THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING. MAY 3. 1910. 17 HEAL 1CSTATK TnANSFEKS Title Guarantee Truiit company .., to rianna W. Kellev. lot 3. block ' 16. RoHnmere ,, " 650 Cumminga Merrill to R. O.'Leedy , . ot at.; lot II, block 8, Alblna., v Portlknd Trust company to Adolph JL Salomon, lot 10, block 6. Wll- ,,, . son'a addition ...... ..,..... J H. O. Stoma and wife to O. II. J,ehJ : ' man lut 2. block SB. North Irv- . lngton .;. . V 1500 "Columbia Trust company to Henry Stall. lot 22. block 4. Union Square . .V. . . . . . . . ...... 4 , . ' 860 Overlook Land Company to l,ana M il. uiii? ioi a, diock if, anu aoum H o lot: 6 block 17, Overlook 1.S8T John H. Smith to R. 0. Fajteraon,". ;f " lota 11. 13. 18 and ,14, block 6. f . Altoona Park ........ . . . i... 1,200 W. B. Dalley to Alice Rryae, -lots 28 ana z, block 26, Barkeiey.. .T "Walla College to Lou P. Kendal ' lot . block 2, Miriam ....... t. 1,260 qy A.' wrigni ft ai to vjcior Land company, lota 1, 2, 8. 4. 6 .- and hlnclr 'Ji U'llbmntt. ad. v dltlon .... ,t25 St. Clair Wod to Johanna Hlb- t . I- hint lnt 1 hlnolr lit Unu City ' Park ,.'........,.... .....,, 850 Hose City Park association to Jo- r lianni Vflhharrt lot i block 136. ' " "' Rose Cltv Park 750 r LAWYERS Abatraot V Trust Cc, room 6 Board ef Trad bldg.s abatraoU ..specialty, "j W.'R. HAIZLIP CO. tno.), abBtraotpra. first ciaaa work, til-t yoroett mua. iMKTBACTSof title. D. Alexander ab- ' atract office. 418 Corbett bldg. Main 68 PACIFIC Titlark Trust Co., the leading a Detractors. .g4--o-7 muni omg. GENERAL REAL ESTATE .' 62 VANCOUVER, the coming- olty. Port land people are beginning to under stand that Vancouver la , a aplendld flace to Invest ; I have a proposition hat wilt i doubre your money In a?s than a year, 88 choice lots, one block from carllne, ' tKith a new . nous -;- that coat 2200. -Thla fine addition can be had. now at only $6600. ' . vv:: -i, - -v , MERRIFIELDT 202 West Eighth St. Vancouver, Wash. $28.600 96x100 on 12th,. good income, big future. f --.-.. " $11.000 68x100, modern 8 room house, choice . section Portland Heights. . 8800 Choice income property on Over ton. street. . --,-.--.' - M. B. LEg. 411 Corbett bldg. - - y , .7 ROOM modern house, close In, f rac- . iionai ioi; pari caan. 1 - jl 16 acres A-l Rorue rirer valMy frnlfT iana, 1 mile irora aepot, in acrea unaer v PQH SALEHOUSES 01 A isplendid & room house ana lor.iuuxiuu, m yer Tnon'addition,: for $2200, ' The lot alone Is wellworth , . $1800. If you ara In the, market for a snap see us i about this one.,- ...,.... ' 'You' can't beat this phei ; " Modern 3 room new house ' , and 3 lots, each .50x1 00, (close to carline In. Tre- mont' Park, , for $1800, tasy4erms; lo see this place means that you vill ., uuy a u you are looKing .for a bargain, P LINCOLN TRUST COl Jf 214-215 Lewis Bldg, m- FOR 6 MONTHS TO fullv aDDreoIate thv valua fit thla Irrigating ditch; will consider j trade. orr?r-. I5ur? P your rent money for a Phone B. 1123. ? v- I period of six months.. Stay where you ' - EASY MONEY MAKER beft loc atfonf IoV K!" MercXEi y,0duV,lnlr ' B0W FOR 8 ALE HOUSES 61 $1S . ilfl' ' $12.50 PER MONTH Will buy a new 4 room plastered'! Dutch kitchen etvte. 8 nloseta. wnnd- houHe, graded streets, sidewalks, water in; lot : v The addition of many homes. Quite a few of . these homes are direct results of this fine offer, which proved itself so successful during . tne past season. Our hiarh. healthful altltud. will make I lift. . worth living. - We have a home for all.v Call at our office in Gregory weignta tomorrow, una or Kose city tT.rK carune . s . , - i - GREGORY INVESTMENT' CO FOR. SALE HOUSES 01 Sllllll New Modern 5, Room Bungalow 10 Mmutos l-rom ' ; MORRISON, BRIDGE' Beamed railing, paneled dining room. China closet, , Dutch . kitchen, tinted Oaa, electricity. v - 1 Full attlo. full basement. ' ' Fine view. Only .8 blocks from car ana acnooi. . ., r. , . Towner'' ' . Room 616 Oerllnger 'bldg- 2nd and Alder "at. . ' - BUNGALOW, . w , ' NEW" A-ND MODERN, ' CEMENT SIDEWALK. 'v ' IMPROVED STREETS. " .AS'GOOD AH IRVINOTON, ONLY 1VBIX)CK FROM HAWTHORNE CARL1NE. 615 WER. . . KVERYTHINa IN. PRICE $2850 'i:'. ' ' I .' i . ... ....... v v TERMS, COME TODAT. . - WCIlEKliKIiIliMiELIL' S6th and Hawthorne. Tabor 2017. 6 ROOM BUNGALOW . - CLOSE IN V, TERMS- SEE OWNER. Room 616 Gerllnger Bldg. 2d nd Alder st 7 ROOM HOUSE ON 8$D STREET IN All for $950. Mt. Scott Real Estate Co. ' , INC Clty49 Sherlock Bldg. ' Phone Marshall 1468. East Side 840 East Ankeny 8t. f none t,asr. yu4. SUHNVS IE BUY FROM OWNER, Save Commission.! SPECIAL BARGAIN FOR HALFi CASH 7 roomhouse. Just finished, on 4 foot elevation, lacing eaai., near new pane, I block to car; bathroom with good porce lain fixtures, floored attlo with 2 dor mers, large, front, backi and Sleeping .Lents 101 Main St.' Phone Tabor 1438. ) porches, fine paneled half with seat and . . SOME SNAPS 1036 E. 7th, st... N lot 60X100, mod- I with large mirror, den, extra fin Dutch ern 9. room house, 8 foot basement. ci- I kitchen, rear stairway, 8 bedrooms with nient walks, four rooms upstairs now 1 closets, "linen closet, full basement with renting lor j:3 per month; 13500, i irayn, cement iiour ana wsiks, cash. - " , ? ;i piped for gas, connected with- street. 642 10th and Sumner sts.l lot 60x85, wired, fixtures for furnace; tar papered modern 6 room house; $1250 H cash. throughout; will be tinted. Near stores, Five lots on Missouri st., from Ains- school and churches. Place for garage worm to bimson sts.; J4000, lots 60 by I n rear. me owner ajao ni) iwo o 100. I room houses adjoining on north with lxts and 7, block 6, cor, of 8th and 1 same interior. Alberta sts., 40100 each; $3000; ft cash. I BALL & SMITH : 431-2 Lumber Exchange Bldg. CALL on OWNER, 114 East 28th St., near Alder. Phone East 2633 pr B-2646. PIEDMONT 8 rooms, hollow cement bbek houae, gas, electric lights; one of the finest homes in Piedmont; price. $7000, but for a few days will accept a reasonable offer; :a owner must have cash. J. E. Nichols Co.. 620 Board of Trade. . 33000--PIEDMONT SNAP $3000. " New modern, 6 room bungalow, fire place, attic, 2 porches, Jutch kitchen, laundry travs. cood bath room. Dn Minnesota, ave., I block south of Kil I terest. iingswortn. west side., a large t room 2 story house. ivew,' strictly moaern. Paneled, dining room,, beamed ceiling. Built in buffet. Dutch kitchen. Full basement.. 60x100 lot. graded. " Rooms tinted. Light fixtures and window shades. : Price onlv 13100. Installments, $20 per month with ln- room hotiua nn niceuxiuo lot, near isth and Quim by sts. Will sell at a bargain if tak en within a few days. Price $6500. Beat investment section of the city. Address fcEW. modern 11 room house In Irving- This la on E. caruthers at. between & 26th - ; ' : . And E. 27th st. Either the W. R. ot W. W. car. Owner R, E. Blaco. Phone Tabor 1129. PORTLAND HEIGHTS crnnu new Dungaiuw, near car. rugmyH fireDlace. furnace. Dlats windows, a-ood I ton; bard surface streets: lot 100x100. 1 view. also other houses, also vacant lots."R. J Also 4 room cottage, on next lot, with H. 4k F. T. Klce, orrice lth and Braaee or without furniture; fireplace. mta Phnn T0nt R r.l , 9 A9 ' I . nvna, rmH. mnnav mt Ann, stryA i9ko rvi a I forced to sacrifice both t laces: let u tared, basement and bath, full "corner '!! . then make us an of- lot. fencod.- some fruit, good barn. 2 fer, sooo. mortgage can stand tor blocks to carline. . The lot alone worth y,r"i $750. H. Hatfield, 165 4th St.. R. 89 HENRY C. PRUDHOMME CO, t.Ap u . t fc- p .aL,- K J . 4 636 chamber of Commerce. OR 8AL,Br By owner; 6 room modern v ' i.ln. innmnra btfhgalow, corner lots; 1 block from ; lxans. insurance. Alberta car; price $2760. $350 cash, bal- FRUIT LANDS CHEAP. ' anc at $30 per month, including inter-I Broadmead offers an unparalleled op est. X-820. Journal. -1 portunity ta the man who wants to - ; ; New Bungalows AH artistic and worth more money. $17001 $426 cash, balance east: 5 room strictly modern bungalow, beau tuul' lot. nice ' lawn, shade trees and abundance- or roses. $1800; Vt cash, balance time; almost new 7 room modern bune-alow:' nice lot. and close to car. i - , $2100; $300 cash, balance rent; 6 room modern bungalow, full basement, best of plumbing, stationary wash travs: corner lot. 76x100; nice lawn and roses; 100 feet from car: a barealn. $3600; $700 cash, ' balance $15 per month, 6 room strictly modern house on Maryland ave. -Par.-culars Apple City' Investment Co. Sulte'417 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR SALE LOTS' .10 H PORTLAND ' HEIOIITB NO, I , . . s'"-, la ahead of development! ( .( ( ,: Buy now and let . ; '' . V "the other fellow"" pay fof HI 1 - . . Lots are now $200 t , f - .On evoeptlonally easy terms. NO INTEREST. NO TAXES . j ' . Will, ha worth $500 each In ..v ...,'.: . " fix months hence. ...rr t UNITED TRUST COMPANY, ' $17 Board of Trad bldg. 1 ALAMEQA PARK LOTS -r -.Are high and sightly, overlook -. Ing Irvlngton; near Broadway car. line; beat city. Improvements; , priced 26 per cent below the mar- ket. Inquire Alameda Land Com pany, $22 Corbett bldg. 7 FRUIT LANDS . CHEAP. 1 Broadmead offers aA unoaralleled od- portunlty to the -man who wants tp possess nimseir, or a never railing in come, we are selling this matohlesa fruit land at from $100 to $160 per acre on easy terms. - We are planting tracts to good commercial varieties or aDDles and.-caring for them for a term Of years at cost, -jrnis is your cnanc. CULiUMUlA TRUST COMPANX. : Board of Trade bldg. " ' FOR SALE BY OWNER ' 80x100. itod for business or apart ment, some Income, southeast corner FOR SALE LOTS 16 Are you looklnr for snnilt nron. , erty at a low figure which la poa- ' ' itlvely bound to advance in value; , very' rapidly? T - ' ,7. - In our addition, close to Oregon ' . City carllne, we have few lots left at $26 each, balan are $50 . ; wach; cleared and very sightly:' ; excellent soil, with . plenty of water for garden', etc.' This prop. ' erty will double In value in very short time. Let us give you par- ;,i . tlculara. Terms lq per cent down. 6 per cent a month. , ' EMPIRH LAND CO. - 801' Merchants Trust Bldg., 32H Wash. St. Phone Marshall 849. - One of the prettiest view lots ; In this high clans addition,' 1m , provements In and paid for. For quick sale, only 21500. half cash. Repass & Woodyard . .00 Henry Bldg. it- f V- ACREAGE' 87 . Kin 9H This la a fen ac re tract, ona-half mile from station on electrlo line.. This Is only 16 miles from Portland; Is nil first class soil; no waste land; lays level; is covered with aeoom? growth timber; the timber cut into cord wood alone will nearly par , for .the land. This Js a bargain and we ran make good terms, NO, 44. , ' This i Is a 6 acre tract, highly Im- ? roved; ihas- fine new house; is .all enccd chicken tight; plenty of email rruit such as strawberries, raspbrrrlea, grapes, etc. , Is located only seven mlls out, U mile from station on O. W. P. Sty., lOe fare only 86 minutes from 6th and Washington ste. ,'Jhia la first claas property and will bear very close Investigation: A - cash, balance easy. Apply to Columbia Truat company, 84 Fourth at.. Board of Trade bldg. E.XCHAKGE WV.W. FSTATH 2 1 EXCHANGE 7$ acra. 40 a'-rea In rultlva- - tlon 13 acres. pM lire, JO acres-' , timber, Talr hmise. li n and tut- -. ' btilldlnga, Alt' fenced a.l emu fenced, runtitug water and . good ; ; wsii. ' 1' .1200 ill iiorse,- i cw. ! heifer,' 1 ' harrow, - I plow. 1 . disc, ! fanning mill and all small . -" too I a, ' ha mens, wagon and ' 4 ' atanda J, bees. i All Vrop . now In, i . ' Including acres small grain, ,fc -' 7 acres clhver. also 2 acres f am-' , - lly orchard and soma grain and . hay. all goes ,'wlth the placu. , Land lays up, ' natural drainage, no rock, fine soil, mske Al fruit . farm. '. 16 miles to Portland on '- Oregon electric and i mile to Wll- ; lametta river and boat landing. -Prica $7600. Will take city prop erty or automobile AJp 1 to $3t)0e. , $3500.. cash, bal.- 6 years at 8 per ent. You'll have to hurry to get thla. .- , . - f JOS, C,f GIBSON ; 304-5 Oerllnger bldg. , , Adjoining Council Crest Park.. All under cultivation. Hurrounding proper ty Platted Into Inta an,, nntmet let fop pituiithlc streets, sewer, gaa and elec-iwlll locate you on either good govern FOR homesteads call 319 Allsky bldg. . ACKEAGlt 91 Lot and a half, good for anartment or business, income $600 year, north west corner-7th and Fl. Pine sts. 847 Broadway. John Becker; no agents. SMALL SITE MANUFACTURING , PRICED Til SEI.I. Have rood locatibn for small manu facturing concern in manufacturing dis trict of South- Portland. Trackage in iron t or property.- aoes two atreeta Will sell this at a price that can not oe duplicated - in "Ms locality. -- n-ae terms.- Address Owner, D-446, Journa $650TERMS EASY 60x100. buildlnar restrictions, cement blocks away selling for. $1000 without improvements. . THIS IS A DWAr, , , ROSS-ENGLISH INV. CO.. Z8. Monawg- oiog. Holladay-lrvington District Choice corner, '70x100, 3 blocka from ear; price $2600; $500 cash, balance at per cent. - R. F. BRYAN. 595 Chamber of Commerce. A-1Z27. Main 1963. , HOME TO SUIT i have some choice lots, and will build modern Homes to suit purchasers, email payment down, balance very easy. Deal direct with owner. Call and let us talk it over. 405 E. Morrison, near Grand ave. Phones Eawt 1115; B-1487. FOR SALE.. A fractional lot - with a neat cottage, cement sidewalk, - walking distance; paya 10 per cent on the investment. Prlco $1000; $500 cash, balance 6 per cent. CHARLES HIRSTEL. 104 Sherlock.. bide. Brand new 5 room bunga low, strictly modern, east front lot, splendid location; lf2 sold this week will go for $3250; terms. REPASS & WOODYARD, 300 HENRY BLDG. , ' $76 -CASH, bal. $16 per month, buya a lot 60x100 ft., block from Union ave. car line. A fine investment. Price for a few days, $750. BRONU-8TE1SLE CO., Lewis bldg., ground floor. Phones, M. 1743. A-1743. - 10 acrea fine land, about .7 miles out: Just enough slope for good drainage; a fine spring affording water for irrigation; a few yvars ago this .land was seeded to oats; it Is a bargain at $200 an acre, but we offer it-for short time at $125. ,'. . . . Repass & Woodyard . ; 800 Henry Bldg. ALPINE ORCHARD TRACTS. Wa are offering 6 or 10 acre apple orchard tracts all cleared and ready for irees, wjn pianc nis iau ana care lor as long as wantea; "have all conven iences such as R. R.. school, church. tores, etc. You cannot beat this; $250 r' v-. v wm vuoj tviHisi f ill aim et us talk it over. Ask for Mr. Carr. Oregon Apple Orchards Co., 004,-5 Lewis oiag. M LARGE TRACT . AND BUNGALOW. ONLY 23 MINUTES' RIDE. An Ideal location, where you can sit on the porch of your neat little home and enjoy the most beautiful view: at tne same time realize you nave tne oest investment in, Portland. Price $5700; nart- n.Rh. Thla la hard tr, helJev. hut absolutely true. Bee for yourself, izva Washington. St., room 404. 10 CITY' ACRES. You can bny 10 acres inside the city limits, near the Country club, for $1000 per acre. Lot valuea adjoining are $400 to $500 ... . -v; , , COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, ' ; Board of Trade bldg. CLOSE IN LOT CHEAPl " On asco St.; paved, cement walk, all improvements paid; finest place In city for bungalow; new bridge on East Slat et. NOTth win make this lot very Here's an Exceptional Buy 16 acres lying Just north of Russell school, between Base Line road and Villa avenue. The survey of the Mount Hood line runs throusrh the full length of the piece. May .be bought now at 8760 PER ACRE. COLUMBIA TRU8T COMPANY, - Board of Trade bldg. FRUIT AND GARDEN TRACTS. Do you want a five, ten or twenty acre tract of Oregon's finest land, con venient to railroad and electric line in to Portland, only 16 miles, away? A country home near the big city. Come and look at, Tualatin Valley Acres. .2asy terms. - - -: . ' ' ' HARTMAN AY THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce bldg. $28507 triclty, A aplendld Investment. Owner, ju-414, journal. I HAVE some choice ; fruit land ner Portland that I will trade for city property, or sell on terms to suit "our-. chaser; . also some beaverdam land. I mtwm 10 acres, the- best land In the state. 5 room houae, barn. A num ber of fruit trees. Creek running through one. corner of place. Right on a good county road. 200 yards from school. 1 miles from Canby. K cash, balance 1, 2 and 3 years. 6 per cent Repass & Woodyard 300 Henry Bldg. . A COZY HOME 10 acres. 8 irt full bearing orchard, balance berries and grain, good house, barn, fruit house and all outbulldrnira. good fences, fine well water, 1 team all kinds of machinery, phone in house, 2 rauB irom uregon city on nne road; price $5600; terms, $2500 cash, balance 6 per cent' , If vou are lnoklns- for a cozy little home, this will ault you. J, M,KtKK& U0, .311 Henry Bldg. mont land or , timber claim with -over 7.000.000 feet fir and Jarctf. I. R. Hor ning. 319 Allsky bldg., cor. 3rd and Mor rlaon. 1 1 ' ' ; ,, '-.:'; ' . ' k-:'!" WILL trade S00 acres of wheat land , with 600 acres of growing wheat for city or vallr property. ' E8KELSON A HAMMER, - - , 21 Lewis bldg,. ":li-':y SWAP" COL1JMH ' 23 eiBBiBBWea-i-aW"S ,' WILL take diamond, pianola or -equity ---..In Portland property as first payment' on 160 acres of good wheat land, bal a nee crop payment. P. O. box 355. " WOCLD like to trade first claas talking machine for bicycle. ' plumbing or paper banging. ; Portland Phonograph Agency, 350 Alder st. " . - - SELL or trade canvas glove making tools; "wriii- taker horsT' or- delivery wagon. B-63T, journal. WHAT- have you to exchange . for a rd typewriter? 416 Oregonian . Main 7064. ' WANTEH REAL ESTATE 81 4 ACffi We are authorized to sell this farm'. In fact It must be sold and fat the ear liest possible date. There are 64 acres of the very best of soli, all level. 22 acrea cleared, fair buildings, well, or chard. Good location. This will go at about H surrounding prices. We must get money for owner. - Pearce, 411 Hen- ry Plug. FOR SALE 3 aerea, Tiver and R. R. front: aood for factory: near Milwmi. kle. Information write Chris Tapfer, Mllwaukic. Or. ' EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 2 IF YOU have farm land, city proper ty or business opportunities fo saM. trade or rent. Hat 16 with us for quick returna. " v : The Card Realty & Inv. Co. 110 2d st. Phonvs, MarshaU 1667. A-1567 FRUIT LANDS CHEAP. Broadmead offers an unparalleled op portunity to tne man who wants to possess himself of a never failing in come. We are selling this matchless fruit land at rom $ioo to $150 per acre on vasy terms. We are planting tracts to good commercial varieties or apples and caring for them for a term of years at cost. -'This Is your chance. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Board of Trade bldg. - - COUNTRY HOii 30 MINUTES' RIDE. r 3 2-3 acres, all under cultivation; ap ple trees.- 2 years old; 280O strawberry valuable; worth $2000. Will sell - for plants bearing etc.; 2 blocks to Oregon $1600. Call 816 Ablngton bldg. : j Electrlci jrood house and chicken houses 14 per month, buy a 4.,ni..a. fnr nulok ale 'T Ja. C, Lojratl. T w nm. n A f Inat 1 r - -.f 326 ft Washington st. K 40. 17 Af ATA , na.Vi ' lot 25x100 ft. on Union ave. (Just a neat- little Investment that will make you big Interest on your savings. BRONG-STEELE CO.. . " Lewis bldg. Main 1743. Ground floor. A-1743 10 CITY ACRES. You can buy. 10 acres inside the city limits, near the Country club, for $1000 COLUMBIA' TRUST COMPANY. . uoara or -rrane pint. EXCHANGES. V " . " , me . .J tit inuu, utUOljr tin der cultivation, splendid for dairy or stock, good buildings, 30 . miles from Portland; a bargain at $21,000; will take good city property. 35 acres orchard land, all cleared and part under cultivation, some bearing orchard. This is in the Hood River dis trict, and a bargain at $11,000;- good city property taken tip to $8000. 2 acrea on Powell Vallev road. rlr i wiin, au cuiumea, large new nouas, i - -- r ....,' j.i. TTT good bam and chicken house, orcharil y-JT Is JJ?".; S ? iL AM in the market for a 6 room modern house with large lot or half acre; will dig cellar, paint and shingle house j as first payment, balance $16 per month Interest included; Give location. Price must be right. . B-633, Journal. 9 OR 7 room house, not Xar from river, south of Burnslde. Can - pay $150 cash; good .monthly paymenta. Give full description in letter; $2000- to $2500. A493. journal. We have averaa-ef huilrltnr. nMrlv Kwp fp n-uc dcot k,,.!.... two houses per week. We. do not have on Kenton carline, worth $2000, must to make our nroftta on few inha Trm u ,v.i- n.aAL. nrm i.v. inn- to Suit. It pa.VS to See US before' VOU ! hair ph hntn,-s' mnnthlv' narmonta! r.?."?,1.1"; . jThis Is a bona fide bargain. Look It PORTLAND REALTY & CONSTRUC- up. Ferrls-Mlng Realty Co., 608 Board TEN ACRES, cultivated, running water, i. close to O. W. P. depot, stores, P O., church, grange hall and school; In or ganlxed fruit district; only $1650, on easy terms. 6 acres of above at $825. terms. These E rices for short time only, i. C. PHILLim 808 Lewla Bldg. Phone. TION CO.. 902-3 Lewis Bldg. WHY buy x vegetables WHEN you can grow YOUR OWN? WHY PAY for wood when YOU CAN HAVE IT for nothing? Ten lots close In finely in. cated. SPLENDID VIEW, good -bungalow on place. This ia IDEAL for a HOME or an INVESTMENT. Yn.i should see this AT ONCE. $5700. part cash. 826 Washington st. room 404. of Trade. ', VERNON. Modern 6 room buntralnw u hlrwfr south of Alberta on 22d. This place is A No, 1 in every .respect; has double walls and floors, reception hall, large bath and cantrv. full haaement .nil large attic. Lot 60x100. faces east Big$4200 Snap' Nearly three full quarter blocks, right on Clinton street car lines. Walking dis tance. Only $4200 for all. Hustle. CLARKE & CORBETT. 212 Allsky Bldg.. Third and Morrison. CLOSE TO UNION AND ALBERTA TWO LOTS $700 EACH Only 120 feet from car; it will be money In your pocket to buy them, good terms. See the owner, L. W. Matthews, 722 Chamber of Commerce. $500 will handle this s a bargain. A-539. Journal 100x100 ft. corner facing on carllne. 18 minutes from the heart of the busi ness district. Price for a few days, $1200. Terms. , BRONG-STEELE CO.. Ground floor. Lewis bldg. Workingman Look tkri8 h.v. thi-a mih ein. I possess himself of a never falling In t Amt h,i...- .. i come. - We - are selling this anatchlesa room dwelling worth thmonev:A.'Mrf .at trom $100 to $160 par aora Hadley, 686 Union ava, N. Phone- Easti?" 'BJ tnns. we are planting tracta g70 - - ' ... itt good commercial varieties of apples br'iVriri't 't''M'i. k -land caring for them for a, term of Jf. -u .. w r i years at coal, i nia is your cna-nce. cement side walks, street improve-1 COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, merits all paid for; 2 blocka from 2 Board of Trade bldg. - ORITNOBTAD. 28 S Worcester Md " FQ SALE at a sacrlf lea elegant. 8. room FOR SALE -BY-owner, a lots. room and Tillamook, built by tha day for a house, 27 - bearing fruit treea; good home: owner leaving city; term a If re bam and chicken house; plenty room quired; deferred paymenta at per 4 for- garden; graded street and cement cent Owner at house, or eall Marshall sidewalks. Address 1066 Denver ave. gil for Information. Also a choice Irv- COTTAGE of 6 rooms at 8C4 Missouri logton lot on eaay terms. ave.; ail moaern, on terms; a snap If iBien ii uiicw, v. a. v Traanington t mnm a - ONLY 8150 BUYS A HOME." T..J. LEONARD. 920 Board of Trade, Sea ua and stop Paying rent. A little; -flown and tne rest use rent. - DO It now. Qoeti Qoeta. 612 Hnry bldg. ' A FIXE modern 6 room home near high school and 2 carlinea. Owner ne5a money. t Jood barrain. ' $2(00, . eaay i Viva room modern bunsalow near Wat. moreland. on carline. $1400: $160 t-aah. nuance inn inirr-i moniniy, Uwq er. Sellwood llll. 693 Bybee ave. 102x194 lot. With 3 room furnished Tionse; er will rent respectable party? owner leaving ciifn-u,, jonmaL -Modern Bunealow for Sale Eight room a and bath, lot and half, facing Clackaman river at Gladstone, I diocks irom canine, eierinc tignia. running water, sanitary plumbing, lawn, rosea and fruit tree. Address B. T. McBain. Oregon city, ur. HAVE YOU $1500?. ' X will sell an income home, 6 rf.utm on ground floor nd a rooms r-n erond floor, which rents for 826 per monta. Double plumbing aad convenient Price, tertna, see owner, t an iaat isea. 1 19 CITY ACRE8. You can buy 10 acrea inaide the rttv I HA E 4. a ana 6 room houses, new. lnr u-ni t vaJuea ai)1ninlnv .r. Uaa your own terms. E. A. ilcGrath. lji 1 COLUMBIA . TRTST COMPANT. Chamber of Commerce. I Board of Trade bldg. ' ' i rS i r" i fc I w-.j c . , . , Vpti t . OnOniriWt.. ...v Ja afe Investment -ahcmld deposit bis Six room modem houee. Terma. ' I mover with ua and receive interest ea 21 fchaver t. I toe same, from 9 to 4 per cent. Port- iiloo-GAfwi' houie in suburbs, t roomi"Tntat Company, 8. B. comer Id viim- uii , tit nan can mtrmhi i - - - - - - J"trt ppme frtt erred. Tbe Home I NEW i room bungalow, restricted dla- Balty Co.. f is Henry Mtg. trlct Improve tret electric lights, FOR SALE QUICK. . . . T9? Vlb-1" 'T V block with new louse. 4 ixvwne. 302 Pwetland bldg. fnJuTbla Hta, Price $1219. Gningrtad, NICE five room cottage, one block from rt-r Mr carllne ; Lot 6. IVtre $!; eaay A KICK Kon ronmi f:n lootlo: lrna iU.""ii rinr. tf.M caeh. baiam- III rr aoontk. I CifalD 6 mom rolieae rter car: tmii at );r.-,T r-T'n. n i , ij. , prr ran. Minr very 1 HAVE mo" fmtn o. 3 Ila blif mt trTna 8"2 bldg. t 41 H-ery bidg. Home Baaltx Ca-lllfo 6 room morn rottaac li E j. w. DoatM. , i;th N. Taka Alberta car; term a. A nice 7 room house, electric lta-hta. 60x100. corner lot. South Portland, west aide. 10 minutes', walk to car. nlentv room for chickens; cheap at -$1700; $600 down; terms ori balance; will take team, wagon and harness for farm work. Owner. - K-623. Journal. ; no agents.' This A 10 'acre platting proposition In the highest state of cultivation, moat all in email frplt, no finer layout in the city; all level. Call up C. L.. Tabor 457, or care of Montavllla hotel, Mon- ta villa, or. A SNAP. 18 H acres', 1 mile from Tlgard sta tion, all cleared, part In crop; price 3160 per acre, half cash, balance 1 and 2 years. , Foreign Department UNION BANK & TRUST COMPANY, 235 Stark St. Phones Main 802, A-2669. 36500160 acreg in Columbia Co., 40 in -high state of cultivation, 40 in pasture, 80 acres county cruise 400,000 fMt B . n, - llmh., la... ..... ,ViW,i,ffh i 1 . :-. ; : : l . 1 . . v v ........ , . b - v. . . . .,.WUB.. io ACKmis All cleared ana oianiea ioi place that will do to irrigate 40 acres. Al variety of fruits, including apples, i fine barn 60x50, . small house; it is in bearing;' trade for city or farm properly.-- - -. .-'.,....-- GOODNOUGH & SEITi 7f8 Board of. Trade. IF YOU wish to buy a farm and have some city property you wish to turn In as "part payment -with some cash, we have what you want.. Call - JOS. C. GIBSON 304-5 Oerllnger bldg. .2d and Alder sts., Portland, Or. - peaches, pears, cherries all kinds ber ries $1500 will be realized from this year's crop. $4000 cash, balance rea sonable terms.. I own the place will give clear title. C. Fisher, 620 Ham ilton bldg. BEAUTIFUL home in Jennings Lodge, . 80 minutes from city. Fine house of 6 rooms and bath. One acre of ground, 61 fruit trees, cherries, apples, pears, peaches 'and prunes. Logan berries, raspberries and strawberries. model homei Better see it Address owner, 14 Chamber of Commerce.' Tel. Main 1189. RARE bargain CITY lots near carllne to exchange for 2 or 4 passenger four cylinder auto mobile. Lots 40x100. streets graded, water in. Marshall 437, A-4246.. call arter a:o, phi Lewie oiag. In - aesirdMfl , hum. a-l....,, , : . . . , oiiiBiiuiu 9 room nouee. nearly new. Well improved- street East front 1 H .u in ruuirauon. jvwe rruit. Equipped for chickens,- -8 ti blocks from 6c fare. Price $3600. $350 cash. $16 per month. per cent interest Charles I Hunter. .123 Board of Trade. Look This Up, It Will Pay You 6 room honsev with hath, toilet, fir. riace, not ana cold water; ground six 67 feet with soma natural firs on ground; a aplendld suburban home; 6o rare; nargain ror quick aale. 808 Board of Trade bldg. , ' . 5 Room Bungalow 12500 Strictly modern: 7ft tmmt amitfc or waveny-Kicnmonol car. on IZd at; lot high and sightly, overlooking ,-itv: can arrange terma to suit Phone Eaat nun. : Beautiful Irvinston A T room neat home, houae wetf htillt ana cosy, run lot on nara aurrace street 2 blocks from car. Improvements all paid. t9 below market value. ' Terma. Nicnois, S20 Hoard or Trade. ; - Buy From Owner. New modern 6 room huntfalnw: tan- rira nming mon, pnmri ceiling. lull basement; texlOO lot; atneet improved; good locality; very eaay tesma. Phone evenipg rioor i44. $i760 GOOD room cottage, 18 blocks fo tw,tttaff1 W miAm m--.1i nelghhorbood.' C E. Lae, 411 Corbett Ping. FOR SALE LOTS 10 CASCADE WRECK IXO CO. will do your wrecking promptly. Phone Mar- nan is.. VIJCW lots on wnt elde. on street cr line. 36H: all import a ntmesta in and peil ror. 4i Monawa niig LOTS 'xl w4th nice frtftt trea, 1425, terma; corner 8?th and Holcate: sold hr ewner. Tak W.-W. car. FINE lot In bt location Is laurel barat t eriainal price for Quick turn. ptor,, Tabor 174. , L A D bu.ntn lot ua carline la 6t . Johtia. OH Wood'aw m WANT to t-tl my Limhurt H for or- iaaj $nce. x. itssy, iff talltrg at TEN beautiful lots.- close In near car: fenced; all In fruit and crop; modern room Mingaiow: narn. cows, cnicaena price 36000: terms. See owner, save com- mission. - .-none Heiiwooq nn, FOR SALE 2 lots in Berkeley. 1 block from O. W. P. R. R. atation: "CheaD. as .owner ' needs money quick. Merchants-Realty Co,. 227-228 Ablngton Mdg. A .CHOICE corner In John Irvlng'a 1st addition, cheap. Finest location. Good view. Broadway car. Call C-1866, - E, 278. , LEAVING city; owner roust sell beau tlful quarter block. 100 feet from Kllllngsworth ave. 81876, terma. This is worth 32300. Wood lawn 308. Look here, you easterner. 110 acre farm, Marlon county, all In Wheat, oats and hopa: 386 per acre. GRUNQSTAD. 285 Worcester bldg. TREMONT PARK. 2 very desirable lots; water mains In and streets graded. Only 3660. GRUNGSTAD. 336 Woreeater hldg. LOTS for aale. 2 Jots 60x100. and one Quarter block: will sell chean account I or going to leave mwn. cau at 3(2 Washington st. Hoom . FINE residence lots in new tract streets being graded and water mains laid; near car and eaay terms. Chae. I mmtr, zzx ano zz Moari or Tratie. 76 fet on corner of 10th and R Wash- WYM0RE ACREAGE . Two and 8 acre tracts near the cltv. on electric line and good automobile road, best of fruit and garden land; no stone and all In cultivation: $300 per acre and up: eaay terms. Call aiVd aee map. Osporn Bros., 603 McKay bldg.. 3d and BlarK. CHICKEN ranch, 11 acres; make fine chicken farm; 4 tnlf from O. IW. P. carllne; near depot, atores school, etc.; running water; enough lumber on place to erect all buildings;, some cord wood. Offered for short time only at $1000 Mr terma. r It. C. PHILLTPS. 803 Lewis Bldg. Phone. TF.i-1 acres for sale very reasonable. one alf mile irom uregon lectrio depot, mile from 8. P. depot all under cul tivation, 6 acrea in beaverdam, 1V4 acrea In straw Berries, win sen or trade for aome good wheat land In eaatern Ore gon. Address box 303. Hlllsboro. Or. miles from Mist. 1V4 miles from Fishawk R. R, station; will take Port land property up to $2000, balance long time, 6 per cent. , ' , .SHOEMAKER INV, CO.. 627 Henry hldg Main 4465. A-1434. aale of real estate, call UDon 8. L. N. GUmaB. 126 2d -at. 'between Washington . and AldeVJ - Bales made -by wublio auc tion' or .at private sale. Call at,. office, or Main 2473. Quick, action. ; " I WANT a 7 room house on, lot JOOjdOO; - mosCbe modern in evry. respect and a snap at the price. Prefer some loca tion on Peninsula, Give full particulars, phone number, etc. X-496. Journal. HAVE several, .buyers wanting uwmli farms; also some good ... tradea for farms. 422 Ablngton bldg. WILL pay cash for south front lot aouth of Broadway, west of 1 18th.- Phone East 139Z. SMALL , home in. Wood lawn on. pay ments. G-6ZS, journal. FOR SALE PARltts t7 120 ACRES Umatilla county, for grocery store, rooming - house or household goods. 5 .',..'! Photograph gallery for cheap land. Land, lots, equity tn anything, Ban don lots. Coos Bay lots, Tillamook Beach lots. Cliffs, Wash., lots, 8-acres at Napa, Cat Will trade any of above for land or on automobiles or business chances. COURTOIS. 216 Lewis Bldg. SEE our lists of large and small arms - at Newberg, McMlnnvllle, ; McCoy, Dallas, Dixie, . Suver, Jefferson, thilo-, math. Monroe. Eugene. Douglas and .Tackann I counties.- and throughout Wil lamette valley, Oregon. We have the largest lists and best buya, and are pre pared to ahow these farma. with , our autos, and will give, you bargalna that you can rqake money by buying through M. E. THOMPSON 4'CO. ; ', , 4th and Oak. Portland. Or. i . R. M. Cramer. Mgr. Farm Dept. . SMALL FARMS'." - We have some very choice. 5 and 10 acre fruit and chicken ranches; some of them are in full bearing orchard of the beat varieties, close to Oregon City ana on a fine road. If you'are looking for WEST SIDE ACREAGE 26 acre tract on Cornell road already platted Into acre tracta. Just ripe for putting on market. Adjoining acres selling from 00 to $S00. This tract can be bought for $372.60 per acre. EAsT terms. Atiy143 th st: WEST SIDE ACREAGE and lota $260 up. Easy terms; 6c fare. 431-3 Mphawk bldg. cRl- Ine-ton. worth .double: will taka til.- eve. part caan; rent Der year. B-1153. 8 Dirtelow t. CHOICE bualneea lot on Rueaell Bt near I nun are., lot exI4t feet: nice 4To; tnis is a Bargain, reerv ms Wll son, 631 Williams ave. Eaat 3377. CASH Most have money. Will sarHflce 60 toe lot en East Yamhill st- (. Own or. WF.- HAVE some fine bulldina lota. cheap, on easy terms, at Cardial HllL mnny eioe. ait. xaoor ana aAoncavlUa. Home Realty Co., fg Henry bldg. FOR choice building iota. -convenient 'to car and on easy terma. sa haa I. Hunter, 323 and 226 Board of Trade Mdg. - . RS'kD !) money. Biuttful lot la Ro City Park. Can ahow rotl aome. thing good at a aaetifioe. Terma. B- 631. Journal. 1 66 1 CO. comer. In Berklev. facias letmareland: snap at it cah. from inq'jire at tne l uni bwner. sk for Fchira. HaJie cafe. Ki.f-K Citj Park lot J Wiow mar- aet. all lirrrrtne-i,ta paid; bargatai; fjR a t-auillll lot la Taia Para. pboee Tabr 1166 evevlaga. 10 ACKti near MiiwauRee, all in cul 18 ACRES neer MMwaukle, all In cul tivation r fruit good water; on a good road; small house and barn. Price 35600. Terms. Bog A275, R. F. D. No. 1. MUwaukle. 6 AND 10 ACRE TRACTS Two-thlrda fleared. 1 mile from Lents, V mile from station: good car service; S - Mocks rrom scnooi: gnoa neighbor hood; price 830ft0 for choice tract; good terms. Owners. Phone Woodlawn 376. Carpenters and Contractors 1?.ail T riah tn rr n , a linn a a K(l nn my city lot. In exchange for 6 acrea of ' nlc cosy home and one you can maka line land-near the electric line, ff rare. u""!5Lp" . .. ir-iSn o cai. pnone or write. . - Nh h I. M. K t OK tV 1 .11. v U n ia4 hnrno Daoliw Pn I itf niui no ntUiij yju.i Cor. B. 84th and Hawthorne ave. Phones: B-2S67. Tabor 616. WILL take a 4 cvllnder. 4 or 6 pas aenger, 80 horsepower (or over), auto In good- condition, aa first payment on a fine 6 room house In a restricted district, balance monthly payments, r-none wooaiawn zila. x FOR EXCHANGE 100 acre farm. 18 miles east of Nanton, Alta., all In crop Ihia year; will trade for land or city property In or near Portland. Or. Ad dress or call on owner, 1st st W. rt. waning. FIVE ACRES close to Portland on elec tric line at atation; running water, $176; terma to suit BROWN. 411 Couch Bldg. A FKW choice half-ecr tracta; all cul tlvated; near 6o fare; aplendld loca tion aad below th market at s;oe; easy Urm a Chaa. L. Hunter. 222 and 225 Board of Trade. 7 ACRES. S mile from carllne. Clacka mas river front.- good orchard, 6 acrrs garden land. rTica f4we. cnarles trtevera. Bex if. Jladtone Of. 10 ACRES 16 mlnut-a walk Tram eta- tlon. noun nae rrvm t-nrtianeL an rlard and unaer cultivation. Ua f acre and you aava agent a comAlssloav S-M1, JournaL - - 46 ACRL8 in the MoUlla country. rr acre: deet. loamy soli: clone to 2 good towns; this will double la lo In nn year. Hemly bldg. EN acres fine soil, near Va ncov yer, wash- an railway and good mad: 2e rerea wood on place; (ltlti, ea aawy terwa. 32 Swetiaod Mdg. 2 ACRES floa fruit land. 3 ml'.ea aa at TO exchange 160 a' rea of A No. 1 White Salmon iruit land, near Columbia river and railroad. $75 per acre., or would take Portland Income property. Woodlawn 308. LOT. 60x100, 7 room house on Van- couver and Cook avea.: price 34O00. will take a email farm, Clarke Co., Wash., preferred. Frank F. Berry, 4 N. th st. EQUITY In three lots. Cost $600. $2(7 paid, .will trade for launch or motor cycle.! Give or take difference. Phone arter l:o py m., woodlawn 1421. 8ll Henry Bldg. 300 ACRES wlthid the 20 mile circle of Portland. ' 120 acrea cleared, about 6.000,000 feet fine fir timber,, running water,- 6 acrea in, bearing fruit treea. the finest possible view for a residence site; the very thing for diversified farm- ing snd stock raising. -Ji'HE CARD REALTY A INVEST- MENT CO., 110 2d St. Phone Marshall 1667. A-1647. $1200 EQUITY In two valuable lota In Council Creat Park addition for auto mobile and $400 cash. What have you? L-417. Journal. ELEGANT 6 room cottage . and two lota In Seattle to trade for houae and lot In Portland. Wolff Land Co.. 146 First at - - WILL take a good first class automo bile aa first payment at caah price for city or farm property at caah price. i'. . nuTcmnpon. vaanougai, waan ity. wr. Taooc 17a. V1RW areer- aa west iM, H,li; rloee to fte rare: lit. op, 411 Menewk bldg. 44 Ai'RIA ii niiia FortlaiwT It ri: 'il tra1. - Hall, Pa front at I fnTfTf FOR Bosaetteada eall 111 ATisky lli, yaw w O.NK af the beat groceries on weat aide doing a buaineas of 76.04)4 ner year. Invotoe about 1 14.000. , Cash or real es-. tate, H-IJ, Journal. WE buy, 11 or trade tor anytblag oi vmua, any piac . . - LINCOLN TRUST CO, , . 214-211 Lewie BMg I HAVB room modern buagainw. near car; would exchange for- cottage at wat ' MHIiw, set f-ommerclal bldg. IF )o want to aelL buy orr trade. Shoemaker Inv. Co- 627 I ten ry bldg. Mlw 446. A-7434 ll&e IXT8 free of locambraoce. Will trade for year equity la Portland lota O-lta. Journal. WILL t yau anything in trade for anything yoa bare. 211 Lewla bide-. WE raa traOe aaything yog ttaJ-d Ifytnct Co, hit. J!l Ith et HAV K 2 4y ioia, ail r ar. want good ht !n eae -fr atutietama ant 411 Henry bldg. f BIO BARGAIN. -"$2000buya a 60 acre i-infll.-' 1 mite from R. R. station, boat landing, town and school. Land ia level and fenced. 16 acres under cultivation, 8 acrea bear. Ing fruit and 3 acrea potato.-, Good 6 room - house and spring. Owner Is compelled to sell. Terma. The McCar thy Co.. 403 Rothchild bldg. FOR BALE Fine dairy, ranch. 260 acres. 160 in cultivation, 314 -bearing apple treea. Large houae, new barn 40x 8u. good location, well watered. Prlco ,,7 AAA Ovll on . ow aririraaa Woka A. Ennca, Hlllsboro, Washington Co., Or. All Inqnlries promptly snswered. 10 CITY ACRES - You can buy 10 acre tnalde the cltv limits, near the Country Club, for liood per acre. Lot valuea adjoining are I loo to $600. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Board of Trade bldg. FOR SALE. ' 110 acres on Sandy river, overlook ing the . valley and Mount Hood: for are rvery, nothing excela it; the sol la of the fineat quality. For further In formation apply to Jamea Wllaixt, 16U4 Division st. Phone Taoor llmt. 10 ACRES adjoining city limit, all rood . level land, all In cultivation. Good buildings, good water, cap eaaiiy be divided la small tracta. Alao eot" good timber land. Adlreaa ewner, L. Ft Murlhwt Leoanon Or. i liu ACRE BARGAIN." ' , 4 miles from Canby; H In eron, beat ef soil, well laiprowd, ail o tor i per acre. Inquire 401 L J4th; V c..i Khone Taraor mi. 316 tt:H ACRE K.-rt ACM Saga braah land; will be niid-r i-' ration dltob; I2 it, now '-- l. Frank Thompson. Phonea Main i'ti. A-a!, i9St S. 31 at. itTT HAVE II Will -.! my ac-r f- -- rmprovetrerf a r'v 41 '". I't : 1r ,r i - Rt M' 4i a . r-a. 4" A !. roajr o t'it ant " j H4lie a 'ore. P". - f'-a1-- . tv T.l 'A 4 V A I 1 T I F. H ! i A 1 t 1 s J FOC lf--r T(.--ri r- ; l ' . FOR hoiut u.; ta.i i.l