-,T lil "I II U hi, Hi l S't:'f , "X . SECOND SECTION ' .... J ;:. r.l '. u. ' 1 t. ' v ' I M.I I - If ft ' ! ft - "S ' ppfeTLAND; . OREGON, SATURDAY EVENING, .MAY , 7 -.1910 j V' - ) ! 'v I i . 1 11 ' '.i ii-. 4 t ' " '--"-. 'f t ' ' i . ' ' "' . ' ' J H. 1)7 . i i IJ I . 1 1 H U .V"jf I: I . ' I i i i ... I I I ii l I ' ' ' I; i ? Did-che ever hear o i- a-a winter's Devil ?,0-o-o, it's n'orfulscarin jfmgan-anVBwiJgie'an me we we see'd one oncet JJwidgie was washin'; the cloes, an'an' hangUi 'em .up iathQ yard, an an' ..Tiwas carryin' the does-pin bag. an' jtsu fulled roarin V; an J ong. corned- PwinterV Devil a n'orful big, : f atf blacTf one ivif.blugpry tofs an'an' hor-r-ns,. i -Z, ' ; ' f. ; t ), yJ r . ' '.ft-- W . ' 'r i y.-H' 9 ' 11 1 """ ""' ' ' ' " ""ii in .mi I..... . ., Mif-:.-.f .An'nthtkwEi lots V'sffloke. an?Bwidrie JmeeledyowWan 'menced to sav'i'V Kow I lav me. ICours t wasn't one bit scared txdl sedfComewidgie; we better run." An-an!.we jumpeded over the fexice, an' we was ivssn i one on 8careu an ,x sea, . iome, iwiagie, we Deiierrun. vn au.wc juuipcucu over wic icijc, u " runned, fas' s ever -we could 'way far far'way fiom ther'r me an Bwidgiedid, 'cause" poor Dwidr. An' an' we ws" rcttin 'long nice as could be, but a nauhtjTnobecl xmed lonar th'er',' an' an' it runned over clean -over poor Bwidgie, an an it pinched her su'thin orful; but l helped her up, an' an' I bwushed her orf, an' an' I sce'd a Jot o'-k)' smoke comin', an I sed, "Run, Bwidgie, runl -Here comes the ;i a fTniiiriifws! " j '' ' 3 . An' Bwidgie runned fas, an an so did I, an' an we corned to a Dwtig Store, an I teemed tvrz'l it. ' blue and red bottles out o' the Dvvug Store winders, an' an minted cm at theol' fit Pointer's "D. I!, t 'ey was fulled wif magniferous blue an red ink' an' an'ey jus drownded him all up Jcsi, eo's te ex.' 1 scare folkscs enry more. ; " ' - ... . 'r' J : fTI' r ' ' n r I 'r -w t ! r ! ?-r l -.t. tn' I r ' - ! fn' I v ! !.Vt h,.' l "f ' ' ; 1 I rT Vsv i;i n',! ' , t V .' r fcr- J II I'. 4- M . r1 ? i - f It ,1 90 t;' ' SO L;:.;'; was erf u! T.t:J ifC L.tt. An' -v.'r'-ir, Ccrndoctor, 'cause the rccly truly cr.e siriked. An the fc--- an the riu'Mv car runr.rd ever $rr; ! ' kics, in'-s s c Vs. V iv. l.?Uif, an irr 7!urrtTiv-; rr,-, ' vcici, "C! . 2 K: i I.r