THE OREGON. DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. " FRIDAY faVENINO. MAY 0,:i91O. .18 I it lit SO DAYS 0 mn: d c JU i ILL BERRY MARKET IS BETTER BECAUSE OF LIGHT SUPPLY Receipts of Fresh Stock More . Limited Today, This Forces . . Price to Respond Loca Stock Is Scarce, STORAGE BUTTER B'S ILLNESS IS OPERATIONS W NOT STMT HERE CAUSE OF HEAVY I, - A. better ' feeling ' prevailed In the strawberry market ms morning and hlarher nrlcea were shown. Receipts of fresh stock were limited both from tne soutn 'no ' rrom ioca points nd thf6Jifndition was Instantly reflected in the prices. : r Best Oregon s were quoted from 12 'AO to io per pouna dox, wnm wh van fbrnia sold as high as ll.C0e.nit Jessies round 85c and l per crate or, is one pound baskets. The market held quite fair supples f old California berries and these sold at various prices, according to quality. There were practically no old Oregons offering; on Front street today, v V Local Barries Eeld Back. ' Considering conditions during the past week, the output of local berries has been very liberal, but had the -weather been more favorable, the market would nave been mocked witn rruit. . wiin me wpnthnr lmnrnvinr nentn: the rlnetnlna process will be stimulated. Thus far me quality or tne local rruu nag- not been up to the usual standard, although far better than the oferings from Cali fornia. Sunshiny weather will give the berries briahter amiearance and sweeter' taste. Shipments thus far have , been principally from Roseburg and UU- iara. , r . -. " "1 i- , Hartford Berries Ripe. ' Hanford, wash., ' May, . Columbia ; river valley ranchers have been picking ; ripe perries ror tne past weeK ror per. sonal use, put tne first crates were mar keted here Tuesday. - While the ber ries are the first crop raised in the Hanford valley, they are large and the yield wilt be very heavy. Many of the fields are only two years old, but will yield handsome returns. The berries are large, sweet and well flavored and tne vines loaded wttn green rruit and blossom. f Bv marketing fhfc first berries before the "Kennewick berries are on th m-ur- ket has stimulated the 'local ranchers and many tracts -will be planted this fall. Next year many more patches will pe m oeanng. . r , .More Storage of Eggs. Kggs are being rushed Into storage again ny t rorif. street receivers Deraus of the limited call from retailors. Prices range from S3 to 23 foe a dozen, but the volume of trade la very ' unsatisfactory una accumulations continue to o mown, This is causing the trad some con cern and In order to save themselves, as well as shippers, financial loss, are lacing some oi the surplus iq the Ice ouses. i , , i - - 5... f-k s ' t.j.n ." mm idii i lit vfo 4- 'White Salmon Berries ' -t White Salmon, Wash , - May . The first strawberries of' the season have reen brought into - town. They were grown by C. E. Brenaman, C. A. Shurte and C. D. Moore. , The lasj rain -insured, perhaps, a rec ord yield est, berries and growers are al - ready worrying about pickers. Picking will be -general bv the first of naxt Price Too High and Demand Is Loss Is (Enormous Both in New : Taking Care of FormerSur? .' York and London Today .plus-r-Present;. Valued Within Americans Are Badly Beaten bight or High Point of rear. ; in Foreign Markets.. ; The production flutter Is very close i to the flush period and still no accumu lations- are shown. Generally at this time of the year. storage' ODArattona ara well under wav. nut tne output nas not Been sufficiently heavy to bring .the price within eve-1 trni.n Illness Affects eoorttlsa New Tbrk, May 6. Stock marv ket was seriously -affected today by the serious Illness of ths king At 87o a pound, ths present erica, but ter is far beyond a reasonable storage basis. Tho price Is so hlah that it la already within a few cents or the nigh. est value obtained for storage stock during the 'Winter. That makes storage operations too Hazardous at tns present FROXT , STJREKt 1 QUOrrATlON. ' w London, May .8srious 111 w , ness of King fid ward caused i heavy selling of American shares today, and prices ar to I points lower, ' New- York. May The v financial wind blowed unfavorably today, the ca bles from abroad telling of the serious illness of Kins; Edward which caused Kops. Wool afifl Sides. HOPS-1809. ' choice. 14c: prims, lie: ZZ w-,"'- J . .ji n - 1 w jsiiu KW1 vrgu- HHKFPSKIN8 Sheartn - 1AM a. I ' The entlr Ust WM weak lJ day and ..!h1Et.hortINwoZ S2Sft ' Poe. ranged from a fraction to three wool,' tOc Oil eaoht long wool, 7o I Points and ths close was very weak. II eh. . ' I Ths market started under severe pres- WOOIj Nominal. 1110. - Wiliimttti in inii Hfh v-. ai,i valley, l718Vici. eastern Oregon. 12 (J U security hers and tnere. none escaped SHEEP MARKET IS: f CENTS LOWER; SALES AT S5.60 Yearling Wethers - Sell 'This - Morning Under Former High Qupfation-Ofifering.$1Q.50 for Hogs in i Yards.: , y 'I If I, PORTIiANt) XrVXSTOCK'' JRUN. . Hogs. r. Cattle, CaJvea Sheep, Friday ....,8l 2 Thura ... 177' 79S Tues. . . . " - 37 Mon 24 ' ' 814 Bat. 1, 2 Week ago.iai -14 ss IB. f5 3081 too 'Includes Wednesday's run. ' lie., - TALLOW Prime, w ib !04o: No. I and rrrai tt!U CHITTIM BARK.. HOI Nominal, HIDFS Dry blues. KUOlTUa lh.i green, 7ff(4c lb. bulls, rreen salt. o io.; . aip. IS f1 Ro per lb. OlOet. oalves - green. MnHJIR Mnmlnlli: 111' I1UA Butter, Sggs anA Poultry. BUTTER JExtra creamery, ttei tra creamery. 25c. ' . BUTTFR KATtf!tvery t. a b. Port land Sweet cream, 26e; squr, 34c, ' EGGS-Local, candied, seleot, ttoO 23WC - - , ', POULTRT Mixed ' chickens. Jle; fancy hens, 2Jc; stags, 13 He; bid ( ): broilers, 30e; fryers, 22H25o; geese, 18iSo for live. 1416c for dressed; dressed, S7(2Sc; pigeons, squabs, $2.60 the selling movement. The Wall rStreet Journal savs In its summary toaay; n Americans In "London, weak.' U to per cent below tiarltv. i London market venerallv unfavorable. arreciea oy JtLing award's serious ill aess. - ', st ISxsIOBlon at Palos Coal mine In Ala. oama, lae miners killed. , . London sertlnmont hAirln. TnHfl. B. A O. will self 140.000.000 short time notes as mucn as possible abroad. President, Forgan at National, City panx in wnicago says inaications point to higher money rates. Consolidated Gas earnings show 7.85 per cent on stock. Reports from western noints Indicate aisposHion - to , noia on on new com mitments pending more light on crop siiuauon. - Steel manufacturers report. a fair vol ume oi new DusmsoB. 6t Paul net earnings for March in .. "l " : ' ..o.f, w ,v - oi, rui nti earnings xur inarcn in 3.00 dosen; dressed chickens, 1 to Sol creased $170,884 and, for 8 months do- n.-nJ . Vi4ffh.v thin : ftllv. - r .'. , . 1 , r mm . ..: a pound hlKher than alive. t;j-H(t,Hi'J ww uregon rancy full cream, idotioo; triplets ana daisies. 15lSc.-. Young America, 17l7io. -' Oraia. Tim ana BARL&T - J-rodiiosrs Priced 1B0. Feed, $26; rolled, $26.60; brewing, 2S. JVJIBAT. Nominal , Track, olub, tio; biuestem, 86$c; Willamette val ley, c. creased $1,187,563 Southern Railway earnings Tourth week In April increased $114,144. Range of New Tork prices furnished py werpecu as cooks vo. Desoriptlon- AmaL Cod. Co, Am. C. & F.. e Turn i RT-rrtrirn Rallin - n. rmh I Vr i:i "-u t 1 . ,Mi1)lnn ?ai2n- ' rnhnrtm .oiT 1 -"". VWU VJ TUT ril T . fu Jkslsp : r . nFAVl'V.y 'RSa ff AflvSl-".1 . , ggl I - i " 11AM.a- a11ai AC CA kk. ' I 1U f i A 1B.C mOl; -pagers. Straight. 15-60; Am. Smelt, pfd $w..fiir, HAT Producers price r.w timothy 1 "i.'riVirt A Broilers Slightly Weaker, , Because of the recent Importations of liberal supplies of broilers from Califor nia, that branch of the chicken market : Is not quite- so, firm today along Front a street, .although the price, still rules at o puunn, r ryerB are iouhv qwoiea from 22 y to 25c a pound. All others firm. - r . . r , , Onions Are Advanced, Because of the very small offerings the price of local onions hss been ad vanced "to $2.2 per hundred pounds, by Iocs! sellers. At country points grow ers have demanded $1.7J recently, Cali fornia Bermuda seed onions -are lower. Mexican Tomatoes Excellent.; ' ; Last ear of tomatoes that arrived here from M.xlr.o was among-the best ever offered in this market. Demand is in creasing with sales around $1.75 per boy of about 25 pounds net. , ." Best Hop Half Cent Off. Best grade of rope has been reduced tie pound bv local manufacturers, the Jlxt being placed at 8 fee a pound, Other graoea are snowing no cnange toaay. Washington Street Public TJarM Retail Quotation s- Fot Roast Feef, lb. , polling Beef, lb. .--94 and lO e Plrldo RteaH. 2 Iba. .25 Picnle Hun, lb. , ifl Compound, i lb. pall , , .y. -. ., . ..436 VmI Roart . 12Va and 16 .11TKI MllllTO,.,... ...-la' ...... - VI V UtlWQ .,.. , v, i:e'i':. run; -j. Tmperted Anehortas.1 m, rg.m& .SSrf J ported Anchovies, 14s, reg. Halibut, lb , j... ,..$) "oiumbia River Smelt, lb. ....5 Kteelhead Balmoo. lb. ...... ..lo SUTTAJL ' onitdal. roll . ............. ?...0 TYeeh Norway Creamery, roll. 654 kamokawa. roll ...,.'...,..,.. ...65s? "fKim Koa. rou Vrrh Churnd, roll .........,.. ., i--.hvm. roll , i6!Sf I'-ry, lb. - 25 XOOS AJTD IBIHE. 'h Orgon Ranch, dns.. . Full Cream Cheese, t lbs... 35? cnccEJLzzs. rft Btles Catip ....... .....10 ) ?!. n Gold Bml Ploespples. ' - ...........2S T ' r i' v Ptr 6oap ........ cT,iry Club Hi Ik,-. '-''..,.... S 5 i n P'.s !.k ....gSs? J Pefhs or Aprtcot fer...'..St&4r txas ajtz corrjess. - M-se f-'peHal 1 6e Coffee, lb... ..2At T n Filrift feg f"" .......... 5 i .... J--tT-t. r.g. i'e ........ .Ji54 rsrm ajtd ttoctasx.zs. . ........ I ij 0 i ; i e ' I 15 -2 if - 1 - 1, " WlUamette vallev. fancy. nary. $19: eastern Oregon, $22923; mixea, sib.du; cioveiv xxw. 1. ilktvoii wheat. $11017; cheat,. $1701$; alfalfa, OATS fiDOt delivery, new. urodurwrrf jnceiraoKo. waits, , til, gray, . 3Trnita ana Tsntatnos, - FRESH FRUIT8--0 ranges: jrw na. veis, fi.buwt.its dox; oananas, 6V0 lb.; lemons,' $4.$05.60 box; - grapefruit, 14: .pineapples. iffllHc: . strawberriea Florin, 85c$1.50. per crate; loea, 12 He POTATOES Selling, new, 66B0o; buying, eastern Multnomah and Claclca- mas, 400 ec; wmamette valley, - 809 S&c: new potatoes. 8 "A 4c, VEGETABLES New turnips. $1.50; beets, $1.60; carrots, $1.60 per- sack; oabbage, $3.60 per owt; tomatoes, $2.50 l per crate; beans. 15c lb.; cauliflower, Ii.Tt crate; norsersaisn, iuc; green onion 1012Ho per dos.: peppers, bell. S6crb.; head lettuce., 60(375c dos.: hotnouss. 11.0001.26 box; radishes. 1012o dos. bunches: celery. 0c dos: egv plant. ( ) lb.;, sweet potatoes, $3.00; sprouts, $9 Jc; cucumbers, $11.J5 dosen; sspar- gus; local. 70 76c dos.4 Walla walla. 11.26 Al. 40 box: BDinach. 6c lb. ONIONS Local, Jobbing, No. 1, $1 per ewt: No. 3, $2: buying, No. 1, $1.76: CaJiforn-l.' $l.ftX; garlic, 10 12o per pound. . , APPLES $2 2.60.' , Orooertss. JTuts, SM. -' SUGAR Cube, .; powaered. $.2S; rruit or oerry, sa.zs; ary granuiateo, $1.25; conf. A, $4.06; extra B, $6.66; golden O. $5.66; D yellow. $5.66; beet, li.Ob; parrels, le; naiz, suo boxes. (6o advance on sack basis. . c Above 'quotations are su oays net iti ttlCE Imperial ' fpan Wo. aMoi No. t. 6 He; New Orleans head. 07o' Creole, $14 & .-. r,i . .. BEANS Small, whit a, $5.$0; larfs white, $4. so; ping, sku; payou. Limaa. 15.86r; red. $7.60, SALT Coarse Ralf rround. 100a, $100.00 per -ton; 60s, $11.68; table aalr it. IMa 1 ! . kU .111 extra fine barrels, is, 6s so fOs, $!( at tv; mmp roog. sio.eo per toiw MONET New 1 $ e por lk ' Meats, run ana r.osiswMS. ' bREgSJuU MliAi'8 rront street hogs, fancy. 12 H 13c; ordinary 12He . j ... , . r !. t" . . . fr-w C-.rmrts rf I ,. r f s ... . M N-'S. I. r u IK . J '1. I I1. ............ - " "". ih- . . r ...... , i ' sei Tr: d .".. 4 l)Rrr, -. ' r- ;." , . spring lambs, 12c; yearling lamb. lO'c: mutton. ?. , . HAMS.' HACILN. KTU. lUmi.' IOC breakfast bacon. ltHOiToi' broiled bam, 37l2n; picnics, 16tfcj eottase roiL ): resruiar short clears, smoked. 1$ He; backs, smoked. 1$ V0; pickled tongues.4uc IP. LAR Kettle leaf, ts. 17K.e per lb.; steam renaero. ss. 170 par is.; com Dourd. 6a 1 Mt e per lb. rela. i ir stolon. OTBTEjvb bheaiwater nay.-oar ss oiyi ton. $2.2; per IS lb. sack, $ Mr tiiion. S1.T5: sr !0S rh. 1.60; canned eastern, stc-eeii. t.6a dos; gk inn pis. SCK, ST tat-rn lr. eneiL $1.66 per ISO. FISH Nominal ftockr tod. le bass. catfish,. It e lie; fresh Chi nook, e; stel beads,. c; . soies. c; shrimps. Zc; perca. 7c;. tomood, ( ; lobster. 26c: herrings, e; black bass. JOe fb,; Co'umbi. smelts, l !i tf box; silv.r smelta, Ts la.j black cod. Hc; crsba sLI.Ol.iS per dosM. dree4 shaOj 6c; roe shad.. 8c; sbad roe. IC IO. CLAMS Hsrdehell, pet box, 60 lb.; - i-us. cms oa. . . ' riJZINi. gttm. ruas. its w $i-, Iroo bbls. lle per w.itt.t u v-i- niw, wi. ?e; ease. $1.61; t bla, c! cases. $1 4; WH7XS 4EAi Toa lota, 1 p, Pa; s in mis. -per Ukj.lea lets. $ e rr ik . - . w r..,oa lota of 81$ gallon tes; 4l rwl lien te fnsret). r-'it'E Masl'a, 6c: aMai. t w. tOL Olw 6 eart, astral ad star, 16s re rlos , lie gaiym; i f.iioti; b.-l iihL lV,c :); ex trs st-kr, tie; water v Mia, 11 M 16 h r tiioti apecui war srai.a ' iL K m9 . nwrm aat rf"t. 11 I M. A $t saAiinL K ae,f!tlua. ittu.'t We 9 $; w Bin Rapid Trail, gan. Pactfie, o, en. Leather, e Cen. Leather, pfd vni. et u. w.. o. Chi., Mil. & StP, Chi. & N. o. Chea A Ohio... Colo. F. & I., e. Colo, Southern, c. - do 1st pfd. i. . Corn Products, c; ueia. s iiuaaon d. & r. a., c. do pfd.., .,.,, Erie. o. ....... do 2d pfd. . . 1 do 1st' pfd... Gt. North.. 0.". . Illinois Central Interurb, Met. c. L. A N. . . ' M., K. At T.. C. do prd DlsUlfers Ors Lands Mo. Pacific..-. ... NatLead. . . J. . N. y. c entral. N. T- Ont W. Nor. W.. o.... do pfd North American. in. jfaeinc, e.... Pan. M. AS. Co. Penn. Ry. . ...... P. O..L. &C. Co.. Press. Steel C., c. Reading, c..,.,,. do 2d pfd , do 1st Dfd. ... Ren., I. ft a, o oo pia .... Openj High,! Low I Bid 65 $3 27 18944 16V . 55H s a 62 76"t7' 28 35 134U 22 00 145 41 1 764 11 43 102 K IS 2H 137 MS Ml 37 60S Jo 44Vt 132 IBS Portland Tin ion Htnckvafd. M'l ,1 nere was a weaxer reeling a,na. tower prices offering and accented In the sheen market today. There was a fair run for ins oay out puyers save recently taken on so much stuff direct from the south that they are disposed to hold -down the prl"e - - , , , -v One sals of ouita rood oualltv year ling wethers was made at $6.60 and the buyer of this lot says that It is ths top of the market so far as he is con cerned, although something, extra select might possibly bring a fraction mora The sale therefore is a drop of 40o from recent high quotations.- ' - '". . Hogs Ars Quoted Xowsr. ' There was a weaker feeling In the hoc market 'today and quotations ; offering wero soraewne.1 lower man i previous sales. Receipts of hogs Include about ir pflrinaiis. , . i ! While there we r arrivals of cattle In s'w j aa us ivunj l 4iuit ncio wit vi sifi vi the open market On car consisted of mMcn cows sou, caives.- i , - ' . -t- Among tits Shippers. . ' Sheen F. O. Smith 'had a load offer. ing from Grand Dalles. ' Wash. B. 8. Norwood snipped In 2 loads from Har- riBouig, irr. i , i . Hoks Mrs. " A. Gassner had a Toad frpm a local point. O. W. Oriffla sent a load from uooseveit, , wash. Cattle C. H. McCaulev sent In a load from Carlton. - Or. . - Mixed stuff-! E. West had a load of nogs ana cattt oiiering irom uaxiana, Or. - , . TOdsVS run of .livestock eomnare -. . . w . . . . . - witn tnis, oay in recent years as 101 lows. . Hoes. Cattle. Sheen mio ,., 31$ i08 $' 1907 v,....... 350 1808 . 16 J 1905 DRESSED VEAL IS DOl'lll TO 10 CIS. : :i PUTS WHEAT DOWN , Chicago, i May . Armour caused the first spell of wesknnsH In ths whest market by heavy selling which Induced fresh short soiling and liquidation of lonea. - Closing was at an advance of to Tko a ousliet over yeeteraay. Oeneral ruin, thnni.hnut . Kdhraska aided the bears in their early campaign, but additional news of Hesnian fly trou ble caused a small stamped' to covei . Foreign markets 'continue firm. Llv-t erpool opened at an advance of . 14 to d. andcloHd unchanged to V4d abov yesterday's final. Minneapolis supplies of wheat show a aerrease or oou.doo pusncis ror tne wecx ' Cash Whpat-Nrt S rrl tl AS-K f)l.V2U Supplies 'Are Very Heavy and o9Uidi3!1yhard.7i.oU !'.:r- .. 1 i-m.'j 0. 3 spring; $1.081.11 " mm Mtr i-irnnn in s. i niri :. s n m nr i i ... ; ' - uvv vyuc rii.v.u-rua.iiuo Rflnir(i of CMrllgo prlc fHrnll,hed by With; Pelts - Arrive in - Very y?TCK wheaV ffillHMGIK lAVEHiil 'JUL:- t,0w, ' 'i'los, CORN. , .88 102 0 102 IA 24 ' 63A Mar ...... 60 Tjrejm1 V. marlrf K,nlr. lnil, inl AMnu .... ...I. . - . " -IBept ...... Bt 4 llder weather has caused the trade to l?l f. ' !? - ' !i.T.!sJ gonioro careful-ln Its buying.- General geRt V,'.'.'.'. il h' $8H'-"8A than 10c In ths Front street markets I nrav today; although a fraction mors was ro- July ...... 2260 uciv.u ivr seiectea quality. ' ioevv -.mere is aiso a weaker reeling in nogs PORK. although ; prices In that - Una are un- May cnaiiBeu uung tne street. - Because of the unfavorable weather. It i very risky to shio lambs with dsH and several f rivals nave beep spoiled May RiCE OF PRODUCE $ 22R0 2260 . 2266 LARD. 1290 - . 1290' 1273 1273 ' ....... ::;Rj'B;:., ...... 1288 . 1170 July .;.... 1250 1268 Sept".. 1136' ' 1250 - 223T , 243 ' 3230N X246 , S246B July Sept 1280 .1280 1260., 1260 .... 1262 1280 1240 1335 ' 1260A 1242A ' 1236B AT SAN FRANCISCO 63 225 ,660 250 75 635 83 889 1960 821 .360 A year ago today there was a strona- tone In hoars and cattle while sheen were beginning to resume a better feelr Offlolal llvestook Sales. to- 75H P 88 74 US 101H ........ 129 iir 107X 39 168H 7044 128VJ 25 131 107 87 U, 168 s 88V4 si Followlns are reDresentativa of day's' transactions in the - stockyards and are the only ones secured -direct from the sellers In this city: , r - "- . . ' Av, lba Price. F af 4 274 wethers to - $.d amis. - i, -. TO ..-..'..-.-.. ,.,....,,22S $10.50 Weight estimated.. . Today's range of livestock prices: CATTLE Best . steers 8S.2SO8I0: gooo sieers, fo.ow; common steers, $6.76; J v, "jv, tu .o . inmiK ii.uv; , neirers, $5.26 stags,' $2.60ig'3.00; bulls, $2.60 4.60. f - HOGS Best east of mountains, 10.60: fancy, $10.2510.60; . stockars. and feeders, $9.00. - SHEEP Sheared, best Wethers, $g.0; 2llPft.'7,wtner, 6-60i nrin; , Jambs; $7.608.00; ewes, 34.7696.00, . CALVES Best, $6.60: ordinary, $6,60 6.Y6; poor, $3.7BS4,00.. . i " , ' ' Waited- Press Leased Wlre.t San' Francisco, May 6. Wheat Aus- tralian -and propo $l.0l.fi5; Sonora, Nov. ti.QOiai.i.v; good to choice California I Dec. ciud, ii,einj.A7K' , nortnern wheat' biuestem, $1.6001.65; club, $1.62H 1.67 4v Turkey, $1.62L6TH; Rus sian red, $1.47V 01.62. - , Barley Feed, good to choice. $1.08 W1.13HJ fancy, $1.13; poor to fair. i.ui ; orewmg ai chevalier, nominal. NEW YORK COTTON MARKET : (Furnished by Overbeck St Cooke 'Co.J ew orn. 'May . unicigj, range Jan.. (... 1247s May, 1480 , Juno i ... . .'. . July- .. 1487 Aug, ... 1407 Sent.. .. HIT Oct. ... 126T." .High. ..-Low. 1Z03 . . 1247 1493 1480 1477 -1420 1323 1278 t. a t -o 1465 1407 131T 126$ 1261' 1266 1260 . v-lirMK. 1262064 14923 148688 'I478077 420!21 13230)24 127273 1258 60 1266054 , A sentence of 90 days'en ths rock pile and a fine of $200 was imposed on . Leon Welngarden this morning in ths ; municipal court by Judge Bennett for being connected with the lodal end of the white slave traffic Rosa Babcock, ; who has been posing, as hi wife and who hss a resort at 188 Clay street, was sentenced to 30 days In the county ' Jail. , , , - ' ' Detectives Carpenter and Price arrest- . ed the couple Tuesday morning in a rooming hou at -Third- and. Main " streets. Both have occupied the same room1. Upon -representation- that ' they vers 'married. Other evidence collected by the " detectives shows " that Wein-. garden-has been procuring girls for lm moral purposes. . Two -girls - who havf worked in the cigar store of Welngar- '; den at 20 r5urnslda" streets, bave mys-' terlously disappeared, and the police are now looking for- them among' the cheap- , er lodging houses, where It Is believed ' Welngarden placed them. ' Welngarden ts also charged with an attempt to bribe. He appealed the case this morn-, Ins!. ' - '." i) it , 'i "i i -1 rs.- i ..JU .. 'ii T hi i.i . i ui ' LOyPOX STOCK MARKET , , London, May a. Widespread - Alarm - over the-precarious, condition, of ths . king's -health weakened the stock mar- . Vet here today. Cash consols, consols. ror account ana otner Tunas declined rapid lv after ths opening. American fi stocks were under pressure, particularly railroads. - Brokers are waiting for'.: bulletin this afternoon before acting.- Cash consols droontd threa.elahths of a point, to 81H ; consols for account ' " lost seven-sixteenths,- to 81. Other funds ' showed corresponding 'weakness and there was not much liquidation. liunois central was tne oniv, Ameri can stock-to escape ths depression. Th Marriman shares sold off from 1H to l'; 2 points at the openings Steel declined' A point, Louisville & Nashville 1H, and ' other American securities acted -si ml-, ' , ' i i in m i, .i I 1 1 m - -: House Movers Fined. v '"' C M. Meredith and A. D. Moody, houss . movers, were fined ,328 In ths municipal court this morning. - They were charged ' with th destrnctlon of shads trees in4 moving a house. , v '.'-'-, $1.03 1.07 H; brewing and shipping, u.uxj viimnuer, nominal.- - Eggs Per dosen. California 'fresh. In cluding cases, extras, 23 He; - firsts, 23He; second, ilc: thirds, tlo. " - Butter Per pound. 'California fresh. extras, oc: iirsts, zdac; , seconds. 23 Ha . t ' New chsess rer sound, new PnUfnmin I flats, fancy, 13c; firsts, 18c". sec onds. 120; California Young America) laracy, tc; nrscs, ic; storage, wew York Cheddars, fancy. 20c: New Tork singles, 20o; Wisconsin singles, fancy, j.c. -t .. . , potatoes Per cental, river whites, 60 66c. In sacks, with xtra nnotable at 70 90c per cental; Lompocs, $1.40; saunas, $1.361.35; Oregons, 90c w .4.-A w, w, uci cental, f Lfvitfi-uu lur red, and $1.601.75 for whites; sweets, crated, fancy, S3Hc per pound. Onions Per cental,- Oregon, $1.40 1.60; . do Bermuda, $1.161.2S for yel low, and $1T6 2.00 for white wax per crate; new green, per box, 076c; new red, per Sack, 90c'$1.00. : , $1.76 2.25; fancy. $2.603.00. - r ,, SEATTLE PRODUCE JH1 ir T T-B-r$f$i"4 srv .. h m a fiti nM0NAL:BANK.v- ... . ' pORTtANP, OREGON - UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Capital Surplus, and Profits . . . . '-" K. rK.s.' . . ; 725,000.00 .'. i.i'..e i : PRICES FOR Ti ODAY v . ; ln ; ' officers 4 1 " ; ' s 1 if '; . ,J.C AINSWORTlI;Pre, v R. !Wl SCHMEER, Cashier. ; R.-LEA BARNES, Vice-President : A. 1L .WRIGHT, Assistant Cashier, 'vi . - i- 'k V-Tu; 'L ; W. A HOLT; AwIstaWCasWer; bRAFTS . ISSUED ON' ALL F0REIGN COUNTRIES PAYMENTS MADE BY POST TO PARTIES ABROAD f WITHOUT COST TO RECIPIENTS - ! Eastern Livestock Markets. - -' Chicago May 6. Hogs, f 090; left over,, 2200; receipts year ago, . 16,000, Hogs are steady at yesterday's average. Mixed. $M03,75;- good heavy, $9.60 Wbt&it ."$ it. l attie-irtitronff ; reeipt;t I600i Bheep Steady ). receipts, ' 8000. ' Omaha, May $ Hogs, 4000; cattl. 700; sheen. 1600. - . ' Kansas -Cltv. Mav 6 .rrnr. ijfrta- ' , .V V.I. tie. 600: sheep, 4000 Seattle, May i -Butter Washington I creamery, iirsts, sue; ;rancn. sc: east ern creamery, .., 25c; , process, 27 28c; vaniorniB, - - Eggs -Local ranch, 27 0 23c; eastern. 26o: Oregon. 26 27c. , ,. ; I - Cheese Cream brick, 1 9 (9 20c; wheel Swiss, -20023c; - btock Swiss, 21c; , im ported wheel Swiss, 80c; Tluatnook, 17 H Onions Oregon,' kiln ; dried, i $2; per bbck; Australian, 4e; , Texas Bermu das, $2 1.60 per crate; California red. sz per dox., .. . ' . .. rot toesran cy ton;, tancy easte a VV" graded, $$12 per rn Washington. 5100 14 per ton; new, 2H3H per pound; sweets, lo jper pound. Liverpool Wheat Market, , ( Liverpool. May 6. Wheat: . - - - . . - . ODen. ' Close. J May' '7a3ad Julv :.. .U 7S3d, 7s8d October ; 7s4Hd 7s4dl Bock Island, stL. a a.r.vid p. ao st pro ... 8t. L a W, o. do pfd. ...... f Tl oo pra.- . . . . Tex. & Pacific. Union, pae. o.... U. g. Rubber. .. . UV H-B.i ...... TJ. 8. Steel Co c Wabash, c. ..... do ofd. i.i... W. y. Tel....... Wis. cent, ss. do pfd,-',!. . . Allls Chambers '. do vfd ....... Am. Con.......... oo via ........ o, IV. pfd . . . Westlnghousa . Beet Purar ' . .. tah Copper .-. . Third Avenu . Ico Securities -Con. Oes ....... Ry. Springs w, 'd tf d . . .w- V. Cr emlcal -.. K. c. Southern do pfd ....... Wheeling A Lake Erje 3 W Q 4 per cenu Money cloeed $H per cent Sale. 72 0,7 09. . v - NORTHWEST BAXX 6TATEMXXT If iti 1$$H 15 PortWaA Sank.'' CTearlers today. .... Tear ago ....,,.. .$l.Stl.J2$.Tl Llf9.4tl.47 Gain tsdar Balances .. , Year age ...$ 471.774 24 $161,976 71 .7.. 60,440.12 . ' Pasf a as Tra - Clearinr toiy .., nuaneea tooay ,.$7$t.Mt .. 66.46S nfiis Balances rtrins Balance am aaks. Stpokaa Banks. ' f M .; ,2i,4 ...IJt ... 93.4U Sofar Market Is Firmer. . A firrr li ie !- In v r.rtr, :er f-t -'J -: h tvr 1 k'rvr j rl-'-n. r cul Ms" If-f aa ytl pLUM BER IVI ENS f IIATIONA ' PORTLAND, OREGON. , - : CAPITAL - OCOO.OOO v r r r " ,', . ?4 iV-i deposits. ; :; :r,- May 1, 1910. ;.r. ....... $2,810,185.83 CstosTas GEORGE Wi BATES a CO. BANKERS Keary SuOdlcg oarU sad -Oak . , ''-',otrrtS;.. -rJ- 3traaohsi ' rug vi-iUlams Ave. lsl SMtawaU Strt COMMERCIAL ANT BAVINOS ACCOTTNT8 AND "BAN'KTN'd BT MAIL" SOLICITED FROM COBPORATIONi AKD Ivnivini'itiV J' ,'"' i : " j i . ' . - - or 13 "who srlTl ear Of Banking have madtv ti. tn.nv Mn. f gUdly vouch, tor our, bualnes integrity 41 INTEREST ON -TIME -AND SAVINGS ACCOUNTS May it I809r,t.,'i-. .' M- ...$1,242,433.64 1. THE RELIABLE FRUIT STALLS Freeh Dallas BerrUa, received daily, boa IQ Fancy Sweet Orange, "do.;.....;. 23 Largs Hawaiian plneappl ..23 Juicy Lemons. 1 f of ............. 1 f) Currant, t pkg. .........,..";.. 234 lUV-'nn Prune,' Iba. '..i A . .2S MUed N it, lb. F1f. $ Ihm, .T.., A. .' Frcsa Tiorivay Cream : cry, 2 IMoll 55c . Purify Fraud. J is. roll., ........ 5C)r:::j'rreslCre!rr f " "'v ; ..-Crist Sjc-v .v.. Bonds -Investments Timber Lands- McGrcthd'ffeuhaus2nCo. f 014-4-1 LEWtS BUILDING ..'; PORTLAND, OSEGON MANY PROPERTY OWNERS KNOW jyOW vC-. ' ; ,' ', . Many-will learnt th'at BIMIThf Pavcmcn has taore stability,., more real.' value, than any other .hard surface pave ' ment laid. ,' - grr)ArVVVArrVVrorrrrVMi3 PHILIP JAC0" " Chtr Dsirr.Putter. -?. rr;i . f '. Oregon Ranch. .nr. Foil Cream J ; Cetr.b HJ. 2 f.'.rr. . 2tt Butter Stnrc: JOURNAL WANT ADS brt;g quick RESULTS v Overbeck & Cooke Co, Ccamfsslcn r.Ierci'inti ' : - - Stocks, Eonds Cctton, Grain. ts. ' . ' ' .L .' 216-317 , f tctrd of Trade EuZiLnj If CM ar f Trsa . Ceiracpondeeta f Loras Brraa, Ciheag Hew Tra Btov fi ntr f-frt wire lr'r rr-t 1 ( t,