12 THE :. OREGON SUNDAY ' JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY -MORNING, MAY - 8,: 1910. iNEW TODAY i I low In K fcll Addit tori , Where prices include paved !. streets, cement t walks, sewers, gas ana water mains' laid in 14 foot " alleys, reasonable restrictions and within talking; , of the business district and accessible to three 1 car ' lines. Special in- ducements to builders. luots $2100 And Up on 3asy Te rrm s including all ' street im provements ; , 1 0 per cent down, 1 per cent month, 6 per cent i nt ere St. Ouarterlv oavments if ll preferred. Discount for f cash. Warranty deed. P. W. TORQLER 106 Sherlock Bldg.i STRONG & CO) 605 Concord Bldg. Also Agents on Ground Exceptional Value r' IN FARM OF 3xc Quality ZTJ ACRES 93 IN CULTIVATION iSeveral thousand - cords wood," 2 food barns; fair house, running water. iif location, 22 (miles to Portland, 1J4 im ties to good town;'., pood roads i.oe school; richest soil in state; ad' Jacent small 'tracts bring twice this price. per acre, including: crop; 5000 cash! balance long time. 6 , Buy this and double your money, pha; Hunter fjiz22X and 225 Board of Traded TO DOUBLE YOUR "MONEY i6G7 acres -being the Willamette irorer; tine, level Und. About 465 j in , cultivation and all can easily J be subdivided into 10, 20 or 40- eptional Great pportunity lacre tracts that will sell for. from S100 to $200 per acre. For a short .time this can be had for $68 per .acre. jee al. Mism-KK,Wood burn. Or. ;v ' Long Term Lease f A BARGAIN' ,11125 corner, 16th and Jeffer- eon. Fine location for stables, , Tare laundry or similar busi ': rss. - " . . : Apply to Owner m D2l(um Building, Z'i'.n 1271 ' V "A-1571 rash.- Anortmsnt'Site " l r 'n. . It 't'S. ''ft1-! I "! !tnr.'lt.r. rr rtti utirr ra. - f . . i ti i t 1 - 3" NEW TQDAY. vrt n '", . .r-...r; ii Elegant Home on Oregon Electric 15 acres All under plow and (a fruit.', grain, .vetches . and . garden. Good house. . lares barn.' excellent hayshed. chicken houses, woodshed? two. horses, two cows, wagons and Implements (or large farm and most ly new. About 400 chickens. Farm Is 6 minutes' walk from" electric R. R. . station. 8 . miles from Portland. Prirtt ITKOn . for ' land and' SS250 takes everything outplace. - . ,, 7(0.99. i.'.' ' Dairy farm, Best : in Valley : 120 acres South of Salenv, all In high state of cultivation ; land lays level and vervyproductlve; 18. mixed fruit trees; 2' wells, never dry;1 rural delivery, telephone, county roads op three sides,' 4. mile frjmi school. I know this place and easily worth the price asked. $13,000;: good building way w vujvuvo, ..... ,,, . , fi XO. 39. Cheap Subdivision , Land, Portland 80 'acres This is one mtle ..from Multnomah, station on Oregon elec tric and 5 miles from Portland. .Sur vey or electric line over place. A All land around this' at $500 to, $1200 per acre. This for quick sals $250 per acre, Better see It . , ; t' t NO. 42. 1 1 y., " Find This One Live on , if and be . happy. ' FivS acres on . an to macanam cniiwiT. this acreage is in A-l Improved con ditioi and no better ' fruit, sbenTi duck and chicken ranch near Portland.- Has 600 feet front on' road, room house, barn, large and new. chicken houses 'and yards. acre "SS.?!: I currants, gooseberries. Plenty of hay and pasture. Spring piped to house. Well fed by spring. Live creek 'In pasture. This ranch Is under value. For a few days only $5600. How far from Portland? Its on the west side and 6e carfare; 6 minute walk from, station. Better look It over. X fruit Land 60-acresT fruit Una In Hood" River county with some bearing orchard. near Columbia , river and ;rsllroad, leooo; therms,-. ' , . i , i . t ! i NO. 45. . . . Villamelte Falfs . 80 Acres for $11,000 'An Ideal farm, 70 acres in culti vation, 10 In timber and pasture. The soil Is black loam and lays rolling; I good family orchajd. plenty of ber ries, 8 room house and barn 60x80: 1 abundance of good water; full equip ment of farm machinery and live stock; too numerous : to . mention, 2 miles from electric R. R. This should attract any one looking for an ideal up-to-date farm... . ; ."NO. 4. ' -J'f " Oak Grove, East; Side Snap 2 acres right In town. 2 blocks from Oregon City car station..! block from school. Splendid community; 7 room house, cost 13500 4 years ago. Barn, chicken houses and yards. Plenty of fruit and pasture, berries of all kinds; nothing will please yon so well as a look at this little coun try home on: county road, car line, 90 minutes' out. : "Will make you think of your boyhood days. Its cneap at 1 8000 Uke IV ;,vi.v nd S1000 rash will I Independence farm ,7 173 'Acreis f 1T.SOO IS TJIK PRlQj: : , 100 acres pf . rich, level 4 bottom land,' all In cultlratlon. 71 acres to maple timber. estimated -400.000 feet, for which owner was offered $4 per 1000; 4 room house, barn 20x40. 2 bop houses, .large and la A-l condition. - , w.-.; S3 ACRES IS HOPS 75 acres to wheat and oats for hay,! 3 good welU. all fenced, water and rail transportation, located miles I xa 49. Hood River Orchard arid 11 acre all la caltlvatlon. 7 arres In 4-year-old SpiUenberg sad Nw towas, free Irrigation, water piped to bnlldlngs; Fine bona, all kinds of brrlea, less than 2 miles from sta tion: -would exchange for city of Portland hovss aad lot np to $3000. Frir $10,090, liberal dlsronat forJNr R. R. statloo. of a big crop XO. 4a-l.' Apple Land 100 acre fcwaa I ifolly la y ice aad good soil.' miles rVhit Kalnoa. A saap at $ pr acre. 4.000.009 feet ml fir. Has $1200 bouse and 1 a bargain. . .. , , ... ... Columbia Trust Co. 4 IX1 cm s. XRXV. TODAY Y Montiis j That is what vou can do bv buv- Ing one of our South Portland! Lots for These lots are located in SOUTH-1 PORT and are far below the mar- ketonce. ' Thevro dose iru only 12 minutes' ride on the Fulton car. TAKE FULTON CAR AND I GET OFF AT SOUTH- , . PORT. Tl n . si -T ineopamonto. Ground Floor, Lewis Bldg, 269 v . fcn ? Oak Sfreet., ' ' We have two Building Loans at 8 Per Cent If you have $1650 and $1500 to loan on good risks, call Stoivc Realty ; Co. ' 1 ' K :; 508 Chamber of Commerce -Main 8124 A-8789 READ TT1IS Wa have for naJa a. fcaautlful t M.m cottare. corner lot: 1 block from h mnaiprommeni aiaiion on m amnrriw OOTT earllne.' one and on half mllaal thls Sid of-Lenta. . , I I ; TOT wqx 1VOOX Zrtjwtf before Ton I rnd , -"Si! v Sn "iori f prie nr.'' If you wish to pay H or all eaah, ws can make you happy. ' KNAPP & WACKEY SIS-SIS Boar of Trad dg. $1500 Free To You - It will mull that I. ntl t vm. w4ttl J! buy my beautiful piac just outside the I! ffil . "S'MtoEbi. irrfon1,f;t$s .Vi in mdVw, i .ere. or or- III i- t : z rnara, 7 acr rineat oeaverdam - on whlcn tnev row tn beat on Ion a la lh stat. Tin trout at ream raanlna tbrourhl the place, fin spring near building Bite. It i nil wilt nui vw mr amr May IS. I $i(0): Lrnoe now per sore, eaay term. sow $1 per acre, eaay t or rail up bv phone. xjcstox mortis Writ 814, bzb too arrn acsuui or nvcm a , suLsaaxaT am raxst - 145 ACRES -- or rtru sunts ; Prune Orchard this year; a large fruit dryer on place; fair bitUdlsgs; $ cash will hni it Prlc $zs.s. . " , B ro h g-S teel e Co. Ground Floor. Lls Bids. mm&x roaTUrn ft vmt ks an- aster. Prir, Orra-iaji btd. rbao Mai NEW TODAY - V t l. V t an rovxTs rr. vxova lire IW1S For Sale BARGAINS Is : Portland Heights . Hra la a baraaln Tor an Investor rl nomeseeaer: , 4500 For 1 wll t room bungalow wnen complete. - -j n-nouno im u to tbe minute, rurnac. sas. eieoinc wirea; pancien ainins i- , - room aoi) library: - all ' plat Klasa windows, closed' atalr way., tiled fireplace, pressed 4, , - brick chimney; hot water con- trays.- in fact, up to th min - : 7 te; j house easily -worth the trJli ' 5r! A1 " i J:rr" ".r"V ' . 7 large rooms. beaMes a small kitchen r and : urge reception fiVielWbh room. vr. This .Joins the above WXTZX-:BJthV;.T a.'r5 worth filoo; terms. . 40Mw.np 12000; cement walks through lawn: ' rruit rruit trees , ana rose i bushes:" $1275 cash, balance to f iiiH t; h mm thlr'him It; will stand investigating. 3500 Up to ' ths mlnufe cottage.' j ". block from car. In University . , Park; fine double lot; a Xlne SPECIAL' ' -.' houat a bargain. - worth aye.; cement pavement I ' w. "T fc-h2tt '2f u gains Just come ini1and photographs and get particulars. W will treat youl r . " - v ri ssfarnis " SSSACms, all In crop and pasture, ex-1 SSS atCXZC, ail In crop an4 paattrro ex-1 wui bv wrcs, ..vvv. wonn vi i buildings,- ail ntted up com-, pleto, with farm implements I and stock. The pride of the Willamette valley. . Nothing i Deiter, oniy iift per acre; ev-i ,.J erythlng thrown In. Tou can't neat it,, that's au. Half cash. SH AOmza, Base IJne road, only 16 i i ' per acre, lerma. SM AOBBS, Base Line nwd, enly fill per acso; lenna. : 9H AOBS- Base Line road, only $115 per acre; Terms. - 10' ACmXS, im pro-red i with stock. II muea rrona i-oriiana, izsos. ISM AOJUBS fine garden land. A bar- I . gain, S2000. . , . m , im anil ran , garden . land. A. snap. H AOSrs, in good little town; flne ta- ' ..... . .-come, ssvvv. . S AOUI, garden, hones and barn. In I .' (wu iown, axavw. US AOXXS near Portland. 55 acraa in : . cultivation. S100 ner aor. A I nap to ' subdivide. ' A fine! - nous- and barn with orchards SO AOJUBSV12 miles from Portland; fins . proposition, fito acre. 11 AO orchard ' at an' "auction ' sal I . . pnee. a snap, only 1600. 1 AOBB, house. and barn. Inr smalt R. R. - town, ' 5460 cash.. -. . 40 AOBB8, a good' buy, $700.'' ISO ACXES, T , miles from Tillamook, ovuu. 74 AOmSS. fine farm. $3000. P"co. . woe r aor. y . .-. I - I ISO AOSB8 'near . W.SCZ.5A Mr si Aoxzf . K mile from r r station; I . 3 acre beaverdam, only $1401 pr acr. An xcepjbonaf snap, j ausw- iweu iisdm. cz in crop, . . . with orchards. rinera.rd.' a-ar- . - ' t den. A. swell money making , noma. - Only 1189 'per acre. tm. la PArtf.aii ...only IS miles wat. Implements .. and crop thrown - fau Fin. Ta. w have many mora : Com ' In and have lis show you our lists and show you photographs-of many of ' the houses," an4 get .particular. . , . Rooming Houses 5 rooms T - room $' room 8 room I rooms 10 room IS rom m room room room A ;room ': rooms 10 .room 1 1 rooms room 1 1 - rooms - rooms 14 room room O 3 room rooms ft. oo t rooms ooo rooms, tt furnished, will clear $20S a month, at a aavcrtflc. A.lfWMk nartl cash. Caa yon beat this for a money I maaerT room 84500 $ , room . S17001 - If vou want a roomlnr or tioiiMkMn. I I . . ..... . W I m oaassi jum. cm. us ug mmm us. i ' Business Chances-v Photorranh rallrr. worth ICO f!om la ana maa us aa oner. i , - A fls Vathoa, I rooms, at a bar gain. -.. - . . . DRlitessan, doing ti to US a day. I a fin location. Will make you a apll barsain on this. This is an ex caption of a bargain. Rent only $s. a months - V ,.. Brokae Go. Phone Vi!n 11 Ti. - six rorTst STmrgT. yus. riicc stiivova mi. j. .1 . , vve -aiso ' nandie UJ5W ,100 VntfMJM: Mr. oniv s bionkn frnm KUHnr. 1 15ranton will meet any one at 5 9 950 TAX 2R 3700- 11. mz NEW TODAY Isllie ie Nov Compare These Prices ' 205 ACRES ' '4( in riiltivatinn rmn alt h farrAH. 10 room house, good barn, hog tight I fenceiand cross fenced, sheep or goat i shed, outbuildings first class: 2 miles from 'R. R.. 60 miles from Portland. PRICE 175 PER ACRE. , . ' , . . ; , W acres Clackamas 'county. PRICE $10,001 PER ACRE.-1 JK v f t I- - i- ' 60 ACRES 1 40 acres, in hops, all cleared, corners on 2 county roads, A from electric line: will trade for residence. PKlutt $125 PER ACRE. 875 ACRES .'. ..S..?..'.V Lane 'county, good fruit 'land, will I trade tor income orooertv. - fK.LL.tL, I KRniirFTl Tfl ? - (. ' ,. :. ' . ' 160 ACRES' , Douglas county, 6 miles from depot. j 150 miles of Portland; will trade for building lots, cruise . 3.000,000 feet of timherl fir'.nd erAar'i URTtVCKTl PRICK tl2n , , , , I ' . 80 ACRES - t f r - . ,36 'miles' from Portland. Yamhill J county, 1500 cords of wood on place, nue from station on S. P., 4 room I home, fairly good barn, and outbutld- poor men can buy the same 1071' ACRES ' . " . ul.y .u uuumg.. to electric car, lots ,oi good trJj?l!: 1 rult lan A ' PRICE $40 PER ACRE. ' . . We 1m tinllr mtSPHTITES C. I Shaniko desiring to investigate central Oregon Jd ?y U-e. Arrangement,r "P Jroe maae at our onice ana fare refunded if -purchase is-made. .V waiiaiiriopfopertr, " 7" . w" " T 406 Lwia . Rldfl-. Tfftnrth etit rlr 4W5 Lewis Bldg, Fourth and Oak. .Both Phones. SOUTH PORTLAND . CLOSE TO CAR LINE, -BULL RUN WATER V $50 CASH, 2. A MONTH ONLY 12 MINUTES' RIDE ..... L-.r--.x -v v-i .ii.: These lo;s are in SOUTHPORT 1 s www -wa j and are the onTv close-in West Side lots that can e had at thell . . - ' 1 SeeThehi Today I TAKE FULTON CAR ANDj : GETjOFE AT SOUTH- J - PORT. - Ground -Floor ,Lewis . BIdgJ," 269 " " .-Oak Street" ' . AT KLAMATH FALLS : isuy curect 01 owner ana care commission.. Eighty acres, S miles from new courthouse, close to upper lake and railroad. A food platting proposition. - K-834. JOURNAL ' IK-PJVJPKC s 100x200 oa Park' are.; fcard surfac streets, water, gas, sewer pipes 'lai to inside lot line.' One of the fineit building sites" in the city. , Ceo. D. Scbclli 2J3 Stirk Street. am A Large tots ,; Price ; IMWlie $6(00 N--3 ir ' . AT LENTS , NEW TODAY Can Make as Much In proportion to the amount invested I , - AT LENTS ' i " ' As can be made by the Who is able to invest ; $ lln costly business orooertv. The r:n man cannot buy 100 lots m one I place and make money, as increase in P? tomes because of the building I ? Homes and settlement of people n c 0.r.ct T. i i l:.:u: r il . i ... a f 1!! valuable. The Rich Man's To make a profit; lies in, his , possession or money. To make a profit lies in their numbers and power to cooperate. ' -' v BUY A LOT IN .the m?ney mak,n,Pros J . going on now. ' ; i I W Kfl V fliri Water in streets All cleared. The Terms. Are So Easy Anj One . Can Buy. - PER MONTH Cowperthwait ft Christen sen. Agents st Lents. '" WESTERN . OREGON TRUST COMNY OWNXKS Ground Floor dialer Coheres IJL-.x. ' N'o. 2 Ability ThePodrMcn's Ability goo DOWN ""' i'r- i ' , KKW TODAY mm wSsSbsss1sw I r-, i-n.i mil, n n ,iaiT, ljwsuiJVJ. . W 0 n ...'',. : -' ... BAIW&TKUSI ' ReaJ Estate Department 235 Stark: St.. Cor. Second 150,0.00 ; l?cl60i fine corner on AI ' . UCl SI... LUWH lUVYU. : . Of raiv 100x100; best corner on Al- t aer sc. on the market. : i 200,000 100x100; )best corner on ParK . 1 st. . Down town. " , ' -. r ;go6,ooo y ; 100x100: -finest, corner oti' Washington St.; improved.,' 1 $400,000 ; ner.; Down town. ; $28,000 lUUxlUO on.becond st., closei, "Sir. j; ,A v.' " " lu iuauison sr. Dnage. ELEGANT HOME ON COUNCIL CREST , 6 lots, 9-room house, erand view;. price .io,uuu: terma. ewil BANK & TRUST T .-it- ' COMPANY ; iReal Estate Dept. V "i i 'i't ilk, t a V 235 Stark St,s corner, Second r WE . CONTROL- THE ONTY LOTS TO BE HAD IN , South Portland ;for. . - V- cS(SOQ $50 CASH, A MONTH ' The lots are located in SOUTH PORT, on the, Fulton car line, and it only takes' 12 minutes to get there. . ' ' 1 i "' .. ; " In six months from now they i will sell easily for $1000. ; - - ' ; We have only a. few left, bo Come Out ; Today TAKE FULTON CAR i AND 1 GET OFF AT SOUTH- . ' . x' JPORT. - , : The Spanton Co. Ground. Floor, Lewis Bldg., 69 Oak Street . 7500 Over on and a half lots at head of Love joy street; splendid view. This is where the new boulevard and car line are to be. The price is less thga any surrounding property. Geo. D. Schalk 223 Stark Street, Main 392 A-2392L Fine Dairy Ranch lift acre. S sollr from R. H sta- Um; fiet of .bottont aad fclU frJt lamj; ISV aer n3r p'.or. 4tcrM I timber, balanc epn atar. gd baildfrira, gtx4 ftnr lng,'rannlng water; fin rara to rut cp. Frie lit pr arr. y trnia Drong-Stecle Co QrrixA r;, fctvj f.fr. $400 Profit