789V
An unusual opportunity to buy a,
modern, - luxurious home, complete In
every respect direct from owner. Price
$6600. Open Sunday afternoons. a.
In and only 20 minutes ride
from city. 8 acrea all blo-hiv ImnrnvaH
all kinds of berries and small fruit
seen to be appreciated.
. $500 ASH $500
$2100 $600 cash. - balance like-rent I fine aardrn. vr - inn - iwariii tr.
Will al vft fmmediAta nnasaaalnn . f a Alriaht im. mpII... aa -9 w.. wA..--'
Portsmouth." near. Willamette boulevard. I room modern bungalow, almost new, cement walks, Improved street: price
---r.. jruu mum m quica. . i iwuuia hi mw mua urgt. nouse ini.uo iw, irrms. will laKe gooa resiaence
...Ea"ll-w'rt,, 47600.; Jin very respect, plumbing the very I property in part trade. -
- INTERLRBAN INVESTMENT CO..'' best Urge lot 60xSo. fenced and good! , J. G. SANDERS.
' 208 Henry bldg. I chicken house and ideal summer home. .427 Lumbermen Bldg. '-. '
a BAMUAiJi-cottage of t nice ?p,r.'T Vlya'4,nv"lm,?'1 "OOM new mode
rooms; all modern, on MiaannH aa - I Suite 417, Board of Trade bldg.
f."" iwm, i DiocK rrom ts never car
line: lot 60x100; for the sum of $8200
on terms. Call at room . 862 -Wash, st
FIRST class cottage of 6 large rooms.
all moaern; lot 60x100, on Jeasup st, I Bungalow 4 rooms and sleeping porch;
i Jull. 6t.;iAn crll; good can finish 4 rooms upstairs. 1 block
o. 4 ",iVV T.." . lerms. , tail rrom Aiameaa lark; izgoo: fioo down.
at room t. 84 ah)ngton st : balance like - rent ' J. li Courtneyl
F--U umtmo on leum ave.. WonA. wowiuwn izai.
flee fota 60iMaoh 'ESJ'00 . 8 tlZ1i WILL buy 100 hom ""'
KMrlna Jmlt ,L ttC Ajl'4' ' ln fmc'- rooms, closet and un-
rZ-kom avlTpht2ll2!??- Cil nlshad bath; electric lights. fuU base-
n T Phone oqijwb tlii mrnt, corni-r lot. well built no con-
iuii hALE Story and half house,", tract lob; take, Mt Scott car. get off
roome. Near Hnlovi . s-i ia -im . - , AMA hib.u .a . . ...
Reasonable price, good renter. Eaatfutn one block, inquire of Mrs. Spen-
r-2 7 or ruTI 844 Morris at .
4 A"KiS rlM In,'. $1501. terms; new 4
rt.m bunpalow I260S, termi; near
vou wanta" Home
Here your rhanc. Will ,,) j- ronm
h-.r.gtlow aed 8 lots or the house and v.
Z1?.l fruit fall Woodlawn fT84.
I 2 first rlaaa bunsalowa- .11
mfrtrrn, on t- ahlnrtnn st - will
f ! at a larr-iln. mnd trrms t suit
-'! too'-i 9. St Waahtngtow st.
A " I i. ?A 1 N .War I nlori; larss rnod-
r n t room r- irraJow; f uU lot: 816
cer, on corner. .
Puts you in possesalon of the I room
houa snd 4 lots. AH -nice level ground
and good location.
411 Henry bldg.
it in-.-Wn hHt,Kiow -aat ta.
r. I - t !il ni. 4 ra to car, 1214
i r t- " - r - rtn Tahorjtl 1. orr!
r i -.f ruioas, f!r-i isc. lri
,.,.., f.,,j tfrrnt
- 1 l i m-r ar A S rt' vT) 1 ?
.. t f .-rri c "le, mi fr linai
r. a ' . I furL'f-h-1: lrraln.
"'' f "! t. W'"avt. 'a car
I "i - j- ."r - t,r
i - - . ; - a l. -r - i at
; 1 v - .f. i
. - it i - -i ar 'i I a
i t ' - - r a-1
-. ' . ' ', i . j. ,..,. v
6 and f rooms, t-ood location, ranging
rrom $t7S ta $40; small payment
down, tmlnoce essj.
41 Hoard of Tr4 fejdg
A FURXISIiro room hou.e. beins
4J4 Fast Sixth st I will otf.r tb i a
for S00 leas than tt Is worth, thla Is
a snap for a home rr as In vest man t
Call at 4 East Fhertnaa su and I
will t-l! joU all aho.jt it
11q. i room ouae fivr as!
rhan, nrflnished Inside. (vr j,.
waukie road and Knose atrsata, 2 Hooks
only Crk" t-tlon- Thllipp
rooms, most beautiful homa In Pled
mont built for tho owner by P. A- Car-
lauu -r. wnw 01 ronmna s Dest builders:
hai-flWATWl fllWir. T I f K Lll.k .
,rn ho, .. I -'V-""1
walk, sewer. Im Droved street, full ra- fan i, J,"w,rv"lLJ Y'"'
ment basement Tlutch kitchen, large built In buffet flrenla. r71.i f.7
hall .11. kl-h .l-kl- ln. -1. i . I . - V'--ei" mi
I . Hi.i. . ii l 1 1 .v. iiiih in (in w ri rvmmnr t i .mj, Vi.ii l. .
r1" a,"u" '? "M ; $8000. ment attlo. Read Sunday JournaOfor
$600 down, a bargain. . full particulars. ' iot
; : vW, J..DAY
210 Henry bldf
FOR SALE 4 room moaern cottage.
run oasameni; ioi avxiii; new; elec
tric lights.
4 room modern cottage, full basement
fireplace, electric lights. Particulars,
tetepnowe i spot ii. ,i moft ,J6a , ntom , '
PORTLAND ORCHARD 1IOMK walls tinted to salt' oalnted to suit InJ
Convenlwt to oar line; bearing trees; I side; fixtures can be selected to 460;
i'usmk mvoa ii. n-iri y v-in nil uh lUDsMviiirni i wr lift 1 1 1 rn a ara SI r w v- m
divided at good profit; $l04 an acre. Ifumara, buffet, paneled dining room.
H a i-i i ma n ft THOM - ineamea eetung, plat rail, built In seat
Chamoar of Commerce BMg. J full length plate mirror la coat closet
VERY cheap for cash; owner tearing ?f,r- .,uQ lenyth plate glaas la racepUoa
town; a beautiful, large, modern 4 hu iooT' Iw,ch kitchen,
room bunrelow on Waverielgh Heights. ..... .... . ' .
tie Brooklyn st; also a swell lot for . 24800. $ down; T room Csliforaia
sale. L-637. Journal. . -' I ounraiow. urge llylng room, flrerlaca,
t, .-'i-' . ' I bookcaaes Uhr side, metal glaas door a
HOfcih, In a-aratoga Park: 4 rooma car- room ran a. ai rlati'iZT i iZi
w ii
im i rwii i .i--f-iiia t h. . iw. oaarooma all Is
. pal, fixtures. aUtomaUe gas rUnt, ceiling pass pantry all klml. aeTI.
a;atwlBrwk?md;t.'o?? Kd- z
lawn ML . 8H rkum sra. Qwnr. large kltf hen, wster cooler blUtaVd ha
4 RlXiM houaa. wail wstar. 11 fruit slapping porch. 8 larr. bsrnnm. all
trees, large wood ahad. rhlckan hooaa, I white anajwal, plat (.ass windows front
8 6 foot lots, aaar hnton. Cash or I of teoee.
Phone Woodlawn ls.
r - $1200 DOWN . -5
Buys 4 room house, full cement base
ment with cement floor, corner lot as
sorted rtng fruit trees, Tamhill st
west of 30th: nrlr. inn v.. i i "
. "i... ra-Qo o pay
; 810 Lewis bldg.. 4th snd Oak Sts.
All modern: Dutch kitchen, bookcases I teller. 15 Bast th st Phone B-11S4
gsnand "fetrfclty 'shavr'and CU ONE of the best finished and most
f" Wtyto? nontArTumne?n.frt.lW' U Ve"
Si-V.' "ceptlona fln. 'J ronY fished 'JSn. a. ahoy"
i w utiiimn uums; ana wygant sts.
I nlaca. Terms to suit.
608 Chamber of Commerce,' .
Main 6124, A-378. '
If you want something exceptlonallv
good see these Sunday. Will make very
close price for quick sale. Owner, 105 1'
Alberta st Phone Woodlawn 2282.
Big grounds, 100x120, with roses, foil,
age and fruit; house of I rooms, south
TaAitia Aw - Kar . -st . a. .
6 room modern cottagS' full . ! iK IK. '.: -T "la-
basement wash trays, lot KOxlOO. east e " " k.'""". ".t" If J'
front. aaWar oamant walk ,r,A .....i " Z" noma
lotorovam.nV T T in n.M 7o- t".T: 7'.n- 4jrounasaione sre
ki Jk aj .i .hi -. mTI.1 ii.. . I wwrul "" seu ror t
, ' " 'uiiv.vw. a... uuu cast or r-1 a 4.
47000. Phona
fufl 1 f ?&VySTS3i. V WrtVTS .SUBJ:
street graded. 150 feet of Mm... .il V . ..f : . ' .. i.. . Ihona. aaii.. k., i .ii ll .
around lot aV.. hk i room nouse on AiDeria near uay st I r l ' i. ' . .oea.
fo nE J.hU -iri ""l" ?"-?rner' Cose Lot 50x100. soma fruit trees. Price S!'en h"u,e w.d enough for 2 years:
1- - -, -'"".w. in iu.. lun viaaaero
or Qrcsham car, get off at Gilbert sta- -
regonian bldg. - ;' ltion- " u houss southeast 9f station.
EER UP1 '"'' ? ' -J -mi cMap . .
UIU VJ 1 1 M I .
to church, school and carllne, perfect im" ii'.h '
tlUe. $300 of Inaurance policy gooj t ,"60' U" Ca
2H years for $4000; 82000 down. See ' ' : i !0 Oree
owner, 874 E. lUth st N, A'berta car - CHE
." i fx.. '.II.
TOUr UDDOnUn TV tS rlrirfi . I An elegant new modem lion .a M .
I To own an Ideal 4 room home, corner I Pw r , 1 , . , na 1 mail
s room moo-am himnu. ... . i " -- - . .
81450 on tlni.7 -.11 V, ...""". ioxi. to asaorteO bearing f mlt I Ik "TkkI.V TJl !. I""1
cS.7 ensT iJ 8X5 balamVyT By th Kiaa sv 4 HoOO 7,?
car, or I-norta Tabor 1877,- Lj time will be boslness nrooar.i . M balance eaay 4erms. Owner. 1126 B. Uth:
ShlMJ llllWN worth seversl thousand. -
nnauci uaiuanu - i tin ana uag sts.
4 room' bun .i In w s I . mnj.K
- r ( f n ci'nnnient, never
a.nasy'rms. - N' . '
Board of
ONLY 2200 down burs n. I "
-..'fT. lot grsdad street
flty water, fine soil, near good carllna!
18 minutes' rtde from Saw brtdgeTrnt
Plata plumbing, best f:tr..
"WL. bmJ?r ' Psyable -ti,
mo,nth1': T?mpl-ts shatract Perfect
- - - -' - "-"-iii'-n n r r.
room modern, corner lot. 60x100. Price
turn. i4vo cairv Daiance llol 111K man that wants .
per month. i A aafa Invaatment ahonM hamuli t.i.
I room house, lot 45x114. Pries 41200V money with us and receive Interest on
iisr nwi. T'suni-i itr t-rr monin. I in a aania, iron i n , per cent Port
F. I. MITCHELTREFL I land Truat Com Dan L E Mn.. m
Anahal Station. ML' Scftt car.lnd Oak sta
Fnr QIa h Hunor F1NE corner, 104x162. 4 room bungalow,
rOl OaI9 Dy UWner .- gradad streeU. beauUful variety oi
New 4 room Quaen Anne cottaa-s: rorf. Iffult trees and flowers, ideal rjlara fns
crate basement; full plumbing; wiring; I housa or InyaatmsnL Terms, jj, 81th
swsy irom noise; minutes walk tol'1'' rrnr. " oonsiooic car.
tlSmlfra Fancfl, $ morn riw housa.
- barn and chicken yard. Ahatrar-t fa.
nlahad. $llf, haif cash, most ha e!4
own-r r"'" g ea f. frr a Tshoy 74 S
BAKtiAj.N highland e1 1 on, 111
Craad ava N., f-omfortshla nnsa.. j
rwnim i in- yr wua rrult iraaa ; own-
Ca'l raw
ay roust soil linwMi'l
FTVE room hoasa. fcij Jot, frt 1
.tju isoor a-sn; tiin. I.rn- Har-
K VV mwr room riis. Also 'a
Kt J. .'.. & i'h --. Can . be
bovg'-t at a harrslB. im dtwn. h,i.
n(.t.rna wnar laartna town r. .! ! r ' rr - m ... .'.r
II .1.7 A U. 4 AVE. a lJ,t,,.i."irrf.T7fT
""-i'-i n itn nif r....i.., l,srrt
I ...
' I
$'r- New iw-n tuirVow. Il,.1
i J it, f c m I t.
I--k ad4tlon. lat mnit 'h.
I "f.r a. r-r-.nt wa'V. ,,r .
J T. a. .liut herord, I Cowci tidg.
A rolrn C fc i i ) r ,u
for short t m: vn
fn 1rr- tl v: it... ,
., ... i rr --m rr..--n
Kta at N. Taaa A.l.-- c-j
and Void water eTactHaTtri 'i 5f f.r; 'o'0'.' ,'"M: Laurelw-od Sta- FOR SaLE-4 room tioa. acres of
, ' We Want Money ;?S gS- "-: '
aoii'SALEj ro,,m trT- . F!" T"rer? house walking dls- NKwTmodsrn 11 room bouse la trvln,--
room rr.cHi.rn honaa, fine
I'ct, i tin.
Il-fc-i utrt will secure fine 6 room
cottage. i-jt wast of Laura. hurat, o
R. Plna, 4i; rlr-a yard and garden: the
fvR hALK
1o J fralt tT-. foil basam
V?r "t r choal- lrO. Inquire srrana-metil tf the rooms Is unu.ually
" w""f ' J ' t'orr . out today and see it.
Li-iiiT ro-.nj h..ije, :i r .m.-. mMl- Terrr-s en jh h)rn. ,
.1? J'i'dir"- . H'-"'-ln, fwii gALKZZvir enultv In a mo!rn 6
iraaa, asr 1.1 ave. ; trnni. saa chaan: room tvur-aainw r.- ...k....
K-f Jonr-al I lot. fail t- ,n,I. r.r f.. i-
I lot (ail t-jnday oy eveBinga, I;a
2-tN r---e
r . i r i.t. r--m i-.-,trn eo
""'.""r1 8 rsr: i- r..a.f 1 A- MA'.X FiVj NT t-.r 1 t.r
1.1 se I c.aan. 87 W. JesitiD ft. f l"U!'c". tr-a Is a rasa pn-pont in
action, tu Jc' ra cur. !$:.. .;;.
i:40. . :
Tneltidlng lnter.t: strictly modsm
room bungalow; hulit tor a homa; rr
Hawth"rn w Jlfi cash, baiaace like
rent. Own.r. 411 1't k are.
A Kl.NE $ room rasio.nte in the tw-.t
prt of Irrlngtnn w:ti all tie rew.t
l-r-provfni"!'"; rr.r4 corr-er lot J.-ilf..
Wl!l be s -il ct eon rxt welj. Alex!
itlt .'ll.f'. i i a.- .in- In i r-- m ro.1-
arn k.r I . 1 1. m
1 harg-v i.ll E. f- e , D It.