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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1910)
,1 1 . THE OREGON,' DAILY' JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY ? EVENING, MAY 6,, 1010.. --2- 1 j 1 . j 1 -" FOR 8 ALB FARMS Memo. 'IT Think what 10,000 boxes apple fnr n roi: 68 acres. 1 mtlca from 'n iiiMnn house and barn, small . .. U . wataP.t (MAI. tOOll. StC. -a'iimatea ha will have 20,000 hnioi annlri. Snltsenburgs. Baldwlrs and Yellow Newtowns thla year, enough " to ry tor the place. "Owner has a big farm that requires hla attention. .0 acres If a good I-?, , of doora, about 10 mllea from Portland. nn.Min Mimtv road. 40 ecree under cultivation. 2 barns, new I room house. ' orchard and amali fruits, well water, rrioe (10 per acre. - " a beauty spot. 26 acrea in cultivation, 6 r'houaTbU barn, 3 wriw , w- fruit near "rhool. soil cannot be Im ' Ad- inn only $ mile. ?rom Oregon City; ,rnrpVaVa..worth4Sp0 acre. mis can e -..TV"!, thla and la cheap, isuu casn wm " ' BUCHTEL & KLMNo ' ' J60 E. MORRISON ST. k , . .. w - .- FOR SALE FA11M3 '11 YFnRTGFf)RGF AND CEN TRAL BRITISH C0LUM- : LANO; . . BIA FARM LANDS :; We Own the Land and Can Give Clear, Titles ' History Repeats Itself v FRUIT LAKPaj DAPPLE.- .APPLE ,.UND ' 160 acres, 30 acrea under cultivation. ' SO a "res of tillable land, balance pasture land- lots of outrange: email houae, barn 36x40 feet, with .'table built on lots of piling: timber handy- to n er, living etWams on' place; a fine ' - ranch: 1 mile from state road. 8 m les from WashpugaU on county road. Price. (3000 cash. , ,'-'.. 20 acres,' acres cleared! small hMMI en county road. R. F. IX; le roMng, stream on land;, 2 miles oad station and boat landing; good around it; school ft mile. Price $960. 45 acres S acres under cultivation and in orchard;- most mil l1.?1,.; lays fine; flne soring on :, loam soil; good farms ntll WeJ n,i. fm tnwn. Price. 12500; terms to suit the purchaser. 1 ' ii mvl- ' is mni under cultivation.' i acie 1 ""j i7u 80 room house, barn, all fenced with wire, most of balance easily cleared! springs '' on land: rine sou or iru f m?, purposes; 3 miles from railway tatlon "and boat landing; good road.. Price, 14260.' " ' " . OKCX TV" MOODY. Washotigal Wash. DO YOU -- KNOW t ' A bargain when you see one? ia ..... . u In cultivation except acre green timber,, wood for lifetime, fine family orchard, apples, pears, cher- j , nes and 1 qumcea; an - fruits. Fine 6 room houae, good barn and other outbuildings. Flnestflf aoil; , . 12 miles from Portland, on good county " road. 20 minutes walk, from good coun- j try town: electric line, .uiu' . 7 schools, , This is no old. run down ranch , ' but is a dandy up to date place da . bargain-at rh Prl?e- JT IV1 ! J140O cash, balance long time. Ak for j ' the owner Mr. Pyke, Crawford Realty j - Po.. E03 Main su. Vancouver, w asn. Phone Main 973. Douelas County Y arms Going at1H0, $15 and 120.. per. acra Mr. Farmer, why do you pay from J1U0 to $200 per 'acre for farms when you can buy better' land for one tenth the .mnrtov? Look at this one: 100 acres. vatlon: fi room house, barns, etc.!; good creek,- farm all fenced, all for $1250; easytermai m , ' How !s this. 300 acres, 4 miles from R. R, 76 acres in cultivation; house, H barn, running water; all kinds of out side range. Pries $6000. We have all kinds of farnapfrom 10 - ' acres up, and -the prices are from $10 per acre up. Bee us and save money.: -Burr-Maiden Company '"-" SO Board of Trade. ' I WHEAT LANDS IN ALBERTA Will not be -open for settlement very I : long at the present prices. The world's . ft available supply of unoccupied land is I - rapiniy . oecreasing ,wnu viu steadily Increasing. These lands are 'selllnc for $13 to $1 per acre on 10 ' years' time. Such productive wheat and . grain farm's at such prices and terms will soon be gone. ;" I Join one of our low rate excursions, t which run every 1 days, ana invesif . gate for yourself. - - Call or writ for booklets. ide-mk:arthy land compant. Colonisation Agents Canadian Pacifio Railway Company, . i ' : 4S-2-27-28 Lumbermen's bldg. . . IDEAL) dairy farm convenient to city, RQ acres. 10 - miles from city limits - v of Portland; it acres in - cultivation, 40 acres lies level. 40 broken and cov ered with heavy timoer (a vaiuaDia as , set): this is expectionally rich soil and - cultivated; land ia all in crop, which goos to purchaser, nearly new i -room plastered house, poor barn, plenty of fruit and -abundance of water.. Con venient to stores, schools, churches wind '. eiectric Una Price $8000. terms $1000 ' cash, - balance 6 years, t per cent . - Charles L. Hunter, 223-22S . Board of Trade bldg. - ! - 62 ACRKS. about half cleared, more I easily cleared, about 800 corda of I wood. 2: ' orchards, S nouses, , II v barns, chicken . house. t cows, -:' II bull, sow and I shoata, J, horses, tl wa irons. I sets of harness, 2 talves. ' nm chickens, about acres of pota toes, 4 acres in oats, balance meadow, ' ' all of the machinery, cream separators I . mljK. cans ana everyimng mr- tvj,i - 32600 cash, balance at 6 per cent for 61 vh Only t miles from Vancouver. filar Real Estate Co.,, 113 Washington at. Vanpotiver, Wash. ' - - XU ACRiCS, half cleared. . 2 acres In or-, ' chard, most of it beaTlng mixed trail, . house 28x28 in aood shape, barn, out- buildings, all - fenced, n 3 telephone lines, county road; personal property, C cows, 2 horses. 2 wagons, new buggy, j 2 acta of hameaa. soma chickens, good well, household goods, cream separator; 'everything Tor $i6(W; $20 cash, baU' nc at per cent for 4 rear a Star, . Real Estate Co- 113 : Waahingtoa StJ inrouTr, wnn.j 11 miles ou t- -'" CAN'T BE IUPUCATED. , ' acres, 1 mil from R. R. atatioa. .. t Rilles from alm. 13 aorea under cultivation, 20 acres-In apples, acres . f-rn graphs, T room house. welL.bara f Ox prina $75 per sera, half cash, bal ance, eaay terms. . roreian Denartment. 1 rKioi bank tri-st compakt. . i. 233 Stark St. t Phone Main 0t. A-?. ' . CAK"T BE DCPLICATE3X 260 acrea 1 mile from R. R. station.1 I miles from Salem; , acrea under rultlvattna. 2 aero la apptea, arr in grapes. T roota oo-ia. wIL Para iOxi l; prtra $73 per acra. half caah, bal ance eaay terms. Forlgn Department UNIOX BA"K aV TRfPT COMPANT, 2J5 Stark C Phong Main A HII. - ( i ACKKn, 4 H fniif-Wrora Oreroa Cltr. lays f ina road am 2 sldra, son swlnc well, fenced, rrom fenced with cTra ir. bam. hen nouse, . room nonea, h--y team, limwt, vtrm, 4 mllrb f-mm. 1 rrHng. 10 rhirk. It Shep, it rat. I h. farm marhln-ry, ail fc ''; part rh Allreca box 12aa, p V l I. (T. r r. n iTy. j H f ALE. . 1 a-r on rdr rir, ovarionk- l-r tVa va lr and Mownt .flood: for f ti-r'r, fpr'-ina . tt; tki aofl la f t fpst oj ,'r. Fr-r firtbac In- - '-a rr r to Jama Wl-anaj. lt4 A faar vara hack you ed land In tha vl clnlty of Portland for Just a few dollars. Now what la It worth? ; Makea you atop and think, don't .'A It? Whether or not you let that , opportunity go by, don't' miss , this. Toil no doubt have heard ,. of tha hundreds of dollars that , have been spent in British Colum bia for development ; purposes. ' Why, because the . Grand Trunk Pacific and Transcontinental rail , reads is destined to open up vast V area of the most fertile and pro ductive agricultural , land In British Columbia- ; - '' - Tha government authorities s : timata that . during tha oomlng Season 123,000 Americans will; enter into British , Columbia to settle in this great, farming, die-, trlct. :-. -, , : ', .J, J,.Hill Says: '.s-. Back to th land.' Be a land owner In tha new country. Be ;' .' pioneer. Look at Portland's plo- : neera; they are today the wealihl-; st men, the backbone of this city i of wonderful growth;ij , 'A.'; v, FORTGEpkGE . Is destined . to be tha metropolis ;, ;of thla inland country, Five rail-1 roada, two of ( . whlchvars under. , xcstv. will nnan tin thla araaf coun- , , try, v with ita- vast resources snd ? commercial lnduatries. Think this over, if you have a few 4iundred j ' dollars to invest in farm lands. .. The men that are needed in this . , v great 'country are the men ,who will go in and till tha soil, and . put their future welfare 'in! the;, t panda of mother earth; sha will, , not- neglect her children. ;. This land does not need to be ' ' irrigated, as there is 23 to 23 Inches of rainfall annually. There 'are no summer frosts, nor severe , wlntera j-'.,. - ' . '-' Corn of ; the Flint variety Is .': i being grown with great success. , ' . Oats, wheat (, rye and barley do ' i ,-!' equally welL ' In fact there is no ; better grain country in the world. , . -; The great mining regions of -. northern British Columbia' with - its deposits of coal, lead, iron, V silver and gold, vast tracts - of forests that will soon be cleared' ' , away, the Grand Trunk railroad -. touching the Atlantic and the Pa- ' v clflc coasts all help to make Fort . Oeorge, Neehaco and Bulkier val leys the most desirable section in British Columbia . . . We are absolutely sure of this ; land in Fort George, level soli, . some of it cleared and ready for . the plow. Thfere is no better land the world over, than- that which ' .. . surrounds Fort George. . One man who has Just gone to - that country and who is familiar - with the conditions - writes u that be has not seen anything. . like It since the rush to- the Klon- , - dike in the spring of 1898. Twelve , carloads of farm implements are ' on their way ; to Fort George, . ; .. three banks are starting up, also : hotels .and stores; steamboats are now running on the Fraier and and Kecbaco rlvera . - - Think what this means to the , man who buys land today, with thes great railroad 1 improve- ' ments under way. There is work for every man. The British Columbia labor laws oo not allow oriental labor on any railroad or like protects that is "bonded - with the government to be used in their construction, thus giving opportunity for- tha , man who is willing to work. This1, ', to the man with email capital ;. j means a great deal, e wagea are high, an instance of which I will give: Teamsters, $125 a month , and board; first class carpenters, V $10 a day, giving him an oppor v tunity to make good money, da- -v veiop his land and In -a few years be Independent for the future. '.Plant Your Dollars and Do - It NOW "J': ' v ; - Call and look at our maps, plo- , tures of the land and samples of . .- grain grown - in that wonderful country. This week witnesses the , departure of many fanners , for - our farm lands. ' The auto ' stage . ' ' is now operating. Oor represen- j , tativea are on the - land with " horses - and accommodations 1 for. , all. - . -f We issue through tickets direct 'to Fort George, .t Our special guarantee safe-' guards every buyer. Titles backed , .by the government ,: -i -: Don't delay; come In and see - us. Every acre you buy today' -will increase in value many times over in a very short time. That's , . why we say buy Fort George s - farm lands from a responsible, -' iru Brsiva nviiuiatwiv . t.vil iu ra i ji . with a paid up capital of $621. ' 000. References, , any- bank-- la : British Columbia.. . - , Call or writs for pamphlets, .maps and views of Fort George farm laoda ' : Special Induce ments to those buying thla week.- Terms to suit all buyers. .Think, only $3 down. Don't delay. - . NORTH COAST LAND CO., LTD. Paid up capital $826,000. Rutan A Adams, Selling Agents, 200 Chamber of Commerce, Port. land. Or. London office, Old Jewry, Head office, Vancouver, B. C. :":480 ACRES Xpplefland- v Xlins 'miles to railroad station, : $50 PER ACRE'. : $8000 cash' - Balance to suit purchaser. ' i At f ter cent. - " This . placs Is . situated right In , , .. , j famous s ... . . - - ' HOOD RIVER y A1 , DISTRICT ' ; !- Well suited for platting - ? , - f if desired. .- Fqr,' particulars, see, phone or .... - write . ' HOMESTEADS 47 ssaay amaaaa,sat,v, a. mlil000ltmm0imi00m CHANCE BU8IMM OIAXCE8 20 I II ELF WANTED-RIALS the l;T. e. i. e: 18(5 E. 13th at, Portland, Or. . -,'. Phone Sell wood , . V ' ' Sell wood Car. v- ' ''' SEETriESEBEFOREMU BUY 6 and 10 acre fruit orchards, with 2 and 3 year old trees, in the famous I Hood River district ; between ' Mosler and The Dalles, on the O. R. & N. main llne. Station and boat landing on the ground. Prloe, $160 per acre. . One third cash, balance 5 veara, . v' . 3. 13 and 20 acre tracts garden land. I all in cultivation. Only 7 miles from a town with 20,000 population, with sta tion and boat land! n on the ground. Price $100 an acre.- One third oash, bal ance I yearly installments.".1 .(.i;.-v.t I and 10 acre vineyards, ready for planting. - Only 2 miles from railroad and river transportation.: r Price,' $100 per acre, with one fourth cash and the balance in $10 monthly payments, . FOREIGN DEPARTMENT i ' " Union Bank & Trust Company, inquire of j. W -285 STARK .-"'.:-"? ''..1 6,000,000 fee u aOod homeatrad In vrnntttrn Oremn. i l ima land is . near' R. R. station, from so to to acres or each lo acres can oe cultivated and ia excellent garden, fruit and dairy land; fine stock proposition; also some good timber on each; claim. Location fee reasonable. . J. STROUD & SON ' 433 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. '. " '$20 ACRE HOMESTEADS FREJI1. We can show you choice government land in beautiful fertile valleya, along rouie or nut. ana Marnman rauroaas, now building- throiigh central' Oregon; open for , HOMESTEADS OR' , PUR- chase at Jl.Zjv per acre; men or. wo men. - marrlef)r sina-le. . 14 naae ,da- scrlotlve book free. PhotosraDhs. sam ples, soil,, etc., at our office; also ad dress of hundred,of onthusiastlo people who i have alwsswy taken homesteads there. " Automdbtla excursions week It. Central Oregon development V- ' v COMPANY, ..v.- ' 323 Ahington bldg.,- P. O. Box 314. FOR SALE T1IBEII &i 2S QUARTER section of fine Sllets tim . ber of about. 6,000,000 feet,, consisting or yeuow ana rea , iff, ceaar ana piling. This is on a good logging stream and is a bargain at $1800. It will pay you to Investigate thla. ' . r : J. O. SANDERS. ) -, v , ,! 427 Lumbermens Ruildinr. ' $40,00.0 wanted to complete purchase of timoer-lands; m'ln soil outright and ouy, oaca on siumpage oasis; jiDerai do nns glven; also chance to invest in beat mui proposition in southern Oregon, i A. Baxter, Gold H1IL Or. VALUABLE BUSINESS INFORMA ; ' . ' TION. '..'. Thla agency is in a position to fur nish reliable information regarding bualneaa ODenlnaa. cltv or country. Partus seeking locations here, or de siring to purchase an established busi ness ahould examine our list. ' Only legitimate propositions, considered The Ames Mercantile 'A gency, Ablng ton bldg. Estahlinhed 185. BROApMEAD. , 5. 30. 15 and 20-acre tracta of the fin- eat land In the state of Oregon are be ing sold by Columbia Trust Company at extremely low prices. Either planted or unpianiaa. uniy tne finest seieotea va. rieties or commercial trees used. . -, Now is the time to buy. ' ' COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANT, "- V ' Board of Trade Bldg.' i?i:if Grocery Stores , t rood ones,) doing good -business, good locations, reasonable rent,v living rooms In connection. If vou ' want something good In this line at the rlghj price;,-see us. Would consider exchange cny property or improved rarm. -OREGON ADJUSTMENT CO., 64.H th. ... -XET OEORGB DO IT. . 1 . - If you are looking for a business In Portland or otherwise, call in and . let George show you his list; good opening ior laaies. -ijv rew chances we now have: Drag, dressing,' manicuring,' gro ceries, rooming houses, notions, etc , ; - 221 Henry bldgv ' , ' ' ASK FOR GEORGE. v IF you are looking for a good position ' ana -nave liouu in caan, see us ei once and we can show you. , . , 1,1 NCOLN TRUST CO., ; . , V4-I16-. Lewis Bldg. , WANTRl) Ahla bodied men for tha U, 8. Marine corps, between the ages of 19 and 6. Must be native born or have first papera. Monthly pay 315 to b. Additional compenaatlon possible. Food, clothing, quarters and medical attend ance free. After 80 years' service can retire with 76 per cent of pay and al lowances. Service on board ship and ashore in all parts of the world. Apply to 3rd and Washington sts., Portland. W1J want 15 oung men to prepare mailing lists of their acquaintances who .are particular aboU dress. . The Heimbach idea or a new suit for every weekwlll interest. them and bring money to you. National Tailoring jo 381 Stark at.-' ' ' SAWMILL ' PORTLAND OREGON Phone Main 302, A-2339. LAMBERT CHERRIES. Five acres will make you Independent. Cost you only $184 acre when bearing. Payable in small monthly installments. One crop win matte tne rinai payment . - 'We care for orchard until in bearing t..-..' wltkrtiit art v. Anot in vmi Only 30 minutes' ride, station on place. will make you a line country noma ; Come out with us on Sunday ' and see the property yourself. . - SEEING IS BELIEVING. - ;The Crossley Company, via ..... 708-709 Corbett ' Bldg. feet yellow fir and cedar, well anuacea, ssvvu. -i"':-,v .-'.-. . ,- .-:- '.- . 4.000,000 feet yellow fir, t mllea from raiiroaa, viouu. - - - ,,:. . , HTLAND JONES A CO- . 409' Oerllnger bldg., 2d and Alder ats. i WE are headquartera for timber and lumber enterprises of all kinds. Kin-1 ney at HtamDner. Bii-a uirober . jcx- i cnange oiog. - ' . -- I FOR homesteads call 819 Allsky bldg. ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE 53 REAL SNAPS .'"SWTM'fflTH--MID" 'APPLE UND 80 acres on good road. 5 acrea under cultivation, running water: ..Price 325 per acre: also 45 acres. 12 aorea under cultivation, considerable open land,, well located. Price $50 ' per acre. . .. Mt. Hood Land Company Main 8510. 712 Rothchlld bldg. Finest fruit land in Oregon, near Newberg, t--M Rlht elevation, beautiful view, f ' . . ;10 and. 20 acra tracts. ' 1 I $100 to $200 per acre, easy payments. Will .contract to plant and care, for at . reaauriHuie price. . ' See owner, P. Reimers, . " 1 ,',;.. "An fl-.. .il T- J .. r'.v , :'.''.,.' Orchard Tracts . We have two 10 acre orchard tracta I In full bearing, ; owned by eastern, par ties, who have authorised us td dispose of them for whatever we can get for tnem. rnev . can oe oournc ior annut one half what they cost the owners. , J. M. FRENCH A CO.. ' 412-418 Ablngton Bldg.. 108 Third St. t SELL my own land on terms to suit you. Any bit" tract. UWJ. A. lluilCK. 237 Wash. l0 per acre for 160 acres good fruit land.. - UOOd tranSDortatlnn: . terma i m-bss, journal. . FOR RENT FARMS . . 14 1 .FINE 13 acre ranch, 20 minutes walk to good country town, electric linn. church and schools. . Fine S room house. good large barn, chicken houae and other outbuildings. Fine family orchard, apples, pears, cherries, etc.. all. 4clnria of small fruits, strawberries alone will ipay the rent. The crop is planted and you get the benefit, , Will rent with tha privilege of buying. Come quick If you want this, the best thing en the market Price . $200 per year in ad vance, Crawford Realty Co.,- 603 Main St. Vancouver, Wash. ' . - STOCK for aale. farm for rant.. 1U - miles n. e. of Beaverton; grain in, i euo - cnicaena. iresn mv rn cair. itv. Ing spring by house. . Price $260. , J. Haverman, Beaverton, Or. ' , ' 10 ROOMS; 4 : UNFURNISHED. Good furniture, close In: good loca tion, rent $30; only $275 Tou will have to hurry if you get this. ' 11 rooms, aood location. 1 tmlt 1mm rent $60, good buy,- $350. -, - , , . , . 10 rooms, brick hnlldlna-. avwwt enraar lease S years; a, dandy location: - rent $40; some new furniture,, only $660. 10 rooms, 8 blocks from court house; ront $56; can get 1 year's lease, $1150; terma. . t , ' ' 17 room boarding house, good location, 20 boarders, rent $40, only $425; would trade for house and lot: can get lease, . Crescent Realty Co,;- - -401 Swetland Bldg. : f 6th and Waahlngton ats. 5 Minutes from Postoffice One with 80 rooms, very select, big money maker bargain. , . " One with 42 room,a,' janitor, light, heat Included ia rent; fine buy. Will pay you to investigate. Both modern. ' ' ;41t Henry Bldg, -f . Second hand, as good as new, 20.A00 capaoiry;,edger, cutoff, slab carrier, 30 horse Russell skid engine. . Take Oregon Electric to Donald station. A. E. Feller. P. O. Hubbard. Or. - HAVE long lease on a No. 1 sawmill or ractory site: is minutes from heart of; uy; deep harbor and trackaca. I have capital and want to figure with two or more parties on putting In small mill, or, wiii v sen , lease; rererences excn&ngea. , .- 10 CITY -ACRES' ' Ton can buy 10 acres Inside the city i limits, near me country ciud.. ror iioou per acre. Lot values adjoining are $400 COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANT,1 Boarq or Trane piog. - RESTAURANT i One that will Invoice $500; ; 1 block from Washington st; range cost $176, Toura today for $160. t -.' PETBXRS,-15 N. 5th St.' ' , FOR SALE Rent or exchange, bakery, ' grocery and confectionery: e-nod lna. tlon. In South Portland; years' leaae: rent cheap. 646 1st. Would take sood partner who knows business and has a little money. . , . , ? - - SALOON AND OTSTER HOUSE. In amall town. 2 mills and 1 factm-r large loggers trade; large stock:. aver age sales between $35 and $40 - per day: will take soma citv. nronertv..-: A. 631. Journal. - - '?-,-.-J' ..... .. .-..:'.. SUBURBAN store and butoher shop, $30 aay caan sales. Tice iidoo. Honae and 2 full lots, close to car 11400! lino down, $15 per month, Including Interest h-pjs. journal. - ----- ; - : SMAXL stock of shoes for. 'sale, at a Dargain, nne location and good busi ness; owner sick and ' unable to run business. Call at 3002 R , Stark, , end ia. v, car.-- -.- t - . -, -- ON acount of other . business, will sell at a'sacrlfloa one of the best paying saloons In Vancouver; call at 303 Waah- ington at or on etewara Thompson, Lobby Bt Elmo hotel, Vancouver, Wash. VE CAN place you in paying business; before buying be sure and see ua Kinney -ft Stampher. 631-2 Lumber g,xcnange Diog. A-1811, FOR SALE -40 room hotel, lot, bulld . ing and furniture, for $5000; $3500 cash, balance on time. Call or address Commercial hotel. Seaside. Or. . A BARGAIN Paint and art store, sign shop connected; .good location; town of 6000. Small amount takes it. . ' N. L HATES, Corvallis, Or. SYNDICATE forming . to - take WANTED Salesman; many make $100 .to f ioo per moutn; some even mora, stock clean, grown on reservation, far from old orchards, cash advance week ly; choice of territory. Address Wash. ingtOTv Nursery ' Co.. Toppenlsh. Wash. BOOKKEEPER, stenographers, clerks, salesmen to advertise our liberal cred it method. Three wuiits made to your order, kept in , repair and pressed for i year, an ror a small amount montniy, .National Tailoring Co.. Jtvl BtarK st HELP WANTED rEMAUB ill aiRLS over 16 to work In bag factory,' Davi T Harris, Neville. to eni GIRLS 16 years of age and over as vi raesaengers, wrappers and cashiers. Good brlaht ar s cm m.i.l n..n,.. tiBnthPfU'on "nd PPortunlty to learn OLDS. WORTMAW a IfTvn ; WANTED a mlddla" with an i elderly coupla oti a farm, and V "Ut with light house work. Addrem 7 city; Mcnianon, a a Division St., . Sales Manager. Wanted for cltr of Portland: : Invest ment of $1000 or more required. Call at ractory, 7 is. Aider St. iF. YOU can Invest $700 cash for one - half interest in the best light manu facturing business in city here !s your chance; experience' not necessary, ; For information can m uiisan at. ; iF YOU want . a good large lot for a home, cement walk, curb and water main, close to cod car. in fine district phone, me,. East 1393. - Price $700;. $70 aown, ii per month. - (VAMTED Salesmen In every locality - In ' the northwest;- money - advanced weekly: many make over $100 monthly choice of territory. Yakima , Valley wursery CO., Toppenisn. wain. WANTED Men to buy $3 sample hate - now at $1.60. Low rent in basement is the reason. Hats cleaned and reblocked, The Hatter y, 316 Alder 'at. 60o. WH aid our members to secure em ployment Constant demand for young men of ability and Integrity. Special Employment Membership. Y. M. C A. GOOD solicitor o go . with me. Noth- - ing to sell; no. houae to houae propo sition; salary guarantees jssw juum- oermens building. WANTED Good, sober barber can earn $18 to $16 per week; bring reference, or write at once W. JU Goraage, Caatle rock, wain. -- ' -- v -INTERNATIONAL CORRESPOND- ENCK SCHOOL. - 07 Marquam bldg. Main 102$.: evenings until 3:80.. - - ' . ' Open WANTED Man to assist in taking care 'of poultry. 225 per. month and round. Address R. E. Lake, 188 Park at Give phone number. ' - International Correspondence . Schools, H. V RJEED, ' 308 McKay Bldg. Marshall 697. . Office open Wed. and Sat nights. WANTEiJ Several good live wires to i list and sell property. . , SHOEMAKER INV. CO, '627 Henry bldg. WANTED Men - who have had expert ience in Industrial life Insurance. Call at 219 and 220 Commercial Club bldg. corner 6th and Oak sts. IF yoo are nor making $200 a month ' and you have any ability as a sales man, call at 219 Commercial Club bldg, corner of 6th and Oak eta. . .WANTED First class clothing clerk; must understand to trim windows and write cards; permanent job for good. BARGAIN about 200 acres Oregon ' apple T land; bramson, Aberdeen, 23 rooms on '. good street . location where rooms are always - rented; good leaae. rent only $30; this place is clear- ing $160 monthly, but on account of j sicaness win give- away ror xtfov. ..: ' PETFRS. , 16 N, 6th Bt 38 rooms,, nearly all steady roomers: some transient: no houaekeenlna: nnl $160 rent. New building: steam 'heat: new furniture; $4000, easy terms. , 22 rooms, ' part housekeeping;- one floor; good -business street; lease; $2000, terms. ...... ..... ' 20 rooms, housekeeninai . rant 172: $1400, terms. 13 rooms, transient: brick: Morrison sr.; iou, terma o .. .-.... 11 rooms, transient: down town: mon ey -maker;.- $600.-'. " L. i a "COM HIT KHM.LTI UU, ' V - . 602 Swetland bldg. 1 I Bubsoriptlisns from I K-534, Journal. $10 up wanted. WANTED Man for tinting and kalso . mlninr: will Pav 60 cents ner hour; plenty of work: must have his droD cloth and brushes. F-639 Journal. - $325 SNAP WANTED FARMA 88 . Owner Must Sell V K.w. a A a .... tr.l n. which I must dispose of; am in need ol money; no agent. xa-o, journal. -FARMERS, TRAD- SPECULATORS, - . i - axvB. - . - ..... ' Listen: $20 per acre for $20 acres wheat land, 300 in wheat goea with tha place. .All cornea under Klickitat Ir rigation project " Close . to railroad. Terms. Buy thla and double your money. ' P. A. WORTHTXOTON. WM. KENNEDY 202-4 Wells Fargo bldg. BROADMEAD. , 6, 10. 15 and 29 acre tracts of the fin eat land In the state of Oregon are be ing sold by Columbia Trust Company at extremely low prtcea Either planted or implanted. 'Only the finest selected va rieties of commercial treea used. .Now Is the time to buv. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANT. " 43 ACRES, ii acrea cultivated. In crop; water piped to bulldlnas: snrlnra and creke; family orchard, berries, horaea, cows, dairy carta, separator, tools, bar neea furniture, chickens; near railroad: Portland 39 miles; achooi close; beat of soil; 22 acres eta be irrigated; laCOe terma. Think this over. 419 Worcester bUg. . . ' WANT to purchase inexpensive Im proved - or . unimproved farm, near steam or electric station, within 60c fare of Portland; 6 to 40 acres;, give com plete description and lowest cash price; a i no price with -terms. journal. WE ARE looking- for 8 ROOMS. RENT $29, ALWAYS FULL. wen lumisnea modern, income ta per month. . l am going to leave city and forced to sell. -v . , MRS. J. E. HUXLET, ; ! ' ".-" Main 9062, 88 N. 11th si SOLICITORS for NO DUST, best sweep ing compound; .household : necessity; sells on sight 233 Market sU Phone Main 1264. -...-;. ...-: ,-.':-'--.., ... ;$t PER MONTH Telegraphy taught' in t -practical 'lorraa, - iay ana evening BCBBioaa. -. jiuaresB my era, i lltn BU, njninna. . Main bdj. ' - ' WANTED A good man on milk ranch, must he good milker; good wages come readY for work' firat - wlnHnrili east of Kelly Butte. Powell Valley road. CARPENTERING., also wiring,-, in ex cnange ior cental woric; pay soma caan. . 402 Buchanan bldg., 28644 Waah ington st. . i GOVERNMENT . employes wanted '- write for Portland examination ached' ule. ... Preparation free. - Franklin InstI tute, uept. -zddu, Rochester, w. Y. v the WANTED Caah girls and boys, wrap---pera. aaree people. Apply . at onca Shanahan's, 144-143 3d, between Alder ana Morrison, . -- - . -.. 6 ROOMS 6! fruit lannd nron- osltlon.' Owners will find it to thler advantage to call, or correspond, with us at once,' Braoe-Olsen Co., 808 Board of Trade bldg. 1 . . ' . ; WANTED Acreage, farm or relinquish ment: lowest price. - 626 Wash.- ' HOMESTEADS .417, RELINQUISHMENT, 160 .acrea, all fenced, wire and' cedar posts;- 40-to 50 acres in cultivation and young or chard; good buildings, all new; etory and a half house, barn, : chlcken-houeo and outbuildings; 10 miles from R, R. town. 1 mile to r. o. ana small town and school; good roads; this. ia a great snap if taaen at once. . Relinouianment, ciose to - rorxiana; 147 acrea.- cabin and flowing water on same; beat of rruit ana ooiioni iana; a. big - bargain.: " - -- - -i'K - Ttllii UA V IB HAnnAUJlbil WA, 1 - C04 pekam - blda. - - MnMESTEADS. Wa can locate you on $20 acre of rich government land In 'southeastern Oregon in the section about to be opened up by the Hill and Harriman llnea ana arroramg tne ki opporiu nltv left In the United Statea to get a homestead. ' Our agent has been living In the neighborhood of these . claims for the past four rears, and Is well nested on condition and known the country welL For further particulars call at our offlca The Hart Land Co, 146 Pecond St . ' - ' Cottage, a-ood furniture, rent only 316. front room rented out for $5 a. week; makes free -rent; price -. $176; . terms. Peters. 16 N. 6th st 33 rooms, . fine location, lease, good furniture; must be sold thla week. Clears $100 month;-$660; terms. ' 88 1 OTH, NEAR STARK - -9 R00MS9 Honse, on good transient- street, rent oniy ju; rooms always run; clears e9 nionthly. Price $170. Peters. 16 N. 6th. FOR SALE OR LEASE Rooming house . or 60 rooms, orica Duuaing, long lease, good location; a bargain, Goodnough 4 aeiia. vifi jioaro or i rape. WANTED to buy rooming house of 10 to 40 rooms, from owner ' for cash; ho agents. Call 102 H 3d at. room 607. WANTED To buy rooming house from . owner for cash. Phone Marshall 1298. bv MINING STOCKS "CS . FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE! Before JSUTING or SELLING any MIN TING, OIL, WIRELESS or ENDUS (TRIAL stock, get our prices. - David won aV Co.. Iwis bldg. Phone Marshall 773. MINING " Motion Picture Theatre For sale: fine establiahed mnvina- nte. ture theatre, in Portland. r 626 Waah. GROCERY Invoice about $600, ' Inside location; . rent only $35. Owner sick and unable to run the business. Quick mm neccBMry. fjoarq of Trade. GROCERT and confectionery, , good lo - cation across street from-school;, fine wiiuB, kwii iiTing rooms, cneap rent Call 861 E. 7th.v .Phone East 6265. ; . FOR SALE Soda fountain and - com . plete outfit,- bought new last year, at m Bovuuto u uueD a.i once.- vau news ptainq uiiHHl.Qffpoi. - . ... - . .. ...... . " - HELP WANTED MALE 4 1 WANTED Men to buy- 33 Sample straw hats now at $1.60. , Low rent in base ment is -the reason. - Hats cleaned and reoiocKeo. ooc ine Mattery, 316 Alder. MEN. Wanted We have a few uncalled for suits, will sell at half price, in lat est spring- ana Bummer styles, harvard Tailors, 808 -Burnslde. ?. WANTED Bids for plumbing and ear- center work. I atorv bo lid in a. . Phnna after 1:80 p. m.. Dr. Darling. . r WANTED A boy to work, afternoons after school; light work; good place WANTED Lady - preaaer on women 'a ' garments and repair. 370 Grand ave. i n ttegai gleaners. GOOD solicitor; no house to house prop osition: salary guaranteed. 239 and 230 Lumbermens bldg. - WANTED 6 men- to cut wood and , ciean xrouna; . wagea io centa hour. 808 Board of Trade bldg. - TEIEUKAFHr taught by an experi enced operator. Northwest . Tele- grapn scnooi, xvu rq street. CLOSE In, very quiet front room and connecting den. - - Suitable for. two. Beautiful aniTotindlngs, 261 14th at CHEF headquarters and helpers. Cali fornia Wine Depot, 215 Yam hill, next to Journal. WE want men and boys to fit and dVive I WANTED Young lady bundle wrappers rs. Oregon Chair V'n I ana casn girisr -permanent positions. acaaara st. - -. , . i jtwiy uuinun ac vu., taa-tnv ei. Jdorrl- : s - 4 - 1 l son at. - ILELP WANTED MALK AND . ; r-.K f FE.MALK . )v,,:, sa't, WANTEDA young- man and wifa who understand general farmlna: muat h." neat,, clean and industrious and have some funds; to start with; none, other ; iwu "i'i.'j'i imiHi u bdio to give refer ence.' Apply 42th and Davis ats.J Pacifio -' Coast aiiBcult Co. -- - : 1 ... -M 10.000 POSITIONS ", For rraduatea last year: mam 'an n, v. men learn barber trace in 8 weeks; help1, w iiubiuuiib) araouaies earn i ' to 26 weekly; expert instructor: tools i, free; write for catalog. -Moler System-, vi wiipiih, an n. tn St., fortiana. WANTED Agents for Oregon anf , Washington. New1 booka. Roosevelt In Africa ., Outfits ready. . P. O.. Box 205, Portland. Oregon. - ' - t WANTED at - once, fhi work on rarm near Henry bldg.' n and wife to Portland. M. WEAVERS and shirt wantad. hrffnn Cit . Oregon City, ... factory, help. Woolen.,- Mills WANTED AGENTS - SAM SIMPSON'S POEMS. . Agents wanted In every town In Ore - ton, Washington and Idaho. Write WV, T. Burney, 618 Board of Trad bldgJ ' Portland. : -'- , , -. -i - - ,. AGENTS to handle a new book, Traffla In White Slavery: good Bronoaltion tea. reliable agents, p. O. Box 206, PorW land Or.-- ' j ;, - ' : e. SALESMEN wanted to take our eaaS! weekly selling choice nursery stock.! . Outfit free, ... Capital City Nursery W ; Salem. Or. - . I" AGENTS WANTED Eaay selling artli; Chicago."" w --- - - ... i S WELLEST. -beet selling coupon offer . In city. Commonwealth- Studio. Coma monwealth bldg., 6th and An ken y. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES ' 69 C, R. HANSEN & CO., - GENERAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. Main orrice, 26 N. ia sr., roruana. Ladiear. department 7th and Wash. utm . . unstaira, fortiana. . -424 Front aVa, Spokane. ' , - ' $7-89 4th st, San Franciaoa' N " Establiahed 1876. -- --: HANLEY TAPLEY" EMPLOYMENT CO.. beadnuartera 38 N. 2d st. sfor , R. R. t work. ' SITUATIONS MALE " MUNICIPAL raeE EMPunrMERrr me $70 MADISON. BET. 3D AND 4TIL, ,- MALE AND FEMALE HELP. . NU CHARGE TO KMflAJXX.IL OR EMPLOYS!, .- , , - MAIN , 8566. A-6614. - - -, MARRIED mail, age 37, seyerai yeara , - office experience, desires a clerical position , or collector, no objection to country. , excellent . references.. D-631. . HELP WANTED FEMALE 2 LADIES Buy all your fancy select Af rican ostrich feathers - and . . -wlllna. plumes from the African Flume Co. and save so per. cent. Room 206, lit hi noti.MK Lull, . , - - - WANTED Olrls in our manaie denort ment: also machine and. hand Ironera- can use one girl for flannels and fine woolen washing. Yale Laundry, East ivin ana yvaaningxpn. - - - - JACKEf , SKIRT A GOWN WORKERS. First class dcodIo wanted at nnra uios, yvonman - SALESWOMEN Experienced and first - Class wanted in a number Of our de partments. Olds, wortman ft King. WANTED Caah girls and boys, wrap- ners. . salesDeonle. Shanahan's, 144-146 and Morrison. AddIv at 3d, between once. Alder up turned chair 1 1190 Me mrA 1n,1,iatpl.l ,aaV.. phone and other .bonds bought and Bold. - C. B. Fletcher. 123 Ablngton bldg, IF you wish tobuyor aeU mining I wavTKn Ro rnr ,.Ti ' L r atocaa. call on J. B. Purcell. Tl Oafc den t of clt y ; tad work to grd 'boy' Apply at Bmnn gt to, 1st and Alder. land Furniture Co- 1249 Uinarf,m road. Fulton car. , WANTED Buyer -for the best Indian ' twin cylinder motor cycle in the city Hummer Cycle Co.. 133 loth st -TWO salesmen wanted for gilt edaed residence real aetata Inquire 9to 1$ Klwwu Plug. WANTED Operators on ladles' dress skirts, familiar with Dower mirhtn,,. also finishers. - The- Browa Co Inc 142H 4th st ; WANTED Experienced ironer and man- fle handa. Applyi Pacific Laundry, Arthur. WANTED Ladlea, we bleach, 'dye and Plumes at. $17 Yamhill. Va price. BUSINESS CHANCES SO fine location. isy terma. -15 19 ACRES for aaia, m anilee southeast of Otvaham. T roomed bouse, barn aed yam i try houaea. 'Family orchard and small fruit Flna aoll. 49 ros aorth Hoaaa atatlnn. Oe R, f . D. Personal property. Prloe right Terma A. h. Oou.d (owrverl. R. T. t, 4, Box 1U, CrMm. (wmn. I 5 14 area. i r i a trr- The raJia, in t-m r g err 1. rur'lrf ,' at 4 r-er cnt 1, . " T e f -a .- A t r. :r !"l r.ew a-1. y ; n i '. 4 . $11 TtJi ACRE ' 149 acrea; 4 acres cleared; $.0,009 feet of ftr tlnr-er rn t 129 acrea. -hHNU JONE3 CO, . 4 OerlSnger bids, FW4I and A)fler aia. lv Av .- -avdHlaWi city llmtia, all ged lv tMoA, a, I in cultivation. roo4 vj ' .i! eea ad water, can eaaily h J'vH.J in a "-nl Also arr rc4 )t Nr " A. 'Ad-ret c ner. . DESCHUTES VALLET HOMESTEADS, Lot us locate you on i?o acres under the ENLARGED. HOMESTEAD ACT, la the beat section Of CENTRAL Oregon. Inveetlgata 'tola before all the choice selections ara taken.- Our representa tive is right on the ground. - iXKJiit.K Kf.AlJ . .. Henry Bldg.. FOR reliable information about 'the DESCHUTES VALLEY homesteada desert clalma and deeded irrigated land call on DKSCHUTES VALLEY LAND ft INVESTMENT CO.. 301-102 Buchanan bldg., -on Washlnrton. near 6th. We leave weekly with homeeeekera - - - - HOMESTEAD Eastern Orefon. We ara oa the around: come to head quarters. We karate nearly every tome seeker tn the diatrtrt. Oregoa Homestaad Co., 91T AMrgton bldg. 4,000,600 reUnquiehment beautiful tlm ber, good ne'dhbora; good bouse, and wagoa road; 36 if texea thla week. 7tl Marquan Mdg Vain 14. x ALRERTA HOilF.?TEAD. - Location a anaa fr l4 by man who helped eurrerr Write Wra. H. Wal ters. 1HS2 t"ortett st. DRUO STORES, corner. Bromley ft Constaaa, 4is-14 bldg YtR SALE Splendid general merchan dise businesa, . account alcknesa; part doam. balance security. Inquire room 10. 143H let at $1.00 for 600 business carda; all klnda cf printing lowest prieea. - Rose City Prlntery. 12H 3d near Taylor. f FIRST clasa barber shoo at V4 nHn I A. R- Rltter. .226 Lumber Euhin.. oiog. CASH grorery and market 176 daili fine lvatton. long leas, chean rent: ..... , 1 ,.!, I SPLENDID confeetionery, 'good lora tlnn: price $760. Inquire at tlt Weahlnglnn at, room 417. aT7 to offer 7 WANTED At once. 4 men to learn to drive and repair aatomobllea. Call 69 and 62 North 7th at McKay j WANTED First class stickertnaa in" remodel x hats. Model Millinery. GIRLS WANTED GOOD WAGES. STEADY POSITION. APPLY TROY bAL . U., 101 fcAf T WATER PT, WANTED Good care terma home and nnih,,'. for 5-montha-old girl; state journal. a BOY who knows the city, one whn ia trustworthy. AddIv with nam it . Im. Rnnrri 17, Woreeater ; blrtr. - WANTED Buyer for. four cy lander oviaium rooioreyrm; lr s a dandy Hummer Cycle Co.. lit 10th st l.-xvr.ei- iiav. it win eara you 219 to 1W nany. in uie nraving picture bOBi neea. Call t?4H Waehlnaton. mi . ... J 1 iwnin u fary. A. M. Hanaon, Salim, Or. I 61 VUSH millinery. 227 VVaah, room it; remooeiina, coloring nata, now- ling. era; reaaonable; Drlng WANTEI YOUNG man wlahea . noaltion aa ' as- sistant gardener all year round; is a f ood worker and of good . habits. X- -38. Journal. - ' - . A.. LINN, at 171 'k 3d North, wants work; sober and Industrious; chim-. Beys and mantels, "tile setting, ' chim-. neys that will draw; 1st class work. AN expert accountant has spare ' hours ' each day and would like a, set of booka to keep or any kind of accounting work... Price reasonable. H-631, Journal. CHAUFFEUR wants position driving; Will work two weeks ons trial if N. G., no pay. A-580, Journal. , ' YOUNG married man with one child ; wants work of any-kind or will work small farm on shares. A-633, Journal. ! MAN wants day work, painting, - clear- ing for lawn, house cleaning; any odd Jobs. Main $200. - - - ' ti o'clock evenings, by experienced book' keeper. 8-526, Journal.. CARPENTER and builder,-new or' re--Vx pair work, day or contract. ; wood- w t lawn 1236. - CARPENTER 10 years' experience as foreman, now open ror position,.-, ti. Getxko, 809 1st st fl. - - - . - ' AS . manager of ranch, experienced. stock, fruit, machinery, general farm ing. A-l rererences. k-bsy, journal. DAY work, gardening, painting and odd jobs. Phone Main 9141.; YOUNG- man- wants work, afternoons. for room ana board.'. K-63H, journal. HOUSE and office cleanln a Chinaman. 108 N. 4tl Gow Sing. st SITUATIONS FEMALE WANTED By " refined, middle aged - lady, position aa governess for amall children or second work, with room and board. T-631, Journal. ' ' RESPONSIBLE, experienced womai wants care of children up to a years. Good home and mother's care. 169 Pen dleton st F car. - WANTED Curtains to- laundry, 40a and up; will call for and deliver: all work auaranteed. Mra. K. Stolts. 897 Oantenbein are. Phone Wood. awn ISM. COMPETENT bookkeeper and stenog- rapher dealrea position; t yeara ex perlence; references. E-635, Journal. WANTED Work by the day or hour. F-680, Journal. DRESSMAKINQ 40 ny old materta Levdy demonstrators. wora; 4 per cent Call 41 E. tat Pine st Mti-A gin te aasiet la r-- chnca w hat have you t0 Board of Trade bldg. WANTED BUIER for IS horaepow Marsh Metre Motoreycle. price 171. bOT antad. to work In an ontii atwre J D. I!SaHt, 179 4th t GCOD teamater wanted. 47 L'alon era housewerk. Irvlngton. 4111 WAN'TfcD-Glrl work; rood St . N . cor. Wmw Phone East to do general houae. cooa. Can 1S1 E. lita wan tad ax ooa, 6ta and LSVf dT 111. It wiU earn yoa $19 to live naiiy. in tne moving picture bnal- ri. fwll 74H ajhlnrtoTi.. KOS SALE Good reataursnt, good lo-j man 11 -Waahl ration, good busln rlty. i6- Taylor au. Ji ACRtt plow land en "ha new cen tral Orernn ralnada; free bookleta Deehon ft Hawk, 407 L m Vermens Bark blKLRl lor aaie. chean. if taken al onee; good hrjrk oven.' Apply to OWn-l er. to waanirigTon at. - , MEAT n.arket to trade for a entn'.l team. HfoeM - eni email wagra. ait to rny h"Tv'ega. y-F;i, Jrwir"al F7h' pa lk r i t. .. i" 4 ., t PAINTEKS Oilaan t Wanted- a ra WANTED A first cl baker una Bekery. Plr-v (r. WANTED Jar Iter - Fr-nne A-T7J1 : M ta real eaiate baai- ftnii it, room l. at the fr rooming tou MOVING p'rtara t r :e n Tl weet'y; y werk e'i I T i ir., Cot.'KLoa. foTs rr. ttAMt 1M oi ara ll'h st?4 Hryt. BOT8 after xl,wl ar,d Faturdava. 7j ?r-i ilQ OijliD elrleBced girl, genera! tiovaework and cooking. B-ltli, Ta Nr IT WANTED irl to ew on poaer ma chine. Carman . jVlanuf acturlna Co lth ad Up K"r. " E Ivave a wmnar fr lad agenta; quirk saiea, big prof lta. p .o. Bo, " Portland. Or n-.aij, New.feott Oref on W A N T i. r O". a m rr ''1 A-n-y. FTVK s'i-". a war ted Vy F" t rt'.fT, Prirt. LADIES" tailoring and dreeamaklngy alterations a epeclalty.-. 270 N. .Jth. lREii ? MAKING and plain sewing, rea- onnhleL Main 47, A-47I. tall 17. FUKMSHEII KOOMS. ... WEST SIDE THE KINO. 309 Jefferson; nicely fur nished rooms; modern conveniences; central. $2.60 per week and up, Includ leg bath. , t'Tm i T 1 1i 14T H tn at, rooms iJt &L L!iv,'l $1.6 up per wee, f ree pnooe and halh. Main 764, LA RG iZ furnlahed room wltn board; borne cooking, bath. xr,or,es; all con vn lenoi. 1 0 7 l;h t. near Flandera LlARGK furnlahed front room, sultal.le fr 1 or 1 gentiemen, clos In. Phone A-7S1. . - " i"epar l'ifii'AMu.Ki at c '-'i - r. i G I 7-. L. wr.t-d. to 4o V r.t a. : ; i . V. . 1. 'patt'ra. c for counlry Ca.l at rv ati(5 ' r.a a t :; t- . n If' 1R''NT room f .r rert ct,ear. 141 17tt at. gaa, tth. aa-alng o. stance; $9 rerttH. ' Cljk'bn, In. very qiet front rora and cor- fw-tire ry qiet front den, auiuMa tir'rr. ;. for two;, 14th. rat!f il a-.rr iii 7th, r.'i't-tj forel front r-n.-n. .jftB'-'e for 1 119 month, board tfjiM-'-l t'n.l a'- p rr L h'-il . t. fct, :ei y J r.t wmi; lit mot vh, gent em en tre- I " ,'.;,- -1 . - r. - at I f, , -p wa J4 r.-' r--ar J-i -r- 2- I-ATfvtTAR M. ! V i -1 Y i-r- ard 't -1 K A i ' tn- t ' n r i'.' .;-r. H r'vr ..). Ca.l t -nr y r.-e, i t a - a I - t i. n a- 1 I.- "r. t r : In Pr-fiUnd, I Irg i r- -a