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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1910)
HE OREGON DAILY- JOURNAL; PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING. MAY 7, 1910. 14 roil SALEFARMS Ml Think what 20,000 boxea applea nwM, for one crop, 63 sores, .1 H mne " R. It station, house and barn, email fruit. hay. good water, team, 'oo?1": Owner estimates he will nave 80,000 bnaea annlea SnlUenburgs. . Baldwins and Yellow Newtowna this year, enough to pay- for the place. Owner - has a big farm that requires b a ""5'0,)-llf I . 80 acrea of aa good Boll as lays. out i of doom, about IV mnea irom rviuj, nn main nimtv road. . 40. serea under i cultivation. barna, new room bouse. nn-hir and small fruite, well -water. PrW S per acre. -"i"" ' '' !:iV i fnm Oreaon City, a beauty spot. 28 acre; tn auHivatlon, I room houae, big barn. 1 sprlngi rot ever flowing water, orchard and all klnda !. . I11AA . hi f CASH.'' 19 eeree. luat being. cleared; no build- Inira. only 3 mllea from Oregon cijty, j Improved land, worth $300 to 1..- JZtl acre. Thla can be bad at J125 Pf r aore and is cheap. soo caan win BUCHTEU & KERNS i" 30 E. MOHKISWIN Bi, ' A bargain when you aee onst 'i'.i. i. motivation ' except era green timber, wood for ' fine family orchard, apples, pears. Cher ries and quinces; all Kinos m '' fruits" Fins 6 room house, good barn 'and "iher ouUmildinga - KlnMtofMl; 12 mllea .from Portland, on good county "ad minutes walk from wood coun try town: electric Una, church and schools. This la no old run down ranch but la a dandy up to data place and a bargain at the price. Price 13600. $1400 cash, balance long tlme, ASK ror the owner Mr. Pyke.Crawford Realty Co.. 60S Main at, Vancouver. Wash. Phone Main 972. . Dnudas County Farms ' Going at 110, 115 and $20 per acre. Mr Farmer, why do you pay from $100 o $200 per acre farma when you can buy better land for one tenth the money?. Look at thla one: 100 acrea, rmileafrom Myrtle Creek, 28 i In culti vation: 6 room noUr, rViVKft. creek, farm all fenced, all for $1250, eaay terms. , How la thla. 300 acrea, 2 mllea from R R.': 75 acrea In cultivation; house. I barn, running water: all kinda of out side range. Price xauuu. Wa have all kinds of farms from 10 ve wa" . S , and the Pr'es are from i iioi acrea up, and the prices are ir i rr ..mrrm ua. See us and aave money, Burr-Maiden Company 808 Board of Trade. WHEAT LANDS IN ALBERTA Will not be open for settlement very long at the present prices. The world a available aupply of , unoccupied land Is rapidly decreasing , while valuea are steadily Increasing. These landa are selling for $12 to $18 per acre on 10 yeara- time. Such productive wheat and grain farma at such prices and terms will eoon be gone. Join one of our low rate excursions, which run every i days, ana inveau gate for yourself. . Call or write for booklets. IDlS-McCARTHY LAND COMPANY ' Colonisation Agents Canadian Pacific nollwav Ortmnanv. . 425-26-27-28 Lnmbermen'i bldg. IDEAL, dairy farm convenient to city, SO aeres, 10 mllea from . city llmita of Portland: 26 acres In - cultivation. 40 acrea lies level, 40 broken and cov timber (a valuable as- eoti thla Is expectionally rich soil and cjltivated; land is all In crop which trn'$ to purchaser, nearly new 7 room plastered house,' poor barn, plenty of frilt and aDunaance oi wnier. con venient to stores, schools, churches and eiectric line. Price $8000, terma $4000 iiih ha la nee t veara. 6 per cent.. Charles U Hunter, ?2S-225 Board of Trade bldg. 1 ; 2ii ACRES, half clearer, t acrea in or-1 chard, most of it bearing, mixed fruit, 2fi2R in rood shape, barn, out buildings, all fenced, on , t telephone I linea, county road; personal property, S sets of harness, somo chickens, good rn Viniihnld aoods. oream aeDarator: everything for $3600 : $2500 cash. bal-J ; ance at per cent .lor years, oiari Real Kstate Co, 112 Waahington at, Vancouver. Wasri.; 12 miles out. Owner Must Sell, A'-... A 1aMJ MAnW tr.l which I must dispose of; am In need of I money; no agent. m.-ds. journal. "FARMERS, SPECULATORS. TRAD- , ERS.". Listen; $20-per acre for 320 acres' wheat land, 300 in wheat goea with tha place. All cornea under Klickitat - Ir rigation project Close , to railroad. Terma. Buy this and double your money. P. A. WORTHINGTON. WM. KENNEDY 202-4 Wells Fargo bldg. j , CAN'T BE DUPLICATED. " ' tOO aores, 1 mile from R. R. atatlon, miles from Salem. 175 acrea under cultivation. '20 acres In applea, S acres In grapes, 7 room houae, well, barn 6 Ox ance, easy terma. , .t. fnrflen Department. UNION BANK TRUST' COMFAjNY. ' ZBa eiara. bi. . i ' Phone Main S02. A-2661. ' ' CAN'T RE DUPLICATED. ' 206 acres, 1 mile from R R. atatlon, mllea from Salem; 176 acrea under cultivation, 20 acrea in applea, 6 acres in grapes, 7 room house, well, bsrn 60x as; price 75 per acre, nan caan, .nai- aeoe easy terms. , Foreta-n Department UNION BANK ft TRUST COMPANY, 2X otaric at. ' - ' Pbone Main 02. A-2669. IT ACRES. tV ml es from Oreaon Cltv. laya line, road on 2 aides, good spring, wll, fenced, cross fenced with woven wire. . earn, Ben nouse, a room nouse, beavy team, harneea, wagon, 4 milch ' cows, 1 yearling, 100 chickens, II aheep, 14 goata. 1 bog. farm machinery, all for $$8i0; part cash. Address box 128a, r R. r. D. 3. Orygfm City. : - . BROADMEAD. t' .' I. It.'tt and .30 acre tracts of the fin est land In tha state f Oregon are be - ing sold by Columbia Trust company at extremely low prlcee. Either planted or unplantvd. Only the fineet selected va rieties of commercial treea uaed. Now ts the time to buv. ' -COIA'MBIA TRUST COMPANY, It ClTY ACRES. ' T " Ton ean buy 10 acrea inside tha city limits, near the Country Club, for $10oa per acre. Lot valuea adjoining ara $40( to $SC0. ' COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY.- . ' Boerd cf Trade bldg. - FOR SALE BT OWNER, t liave )(9 screa of atnlmproved land ? mil-e from Port lend, on, elertrie R. K I wish to sell ie mj-Trw; for aa la. vrrrBt thla will bear tavratlntlng. Co nMtiereble wood on hand. For further i- ' rr ! i Kt-ir-w H-25.-Journal, . .-rRAlI&!l acrea V mile Falle City. I -'it county. Cm-.; good for a-rpa. h-ns and -fiickei; i bulldlara; ;-rrig wtr. oa county mad! $ rr f!0 cenh, baianre terma. H. B. - ' " ""r, 11. 1r-iS-r Exc1aurgi 5 ' i-rs. 4 icrm elee-rod; I.IH,aN f tt ' ' t!- v r tm f-e 1 19 ), r.A.s : joxn-r- co, 4 rt lrr Kids, K'H fAi,; lit errx r-n ti-" r1vT, nverlo" - 1 hm ;- - 1 Mnont flood: f"T , . r..y, r t rr;e : the kI1 ta f i-Vf-.rwt ','' :'f Tr farther f , , ! mi - ! tf Js W''ej,-I4ie . - r'-n- T -"T - tt nrf 'i"-. nil I... .a. - I'-f I:.! . r. ;.;,--a tU i.i iivia 17 FORT GEORGE AND CEN TRAL BRITISH C0LUM-;. ' A'BIA FARM LANDS VWOwn -the Land and Can Give Clear Titles History Repeats Itself ; ' A ' Jew , year back you could , ' have purchased land In the vi cinity of Portland for Juat a few . ; dollars. - Now what la it worth 7 Makee you atop and think; don't It r . Whether or not you let that opportunity fro : ' by, don't mlea thla. You no doubt have heard i . of tbe hundreds of dollar that have been spent In British Colum bia for development v purposes. ' Why, because the Grand Trunk . Paciflo and Transcontinental rail-, road a la destined to open up vast ( area of tba moat fertile and pro- v. ,- ductlve agricultural lands In , British Columbia. ' ' ,v ;'." The government authorltlea aa- , tlmate that during; the coralnr , A ana son 136,000 - Americana will enter Into British Columbia to , settle In thla great farming dle- trlct. i , , n . ' , , J, j; Hill Says: 'V Back to tha land. Be a land owner la the new country. 'Be a pioneer, beok- at Portland'a plo-: f ; " neera: they ara today the wealthl- ' : : est men, the backbone of this city of wonderful growth. . FORT GEORGE'. , la destined to be the. metropolis, of thla Inland country. Five rail- roada, two of ' which are under, r way, will open up thla great coun try, with Ha vast resources and -. commercial industries. Think this over, if you have a few hundred dollars to Invest In farm lands. . ' - The men that are needed in this , great country are the men who ' will a-o rh and till the aoi), and . tout their, future welfare in, the : hands of mother earth; ahe will not neglect her children. This land doea not need to be ,' Irrigated, aa there la 22 to 36 inches of rainfall annually. There i are no summer frosts, nor severe .; .' winters. - . " Corn of .the Flint." variety la .being grown with great eucceas. : Oats, awheat . rye and barley do ' equally well, v In fact there la no : . better grain country in the world. Tha great mining regions -of ... k northern British Columbia with its deposits of . coal, lead, Iron. silver and j;old, vaat - tracts of forests that will soon be cleared ' ; away, the Grand Trunk railroad touchlnsr tha Atlantic aad the Pa cific coasts all help to make Fort -4 George, Nechaco and Bulkley val- f Uyg th moat dPalrabla MCtfon in British Columbia. We are abaolutely sura of this , '- land in Fort George, level soil, - some of It cleared and ready for ' tna plow. There is no better land ; .the world over, than that which surrounda Fort George. One man who haa just gone to , ' that country and who Is familiar ' . with the conditions writes ua ', that he haa not seen anything ' . like It since the rush to the Klon dike In the spring of 1898. Twelve ' carloads of farm implements are ' on their way to Fort George, . three banks are starting up, also hotels and stores; steamboats are i jiow running -on the Frazer and , and Nechaco rivers. Think what this means td the . man who buys land today, with these great railroad Improve-' ments under way, There is work for every man. .The British Columbia labor laws do not allow oriental labor on any railroad or like projects that is bonded with - tha government to ' be used In. their construction, ., thus giving, opportunity for, tha man wlip is willing to work. This to the man with . email capital - means a k rest deal, as wagea are f high, an Instance of which I will . give; Teamsters, $126 a month , and board; flrat class- carpentera, . , $10 a day, giving him an oppor tunity to make good money, de , velop his land and in a few years -be Independent for the future. Plant Your Dollars and Do ' It Now ' Call and look at our maps, pio 'tures of tha land and saraplea of " , grain grown in that wonderful ' country. Thla week witnesses tha departure of many farmers ' for our farm lands. .The auto stags Is now operating. Our represen- . tativea are on the land with horses and accommodations for all. - ' We issue through tickets direct to Fort George. '., -' Our special guarantee safe- fuards evetry buyer. Tltlea baoked , y the government, - Don't delay; ' come in and aea , . us. Every acre you buy today 1 will Increase in value many tlmea over In a very short time. . That's why we say buy Fort George farm lands from a responsible, ; reliable and honorable company, ; with a paid up capital of625,- t, 000. - References, any bank in - British Columbia.- ' . i . Call or write for pamphleta, " maps and views of Fort George : .-' farm lands. Special Induce- - ments to those buying this week. - Terms to suit all buyers. Think, only 33 down. Don't delay,' NORTH COAST LAND CO.. LTD. . Paid up capital 3628,000. Rutan & Adams, Selling Agents, ;; 200 Chamber-; of Commerce, Port land, Or. , London office. 6 Old Jewry Bead v ' Office, Vancouver, B. C - ' ' SNAP 80 ACRES. A . ' .. . Ml.. k.l....' U.II. cleared, all tha finest of soil, creek runs thrmieh bark of Dlace. all crODDed. 8 room house, fall1 outbuildings, family FOR SALEFA RM" orchard: svery thing goes. Including llyie aores will make you Independent nor, miioiiKi.R ' T 1 l.veaj-old recistered Jeraev bull. 1 1 cmiyxw, x wvw, i"e- - i"' i cnickens, wagon, buggy, hack, cart,! ' mower, rake. 4 plowa. I harrowe. 1 cultl-l vatora.. I sets-double harness l 1 set I ina-ie nrnw. iu wi. jiiimi i i eomolete an outfit This Is a bargain and must be aold. , Price $7309; $S009 cash, balance trma, 6 per cent, r ., - - .. Woodburn, -Qr. : - - J- . . - ,.' I I per i - EAS2i7l!'3IE" SALE 40 acres of nice Tvel land. 19 acre rich onion land. 2.000.009 fr-t of rood ! eaw timber, all the balance god tillable lano. nice stream or water running tnrouan pisc. gona irame i-nwn house. mml macadam mad to thla claee frora Oregon City, close to sawmilL Ttmbw " enouxh to ry lor svery root of thla I land, eloee to country town ; owser tn-uaa ! l; B) armra. rnr iz, h eaaa. WIIA.IAM M. SMITH. Ad-1ra P-"X 4S. Orfnn City. Or. 19 ACRES fer sale,' I H wrtles sooOxwurt of Orhm. 7 momxl bnose. hem I aad po)trv rtwa. Family nrehard and m 1 frelt fin soli; 4 r1 north horan etatfon. on K. t , 1J.. Peraocal fnrrtT Vrit rtgt't Terms, A- i. lowtr. R. F. Dl. . 4. Box 333, i,r-ai-i, irfin , FvrTa Ci-r-i acre . farm, r.r. ctty; r w I rwn rtmiM, fine bama lJ7f 40'ICRES W lark, or hoas Tabor 1(L Js geaui4l2l Abingtoa Bide. M Thlr4 ft 11 10 acres within S miles from cen , . ter of Portland, fine soil, nloa ' view, running atream, (00 oords flrat growth fir, macadam : road, price $2600. '. acrea about of mils from city limits, of Vancouver, small houae and chicken house, all , stumps blown out, , good i "o11" Prtca $1200. 'r ,v, '" -; 80, acrea mllea from Vancou ver. 80 acrea cleared. 8600 cords good wood on balance, fine bot ? torn land close to eleotrlo Una,' . good room houaa and ' other buildings, v- good " orchard. - for ahott time only, $126 per acre. -Hera la a anap either aa an In vestment or - home, 80 acres of fine fruit land. only S miles from Whits Balmon, 23 acrea cleared. , 8 aorea bearing orchard, - good , houaa and barn, land around thia ' place - la held at y from - $200 to . 1250 per acre,.or thla week only , ,.:$100 per acre. . ' - $15 per acre for one of best cat- ;: tie, aheep or. goat1 ranches In Ore gon, 1600 acrea, JO miles east of ' Koaeburg, about 500 acrea tillable land, ; balance hill pasture, about . 1(0 acrea cleared, aeveral springe and running atreama, fair house,' old barn and other outbuildings; : $7600 cash. ,,,'--. ',, The Washington ' and Oregon t Realty Company 201-809 Merchants .Trust Bldg., Portland, th and Washington.. Phone Main 2404. and 800 Main St., Vancouver, Wash, ' - liLLAiETTEfALLEV ' Consisting of 176 acrea, of which there are 100 acres under- cultivation, the balance in pasture; has some tim ber; has a running stream; land lays al most level, and tha soil is excellent; the .Improvements on the place are as rouowe: I nouse oraoout i rooms, aiao 2 small houses, 1 large barn, large enough for 60 head of stock, and a, large space for Jiay; haa a nice family orch ards personal property conalsta of 48 cows, of which 38 are milking at pres ent, I S year old heifers, 8 1 year old heifers, 1 registered Jersey " male. I head of horses, 10 hogs. 2 doaen chick ens one ateam boiler with separator at tachment, also household goods, wagons, buggies and all necessary implements; in fact, everything to run; first-class dairy. Price $14,000; $6000 cash, bal- lance In S years at 6 per cent interest Thla place Is situated 2 - miles from town, In Marlon county on the county road. 1 - . We have-also a large list of small and laige places, all wall stocked, v.- Otto & Harkson Realty Co. 133 First Street CLARKE COUNTY REAL ESTATE, 20 acrea. 6 acrea cleared, all fenced; fine level land, only 4 Vi. miles from Vancouver ferry landing. Price $2850; half cash, balance at 6 per cent for 8 years. Star Real Estate Co., 112 Wash ington at. Vancouver, Wash. 100 ACRES adjoining city limits, all vnnd leva! land, all in cultivation. Good buildings, good water, can easily be divided In small tracta. Also some good timber land. Address owner, &. H. Hurlbut, Lebanon, Or. ' ' DA1KY FAKM. ' 620 acrea. 3 miles from Columbia river. For full particulars call 236 ! Worcester bldg. I $8000- FARM and dairy land, 200 aores, near CorvaUis, Will ,ke $5000 in property -near Portland; principals only. tsox sz. ueaverton. ur. FRUIT LANDS 48 . APPLE APPLE-: LAND LAND 480 ACRES ' ;APPLEFLAND ' - ITlne miles to railroad station. . .. $50 PER ACRE , , - $8000 CASH " Balance to ault purchaser. At 7 per cent. This place , la situated light in tha . . lamous HOOD RIVER DISTRICT Well suited for platting ' if desired. ,Fbr particulars, see, phone or ' ! . ' . write " - -i . -.;:OBELF0RD v 1866 E. 13th St., Portland, Or.' ' , Phone Sellwood 161. Sellwood Car. SEETHESE BEFORE YOU BUY S and 10 acre fruit orchards, with and 3 year, old treea, in the famoua nooa tuver oistrict oetween M osier and The Dalles, on the O. R. ft N. main line. - Station .and boat landing on tha ? round. - Price, 1160 per acra '' Una bird cash, balance S eara.. - i 6. 10 and 20 acre tracta , garden land, all in cultivation. Only 7 mllea from a town with 20.000 population, with ata tlon and boat landing on the ground. Price lioo an acre.- una third cash, bal ance 8 yearly Installments. , ' - 1-8 and . 10 acre vineyards, ready' or piKniina-. , univ j miica irnm rauruau and river transportation. Prioe. $100 ! per acre, with one fourth cash ana tna i balance in fi mommy payments. FOREIGN DEPARTMENT ift Union Bank & Trust Company, ' 2S eTAKK T. " .. ....' ' PORTLAND OREGON . Phone Main 902, A-2668. ' LAMBERT CHERRIES. coat you only list sere wnen bearing. r. - .kf. ..m -..iki i...n.n. one crop winmaae tne rinai payment, We care for orchard until tn bearlns :. , i,hn,.r r M. tn Orily ' g minutes' ride, station on place. w ill maae you a line country noma. Coma out with ua on Sunday and ae tha proprty yourself. SEEING IB BELIEVING. . The Croesley Company, 708-709 Corbett Bldg. J"'tfPII acres on good road, I acr-s undr ealtlratloa. running water. Price 111 acre; aJso 4i acres, ll acrea undr caitLvatton, ennstivraDie open land., weu FOR SALE FARMS 0ME0F.THEGH0KE8T MlrllTlrtLIMW --alAMCHfES IN THE ': UKD iiocat-d. trice. ( per acre. Mt. Hood Land Company 't Main 3S1. 713 Rothfhtld bldg. ;'8KW!;.-.- APPLE-tAND 1C9 arros tn Klickitat county. Waah.. $9 aerre emltlvsted. good apring, all U,V.V' ?F, nV - i right on the KIK-kltat rlw. Other landa ta seme vlftlnity sella at $78 to T" J7.."".". .i.wwu lite rr acre, fame sou end climate aa Whits HeJmoa and Hood River. Pree tit per ecr. H down, beX ts suit pore ha sr. 440 tihrlo-fc hM A ' .i I Y . - a - uruiaru I racis We bave two it acre srehard traj-fa la fall bearing. ownM br nutm per- wno nave entnonswi us te dr-r of them ftr whatever we ru ret tnt tbein. Tbey can he boagbt fr about on half what fK rt the ewnera. 3. M. FKliCH f -o. FRUIT LANDS ioirlfMlllrija - .-j i - - " in 10. 20 and T ZSTtZJG, ".Ve a.Tn to many level heeded buvr whn know a good thing when shown. Oi.It 25 miUm from Portland, on railroad. Price $800, iUU, fttUO per tract H FITTER HultKl and go wtth'ua by annolntment ' Call or write for full nartlnulara. ' LI aral terma. .. ' MoFaRLAND INVESTMRNT CO.. v 110-81 1 Corbett bldg., Portland, Or. Merrlt A Palmer, Safes Agents. Finest - fruit land In Oregon, . near ' i 1 " ' Newberg. "". Right .elevation, beautiful view. ' . 10 and SO lltra trmntm. ' - $100 to' $200 per acre, easy payments. Will contract to plant and cars for at reasonnoie price. , . , : v.. Se' owner,' P. Relmers,- S 709 Corbet t Bldg. ' ' IRRIGATED LANDS 43 Deschutes Valley Deeded Land " Acreage In tha f'lovrdal district of I tne iJescnutes - vallev. Klneat ' culti vated. Irrigated land In central Oregon, with , perpetual water - right; 10 and 20 acre tracts at $76 per acre; half cash. ijaianoe i, s, years. e Greatest barraln In nnhiit allv. land. In the heart n'f the lrrfa-ated rtia. Ilfi o' central Oregon on the Hill U- raa.-VJ'.?- X"" u."ru"V ZU. M, . m.n..KJ 1 . 4 . L. t I . . .1 J J , - n,u.n-7vi,-,iiirnfluuuir, n. vn salt cation, for less than Cary Act compa nlea aak for raw land.-; Tf vnu are inter. ested call at our office for particulars. We make riake a spec laity of deeded lm- land In the Deschutes valley. . TTTES VAT.T.Tnv T.ANT A TV. proved DESCHUTES ',1'VraTU L-'Mnri sr rtKatr,m '. -801-302 Buchanan Bldg., . Portland, Oregon. -" 1 . Local Qfflca at Laidlaw, Oregon. FOR RENT FARMS 14 FINE 16 acre ranch, 30 minutes walk to good countrv town. T electric line. church and schools, 'i Fine 5 room houae, good laree barn. chicken houaa nmi ocner outDuuaings. nns family orchad, apples, pears, cherries, etc., all kinds orwnairfrulta, sirawberrles alone Tw ill or email rruns, sti Pay the rent. The crOD ia nlanted and t 'Will rent -with ou set - tne benefit the privilege of buying. Come quick if you want thla. the. beat thing on tha ii.ttraei, r-nce zuu per year -lar ' ad vance. Crawford Realty. Co., 603 Main at. Vancouver, Wash. WANTEDFARMS 88 WAW te niirnhM,i ,1n-MnriHl Im. ' proved or unimproved farm, near ateam or electric station, within sue fare Portland; 6 to 40 acres; glva. com- ete description and lowest cash price: ftrl.. with imm V-K 9 9 ,' T ai.mi. 1 WANTED To buy a farm from 40 to ltfO acres ana not more than eo miles from - Portland; no agents. A. A. Mc Nulty. 182 N. 6th St., Portland. Or. WANTED Acreage, farm or relinquish ment; lowest price. 'Wash, ' HOMESTEADS Deschutes Valley. Homesteads and Desert Claims We can-locate vou .nn rtholnA ISO acre homesteads In the beat section of cent- ral Oreeon. on lines of two railroads. rich soil, abundance of wood,' water at 3 to 30 feet NO ALKALI and la a good wheat and dry?land alfalfa coun try. We have 32ft acre desert claims and 160 acre homesteads which mav be ir rigated and are in tha area embraced by 1 irrigation systems now in operation tnia is an opportunity or a lifetime. wny oe a tenant longer 7. Embrace this opportunity to become a land own- SMALL stock of shoes for sale at a j WANTED Men who - have had exper er improve and farm your own land.) bargain, find location-and good bust-1 - iencs in Industrial life Insurance. Call xna cnance ror free government- land win soon oe a ining or tne past our DUHiiiH vu locale yvu on goou uuulel ,rt,, v,,, . l . . r .- i rti h J th.r. l. -n -v.r. iu; . u leaving weeklv. Pleasant trln throua-h the ' Deae'hutaa vauey oy automobile. f f DESCHUTES VALLEY LAND ft IN-1 .a, .a. VESTMENT CO. ' - 301-302 Buchanan bldg.; on -Washington near- Rth. Local office, Laidlaw, Oregon; ' " '. j.'".... ni On k T T. iTA.f TCCPr, IT, . T-ita IT-,-, r.-m I .v nwvu numooituivo rnno, t Wa can enow you choice government I land In beautiful fertile valleys, along route or,rtiii ana Harriman rauroadsi now building through central Oregon; open for HOMESTEADS OR PUR CHASE at 11.25- per' acre; men' or wo men, married or single. , is page av scrlptlve book frea. ., Photographs, sam-1 dI anil. tc... at our nfflne: elan ad. I dress of hundreds of enthusiastic people I wuu i mn iirawj via aen : nomeeieaua 1 . . i , ...... , . . r . I ther. " Automobile excursions-weekly. CENTRAL OREGON DEVELOPMENT COMPANY. - 228 Ablngton bldg.. P. O, Box 614. RELINQUISHMENT, 160 acrea. all fenced, wire and cedar posts: 40 to 80 acrea in cultivation and young or-J ciisru, uuu uuuuiiiftB, , li uew, IWJMU, MO ISt St, ana s nun riouse, , uarn, - cfiicaen-nuusa and outbuildings; 10 mllea from R. R. town. 1 mile to P. O. and amall town and school; good roada; thla ia a great anap if taken at once. Relinquishment, . close to Portland: 147 aores. cabin and flowinsr water on same; best of fruit and bottom land; I a nig onrsain, - . THE DAVIS HANNA REALTT CO, -, 804 Dekum bldg. DESCHUTES VALLEY HOMESTEADS. Let ua locate you on 320 acrea under i the ENLAKUtU MUMEBl'tUlJ ACT, In the best section of CENTRAL Oregon. Investigate this before all the choice selections are taken. 'Our reprtsenta- tiv is riant on tnegrouni. TOOKICK-READ LAND CO., , Henry Bldg. . . , Am rolns to leave the 18th or lith I ?ii'ffi?7'..l"!l.?- ,orl more.' LocatloO fee reasonable. (v.. -v t. . t-Oft VellaVle " Information about tna 1 SOMETHING NEW-Have state rlghta ,,tw,n cyj,,nd,er J?0.'.! tn. the cltjr rSsPH t it R 'vA'CTLbiV. Oregon, big money maker; other bwai. Hummer Cycle Co.. 133 10th at DESCHUTES VALLEY homesteads. desert claims end deeded Irrigated land call on DESCHUTES VALLEY LAND ft INVESTMENT CO.. 301-303 Buchanan bid a., on Washington, near ith. Wa leave weekly with homeseekere. 4.000. 000 relinquishment beautiful tlm- ber, good tieignoors; gooa bouse, and agon roeo; ir taken .thla week. 733 Marquam bldg. Main 8114. ALBERTA HOMESTEAD. Locations mads for $59 by in a a wha helped surveyors, writs Wm. H. Wal ters, IBM coroett st 29 ACREH plow land on the new cn- ft Hawk, 497 Lumbermena Bank wt - -- - - " HOMErtl EAD8 end timber iorke In - tne rameus nia nver vallev. call er addreag 417 Mohawk bldg. FOR hom-t.1a call 819 Ailnliy bids. UMBER 99 a 00 wanted ts eomplets furrhaas of timber laadw: will siJ outrlaht and buy back oa etutneawre baste; liberal be sua given; also ebaac ta Invest tn ot mill psopositiod ib sewtbm (rroa In7'i1re cr J. A. Put'f, o!d H' 1. Or. ,oo".99 feet ye, low fir and cedar, wi!BOT8 after school and t-turdae. 71 altttate1 11(HM 4 eoe feet ytUsw nt. miles from I railroad, tli . - HTLAND JOTVFS ft CO. ' OerHnr-r bMg . - td sr-d AHr eta. WK are fc ea t ua rt ere far limher e4 limtr et-r,rieea rt 1 1 kin 'a K ) rtey ft F; 611.1 Laawt Li. eaere T.l - f iiiaataa4a caa til tg- FOR 8ALETIMJBER - I OTTATtTKIl . unction of fine fillets tint ,of about 6 000 000 feet, consisting of yellow and red fir, cedar and plnr. Th, on, f.'L'i" ?,V'!J 1 1 bargain at $1800. It will pay t.. you I lv jnviii im., J. G. SANDERS. 417 Lurnbermens tiiitldlng. ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE 53 FOR BALE OR LEASE Rooming house or eu rooms, Dricg ouuaing, long innsn, good location; a bargain, uooanougn at Belts, 718 Hoard of Trade. ' , ni?if a stocks : ; os FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE Before BUYING of SELLING any MIN ING, OIL, WIRELESS or INDUS TRIAL stook. get our prices.. Davidson A Co.. Lewia bldg. Phone Marshall 778. MINING and Industrial stocks; tele- Jhone ,' and other, bonda bought and d. C. S. Fletcher,' 186 Ablnton bldg. IF you wish to buy or sell mining stocks, call on i. H. furoeii. iiu uajc. . BUSINESS CHANCES r VALUABLE BUSINESS V INFORMA- Thla acencv la In a nosltion to fur ah reliable . Information regarding hiiBlnmii nnMnlnm mitv rir Mlimtrv. ' r'u.rLine ieK locatione iiero,. vr w P"hu11;??J! fJ' S?1.' i "Vh lmi MVr;V.ur;;o; TAblna-- I ,HP h M,' : Ni.l.hl ItfflJhn lKUh , I . -. . z ...... " " ? t RiirtAhMtcArt." ' - k H'tt ind sn -nr rot of the fin. ixtremMy Wprlcee; Elthef planted or unplanted. . Only tha flneat selected va- rieJ,te- ?' ftomm8.rPlRll t1.??." vut"L J ', " I r "' l" i' . COLUMBIA TRUST. COMFAJNX, '. 'Board of Trade Bldg., If you ar4 loolTing ? a bu.ines. In Portland or otherwfse. call In and lei for ladles. A few chances we now have; Drug, hair dressing. manicuring. gro ceries, rooming houses, notions, etc , , 221 Henry bldg. ASK FOR GEORGE. ' . P.finfpr.tmnfirv Rnsmfiss Good west side location. ' Clearing Sw"2r. .K?0?.":!""1.!!:.??" ! P utf I .v, wimido. u.. u. ?f a,re Iooklna- tot -ood live pay- lne . business see my aaenta. at 308 Board of Trade. AWMll I OH 1 1 IVII L.L. - 8econd hand. . aa arond aa new. 10.000 capacity; edger, cutoff, s,lab carrier, 30 horse Russell skid engine. Take Oregon Electric to Donald station. A. E. Feller. P. O. Hubbard, Or. j t-ARTNER wanted; , active ' partner wanted for wholesale and retail ; oil land gasoline business .established 17 I veara; , nav , overt sno nar month : clear O J ..1.1 V..... V..l.. profit; 8 days trial before buying; price iieuv. for sale Dy owner, tio ju. juar- 1 aei. . Ciear Factory' In one of the best and lara-est towns 1 In southern Oregon;' have a fine , busi ness and will sell for invoice; excellent reason for selling. See my agents, 808 j3oara or 'iTaae, 10 f!ITY AmRS . . ion can ouy m acrea insiae tna WT limits, near the Country club, for SX000 per acre. Lot values adjoining ara $400 '. r - tt - - fc ''.. ... to 3600. 0 OLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Boara or Traae tiag. FOR SALE Rent or exchange, bakery,' grocery and-confectionery : srood loca tion, in South Portland; 3 yeara'. leaaa; rent cheap. 644 1st. Would take good partner who knows business and has a nun money, STTRTTTiTtArJ atnro And hutoir ahnn lltn day cash sales.- Price $1000. House ana s run lots. Close to car, iou; iw uuwn, jb ycr .niuuixi.-,ini:xuuing inieresc ii-6B, journal. , I ness; owner sick and unable to run r Dusmess.-- van at iuuj utarg, enq I '" ' r ' ',.-'.. . . I Jxi. v, car, N acount of other business, will sell auooni in vstneouver; can at sua waan - oooy t- notei. Vancouver, wasn. WE CAN place you in paying business; .... CVIW uujium ' im , ui mm us. fjj'nney a ; btsmpner, esi-x Lumber " ' A:?P91- . , , FOR SALE 40 room hotel, lot. build-1 inr 'and furniture, for tSOOOi I ."IS 00 cash, balance on time. Call or address Commercial hotel. Seaside, Or. I A DIDniTKT T3n I . .... .IJ? ujiivmi f fin i auiu Hi k lure, Bigu . . ... . . I auun cunneciw , goua location; , town i ot 6000. Small amount takes it . I N. L. HAYES. Corvallis, Or. Motion-Picture -Theatre For sale: fine established mnvinsr nln- ture theatre, in Portland. 828 V, Wash. I GROCERY and confectionery, good lo- catlon across street from school: fine I trade, good living roomserre1ip .rant mat tji w . Dk.. . T.- . eater , .1 vn oi 1 m, uvm bi viw, FOR SALE Soda fountain and nm. coin Dlete outfit. boue4it new laat vear at 1 a aacniice ii luaen at once, vail' news I ' stand un-ion oepot. FOR 'SALE Splendid general merchan-1 down. balance security, airing to purchase an eatabllshed busM uibq uuiiuoh, i;couiii Bicunesa; pariiuie. rrearaiiori iree. t ranaiin jnsu inquire .room I 1 " . jrintery, aa near i ayior. . i DO YOU want to put a lunch" counter tn a saloon? There a chance at , 160 I wana ave. - - . . i FIRST clnss barber shop at hi A. R. Kit ter. 226 . Lumber Exchanea bldg. .- . - CASH grocery and market i7nTATnr I -fine location, long lease, cheap rent; $8000. Phone A-65B1-12. $1.00 for 600 business cards; allklnds I hats now at $1.60. Low rent In base of printing lowest prices. Rosa fritT I men t ia the reason. Hats cleaned rvt INVEST 3160. It Will earn vsu tin ..H"r ritnt,t.ny. r-., aurnm. 8100 dally, in the moving picture bnal. I nees. Call B26H Washington. I ntgf.HY for M.l,, h..r, tt t.n ,H once; good brick oven. ,, Apply, to own-1 er, 64S Washington at, FOR SALE Pool table. Inquire at grocery store, ist ana twvislon at fa LOVE business for sale In Portland.' Address D-&S4, Journal. FOR homeateada cmll 819 Alisky bldg. . sxa-T.n At' a vmi tin d - , i ." : " "T""M" TWO salesmen Wanted- for silt add residence real ealate- Inquire 9 to 13 corbett bldg. " - - hen a; well r4xep. K-eas, journal. WANTED At once. 4- men to learn to drive and repair automobiles. Call la anq m isorrn nn - . WANTED First class tlckerman'Tn: planing fill, permanent pool Hon, good salary, a. m. naneon. paiem, r. WANTED Buyer for four cylender Belgium motorcycle;- it'a a dandy. Hummer Cycle Co.. 133 10th st - IVVVJ5T lltn it .in ia i. 3100 daily, in the moving picture bust-! neee. Call $3H Washington. FIRST CLASS solicitor can make ill to $39 week; olhera are. let Good- nwigh tlTg. WANTED BUYER for 2H horsepower atrD ieuw jMotorcyoie, price i , &. Mummer vrrm p, m uni f t. CARI'KNTFKS for finlahlcg. eteavdy r. Ila ara TIllamvk eta WANTED A first ciaae baiter at the t-mn ynry, e .r MOVING picture operatire earn 111 wee;y; e worn. LzUL h. EST 3 W A N T E I M odera CociecUooi rv. lith end Hoyt. n et Wa N T i"D It ling young i ua ' t 17 7 1 et. Wa NT i.iJ LeiA. rers. ia ar.d Irv- MAN w i he your !, f4 tn ft cr kk iii-iv ,S 1 1 p . y . I .... ' "" 4 ire. C9 IIJSLT WANTED -MALE! IF you are looking for a (rood position - and have $lu0 In cash, , see u it once and we can show you. -t LINCOLN TRUST CO..' . 214-215 .Lewis Bldg. WANTED iAble bodied men for the S. Mmln i-nroi. hutwmn the ages 18 and as. Must be native born or have first papera. Monthly pay $16 to $ Additional compensation popsiote. clothing, quarters and medical attend ance free. After $0 yeara' eervlce can retire with 7K cer cent of Pay and al lowances. . Marvin son ooara sum ashore In all parts of the world. Apply to 3rd and Washington eta.. Portland. WANTED Youna men to learn auto- k, mobile buainosa by mail and prepara ror positiona as cnaurreurs ana repair men. We make you expert in JO weeKs, assist you to secure position, rw work nloaanntr demand for men great; reaaonable: - write for particulars and sample lesson, umpire Auiomuimo n jBO atltute, Rochester, N. Y. WE watit 16 young men to prepara mailing llats of their acq ualnUnces who are particular .about dresa.. The - I Hnlmharh ld m m. new ault for every I week will .interest them and bring , 1 m nAu r nn K7aflAnal Tatlorlnr. i zui Ntarir ar. n,,.,Wffn. o.t-......' lino lZtoiltwtoi some' even more; ftoon qlean. grown on. reseryaupn. jar i rrom am nrnna roa. OAin IQTUas -rri,' IT . . I 1 ' . . . w. , I. i..r.r.f YX. .''PAfenieh.' Waah. Ik..T. '...iu : - .'' . Vmre ,.n "JS"' " J f JJ'r "f rfx 2mo National Tailoring Co., 291 nt morfthlv imount monthly. Stark at. I 1 I . a PJlfl nflf Pf ' Wanted for city of Portland: Invest- llOOOormor. requtrad vail at "TJ; , J',""1 I BOYS 16 yeara and over, wno, ir ongnt and active, will have an opportunity to learn tha business. Olds, Wortman S"' IF YOU want a good large lot for a home, ee'ment walk, curb and water main, close to god car in nna dlatrict, I phone me, East. 1392. Prioe $700; I'O aJtT"iJJ Vl' - i. nAHiiwimuuu ...j ,. - in the northwest; money advanced I weeklv: manv make over 1100 monthly; I choice of territory. Yakima. Valley Nursery Co.. Toppenlsh. Wash. I . ... u, f 1 j PRESSERS-r-Good workmen wanted at once, v oids. Wortman & King.. l , , WANTED Men to buy $3 sample bats now tt I1.5U. low rent in oasemeni is the reason. Hats cleaned and reblocked. 60o. The Hattery, 316 Alder at ! "" . J 1 W JSt aiU our: members to secure em- nlovment.' Conetant demand for young men of ability and Integrity. Special Employment Membership- Y. M.C A. - WANTED Good, aober barber can earn 113 to IIS ner week: bring reference. nrrl wo.lhCnC0 Wt U or"' Caatl ENCE SCHOOU 207 Marauam bldg. Main 1026. ffcnMI I I i ...hi a. on . , . ,1 lwv.i.i,Bi a . o u. evenings until 8. 30. witmi-n .,. , ".iJt ,'.i.l fe". SeVmonih and found I . P.r.Pulirrt,B.t?p JnilinLI1!n. Address R. E.. Lake. ,188 Park tX Give phone numoer. - ""T'J1"'" practical forms. Day and ' evening sessions. , Address Myers, s iitn si. I Portland. Main 8542. - I International Correspondence Schools, it v. .KJEED, SOS McKay Bldg. Marshall 397. Office open Wed. and Sat, nights. J WANTbx Several good live wfrea to list ana sen --property.' ' r , i v . , onuijiyiACLji,ib 11 v. iu I oai nenry Diag. at 219 and 220 commercial Club bldg. corner 6tn ana can sta. i MSf jruu wf nut tiiii&iiiH f.vv m iuviivii and you havs any ability as a sales 1 corner or tn ana wit bis. muBt unaerstand to- trim windowi I and write cards; permanent Job for good I limn, xi.' c v x-. ..uiaftiieviii jKuvruQeii. Wash. JSOLICITORS for NO DUST, beat sweep ing compound; household necessity laaiio nn ats-ht. 238 Market st Phono Main 1264. t piR mAmtit T.ioorflnhv ,rh in , .. M , , piammtu minis. xja.j unu 'evening , .... ..... .. . . . ..... sessions. Aoarees Myers, -aax iitn st Portland. Main 8543. .WANTED Experienced advertising so- licitora for abeclal edition. , Call Mon dav.mornlne. 8 to 10. room IDS T M. C A. bids. - ter Axt-PTrrvJli min.'- must be good milker; good . wages come read v for work: first windwil east of Kelly Butte. Powell Valley road, m. . 1 1 1 ,' 1. , CARi'lfiNTlcRINU. HM ailnnf. In ci chance for dental work: nav acme cash. , 402 Buchanan bldar.. i R8 XL Waah. ington si. .jfrxlte for Portland examination sched- tute,- uept. ' wocnester, jv. y.; ' , Al, A. UU , BllUllflO .LIB W A XT T 17- T a n rt V... 1 1 . , 1 . . ...... reblocked, ooc. The Hattery, 815 Alders MEN Wanted We have a few uncalled . for suits, will aell at half nrlce. in lat. rst soring ana, summer styles. .. Harvard Tailors, 3Qg Murneioe, WANTED Bids .for plumbing and car- penter work, ,3 story building. Phone arter i:n p. m.. vt. waning, WANTEDA boy. to work afternoona after achool; light work; good place TELEGRAPHY taught by an axperl - enced operator. Northwest . Tela- graph school, zo ra street CHEF headquarters and helpers Call fornla Wine Depot 285 Yamhill, next to Journal. BOY WANTED 16 or 17 years of age to worx in a ciouiing atore. iiowman Bros., b. E. cor, Tnira snq Burnwide. BOY who knowa- the city, one who la truetworthy. Apply with parent 10 a. m. Room 317. Worcester bldg. WE want men and boya to fit and drive un turned chairs.. Oregon Chair Co ll 0 Macadam st - WANTED Buyer for thebeat IndlaS HELP WANTEIV--FE5UIiE 2 WANTED Operators skirts, fsmlliar with on ladles dreaa power machines: also finishers. The Brown Co., Inc 142H 4th at WANTED Ladiea, we bleach, dye and remodel hats, plumea at 14 nrloa Model Millinery, 887 Y mhilt WANTED GOOD WAOFS rl'L !.yolJ - tkut LAUNDRY CO- 201 EAST WATER 6T, STYLISH mliTlnery," 32 4 Vah, .room 37; remodeling, coloring hate, flow ers; reasonable; bring any old material. GOOD solicitor; ho house te house pror osltlon; salary guaranteed. 329 and 111 Lumbermena bldg. WANT E E La d'y demonstrators, pleas ant work; 46 per cent Call 481 E. Pine et. WANTED C.lrl to do general Jioua work; rood cook. Caa tn K. lith st. S, cor. Wasco. $ GOOD exprined girl, general and cooking. B-l tl . Ta bor 174 8. - ' WAN7i.: 1 ts sew on power rr. Co, china Carman JHh end f r''r- Manufacturing WE have a winner for ie-1 r aeria, oulcli a. big profits. P .O. Bii 1S Fr!'"4. Or. iVAV7 ! I ' V, a!ir. ca. cet.n i a. J. a - ,-.n f.. JfVT TT T. r -e-1 t f tn JOB I j-er Pa 1 'i-itv, tl Front Li f- H "A A S- '-i F h H et ? tvr cr-'jr.-.rr beia i (.use i-. .. HELP WANTED -FEMAUB f GIRLS over 18 tn wnrtr t -m eantnrw- Lyplr Ames, Harris. Neville, 6th and U", of ' OLDS. WORTMAN A KING " 1 . j- 1 WANT , , . Saleswomen, first class. In a nnmhM Of our departments. -;: ! Jacket, akirt and gown workers, thor- oughly experiencud hands. . - Girls. 16 yeara of aire and over, wha pualnces If '.bright and active. v oiDS. ,WORTMAN & KJtNG. - . . ,, 'j , i jt I u. : u." 1 Co.. I WAfl lHiii A middle aged lady to atay . ; with, an elderly couple on a farm, end assist with light house work.' Address Mrs. M. MoMahon. 4 and Division at. " city; . GIRLS-J-l I years and over am messen- I gers, wrappera, eta. who. If bright r KlGkf "IsoK'oor f or shorthand ' and typei writing, both beginning and advanced , ' classes; positions ' guaranteed; - enter now. ; Business University, t&9 Wor eester block. LADIES -Buy all your fancy select Af- , rican ostrich feathers and willow : plumes from tha African Plume Co, and save 60 per .cent Room 80S, , U(tfc Washington. I ,t. .. " '' .a . . 1 - " ' I " ?TT"fj!i 1 . Tr.- 1 '''--- Krlirht . vlrla tsmtt ,Mal nn.- Mnt position and opportunity to leaxa 1 I th Kiiatnasa ? . . . 4 1 , . v OLDS, WOHTMAN JdNft 8f ffivAoRAbiiRRi - TitfTNin on. 'mLz f oial drill work, any system, in day or evening ciubn, re piuoeu in prwa ptrm anions aa soon aa competent 3 Wor- I hinclr. wiri1 '1 '...'.,.,.,..' J-i mentraJsc: machlniTnd hand iroera, I Mn nu one erlrl for flannela and fin mnlun vublni. Ttlt Laundn. Bui 10th and Waahington. - , . Tlrtrrr uimtT a nnwrf wtmirBML-'1 j First class people wanted st onoaw nida. wortman ft k d(. I WAN'tED-Glrl or mlddie-aged; womani- for sreneral housework. Apply 1140 E. YamhlU between 88th and 89th. Taks Sunnysida car or pnona B-zipaa. SALESWOMEN Experienced and flrwdl class wanted tn a numoer ox our aa' I nurtmfinta. Olda. Wortman A Kin a-. I iRONERS wanted at the Union laundry HELP WANTED MALE AJTD I - -,,' , -.o. WANTHD-A young man and Wife whor tVnd.tnd nri farmins-: must be-. unaef;8tn f e,ne.V.aJLtX ,;.ml.p: " i .i7,t riih I "eed apply; must be able to glva rerer. ence. - Apply 12th and Davis eta., Paciflo " Coast Biscuit Co 10.000 POSITIONS , War arraduatea laat year: men and wo men learn barber tracta in 3 weeks; halo to secure positions; graduatea earn $. to 25 weekly; expert Instructor; tools frea; write for catalog. Moler System of Colleges. 88 N. 4th St. Portland. I free: write for catalog. WANTED Agents for Oregon and' Washington., New books. Roosevelt In Africa,. Outfits ready. P. O. Box; 206. Portland. Oregon. WANTED at once, man and wife to ,' work on farm near Portland., tit Henry bldg. ' - WEAVERS and shirt wanted, Oregon City Oregon City. , factory help Woolen Mills ' ; WANTEDAGENTS I'LL- START YOU In a big buslnesai glve-you credit; fascinating ' work: ' easy; even amateura .make fa to su a day; Chapman, Mich., made $18 first day; Lee, Ok la., made $3000 and built:, a home In one year; our new aales plan . creating sensation. Men, women, writs ' todav for narticulars. C. E. SwarU- baugh. Bo 8H, Toledo. Ohio. AGENTS Sun Rayincandeacent kero n hnrners. 80c:' fit all lamps: 100 candle power light; mantles 12o, chlm, neys 10c. Simplex Gaslight Co 28 Park Row, New. yorK. FREE SAMPLE Agents only, faucet. strainer, splash jirevenier; sena , zo stamp (mailing cost) ; $5 pront daily and upward; let us prove it 8. N. Seed, 3Reade st. N. Y. " SAM SIMPSON'S POEMS. Arente wanted in every town in Ore- ?on Waahington and Idaho. Write W. .- Burney. 618 Board . of Trade bldg., Portland. AGENTS to handle a new book, Trafflo in Whits Slavery; gooa propoeiuon io reliable agents. P. O. Box 206,. Port land Or. SALESMEN wanted to take our caaH .- weekly-iaalllng choice nursery stock.' Outfit free.,) CaplUl City Nursery Co i Salem, Or. ' AGENTS WANTEDEasy selling artl cle. J. J. Buach, 14 W. . Indians at Chicago. 1 "EMPLOOIKNT AGEXC1E3 53 C. R. HANSEN & CO., GENERAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. Main office, 18 N. 2d st, Portland, Ladles' department 7th snd Wash, ata upataira, roruana. - ; 484 Front ave Spokane. ' ' . ; ; 17-89 4th at, San Franolsoa Established 1878. ' ' . HANLET A'TAPLEY EMPLOYMENT iKa-k t.Aa for. R. R. work vvsm iirauuuvi vwisj 28 H N. 3d et . SITUATIONS MALB : MUNICIPAL M . i ' fFIIE'ElTllFLPlFJEIT. I1F1F2DE 179 MADISON, BET. 3D AND 4TH. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. i NO-CHARGE TO EMPLOYER OS .. EMPLOYE. . ' r MAIN 3666. A-61J4. . MARRIED man. age 87. aeveral yeara office . experience, desires a clerical position' or collector, no objection ts country, excellent references - D-611. Journal. " , LINN, at 171 E. 2d North, wants work; sober and Industrious; chim neys and mantels, tile setting, chim. ney that win draw; 1st class worn. AN expert accountant 'haa spare hours each day and would Uke a set of bonks to. keep or any kind f accounting work. Price reasonable. -H-831-. .Journal. . WANTED Work from 6 to ! or I o clock evenings, by experienced book keeper. . Journal. ; CAT. PENTER and builder, new or re i rlr work, day -or contract Wood, lawn CARPENTER 19 years' "empertence at foreman, now open for position, H C-eUkl, "9 1st St. S - AS manager o? ranch, experienced, .stock, fruit machinery, general farm. Irs. A-l rfrw H-II7. Journal. I. N- man aanta i o'k. Mil, JcumaU fwr room and N"rd c.r, n. Oow Sing. lei N Ith t a CMnnti SITVATIOX9 FEMALE ft AM Kij laresomalilet' or j.'h te t,-ay, Ptione Main i Sw 4TI ' il. V, A VT f. I V, 1 ' tne cy cr taut. -ouit.a.4.