THE OREGON DAILY" JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENINOMAY, 8, 1910., DAPTISTCHURCH BEIIIN HELD Nearly 4000 Delegates Meet a Chicago Convention to '"'LastaiWeelc. w," , I CblcaertfMay p. The intellect and the : power of the Baptist church in the north j re concentrated In Chicago today, ,, O -.every train distinguished clergymen and influential laymen from many' atatea . havo . been i pouring into the city, until even tha hotel corridors for once In their "1 history might be mistaken for the vest! ; bules of churchea, so : numerous there' about are men of clerical mien. Tha occasion of this great gathering ' of tha leaders of tha Baptist denomlna : tlons la the Northern Baptist convention, ' which is to aasembla tomorrow for . week's session. , V The - convention . will shold lta meetings' in tha Bartlett gym' "naslum t the , University of Chicago, rand the presiding officer cr, Harry Pratt ' Judaon. president of tha university. Between 1000 and 4000 dele gates and -as many more visitors are Dected to attend.' ';,; .'""'l: 4 : No fixed program has been arranged vfor the convention.-but all tha church Iwork,' which includes . the three great v, organisations of the Baptist church, the American Baptist Foreign: Missionary i society, the - American Baptist Home Missionary society, and' tha American Baptist Publication society -will be re viewed. These three large societies or- . ranised for .world vrlde mission : work. ' and for' publication interests. - handle ' large aums of money annually find con' trol operations of wide proportions. For. many years these several socie- ties - new tneir own annual sessions, " making their own reports to themselves, Four years ago it was decided-to organ lie one great convention of the North' ; em Baptists, to Include the thousands of ;hurches throughout the country. . The ! Initial meeting was held In Washington. D. C. and Governor Hughea .of New Tork was honored with the presidency. .Since then annual meetings of the con- ventlon have been held In Oklahoma City .. and portiana, or, . . . , ,-, , ::!. i A ... lur-i. -;-. itM I ujh i rn n' u.. .-n...nfi ' ' SELLW00D BOOSTERS. " i -SEEK IMPROVEMENTS V A large amount of business was tran- aacted by the Seliwood Commercial club In its regular monthly business meeting ' Tuesday night at 671 uroatuia avenue. Much of ! the , discussion was over the condition of Thirteenth street from Jal , den avenue to the golf links on the olty limits.? The streets .are sadly 4n need of oiling and 'the , city as yet . has 'done , nothing to help the condltioa, f The Seliwood .people consequently Wfc Treat You 3Q Days FREE Blood vmom can aever be cured with mercury r notiith. You nlebt well koow this tint as laf. UmIImI authorise it? so. Tbeasnst tha. drun can do la to- drlT tb blooa poUoa back intn th. inlmi anil amoiher It for MTeral rear. Thea when yea think you are eared, pitiful tner. turf ijmptoina will break oat and yoa find that roar bono bar been rotting all tbe wWla. tour teetk will begin to tooaen and rear tteauea. ? lands, brain and rltal orcana will ahow the rrrlbl' deatractire power of the mercurr and potaab. Locomotor ataxia. Paralyaig, - Imhccll. i y ana prcmarare DMtb ere tbra almoat rae- liable.--Any medical authority will corroborate theae atatemania. .Tha remarkable Tegetabl ibba Treatment doea not dre in tne .( , Blood Poison but drlT It out. It poaitlnly contain no min eral polaooa whajarcr, ao that once cured or the tibnae TBomimcni you mi m tcn-mtv -ift f haatna- Tour bone oftea. your nerrea col lapse, your teeth fall out, yoar kidney derca prate or yonr brain wrakan. Tha Obhac Traa. nnt is a marvel, producing- remarkable chance la only SO day. Thla I why w offer to any Mood powon Ticum utuhj. nv ainr ava I ., : - i, ' ' .... Treatment FREE Tea want to b cured and curaa qnlck aov olsond with mercury and potaab for yn. A fa day treatment ia your fur the aakin. Tou Will open your eye at what It will do for yon In nonth. w treat yon free for a month, Juat write to a and net Uic treatment frae. Thn If yoa are eatiafitd It 4 tha moat rcmarkabl im arpr to., yoa can contlnoe If yoa arlab. Nr la your life will on mr arata hay aura, aa opportunity m a coanpit aura, aa Is glrea yoa by Uls :-;;;.; .1 p, ;;.;;; i Great Obbac Treatment Thla a aqoar dal. . tern aim nothing, ne Kotaa. make aa ao promlae,. except to take the Tb wonderful Waaiermaa Teat, the only aiood polaoo teat knnam to arlantlafa. proT-a tht the body U eompletPly purified by the Ohbat Tratment.,d that anercitry and pot aah do not core blood polaon. Sit town and writs to na. rlTlny a fnll blatnry of yeor ca In detail. w "HI or - lettea aa a ..cr4 owfldence. , Oooaulratlon ead ad1o frao. W will aand yoa le the remarkable book, -DrlTlne Out Blood Potooa." free. . . ;? THE OBBAC CO. 1 2995 Reeier DUa Chicago. W, ' A CERTAL't'TY Hie Jacobs-Slinc Co. " Largest Reilt Opentora J on the Pacific Cotit IIFTH A"D ALCI2 aro somewhat up in arms. A motion was made and carried laat night that the secretary be instructed to write to the city street cleaning department atiklng what was going to be done in the near future in regard to the street in quention. . . . 1 '. 1 An offer of the. Portland Railway, Lltfht A Power company to sprinkle the street for 2 per hour, using four hours veryv day, was considered by the club, but the proposition waa laid on the tablo. The general sentiment waa that this plan would entail 1 unnecessary x pense. "" ,ln view of -the. fact that itls Im possible to lay sidewalks exactly in their proper linea on account of the removal , of the .etreet monumenta at the time of the laying of the sewer pipes, the club laat night put through the following resolution, and Instructed the secretary to send It to the mayor: ; "That the city council be urged to initiate measures aa soon as possible to establish definitely and permanently the street ' llnea and grades in ' this part of the city. ' The dlatrict (in quea tlon la about a mile and a half square." ; J. .', W. Campbell , reported that..; the executive committee of the city coun cil had ordered lights placed at. Eighth street and Tenino ; avenue,. East Thir teenth street, and , Tenino .avenue and gat Twenty-third atree and Sherrett street. i-ir4r h'-li'C-'L. . J. , W. Campbell and ' . R. S. Stearns were appointed a "committee of two to " Investigate the propoaitton of . put ting In cluster lights on East Thirteenth street' and report at the next meeting as to the coat of maintenance, etd . J. W. Campbell and D. M., Donaugh were appointed to confer with the park board relative to locating the Oregon Hlatorical aociety In the Seliwood district.'.-, a "' ; ""''."'i ' V,'" It' was ' proposed 'to-- place , directly above the 'oaka an eleotrio sign display ing "Seliwood." The matter was reierrea to the publicity . committee conalstlng of H. C. Flxott, J. W. Canfpbell : and Peter Hume, x . ' ' ' ' t tLraM voted. to aak the Pacific Con struction company to scrape and make passable the streets- which wero.tont ub when tne sewers were yuv u previous to the rainy season. , ALBANIANS VICTORIOUS; . TURKS LOSE POSITIONS ' 'Cnltad Preas leased Wire J v ' ? t' Jvinna.. Ma.v fi. -The Albanian rebels are reported to be driving the Turkish battalions before them from the ,'; Alt banian Alps In Monastir J and " Kossov provinces, aceordlns; to dispatches from uskub. :V'-'s'--i vY-2'tJj Nn reliable .estimatea oi n u r,n tut "nhtAined .nut tne ad vice from the front' indicate that the battlefields were nteraiiy covered wi dead. ' :f-?!'-'''v' "st-'"' ''" ' ' . tv. Tr4r fih Soldiers are said to be mercilessly slaying Boncombatanta."Thls la taken to indicate mai xney ra at tempting to- annlhiiata the Albanians. . Unless the Turks are heavily rein forced they will be unable to hold their positions in the mountain passes, as the Albanians are reported to have been generally vicarious . over the . present loyalist forces. " ' " ,"7 TAFT TO BE EXPELLED FROM SH0VELERS' UNION ' (United Preaa Leaaed Wire.) . , r!iveland.: Ohio. : May -5. There are hard times in store for President Taft if he is ever forced to go back to bis trad of steam shovel operator ,to earn his living. A demand is to, be made-for tha nrealdent'a exDulslon from ma union tt, la all becaus of his love for. the orAa.t Amarltan aame. ; Taft attended a Dan gamer wuicn navu been declared ."unfair" by the Building Tradea association. The building trades declared nonunion- men : were employed in erecting the Cleveland ball park. Taft waa noufied tnat'tne game was unfair. He attended", and now, it is de clared, his expulsion from the steam ahovelers'. union will be demanded.,- COL. BECK. BANKER, IS I ' ' PEADnAN SAN FRANCISCO f United Pre Leaad Wlra.t -J Ran Francisco. May 6. Colohel Fran cis E. , Beck, assistant ' cashier or tne Anglo & London-Paris . National panic and, a member ci tne stair ox ijovernor Oillett, ! Is dead at his hQtna In San Francisco. . Death 'resulted ,fron sheen following a fall in the corridor or tne MlUa building -m week-ago and which lollowed hla recovery ; froin a long Ill- Colonel Beck jwaa 68 years or age and had been " In the Anglo & Liondon- Parls bank SO years, rising xrom. omce boy to asBtntaqt cashier. . ' To Honor Dr. Angell. ; Detroit. Mich.; May 5. Distinguished educators and . representative business and professional men of Michigan; are to gather about the banquet board at the Pontchartraln hotel tonight to slnr the praises of Dr. Jamea B. Angell, of the University of Michigan. The retirement of the great university president, after 40. years, ,Js felt to mem tne nignest Dossibl honor. ' Presldent..Thwing'or Western Reserve univeiatity. Professor Charles D. Walcott, secretary of " the Smithsonian institute. nd others of na tional reputauon win pe neara on. tne subject of Dr. Angell'S work for the ad vancement of education in America- An other distinguished speaker will be for mer Secretary of State John W. Foater, who wiU tell of Dr. Angell'e diplomatic career and services as minister to China and ambassador to Turkey. "i ; r .... - i ' Wants Partial Hindu Exclusion." ' - (Caltad Pre Leaawl Wlra.1 ' - -Waahington. May 6. In a conference bet wen Congreeaman - Julius Kahn ' of California , and the commiaaloner gen eral, Hindu immigration waa tne sudjoci taken up. , ' ' , Congressman Kahn believes ' mere should be . some restriction, put upon Hindu Immigration. The Influx to thla country 1 Increasing and half the Hln dua are morally or" physically wnflt.! Congressman Kahn eaya, and they are becoming beggnra and vagranta. ' ' In Canadian porta, the Hindus cannot and unless they have at least $. This araa nolnted Out DV aann, wno airai there should be aoma kind of eliminating . teat bv this country to insure partial exclusion, at leaat. To rwre M ore DaJlea Street. ' (SperUI Mapateh to Tb Journal.) -Tbe Lallea. or- May . Thla city U to have another paved street, the coun cil having granted tha petition of the - i , iimii M Pnnrth t r . t . tA ftsv7w . j 1 - - .... have that street paved with bttulit-hlcj surface, at 1U meeting Tuesday night. ufflrlent number of property own- era on the atreet having signed a peti tion aaklng that the street bo paved.; the council authorised .toe city en- xtneerto prepare ostimatea of coat and, the city recorder to levy the assessment t raise the funds-witn wnicn to meet thu expense of pawner. The petition calls for pevms- the street for a d:s- tavner of J0 feet. - ; Tj-g Valley Con il W ed. TTlh VaUey. iff-. May t. J. K. Butler! lr. mmhtr f the firm cf klorraw 4k Butler.-and "Mies Morrow, daupntef cr the aeclor rn amber, were marni at The I',ea. Vocday. Thy returned to Tjsb and will oceurj" the bouee vacated y It. C. Aa a. - STEAMER PAULINE II nnrp in n bUCO IU m Takes Freight to Rich Mining ; Section May Be Best Year ', f.r-- in (Alaska's History. 4 d. ,;f , :y ,v t ;t.; ( United Pre Leaaad Wlra.1 ' v.- Dawson, T.. T., May 6. Tha steamer Pauline is on its way down the.river to Dawson, the first on the Yukon or its trinutariee this spring. sThe Paulina has passed ta' Barge wlBi 60 tons of freight for the fdttarod. It is alsa bringing 7B tons .for early shipment tb Fairbanks and considerable for Pawaon.-'":.'."?; ''A Tne ice has -not 'yet broken up this side of Big Salmon, but with the present weather the river may be-clear by the time the Pauline reaches Big Salmon, it is believed the river will be open here by May 10 or 12. :? f i" 'ij.-1 Km " This will be the greatest, year In the history of . the ' Klondike,' according to everyone in Dawson. The dredge, hy draulic and elevator output will approx lmate IS.000,000. .. ' c:;s-; .3v. - Reports that the Treadgold company has secured control of all Dominion Creek ' claims are- confirmed. : ' The new company -is organised as a rival to the Gumrenhelma, and has most of the rich creeks they did notJ obtain. The Tread- gold company intends to install m i.- 000,000 hydro-electrio plant on the Klon dike river. ' ' ,', . NEW YORK RACE TRACK FOR BUILDING LOTS? i -.ra (United Press Leased Wire.) ' New York. May 6,- The turning of the race tracks of New York state Into building lots lav, predicted j today by horsemen generally.. They '.base the prophecy ' on . the action of. the state senate late yesterday In passing tace track reform, bills In which It is. ex pected that tha assembly will concur today.- ..,:.''!. y ,.,y:-.:- ' Several big racing associations are planning to call' off the fall meetings while their lawyers investigate the con stitutionality of the new laws. . ; . Sheepshead and Belmont tracka will remain intact while tha reform wave la passing, but the others which, when closed, hold Idle large areas of valuable land, will probably be cut up. ' , - i , SCI0 RAILROAD MAY " . SOON BE COMPLETED - 'i-'-','3-.;'' '-.i . ii 1 i ' 'r" -1 f';v (8ielal Dlspateb to Tb Journal. I ' - . Alban y. Or.. May &. At tbe meeting of the Commercial club Tuesday even ing a committee' from Solo, consisting of Messrs. Prill, Peer y and Wesley, and representing the Sclo, Lacomb gt Jordan j Valley railroad, wired f dr $13,000 for , the completion of . the 8 1-10 miles Of j road 'now undervconstsuction , between , Scio and Lacomb. , The Investors in the roadbed are to be sole owners of the road. The Commercial club appointed Judge Hewitt and Dr. Ellis as a. com-1 mittee'to confer with the Southern Pa.- clflc railway' of flclala , for the purpose of having them agree to furnish a mo-. tor passenger can for tne new line wnen completed. ; It la expected: to have the line In operation by the time of the Linn county lair . at' bcio in v-"""1- Sleetinjt of Traveling Men. Oalveston, Texas, May 6. Many dele gates and visitors arrived in s Gal veston tbday , to " attend the . an nual convention of the .Texaa di vision of r the ' Travelers' ; fProteetive association, which , is. to hold forth here during the remainder of the week. Large delegations are on hand from. Dallas,' Fort .Worth. Denison, ' Waco, Sherman. Houston, Marshall, San An tonio and other cities throughout Texas. The local post "of tha organisation has arranged ' elaborate, jentertalnment : for the visitors. :v K- ';' .-! LOOKS LIKE BIG CROP JOSEPHINE COUNTY (Speelal Dlspateb to lae 3oarnaL ' - : ' Grants Pass, Or,. May 8. The con census of opinion among fruitgrowers of Josephine county and lower Rogue river valley, is that thla part of Ore gon will have a bumper crop of ap ples," peaches and pears this, season. The ' spring has ' been : Ideal in, ' every particular for a heavy; crop. There were no injurious frosts,' and the, trees are - heavily set with . young apples, peaches and pears.- For the past week rains have been falling and the ground la now . thoroughly . moistened. Insur ing a mature crop. , A late froet la the only thing that could Injure the crop, and this, Is very unlikely. , The produc tion of apples, from Joaephlne county will be much -heavier this season on account of-a number of young orchards coming Into bearing; the name la true of peaches and pears.; Many thousand acres of . new trees have been planted. r The grape crop will also be heavy. w C. Carson.- horticultural . commis sioner for southern Oregon district and owner of the largest grape vineyard In the state- says' that his ' B0 acres of Tokays f never looked i as - well aa this spring. ( , He expects not only more grapes, but better' fruit than .bl big vineyard . .haa, ever , yielded. ? ' t" 'SSf : Ihdlaii Ball Mayer VloJoredt'S - (Special Dispatch t The JoarnaL) . Toledo, Or., May- 5,Peter Casey, whilst worklns- at the SileU Sawmill, nine miles north of Toledo,! was In jured yesterday, by having ; a pile of lumber fall on him. V One log waa bedly crushed and it Is doubtful as to wheth er it can be saved or not. casey, wno Is an Indian, was formerly pitcher for the Chemawa ball team. , Dedicate Cornelias Chnrch. , , " '' (Special DUpatch te The Journal.) J Forest Grove, Or., May 8. Dedicatory services will - be held at s the Catholic church which waa recently built :, at Cornelius, next Sunday. Most Rev erend Archbishop Christie. D. P.."' will The Cause of Co lds Good Advice- Regarding the Ii; Prevention of Coughs ,. and:Colds.5p1iP; If (people would - only fortify ' and strengthen the system, the majority of ease of coughs, colds and pneumonia might be avoided. ' These . trouble are freauentlv' due to weakness.: which pro duces a catarrhal condition of the mu- coua membrane, which la an internal skin of the 1 body. ' When : this skin is weakened It becomes - easily : Infected with germs which cause -many of the dleeases to which .flesh is heir. Healthy mucous membrane are essential safe guards 6f the body's 'general health. An excellent aia in vim prTfHiiiu v . ' .... m . w I . eaugna, eoias, pneumonia ana mon "i" Infectious diseases, is a remedy - that will prevent or cura catarrh. "; . ; s ;u We have a remedy which we honestly believe to. be unsurpassed in excellence for the prevention of coughs, colds and all catarrhal eondltons. It la the pre scrlptlon of a famous physician, who has an enviable reputation or o years or curea-gained through the use of this formula. We promise to make no charge for, medtctne, snaui?, J,f xan, ta a" as r we claim. we urge everyooay wno na need of such medicine to try Rexalt Muoo-Tone. ' ';k:V h;W It stands to reason that w could not afford to make such statements and give our own personal guarantee to this rem edy If we. were not prepared to prove the reasonableness, of our claim in every particular, and we see no reason why any, one should hesitate to accept our offer and try it t We have two sies of Rexall Mucu-Tone,' prices 60 cents and $1.00. Sometimes a SO cent bottle Is sufficient to give marked relief. As a general thing the moat. chronic caaa ia relieved with an average of three large bottles., ' Tou can obtain Rexall Reme dies In, Portland only at our store The Rexall Store, The Owl Drug- Ca.-Ino., j corner "Seventh and Waahington streets. I preach the sermon and bless tha churcht Very Reverend Prior, of 1 Mount Angel will be in the sanctuary with reverend clergy i from ( all parte of. this arch diocese. Rev. J. R. Buck, pastor of the Cathollo church in this city,', ta also pastor of the- church at Cornelius. The Cathollo denomination now has seven buildings devoted to church; purposes In Washington county. ,' ; . . . The Dalles Citizens Boost. . , (Special Dlapatrlk te The Journal.) r'. '1 , The Dalles,. Or., May . 8. Pralae, of The Dalles was vociferously proclaimed at the big booster meeting under , the auspices of the ladles of 4he Soroala at Vogt opera house last night, when that parlous building was filled with en thusiastic Dallesttes, every one of whom took up the motto. The- Dalles Makes OoocJ" mottp' adopted, by the ladles. Among the, speakers last night were Mayor Wlngate, 8. L. Brooke, Dr. a. E. flanders, J. M. Patteraon. Mra Hugh- Perry. F. L Bexton,. Mrs. W. - JU BradshAW.. Senator Wheaidon, Professor Strange, Rev. B. A. Warren, J. L. Kelly and George Sanders of The Dalles, J. K. McGregor pf Mosier,. Or W. Johnston Of Duf ur, V, r . ; V -'.'.; Ontario Clab Officers. ; I . (Sueelrl DUoateh to Tke Joaraal.t Ontario, Or May 6. At the annual election i. of officer for . the Ontario Commercial club held Tuead.iy nfi:i n the following officer wra chosen; A W. Trow, preal'lent; C. K. Kenymi, x- president: O. W. Long," treaaun-r. Tut new board of dlrwtors are; K. a Fraser, H. C Boyer, T. 11. Moore, O. v Thomas. W. H. Poollttle. II. C. ,vim. worth and il- L, Poormaa. , The nrr. tary will later be chosen by. the boai j of -' directors. , 1 v ?' .' J X 'i , . - Revival Services at 11 ooIt : JHood River, ; Or., ' May,. . The An bury Methodist , Episcopal s church win begin revival services next Sunday, 11 F. Stout, the singing evangelist, will assist the pastor, Dr. T.-B. ford, In tha series. , ,'..'-.-.'" 4 TheuAdditi6niwith;iCharacter See This Pp6riY---yjPyej ir- the Tremendous Improvement Work Go ing ; On Wow See for Yourself and Form Your Own Conclusions As to Its Future I In this way only can you form an intelligent opinion of Laurelhurst. The investment features of Laurelhurst cannot be successfully com bated and its position ms the most highly improved and restricted residence property. in Portland is unassailable . ' , There is not a man or woman in Portland today who is considering : the purchase of realty for investment or for home purposes but who can, by a visit to Laurelhurst, perceive the sound investment' possi-, bilities of the entire tract. ' . 4 ' , J T ' r From $1000 Up Sites S " - " ' ' I - r J Only by buying now can you profit by these prices. They are the . original prices at which the south half of Laurelhurst was placed on the market. You will never secure, such low prices in thjs tract again. ?:. .Now is the time and those who can and fail to take advantage of this opportunity will remember with regret - , Settle the -home, question permanently and at the-same time invest ; profitably by buying now in Laurelhurst and in the south half at orig fnal prices. See Laurelhurst for yourself and you will then, and, then, ! only, realize its investment possibilities.1 ' - . , " - ' . Take Rose City Park or Montavilla cars direct to the property. Take Sunnyside or Mount Tabor cars to East 39th street and walk three ; blocks tiorthi Or call at our offtce and we wUl show you he property r i in oar automobiles. r f j j; .: u ; v BJAXEW AOEWCT, t ., ! A. tt. MOOKE8, ' - 1-8 BUSK-BHSYICaUr BI.OOTC , BTJOZITB AOWOT, ' KAaXkABXT Si SKTJlaVaVTB. AJbBAJTT AQ-EWOT, -- A. X. BTABJC " BAKCB CTTT AOUJIT, ocnroow aqewt, -jr. w. oockjlajt. ' WAX1VA WAI.Z.A AOiarOTVIV ' . .. . DBtncHi.xH Bsuaa, ' W. O. XOSHBB. ... DATTOW, WABH AOXVCT, CUT THIS OUT AITD RSSTO TO . 522-S26 Corbett DIdg. , FHIb and Uorrlson Sis. Phones M. 1503, A-1515 JatTBXUlUJiST . OOn ; , , , 888' Corbett Bldg Portland, Or. Please send literature on Laurelhurst. , , " t Name...... . . , ,..,.....!..... Address ........... , ' . Town ....... .... ...... 1 ' . .'...mmimv nnAri . -, - fi 11 fA H'lllf Ta CT V Bes. Horrlsoa LAliU WVi i til DUU9 '. JLOV-XlA-ile) JLlUXCaLV a7A and Taaahiu. New Ruchings 5fc NecIiLeiigth "Pretty Ruchingf, . in , neck, kneths, , all the newest spring shades; light. 'blue,, champagne, whit e, pink, black and cream ; wide and inarrow styles, On sale at, heck length ;. . : .ajC Sale 50c Turban Pads; 25o$anitary Turban Pads, light and strong, net-covered, all shades OCa. 50c Values ...t,,i..r,.,.iJl .25c SOc Hair Rolls. 25c Sanitary Hair -.'Rolls, net covered, all 'shades. 24-inch regular 50c values . ... , . . . . .. $6.00, $7.00 Hsir Switches, $2.98 24-inch ;real' Hair Switches, all shades, sanitary-to QC made nat'alwavy: haira)i.70 25c New Hair Nets, 12tf c New : Barrettes on sale 19c,. 25c, . 35c Turban Braid Pins 15c, 20c, 25c $17.50-$22.50 Uoraen'sSuils Women's styl ish ,Spring Suits, everyone made of strictly all wool mate rials. , such "as plain, and fancy serges, import ed suitings ana fancy mixtures, lined with the i ibest wearing I silks and satin. fAnd remember, not one of them A wnrth less than Vfl7J0 and from srecial ale at ten actional price , . , ex ; m W WW, A. m k-s i ' m ear II I If $ r! i f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 w. ; i in . 1 1 1 1 L 11' i " inn io f Extra f for this the sen' "Mail j mi 56.05 J- . i. l V -UV - . . i i -i $9.00 Mill lary.Capes Stylish Military Capes in all tbe fash'nable spring colors trimmed with gold braidV0 and buttons, all . $9als. eJaC.JQsW S12.SQ Mili tary Capes Notions 25c Dressing Combs. 10 6c Paten t Hooks and TEyes, 3 cards. a 5 75c Silk Hose. Supporters, special ...... ....'.CD? 25c Airfloifc. Talcum Pow der for . ... A. ... . 10e 60c Hairpins, shell, black,' amber . . . , . ... .'.'.IDs? 25c Clothes Brushes 15 25c Needle Books. ..10 10c Linen Thread at, per spool ........... ... 5 $3.50 Ilealherbloom Petticoats $1.95 Made with extra wide eyelet embrpidery 1s4nf.a - oiif full IrtrtVe' 1ilr asillr wear? lnnofr 1WUUWV, VUI iUtly lUWtt J . w.v ., ' - " .. . W J and better; all ; sizes and shades; (J Q C , mff regular $3.50 yalues on sale for. . J) isO y'':li( $3.00 Hnsliri PclHeoats at Only $1.95 ; Made of fine quality lawri arid cambric with -i elaborate 17-inch' flounce of fine embroidery,- - ... t a . . i it : with oink or blue draw strings: all sizes; posi tively the grandest Petticoat bar- (IJ VQ C gain ever offered; each only;;. . . tP 1 sO New Ruffle ':' ill ' JlisV?T ' mi sis -IS. : A M: Rerulation strlr Mil-. tary Capes cut 1"tib: and full all hde, of si. fvl broadcloth ; coll arr tt imtiK ;.. . 1 .4 j.iA- at r -- w I. 8T1 btt'n goH btaic. J6.95 50c Gingham Aprons 33c Amoskea Gingham Aprons, with bib and long strings. Sewn with lock stitch ; will not rip. As sorted checks. Specially QQ priced at ................ aJaC 75c Sllp0n Aprons COc, Slip-on Style Aprons, made with square )-nke, pocket and pearl but ton back, cut full and long.. Reg. 75c kinds. Special for, fl this sale Ua.UUC 00 Values Now Ql.SQ 1 : 1 Side Ruffle -Waists, ' made of fine- quality lawn; lingerie,' with newest long' and three-quarter length sleeve; regular value is (1 JTA $3.00. On sale for...v. D iOU Emb. and Tailored Waists SSc Made of nice quality lawn and nain sook. Many have solid embroidery fronts," others tailored style, with "laundered collar and cuffs; all sizes to select from; regular val- QQ ues up to $2.00." On sale for J O W - - Mammoth Sale Of 75c Princess Aprons ZZz Made of iest Amoskeag pin chan. Full, long and wide. A-or?r-! blue and white checks, with I.' , pocket, w hite taped rdf and 1 - ; strings. On special sale p at, eacn 23c Kllclicn Aprcrr Amnskeap Ginghan Apron. ?ktrt ? . a - and white (ht lock stitch; wi'l t't r;; Regular 2lc va' at. . . ii Aprons Note Sale Prices , OS.- , a