The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 08, 1910, Page 25, Image 25

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' Oolleg Ilevela at Dryn Mawr. I
' IJrr Mawr, Pal, May T. MravTsrt.
of th president, headed a dls
tlnrulshsa party of Washington wolety
folk who cunt her today for ths May
day nmri and revela at ; Bryn Mawr
i-n'Wn, whr Miss Helen Tart Is a
Student Th game took , placa on the
coller f nd war a reproduction
ofrtbos oelstraUd loaf ago la "Marrle
Etas land." . 1
, , .-- ;
Th Democratic - atat oommlttaa of
Nw TrK will meet . next week to
ehoos a suoceisor to Chairman William
J, .ClUMI.'.f J v.'1!"-' ;:.'.' t ,
S2 Mission, Clock $150
Stands . 12 inches high, 6 inches
,wide, good alarm; solid oak frame.
Guaranteed works. . '
Some Very Biff Bed
VVe have two very fine Birdseye
$45 Ouartercd OakPrin
Maple lietls that are odd pieces
and we. wish 'to close them ; out
cess Dresser $33.75
378 A---Shaned French mirror, 24x
regardless of price, .
$3250 Birdseye Beds $21
42 inches, finished inside and out.
Sheritan style, straight lines,' well
Quartersawea oak, seven drawers
and large compartment for coats;
adjustable hangers that draw out;
also adjustable mirrors for , shav.
marxcu oiruscye, ,
$17.75 Square Iron Beds
All Issued la Three Days' Time;
: - Most ; Expensive l". Will Be
; $20,000 Home of L A. King
s' on King Street.7. - " '
for $10.00
This is a.' sample stock exhausted.
Meet .tube,' square post and filler;
guaranteed years against break
age. - k
n i.h .
...V:' 'vti3vS;,;i ' 'xi
y 1V ICr FpU !!3 Si :
-1L; ' "i l:V''.''-i;''rr;r.:.. " " ; : ; -vSnP::,
ji, , v ,l'-. jy , "e'ia. ' ' ' ' ' ""' ""
: Pulhlinrf pormils providing for 48 new
, dwaUlngrs were IsMund from the office of
the building Inspector, Monday, Tuesday
and Wednesday of last week, , In round
numbers the - cost of theso, building
will foot up r an average of
a fraction over $2000 fach. . .
, The most fxpcnHlvti residence author
' )ed durlnjf, that fxriort wai the new
StfO.MH) i home to be .ortsctud by : K. A.
Xing on ' King atrt, btwton. Wayne
' and Taylor. . ConHlilorlngr Its nlxe the
King houxo- will' be tho finest private
residence In Portland. Jt 1h to be a
two story frama structure of '' seven
' rooms, and while the permit provide
Xcr an expondlturs of 20.000, Mr. King
says the houao will, cost much more
than that Bum. The lower floor, which
contains a living room, dining room, den
kitchen. -1 . to b finished throughout
except the den, in eastern oak. Tho
walls are to bo paneled in veneered oak
and the beam coiling In the dining room
Is to b of same material. - Plans of tho
second floor provide two bedrooms, a
v vowing room and a aleepinr poroh. The
bedrooms each have private bath and
the servants' apartment in tho attlo
ts provided with a bath. - i -
' "Valuation of $3000.
"With tho exception of the Ktnr home.
all of tho permit Issued on those day
call for residence of tho cottage class
and In very rare . instances valuation
We given at more than $3000. '
On Green aven uo between Park avo
sue and Washington street,' F Breske
ha begun the erection of a three story!
concrete apartment house. . Tho site is
a hill side lot affording on opportunity
for the dovelopmen of an unique do
alga in apartment house construction.
The bouse will cost Mr. Bresko some
thing like SS0U0.
R. C Panton took out a permit early'
In the wetk for a two story frame cot
tags which' ho will build , on 'Kant
Thirty-third street .icar Tillamook to
cost 13800, " y .
On the fame date a permit was Issued
to John Andrfjv for a two story frame
-residence which will cost 10000.. The
building will occupy a hillside on Jack
son street near Jjownsdstlo. " " i '
M. Gulllaunna bus begun the erection
of a frame store and flat building oi)
'Washington street blwecn Hlxtentli
and Sovcntefnth. It will have a height
ot two stories and will cost between
$4000 find SJOtM).
Mrs. & f. . Lester has let tho con
tract for a modern frame residence to
occupy a site on Kat Eighth street
mar Karl. It .is 'to bo a two story
v, structure and will cost about $4000.
Permit were issued Tuesday of last
wek to C A.' Hoy providing for the
erection, of two two utory frame cot
tagesf on K:ist Twenty-eighth street be
tween) Stark and Oak. The building
, will cW 2Q0 each.
On lie samo date' three permit were
issnedi to different home builder for
one stiry frame cottages to be erected
in the iHtrtlu:.itern section ,of the city.
One oft thuui belonging to H. L. Pries
will gov') tin .Vernon street near Mil
flred, tli other for M. Jones on East'
I'Tirty-sevvlitU b-tv.en Stanton and Sis
kiyou u'mlhc third for J. W." Udell on,
.Alberta ttiVet between Clay and.Dela
ware avenme.
Mrs. A. l. Johnson ha ' taken' out
permits fo two 1V4 story frame cot-,
taMes to bp ure.ted on Kelley street,
between EAst - Twenty-ninth and ast
'Xhirtleth, 4t a cost of 12000 each. -
E. Wetzlisr has let the contract for
a 14 story l'ratnr cottage to be erected
at a cost of 20(t on East Fifty-second
treat between Stahton and Siskiyou. -Cierelamd
Avenue Gets on.
Oa Cleveland avenue between Atnt
worth and Jairett, C C. Wicks ha be
. g-un tho erection of a two story frame
dwelling, Mh tcli will cost when com
pleted about 12000.
W. EL Sheet i preparing to build a
one story franVt cottage on Kast Thirty'
second street between Main and Salmon -'
at a cost of ll'OO. ,
, . A two et.oryl frame hotel- and store
building is beingl erected by James Cun
ningham on the iyoster road near Shorey
artreet at a sotof 800a. , , .
The Home Builders association has
taken out a permit for ft 1 M tory frame "
cottage to- boi erect;d on iCast Forty
third street between Hancock and Tllla
mookv- The bulldine will cost approxl-
xnately 13000. ?'.
t, On Over 11 n Kiret, rfr Stanford.-B.
H. Cronk iia let the leoatract for -
two story frame resideno to oust 12000,
M. Wisdom Is building a one .story
ottar on East Thlrtr-ninth near Intuit'
Aider at a cost of 12000. " ? . j
To Use Zlr la Finish, . " ' J
1 professor It Berger ha commissioned
a local architect to set up the plan for
m handsome eight room residence, which
- be will build on Melrose drive in Over
look. The interior of the building will
' be especially attractive. Among other
' Teaturei 'will be harCwood floors on the
lower story, beamed ceiling and paneled
. wail in the dining room and library
and a buffet pantry-' - The finish will
. be la aeleetod flat' grained fir and a
. heavy oak uUrway of artistic deatgn
will be one of the attractive of the Inter
ior feature of the structure. It will
eoet about 700d.
Contractor R. B. Kioa Kaa Just rora
meneed work on a two story nine room
residence at East Twenty-first Ad
Thompson streets to cost fiOt. This Is
. the ninth dwelling that Mr. Kic ha
under construction at Uits time. A feat
tire of thin last bouee Is the to be
, made of the at Mo whre a large and
well appointed billiard room will be lo
cated. . '- .-,' .- :
iC K. Donnard ha oommlseloned CSon-.
tractor V. E. Bowmaate prepare for as
eight room bungalow 'o be erected' on
Jt-ai iviBeieemn sireei. letween Knott I
and Etantoa. at a coat of e. ,
7i r:r. tr-;'jtl.rle company tek eit
P-rmU lat t e-k for lf.4,
fr t:c f(r tle fnniwMIbe work f a
ir wa, and a e vk its river fret,
1 -1 ew i:.n,ly and IV:ttrov strewta.
"!. fwrrelts r-nrr.t t beclatting
? tttM intfi -- 'v t t-fat--f
-,' rt tri i t -i .- .A
-" g v'i i ' r M'tsy, -
-t m-tt. f'H'a r-etr td war
' It ii absolutely necessary that you keep your teeth in perfect condU
tion-your health depends on it ! But don't let . unreliible dentists
work on vour teeth ther may do nor damaze than rood. When s
you entrust your dental work' to the Electro' Dentists you are guar
anteed good work. Every dentist in our office Is a skilled specialist.
17 Can Save You Money! .
Full Set. that fit
Gold Crowns, 22k
Bridge Teeth, 22k
Gold Fillings
Silver Fillings
Call and have us give your teeth .a free examination, and get 'our
estimate on your dental' work. - If you : are nervous or " have
heart trouble, the Electro . Painless .. System will do the
work when others fail.. All work warranted for ten years.
Electro Painless Dentists
E. G. AUSPLUND, D. D. Manage'n , ' ;
, Bank References. 1 . Corner Fifth and Washing
; Lady Attendant ,",,, . kins HoteL - - '
99 the accepted slogan for Oregon, and,
according to, records of sales of farm lands made ,.
' in the last few years, investors and homeseckers
show their faith in the prediction.
, .) ' ' ' ": -v , -
, , A tract of 2000 acres, located rhost favorably
in the line of rapid development in the Wfllam-"
ette Valley30 miles east of Portland, 15 miles
from Gresham, is offered for sale by tha I'ortland
Railway, Light Sr Power Company at a low price
per, acre, on favorable terms." . .. ; v-.
A projected railroad line is to pass through -or
near, this ract, a county road, already funi5h- j
: ing means of ntry and exit for vehicles, includ-'
ing automobiles.
, - V M - V. .'.,' ' '., ' . -".f!, ...
iln the wooded portion, 22,000,000 feet of ffod t.
saw timber stand ready, for the woodman's ax.
and . the timber at present prices would go ' far -toward
paying' for the entire tract. There .is a
lumber mill within three miles in operation , : -
There are fully 900 acresof , level or gently
sloping farming land, available when cleared, and
:from.700'to 800 acres of fine grazinc: land hovr
-awaiting the farmer or dairyman;
Two good sized creeks with numerous tribu- ,
taries furnish aa abundance of water; . . -
, . .- v , --. , .. 1
" The Ttract will be;disposed' of. as a wh'ile,
though, a new owner could subdivide to great "
For terms and full. particulars, call on or ad
dress Land Department, Room 623, . Electric '
Iluilding, Portland.
, . . ' .' , . .j.- ... ' r .
.. .... . .... 1 . - .
Porlland Railway,
Light S Power Company
Macey aecuonal;
Bookcases, ;
Really transform the appearance o
your library or parlor beyond any
possioie conception- iiu - you see
the result No home is completely
'furnished without a Macey' bee
tional Bookcase. East Side agents.
Baby Rocker Only 60c
vBaby wants a Rocker, so we special
this Hardwood Kocker at
$40 Turkish Rocker $30
This fine Turkish Rocker is made
by'fCarpen Bros., of No. 1 leather.
Chairs of no higher quality are
often- sold for $50. .
Let the Water Motor Do
Your WashingGeorge
Is Tired
Life's too short to worry pver
washboards and hand power wash
ing machines; they belong to the
stagecoach days, lime is money,:
and you can do other work while
the, water is doing your washing
just turn on the faucet and smile,
and the water from Bull Run will
RUN IT like all git out Try
it f 18.00.
Hardw'd High Chairs 75c
Having shelf. If the baby
tiighchair; give ;the little dear one.
to gU :- nejw (mw& : uou mute
iveed to fafonibfa ywk- home and
makt tt hahhu: tie nm Com
eaute iM know Mai anmne Cookb,
jwedtedto rtt : jilcaud to
newt wp ealC.
No Lifting
rso a looping
$3250 Leather Couch
Has beautiful quarter sawed Oak
frame and is genuine' leather.
$75 Davenport for $50
Genuine Leather and elegant quar
ter sawed Oak frame. -
$2250 Sleepy Hollow
Rocker, $16.90
Solid mahogany, Kar pen make---silk
plush upholstered; beautiful
, and a rare bargain. No. 9J64.
$2250 Sleepy Hollow
; Chair. $16.90
'Exact match to above rocker; the
two make an. .elegant small parlor
set. ' y. .r ' ' . . '
$20 Karpen Rocker $15
, Karpen patent loose spring leather
seat and padded back. Full quar
tered oak. fumed' finish;, well bal
anced and comfortable. No. 1980.
r $150 Karpen Rocker
, $10.90 ;, ; ; ;
Solid oak, '.genuine -leather;. Com
fortable in make up and neat in ap
pearance.,, ' No. 7943. , f
r -
f v .J ... 1
in II liaiSii 'K'i' rw.'jr r t ... a a ,
i Vr-l 1 -'I.- .,1111
'I I ' 1
You May Buy Gas Ranges
er Than an
Axminster Rugs
at it ... j
36x6-3 Axminster Rugs at
27x54 "Axminster Rugs at
values ' on tale
All Wool
Ingrain Rugs
9x12 Rugs, on sale at....,, .f 8.50'
10-6x12 Rugs, on sale at..l.25
12x15 Rugs, on sale at.u.f.15.40
Wilton Rugs
Genuine - Wilton not, Wilton yel
vets a beautiful assortment . of
patterns to choose from; regular'
50 -.values' ori sale" at.,,;?36.O0
Carpet Bargains
$2.00 Grade Axminster8,..?l.wO
$1.60 Grade . Axmmster... .''
$1.50 Grade Axminsters . 1.1S5 '
$1.65 Grade Velvets. 1.35
$1,25 Tap Brussels...........
Above prices include sewing, lay
ing and lining. - ; . " , - ,
But the savings in gas makes the "Acorn much cheaper In the
end-in a very short time, in fact . -'
.'" Nobody who has used an Acorn Gas Raflge 24 hours
will ever use anything else if she can mlp.iu .
! , The-Acorn. Gas Range is the finest standard double
oven, range on the market. . Every piece of metal that
enters ;into its construction is the (best of : is. kind.
Equipped with Acorn Safety Oven Burners which can
not explode Bakes and broils., at trie same ' time with
the same gas.. : ' ''-'r. r-r-: ; , "
The design of Acorn Gas Ranges is very, plain and
simple no carving or. scroll work to' catch the dirt and
dust. Easy to keep clean I . . ; ' ; ' . - . - ' '
If the average woman knew; the ease and comfort she
could gain .by using an Acorn Gas Range she would
throw out the old range tomorrow. 1 51 , - .
Cotton Blankets
Exceptional values to close but, as
we do not - wish to carry them
through the summer: k , ' .
fJ.OO values on sale at...... f 2.25
1.75 values on sale at....,.l10
$1.25 values on sale at..,,;..."8
r ' . . , i , '
- Pillows i
Pound Pillows at
Only $3,25 Per Pair
A Leader", to Introduced Our Bed
ding Department. . ;
Nottinghams, , No.
02, per
., ..vac
Nottinghams,- 'No. 103,' per
Ivory Cable , Net, Na 119,
f 1.6Q
JabIe 4 Net, , No. 118.
5 Ivory
per pair . : ; i . . I : ... s. . ' . 81.95
$4.50 Ecru Net; Box Hem, No. 85.
per-pair ... ... . ...... . .,...f3.00
$4.75 ; Cluny, Iaces, . No. 107. ' per
pair . ...... t . , . ... , . . . . f 3.25
$5.50. Batteoburg, No. 98. pef
pair, ........ 3.03
-. : - - ; - - ;
: Shares': the: -S25.DOO
' Couch Cover
Specials .
$9.00. Oriental Covers.
$3.50 Oriental Covers,
No. 164....... 152.43
$2.75 Oriental Covers, .
No. 189 91.G5
r - Cor.E.
Ss- Cs..t.
iseisiwa,, i wqcrTIlT''- rr & rT "' Y""w F""T F f "tt Jryyi .. .
; Couch Cover.
$9.00 Oriental Covers,
No. 163 ....... ?G. 75
$3.50 Oriental Covers,
No. 164 ?2.43
S2.75 Oriental Covers,
No." 185 ...... .i?l.G3