THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY 'EVENING, APRIL 28, 1910. 1 l-a 83 FLAT tor rent, furniture for sale; new, modern, lower flat, furniture In good condition; prloa very reasonable- "W" w passes the door. Apply after 6:30 p. m. 14 21nt it. N, pear lloyt . F1RHT clans fur.illure and flrt clans 7-room corner ilat; everything com plete, r-acly to move In. 1675. Main tooa, ai! M. 1'nrk, FllKNIT II 13 o( t I room eottage for saia. lioune for rent or for salo. 65$ Mall t. Taks BaJlwood. car. Phone fi.llu.AMll t7K "-n 1 -t --- J UKNliUUli. OI e room cuuti eneap, re&sonauie rent. i I in st, cor. fTJuNITURES 'of room flat for salt; ninni " f 4". caii inn r.oom,, it iim ti., FOUR KOOM flat for rent, furniture for sale, very cheap. 86 21st st. AT a barK&Ln. 60 room hotel: party leaving; -city. Room 16 103 1st St. FURNISHED JIOUSES 80 V -V Going to Alaska " '.Will rent my 7 room house at a bar Itain, with furniture. Come out and see me-at 141$-J& 15th st 8.; take Bellwood Ca'' GKOROE BlTTER, ' WELL furnished . housekeeping rooms. 8 for $8 month, 8 for $12 ; cottages, 4 rooms, $20; 4 room lower flat,' 316,, 84 28th at. N. (west aide) "W! ear from depot, 8d or Morrlaon to 26th, block north. Modern, Hot Water Heat T room furnished, leas one year, or months.- $41 per month. Call 1100 Rodney ave. ' . FOB, RENTFLATS 13 FRTTTT LANDS' CHEAP. - Broad mead offers an unparalleled op I Tnxrrciti! ron balm HOUSES 1 OH RENT, uipiiuunj iu uw i" . ,r, , wlprlos ranging irom uu to iuuu. posseaa himself of a never falllna; In- PORTLAND AUTO COMMISSION come. we -re aemng tnia matonieas fruit land at from S 100 to $160 per acre to good commercial varietlea of apples and caring , for them for . term ei years at cost. This Is your chance. - COLUMBIA TRUST COMPA1N X, ' ' ' Board Of Trade bldg. k . 10 CITT ACRES. ' ' VbSSS. neaAY. Cou cfuTfornoS per acre. Lot values adjoining are $400 (0 1600. J-v Tou can buy 10 acres Inside the city COLU1WBIA TRUST COMPANT, Q 'I Board or Traqe piag. -- -, FOR RENT Two modern 6 room flats, - just completed, 4 blocks from car- line; rents $16 and $16. Inquire 468 Mason st. ' , ' ' NEW and modern ' 6 room flat -with sleeping .porch, 700 Hoyt St, Slnnott 6c Slnnott, 621-626 f Chamber of , Com merce. - - - , FIVE room upper flat, basement, gas, electric llKht. bath, phone, water, m ' mmm, 812: no email children. 626 MllL Main . t02. FOUR ' room, modern, lower flat,' cabinet w kitchen, walls tinted, bath, furnace. ' inquire. Shields, 261 16th, cor. Madison, MODERN 6 room, downstairs flat, with small yard. Apply at 804 Front Jt. MODERN 6 room flat, 1010 Savler at,' Willamette Heights. Phone A-8 860, . APARTMENTS 43 KEELER - APARTMENTS 14th v and nv atn ihm ftnent in Portland: theafi I peauuru 8 ana room aparunents.witi 1 pe reidy ror occupancy May 1. . iL MAR 408 V4 E. Burnnlde, front 4 room .-, unfurnished -.apartment hot . water, walking - distance, , rent reason able; adults. ..-''',- '..,..-.-,it. . WANTED-rXO REST BUSINESS man. wife and daus-hter. de al res furnished house: must be com plete, west side, good neighborhood. Address with particulars: can furnish references.- Z-B25. Journal. " uwu nomes are scarce, you navei uc" JKf". o J"y","" "nant HARTMAN & THOMPSON. a - "-RVnnrtm.nt: . ' - . i i"i g n 1 rvi JSi iv ir 1 ni jivi fi m 1 Kent- Department. Chamber of Commrefle. " ; : . . - . . i i - -WANTED 8 or 1 room house within 1 1 or 0 ujocks 01 car. ou m. sum st. STORES AND OFFICES 11 FOR RENT- store lOxgO feet la bow MOTORCYCLES and uicycies. new and block at Front and Glbbs sts. a new aecond hand, buy,, sell, exchange, rs retall business enter: owner will place I p,ir. Agencies for Thor and Yale Motor- .ni iiuKu. . -- 1 able; good location for small hardware 1 business. Apply at drug store, corner Front and Glbbs sts. Front and Oibbs sts. ' I natentei a nee that STtSSmA n. Make offer or will ex- welcome. - my attention. - Make offer or will ex change. Residence Tabor 1269, or bual ; newt Main 1290. . :' ''' - ' . FIRST class outside orfice rooms for . rent In new building; steam beat, slectrlo and gas light with janitor ser ' vice. - N. E. cor. 3d and Madison. J)ESk room for rent Inqul re of A. T. Edwards, room A. Lumber Exchange. Phone M. 4849..- - flr, FEW nice off Ices " In the ' Couch and Chambers bldga. 6C1 Couch bldg. , HORSES, VEHICLES.' ETC. 18 HORSES AND CATTLB AT AUCTION annual Inrln. aula '17E fin. hnra.a I will be held April 27, 28t 29- at Portland k air grounds; stanaara preqa morgans, saddlers and a lot of rrade Percherons 1 1 will be sold: the imported Belgian, stal-1 lion, Zepherin and the-Imported Bpanisn 1 Jack Kobroro will be sold; shorthprn I sale April 28 at Union stockyards. Hoi-1 stains 'sold Atirll z-at Portland fair I LVlIiai HU1U AUJIJ Rl rUI LJEtllU I n, round; cata -'--!,-"- ,t rv r .Li. uvers aa get whal; they want at this sale. PORTLAND HORSE' SALE CO. ; 378 Yamhill t,, Portland. 6r, A 20 - or mora eastern Oresron horses. I broken and unbroken, will be sold to the! tils-heat hidrfar for nlh nr annroml a. I Curity. Two blacks north of car barn, I miiwaimiw, eunoay way l, at i:ao p. m. sound, worn sinsie or aoubie; child I can ride With perfect safety; afraid of nothing; good delivery or express hosse; no use for mm; $100 cash or take 1 or 8 fresh cows. Portland Helirfcta car to Patton road, t blocks south to Mt Zlon Auonioin mm w UU1U1IM1UJJ1U,1U - rrocery. Inquire at ranch adjoining. . C. ti. Latnrop. , . FOR SALE Jood sound 8300 lb. team. mare and horse, good travelers ana true pullers; g-ntle and safe for any one to drive. $1.6; also pew harness. il Mill at.. cort Parlt v. 1 BROWN MARE. 1409 lba. perfectly sound.- 1 gray horse. 1609 lbs. 1 hay .florae i4oe lr-a. i a or re i norve lioo a.. city broke, all guaranteed. . 16$ ft Madi- mnn, near rnoge. Ranch Outfit Cheap . Cor.alattne ef 2209 lb. team eft chunky built marea. area 6 an 1 7. true to wot anv soot or ilce-. aiao sewed trace haroea afd 8 Inch frm wagon. Pr;-e cmp l Ll 16. ot Vah1n-tn. ETTaStS and ttusStieS for rent by dav, week and month; special rates to rTitn.-s houses. 4 in aad Hawthone. 1 t T2 $iv9 bUV mare and rlrllnT. weitrht ahout 24A0 lba.; tMund but thin tq fleah; worth fli9 when fat C6 Wash- !"r--" pt LXa1NU Itirt 1&T de.iv- err purroaea, $J8. Inqulre Love s 1350 Lb. Mare, Ace 8 Tl t an" j!tab'.e frif mert I Sy purKe: vetrieiM eel trial al- : M r .n; , cf:r refaaed. 4j-4 frn vaau a. tr.p prite. -; state 1 1 r rv CT r i F- TT---.J , - -r ; c- - a - w c; r- 1 t'-r rim. ;1 Trei 1 11 f. . . - . -i " ' i r ae. J 49 KOHT-l e.'XTil fT. 1 . r HOUSES, VEHICLES ETC. 18 - - Driving Outfit Complete - Clack Diamond. g 6, weighs 1008 lba., can step n 2:40 gait fearless and safe.' custom made net of harness and rubber tired runabout,. a good as new. Price 16D. Inquire for Mrs. Hamilton' outfit. 80S Wanhlngton at. 'LIVESTOCK AND FOULTRY 80 FOR SALE 2 freah cowi, Jersey calf and a Durham. Take M. V. car, "it off Windmill at., a blocks north. 11.83 10. Irvine st TWO mares. 1 )0 lbs, each, sood work .rB i 0od farm horse, 1800 lbs.. Main st, Phone East cheap. 666 13. I r. ti uk .... - - , xiiOROUGllBUEn Sllver-laced Wyan- dotta aim s 1.60 ner aeltlna. -.. Only I $6 per 100. Phone 2530. FRESH Jeraey cow, heavy, rich milk. 65 K. 80th at.. Phone East 6606. . I TWO cub bears for Bale, 8 month ! IE Phone Solly-pod 816. WHITE'Wyandotte epgs for hatohln. Mrs. J. B. Small. Lents. Or. Tabor 184. PLYMOUTH Roolj hens for sale. Qarfleld ave., cor. Woodlawn at; 1471 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 84 :?::?. Chas,I,..York J Band -Instruments arid Music House, Repairing, exchange! V4 Bfl St. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES 44 KNOX, the fastest stock car In' the - world: Molina, the best car made for the money. We also have a number of four cylinder cars, lightly used, but In first-clas condition, left her for ua to ell at real Darrein prices. v WESTERN AUTO. CU. 631 Alder at. WE have what vou want In second ham AntnmnhlUa t h r tnT anl nr frail? KA ( 1.T 111. m : Jtmrmn i WLL buy 6 Pe"?fr In good repair t car. standard UD to 21000. on installment payment and rive real es tatea security to protect payments. H 62D. Journal. -v , ON ACCOUNT of leaving city must sell my eu tl. f. - 7 passenger xnomas .in g 'jSurnai 'V J cr: n-6': J"r"a'' t : i I ... ,:.. . FOR SALE ,.,.: :. Cadlllaev 20 modeL OB. 6 passenger. In the best of condition and fully eauiDDed. can fii-iiin. m. pagi, A BARGAIN. ' 6 passenger automobile, j $326 cash. Room. 417,,$2tt Wash, si Main 6881, A-0J31 NOWC is your chance to buy an auto mobile; a 6 passenger car with top and glass front A snap. .T-628 JoMr- 1 . .r r, i i ! UKl. MOTORCYCLE for sals, good -running I condition; will take any reasonable wuu,t..w,i, rr . , ion offer. L-628, Journal. I FOR SALETwo paasenger runabout, goo condition, cheap. 07 Williams 1 avenue. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 10 new- . -25H.P. " ' W . Hi eh nresaura firebox boiler. : fitted- to burn toil, water bottom, water front a snap hot some-n. 1 van av, vm.a- couver ave. Phone East 8882. FlSHINO gasolina launch for sale, 26 ft long. 7 Va ft wide. 8 horse enelne. low speed.. Get oft the Brooklyn car at sou in ena 01 urana ave., go aown eieps men soutn Vt t- mile. inauira - vv. 1. Nash or address Launch, 814 Holladay ave. - a pargain. NEW and . second hand pool and bil liard tables bought and- sold en easy terms. (Bowling alleys, refrigerators for fmmedlatn flnllverv. Addreaa. tha RrunswJck-Balke-Collender Co.. 6th. FOR" ALE bv owner, aasollnelaunch. . a. w . . . - .length, 10 it. wide, is norse- newer union . annn . naen uaan oni Journal. year. Ask for; -Information. 1 , Q-68 HOT water tank and gaa heater, good stove, smaii mirror, triplicate mirror, chairs, ladies' suits, all sizes, for sals cheap, 148 etn, opposite Meier at franns cycles. Apex nicycie uo.. izs inn. A-asu f, , f. .an C?IN 1unc ?,'' l2f' f " . "v trade In desirable : real estate. journal. tAlN l frlonf ,H ft beam ' o. .P-. cycle engW new , swell swell outfit; . trade In desirable real .estate, W-601, Journal. R. B. MOTORCYCLE. "America's Best" Raovcle bicycles: motorcycles and bl- eycies repaired, rtyaman tiros.. w uu. FOR SALE Fine Roeita' guitar, cost t sia, win sen lor (, Including case. 434 espoxane ave... eeuwooo. - ' 2 cycle eneine. good condition. half caom; snap., eeiiwooa iob. SLIGHTLY used typewriter for sale or exchange. What nave you to oc- refT 418 oregonian bldg.- M. 7064. H PIANO check. Take It for $10. 41 . North 9th St. $6 - White sewing machine, with attach- ments. uga ta. Morrison. ' 1 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 6 , - . , , ,., t.,-, -, , ,- , , THB Ra(j WAREHOUSE. 846 1ST ST. 6nlp notlf ,an(iraga, wool, mohair. ... t.i.a w. m .nkw i - at.uva, u . . k . uiu ., ,. . u .m. v. metals. iarl pioneer arusr oi iMcant parau consult before Belling. Phone M. 4318. GET our price on your furniture, as it will pay you. We want the goods. Savage and Fennell. 8(l-s 1st st -, Mala 100 WANTED People of Portland to know that we pay highest cash pries for second - hand household goods. Seater A Gustavson, 148 Russell. East 1662 OLD rubber boots and ahoes, 7tta per lo-i auto. Urea. 6c .per lb.. J. Leva. ISO Columbia St. Alain tits, BE WIS'': get more for your second Auction Co.. Ill 1st. Main 8851. A-2446. , c "-mr " 4, r. , hand clothes. Phone East 1809. SPOT cash paid f oV . your rurnlture: - prmp attention always given. B. 1041 riNAJCCIAli 01 GIVING XT AWAY! Have threa aha res of gilt ede-e stock In close cor poration, worth 81259 each, will sell any or all at 81009 eactu- This Is worth looking Into. . , WALLKR. 1 i - V $17 Board of Trad. , " i QVlCii, IRAN'S 8 $ On furniture and pianos, storage re $ $ relpta, life Inaurance pollctee, live- $ 8 gtock. real eatate and all kinds of $ $ eewurltlee. I U. S. Real Estate & Brokerage . Company . $ Room II, HsmQton bldg. 111 3d st $ $ Phone Main 2'M. 3 LOANS WANTED 80 1 1 B i wanted for 8 year st 8 per sent I'.nH --i?Hr. P. O. F -"T 5. MONET TO LOAN 27 MONTT Wa. any amount. ts 8 pov eer.L Godnough feel IX. T18 Boerd f lr'. fr tha g. ealarr er tat T -e L.n 1 n . 41 4 1 am t. ifc 1 -e J: '5 r r i - ' . 414 Cr mrT 1 t inb hi r. t- i .n on a. I ' a r.f a,e- 1 1- frf t V. a . - r - H'f. ' 1 , ; ' -it-- r- '.; a- . .,., S. j i.i:g. 4$ Vnl'.r!ia B.jg. Mala 6U9. f v. o.'Ld 87 LET US HELP. YOU MONK Y ADVANCEDvFRIVATELT On furniture, pianos, , horses, wagon", etc., and the property remains In your possession, vv a aiao loan money, to a 0.1 arifa people. PAY D8-A LITTLE AT A TIME. Deal with a reliable, eatabllshed an responsible concern; our large bualnee enables us to mik CHEAPER RATEI than ever before. . Every transaction abaolutely secret; no bothering your em ployers with uncomfortable 'Inquiries!. HUTI0N CREDII CUi - 812 DEKUM BLDG, ..' t 7 . Phone Main 2860. i ' saLarV Loan 6 on "LaIn N6teX $10- -1J- -1100 LOWEST RATES IN PORTLAND. 810 repaid In Installments of. .....8 . $20 repaid In-installments of...... .80 HO repaleV iu installments of..... 1.00 Larrnr unaunia In. nrnnnrtfon. - All we require is your personal note! no mortgage, no Indorser or' security; everything strictly confidential. . r r , ' STATE SECURITY CQ ' ' V - 80B Falllnar bids:. ' Hours: 8 a. m. to 4 ?. m. Wed's nd pat s unti 1 a p. m. - - - ' twpb fRrnsr'irvT l.oM AOENCT. 402 Rothchild bldg., corner 4th and vvkvshlngton. The recognised bank of tha vbua urncr. A clerk, bookkeeper. machinist, engineer or employo can ob tain money 01 us on Die. nvif, iuivi security. - v tlS return to us.... ...... 8 4.00 month $30 return to us. ....... .$ 8.00 a month $60 return to ua. ........ $13.86 a month Confidential; no. unpleasant Inquiries. ppeciai lmies on pianos, lurnuun ww. k $75,000 ; ; Want to loan this amount on pianos. rurnlture, ... horses, warehouse reoeipts, real estate. mortaaR-ea or any good col lateral. A special low rats In order to get this ' money out - We want your patronage and sre making a rats to get it ' -' ' THE KINO LOAN A INVESTMENT.CO. ' jRoom 610 Buchanan Hiag. ; i Installment loans on pianos, furniture. warehouse receipts, horses, Insurance bolides, and all kinds of securities! real estate ana loans rrom iiuvu up.. EW KKA MiAW f' 1 U. A1 Ablnrton bldsr. MORTGAGE loans on Portland real ea- tate for borrower or lender, : . , ., v . joa c. GIBSON, Suooessor to ; f Gibson & Holllday, 804-6 Gerllnger Bldg.. " MONEY advanced salaried people, house- . keerjars and others unon their own taantes without security; cheapest rates. easiest Davments: ounces in oa vrinci- pal cities; save money oy getting our terms, xoiman, 911 liumoer mcmbh. WB LOAN money on diamonds and jew- elry at reasonable interest xor long or snort time. A. e M. ueiovago, jewaierai, 269 Washington st 1 w .' : - : BUY for cash either first or second tnorta-airea or aeller'a eaultv In con tracts of sale on' real estate In Oregon or Washington. ' H. . Nobis, Lumber men's Diqg, TOTTR CREDIT -""U Is iTOOd st the Employes' Loss Cow, III , Aoington, xvaa a-. si. if ONET to loan, large loans a specialty, building loans: lowest rates; firs in surance, w. o. gecK. iz Failing. $800 TO LOAN, first mortgage secur ity, at 1. per - cent interest. n-oi. Journal. . LOAN 3 negotiated on good securities. UKA -4J U N 11N tirtAM-Vi K A X, . t?ulte 722-723 Electrlo bldg. $160,000 on .mortgagee, city or farm property, fire Insurance McKenale 4k Co., Gerllnger bldg., 2- and Alder. SALARY LOANS Confidential, easy to get ana easy to pay. tr. a. nevwu, sio Henry bldg,, 4tn ana uak. $1000 -to loan on any eecurlty. -Private property." jm oo. journal, y ' ISAAC L. WHITE, money to loan, firs . insurance, aai aneriock oiag. . -SUMS of $2000 upward on real estate. Qoddard ft Weidrick. 143 Stark. . NOTICES v 6 MULTNOMAH COUNTT COURT - HOUSE. S ' Sealed proposals will bs received at the office of Whidden & Lewis J archi tects, 701' Corbett bldg., Portland, Or until noon Friday. May t, 1810, for metallic window frames and rrilla and for such - other work as called for In specifications, for the east wins: of a new courthouse to be erected for the county of Multnomah, state of Oregon. Plans and specifications maV be ob tained at the office of the architects. - No nroDosal or bid will be considered unless accompanied by a check payable to the order of the county court of Multnomah county. , certified bv a re-' sponsible bank, for an amount equal to 10 per cent of the aggregate proposal, to be forfeited as fixed and liquidated damages in case the bidder neglects or refuses to- enter into contract nd pro vide a suitable bond for the faithful performance of said work, in the svent tne contract is awarded to him. . The right to reject any and all bids is nereDy reserved. . 8. fields, county Clerk. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the dis- trlct court of the ITnltad states., for the district of Oregon. f the matter or tturton n. b wetland, bankrupt wo. 1661. in bankruotcv. Notice -is , hereby given that on the 21st day of April A. u.. iio, nurion a. swetiand oi Port land, Oregon. the ; bankrupt above named, was duly adjudicated bankrupt and that the first mestlna? of hia cred itors will ba held at the office of the understated, room a 401-3. Fenton build ing, Portland, Oregon, on the 10th day of May, 1910. at 10 a.- m., at which time said creditors may ' attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankruDt and - transact such other business as may properly corns before saia meeting. - . , - Claims must be .presented in form re quired by the . Bankruptcy , Act nd iirorn 10- - Tha schedule filed discloses no assets. , CHESTER G. MURPHY, Referee In Bankruptcy. Dated April 26. 1910. . iOTlCB TO CREDITORS In the dls trlct eourt of the United States, for the district of Oreron. In the matter of Clyde H. Packer, bankrupt No. 1669, In bankruptcy. Notice is hereby given that on the list day of April A. D.. 1310. Clyde H. Packer-of Portland. Oregon, the bankrupt above named.- was auiy adjudicated bankrupt; and that the fir. .neetlnaf Af hlai frrMlltAPa wift ha held at the orricea on tne undersigned, rooms 401-1. Fenton liiildlna. Pretland. Oregon, on til 9th day of May, 1910. at 19 a. ra., at which time said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt and tranaact such other- business es may properly come oeiore saia meeting. Claims must be presented in form re quired by . the Bankruptcy Act snd sworn to. - . . The schedule filed" discloses no assets. CliESTER O. MURPHY, Referee lip Bankruptcy. Dated April 26, 1914. - - ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Notice la herahv arlven that I- V. Rommel has been appointed' administrator of the eatate or (. naries Armstrong, aeceaseo. by the county court of tbs state of Ore gon for Multnomah county, and all per sons having claims sgalnst said eatats are hereby requested to present the same with proper vouchers wlthJs sit months from the date hereof, to the underairned at 871 Commercial street, la Portland. Oragon. Dated Portland, Oregon, April 14.1819. U V. ROMMEL.. Administrator of the Estate ef Charles- A rm I'.ront, deceased. TO whom It may concern: I have d- olved partnerahtp with the ajtilltie Manafacturtng oompaay and the Ther. mochef rla Co.. located at 141H 2nd at- 1 will no longer be responsible for dabta contracted iy same. A. 7T. TorVT LOST AND 1X3UND 21 A MEXICAN CMhuahtia lemale d"C very arji;'.. 'nr fm yellow and white s-rl;. 319 reward. ?i $th St ' 4 frl, ' i ? i ro ;1?eat'nai, X ar.l J irva it.i gvld stirs, pin. l.evard. MONEY TO LOAN 21 IX)8T WATCH , - $60 REWAHU -'-" " tIxBt Sunday, afternoon, probably on Alberta atreetcar, between leth and Al berta and 4th and Waehlngtori. a gen tleman's arold watch: hal . huntinar caaa and wea engraved "Preaented to Law bTAeShiryiti Was highly prised as a keepsake. A ?w-.o.B.0?tJ'tu,, Shan: 'M"'"', - ween a iaer ma . . bXRAYED From my piaoe. $ fillies, hrlsrht hav with small efar on fore head ; 8 years old, has bell oil ; I dark grays. l ana I years oni. Address Kelknnp, Rt. 8, Lenta. Tabor 1883. LOST Isdy's gold watch, Elgin move ment and J. Boss esse: monogram A. D.. R., on back of case; reward.. 847 MislBlppl ave. . .. W)BT A fountain pen on Falling street Detween Missouri ana wiuiams ava.; return to 793 Wllliamg ave.. Prne TT mwn 411 IfTtsilU. - PERSONAL , i. ajaa,i a,, ii Now is the tlms to - attend ' to your i. rAwA Re-dveln aeala'kln ararments a soeclaltv. Get my estimates. Have large assort- tnent or fins Skins to select irom. J-a dies placing -orders now will .get the "pick. . also save money. Satisfaction assured. Adolph Reiner, practical fur rier-ana expert - niter, inn st. Phones A-8663, M-8610. RADIUM '"5' People afflicted with Caneer Lupus. Rodent Ulcers, Eczema, Tuberculous joints. Tumors or uianas, A.-ay aurna. Soar Tissue. Keloids. Nevus,. Port Wins Stains (Mother Marks) Moles of every kind. Warts, Stricture, Prostatic Blad der and - Rectal Troubles, Granulated be?nUdMrmaeu7 cu?ld witTRadium trghtP 'St. onJyi'uVon C Pacltlo coast - Address or call at 312 DntlinhlU hi,, Dnv.l.n' T Tv W a. Mallory, Radium Specialist DR. ALICE! A. GRIFlr. Diseases of women and children ex-I cluclvely; 'Women are often saved se- urgicae operations py coneum met Nervous diseases of . children specialty. Private hospital accommoda tions. Confinements cared for. Cor respondence solicited. No charse for consultation, rnpaes, Main 892 , A-ooui j Of floe rooms 1 6, Grand Theatre bldg. wasningion anq tric FRUIT LANDS CHEAP. Broadmead offers an unparalleled op portunity to the man who wants to possess himself of a never falling In come. ' Ws are selling this matchless fruit land at from $100 to $160 per acre on easy terms. - Ws are planting tracts to (rood commercial varieties of aooles and caring for . them for a term of years at cost. - -This is your cnanca, WiiUJHlilA Tit U a l UIMrAI X, Board bf Trade bldg. 10 CITY ACRES. Tou oaA buy 10 acres inside the eltv limits, near the Country club. for. $1000 per acre.. Lot values adjoining are $400 to iuo. "' ; . COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Board of Trade bid. .- v LADIES Ask vour druasrlst for Chichesters Pills, the Diamond Brand. For 26 years known as best safest Always i reliable. - - Tans - no other. Chlcheoters Diamond Brand Pills are sold by druggists everywhere, Hen cured Qmcfcly , r Modern slectrlo treatment for diseases of the prostate, nervous debility, piles, etc. WT L Howard. M. D.j 804-8, Koto child bldsrl. 4th and Waahinrton. V RUPTURE .fiAN BE CURED ,We. assist nature by reUlnlnghernU af all tlmaa ...anllaaa f vnn.&auna. .-, ...vr" -j- "i"tr uon. - tnis we auarantee. examination or advice free. Cadonau & Wilson, 66 6th. DR. LEWIS. Physician and surgeon; treats women and children exclusively;, private ' hos pital; accommodations; examinations free. Main 4047. A-2411. 606 Common wealth bldgtlrAnkeny. GERMAN books, magazines, novels, etc, .- German, English, - French, Spanish. Swedish and Italian dictionaries; for- eign books xt all kinds. , Bchmals Co, 129 1st at- - -' , --,.-'. bR- WALKER, specialist: quickly cures diseases of man. blood and akin dis eases, sores, ulcers, swollen elands, kid ney, bladder and piles.. li 1st, Port-1 land. - - - - -v --.. - - LOST vitality restored by Dr. Lorenss- vNerve Tonio Tamets, oo oox, t poxes i l.iib. . Btipe, Tayior urug jo, zsa s&or- 1 rlson. Mall orders promptly filled. REDFERN, Warner's, Crosby front lac- lOaT corsets; tney give satisfaction. Wet you oorreoUy. , Maris .U. Ziet- mens, 348 Alder st. :r ; ; GENTLEMAN. 47. business exnerlence. . wants to meet lady of means, suitable I age, with object or immediate marriage ir congenial, n-oie. journal. rr-M-arV.r. a,..!, naranna ni. ArmA- ent use Sexold Pills as a bracer; re- I stores lost vigor; price -i per box, 9 1 Doxes ror f . t. j. jrierce, sir T. T. Pierce, 111 Allsky. SANDERSON CQ.'S bavin and Cot-I ton Root Pills, sure remedy for da-1 layed periods, $2 per box or 8 boxes for $5. TT J. Pierce, $11 Allsky bldg. MLR&- SOPHIA E 6EIP, teacher. 112 Allsky bldg. Meetings . Wednesday. 8 p. m., 8d ana Morrison. FREE readlnss for two weeks, women only. 129 10th, between Aider apd j wssnington; room a. upstairs. WOMEN, use Femolds When others fall: xor saie oy tne Auspiuna Drug t-o. 106 N. th st Main 6108. DR. T. 3. PIERCE, Specialist Diseases of women; all Irregularities corrected: no exposure. Calk or wrltesgll Allsky. "INDIA CORN, PAINT" never falls, , only ic. unage rnarmacy. lis Mor rison st. ......... OCCULT NEW thought Liberal, scien t if ic books.; Jones Book Store, $84 oak ex., BALM of t remedy ror enaeases of women. Balmont st East 8488. BUSINESS DIRECTORY A68ATEB8 WELLS 4V PROEB8TEL; sssayers, ana-1 IT. a I t 1 4. st A A li Qraa.k Kg 49 AT. A Si I axw..AA4.A aaaaj j 1 ere testing work. 184 Morrison. ATTORNEYS CHRISTOPHER80N a MATTHEWS. Oeneral practice. 411-11 Mucnanan oia. CULROPODISTS CHIROPODY, manicuring. Mrs. Puatssa, 4t wasnington at. aaaranaii hip. CHIROPODY AND PEDICURING - Mra M. D. Hill. 419 meaner Pllg. Ul'SINEShi CARDS HOWE, DAVIS COMPANT. 199 3d st RlaBB! booka m'ff: arts, far Joseer improved Loose-Leaf ledgers: see tbe I new Eureka leaf. A-llil, Mam lis. .1 WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. I Street paving, sidewalks ana sress 1 Inga. 317 Becg bldg. TIN roofin ng. guturlng. repairing sod lobbing. J. Loali, 813 Jeffev ain 14i4. J - - sonera,! 1. son tt Mi THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO, Portland orrvi. 44 w erceeter Pl7g. JAS. Met WOOD CO.. all kinds of In- suranr-a. surety bonda Hfkar tiiot. CARPET WEAVING NORTHWEST Rog Works Rags from j old carpets, colonial rag mts, sua r-on ira. ill Union near K. Morrtsm. V'K WEAVE rag carpeta, also bed and I batkroom rue a. 1618 Pattoa ave. Pnone Woodleva 2f'8. - COAL AND WOOD Qarccai PROMPTLY DELIVERED Call Msla 3797. foot tf Curry st. aUATu Seod A Coei Co. Ail kinis ef I r wood and nli-e e-f-aj ty eorg or ton. phoaee . Alt. B-l2. a- 4 La aad Vain a. A- H. L1, .-n. lba fuel sba Cs eC Cs"- a-eroa. a. a am nrw Ittiri ramoal Lee et.eai.-er graOre of coal aad dry toot. LOST AND FOUND 4JOAL AND WOOD KOTICEVa SLAB V00D OKKKN SHORT WOOD, per load,. 22.00 uhioi-;n 4 foot ' sou, per cord..r z INHIHW DRY BHORT. ter load ....IS 6 HUH K WOOD, per load . . . . . ...IS.00 - 1 SAWDUST, for fuel and bedding. Tfce PcrtlaEil Slabwccd Co. Main 8119'. A-7001. " ' " PAdii' iu slab wood Co,"". Bry igWs wood, per loat. i .... ....83.60 i k i rial i nrv lnaina wooa. oer 1 1 planer trimmings, per load.. l.UO 2.60 - Phones Main 8709, A-7369. - Wood, Coal and Drv Sla WESTERN FUEL: COMPANT, I7 K. Morrison.- East 226, B-1028 1 fioTjf HPbRTLANI SLaBWOOD CO. Matn tj53 a-8842. Dry Inside wood. green siaowooa. clean sawaust xor oea- anm, rut mei; curawoqu nkeU & FARR. dealers in all kinds of fir snd hard woods: prompt delivery. a LsTEEL Bridge Fuel Co., wood and coai loa water at- Main it,vt. A-eoe. ( Phone C-177S. B. 424 SHORT dry board wood. $3.60 per load. Phone Marshal 1906. ' COLLECTIONS 1 CURRENT andv nelinouent accounts cot- I iacted.' Wells Mercantile Agency.- 70s Board of Trade bldg.t. 4th and Oak sts. -Vi". ..... . . DAN 67 HENSLEY Carpenter, contractor; plana aud esti mates free; repairing solicited. Phone B-2981. Residence 209 E 37th St. J. H. BURTON, general contractor and puiioer. n ist st. Both pnones 117 CONCRETE, brickwork, excavating, eta. urop postal, J. wempe. 187 E. 9d st WESTEBN ACADEMY dancing depart. A,, S-JSSS electro! rsis MOLES, wrinkles, superfluo 's half re- movefl. Mrs. M. D. Hill. 4J Kllednsr. electiucal surrLiKs MOTORS FOR RENT OR SALE Pacifio Electrlo Engineering Cos, 111 Second st , Y - GASOLINE ENGINES STATIONARY ,k and marine; slectrlo equipments: launches, - accessories, wholesale and retail: engine repairing. Relerson Machinery Co.. 189 Morrison. LANDSCAPE GARDENER I LAWNS, gardens, private parks: first ciasa wora. f none .ast ifui, . waitex Klett ' ' ' - -.- 1 LEATHER FINDINGS CHA8. I MA8TICK A CO.. 74 Front 1 Leather of every : description; tap maufacturers, findings. UtSlC TEACHERS WEBBER Academy Music, violin, man dolin, nlano. sruitar. banjo. 489 H Wash. I ji. THIELHORN, violin teacher, pupil Sevclk. 900-1 Marauam Mdg. A-4160. IK. PIANO, violin, cornet, mandolin. rro B. A. wmitn. isa lim it, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR, LILLEBELLE PATTERSON, spe cialist on nerves, acute and chronio diseases. ' 817 Fenton bldg. Main 8f-3L DR. BMrCH. Juate Kirksvills. hMo.. 189ll POSt grad. 1307. 918 BWStland i ,i .... . - . . - . i " - DR. F. JV BARR. A. 8. O. , 207 Mohaw bldg., 8d and Morrlaon. Main 8229 PAINT, OIL AND GLASS , RAflMniasBJN a. CO.. "Hish Standard' paint ne. cor, 2d 4k Taylor. M. A-177t PAINTING AND PAPERINQ FOR best work, prioes right, call P. A Doane, 104 Union. Both phones. . PATENT ATTORNEYS HANDBOOKS for inventors free; tells how to obtain and value of patents, y?rWMl ' -" ti. i;. wkiuh i, u. o. ana toreign pai- ents; Infringement cases. 604 Dekum PRTNTTNa , saasajaaa,i. i. , , WATSON PRINTING 'CO. DESISNERS OF FINE PRINTING. LOWEST PRICES BEST OF WORK MAIN 7743. GOODNOUOH BLDG. WELCH IPlfSiraM XfBliMlf - "Doers or clever inings wita type svna Ink on paper." 1414 1st THB EAGLE PRINTING CO. not In trust: close figures, good work. .. 90S Qoodnough bldg. fnons Main siit- RFJBUEB STAMPS AND SKAiaS STENCILS and office stationery. - nlngham Co., 281 Stark. . Main Con' 1407. SAFES THE Mosler Safe Co, 108 Id st 8afea at factory prices; repairs, i lockouts opened; bargain In second hand safes. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES SHOWCASES of every desortptloni bank, bar and store fixtares mioe to order. Tne uiim mig. t. o. "the James l Marshall mpg. i-O I uen BHU auvwvww, un,.i., viu;. and office rixturea. zbw t--one, ta-spa SIGN AND SHOW CARDS 1asSsataas-SJaSi tos?k klub, .ign.; th..urs. aBt Slgl ga makers In the northwest: 6th and Everett sis. raone ativ. fex. ta, Home A-iiBo. -'SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" Portia Sign Co, 387 Stark. Pacific 1698. CHVEXOiu WALTER ML OBEJR, putting, subdivid ing ana topograpnicai anape a ape ctiaity. lev E- laio iu CT. P-IVBB. IKANSFEH AND HTUnAGa4 ' Oregon'Transfer Cot ! Established 1678. Transfer and forwarulng aganta. Storage, xrea tracsvaae. Offloe. 819 Hoyt sU bet tth and 6th. rnones: main a, a-iisx. C. O. PICK Tranafar at Storage Co, of- rice ana cotnmoaious siory Dries (warehouse, separate Iron rooms and fireproof vaul !r,t,.eorj,,L? XaTOltur mov. vaults tor vaiuaoiee; assrth. and Pine at a. Pianos and moved and Packed for skin. tnent . 1 . 1 ... . ... ais iff, a-iwT. OLSON-ROB TRANSFER CO. pianos and furnltors moved, packed and iMrM4 249 Oak st Main $47. A-2147. UtLiU' taggage 4k iraaef-r Co. Storage. $24 fctark. Mala 447. A-4149. t TTPEWIUTERS ALL snakes rented, repaired, said. Cxb alrghsm Co- HI h'srk M. 144T. VACUUM CLEANING Aura-vacuum cleaning co no Oil! wbl.e operating, carpets rleened OS the fioor, )pt,t,isterd furnitura, ruga, draperiea, etc.. clesined thomunh :ly; ne rwrtl fro-n p-e-e; reson- shla r.i-a. fnone Last ilia. Estimatea fnrn!.v-d a,lBOil.AlJAN. CR. A. G. EW1T1I. V. &. V. K f-tAt 24A riaot. V.a.a41ii. Ran. laia lt.A REL-ESTATE DIRECTORY HistaV-- ,;.;.'..,-- .'.,,.,. ;.,'.,;, .' APDKgaS . ..... .- TKUtrnoKaV. Bake. D. M.. City fans PtoBarty..,M..;...an9 Bldg...... ,A-44eai Mala Bnwg-fllaela Company.,...,., ........110 twvund St.... Main ai 1I...4 Drr.oakar tr BeatKUet . ......... .,...,..tii atc-Kay Ulda;. ....Wndaor llrltlit. Mala 1-9 CoBMor. laa... ........ sf Latairtto lilda... Jib aaS Wa.a. Ualu !et Card Realty A Investment Co.. V . yt, a,,,..M.., ...... .... rina. D. fT. Co. ,Wamlatakt Bubart A MwafaaU. rarsM. t1tv rwDartr lliiurk. Omirae A. (Oolenlaatloa) ..........'aw Labba ild III Kaanp A Markay.... .................. I Cbamlwr of CulBaroa....Alela ar4 A-2in4 W. H. Lan. Oe ........414 AUlasloa Bids Mala 1 Orefna Baal kafat Ce., The...... ....Qt.ud Ave. au4 Wullaak....r. ?, C-!7t C Klilelda. J. Tdompaoa M. Walker. 8. T. tie...... BANKS E1BBT SIATIONat, BANK, fMrtland, 4r. " ' " - . ,i. ; .- . CAPlTAt AKD (UBPLrjg $1,800.009. ".- ' r ,--'..-'.-;-.'-'- , - . ' v , 1 . . , . -.v. . .. . . . , ' - . GSBMAN-AMKRICAN BAN roctUaS. cw. corner Blxtb aaa Waablugtaa Bta, - Treaeeete a geDcral Bauklag Ixuluaa. Drafts- laeuee available la all tbs pnaclyal dUaa ef the till ted B La laa sad aroa gear sateeat totereat pais aa eavlaga t.oeata. Haft depoalt vallta. -" .. - ' - , .- - - . :. - - ' BONDS AND -1 OHB1B BBOTQKHaV Cbasiber 0t Ctmmt .t-;V. ManMpi'; Rallreiid a4 f T CAVNING-HOPKINS' CO. Ptock and II. Portland, -t .: -i-'- , Beat Ua, Private wires. GRAND CENTRAL . BOUTHERN LBA V1HO PORTLAND. . . . 1 Aahlaad Puaooaef ...... j.......... 8:80 a. sa. Cottage Omve PaeMogac. ........... 4:19 p. as, Bhaata (Jmlted 6:09 p. aa. M M S. SB. California Kxpreaa ................. : B. Ba. aa Oandaoe Exneeaa kMO a Ba. WBbf BUVB, -. -"-'a " OnrvaTlla Paaaangat . ............... T '.W S. St, Bherldan .Paawnger 40 p. sa. oraat .Urova Paaaenser., ........... mm a. a. oreat l Oaove PaaaeDger.. ........... IwO B. sa. oraat WroTB Paenirer 9:40 p. m. . '"' CAMADLiN PACTFIO 0-Bpokaiia.Fnrtlas4 ... .. ! aa, NORTHERN .'J..-' rjBAVS MSTLAMO. Worm Ooast Umltad, vie Paget soena , (" Rortb Coast Umltad, via Kortll . ;8" .,.......,....... -ivj.a. Trtlts. at, Atlantle lipraaa, via Paget .... Snanat 7T7. ...18:19 a. ta. Itkmtle Bxpra-a. vta mt Benk... 9 S. sa. Twin City Kiprees via Pogot Boaad 8:90 p. bs. Twin CltT Kxpreaa. via North Bank f 0 p. am. Baatera Rxpreaa. via Paget "oor.4. ..IS :15 a. sa. Fatara Expraaa via Mortb Bank.... 9K a. Bs. Mhaoarl Birar Bxpreas via Paget , Soaad .V. ...M....MIVa, Missouri Birar, Express, vis Horth --" Bank 9. ................ ..... VISs S. sa, Portlsnd. Tseoma A Seattle . , ' press, eraya Hirmr,' vijmwm , ; " ana Booth Bend brsnebes........ TSW a. Si. Portlsnd-Vsneoover special..'... .....2)9 s. Sa, Phks4 Sonnn Limited. Grays Hat- - ' . bor and Booth Bend brencbas. .... 9:l p. ta. Tseolt Psaanrer ... ....... ..i .. !9 P-se. OREGON RAILROAX. N tsiaviNa pdrti.ANDl Petiifletnai Lwal ................... T:40 a. ta. Pon-Bpokane. Portland , "'J P. BS. Onann-Washlnstea Limited ...,...10KM s. ta. The Dalles Local ....... .,..... 4:00 p. as. Oreeon-Wsahlnatwa Express! 8KM p. m. lamoTi iurn i 'i f i js,rj4 A VsVatea sasBnv sear . tBATTlta POBTLAWDv t - fteatMe l-rprsss I Bafs1r Hieisrifr Soe-SpnkaM-Fortlasd ....... ....... I P a. IH-riij,..,.,.,,, vrm m. m.; Via Seattle, Victoria A Vaoeoava.. 8:90 p. sa. Via Vaneoover, Victoria A Seattle... S. sa. -Via Bumaa ................... ....18:1 a. sa. Via Bnmaa and Seattle T:OQ a. ta. OREGON AND WASHINGTON RAILROAD COMPANT. LBAV81 PORTLAND. r. ---: Soatfls Psasencer ................. fO a, Sa, Bhssta United '- f Owl H'4 P. ss. Spokane, Portland SeattI Railway tsV.WVEOTH AND HOYT sT.tET PASSEltOER fTATlOW, ' 1 . isivinu POKTLAlflk Inland Umpire Express trt a. w For Oi learn. Bt. psal. fMnslja. Kanaaa Cit Bfc - Tionta. " Walla Walla. 'Pasoe. tteowvelt. nwddallee, Ooldendale, wT)1e Balisea, Btavee. sod. Vaneonver and Intermediate aUtlone. . North Pank Umltd..-.....JiOe p. m. ' Tor rhleere. Bt iPsnt Omaha. 5 St. fanla. Hnokana. Bnrsrns. Pltavllle. Llad, OrsnddallaB. White Bteverson,. and TaiMsiaeer. ' - "'m at-' Cntnmbla Rlrsr Local for Vaaeasrm sfJs- WMte"itanw,ityU:,41v; sit Intermeiltete atattona. ' Jefferson Street Deoot ". , rm$ itr, Portlss i aT -.. 8:80. S 80. 1M, tfiSO, 8,:BO. 10:28, and P-ts-f 19:BO. '. 90. 4:90. 6:80. 9:88. 1:45, 10:1Q. 11:90. ' ; kf-v- .lNnrtland By, LfrM A IVwe i - . Wcirt'irffles-'aad: waltlag room Jin sad Al der steeets. ''-.. . e.uam Vies All SODurnae miia ai. - -rr A , .... u!.j. wata streets, taateeo of rvt and AMar atrj-tt u sa J"'- . , . m. 4:O0. 4:80 a. .'Bs. aaC every 90 mlnotea t n4 iocludlnf 9 P. m, tbsn W:oo, 1 1 -00 o. m. : last ear mldnlcht. -"tRm and latmeM.teEolt:BB. 48. aa S-.4S. W:4a a. es.1 is.wn :48. 9:4(1. " J?;...ii anarHI. 9:48. fl hsasj ll4ir9J 3LDII iTl XTs tuxTTjaeai 1T'"' fo iTs -.-t18 4a. 94H. 4:46. S:4 p. SS. Oreiron Electric ' DEPOT PbOBT LBAVIHtl POBTLAND. :M a. as. w-s--r-, --; . a. Ulllsbora-aoren m a.. -- -Balernlnt Btsa. loeai. c-lt""'!I:02 Bllsiboro-8irsat Oror. local 180 p. m. Bslem lot Btas. soeal.... ........ 80 p. m. BlUsboeo-rorest Onrve toeal j:JJ f- Hlllsboro-rorest Croea ocal. ........ 9 JO P- SJ. Salaai Int. Btsa. local.... ........... ? mjiii.tM.a.B'oreet BaWS Int. Btaa. loeai 9:40 p. m. RmJroloVsriBat only 111 :o p. m. ' xtmini Palls City A Westers Ballway Meeit Boodar! llrfm a. 1. Bandsy only. BlUj-roat Orove kU......... VjO- m. . Balem let Stsa. looal.,..., ......... "V Htllahors-Porrat Grove kval. a. sa. i-,. Hailtad ..... S 19 M. BS, Wilsoovllle lot Btaa. loeai p. B11Wro-9orost Crora ioeal,... 6. p. m. Balem Int. Btsa toeU.,.....aeM.aa i S 1. n m toasts......... -p. b. Tlma Card United Rail ways CoV 1 ? . . a-.M Wnritnartoa and Intt .;.:l?1 : 8:l?. 9:19. 10:19, dsntoTsnd Intwmedlats aU"o. 8:19. 9 iT w aw IJantna aid Intermediate) a as -a A mm ii. z la aa : iu. . s - - ata. al. IhtMiu asMt aVmAsy ealy. 9:10, 10? 10:00. I14B r. ta.- - - TOWEL 8CPPLT CLEAN towels daily, comb, brush, soap, $1 per month. Portland Laundry A Towel tjuppiy vi; Phone Main 410. A-44IS.- W HOLESALE JOBBERS EVERDINU FARRELL. produce and com reilar: on mercnants. uv a ran au. Portland. Or. Phone Main IT9. M. A. GUNST CO, DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIQARa. rOKTLAfiU, UK. LEWIS G ROCERIES. TRANSrOKTATlOX OPEN RIVER CO. Oak St. Dock L Wblttag. Ageaa, aasn. AV4SS7 STEAMER J. N. TEAL teavs Portlaad T A m. Taee's vs. 1 huri'.trs and ftatur-lays far WMn falrooB. Hood River. L rdei wood. The I'sxliaav. Big i 1CJ eno all war points, Paaeeoree f ra aatwaea Port -and aad Tbe Lsjuisav, $1 pa. STEAMER IHAKD EMPIRE Coee-s at CeTft-- wtti steamer J. N. Teal for vrf-r i.'i'!rKn nrer r""?s- NlaJ.rir Atnrgton. L"aa a. n K een.w. k art.i IpUfmf''1 -a ta r- a A a rae mk'r ' tt ireea s. en be K a ar i I r i a t . la. j au, iuaiaiuiii iflsi, -inif Blag ....Mala a.ia, A-3i' ' of CoaiaMree............Mate l f Ml Ynkua ............ .BalioaoJ Ail .wa lorBait aliog. Ibx-hraL. .na tenia f. 8M1V4 AiOa M.Id V II 1 1 0 Second St.. .. .Marshall 1647. A-157 .....'4 Oortln,f Bids. Mills IM14 ,,,...,..................iu-7 oui,, na-vie, ....... aula euot. a-aur o4 Oorbett Elds..... Mils 04 '.."'.'.' i 1 ' . 'm. "' TTT-TTTT-- ,, ., .. . rT-J INVESTMENTS Building. H . - - ' ' , f , lie aaevlee' fnrporatlna Honda. Ui-ala Brokers. EsUbUshed 1898. .TacoiiBS,., ;, .- epekaae.'. tdl-1-8-4 CoVTch Bldg. STATION TIME CARD ; PACIFIC y 'ii AkJuviN a poktIanii Oregna ripreoa .................. f :M a. Sk 8llTrtoa Paaaangae ................ 9:80 a. SW Portland Paeaaiiges ....100 s. Bk ehaata Lbnlted J:fW B. St. BoaetHirg Paaaangat. .......... 8:0 p. at, Portland Cipraaa ......,U;U . st. Corvatlls P" S'M S. 10:80 a. oroai uroa raaaenfer Foraat Oroya, goroat OroTo Paaaeogor ....i. ...... s:oo a. ea. ...... ij .m. as. 4l4S B B). BAILWAT COMPANT. I -8jxkana-rorlliiml ... -PACIFIO Aga-rvma ponTLAwrx - , ' Kortli Coast Limited, via KoeU - - Bftllk esiiiaiieiittee M9 Sortb Coast LUBltsd, , vU Paget , . ' ' ; Bound .,...,..".....,.,,......,.. T"B9 S. Sa. Worthera' Peclfie fapraea. vis North Bank IM 4. B, Northern Pacific Express, via Pi . get Boend f:J" 9 em.. ParltV Kxpreaa, via Fort Bask... B:l 9 ta. Paelfle Express, vis Pae-st Bound... T:B0 a. SI. Westers Express, via North Bank.. 9:16 p. ss, Vtestera Exprasa. via Poset BV,an4. ,10:14 S w l4tsoarl. Bivsr Express, vis Worth Bank BtOt a, 9a. Missouri Error Express, via Pearst ' - Bonnd Ik 9V Portland, Tseoma A Seattle Ex- .. . pnsa. and from Olrmpla. Booth . Band snd Oraya Harbor........... 4:nn fv as. Pntat Bonnd Limited. .............. B:M s. ta. v Vaneoaver-Portlsod Bpaeial ., 10:JO p. ta. Yeeolt Pssaenxer s, AVIGATION. "COMPANY. "oo-Sookane-Portland . .?;?2 ' The Dalles Local ........... ...... .10:1 s. B. Portland Limited .................. : J. Pendleton Pessenger :!2 if Oregoe-Wsshlnirton Wtpnaa 10:9s e. . rnt.nuBti T?TVTTt vasar saaai - " t . I -.v,.-,-: ARBIVINfl POltTLAHTX fort an n a31,T-aTra 9J9a vS. . ..19:18 s. ss, ....... B:90 f ta. .10-o sk ta, - tTbShtra aa stsa ' AKBJVINa Pf)TXATn fisl' Fhsst - v.. a A M lasts umitee ........... n:9n a. bv. Portlsnd Passenger 90 a. ss. ABRIVINO PORTLAITB. 1 rrftas Cblesro. Bt Paul. Omaha, Ctmae ftv. t. Lnnla. Walls . Walla, Pasns, Itoosevslt 7nnddalle. White Bslmna. gtaveases. Vse 'vaver and Intermediate station. North Bank Limited. r........ S:a a. m. From Chiraxo. Bfc. Pant. OnMts. gensas City. St. Lotlfs, Upokaae. Bprsme. pttrrllle. Mnit Psson, Roosevelt. Graaddallee. White Balmoa. Btevsnson. Vsneenver. : v- lalsnd Emntrs Express). v.... ft:1S p. at. rrom (infra. aranddanaa. 4)nldeedale. Lvta. - Whits Balmon. Camas, Vaneonver snd all tnter. mediate stations. a Colnmrda Rleee Lnesl ,19:l - rstrvlew sad Trrmtdehv-:5, 8:40, 9:4. 10:49 a. as.! 18:40. 8:40, 4:40. 4:44, 6:40. :i 9- SV, . , PO TANCOtJTEB. . Ticket "efflcs and waltlag tw BseonA end Washington atrseta. --' k. M. e,:6. 9:00, -taa. oo. 9a. ttia. 10:80. 11.00. P. M. 18:90, 2:ia, 1:BI K .:!, f-M. 4:90, 0:K. 8:60, 9:80, I.-08, 1:40. :la, aai, IoTm". 11:46s. . Oa third Monday la every month last sat leaves at T4 p. at. .v- s pally ereept Rnndev. sspallv ereent lfoeiAsy, Railway Compacy fl .JtriXRSON. AnaiVTWA wintr.iim Wnsnavtrie 1st. Btaa. local. .9:49 sad T:M a, SS. RllUboro-Forest Grove Ioeal......... 8.-O0 a- , - Balem Int. Bias. Ioeal 8:4 S. B Blllaboro-Pvreet Grove loeai.... ... 9:C a. aw Balem lot. Btsa. Ioeal. .....,,,.....11:00 a. sa, Billstxspo-rorest Orore loeai... 11:40 a. Bs. Bslem Int. Btsa looal......... 1:19 s. as. Btlleboro-roreat Orava loeai......... 1:"0 p. as. Blllsbore-roreet Grave kwaL....... B:6 P. sa. Bslem lot, Btaa. local 44 p. m. . Blllsboro-rores O'va Ioeal (Saa ooljr) 4:49 p. au Bnlem-Taalatla only, limited........ 4:M p. ta. Hlllsboro-rorest. Grave leeal 6:90 p. ss. Bal m lot Btsa local 9:06 p. m. tllll.ham.BVa.Mt flran local......... 8:19 B. SS. Balem lot Btaa local...... ilP as.. Beleia lot Btaa. local, ...... ...... ..10A0 p. m. Hlltabarawgot O' ve local (Bat oiily)Uo,p. m. puis la via Balem S:e a. SB,, a p. as. " Arriving Portland freia Pnmagtos ssfl l tvriBedlate SUtlooa. 1:60. 9:00. W.OH. U A. 14.1 12:00 aooa: 9:00, 8 -00. 4 00, 40. 4:1140 P. M. From Unntoa so4 TntsrtDssUsts B.Mn. Salle arrant eonns v. r :iw au aa. KWm. fJanMa'V.aa twla.llie.Mata BtsHoaa. R. t- WI.T and Bnadsv emlv. 1:20. 9:N. I1:A9 P. si. WHOLESALE sTOBBERS WAPHAMS s CO, wholesale grocers, manu f acturera and coffee, roastexa 4 lit . TRANSPORTATION j COOS BAY LINE The steamer Ramona leavea Portland Wednesday est 8 p. m, from A Ins worth dock for north Bend, tslaxshftaid and Coos Bay points. Pretxht received until 6 p. m. on day of sailing. Paasenger fare, first class, $19; second class, $?. Includlnsr berth and meals. Inquire city ticket office. Third and Washington ata, e Alnsworth dock. Hiose MH Mt , ANCHOR Ll.NR STEAMSHIPS jrnr toik. tcrooir ito etsow. NI'sT YOKE A0 EAPLIA PimECT. Blnxla or rnoad tr t U e ketweea Kew York and BHrb. Enlih. Irl-k and ail prttx-i-al coouantal points at st rs'tlse rates, e--4 ). bank at tire. 9.iparw w madat ExeeUeat aataiM. Aps.jr prampUr for set s. tartar? isa. .1 tlrtrta sr aerl i- f.a-m.iW applf ts ar l-"l sr"t af ' Aanur Una ta Hk-DBkiOM tkUA. Sell A (is . Oilf-sr". m. . SAN FRANCISCO A PORTLAND STEAMSHIP COMPANY From AlnawortH Dock. Portland. 9 A. M. Ft, X ansae vixy, pn .y a. If. sAeea City, 8Sy T. 91. e. ' rr-n r;.r 4-1 r-ao lif"i-"v ii a. e. a koaa Ctty. Arnl 9J. stay 14. f a. Jsxiaaa Cty, kisy T. 8L 3 W .rmi. i h sr-'t. 'si .'. Almao'Hi ii; 11. i ) x - t-.y t- t i(..t, I1 " r'L"-l1'' " 4 - san'Tj It AM 'I-CXI A n n Lt ANt.r : z I : "T North T-e frv 1 c ;-a a. f! ft i . . e 1 V t 1