HIE OREGOIf DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, "MAY 7, 1910. 11 LATEST MS WS ' ' QS7. .WML? MMMETS PACK CALIFORNIA STRAWBERRIES IN OREGOil PACKAGE Efforts to Obtain More for Fruit , Than.ReguIar Market Comes 1 ip Conflict With Provisions of Pure Food Law.'. ' : In order to obtain a higher" prlee than .would be the cut were the berries sold for' what they really were.' It la stated . that California' strawberries are being placed in Oregon boxes and sold to buy . ers as such. .-.''. - This is contrary to ' the ' provisions af the pure food 'law and If persisted In will cause trouble to those concerned. Whether a berry is grown in California or Oregon is quite easily proven these days. ... . -v . i- L Ail the berries coming- from California are either of the 'Dollar" or the "Jesslo" variety. These are the only two grades tnat come irom mere to this market. ' Oregon does ' not Droduce ' either rraile and Ha fruit therefore bears no resem- alanoe to the - product of the south,, . i ! , Berry Starke , Xs OooO. y ' For teal' fancy berries the' market i. along Front street Is ouite good, al -though some sales have been' made at lower prices. This is natural in view of the increasing arrivals wita tha fle- , veiopreent or the season. f- - Oregon - berries are arriving in ex cellent condition and are selling from 12 to $2.75 a crate of 24 boxes, vhile the northern California fruit Is selling at : $1 for "Jessies" and $1.261.60 per ' crate of 15 boxes for "Dollars." , Some carried over stock sold at lower prices man tneso. - -- y ' j m v .. ? . - The wholesale fruit ' trade la much ; concerned over the snread in the use of caper boxes to pack strawberries. While' these are ; cneaper wan me - wooaen ' boxes, the fruit does not arrive in such good condition . -and the shipper, loses more by this economy, than he save, i The paper , box - absorbs the , moisture from the fruit and after becoming soggy. falls to ' pieces. . Fruit that arrives In - this condition is generally sold at sacri v ficed prices. ' - j 1 Cheese Selling to. South. ; Bales of Oregon cheese to the south . are now reported and the market here has taken on a .steadier feeling. A' number of shipments are- still being mode to the: -north, even "though the ''.trade thora Is talking of-lower prices. The latter- seems . solely for effect, : 't Y Walla Walla Season Ending. ; . ' According to . advices - received , from, the south, the . Walla . Walla asparagus season It ' closing and arrivals from theie are smaller Local- 'grass is like wise - scarce and prices are being held rather firm. . t - ,. ' - t - , . ' f Chicken , Market Breaking - r -'''Because of the '.importation of. large lots of eastern' and 'CaMfnrrlla: stock, the lor.al chicken -market Is breaking. although vsluea are. still. In excess of normal. Chickens were sold during the past 14 hours around 20o a pound. ; .. 1910C1IDFISII SELL AT RISE OF . 10 CENTS DOZEN Packers Say -They Will Not : Likely Name Opening Sal mon-Values but Will Sell . Spot; Pound Tails at $1.75. L TODAY . . -'! Kay Jfot Open Prioea, Present indications are that there will be no regular opening of. salmon prices by Columbia river packers thill season. , The trade believes that a higher price will be obtainable by selling spot . ,..:.':,"",,Vf..;,V"( ' : : '.-: '- l' . " f ' v : rvy. Per CoKen I J '' .:Vi' 'i':.'x Spot Price. lSOJOoen. Tans is a ... ..,. 1 1.7 5 f. &. b S1.65 Flats lS" t .... . ., 1.88 , i 1.75 Fiats Ha ..,,,,,,,,.,,,.'" l.io A.-Loe Ovals Is .... ......., .40 2.10 pvau M ..... ,..1... 1.66, " .60 - It is generally agreed among the pack ers of Columbia river chinook salmon that If opening prices- are made this season they win be closed as soon as f'ui into eiiect, tnua making them nomi nal. ' :.': '. '',. ,- ,',' . . ' ; ''""'' ''..'.' ' Borne canned salmon nf the ills nack has already been sold, and the price ob tained was an advance or iuo per aosen for Is and 60 for Ha. - This puts pound talis to 11.75. as compared with 11.85 a year ago, and pound flats to. $1.85, com' It Is stated that instead of naming regular opening values packers will sell their nroduct soot that - is. whenever they have a car for delivery they , will connrm saies. . Tne oeuer- is general that this will net packers more money than would be the case if regular open ing values were named. , . . Run of salmon In the lower Columbia Is better than a year ago, but not so rood as first exnected. In the Willam ette and Clackamas the catch is nominal,- and In' via 'Upper Columbia It Is very small. ,-,. t a L AT TEH SIXTY FOR 155 LO. AVERAGE Only One Load of Livestock for Opcn Market ' Arrives at , .. Stockdale During - the Past Tvyenty-four; Hours. , 'V -1 1 PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN. , JIoxs. Cattle, Calvea Sheep. e .26 7l 297 110 24 S&t. e a a 5 Frldav ... 21 Thura;,.. 17T Tuns.-..,. , . .. Mon. - .... tH Week ago. 91 , t: 88S 1.091 ioi Jnoludes Wednesday run." PRICE OF PRODUC E 4 AN FRANCSICO e Cherries; Are Slightly Lower.'. -" A slight decline Is shown today In the " price of cherries. Blacks are selling generally around H.66, . which .Iswhat thev nractlcallv coet the trade to bring to tnis cixy irom tne soutn. J - ;...'-'..'i uil '. mm "i " i Hothona Jjettnce Sella Lower, Hothouse lettuce is selling lower here because of the more liberal arrivals of i head lettuce from the south, and the lower nrices therefor. Sales were made along the street during the s past, 24 ' boors from 6O0 to J60 a crate, only a nominal amount went higher- than thia V' ' 1.4.'" ""aWfasaiSf .- J ; Provlsloos to .Drop. According to announcement made this morning, the Union Meat company Jwill ' reduce its .quotations on all grades of c hams HO a -pouna fluonaar. morning. ' Bacon will be reduced a similar amount. and tb same cut win be mane m stana ' ir- litd nnin kettle lard shows no Change. - t 'rsoKT wrcasm ortrrATioyi. Mens. Wool aad Xldaa,, ' H0P8 1902. choice, 14c; prima, lto . inedlum, 120. - ' . BHEEPSKINS Shearing. lOOlSf each: short wool.' 16OI0t bedlunt W00L I0c9ll each; Oon wool 76o WOOL Nominal 1110. THllamette alley, i7lHoiaatera Oregon. 12 HO , 17a.. - ' ' ; TALLOwmma oer low, ivm; n " a anil rreasa. lfl)U . . ' ' 7 CHITTIM BARK 10 Nominal, green. VApto lb. bulta. reen salt. O IO.I Bip, avtinii ww r IfiMlltA r IK ' :f' MOHA1B Nominali ; I9l t I1H 9 Bnttar. Errs aaa romtey. BUTTER Extra , creamery, - ITo; fancy, 26c; store. ZQtf zsc; (jaiirornia ex . tm. ertintrr. 26a. BUTTFR FAT Delivery t. . b. Forl- . land Bweet cream, 2c: sour, 14c EOQS Local, candled, select, . 2200 llUn. - : - ' ... 1' . - njUt,TI niixea cnicKena, iuo; fancv hens. zoaic: stags. isic broilers. 10c; fryers, IIHOIbo; geese; llOlle for live. 14016o for dresed; dueka lo: turkeys. alive, 20021c: dresned, 27i8e'. pigeons, squabs, 22.(4 8 00 dosen: dressed chickens, la to 2e rmiKHTiv New Oreson fanev full rream. i14He; triplets and daisies. Hyic;- zoung America xiot'tto. rala. Tim aad Xav. R'RT.RT 1-roddcerr tne isns reed. Mil rolled, a.i; brewing, 124. WHEAT Nominal Track, elua, 2o; blues Urn. 6C8Sc; wuiametu val lev. tie. - MlJLUfTtJFFS eeOIng srtoe -Braa, $21; middlings, :4j30; shorts. Ill) FLOUR New erop patents, f.tl; Willamette vauev, (. dduj local Straight. I4.10r 2l: bakers, 15 ; is. '- (United Pre UaMd Wire.) . Ban Francisco. Mav 7. W heat Aus tralian' and Propo, ll.JO01.65: Sonora, IL.B6j)1.70: 'srood' to choice California club. - 11.62 Hl.B7m northern blue stem, tl-601.65: club, 1.S2V41.67H: Turkey, 2 1.60 Q 1.67 Hi "'- Russian . red. uariey Js eea,' gooa 10 cnoice, dlU 10s fancy. If.iHAs poor to fair, 21.00(106; brewing-' and '.', shipping, 21.14 tt 1.15; chevalier. nomiiiaL Eggs-Per. ... dosen, California frtsh, including 'cases,' extras, 24c: firsts, 22 He; seconds, 21 H; tniros, lie. tsuuer fer extras, Portland Union Stockyards, May T. Only one load of livestock came Into the yards for the open market today., .This included 62 bead of hogs and 7 eattle. For the hotrs 210.(0 was received this morning, indicating that yesterday's ex treme weakness - was out a temporary arrair. Tne animals averaged lot pounds ana were -or gooa quality. ; , ' General livestock condltlona remain nachsnaea. j t..--,. , J. C. Morelanfl had a mixed , load of hogs and -cattle from. Goldendale, Waah.t IB tns'yaras toaay. .-...'." ., .,..- - George Powell shipped two lead Of norses ana muies irom jsoie, iaano. - Today's run of livestock' compare) wim mis aay in recent - years as 101 lows: . f : ; : - . - - '.i . ' 1 Hogs. Cattle. Sheep. 1910 62 .,. T ieo - t7 ; 260 1208 ... . ... ,.i 1907 a". ' ft.4'. a '(' 111':1'''! 10 100 ' 760 80 1905 200 .2(00 A year sera today the sheen market had completely. recovered from Its for mer , weakness and an advance of 26c was made during the day.- Cattle and hogs were firm . at unchanged prices. , omrilAl X.rstoak Calea. ; T" - .n ' Following ar-i renresentatlve of to day's transactions in the stockyards and are the only prices secured direct f rom sellers to Portland;,..?-..'S,. v HOGS. : - ' 1 u ' . ? At. lbs.,. Prices. 78 bogs J86 t J10.60 . STEERS. - . 2 steers . , . .,,.1120 . ; , $5.75 2 ateera "... . .,4rf- -&A-i MS . v . .COWS. 'J. -. -s-iv '' 2 cows , . :r2o ' .TS Today's range of livestock -prices: CATfLE Best steers. t.26r.60: good Steers. 26.00: common steers. 25.75: cows, -best, 15.26; fancy, 25.00; heifers. stags,, sz.boqis.uo;. ouiia, a.ep SUPPORT IS GIVEH . STOCK MARKET IN EARLY TRADING Advance Is , Forced by Strong Holders at Opening Because of Fear of ' Continental 'Fi- nahcial Troubles." ; t(il''V.,;:,'fl.f..!.;( 25.26; 24.50. HOGS Best east of the mountains, 210.60: fancy.' 210.2510.50: atockera and feeders, $9.00. SHEEP Sheared, best 'wethers, 26.(0; ordinary wethers, 25.60; ' spring lambs, I7.60f8.00; ewv 94.766.00. VAvms ttest, ia.oo; orainary, i.u 5.78; poor, 62.76(8)4.00, . export grades, I4.9f granam. rye. 57i; rales, fi.ia. CORN Whole. Ill: wrecked. (IT tea. HAY Producers' prtee timothy Wi'laoiette valley, fancy. I!0(2ll ; "dl nary. Ill: eastern Oregon, 111921: mixed. Illll: clover. Nv 1. Ilt.ltoil; wheat. 111017; cheat. 111 OH; alfalfa. . ' . ' OAT!" rfOl oeuery. nrw, er.tnev price rraca ft 1 121 white. (27; gray. trrslss ad TtaTn rRr'H rRTlTB Cnnxe: ww vela, 1.0Q1.?K 'jox; bananas. 6Ve lb.; lemons, 4vtt.i0 box; sraf-efruit. 14; ptaeatpiea 6e6We: straw terria l"in. Jlul.SI per crave; local. 2 1.75 r-r cra'e. - l"orATois F-rmr. new. .iigiv; buying, eaetem Wultnomaa and CtMf rta, ?&4Se; il mt te vaiiry. Id la'; rw ro'tS, IH'i'. VEliETAPLES New ItrSir. 21-50; r' ill.1: eirrot. 1 io i r m cH : mMi, it! rr ct; to"1ta, Weil en. ll.Tf'cale: ran. lc Ih ; ca i.i f,wr. I17l cr'; horrdih. 'r, 1 1 n V. t a, JO'tllHe 6r-t ; j-'P'ia, Hit. tie 1 : rl letfje. 0O7i da. I'.lhcv, e. 111 H bo: rs',rhfm. lelle Co, t . r t "''is t era ri-t I t ; . ; w a $ 6 , r ' I . 15. jrr ll'el.Ji i;.a; 'aar . Hogs lower In East. Chicago. Mav Hoss. 10.000. Koa-s are 6 to 16 eenta lower: left ever 1700. , t) . J: a r-.n, I nwreipw a year ago i,uvw. wxea ena tZJShUloh (66.65.good heavy, (9.6.0 r"- -:r."vr' r i w ?qj . avy, .86.s; . ght. lift vutw A yuu ni smw vstMav- w u III1M.B al a. f 'af la aianiftft ranainta Willi ii ih, i lain, lauuv. nawui iiiilb. xaci scrt3 i Ania saaa ondsT 12o; CiiiforSia Toung America, -"-."' y"" iifSi-V!;!1 Omaha, May 7 Hoga 8000; cattle and 20c7 Wisconsin' singles, fanrMo'."0'"- MP BOnd potatoes ier cental, nver wnites. i e.... m.. ttnn. main. 4. : AnfU.hl. r . "'- ."-"" r n,Bn n.r.ntal t.mtww ' 1 ifl "vv i. ou; uaunas, ii.hwi.ii.; vregons, sua (fSll.10: - new. ner cental. 11.4041.60 for red and 1.(01,60 for white; sweet potatoes In crates, , S J K ; for, fanoy Only. :''( '.'.'.i'-.. ...',;,:,..- '.. ,v .5' - Onions Per cental. ' Oregon, 21.40 21.60: do. Bermudas, seed. Ilt31.25 for vellow and 11.76(H) 2 for white-wax ner crate; new green, per Dox,. 404? sue; new rea, per ssck, si. Oranges Per box. new'narela, choice. IT.7ir!2.2o: raney, ii.eos. New York, Mav 7. In vleVk of the support tendered during the early trad ing the stock market did not display .the reactionary tendency expected under ine circumstances nut on tne other hand revealed a desire on the part of shorts to even up accounts over Sunday. It Is feared that bolitloa mav hmom a serious faetor in continental affairs and thus cauae concern in international banking affairs and perhaps delay the completion . of contemplated bond sales abroad. : .. . '. ,Net Mondays crop report, 'and also' mat or tne copper producers' associa tion are expected to become factors of Importance. Tha ability-o. the market to Withstand unfavorable, . nWa tvna gratifying but at the ; same time, the lack of outside demand tends to nullify ine expectancy or a sustained upward movement at this time. Jlnge of jNew Yorfc prioea fuValshsd Description ) Open TT771 AmaL Copper Co. A. a tt F Co. c do pfd. ,.... Am, Cot Oil, e. Am. Loco., - c... Ant. Sugar, c. Am.: Smelt o. Anaconda M. CO. Am. woolen, e. . Aicniaon, c . , , , do pfd, o, J. do nfd. ..... Brook. Rkp., Tan. Can. Pac., c. . . Cent Leather, o. uu Dia. - . . . ... . C. M. h. S. Pi Chi.'. North, Ci Ches. & Ohio ... Col. South., c,,.. do nfd ....... Corn Pro., .o... do pfd D. A R. 0.r c..,. WHEAT SELLERS ARE GETTING VERY ANXIOUS do nfd Erie. o. . Ern, id pfd . ... Erie. 1st nfd.... a. N., pfd . ... i. Int MeU ido nfd ....... Louis. & Nash.i1 Manhattan Ry... M., K. ft a;., .. do PTd ...... Distillers ...... Ore Lands , . . . . Mo. Pacina ., iNauon&l lead Central .. O. & W.. Norf. & West, c. mo. i-acuio. c . . P. M . s (!n. Pean. 1 Railway . P. O., V. & C Co. f. tsteei (jar., c. do pfd .... Reading, c . . do 1st pfd..;. nop. x. at a., o. do nfd. . Rock Island, . - aa va ' 8. L. & S. P., Pq to m pro St U & 8. W., ol 1 ao nfd ....... So. Pacific c.,.. Duutnern tty. . do nfd ...... Texas A Pacific I, R I e W, i do nfd ....... Union Pacific, e. 15 t a r . 22 44 High Low 47 Vi 76 U 41 7ITMi 110 do pfd ! U. 8, R agua. -local, 7B0 dozen; Walla, Walla, 11.40 nox; spinach, 6 f(f eo in. . ONIONS Local, jobbing. No. 1, (2.26 A . VxV sk B O . .4 IkT-. 4 VII California.' Tlfttji loohV'iii S " !SL!f It' ".l' m,n b Chicago, f4ay 7. New - high prlcea were established today for the week in all . wheat options. . There was not great amount of covering, nut the wheat oound. APPLES (202.60. - Crroeexlea, jmta. SUOAR Cubq, .; powaared, S.tl; fruit or berry, (6.25; dry granulated. II. IK- eonf. A. II. OS: extra B. 16.651 golden O, 66.66; D yellow. (6,65: beet, 16.06; barrels. 16es naif barrels, (0c; boxes, iio aovanoe on sacx oasis. ' Above Quotations ,ax 10 days net itICE Imperial pan No. . Hot No. I. (ttei New Orleans head. 07o- Crele, eUa -BKANS Small, whlta, - 65.69: large 11 KA. nlnfr " nn ' wim VAI1. ST an Limas, 6.2it rens. ii eu. SALT coarser fjux ' gronna. . iuua ubber. e do nfd . . . U. 8. tel Co.. c no pia . . ... . Wabash, o ..... do nfit ....... W. TJ. Tel. I..... Wis. Central, a.. A Ills-Chalmers , . Alton, e . . do nfd. . . . . .. . a. w., pfd. . Westinghouse., , Utah Copper..,. Cons. Gas. s ... . Big Four. Ry. Springs, ..... ao pfd. 2100.00 per ton; 60s, 111.50; Uble dairy, 60s. $11.10: 103s, 117.10; bale. l.2(; extra fine barrels, is, 6s ana vta, (4.51 110; lump rock, II6.M per too. T HONET New, 12 He per Ha aceeta, naa aaa ywtssuiaa, ' TJRESSEL MEATS TTont Street hoa-a fancv. lie 11 c:-ordinary. 11c: veals.: extra,- 10011c; ordinary, 10c; ding; to start the price up sharply. Re cent efforts., of certain shorts to secure a targe . liuanuiy v ol uuiutn wnttll ; 10 come here adda te the certainty that there Is a squeese of some proportions aneaa in ine current montns. The big volume of trade Is in the new oroD months. Jnlv rave ouite a bullish demonstration today, with a further Va Cbemlcal' advance. It is to some extent a one sided market for the present because tnosa wno are nearisn are airaio te sen oa account of anticipated bullish fig ures on abandoned acreage due Monday There is little arumbllna . over the dry weather, in the northwest The weather in the west is actinr freakish- frost Indications for xonignt. Bull leaders snnear to be ' confident of their position and are predicting a much smaller total winter wheat yield than has yet been suggested fry aay of me crop ooservers. ' There is no adeauate demand for the big -amount of corn in sight here and eisewnere. It 19 V. 68 20 63 146 SI( ! 67 Is a I 42H 134H 118 101U !l8 25H 106 DRESSED PORiv IS RECEIPTS HEAVY Sales of. Fancy Quality Made . Trom 1 1 toll 1-2c on Front i Street No Change in Veal Is Made Today. ; ' ... ' Dressed "nork market on Front street looks aa if it bad been hit with a sieage hammer. ; Salea along the atreet are be in made from 11 to 11 Vio a pound for selected quality, although there was talk of A fraction above this being obtained. Receipts during tha past few days have been rather liberal,- and this, coupiea with warmer weather, baa had the effect of reducing the wants of the trade. -. Dressed rear marxet continues wean. but prioea are ahowing no change. 128 xs 10 4$U 182 67 87 42 180 9 40 111 81 117 19 42 68 60 Wheeling eV Lake-Erie, 2. Salea 268,000 shares. . SEATTLE PRODUCE V PRICES FOR TODAY Seattle' May T Bu ttr Per pound. ham. 27 2n; plcnlca, 16o; cotUge roll : raaular short clears. Smoked. HHo; backs, smoked. , II Ho; pickled tongues,40c lb. ... K mmj ,t ' 1AK1-lieitie leax, ,, mc per iu. , Steam rendered, 6s, 170 per lb.; com pound, 6s. 18rper lb. : TURPENTINK1 in cases. Ties bar reia. e per gauoa. ton. per There wss advance of about all r."n'"?? ""?me!7' r,r,t"- 80e; ranch. mla. 29c Eggs Per dosen, local ranch 27 B 21c; Cheese Per nound. rream hrlrlr HA 20o; wheel Swrsa. 20 0 22c; block Swiss, ic; uniwinro wneei cwiss. sec; Tim sprint lamb 1012ci Taarling kmb urln, "?t.m1,tCTv,?0ir 'wL:i:-.i were fractlonallv tha same aa tester- .'f T.V oreauast Moon.. . .u v. L. ;i J. -...Ji. .-inn. I . cneese -. houses aDDear to have outside aellln oroers i tne tata montns on tne oariy advanca Prices of hots were 16c to (6c lower. This started a lot of realising by sold iers, and broke July pork to (22.10 and forced lard and ribs off 16c from the close Friday. Peckers gave thd -mar ket some support snd fair recovery took mook. 17 44,4 lie. Onions Oregon ' kiln dried. $2 per ir; Auarmiian, yfc per pouna; Texas Bermudas, 12 92.60 per crate; California rea. z per nox. rotatoes sncy TZ-X- 1Z- w 11.. ,--. . tma I I'll tT,"' '.T-r'"" ' . " i key.' IJ 15: ner 1 lb. sack, lit Olnnpti arallon. 12.76: ner 10 lb. aaes. Tt : canned eastern. vSe can. .6t dos.; tapfrn In shell, 11.11 per lee. FISH Nominal Rocar oa iao: bass, 16c; catfish, . 16 lie; fresh Chi nook, c; steel beads. 6c; snies. 7c; shrimps. 12 He: perch. Te; tomeod. - lobsters. 26c: nerrmgs. sc: black basa tor , Tb.; Co'ombla smelts, ti -a nr Uf aliver aTnelta. Te IV; hlirt cod. 7Ve; crabs, ll.1601.76 par dosen. dresaed snad, 5c; roa ahad, to; iM4 roe. -CLAWS Hardshell, per box ea lb.: rasor cum, ii do a. , Palats. oeal OS. EENZIS' IS cegreea. cases, lie par ami.. Iron bbla 11 tee per gt LlNefc-KU OIL Raw, ITe; eaaea. 11.02: boiied. btia., tc; casea, 114; WHITS UCAX Too lots, p. lb.; 60 lb. Wis, I per la.; Hae lets. ut f in. rer salloa lots ef 110 gallons. Is laea,' oil ck nal (eons in market). , F'iFK Manila, le: alai. IVaa COaLOIL eart. saLral and Star Ite per gHo: eorv, jic gmuni ilB. re etar. 12c iiwa: Water wblta lite O IHt per gaiiou; special aater whi, e rii'fn. 1 A SK Red crown aaa wvftor. HOitc in on: t ratline, IQ;h r V. M. A K aasina, llSCtte la little hirher. por.k and ribs 10 to 12 e lower than last prices yesterday.,. Ratr mi 7h)-mwr w-s fursiahed by Overbeck A rooks Co.) , - V ti rjki, Onn. Hleh... Lw. " May , A. .111 lla ,lll trsded, (8ffl ' per vaantna-ton. Iiaffi fjle per pound; sweets, sc. July ... Bept. May ..... Jnlv .... Sept. . ... May July Sept. .... May July May July Sept.. 104 -111 101V !! - CORr. .11 41 (2 . 11 64 a4 ' . OATS. 4? 40, 40 II l PORK. 1216 :it - 21IT LASIX .220 .lf) .2220 104 162 0 : 61 41 ' 4 21 1117 2 ? 1 2217 Close. m b 101 B 102 Bi XORtlTWEST BANK STATEMEXX ' Vortlaaa lash. Cleertnge today.. .. w ..... ,l.ll l.gl year ago. 1,071.412.82 Oatn today ............. 2 Palaaces today. ..( I ear ago tl P 2 B 8 B f1 40 8 . TtaM Clearings today.., Balances today ... ..( 440.222.16 111.271 41 -Tt.2T4.tl 714.442 00 ' ll.2ll.00 ' SeatUs maaka. Clearlnra today,,. $1.47115100 Balances today 1I2.22LO0 .a ....1241 ....1240 May ...1!47 July ,...1J!7 Sept. ....1112 1JI5 11SI RIBS. 1712 . 1M 1111 INI 1216 1242 l!!i 1220 2116 i:ii 821 T I?0 12S6 i:n 13 JT 1211 avekaaa maaka. Clearlnrs tUy Balances today 664.2I0 as 144.221.00 JlarriaK IJwBae. Oreroa CUy. May 7 A marrMure II- cerae was m-antel by t rovaty clr r-f r to Jo n Francis p.s in Bate I Lour' . . KhattH to riay at liOgsa. lr41 rM-tfe to TV SnrmL - ' Oregon City. Xy 7. For the secowd time tr.is year. Fubl snd Logaa wHl meet cn the beebaSI field Esnitay. The r me tomorrew wLl be payed st Lcgn. Ke!ns a retsni rue Is 1e game st 2ibl lat Sunday, the f htblltes wr vlct'vioviaj bT a eoora cf It t 10. Kisrt ef Ft- f e Kt'. af! At)-raq f er Lf f&a ui fee Ui t; f J itcatrs. . If rev Crrtnn Browa Drwd. iv4al rnfwoa to Tu Ii .i " Vanceuver. VYaah.. i4ay T. Ura Crri- na Brown. 75 years of age and a resi dent of Hoeklnaon. this eewnty. since 1111. died yeatrdT at ber borne aft aa affllotlon or II aneta wttb para), ysla. She was native ft Norway est came te Aaaerw-a Is 1111 and located tat asterla. Or. Is If 11 she removed to this eeunty aad bad since reertded here. Ieatdes her husband, she le Survived fev oae daagkur. Mrs. Bertha Xartu ef Aetorla - , The fniral wa h?4 at 1 e'tlwl , tnia anernooa rros tne sveoies k,i ih- eraa tkurch at H :nao. -. , A ' At the Oregon City Chnrchea.' (Special DUpatcb to The JooroaL) Oregon City,. May ; 7. Services will be held in the Oregon City and Glad stone churches tomorrow aa followa; St John'a CathoUo church, . Bey.' A. Reidhaar,, pastor Low mass and aer- mon, 8 a. m.; high mags ana sermon, 10:86 a. V m.J evening aervices, ; 7:80 p. m.; May devotion, T:so every evening. Gladstone Chriatlan. church,- Rev. A. H. i- Mulkcy, pastor Servicea Sunday: Bible school at 10 a. m.; preaching at 11 and 7:46; morning theme, "The Serpent That Bites and the Adder, That Stings"; evening theme. "A Great. Victory Ovef tho Greatest Tyrant'. Special music. , St. Paura Epiacopal i church, Ninth and, Water, streets.' Rev. T; F. Bowen, rector Sunday rafter Ascension day, holy communion. 8 o'clock; morning prayer and asrrnoh, 11 Sunday school, 12; W. A. Sherman, superintendent; con firmation i class, 4:20; " evening service and sermon,-7:20. First Presbyterian church, Kev. J. R. Landsborough, ; pastor Sabbath school. 10 o'clock: Jars.' w. C. Green, superin tendent; morning worship, 11 o'clock; subject, "Mother"; Junior Endeavor, 2 o'clock;. T, P.: S. C. E., 6:46; topic, "Christian Gracee.' fl Peter. lv:7-ll.) Evening worship, 7:80; subject, "Where la Heaven T" .. . ' Regular Sunday services at the Unit ed Brethren church Sunday school at 10;- preaching, 11, by . Rev. McComb; Junior, 2:20; Endeavor, ?; preaching by Grandma Ware, Rev. F. Clock being east on business. First Baptist church, corner of Main and Ninth streets. Rev,, S. A. Hayworth, pastor Mothers' Sunday. Morning sub-' lect, "BeDoia Thy jaotner." a wmta carnation will be nresented every moth. er In attendance9 Evening subJect:"The Ethics f tha. Ballroom," Sunday school at noon; young people s meeting at a:o p. ntf lecture by Joseph Cohn Tuesday evening on the Suvlect, "Jewish Life and Customs." -Seats free to all these services. A.11 are cordially invited. i . First - Congregational church, f Main and Eleventh atreets. Rev. Proctor, pas tor Morning service, 10:30; sermon. "Consecration to the Life's Work"; Sun day 'school, 11:45; Christian Endeavor society, 7; evening service, 7:46. - This wllli be a special Christian Endeavor service, and the sermon topic will be "The Christian Graces An Evolution." Special music by the choir. - AU i wel come to. attend. ' -, , ', Evangelical Lutheran Emanuel churchy eorner. J, q. Adams and Eighth streets; Rev. p. A. Schmidt, pastor, Ger man services at 10:20 a. m.; text, John xxv;2fi: "Why should a Christian not waver in his faith despite the enmity of the world 7" " Methodist Episcopal church. R. C. Blackwell, pastor. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m ; morning service at 10:46; sermon by the pastor. Class meeting at 12 noon; Junior league at 3 p. ra.; Sun day school at Willamette falls at 3:16; Epworth league anniversary service at 1:30; leader, Harold Swafford; evening service at 7:30; sermon by the pastor; W. H. M. S. meets Tuesday afternoon. Ladles' Aid society Wednesday. The third quarterly conference - will meet Thursday evening at ( o'clock, with Dis trict Superintendent . James . Moore in tha .chair.-. Deda Filed for Record.' SdocI1 Dlipatrb to Tbe Jotexil. I ' Oregon City, May 7. The following deeds were reoorded yesterday: , Mary E. Wright to E. C. Las ton, 6 acres In section 1. township ; 4 south. range 1 saat; 1 800. 8. Fisher to E. . W.' Flnser,. 80 acres In section 7, township 6 south, range 1 eaat; (2000. ' -. i , , Olof Johnson to Emma Johnson, part of tract "B" of Clackamas Riverside. - Oregon Iron Steel Co.f, to L, ,G. Harrington, lot 6 Of Tualatin Meadows; 210.. .. :-. - : ,. L. G. td A L. Harrington, tract In Tualatin Meadows; (10. - . Cribble to J. K. Grlbble, part Of claim No, (8. ' township 4 south, rang 1 asst. 160 acres;' 1600. ; r - , ; ..-v... . ' Mary Stubba to William Btubbs,' 8011 screa In section 27. township ( south, ranca 4 east; (1... ':;..''-", : ' A, Wright to E. A. Lelghton, tract "I" In .Willamette FaU acreage tsaota; $1500.' "f.-v ".'' j '"... -.-;.-' '...V ; . , H. Paulson to H. J, Paulson, north west of southeast of section 20. township 8 south, range 6 east; (2000. James Adams st ux., to' Ella Chase, 16 acres in section 23, township i -south, range 2 eaat; 11600. ' Gladatone Real Eatate Association to Bally C. McClaln, lots 15 and 16, block 88 of Glbdstone; $260. , - Hoba Company Honors Members. ' (gpedil OIpteb te The JoaruiLi Oregon City, May 7. At a meeting of. Fountsln - Hose company No. 1, of the volunteer fire department,, held last night. Chris Hartmann, a veteran mem ber of the organisation, who has fin Ished his period of service with the; fire laddies, was-presented with his exempt certificate, .' handsomely framed. Mr, Hartmann baa always taken an active part in any movement made . by . the department William Peters,' a member of - the Fountains, who was recently married,, waa presented with a library table. , Last Day of Athletic Meet. ? ' ' 4RfMlal Dtanatna fta Ti. Jrm w.l - Vancouver, v Wash., May . 1. The two days' field and track meet being held at the Vancouver High school grounds is creating much interest and practical ly every school la the county Is . rep- sen ted. In the"' preliminary -. baseball games played yesterday Camas defeated Ridgefield and ' Fellda defeated '. the grammar grade, team of the Vancouver TV, L- - . FY-1- 1 ' I 1 nigu BCRUU4.:.'. inaia were piayeu thia forenoon ' and - the ' track . meet : Is being held thia afternoon. , . ... j v- ' Hermann Bound Over, , ' (Special Olspatea tot The Joornal.) Vancouver. WsbIk;'' May 7. Louis Hermann, under arrest at Portland on a larcehy charge, waived examination yes terday and waa bound over to the grand Jury, . Hermann resides at Seventeenth street '. and Moots : avenue, Vancouver, and ia alleged to have stolen materials from a Portland contractor. I.0. O. F, Elects Officers. - , (Special Dijetrh to Hie Jenrnal.) Vancouver, Wash.. May 7. Vancouvef lodca No. 8. I..O. O. F held It wml. annual election of officers last evening. W. - W. Merrifield waa elected . noble grand and George Bates vice grand. . - IT COSTS f.lOIiEY V.TOIKEPEEI! . London, May 7. Should the .veto , the bouao of lords bs rejected by tl upper house Itself as it surely will be there Is much talk among Llbtra:.i about. Insisting that the prime mln'e ter shall ask the king to create a larue number of new peers so as to make tne state of parties In the glided chamber, now so largely conservative-, more ec;ual. It Is not every one, not even the mem bers of parliament themselves, who are crying out for -more peers, who real? lie what a costly thing it is to be made a peer. Take Lord Gladstone, for in stance,, who received his title only re-cently.5-For the stamp duties, crown office f eea and home office fees he was charged Juat close to (2600, which Is less than many have to pay. for a vlscoutt Is only the fourth degree of the 1 British peerage, the first being a duke, whose rank is inferior . only to princes of the royal ' blood. ' Bones Must Be Bought ' But the. duties and fees are not all. There are the. : robes, coronet and cap and the robes, coronet and jewels which the viscount must buy foe, his wife. The .robes of a viscount are the same aa an earl's With exception that he has only -two and a half rows of, ermine, his -cap Is ' tha same, and ' the i golden circle of his coronet is surmounted by 18 silver bells. - The robe of a vis countess has two and a half inches of miniver and two and a half bars of ermine, : a yard ' and . a ' quarter -train, while . the : cornet is just the same , as her basband's. V.v.fi.j: v.-- A new earl, on the other band, haa to pay about 12400 la stamp and other fees; a marquis about $3500 and a duke well over-$4000;. ?:'. v, ! Ivor Guest, who waa created a baron at the same time ' Mr, Gladstone was created a peer, got off with a payment of only a little more than $1800. His state robes consist of only two rows of ermine, in othef yespeets they : are the same aa those of other peers. ' Cost Xord Roberts $8600. " " Lord Roberta had a pretty steep bill to meet when he ; waa made an , earl. His stamp duties and other things ran up to exactly $8500, a charge to which he strongly objected at first till tho cause was explained to htm. ' The rea son was that, : having no son to suc ceed him,, he wished to have what Is called "a special .remainder" ; to his daughters and U "extras" of this sort have to be pald for. . Then, in addition to all the fees and other expenses already mentioned, the fAW Hfl.r hf AM M . I.lrn 1,1. . ' - ' . 1 ...... w... ,1,0 BtUL in the house of lords, has te pay the license for the coronet on his carriage and note paper, which runs into a few mora dollars a year, . . ,. . . An electrical device is now in use to t record the density of smoke Issuing irom , emmneys. v . ; : . . , ' .... - ' ijjf t lumbermens National Bank "" PORTLAND, OREGON.' CAPITAL - - $500,000 DEPOSITS ' 7 May lf 1910 I. . . .;.... ....... ..$2,910,185.89 ' ; May 1, 1909 i ; ; 1,667,689.25 1 ' - . . j. - ' i m' : ' -' Increase . . .. . . . . .$142,490.84 Personal Mention. 8ieetl Dlsaates t Tbe )sra. Oregon. City,-May 7. T. C Thomaa of Beaver Creek made a business trip to Oregon City yesterday, , - Mr. and Mrs, Currle McAlpIn of Ab erdeen. ,Wash4 who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. H. fill cox of this city. left for Medford. . .;' ;'.,'::. -v .. Ex-County Asassor James F. Nelson was la" Mullno, yesterday attending to business vnatters. .- - . . Honorable Grant B. Dlmltk la in Sil- verton, where he will be the principal speaker at a meeting tonight Mlas Minnie Klemsen Is ill at ber home in Canemab, -''..--...i. :.. .i4:. Dentscber Verela Ball Tonight. , - (Boaeial TMaoatefa to The JnnraaLt Oregon City, Mag 7. The snnual May ball of the Deutecher Vereln of Oregdn City will be given tonight In the Armory hall, and a large number will be In attendance at the big event. M. Klemsen. Louis A. Nobel. Chris Hartmann and Henry W. Streblg. the committee la charge or the dance, have spared ao pains to make It the most successful dance given here this year. A Portland orchestra baa beea engaged to furnish the music. - , : , Sett 8ettled Oat of Court, i ' '' (KrecJal fvpat'-D to The J-ruL4 Oregon City. - May 1. The suit of Johnson County Raving bank ef Iowa City, Iowa, vs. Bom ted t Lindsley, waa settled erat of court this morning and dismissed. The suit Is for two cer tain bills afachange for OS each. A motion for extending the time for new-trial-two weeks in the snlt ef Trine vs. Pratt was filed by the defend ant's attorney . this merahag. . . Oberre "Mothers' Pay." fMett IHaaatHi to JoarnaLl Oreson City. May 7. Mothers day will ba recognised at tke First Presby terian church next Sunday raomlnx. The cbareh will be tastefully decorated wits white flowers, and every eme Is requoeied ta wear white flowers la hot or ef Ms tnotb-r. Jottmal Waal Afia brteg raif OIL MAP FREE We ere giving away free te tbe flrt hur1-eid P'( le anwrl-g this 4 t"f!t Mi ef a. I 1- Caii f o t f : a r'-L"iie . Ill 1 t'an I-i.ig, f-3 rranr'.eo, Cal : i . , - l?o)uS ir it 4V&ii) (gic (co?t Oldest Bank on the Pacific Coast Capital fully paid . '.. $1,000,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits $600,000.00 OFFICERS: W. M. Ladd, President w R. S. Howard Jr.. Astt Cashiar. Edward Cookinthara,Vice-Pref J. W. Ladd, Assistant Cashier. W. H. Dunckley. Cashier. -; Walter M. Cook, Asst. Cashier. ' Interest paid on time deposits and savings accounts. Accounts of banks, firms, corporations and Individ- uals solicited. Travelers checks lor' sale and drafts issued available in all countries of Europe. r-- MANY : . ' ,-), PROPERT.Y OWNERS ' : KNOW NOW Many will learn, that BITULITiil Pavement has more ! stability, more real value, than any other, hard surface rave- i tr.ent laii. i Overbeck & Cooke Co Ccrnni:ss!:n ?.!crc!iar.ti Stockt, Eonds Cctton, Crab, tz. 216-217 Hir "'- r- r i t -f'". Ct.'c. h mm lsii. i W , f f ' . . I